2024人教版八年级英语下册Unit2 Section B 3a-Self Check(含答案)

Unit 2 I' ll help to clean up the city parks.
Section B 3a-Self Check
1. Emily couldn't o____________ the door because she lost the key.
2. There's something wrong with my watch. Carl is r____________ it for me.
3. I need to post these l____________ now. Is there a post office around here
4. The man was blind and d____________, but he found a way to see and hear.
5. May is a c____________ girl. She remembers what she has learned quickly.
6. 你居住的地方会影响你的幸福感。
Where you live can ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ your happiness.
7. 他父亲正忙着修理他的自行车。
His father ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ his bike.
8. 汤姆非常伤心,因为他的左眼在事故中失明了。
Tom was very sad because he ____________ ____________ in his left eye in the accident.
9. 彼得昨天把他的旧书捐出去了。
Peter ____________ ____________ his old books yesterday.
10. 我知道那边那个女人是托尼的妈妈,因为托尼长得很像她。
I know the woman over there is Tony's mother because Tony ____________ ____________ her very much.
Everyone needs help. So helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn something new and have fun. You can have many ways of helping others in your community(社区). It can make you feel good, too!
VolunteeringVolunteering is giving your time to help others. It's something that you do not have to do and you can't get money from it. ?Visiting old people to talk to them or help them. Cleaning up a park.Giving AwayGiving away is the way that you can give your things or money to help others. Giving your old computers or clothes to a charity (慈善机构). Giving your old books to a library. Giving your money to a charity.
( )11. How do people feel when they help others
A. Bad. B. Tired. C. Good. D. Hard.
( )12. How many ways of volunteering are mentioned (被提及) in the passage
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
( )13. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Volunteering is giving your money to help others.
B. Volunteering is giving your time to help others.
C. Volunteering is something that you must do.
D. Volunteering is a way that you can get money.
( )14. Which of the following is a way of giving away
A. Cleaning up a park.
B. Giving the old computer to a charity.
C. Taking care of sick people in the hospital.
D. Making sandwiches to sell to raise money.
( )15. What's the passage mainly about
A. How to talk to people. B. How to volunteer.
C. How to give away old things. D. How to help others.
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I'm a lucky kid. I was born in a loving family. When I was seven, my parents told me to ______16______. My family would travel to different old people's homes ______17______ helped others. I always remember complaining (抱怨) about getting up ______18______ on Sunday mornings. I didn't know how much this lifelong(终身的) habit would ______19______ my life.
From new experiences to new skills (技巧), something has changed my world. I have met many people. They are the friendliest and many of them ______20______ lifelong friends with me. Do you know more than half of the teenagers in the USA are volunteers All kinds ______21______ people volunteer to do what you can think of. The world is ______22______ better place when people help each other. Being volunteers doesn't ______23______ much time or need any special skills. ______24______ you have new ideas, you can change the way others think.
Before you jump in and start volunteering, take a few minutes to think about the following questions: What catches your ______25______ What would you like to do How will you do it Then you can begin.
16. ________________ 17. ________________
18. ________________ 19. ________________
20. ________________ 21. ________________
22. ________________ 23. ________________
24. ________________ 25. ________________
一、1. open 2. repairing 3. letters 4. deaf 5. clever
二、6. make a difference to 7. is busy fixing up 8. became blind 9. gave away 
10. takes after
三、11-15 C A B B D
四、16. volunteer 17. and 18. early 19. change 20. become 21. of 22. a 23. take 24. If 25. interest
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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