Module 8 My future life 基础知识 (短语、句型、 精练) 外研版 九年级下册英语(含解析)

Module 8 My future life
1.refuse to do sth. 拒绝去做某事
2.miss sb. 思念某人
3.have a great beat 节奏很强4.intend to do sth. 打算做某事5.hope so 希望如此
hope to do sth. 希望做某事 注意没有 hope sb. to do sth. 的用法!!
6. even if 即使7.come on 加油,快点8.on the menu 菜单上
9.make a speech 做演讲
10.give up + V-ing 放弃 proud(adj.) of=take pride(n.) in 为 而感到骄傲
12.choose sb. to do sth. 选择某人做某事
13.laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人
smile at 向某人微笑
14.teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事
15.thanks to(介词)+ 名词/动名词/代词 多亏
thanks for(介词)+ 名词/动名词/代词 因 而感谢
16.try one’s best to do sth. 尽力
17.not only... but also 不但......而且......
就近原则 e.g. Not only my parents but also my brother is going to go swimming.
18.on the morning of 在 的早晨
in spring( summer, autumn, winter ) 在春天(夏天、秋天、 冬天)
in the afternoon 在下午
on Sunday 在星期天 on a cold afternoon 今天下午
19.wake up 醒来,唤醒
20.because of + 名词/代词/短语 因为
because + 句子(主谓宾) 因为
21.don’t be silly 不要那么傻
1.It’s got a great beat. 它的节奏很棒。
2.I hope so. 我希望如此。
3.I know that you will be better at maths. 我知道你将更擅长数学。
4.I give the white rose to my teacher, who have taught me that there is no success without effort. 我把白色的玫瑰送给我的老师,他教会了我,没有努力,就不会有成功。
5.I am sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years, and the people whom you want to thank for it. 我相信你们都有自己对过去三年幸
词形变换归纳—lovely (adj.)
2.sad(adj.)—sadness(n. )
6.wake(v.)—woke(p.)—woken(p.p)—awake(adj. 醒着的)
7.success (n.)—successful (adj.)—successfully (adv.)—succeed(v.)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,必要时可加助动词或情态动词 (每空1—3词)。
This is the year 2070. Today is my 1 (fifty) birthday, but I look like a person of eighty-five. I have serious kidney (肾脏) problems because I don’t have enough water 2 (drink). I am afraid I don’t have much time left to live. I’m already one of the oldest people in this society.
I remember when I 3 (be) five years old, everything was very different. There were lots of trees in the parks. I could enjoy a shower for half 4 hour. At that time, 5 (woman) all had beautiful hair. Now, we have to shave (剃光) our heads to keep them clean without the use of water.
I remember there were “Saving Water” warnings in many public places, but nobody 6 (pay) attention. We believed water would last forever. Now, all the rivers and lakes are either dry (枯竭的) or polluted. Water is much 7 (expensive) than gold and diamonds.
In the past, doctors suggested adults drink eight glasses of water a day. Nowadays, I am allowed half a glass only. Most people are weak and sick.
When my son asks me about my childhood, I tell him about how pleasant it was to fish in the rivers and how healthy people were. When he asks, “Why is there no clean water now ” I feel guilty (有罪的). I belong to those people who simply turned a blind eye to all the warnings.
I hope the people living in the 2020s 8 (true) understand the importance of saving water.
What will our world be like in 2500 We asked a group of experts to make their predictions about our future. By 2500 we will have “clever” c 9 . We won’t have so many traffic accidents, b 10 they will be able to communicate with each other. Cars will slow down by themselves or stop in d 11 situations. Also, our cars will r 12 on elcetricity.
By 2500 our homes will be more ceo-friendly (环保的). We will use solar (太阳的) energy, and we will clean and r 13 our water. There will be more people in the world a 14 our houses will be smaller. Many houses will be underground and we will have r 15 to help clean, cook and do o 16 home shopping.
By 2500 we won’t die! We will connect our brains to computers and live f 17 . The computers in the future won’t look like machines. They’ll look like humans.
By 2500 there will be too many people on the Earth and o 18 100 million people will be living on the Moon and other planets. We will be able to travel to Mars and come back in just three days.
agree, be able to, bore, science, seem, fiftieth, work, they
When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots. They help with the housework. Today there are already robots 19 in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again, but they will never get 20 . People are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. However, 21 believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make 22 really think like a human. But many scientists 23 . They think that robots will even 24 talk like humans in 25 years. All these may not be possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also 26 impossible 100 years ago. We never know what will happen tomorrow.
A: I read a book today.
B: 27
A: It’s about a strange travel to Mars.
B: 28
A: Of course. We can go there by spaceship. But I don’t think we can live there.
B: Neither do I. We can hardly stand there. 29 .
A: That’s true. Maybe people can spend their holidays there in the future.
B: That must be great fun. 30 .
A: Your dream will come true.
B: Thank you. By the way, may I borrow your book
A: Certainly. 31 .
B: Thanks a lot.
In the future, we could all work and live in buildings with their own ecosystems (生态系统). They are made to produce more energy than they use.
Toby is an engineer from Europe. He has now made wonderful models, showing what this new building could look like.
He said he was suggested by a kind of tree to create the towers. The Hyperion, found in Northern California, is the tallest tree in the world, reaching 115m. The buildings will be 120m high and have 1,000 homes, offices and working spaces, gyms, restaurants and swimming pool.
Because of the ecosystems, the buildings will also make fewer diseases.
The buildings will have city farms and small animal farms producing eggs and milk. “Farming can bring methane (甲烷) that produces energy, then the energy is supplied to homes,” said Toby.
Toby has had many excellent designs (设计). At the end of last year, he also showed designs for eco-friendly (环保的) ocean buildings.
The eco-friendly building don’t need coal or oil as they produce their own energy and heat.
32.What is the name of the tallest tree in the world
A.California. B.Toby. C.The Hyperion. D.North.
33.How high will the buildings be
A.115m. B.120m. C.1,000m. D.125m.
34.The energy of the homes in the buildings comes from ________.
A.water B.coal C.oil D.methane
35.Which of the following is NOT TRUE
A.The engineer is from Asia. B.The buildings will also make fewer diseases.
C.The engineer has had many excellent designs. D.The Hyperion was found in Northern California.
36.The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.ecosystems buildings ocean buildings D.buildings in Northern Europe
About 150 years ago, the French writer Jules Verne showed what the future would be like in some of his books. He once said, “Anything one man can imagine, other men can make it come true.” Now, let’s take a look at the future in the eyes of some scientists.
Underwater (水下的) cities: As the world’s population increases, there’s less space for us to build houses. So, it’s believed that one day we could live underwater. By the year 2050, underwater cities could come out. These underwater buildings will be made of special material. It is possible for us to make the rooms bigger or smaller.
3 D printed (打印) foods: Many scientists believe that 3 D dishes will be the future of food. In the future, many kitchens may have a 3 D printer. And the best part is that 3 D printed foods can always have the same tastes as the recipes (配方).
Flying cars: Heavy traffic is a common problem today, and people have dreamed of flying cars. In the future, flying cars will be as common as bicycles. These flying cars will be something between a helicopter (直升机) and a plane. People will spend less time on traffic, probably cutting a 2 -hour taxi ride into a 15 -minute one.
阅读短文, 根据其内容回答其后各个小题。
37.According to the passage, there will be underwater cities because ________.
A.the environment under the water is better
B.the traffic is too heavy in cities
C.there’s no enough space to build houses’s comfortable to live underwater
38.The room will be made of special material to ________.
A.make it possible for people to change the size of it
B.keep the water out money
D.make fun
39.Flying cars will be popular in the near future mainly because they can ________. under water time for people easy to drive as cheap as bicycles
40.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Flying cars can run as fast as helicopters and planes.
B.3 D printed foods can always keep the same tastes as recipes.
C.All Jules Verne’s books are about what the future would be like.
D.Few kitchens may have a 3 D printer in the future.
41.What would be the best title for the text
A.Books About the Future
B.Problems in the Future
C.Inventions in the Future
D.Suggestions for the Future
The Future Is Far Away!
Alyssa Carson is a teenager and she already has a big dream for her future. If her dream comes true, she’ll fly into space. But she doesn’t want to orbit(环绕……运行)the earth on the space station or go to the moon. Alyssa wants to travel to Mars, the red planet.
So, is this just a dream No. Alyssa made the decision when she was three years old because the idea was exciting and “no one’s been there!” After that she read lots of books on Mars and attended her first space camp when she was seven. Since then, she’s learned a lot about travelling to other planets. It’s an expensive trip which requires many years of training. This is a problem for Alyssa’s family, but her parents try to support her because she has been trying her best to make her dream come true. Alyssa believes we are the Mars generation and that the mission(飞行任务) to Mars will help us get to know the planet better.
More than 100, 000 people have already applied(申请)for a journey to Mars. If they pass the tests, like Alyssa, they will start a training program. She has a certificate(证书)in scuba diving and is already working on her pilot’s license. Both these things, as well as a certificate in skydiving are important for an astronaut’s training. And it’s necessary to speak several languages if you want to be an astronaut. Alyssa speaks Spanish, French, Chinese and some Turkish, so this should be enough!
Only a few people can go on the first Mars mission. The flight to Mars won’t be easy. They will spend hundreds of days together in a very tight space! So, if you were an astronaut on Mars, what would life be like You would live in an extremely small space called a “pod” and you would wear a space suit all the time. If you made a phone call home, it would take half an hour for the sound to reach the earth! Also, if you got ill, there wouldn’t be any hospitals. Life wouldn’t be as easy, that’s for sure! But it would be really exciting.
42.Where does Alyssa want to travel
43.Why do Alyssa’s parents support her
44.What are the important things for an astronaut’s training
45.What do you think of Alyssa Why do you think so (List two reasons)
1.fiftieth drink 3.was 5.women 6.paid 7.more expensive 8.truly
2.句意:我有严重的肾脏问题,因为我没有足够的水喝。drink“喝”,此处作后置定语,用动词不定式,故填to drink。
7.句意:水比黄金和钻石贵得多。expensive“昂贵的”,是形容词,根据“than”可知,此处用比较级,故填more expensive。
9.(c)ars 10.(b)ecause 11.(d)angerous 12.(r)un 13.(r)ecycle/(r)euse 14.(a)nd 15.(r)obots 16.(o)ur 17.(f)orever 18.(o)ver
9.句意:到2050年,我们会有“聪明”的汽车。根据“We won’t have so many traffic accidents”和首字母提示可知空格处应填cars,故填(c)ars。
10.句意:我们不会有这么多的事故,因为他们将能够互相沟通。根据“they will be able to communicate with each other”可知是在解释为什么不会有那么多的事故,结合首字母提示可知空格处应填because,故填(b)ecause。
11.句意:汽车会自行减速或在危险的情况下停车。根据“stop in…situations”可知是在危险的情况下停车,结合首字母提示可知空格处应填dangerous,故填(d)angerous。
12.句意:此外,我们的汽车将使用电能运行。根据“on elcetricity”可知依靠电能运行,结合首字母提示可知空格处应填run,故填(r)un。
13.句意:我们将使用太阳能,而且我们将清洁并循环利用我们的水。根据“By 2500 our homes will be more ceo-friendly (环保的).”可知应是循环利用水,结合首字母提示可知应填recycle/reuse,故填(r)ecycle/(r)euse。
14.句意:世界上将会有更多人,而且我们的房子会更小。根据“There will be more people in the world”可知人越来越多,房子就会越来越小,两句是递进关系,结合首字母提示可知空格处应填and,故填(a)nd。
15.句意:许多房子将建在地下,而且我们将会有机器人来帮助清洁、做饭和居家购物。根据“to help clean, cook”可知应是机器人帮助清洁、做饭,结合首字母提示可知应填robots,故填(r)obots。
16.句意:许多房子将建在地下,而且我们将会有机器人来帮助清洁、做饭和居家购物。根据“we will have”可知是做我们的居家购物,结合首字母提示可知应填our,故填(o)ur。
17.句意:我们将把我们的大脑连接到计算机上,并永生。根据“By 2500 we won’t die!”可知我们会永生,结合首字母提示可知应填forever,故填(f)orever。
18.句意:到2500年,地球上将会有太多人,并且超过1亿人要生活在月球和其他行星上。根据“By 2500 there will be too many people on the Earth”可知地球上的人太多,超过1亿人要生活在其他行星上,结合首字母提示可知应填over,故填(o)ver。
19.working 20.bored 21.scientists 22.them 23.disagree able to 25.fifty/50 26.seemed
19.句意:今天,已经有机器人在工厂里工作。根据“there are already robots…in factories”和备选词汇可知是有机器人在工厂工作,work“工作”,主语robots和谓语work之间是主动关系,应用现在分词working,故填working。
20.句意:它们一遍又一遍地做简单的工作,但它们从来不会感到无聊。根据“They do simple jobs over and over again”和备选词汇可知机器人做重复的工作不会觉得无聊,get bored“感到无聊”,故填bored。
21.句意:然而,科学家认为,虽然我们可以让机器人像人类一样移动,但很难让它们像人类一样真的思考。根据“believe that although we can make robots move like people…”和备选词汇可知机器人是科学家发明的,这里说的是科学家的看法,scientist“科学家”,可数名词,这里用复数形式,故填scientists。
22.句意:然而,科学家认为,虽然我们可以让机器人像人类一样移动,但很难让它们像人类一样真的思考。根据“make…really think like a human”和备选词汇可知是让机器人像人类一样思考,这里应用them代替上文的robots,故填them。
23.句意:但是许多科学家不认同。根据“They think that robots will even…”和备选词汇可知另一些科学家不赞同上文的观点,disgree“不同意”,原句是一般现在时,主语scientists是复数,谓语动词用原形,故填disagree。
24.句意:他们认为,在50年内,机器人甚至可以像人类一样交谈。根据“robots will even…talk like humans”和备选词汇可知机器人可以像人类一样交谈,be able to“可以”,情态动词will后跟动词原形,故填be able to。
26.句意:所有这些在20年前可能不可能,但是电脑和火箭在100年前也似乎不可能。根据“All these may not be possible 20 years ago”和备选词汇可知电脑和火箭在100年前似乎也是不可能的事,seem“似乎”,这里是描述过去的事情,用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填seemed。
27.What’s it about 28.Do you think we can travel to Mars 29.I can’t believe we can live there 30.I wish I could fly to Mars one day 31.Here you are
27.根据“It’s about a strange travel to Mars.”可知,此处询问书是关于什么的。故填What’s it about。
28.根据“It’s about a strange travel to Mars.”以及“Of course. We can go there by spaceship”可知此处询问能不能去火星旅行。故填Do you think we can travel to Mars。
29.根据“But I don’t think we can live there.”以及“Neither do I. We can hardly stand there”可知是不相信能住在火星。故填I can’t believe we can live there。
30.根据“Maybe people can spend their holidays there in the future”以及“Your dream will come true.”可知此处表示自己希望能去火星度假。故填I wish I could fly to Mars one day。
31.根据“Certainly”可知是同意借给对方书,表示“给你”。故填Here you are。
32.C 33.B 34.D 35.A 36.B
32.细节理解题。根据“The Hyperion, found in Northern California, is the tallest tree in the world”可知,The Hyperion,发现于加利福尼亚北部,是世界上最高的树。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“The buildings will be 120m high”可知,这些建筑将有120米高。故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据“Farming can bring methane (甲烷) that produces energy, and then the energy is supplied to homes”可知,农业可以带来产生能源的甲烷,然后将能源供应给家庭。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据“Toby is an engineer from Europe.”可知,托比是一位来自欧洲的工程师,而不是来自亚洲。故选A。
37.C 38.A 39.B 40.B 41.C
37.细节理解题。根据第二段“As the world’s population increases, there’s less space for us to build houses. So, it’s believed that one day we could live underwater.”可知因为人口的增加,我们建房子的空间越来越少,所以需要建立水下城市。故选C。
38.细节理解题。 根据第二段“These underwater buildings will be made of special material. It is possible for us to make the rooms bigger or smaller.”可知这些水下城市的建筑是由特殊的材料制成的,这些材料可以让房间变大变小,所以是形状上的改变。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据最后一段“People will spend less time on traffic, probably cutting a 2 -hour taxi ride into a 15- minute one.”可知人们乘坐飞行汽车可以大大缩短时间,两小时的车程只需要15分钟就可以了。故选B。
40.细节理解题。根据第三段“3 D printed foods can always have the same tastes as the recipes (配方).”可知3D打印的食物总是可以有与食谱相同的味道。故选B。
42.She wants to travel to Mars. 43.Because she has been trying her best to make her dream come true. 44.A certificate in scuba diving, pilot’s license and a certificate in skydiving. 45.She is a very hard-working person. Because she read lots of books on Mars and can speak several languages.
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了艾莉莎 卡森为实现自己的太空梦而努力的故事。
42.根据第一段“Alyssa wants to travel to Mars, the red planet.(艾莉莎想去火星旅行,那颗红色的星球。)”可知,艾莉莎想去火星旅行。故填She wants to travel to Mars.
43.根据第二段“This is a problem for Alyssa’s family, but her parents try to support her because she has been trying her best to make her dream come true.(这对艾莉莎的家庭来说是一个问题,但她的父母试图支持她,因为她一直在努力实现自己的梦想。)”可知,是因为艾莉莎一直在努力实现自己的梦想,所以她的父母才支持她。故填Because she has been trying her best to make her dream come true.
44.根据第三段“She has a certificate in scuba diving and is already working on her pilot’s license. Both these things as well as a certificate in skydiving are important for an astronaut’s training.(她有水肺潜水证书,并且正在攻读飞行员执照。这两件事以及跳伞证书对宇航员的训练都很重要。)”可知,水肺潜水证书,飞行员执照和跳伞证书对宇航员的训练很重要。故填A certificate in scuba diving, pilot’s license and a certificate in skydiving.
45.根据第二段“After that she read lots of books on Mars and attended her first space camp when she was seven.(在那之后,她读了很多关于火星的书,并在七岁时参加了她的第一次太空夏令营。)”以及第三段“She has a certificate in scuba diving and is already working on her pilot’s license. Both these things, as well as a certificate in skydiving are important for an astronaut’s training. And it’s necessary to speak several languages if you want to be an astronaut. Alyssa speaks Spanish, French, Chinese and some Turkish, so this should be enough!(她有水肺潜水证书,并且正在攻读飞行员执照。这两件事,以及跳伞证书对宇航员的训练都很重要。如果你想成为一名宇航员,说几种语言是必要的。艾莉莎会说西班牙语、法语、中文和一些土耳其语,所以这应该足够了!)可知,艾莉莎是一个很努力的人。故填She is a very hard-working person. Because she read lots of books on Mars and can speak several languages.




下一篇:牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 2 Great people 单元测试卷 (无答案)