Unit 8 Birthdays 重难点提升卷(含解析)

Unit 8 Birthdays
1.People in ________ usually open their presents as soon as they receive them. ( )
A.the West B.China C.Beijing
2.—_________ is the dinner at your birthday party ( )
—It’s so yummy. All my friends enjoy it.
A.What B.Where C.How
3.Children’s Day is ______ the first ______ June. ( )
A.on; of B.in; or C.in; and
4.—When’s Women’s Day ( )
A.on the eighth of March B.on the eighth of May C.on the first of March
5.Yang Ling ______ to buy a new dress _____ her mother. ( )
A.wants; for B.want; for C.wants; to
6.Bobby and the pig start _______. ( )
A.fights B.fighting C.fight
7.________! You can’t come to the party. ( )
A.How nice B.What a pity C.Great
8.There are ________ rooms in the house. The ________ one is my room. ( )
A.four; fourth B.fourth; four C.four; four
9.Let’s play some (游戏) now.
10.Let’s go and see a (话剧) in the theatre.
11.We often have a big (晚餐) at home.
12.The sixth n of the password is 8.
13.Shall we (开始) now
14.to, a, morning, birthday, go, cake, in, I, the, buy (.)
15.do, you, what, birthday, usually, do, your, on ( )
16.about, the, Bobby and Tina, present, for, Mum, talk (.)
17.birthday, is, our, when, grandmother’s ( )
18.clothes, rooms, the, the, and, Nancy, cleans, washes, often (.)
19.His birthday is on the 1st of May. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)
birthday on the 1st of May
, he .
20.I eat noodles on my birthday. (对划线部分提问)
do you on birthday
21.My birthday is on the seventh of May. (对画线部分提问)
22.Is Bobby’s birthday on June 1st (作否定回答)
No, .
23.My birthday is on the eleventh of August. (对画线部分提问)
Today is Children’s Day. It’s Helen’s 12th birthday. Many friends come to her house. Wang Bing gives her a storybook. Yang Ling gives her a CD.Su Hai gives her a radio. What about Mike and Tim They give her a lovely doll.
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. The party begins. They are talking and laughing. They are singing and dancing happily. Now, it’s time for the birthday cake. All her friends sing Happy Birthday to You to her. Then Helen makes a wish, blows out (吹灭) the candles and cuts the cake. They all have a good time at the party.
24.Helen’s birthday is on ___________. ( )
A.the first of May B.the first of June C.the first of July
25.Helen gets ___________ presents. ( )
A.four B.five C.six
26.Mike and Tim give Helen ___________. ( )
A.a radio B.a storybook C.a doll
27.The party begins ___________. ( )
A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening
28.Helen ___________ before she blows out the candles. ( )
A.makes a wish B.eats the cake C.cuts the cake
A woman is ill. She goes to see a doctor. The doctor asks about her birthday. The woman can’t remember it. She thinks it over and then says, “Let me see. Oh, I remember now. When I married, I was twenty years old. And my husband was twenty-five. Now my husband is fifty. That is twice twenty-five. So I’m twice twenty. That is forty, isn’t it ”
29.Can the woman remember her birthday
30.How old was she when she married
31.Is she forty now
32.How old is she now
以 My birthday为题写一篇作文说一说你的生日在哪天,并写一写在你生日那天你会做些什么来庆祝生日,不少于5句话。(要求:书写端正,条理清晰,有逻辑。注意大小写和标点符号)
【详解】句意:儿童节在六月一日。本题考查时间介词和固定搭配。 on+具体某一天;of……的;in+年、月、季节等;or或者;and和。the+序数词+of+月份,是固定搭配表示几月几号,六月一日the first of June,是具体一天,前用on,故选A。
【详解】句意:杨玲想给她妈妈买一件新裙子。本题考查动词形式和动词短语,根据句意可知时态是一般现在时,主语Yang Ling是第三人称单数,want的第三人称单数形式wants,buy sth for sb买某物给某人,故选A。
【详解】句意:鲍比和猪开始打架。本题考查动词的形式,A是动词的第三人称单数,B是动名词/动词的现在分词,C是动词原形,start doing sth开始做某事,故选B。
14.I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning.
【详解】to到,a一个,in the morning在早上,birthday生日,go去,cake蛋糕,I我,buy买,根据所给句号可知该句是一个陈述句,时态为一般现在时,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我早上去买生日蛋糕。故答案为I go to buy a birthday cake in the morning.
15.What do you usually do on your birthday
【详解】do助动词,you你,what什么,usually通常,do做,on your birthday在你生日,根据所给的问号及what,可知句子是一个what引导的特殊疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:在你过生日的时候你通常做什么?故答案为What do you usually do on your birthday
16.Bobby and Tina talk about the present for Mum./Tina and Bobby talk about the present for Mum.
【详解】talk about谈论,the定冠词,Bobby鲍比,and和,Tina蒂娜,present礼物,for为,Mum妈妈,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:鲍比和蒂娜谈论给妈妈的礼物。或蒂娜和鲍比谈论给妈妈的礼物。故答案为Bobby and Tina talk about the present for Mum./Tina and Bobby talk about the present for Mum.
17.When is your grandmother’s birthday /When's your grandmother’s birthday
【详解】birthday生日,is是,when什么时候,your你的,grandmother's奶奶的,根据所给句号及疑问词when,可知句子是特殊疑问句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:你奶奶的生日是什么时候?故答案为When is your grandmother’s birthday /When's your grandmother’s birthday
18.Nancy often cleans the rooms and washes the clothes. / Nancy often washes the clothes and cleans the rooms.
【详解】washes the clothes洗衣服,cleans the rooms打扫房间,and和,Nancy南希,often经常。根据句号可知该句为陈述句。根据词义可连成句子:南希经常洗衣服和打扫房间。/南希经常打扫房间和洗衣服。故答案为Nancy often cleans the rooms and washes the clothes. / Nancy often washes the clothes and cleans the room.
19. Is his No isn’t
【详解】原句句意:他的生日在5月1日。本题考查句型转换。含有is的陈述句改为一般疑问句,把is提前,问句为:他的生日在5月1日吗?is引导的一般疑问句,否定回答是No, 主语+isn’t. 故答案为Is,his,No,isn’t。
20. What do your
21. When is your
【详解】原句句意:我的生日在5月7日。本题考查句型转换,画线部分是on the seventh of May,用when提问,后跟is引导的一般疑问句,将my改为your。故答案为When;is;your。
22. it isn’t
【详解】原句句意:鲍比的生日在六月一日吗?is提问的一般疑问句,主语是Bobby’s birthday,肯定回答为Yes, it is. 否定回答为No, it isn't. 该句要求做否定回答。故答案为it;isn't.
23. When's your
【详解】原句句意:我的生日在八月十一日。画线部分是on the eleventh of August,用When提问,后跟一般疑问句,将my改为your。故答案为When's;your。
24.B 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A
24.句意:海伦的生日在_______。A五月一日,B六月一日,C七月一日,根据“Today is Children’s Day. It’s Helen’s 12th birthday.”,可知海伦的生日在六月一日,故选B。
25.句意:海伦收到了_______个礼物。A四,B五,C六,根据“Wang Bing gives her a storybook. Yang Ling gives her a CD. Su Hai gives her a radio. What about Mike and Tim They give her a lovely doll.”,可知海伦收到了四个礼物,故选A。
26.句意:迈克和蒂姆给海伦_______。A一个收音机,B一本故事书,C一个洋娃娃,根据“What about Mike and Tim They give her a lovely doll.”,可知迈克和蒂姆给海伦一个洋娃娃,故选C。
27.句意:聚会______开始。A早上,B下午,C晚上,根据“It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. The party begins.”,可知聚会下午开始,故选B。
28.句意:海伦在吹灭蜡烛之前_______。A许愿,B吃蛋糕,C切蛋糕,根据“Then Helen makes a wish, blows out (吹灭) the candles and cuts the cake.”,可知海伦在吹灭蜡烛之前许愿,故选A。
29.No, she can’t. 30.She was twenty when she married. 31.No, she isn’t. 32.She is forty-five.
【解析】29.问句:那个女士能记得她的生日吗?由句子The woman can’t remember it.可知她记不住,故答案为No, she can’t.
30.问句:当她结婚的时候多大?由句子When I married, I was twenty years old.可知她20岁结婚,故答案为She was twenty when she married.
31.问句:她40了吗?由短文可知他的丈夫是50岁,她是45岁。故答案为No, she isn’t.
32.问句:她现在多大?由句子I was twenty years old. And my husband was twenty-five. Now my husband is fifty.可知她45岁,故答案为She is forty-five.
My birthday
I am sixteen years old now. My birthday is on February 20th. I will have a birthday party. I will invite my friends to my party. I will prepare some food and fruit. My mother will make a birthday cake for me. We will sing and dance. We will play games on my birthday party. We will be very happy.
【详解】1.题干解读:该题目要求以“My birthday”为题,用第一人称描述自己的生日。然后再阐述在生日的时候我们要做的具体事情及感受。注意文章为一般将来时态,要求书写端正,条理清晰,有逻辑。注意大小写和标点符号。
参考句型:I am…;I will…;We will…



