2022-2023山东省临沂市临沭县人教PEP版四年级下册期末教学质量调研英语试卷(原卷板+解析版 无听力音频 无听力原文)

(时间:40分钟分值:100☆) 20236
Listening part听力部分(50☆)
一、Listen and circle.听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。(12☆)
( )1.A. B. ( )2.A. B.
( )3 A. B. ( )4. A. B.
( )5.A. B. ( )6.A. B.
二、Listen and choose.听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或句子。(10☆)
( )1.A. first B. floor C. farm
( )2.A. carrot B. candy C. cold
( )3.A. goat B. gloves C. glasses
( )4.A. How do you like this shirt
B. How much is this shirt
C. How much is that skirt
( )5.A.What are these
B. What are those
C. Are those goats
三、Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到问句的答语。(8☆)
( )1.A.Yes, it is. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, you can.
( )2.A. It’s very pretty. B. It’s 90 yuan. C. They are beautiful.
( )3.A.It’s time for dinner.
B. It’s time to get up.
C. It’s 6:00 o’clock.
( )4.A. It’s sunny and hot. B. It’s red. C. It’s a coat.
四、Listen,circle and write.听音,圈出字母,并写出单词。(10☆)
(le al) (or ur) (ar or) (ir ur) (er ur)
五、Listen,circle and fill in the blanks.听音,圈图画,并补充句子(可只填序号)(10☆)
It’s o’clock. It’s time for class.
A. three B. nine C. P.E D. English.
It’s and cool today. Let’s go to the farm.
There are many and .
A. rainy B. cloudy C. bananas E. carrots F. hens
Writing part笔试部分(50☆)
Read and choose. 选择方框中的单词与下面的图片配对。
A. B. C. D. E.
1. Mr Pig is not happy. His sweater is too small. ( )
2. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time for lunch. ( )
3. —How do you like these shoes —They are very pretty. ( )
4. —Whose dress is this —It’s Sarah’s. ( )
5. It’s cold outside. ( )
Read and choose. 给下列句子选择合适答语。
A. It’s $90. B. It’s on the second floor. C. It’s 9:20. D. It’s warm and windy. E. They are John’s.
6. Where is the teachers’ office ( )
7. What time is it ( )
8. What’s the weather like in Linshu ( )
9. Whose pants are those ( )
10. How much is this skirt ( )
11. Read and match. 阅读短文,把物品与相应的主人连线。
Sarah: Are these books yours
Mike: Yes, they are.
Sarah: Whose bag is it
Mike: It’s Chen Jie’s. The brown jacket is John’s.
Sarah: That’s right.
Mike: Is this white hat Zhang Peng’s
Sarah: No, it isn’t. It’s Binbin’s. Zhang Peng’s hat is blue.
Mike: Whose glasses are these
Sarah: Oh! It’s mine. Thanks.
1. Mike’s 2. Chen Jie’s 3. Sarah’s 4. John’s 5. Bin bin’s
a b. c. d. e.
Read and write. 读短文,填空。
My grandparents are farmers. They have a big farm. They grow(种植) vegetables and keep(养殖) some farm animals.
Look! This is the vegetable farm. My grandparents grow many potatoes tomatoes, carrots and green beans. They have fresh vegetables every day.
Come and look at the farm animals. My grandparents have 22 ducks, 40 hens. They have lots of eggs every day. They have 10 cows. So they have milk every day. They also have 2 big pigs and 16 little pigs. The little pigs are very cute. They don’t have horses and sheep.
12. 在正确选项的图片下打“√”。
What vegetables do grandparents have on the farm
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
13. 选择合适的选项。
My grandparents don’t have _______ on the farm. ( )
A. B. C.
D E. F.
14. 请填上正确的数字。
There are _______ ducks, _______ hens, _______ cows and _______ pigs on the farm.2022~2023学年下学期期末教学质量调研
(时间:40分钟分值:100☆) 2023.6
Listening part听力部分(50☆)
一、Listen and circle.听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。(12☆)
( )1.A. B. ( )2.A. B.
( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B.
( )5.A. B. ( )6.A. B.
二、Listen and choose.听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或句子。(10☆)
( )1.A. first B. floor C. farm
( )2.A. carrot B. candy C. cold
( )3.A. goat B. gloves C. glasses
( )4.A. How do you like this shirt
B. How much is this shirt
C. How much is that skirt
( )5.A.What are these
B. What are those
C. Are those goats
三、Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到问句的答语。(8☆)
( )1.A.Yes it is. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, you can.
( )2.A. It’s very pretty. B. It’s 90 yuan. C. They are beautiful.
( )3.A.It’s time for dinner.
B. It’s time to get up.
C. It’s 6:00 o’clock.
( )4.A. It’s sunny and hot. B. It’s red. C. It’s a coat.
四、Listen,circle and write.听音,圈出字母,并写出单词。(10☆)
(le al) (or ur) (ar or) (ir ur) (er ur)
五、Listen,circle and fill in the blanks.听音,圈图画,并补充句子(可只填序号)(10☆)
It’s o’clock It’s time for class.
A. three B. nine C. P.E D. English.
It’s and cool today. Let’s go to the farm.
There are many and .
A. rainy B. cloudy C. bananas E. carrots F. hens
Writing part笔试部分(50☆)
Read and choose. 选择方框中的单词与下面的图片配对。
A. B. C. D. E.
1. Mr Pig is not happy. His sweater is too small. ( )
2. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time for lunch. ( )
3. —How do you like these shoes —They are very pretty. ( )
4. —Whose dress is this —It’s Sarah’s. ( )
5. It’s cold outside. ( )
【答案】1. B 2. D
3. A 4. E
5. C
Read and choose. 给下列句子选择合适答语。
A. It’s $90. B. It’s on the second floor. C. It’s 9:20. D. It’s warm and windy. E. They are John’s.
6. Where is the teachers’ office ( )
7. What time is it ( )
8. What’s the weather like in Linshu ( )
9 Whose pants are those ( )
10. How much is this skirt ( )
【答案】6. B 7. C
8. D 9. E
10. A
11. Read and match. 阅读短文,把物品与相应的主人连线。
Sarah: Are these books yours
Mike: Yes, they are.
Sarah: Whose bag is it
Mike: It’s Chen Jie’s. The brown jacket is John’s.
Sarah: That’s right.
Mike: Is this white hat Zhang Peng’s
Sarah: No, it isn’t. It’s Binbin’s. Zhang Peng’s hat is blue.
Mike: Whose glasses are these
Sarah: Oh! It’s mine. Thanks.
1. Mike’s 2. Chen Jie’s 3. Sarah’s 4. John’s 5. Bin bin’s
a. b. c. d. e.
【答案】1-5 baecd
【详解】1. 根据“Are these books yours Mike: Yes, they are.”可知书是迈克的,故连b。
2. 根据“Whose bag is it Mike: It’s Chen Jie’s.”可知包是陈洁的,故连a。
3. 根据“Whose glasses are these Sarah: Oh! It’s mine. Thanks.”可知眼镜是莎拉的,故连e。
4.根据“The brown jacket is John’s.”可知夹克是约翰的,故连c。
5. 根据“Is this white hat Zhang Peng’s Sarah: No, it isn’t. It’s Binbin’s.”可知帽子是彬彬的,故连d。
故答案为1-5 baecd。
Read and write. 读短文,填空。
My grandparents are farmers. They have a big farm. They grow(种植) vegetables and keep(养殖) some farm animals.
Look! This is the vegetable farm. My grandparents grow many potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and green beans. They have fresh vegetables every day.
Come and look at the farm animals. My grandparents have 22 ducks, 40 hens. They have lots of eggs every day. They have 10 cows. So they have milk every day. They also have 2 big pigs and 16 little pigs. The little pigs are very cute. They don’t have horses and sheep.
12. 在正确选项的图片下打“√”。
What vegetables do grandparents have on the farm
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
13. 选择合适的选项。
My grandparents don’t have _______ on the farm. ( )
A. B. C.
D. E. F.
14. 请填上正确的数字。
There are _______ ducks, _______ hens, _______ cows and _______ pigs on the farm.
【答案】12. (√) (√) ( ) (√) (√)
13. BE 14. ①. 22 ②. 40 ③. 10 ④. 18
根据“My grandparents grow many potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and green beans.”,可知农场上有土豆,西红柿,胡萝卜和四季豆,故答案为(√) (√) ( ) (√) (√)。
句意:我祖父母的农场上没有______。根据“They don’t have horses and sheep.”,可知农场上没有马和绵羊,故答案为BE。
句意:农场上有____只鸭子,______只母鸡,______只奶牛和_____头猪。根据“My grandparents have 22 ducks, 40 hens. They have 10 cows. They also have 2 big pigs and 16 little pigs.”,可知农场上有22只鸭子,40只母鸡,10只奶牛,18头猪,故答案为22,40,10,18。




下一篇:2023-2024度-北师大版物理八年级下册《7.1 力》同步练习(含解析)