Unit 1 How tall are you? 语法易错+巩固练习(含答案)

Unit 1 语法易错+巩固练习
That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是这个大厅里最高的恐龙。
● 常用“the+形容词最高级” 的结构表示,后跟表示比较范围的介词短语。 例: Lucy is the tallest of the three.露西是三个人中最高的。
小贴士 ◆当形容词的最高级前有 much,by far,nearly,almost 等词语修饰时,这些词语应放在定冠词 the 的前面。 例: She is by far the best of all the students in the class.她是班里所有学生中最好的(学生)。
How tall is it 它有多高
● how tall:多高。是固定搭配,用来问身高。 例: -How tall is Mary 玛丽有多高
-She is 1.55 metres(tall).她身高 1.55 米。
小贴士 ◆在表达高度时,长度单位后面的 tall 可以省略。 ◆长度单位既可以用 centimetre(厘米),也可以用 metre(米))。当数量超过“1”时, 要用复数形 式,即 centimetres 和 metres。
Who is taller,Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur 谁更高,张鹏还是那只小恐龙
●选择疑问句提出两种(或两种以上)情况,要求对方选择其一,备选项用 or 来连接。 特殊选择疑问句:特殊疑问句+可选择部分 A+or+可选择部分 B
例: Whose car is this,yours or hers 这是谁的车,你的还是她的
例: Are you hungry or thirsty 你饿了还是渴了
You're older than me,too.你也比我大。
●这里用到形容词的比较级 older。
A+be 动词+形容词的比较级+than+B.
例: Lingling is taller than Lucy.玲玲比露西高。
How old are you 你多大了
● how old 是固定搭配,询问年龄。
问句: How old+be 动词+主语(+其他)
答语:主语+be 动词+数字+year(s)old.
例: -How old are you 你多大了
-l am thirteen years old.我 13 岁了。
Let's have a look. 我们看一看吧。
● Let sb.do sth.意为“让某人做 ……”,表示提建议。
● let's 是 let us 的缩略形式,用于第一人称复数形式的祈使句。 【句型结构】Let+宾语+动词原形+其他.
例: Let me have a look at that letter 我来看看那封信吧。
Let the doctor give you a check-up.让医生给你检查一下。
联想记忆 ◆let's 的否定式有两种: let's not 和 don't let's 例: Let's not get angry.=Don't let's get angry.我们不要生气。
-What size are your shoes,Mike 迈克,你穿多大号的鞋
-Size7.7 号。
● what size 意为:多大的尺寸/码数。
● 问的东西是复数,就用 are 连接。
问句: What size +be 动词+衣服(鞋帽等)(+其他)
答语: Size+数字.
例: -What size is your shirt 你穿多大号的衬衫
-Size42.42 号。
-What size is the jacket 这件夹克衫是多大号的
-Size40.40 号。
How heavy are you,Jim 吉姆你体重多少
●how heavy 意为:多重。
问句: How heavy +be 动词+主语+其他
答语:人/物+be 动词+数字+重量单位.
例: -How heavy are you,Kate 凯特,你多重 -I'm 45 kilograms.我体重 45 千克。
( )1 .When the sun gets , my shadow gets .
A .low; long B .lower; shorter C .lower; longer
( )2 .Jane is fourteen years old. Mary is thirteen years old. Mary is than Jane.
A .smaller B .younger C .older
( )3 .—My shadow is when the sun gets .
—You’re right.
A .low; long B .longer; lower C .shorter; lower
( )4 .— is the big tree
A .How much B .How tall C .How old
( )5 .My hair than yours.
A .is long B .are longer C .is longer
( )6 .Mike is the in our class.
A .taller B .tall C .tallest
( )7 .I’m than you.
A .older B .old C .oldest
( )8 .— is your PE teacher
—Mr. Liu. He is young.
A .Why B .What C .Who
( )9 .— is your school bag
—It is 2.6 kilograms.
A .How tall B .How heavy C .How old
( )10 .Your bag is smaller than .
A .my B .mine C .her
11 .His pens are (long) than hers.
12 .The elephant is (big) than the cat.
13 .The monkey is (thin) than the panda.
14 .Oliver is the (tall) boy of the three.
15 .Which is (heavy), the tiger or the elephant
16 .Your schoolbag is bigger than (I).
17 .I’m happy. I feel much (well) now.
18 .Look! Amy is (listen) to music.
19 . (I) bag is bigger than yours.
20 .Taking a bus is faster than (walk).
21 .The dog is 6 kilograms. (对画线部分提问)
is the dog
22 .My shoes are size 37. (对划线部分提问)
are your shoes
23 .She is ten years old. (对画线部分提问)
is she
24 .You look taller than me. (改否定句)
You taller than me.
25 .The rabbit is smaller than the tiger. (改为同义句)
The tiger is the rabbit.
A .It’s April 5th this year. B .Oliver is taller than me. C .It’s Amy’s. D .No, I didn’t. E .It is about 1,5000 kilograms.
( )26 .Whose is it
( )27 .When is Easter
( )28 .Did you go boating yesterday
( )29 .Who is taller than you
( )30 .How heavy is the elephant
Jim, Tom and Lucy are all David’s good friends. Tom is 12. Lucy is 13. Tom is y 31 than Lucy, but he is o 32 than Jim. Jim is 1.61 33 tall. He is s 34 than Tom. Lucy is 163 cm. She is t 35 than them two. Lucy is 48 kilograms. Tom is 52 kilograms. She is t 36
than Tom. Jim is 53 kilograms. He is h 37 than them two. Jim is also s 38 Tom and
Lucy. Jim likes seeing films. Tom likes playing s 39 . Lucy likes d 40 .
41 .shoes, are, what, his, size ( )
42 .your, are, feet, than, bigger, mine (.)
43 .like, I’d, some, tea (.)
44 .is, us, heavier, it, than, both, together, of (.)
45 .shoes, what, are, size, your, ( )
Name Age Height(m) Weight(kg) Feet (cm) Hair(cm)
Tina 14 1.62 50 17 20
Lucy 13 1.64 48 18 60
( )46 .Tina is older than Lucy.
( )47 .Lucy is taller than Tina.
( )48 .Lucy is heavier than Tina.
( )49 .Tina's feet are bigger than Lucy's.
( )50 .Tina's hair is longer than Lucy's.
例: I’m tall. Your brother is short.
→I’m taller than your brother.
51 .My hands are big. Your hands are small.
52 .Sarah’s hair is long. Amy’s hair is short.
53 .I’m 14 years old. My sister is 16 years old.
54 .I’m 50 kilograms. You are 52 kilograms.
55 .The first person is strong. The second person is weak.
1 .C
2 .B
3 .B
4 .B
5 .C
6 .C
7 .A
8 .C
9 .B
10 .B
11 .longer
12 .bigger
13 .thinner
14 .tallest
15 .heavier
16 .mine
17 .better
18 .listening
19 .My
20 .walking
21 .How
22 .What
23 .How
24 .don’t
25 .bigger
26 .C
27 .A
28 .D
29 .B
30 .E
31 .younger/ounger
32 .older/lder
33 .meters
34 .shorter/horter
35 .taller/aller
36 .thinner/hinner
37 .heavier/eavier
38 .stronger/tronger
39 .sports/ports
40 .dancing
41 .What size are his shoes?
42 .Your feet are bigger than mine.
43 .I’d like some tea.
44 .It is heavier than both of us together.
45 .What size are your shoes
46 .T
47 .T
48 .F
49 .F
50 .F
51 .My hands are bigger than yours.
52 .Sarah’s hair is longer than Amy’s.
53 .I’m younger than my sister.
54 .You are heavier than me.
55.The first person is stronger than the second




下一篇:Unit 2 What time is it Part A Let’s spell 课件+教学设计+练习+学习单(共25张PPT)