训练 01 单项选择题(名词精选100题) 2024初中英语中考题型汇编高分训练(全国通用) 含解析

训练 01 单项选择题(名词精选100题)
1.Everyone could see one of ___________ lost .
A.the knifes B.the sheeps
C.the boy’s teeth D.the zooes
2.Don’t be afraid to ask for some ________ about ordering the meal.
A.suggestion B.method C.opinion D.advice
考查名词词义辨析.suggestion 建议,可数名词;method 方法,可数名词;opinion 观点,建议,可数名词;advice 建议,意见,不可数名词.空格处名词有some修饰,如果该名词是可数名词,要用复数形式,排除A、B、C选项.故选D.
3.-Uncle,how far is your company from here ---It's about________ walk.
A.ten minute B.ten minutes C.ten minutes' D.ten minute's
【详解】句意:——叔叔,你们公司离这儿有多远 ——步行大约十分钟.考查名词所有格.表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加’s来表示所属关系,叫做名词所有格.复数可数名词的所有格是在s后加’.例如:3 hours’ walk 三小时的路程;five minutes’ walk 五分钟路程;two miles’ distance 两英里的距离等.根据语境:——叔叔,你们公司离这儿有多远 ——步行大约十分钟.故选C.
4.—Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the __________ shop
—I’m sorry. I’m new here. You may ask the policeman over there.
A.shoe’s B.shoes C.shoe D.shoes’
【详解】句意:--请问,请你领着我去鞋店好吗 --对不起,我是新来的,你可以问那边的警察.用名词单数shoe作定语,来说明这个商店是卖鞋的,故选C.
5.— It’s too hot! Let’s have some ________ to drink.
— Good idea.
A.eggs B.milks C.bread D.water
【详解】句意:——太热了! 我们喝点水吧.——好主意.
6.It is a good habit of ______ to read a few lines before going to bed.
A.I B.me C.my D.mine
7.- _____ Haojiang Peach Blossom(桃花) Festival took place in late February. Did you go there
-Yes. I took the No. 36 bus and then a _____ walk to Ju Feng Temple.
A.The seventh; 20-minute
B.The seven; 20-minute
C.The seventh, 20 minute’s
D.The seven; 20 minutes’
【详解】试题分析:句意:--第七届豪江桃花节在二月末进行.你去过了吗 --是的.我乘坐36路公共汽车然后步行20分钟的路程到了巨峰寺.根据句意可知是第七届桃花节,所以用序数词,序数词前加the.故排除BD.数词-名词单数构成复合形容词,二十分钟的步行路程:20-minute walk或20 minutes’walk.结合句意,故选A.
8.All ________ of the hospital received a flower on International Nurses Day this year.
A.woman nurses B.women nurse C.women nurses D.woman nurse
考查名词复数.根据英语语法,复合名词变复数时,一般是前不变后变,如apple trees;但是由man和woman构成的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词都要变成复数.故空格处应填入women nurses,故选C.
9.Shuey Rhon Rhon, the mascot (吉祥物) of Beijing Paralympic Games, is a ________ of peace, friendship and happiness.
A.present B.gift C.symbol
考查名词的辨析.present礼物;gift礼物;symbol象征.a symbol of sth.意为“……的象征”,是固定用法.根据空前的“Shuey Rhon Rhon, the mascot (吉祥物) of Beijing Paralymp”以及空后的“peace, friendship and happiness”可知,雪容融是是和平、友谊和幸福的象征.故选C.
10.Uncle Wang is an excellent engineer. He is a friend of ________.
A.my father B.my father’s C.my fathers D.my fathers’
【详解】句意:王叔叔是一位优秀的工程师. 他是我父亲的一个朋友.
考查名词所有格.根据“a friend of”可知,此处表示我父亲的朋友,需用名词所有格;因father是单数,加’s,故选B.
11.–How many _________ do we need
A.postcards B.yogurt C.milk D.bread
【详解】句意:——我们需要几张明信片 ——三张.考查名词辨析.postcards明信片;yogurt酸奶;milk牛奶;bread面包.how many问数量,修饰复数名词,BCD三项都是不可数名词,可排除.根据句意语境,可知选A.
12.This year, the family went camping on ________ Day, June 1st.
A.Child B.Child’s C.Children D.Children’s
考查名词所有格.由语境可知,此处指“儿童节”,英文表达为“Children’s Day”.故选D.
13.My teacher gave me much __________ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.
A.advice B.question C.suggestion
【详解】句意:在我学习上有困难时,我的老师给了我很多关于如何学好英语的建议.考查名词的用法.A. advice不可数名词,建议 B. question可数名词,问题的单数形式 C. suggestion可数名词,建议的单数形式.much修饰不可数名词,因此要用advice.故选A.
advise 动词,建议,用于advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事.其名词形式是advice,不可数名词.
suggest,动词,建议,用于suggest sb doing sth建议某人做某事.其名词形式是suggestion,可数名词,复数为suggestions.
14.— How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha
— It is a _______ flight from Tianjin to Changsha.
A.2-hour-long B.2-hours-long
C.2 hours’ long D.2 hour long
【详解】句意:——天津到长沙多远 ——天津到长沙坐飞机要2个小时.
15.We need some_________, three banans and two_________ to make milk shake.
A.milk, tomato B.milk, tomatoes C.milks, tomatoes
16.There are lots of ________ that students have to follow at school.
A.rules B.skills C.problems D.exercises
考查名词.rules规则;skills技能;problems问题;exercises锻炼.根据“ follow”可知表达学校要遵守的规则,用名词“rules”.故选A.
17.—How many foreign workers are there in your company
—There are five, three _______ and two _______.
A.German; Frenchman B.Germans; Frenchmen
C.Germany; French D.Germany; Frenchmen
【详解】句意:——你的公司有多少个外国工作人员呢 ——有5个,三个德国人,两个法国人.
【点睛】名词复数形式不难,考的比较多的情况为合成词的复数形式,合成名词的复数形式只需将其主体的名词变成复数形式即可,如本题中的表达,或girl student-girl sthdents女学生;有man、woman构成的合成名词,变复数是将名词及man、woman都要变成复数,即men drivers男司机.
18.—How much ________ do you want
—Two bottles, please.
A.egg B.milk C.apple D.potato
【详解】句意:-你想要多少牛奶 -两瓶.egg鸡蛋,可数名词;milk牛奶,不可数名词;apple苹果,可数名词;potato土豆,可数名词.句中How much这个疑问词是提问数量的,意思是多少,修饰不可数名词,故应选B.
19.—Is the schoolbag under the desk yours
—No, it’s my______. He left it there just now.
A.brother B.brother’s C.brothers’
【详解】句意:——桌子下面的书包是你的吗 ——不,是我哥哥的.他刚才把它丢在那儿了.
20.—The mountain in our hometown isn’t very_____.
—I agree with you.Few______ like to go sightseeing there.
A.touristy;tourists B.touristy;tour
C.tourists;touristy D.tourtist ;tourists
21.Recently, many people dare not eat _______ because of HTN9.
A.eggs or chickens B.eggs or chicken C.egg or chickens D.egg or chicken
22.— Where’s Lucy
— She’s left a________ saying that she has to go home.
A.excuse B.sentence C.news D.message
【详解】句意:——露西在哪里 ——她留言说她得回家了.
考查名词辨析.A项,借口;B项,句子;C项,新闻,消息;D项,消息,(书面或口头的)信息.leave a message留言,saying that sha has to go home是message的宾语补足语.故选D.
23.— Betty, when did you take this photo_________ Stonehenge
— About three years ago. I visited it with my parents.
A.to B.with
C.of D.between
【详解】试题分析:句意:贝蒂,你什么时间拍的这张石头阵的照片呀 大约三年前我和父母参观的时候.Of,表示名词所有格,故选C.
24.My brother was born on _______ /meI/ 27th, 1979.
A.May B.my C.me D.Mary
【详解】句意:我的弟弟出生在1979年5月27日.A. May5月;B. my我的(形容词性的物主代词);C. me我(宾格);D. Mary玛丽(女名);根据My brother was born on _______ /meI/ 27th, 1979和音标,可知是5月;故选A
25.Being a volunteer in the local hospital can bring me great ________. I help people and they will give me warm smiles in return.
A.hobbies B.pleasure C.celebrations D.advice
考查名词辨析.hobbies爱好;pleasure快乐;celebrations庆祝;advice建议.根据“they will give me warm smiles in return.”可知,我帮助别人会得到别人温暖的微笑,因此成为志愿者,能够给我带来很多快乐.故选B.
26.Traditional Chinese Medicine is a great ________ for our nation.
A.treasure B.resolution C.pleasure D.standard
考查名词辨析.treasure财富;resolution决议;pleasure快乐;standard标准.根据“Traditional Chinese Medicine”可知,中国传统医学是巨大的财富,结合选项,treasure符合句意.故选A.
27.–What is _____ brother
--He is a policeman.
A.Jim’s and Paul’s
B.Jim and Paul
C.Jim and Paul’ s
【详解】试题分析:句意:――吉姆和保尔的兄弟是做什么的 ――他是一名警察.A.Jim’s and Paul’s吉姆和保尔的;B.Jim and Paul吉姆和保尔;C.Jim and Paul’ s吉姆和保尔的.几个人共同拥有同一个人或物时,只在最后的人名后加所有格符号;几个人拥有同类而不同个的人或物时,每个人名后都要加所有格符号.根据句意,吉姆和保尔的兄弟是同一个人,只在最后的人名上加所有格符号.故选C.
【考点定位】 考查名词所有格的构成.
28.—Would you like some drinks, Kate
—Yes, _____, please.
A.some oranges B.two boxes of chocolate C.two bottles of juice
【详解】句意:——凯特,你想喝点什么吗 ——两瓶果汁.
考查交际用语.some oranges一些桔子;two boxes of chocolate 2盒巧克力;two bottles of juice两瓶果汁;根据上文“Would you like some drinks, Kate ”推断下文指喝的东西;选项A、B指吃的东西,所以排除;故选C.
29.—What would you like to eat, honey
A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices
B.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice
C.Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of rice
D.Chickens with vegetable and two bowls of rices
【详解】句意:——亲爱的,你想吃什么 ——鸡肉加蔬菜,两碗米饭.
考查可数名词和不可数名词.chicken意为“鸡肉”时为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故C、D选项可排除.rice是不可数名词,没有复数形式,表达“两碗米饭”时要用two bowls of rice,故选B.
30.—Alan, how far is it from your home to school
—Oh, it’s about two ________ drive.
A.hour B.hours C.hours’ D.hour’s
【详解】句意:——艾伦,从你家到学校有多远 ——哦,大约有两个小时的车程.
考查名词所有格.根据“it’s about two”可知这里表达“大约两个小时”,小时“hour”为可数名词,故这里应用复数;分析“hour”与“drive”之间的关系可知此处表达“两个小时的车程”,应用所有格来表达,复数名词“hours”的所有格为“hours’”.故选C.
31.-Excuse me! Is this_________ new house
-Yes, it’s________ .The parents of them bought it last September.
A.Lucy and Lily’s; theirs B.Lucy’s and Lily’s; them
C.Lucy’s and Lily’s ; theirs D.Lucy and Lily’s; them
【详解】句意:——打扰了!这是露西和莉莉的新房子吗 ——是的,是他们的.他们的父母去年九月买的.用 and 连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-’s,表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-’s.house为名词单数形式,可知房子为两人共有,只在最后一个名词后加-’s,排除B,C;theirs为名词性物主代词,答语回答这所房子是他们的,只能用theirs,而不能用them,故答案为A.
32.When spring comes, there is always much ______ in Hangzhou.
A.rain B.rains C.rainy D.raining
考查固定句型.rain雨,不可数名词;rains雨季,名词复数;rainy多雨的,形容词;raining下雨,动词ing形式.主句为there be句型,be后接名词.much修饰不可数名词.故选A.
33.—How much honey do we need
—Let’s see. Two ________.
A.spoons of honey B.spoon of honeys C.spoons of honeys
【详解】句意:——我们需要多少蜂蜜 ——让我们看看.两勺蜂蜜.
34.—Let's make a banana milk shake. What do we need
—We need some_________ and two__________ .
A.banana;cup of milk B.bananas;cups of milk
C.bananas;milk D.bananas;cup of milk
【详解】句意:——让我们来做香蕉奶昔吧,我们需要什么 ——我们需要一些香蕉和两杯牛奶.考查可数名词和不可数名词.第一个空,some修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词,因为banana为可数名词,所以此处应用其复数形式bananas, 排除A选项.第二个空,milk为不可数名词,不能直接跟在two后,排除C选项;不可数名词的数量要体现在量词上,cup意为“杯”,是可数名词,所以“两杯牛奶”,即two cups of milk,排除D选项;故答案选B.
35.The students were happy that they would have a _______ winter holiday.
A.three-weeks B.three weeks’ C.three-weeks D.three-week's
英语中如果是时间短语作定语时,中间要加连字符,或者用名词所有格形式.此处指的是“一个三周的假期”可以写为:a three-week holiday或a three weeks' holiday,故选B.
36.We must protect the animals, they are friends of ____________.
A.our B.yours C.us D.ours
37.The boy didn’t find much ______ about the topic on that website.
A.report B.article C.information D.story
38.I am going to the supermarket to buy some________ this afternoon_________ .
A.paper and pencil B.apples and banana
C.milk and eggs D.bowl and spoons
考查名词辨析.本题中some修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数.pencil,banana和bowl是可数名词,需要用复数,故排除A, B,和D;milk是不可数名词,egg是可数名词,复数是eggs,故选C.
39.- Can I help you, madam
-I want_________.
A.two boxes of apple B.two glass of water C.two bowls of porridge
【详解】试题分析:考查名词的数.句意: ——我能帮你吗, 女士 ——我想要 .物质名词一般借助数量词表示数量, A应该为two boxes of apples两盒苹果; B应该为two glasses of water两杯水; C. two bowls of porridge两碗稀饭, 故选C.
40.— ________everyone with kindness even those who are impolite to you. Remember: not because they are worth it, but because you are nice.
—Everyone should treat others with ________.
A.To treat; warmly B.Treat; warmth
C.Treating; warm D.Treating; warmly
考查祈使句和名词辨析.根据句子结构,第一空所在句子没有主语,应该为祈使句,所以用动词原形treat开头.第二空处在介词with之后,应该用名词warmth,意为“温暖” .故选B.
41.According to the doctor’s advice, we can’t eat _______ these days. It’s bad for our health.
A.fish B.fishes C.a fish D.one fish
【详解】句意:根据医生的建议,我们这些天不能吃鱼了.这对我们的健康有害.A. fish不可数名词,鱼、鱼肉;B. fishes名词,鱼,名词复数,常指鱼的种类;C. a fish一条鱼;D. one fish一条鱼.本题指吃“鱼肉”,取不可数名词之意.故选A.
点睛:fish用作可数名词指"鱼的条数"时单数和复数形式相同(two fish两条鱼),指"鱼的种类"时复数形式才为fishes(two fishes两种鱼);fish用作不可数名词时无复数形式,应作"鱼肉"解(Help yourself to some fish.随便吃些鱼.); fish用作动词时,它的含义又与"钓(捕)鱼"有关(go fishing去钓鱼).
42.—A friend of ______________ thinks he won’t pass the exam.
—I think he should believe in .That's the secret of success.
A.my cousin; himself B.my cousin’s; him
C.my cousin’s; himself D.my cousins; his
【详解】试题分析:句意:我表哥的朋友认为他不会通过考试.——我认为他应该相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.a friend of后跟名词所有格或名词性物主代词,排除A,D;believe in oneself后跟反身代词,故答案为C.
43.The ________ is China’s national treasure. It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.
A.panda B.tiger C.elephant
考查名词辨析.panda熊猫;tiger老虎;elephant大象.根据“China’s national treasure”和“It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.”可知,此处指熊猫.故选A.
44.—There are many accidents on the road.
—Yes. It’s said that ________ has made the situation from bad to worse.
A.driving careless B.driving carefully C.careless driving
45.—Look! They are_________ .
—Yes. We are proud of them.
A.man scientist B.women scientists
C.woman scientists D.man scientists
根据空前面的they are判断,此处为可数名词的复数,排除A;man和woman表示性别,作定语修饰名词变复数时,与后面的可数名词都要变复数,C,D中的woman与man都是单数形式,应排除;woman和scientist都要变成复数,woman复数为women,scientist的复数为scientists.故答案为B.
46.—Online reading has many _________.For example, it's possible for us to read at any time.
—I agree with you, but it is bad for our eyes.
A.agreements B.project C.advantage D.advantages
考查名词单复数和词义辨析.agreements协议;project计划;advantage(s)优势.根据句中“it's possible for us to read at any time”可知,此处列举网上阅读的优势,也就是说网上阅读有许多好处,且空前有many,所以应该用可数名词advantage复数形式advantages.故选D.
47.There are many ________ teachers in this primary school.
A.woman B.woman’s C.women D.women’s
考查复合名词的复数.many修饰名词复数,woman作定语时,woman与被修饰的名词都要变复数,women teachers女教师,故选C.
48.________ is one of the festivals in western countries. On that day people may play jokes on each other.
A.Halloween B.April Fool’s Day C.Thanksgiving
考查节日.Halloween万圣节;April Fool’s Day愚人节;Thanksgiving感恩节.根据常识可知,人们在愚人节那天会互相开玩笑.故选B.
49.Which is the way to the __________
A.shoe factory B.shoes factory
C.shoe’s factory D.shoes’factory
考查名词.选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.
50.– What would you like to drink -- _____.
A.A glass of water B.Some fish C.Some rice
【详解】试题分析:根据第一句drink可知答语应该是表示可以饮用的词.选项A一杯水;选项B一些鱼;选项C一些米饭,选项BC都是表示可以吃的东西.句意:--你要喝什么 —一杯水.根据句意故选A.
51.— Excuse me. I’d like to buy a dress.
— This way, please.     clothes are on the second floor.
A.Man B.Men’s
C.Woman D.Women’s
【详解】试题分析:句意:打扰一下,我想买一件连衣裙.请走这边,女士衣服在二楼.根据句意买裙子可知是女士衣服,不是以S结尾的名词复数的所有格在名词复数后加’s,women’s clothes,女式衣服,故选D.
52.The _________ of space industry has improved a lot in China.
A.develop B.developed C.developing D.development
考查名词.根据“The”可知后面要带名词.the development of space industry表示“航天事业的发展”,development是名词.故选D.
53.—Lisa, could you help me buy some ________ on your way home
—Ok, mom.
A.egg B.beef C.banana D.potato
【详解】句意:——Lisa,你能在回家的路上帮我买些牛肉吗 ——好的,妈妈.
54.For students, the ________ senior high school entrance examination in June is not only a challenge but also a chance.
A.three-days’ B.three days’ C.three day’s D.three days time
考查名词所有格.根据英语表达习惯,“三天的”可表达为three-day和three days’,四个选项中只有B选项表达正确,故选B.
55.—We must protect wild animals. They are friends of________and also put us in great danger once they are close to us.
—That explains the start of COVID—19.
A.us B.ours C.our
56.I’m hungry. I’d like to have some ________.
A.noodle B.water C.potato D.bread
考查名词辨析.noodle面条;water水;potato土豆;bread面包.some后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,排除AC;再由“I’m hungry.”可知饿了需要吃的,排除B.故选D.
57.Although the old man has been away from his hometown for years, he still speaks Chinese with a strong_______ of Putian.
【详解】试题分析:句意:尽管这位老人已经离家多年,但是他仍然带着一口很浓的莆田口音.A. accent口音; B. pronunciation 发音; C. voice声音.根据句意故选A.
58.We need lots of ________ every day.
A.healthy food B.salads C.milks D.vegetable
考查名词辨析.healthy food健康的食物;salad沙拉;milk牛奶;vegetable蔬菜;lots of后接不可数名词或复数可数名词;salad和milk是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以排除B和C;vegetable是可数名词,要用复数形式,所以排除D.故选A.
59.—What is ________ brother —He is a doctor.
A.Jim’s and Paul’s B.Jim and Paul C.Jim and Paul’s D.Jim’s and Paul
【详解】句意:——Jim和Paul的哥哥是做什么的 ——他是一个医生.
考查名词所有格.Jim’s and Paul’s指Jim和Paul两人各自的;Jim and Paul 是两个人,吉姆和保罗;Jim and Paul’s指两人共有的;D选项形式不对.根据答语“He is a doctor”可知,这里指的是Jim和Paul两人共同的哥哥.故选C.
60.________ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are ________ teachers.
A.A number of; women B.A number of; woman
C.The number of; women D.The number of; woman
考查短语和名词复数.“the number of+名词复数”意为“……的数量”,作主语谓语动词用单数形式,“a number of+名词复数”意为“大量的”,作主语谓语动词用复数形式;根据句意及谓语动词是单数is可知,第一空用the number of;又因为一般情况下名词作定语修饰名词时,第一个名词要用单数,但是若man或者women作定语时,man和woman的单复数根据被修饰的名词的单复数而定,根据第二空后的teachers可知,用复数,即women teachers,故选C.
61.Jenny is ________. She is from _______.
A.English; England B.England; English C.English; English D.England; England
62.Welcome to my party, Lucy. Help yourself to ________.
A.beef and cakes B.beefs and cakes C.beefs and cake
63.There are_____________in the school library.
A.millions of books B.millions books
C.millions of book D.millions book.
【详解】试题分析:句意:在校图书馆里有上百万的书.millions of成百万的,后接可数名词复数,故选A .
64.—Lucy got five ________ from the relatives on Children’s Day.
—How happy she is.
A.toys B.toies C.toy
65.The population of China is ______ than ______. However, the birthrate is still low, so our government encourages a second child.
A.larger; Russia B.more; that of Russia C.larger; that of Russia
考查形容词辨析和代词.larger更大的;more更多的;that那个;of……的.根据“The population of China”可知,中国的人口要比俄罗斯多,人口多应该用“large”,large的形容词的比较级是larger,排除B;第二空指代俄罗斯的人口,用that指代,“that of Russia”表示“俄罗斯的人口”.故选C.
66.He used to travel far and________, so he got ________ on geography.
A.wide; a number of knowledges B.wide; a great deal of knowledge
C.widely; a large number of knowledges D.widely; a good deal of knowledge
67.—How many_______doctors are there in your hospital, David
—_______them _______over one hundred.
A.woman,The number of, is B.women,A number of, are
C.woman,A number of, is D.women,The number of, is
【分析】句意:——戴维,在你们医院有多少女医生 ——他们的人数是100多.
【详解】the number of…….的数量,作主语,谓语用第三人称单数.a number of一些,修饰名词,作主语,谓语用复数形式.第一空how many修饰复数名词,woman doctor女医生,其复数形式为women doctors.第二空根据over one hundred可知此处表示数量,故用the number of,谓语用第三人称单数is.故选D.
68.September comes after ________ .
A.July B.August C.June D.October
69.—What’s your favorite dish in the dining hall
—________ soup of course.
A.Chickens’ B.Chickens C.Chicken D.Chicken’s
【详解】句意:——你在餐厅里最喜欢吃什么菜 ——当然是鸡汤.
考查不可数名词用法.Chickens’鸡的;Chickens鸡,复数形式;Chicken鸡、鸡肉;Chicken’s鸡肉的.根据“soup”及结合选项可知,此处指鸡汤,应用不可数名词chicken“鸡肉”作定语,chicken soup“鸡汤”.故选C.
70.—Excuse me, is the cinema far from here
—No. It’s about ________.
A.5 minutes’ walk B.5 minute’s walk C.5 minutes walk
【详解】句意:——对不起,电影院离这儿远吗 ——不远.步行大约5分钟.
考查时间来表示路程.当使用时间表示路程时,要用名词所有格,5后接minute的复数,再变所有格,5 minutes’walk为正确的表达格式.故选A.
71.Chinese government pays lots of attention to planting trees. Therefore, Chinese have the Tree Planting Day in spring. It falls on ________.
A.March 8th B.March 12th C.September 10th
考查常识.March 8th三月8日;March 12th三月12日;September 10th九月10日.根据“Chinese have the Tree Planting Day in spring”以及常识可知每年的3月12日是植树节.故选B.
72.— ________ is the population of Yunan according to the seventh national population census (人口普查)
— There are over 47 million permanent residents (常住人口) in Yunnan.
A.What B.How many C.How much D.How old
【详解】句意:——根据第七次人口普查,云南的人口是多少 ——在云南有超过4700万常住人口.
考察特殊疑问词辨析.what什么;how many多少;how much多少,多少钱;how old多大年龄.What’s the population of...“……的人口是多少”为固定搭配,故选A.
73.I feel a bit tired for I saw a two ____ film last night.
A.hour B.hours C.hour’s D.hours’
【详解】试题分析:句意:因为昨天晚上我看了一部两小时的电影,所以我感到有点儿疲倦.“两小时”:two hours(表示不止一个,名词用复数),“两小时的”:two hours’(以s结尾的名词的所有格,在s后加’).故选D.
【考点定位】 考查名词所有格.
74.Some ________went to Japan to help when they knew that many ________ lost their homes in the earthquake.
A.Germen; Japanese B.Frenchmen; Japaneses C.Germans; Japanese
75.There are many _______ at the foot of the hill.
A.cow B.horse C.sheep
【详解】 many 修饰的是可数名词的复数形式,sheep的复数形式还是sheep, 故选C.
76.-So many _______ there, most of them are fond of fruit juice.
-Let’s go to see_______more of fruit juice they need.
A.woman players; how much
B.women player; how many bottles
C.women players; how many bottles
D.women player; how much
77.How many ________ do you want
A.rice B.tomatos C.pieces of bread D.potato
考查名词复数形式.rice米,不可数名词;tomatos错误表达,正确形式为tomatoes;pieces of bread……块面包;potato土豆.How many后跟名词复数形式,可排除ABD选项.故选C.
78.一What would you like to eat
一Some________, please.
A.bread B.carrot C.teas
【详解】句意:— —你想吃什么 — —请来一些面包.A. bread面包,不可数名词;B. carrot胡萝卜,可数名词;tea茶,不可数名词.根据What would you like to eat 可知,回答应为吃的东西,而tea茶,是不可数名词,也没有复数形式,故排除C;carrot是可数名词,放在some后要用复数,排除B;故选A.
79.The ____man told us about his past days before he_____,and his ____made us very sad.
A.dead, died, dying B.dead, dying, die
C.dying, died, death D.dead, dying, death
80.There are three ______ in the company(公司). They are all ______.
A.worker; German B.workers; Germen C.workers; Germans
考查名词的复数.worker工人,可数名词;German德国人,可数名词.根据“there are three”就近原则可知此处用复数名词workers.根据“they are”可知第二空为复数名词Germans.故选C.
81.This is his ________ and the number is 20170653.
A.ID card B.computer game C.tape player D.family photo
考查名词短语.ID card身份证;computer game电脑游戏;tape player录音机;family photo全家福.根据“the number is 20170653”,可知此处表达的是“身份证”,故选A.
82. I like ______. They are healthy food.
A.tomato B.fish C.tomatoes
83.The boys are sitting around together and they are playing a favorite game of ________.
A.they B.them C.their D.theirs
考查代词辨析.they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;theirs他们的,名词性物主代词.a favorite game of theirs“他们最喜欢的游戏”,用名词性物主代词构成双重所有格.故选D.
84.2018年上海崇明二模These students collected much_________ on the Internet before starting their research
A.pictures B.materials C.information D.stories
【详解】句意:这些学生在开始研究之前收集了大量的网络信息.A. pictures名词复数,图片;B. materials名词复数,材料;C. information不可数名词,信息;D. stories名词复数,故事.much许多,修饰不可数名词.故选C.
点睛:在英语中要注意名词的数,学习时辨名词可数与否,进行分类、归纳.再有注意一些形容词及修饰的名词,如,few/a few/many+可数名词复数;little/a little/much+不可数名词.
85. —How much_________ would you like, madam
—Half a kilo, please.
A.fish B.egg C.apple
【详解】试题分析:句意:---夫人,你想要多少鱼肉 ---半斤,How much+不可数名词,提问数量的多少 根据句意故选A.
86.As a student, you need at least________ sleep a day.
A.eight hours’s B.eight hour’s
C.eight hours’ D.eight hours
【详解】试题分析:句意:作为一名学生,每天至少需要8个小时的睡眠.eight hours’sleep 当量词大于一时,先把名词变成复数,再加’表示所有格.结合句意,故选C
87.— What would you like to eat
— Some ________, please.
A.bread B.cake C.coffee
【详解】句意:——你想要吃什么 ——请来一些面包.
考查名词辨析.bread“面包”;cake“蛋糕”;coffee“咖啡”.根据问句“What would you like to eat ”可知需回答吃的食物,可排除coffee.some修饰复数名词或不可数名词,cake是可数名词,some cake不合语法;bread是不可数名词,故选A.
88.Mr. and Mrs. Li are old but healthy because they have good________.
A.live habits B.living habit
C.living habits D.live habits
【详解】句意:李先生和李太太年纪大了,但身体健康,因为他们有良好的生活习惯.考查名词辨析.根据Mr. and Mrs. Li are old but healthy because they have good____.可知句意为“李先生和李太太年纪大了,但身体健康,因为他们有良好的生活习惯.”此处表达的是是“生活习惯”,living habit固定词组,意思是“生活习惯”,主语是they,所以habit应用复数形式habits;故答案选C.
89._____the doctors in the hospital is about100 and one fourth of them are _______doctors.
A.A number of; man B.The number of; men
C.A number of; men D.The number of; man
【详解】试题分析:句意:这家医院的医生数大约有100人.四分之一是男医生.分析:1.the number of…表示“……的数量”.作主语的中心词时,谓语动词用单数形式,后常跟large, small等词作表语. 2.a number of表示“若干的、许多的”.起修饰作用,相当于many或a lot of,number前可以加small, large词来表示程度.A number of+复数可数名词作主语时,其谓语动词用复数形式.同时考查:以man或woman为定语时,前后两个名词都变复数.故选B
90.Mr Liu is a wise man,and he often gives us a few_____.
A.suggestions B.advice C.hobbies D.knowledge
考查名词辨析.suggestions建议,可数名词复数;advice建议,不可数名词;hobbies爱好,可数名词复数;knowledge知识,不可数名词.a few后接可数名词复数,排除B、D选项;结合语境,可知应是给我们一些建议,所以suggestions符合题意,hobbies句意不通,排除C选项;故选A.
91.We see some________ rising into the air at the opening of our new library.
A.balloons B.balloon C.balloones
92.I paid 10¥ for _____ this morning.
A.4 bottle milks B.4 bottles of milk
C.4 bottles of milks D.4 milk
93.—Are you hungry
—Yes. Please give us ________.
A.three bread B.three piece of bread C.three pieces of bread D.three pieces of breads
【详解】句意:——你饿吗 ——是的.请给我三片面包.
考查不可数名词及其数的表达.three三,数词;bread“面包”,不可数名词,前面不能直接跟数词,要用“数词+量词+of”来表示;piece片,块;a piece of一片,piece 是可数的,因此达到两个及其以上要用其复数形式;three pieces of bread三片面包.故选C.
94.Our school is only._________ walk from here.
A.five-minute B.five minute’s
C.five minutes D- five minutes’
【详解】five minutes’ walk五分钟的步行路程.
95.—What would you like to drink
—I’d like three ______.
A.bottles of waters B.bottle of waters C.bottle of water D.bottles of water
【详解】句意:——你想喝点什么 ——我想要三瓶水.
考查可数名词和不可数名词.根据句意:我想要三瓶水,three“三”,是复数形式,water是不可数名词,其后不能加s;但是bottle“瓶子”是可数名词,跟在three后面要用复数形式,“三瓶水”则译为“three bottles of water”,结合选项可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D.
96.Many foreigners came to our school last week, including three_________ and four________ .
A.German, American
B.Germans. American
C.Germans. Americans
D.German, Americans
97.Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very excellent ________.
A.suggestion B.condition C.tradition D.pollution
考查名词辨析.suggestion建议;condition状况;tradition传统;pollution污染.根据“Tom runs six miles every morning”可知每天早上跑步应该是健康状况好.故选B.
98.As a saying goes “________ in the mind is better than money in the hand.” Every one of us should make an effort to learn more and become cleverer.
A.Wise B.Wisely C.Wisdom
99.—Is this bag ________
—No, the red one is ________.
A.Kate’s;her B.Kate;her C.Kate;hers D.Kate’s;hers
【详解】句意:——这个包是Kate的吗 ——不,那个红色的包才是她的.
100.Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on _____ Day.
A.Woman B.Women C.Women's D.Woman's
【详解】句意:在妇女节那天,凯瑟琳收到了丈夫的一束玫瑰花而激动不已.根据题意,凯瑟琳在妇女节收到了一束玫瑰花.woman 意为“女人”,是可数名词,妇女节表达的是一类群体的节日,因此应用复数形式women.women 与Day 是所属关系,应用名词所有格形式,因此 Women's 符合题意.答案为C.
(1) 一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾-s的复数名词)加 -’s:
children's books 儿童图书 today’s paper 今天的报纸
(2) 带词尾-s的复数名词只加省字撇(’):
girls’ school 女子学校 the Smiths’ car 史密斯家的小汽车
the boss’s plan 老板的计划 the hostess’s worry 女主人的担心
(3) 带词尾-s的人名,可加’s 或只加省字撇(’):
Dickens’ novels 狄更斯的小说 Charles’s job 查理斯的工作
(4) 用 and 连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-’s,表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-’s:
Tom’s and Jim’s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间
Tom and Jim’s room 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间



上一篇:16.1.1 二次根式的概念及性质1 课时作业(含答案) 2023-2024初中数学沪科版八年级下册
