专题10 首字母填空-译林版英语八年级第二学期期末真题专项训练(含解析)

China is an old country with a rich culture. When travelling to China, understanding Chinese culture and customs is i____66____ for you to behave in a good way.
It’s becoming popular for foreigners to be invited into Chinese homes. Being invited to a Chinese family’s home can be a wonderful and warm e____67____. Chinese people are known to be very welcoming(好客). When you’re invited to a Chinese family’s home, make sure you arrive on time. Don’t forget to say good words about s____68____ you like in the house. Gifts are usually given when visiting someone’s home or being invited for dinner. Chinese people like to r____69____ fruit or tea in a nice box or basket.
After some small talks, comes the dinner. A Chinese dinner table is a happy place, f____70____ of delicious food and conversation. When invited over for dinner, make sure to notice what everybody else is doing and try to do the s____71____. You’d better eat plenty of food to show you’re enjoying it. Don’t finish off the whole dish, but leave a small amount of food on the plates. It shows that the host has p____72____ enough food.
For foreigners, Chinese people may be very curious(好奇的). Chinese people aren’t afraid to ask personal questions, even if you’ve met for the f____73____ time. So, don’t be surprised to be asked things like your age, your education or your work. You do not have to answer these questions. If you don’t want to talk about your own life, j____74____ explain to them.
Enjoy yourself in the warm and welcoming world of the local Chinese. As a g____75____ in China, you will get special treatment. And your hosts make sure you will have a good time.
Taking public transport, making payments online or just walking around—these daily activities can help turn China’s deserts into forests if you are using Ant Forest.
Ant Forest is a feature in the Alipay mobile payment app. It records users’ low-carbon activities—taking a bus to work i___76___ of driving, for example—and gives users “green energy”. When a user’s green energy gets high e___77___, Ant Forest and its partners will plant a real tree for that person.
Ant Forest r___78___ the 2019 Champions of the Earth award(地球卫士奖), the UN’s highest environmental honor, for encouraging people to live greener lifestyles and protect the environment.
S___79___ its launch(发起)in August 2016, Ant Forest and its partners have planted some 122 million trees in China’s driest areas, which include regions in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Shanxi, reported Xinhua News Agency. The trees c___80___ an area of 112,000 hectares(公顷). The project has become China’s largest private-sector tree-planting initiative(倡议).
This is only part of China’s efforts to make Earth g___81___. In 1978, China began a national-level forestation(造林)project—the Three North Shelterbelt Forest Program, also known as the “Great Green Wall”. The program has improved living conditions and d___82___ local business, according to China Daily.
It’s reported the forest coverage rate(覆盖率)among the regions of the project r___83___ 13.57 percent in 2017, compared to 5.05 percent 40 years ago.
In light of China’s success against desertification(沙漠化), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) believes the country is a good e___84___ for others to follow.
“China is one of the most s___85___ countries in greening the desert and has lessons to share with the world.” former UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim told Xinhua.
Today, people can turn on their televisions and watch the Olympics every two years, alternating between summer and winter games. The world’s best athletes t____66____ hard before the games and hope to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal.
However, the first Olympics was quite different from t____67____ Olympic Games. Held in 776 BC at Olympia, in ancient Greece, the games honored the Greek god Zeus. The competition was a c____68____ for athletes to bring honor to their city-states, just as athletes bring honor to their countries nowadays. However, in ancient Greece, only men were allowed to participate.
For 13 years, the ancient Olympics had just one event, a running race. Gradually, the games expanded to i____69____ sports such as chariot and horse racing, boxing, and the pentathlon. The pentathlon i____70____ is made up of five different events: running, wrestling, jumping, throwing a discus, and throwing a javelin.
The ancient Greek Olympics e____71____ around 395 BC and weren’t played again for over 2, 200 years. Finally, in 1894, a Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin decided to bring the games back. The games were held in 1896 and included nine events. Today’s Olympics include even more sports, such as soccer and skiing, and are now s____72____ into the Summer and Winter Olympics. Cities around the world take turns hosting the Olympics.
W____73____ stopped for seven days before and seven days after the ancient Olympics so that athletes could travel safely to the games. In a s____74____ way, many believe that today’s Olympic Games create goodwill, as nations exhibit strength through competitive sports rather than through battle.
The Paralympics are held every Olympic year. To be in the games, athletes must have a disability. Some don’t have arms or legs. Some have poor balance. Some are in wheelchairs. Some others are b____75____ . The great thing about these games is not the attention to their disability but their skills.
The Chinese life is colorful with many interesting folk ways. The Lantern Festival is on the 15th day of the first lunar month, it has a Chinese name Yuanxiao Festival. Yuanxiao comes from the f___66___ that people call the first lunar month the Yuan Month and night Xiao. The night of the 15th day of the first lunar month m___67___ the beginning of the first full moon. On the Lantern Festival, the Chinese people have the custom of e___68___ lanterns and eating glutinous rice dumplings. There is a common saying that “Playing on the Lantern Festival.”
The custom started during the Han Dynasty, and has a h___69___ of more than 2000 years. On that night, every place is decorated with lanterns and streamers(饰带) and there is a bustling atmosphere. As night f___70___, people go in crowds to the sea of colorful lanterns: palace lanterns, wall lamps, figure lanterns, flower lanterns, revolving horse lanterns, animal lanterns, and toy lanterns, of all types and c____71____. Some lanterns have riddles(谜语) on them, which encourage people to try to be the f___72___ to find the answer.
It is a___73___ a traditional custom to eat glutinous rice dumplings at this time. As early as the Song Dynasty, there was such a kind of food, a round ball m___74___ of glutinous rice flour with a filling of sugar and kernels(果仁). Since it is eaten on the Lantern Festival, people call it yuanxiao. The Chinese people hope that e____75____ is satisfactory (yuanman in Chinese), and to eat glutinous rice dumplings on the first night with a full moon in a year is to wish that family members will remain united, harmonious, happy and satisfied.
It’s not easy to let young people accept the ways of the old. It’s becoming e___66___ more difficult in the face of new technologies. So officers gathered in Wuhan, Hubei Province that is proved to be good at m___67___ children interested in tradition. They shared some lessons. As we all know, many students know little about traditional things. Officers d___68___ how to make local operas popular in elementary and middle schools. Officers also agreed that every student should get the chance to w___69___ a traditional opera show for free every year.
The work of the theatre was divided into three p___70___: speech, teaching and performance. By the end of November, about 146 e___71___ of these kinds were held. Opera artists are often invited to schools to communicate with students and teachers. Traditional opera lessons are t___72___ in more than 80 percent of its elementary and middle schools. More than 6,600 opera shows were performed at schools that year, and that was h___73___ praised by students and parents.
In this way students can have a taste of the traditional beauty of China. “At first I was afraid these events could be a distract (分心) from study. Now I r___74___ that our children have learned a lot from them,” said one parent of No.71 Middle School. One of the officers said o___75___ parts of the country could learn some lessons from Hubei Province’s experiences. They hope students all over China will have the chance to learn the art of traditional operas by the end of 2018.
The people were scared. They threw rocks at it and attacked it with pitchforks. When they had killed it, they used a horse to drag it away into a field.
M____71____ you wouldn’t do any of those things if you saw a hot-air balloon landing near your home. But back in 1783, very f____72____ people had ever seen such a thing.
Ballooning started with Joseph Montgolfier, who was not the type of person you’d expected to be an inventor. He didn’t like school and ran away from home as a teenager. As a grownup, he failed in business. He was very u____73____ his younger brother, Etienne, who was responsible and successful. But when Joseph started reading on his own, he discovered that he loved science and experiments. A lot of good science starts with s____74____ paying attention and thinking about what you’ve seen. Joseph made a common observation and then did something amazing with it.
Joseph noticed that hot air rises. He a____75____ noticed that rising hot air can carry solid(固体的)objects with it. If you’ve ever watched bits of ash(灰)rising with the smoke from a fire, you’ve seen it too. He wondered, what if I f____76____ a cloth bag with hot air Would the rising air 1____77____ the bag Only one way to find out!
Of course, bags filled with hot air r____78____ up. Soon, Joseph and Etienne were making larger and larger cloth bags, which they called balloons, the French word for the ball. They held public demonstrations, filling the balloons over a fire pit and l____79____ them go. The balloons went up and then came d______80______ as the air inside cooled off. Soon all the people in the Montgolfier’s hometown of Annonay were talking about balloons. Next, the brothers went to the great city of Paris to show off their new invention.
With nothing but her small boat for company (作伴), a British lawyer (律师), Victoria Evans, fought a____71____ high winds and big waves at sea. She s____72____ rowed across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋) alone. Her adventure (冒险) has set a new world record!
Victoria had never rowed before she took on this challenge (挑战). Three years ago, she had the idea to encourage (鼓励) more females to become a____73____ in sports. After that, she started to practise rowing more than ten hours a day. She then continued to p____74____ for sailing on the ocean.
The 35-year-old started her race from a Spanish island on February 11. D____75____ the trip, high winds made rowing very difficult. At one point, a wave locked the cabin (door from the inside). It took Victoria three hours to open the lock with a knife. Still, she got over all these difficulties. This b____76____ woman completed more than 4,700 kilometers of rowing in 40 days and 19 hours.
Victoria’s adventure r____77____ 24,000 pounds for a charity called Women in Sport. This charity works to give every female the c____78____ to take part in sports.
“Actions speak l____79____ than words,” the lawyer said in a later i____80____, “I wants use this experience to show people one thing: You are able to do anything you set your mind to!”
短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 补全空格内单词, 使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词)
Of the three major drinks of the world-tea, coffee and cocoa, tea is drunk by the largest number of people.
China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China had tea as e_____96_____ as five to six thousand years ago, and the history of tea planting dates back to two thousand Years. The h______97______ of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America until the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is very large and it’s still g_______98_______.
Tea has been a necessary part of people's d_____99_____ lives in China for a long time. Countless numbers of people like to have a cup of tea after a meal. In summer, tea seems to drive away the h____100____ and bring on a cool feeling together with a feeling of relaxation. In medicine, the tea leaf is very important to people who live mainly o_____101_____ meat. A popular saying says, "I'd rather go without salt for three days than without tea for a single day. "
Tea is also rich in various vitamins and, for smokers, it helps to remove nicotine from the body. After drinking wine, strong tea may prove to be a good way to k_____102_____one's mind clear.
However, too much strong tea is bad for the s_______103_______ and can cause indigestion(消化不良). Drinking strong tea just before bedtime will make it hard for people to fall a_____104_____. Often drinking very strong tea may give some people heart and blood pressure disorders (混乱), and make the teeth of young people turn brown. But it is not d_____105_____ to prevent these undesirable(不受欢迎的)effects: just don't make your tea too strong.
What is social media It means all kinds of Internet applications, such as QQ, blogs, WeChat and so on. Social media plays an important role in our daily life. By using them, users can s___66___ things like photos, videos and posts with others.
Social media is certainly an interesting place to learn o___67___ opinions on the Internet. But when you are reading so many opinions online, it’s q___68___ possible for you to see some opinions that you strongly disagree with. In fact, you might feel like you should reply to these opinions at once. You might do some research, f___69___ some facts and reply to what are written. You finish writing out your reply, click “post” and win the argument!
Most people don’t like it when other people disagree with their i___70___, especially online strangers. You can h___71___ change their opinions just because you argued with them. In fact, it’s possible to make them feel more confident that they’re correct.
And the thing is, when you get in these kinds of fights online, it s___72___ influences(影响) you. You might not know it at first, b___73___ the argument that you take part in can easily make you feel u___74___. If you argue often, you start to enjoy arguing and then end up doing it even more. It’s a dangerous cycle.
I guess the best thing to do is to tell y____75____ that most arguments are meaningless. There are much better and more interesting things to do, whether online or in real life.
What is UNICEF UNICEF is part of the United Nations. It was s____96____ up in Europe in 1946, after World War II. At that time, m____97____ children’s lives were changed because of the war, and UNICEF wanted to help them. Now UNICEF works in over 190 c____98____ and areas. It helps governments, communities and families make the world a b____99____ place for children .
UNICEF wants all children to be h____100____, so it provides them with clean water and food, and tries to prevent them f____101____ getting illnesses. UNICEF believes that it is important for children to receive basic education, so it p____102____ basic education for children in poor areas. UNICEF keeps working for the equal rights of girls and women. It also w____103____ to prevent the spread of some serious diseases. UNICEF r____104____ money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities. People can s____105____ it by donating money or working as volunteers.
A country cannot live without young people, and young people cannot live without awakening.
—Li Dazhao
This year, the Communist Youth League of China, or CYLC(中国共青团) is turning 100 y___76___ old.
In 1922, the Youth League h___77___ its first National Congress(全国代表大会)in Guangzhou, which marked its birth. 25 members attended the meeting, representing 5,000 others f___78___ all over the country.
As a p___79___ of China’s youth movement, the CYLC has more than 73.7 million members nationwide aged 14 to 28, and about 43.8 million of i___80___ members are students. Young people are the future and h___81___ of a country and the CYLC always unites(团结), organizes and serves young people, encouraging them to w___82___ for China’s development.
Liu Lijia, a senior undergraduate student at Beijing Normal University, said t___83___ as a Youth League member, she thanks the Youth League for helping her development. She will become a volunteer teacher in China’s w___84___ areas and devote h___85___ to bridging the educational gap between different areas.
With the increasing population and cars, many countries w___81___ their fuel or petrol (汽油) will run out soon, so fuel price has risen up to n___82___ 10 yuan per litre (升). As a result, the cost of running a petrol-based car becomes higher and higher.
Have you ever thought of b___83___ an electric (电) car Now it’s clear that we all need to act on our empty wallet as well as s___84___ climate (气候) change, however, will people really be ready to make changes in their lives Can we really make our e___85___ greener than it is now
If you want to buy an electric car,which would you like That is a question. It all d___86___ on your personal taste. On May 28, 2022, so many Electronic smart cars made by Chinese auto companies s___87___ at Greater Bay Area Auto Show in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, which caught lots of young people’s eyes.
However, Electric cars aren’t perfect just yet. It may t___88___ eight hours or more to charge (充电) a car for only 300 km of driving. Many people think it a waste of time. Price is a problem, too. Electric cars cost much. The good news is that electric-car technology (技术) is getting better. As it does, the prices of this kind of cars are going down.
In order to charge the car more easily, our Chinese government is trying to build more charging stations around the country. And it will be a good c___89___ to work out the problem of charging on a long-distance trip.
Because of better batteries (电池), last month (in May, 2022), 51.2% of all new car registrations (登记) were electric cars. Among them, Chinese auto companies made a great contribution (贡献). So the change is starting to happen. It is safe to say that Chinese auto industry is overtaking in the corner.
Now car-makers are looking for other ways to make the car cheaper. Then more people will use electric cars and we will have a clean and green world in the near f_____90_____. Maybe, you can give them an opportunity, especially those made in China.
Alice in Wonderland is one of the most loved children’s books of all time, and many adults e____61____ it as well. It tells about a young girl called Alice, who e____62____ a magical world called Wonderland. Her adventures begin when she f____63____ a white rabbit down a hole. At the b____64____ of the hole, she finds a small door into a beautiful garden. She s____65____ in a pool of her own tears. She meets a cat with a smile. She also meets characters which are from a pack of playing cards and the Queen of Hearts i____66____ her to play croquet. Then she wakes up.
The writer of the book is Lewis Carroll. One day, he had a picnic with t____67____ little girls who were friends of the family. To catch their attention, he told them the s____68____ in which Alice was the main character. The three girls enjoyed the story very much and they asked Charles to w____69____ it down. And he did so. It was first p_____70_____ in 1866, under the name Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The book was a great success. Since the story was first printed, it has kept selling up to the present day.
缺词填空(共 10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分, 每空一词)
Gulliver’s Travels tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship’s doctor. He has the most unbelievable e___81___ on his travels. The story is told by Gulliver himself and every journey he makes ends w___82___ his ship being broken or attacked by pirates. Each time this happens Gulliver finds h___83___ in a strange land with even stranger people.
Its writer, Jonathan Swift, was born into a poor family in Dublin, Ireland. His mother couldn’t afford to raise her children, s___84___ she left her children in the care of relatives. His life experiences made a great difference to his w___85___. In his works, he had pity on the poor and hated the rich and powerful.
The book was a s___86___ when first published and is still popular today because both young readers and adults e___87___ it. This is because it can be enjoyed as a young reader’s fantasy story about travel and adventure and also as a political satire (讽刺)for adults.
In fact, Gulliver’ Travels is a travel book and Gulliver is a great adventurer. He always wants to leave h___88___ and travel on the seas another time. All these make the book a classic. So people are never t___89___ while reading.
At the end of the story Gulliver finally ends his travels but he is strongly c___90___ by them. He learns that there are many different ideas of what makes a civilized(文明的)society and that we must not feel superior(优越的) to others because they are different.
—Taken from Gulliver’s Travels
Wonder, by United States writer R. J. Palacio, is a powerful story of transformation (改变). It tells the story of a special boy, August Pullman, who was b____46____ with a serious facial difference. And up till now, it has p____47____ him from going to a mainstream school.
When he first started school at 10, everyone made fun of him. August wanted n____48____ more than to be treated as a kid like others—but his new classmates can’t get past his strange face. Students often bully (欺负) him for not looking normal (正常的). H____49____, he makes true friends there and even wins an award at his graduation ceremony. August is a hero for the ages, one who proves that you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.
This book has t____50____ my heart. It’s not a fairy tale—life isn’t one. I____51____, the story is very realistic, as it shows what could I really happen in middle school. What’s more, it’s told from different points of view (视角). Wonder begins from August’s point of view, but soon switches to (切换到) others’, i____52____ his classmates’, his sister’s and so on. This o____53____ readers a chance to understand different characters’ feelings and thoughts.
I think we can all relate to August. In one way or another, we are all just like him. We each have our own d____54____, but we shouldn’t try to change ourselves to fit in. We all experience ups and downs, but like August, we’ve got the c____55____ back and won. Despite all the brutality (残忍) in the world, there’s always a reason to smile.
When Boyan was 16 years old, he was diving in a sea. He was surprised to see more plastic bags than fish in the sea. He made up his m____51____ to clean up the ocean. However, everyone told him that he could do n____52____ if plastic bags went into the ocean. The teenager didn’t give up. He s____53____ several months studying plastic pollution. At last, he came up w____54____ a science project to collect the waste.
What’s more, the collected plastic bags can be recycled and made into products or oil. He won many p____55____ for the project, but that was not enough for him. He wanted to clean up the ocean to make our world a better place.
One morning there was a loud knock at Dean (牧师) Swift’s door. The servant (仆人) opened it. A man handed her a fine duck and said, “Here’s a present for the Dean. It’s from Mr. Boyle.”
Then he walked a___66___. Mr. Boyle was a sporting neighbour and he was a fan of Dean Swift. The next time, the man brought a quail. “Here’s s___67___ else for the Dean,” he said simply, and threw it to the servant.
“That man has no m___68___,” the servant complained. “The next time he comes,”said the Dean, “let me know, and I will go to the door.” It was not long u___69___ the man came with a present. The Dean went to the door.
“This is Mr. Boyle’s rabbit,” said the man. “See here,” said the Dean in a s___70___ voice, “that is not the way to send a message. Just walk inside and pretend (假装) that you are Dean Swift. I will go out and pretend that I am bringing him a present.” The man a___71___ and he walked inside. The Dean took the rabbit and went out. Then he knocked gently at the door. The door was o___72___ by the man.
The Dean bowed (鞠躬) and said, “If you please, sir, Mr. Boyle’s compliments (致意), and he wishes you could a___73___ this fine rabbit.” “Oh, thank you,” said the man very politely. Then, he gave the Dean a shilling (先令<货币单位>). “And here is something for your trouble.”
The lesson in manners was not forgotten; the man was always very p____74____ when he brought the presents. And the Dean always gives the man a “tip” for his problem. Jonathan Swift, often called Dean Swift, was famous as a w___75___. Among other books he wrote Gulliver’s Travels.
Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” If you travel to the UK, you need to greet people there in a p___66___ way. British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the f___67___ time. They only g___68___ relatives or close friends with a kiss. They like to start a conversation with s___69___ like the weather, holidays, music or books. They avoid talking about age, w___70___ ,or money.
Most of the British people have good manners. They think it rude to push in before others so they always q___71___ for their turn. They will apologize if they b___72___ into you by accident in the street. When you are in their way, they will always be p___73___ enough to wait for you to move. They pay great attention to their behaviors in public. For example, they seldom shout or laugh l___74___when others are around. When t____75____ with a British, you will also find that they say “please” or “thank you” all the time.
Keep these manners in your mind, I’m sure they will be helpful to you in the future.
Have you ever counted the number of digits (数字) in your mobile phone number Your number has 11 digits. You may sometimes find it hard to r____76____ your number. That’s because China has the l____77____ mobile phone number in the world. Why is that
The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. Each part has a different m____78____. The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider you are using. For example, 135 is for China Mobile Communications Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom. The f____79____ to the seventh digits tell you where the number is registered (注册). And the last four digits are random (随机的).
The main r____80____ for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world. We once had 10 numbers. But as our population g____81____, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999. Eleven digits can be used to make tens of billions of mobile phone numbers. That’s enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China.
And mobile phone numbers can be r____82____. Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled (注销的) number after three to six months. If you call a number that you haven’t contacted for a long time, you may find that its o____83____ has changed.
Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11-digit mobile phone numbers. B____84____ their numbers always start with 0. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. C____85____ like the United States, Australia and India, use phone numbers with 10 digits. Canada’s mobile phone numbers are perhaps the shortest in the world: they use seven digits.
Wang Guowei was a famous scholar(学者) who lived during the l____71____ Qing Dynasty(1644-1911). As a historian, literary critic(文学评论家) and poet, he was k______72______ for his great achievements in the studies of ancient history, philosophy and literary theory(理论). He chose three verses(段) from Song ci to d______73______ the three stages of the success achieving in learning and career development in the Human World(《人间词话》), his book of literary criticism.
For the first stage, he chose Tune: Butterflies in Love with Flower(《蝶恋花》) by Yan Shu, “Last night the western breeze blew withered leaves off trees. I mount the tower high and strain my longing eye.” This means people should stand on a high point so they can look f______74______ ahead. Even in hard times, they can predict what might happen and see a clear path t______75______ their goal.
For the second phase, Wang chose another ci with the s____76____ title Tune: Butterflies in Love with Flowers by Liu Yong: “I find my gown too large, but I will not regret; It’s w____77____ that I am growing tired and weak for her.” (衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴) Wang used these lines to r____78____ people that success comes from tireless persistence(坚持).
The third stage, also the highlight of the three, was from Xin Qiji’s ci Tune:
Green Jade Cup(《(青玉案》), “But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain.
When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.”
The lines told us that unexpected success often arrives when we are almost r_____79_____ to give up. H_______80_______, with hard work and full devotion(投入), success can be found at last.
At the end of summer, the Native Americans began to pack up their camp. It was time to move on. White Fang knew something different was going to happen. He decided to h____86____. He found a good hiding place near the camp and waited there.
At last they went away. White Fang was a____87____. Now he began to be really afraid. He had no mother to care for him. There were no men to throw h____88____ food. There was no warm tent to sleep in. There was only the f____89____ full of strange noises and movements. Suddenly the moon went behind a cloud. White Fang was in the d____90____ place.
There was some movement behind a tree. He wondered if it was a Lynx, the same animal that had killed his father. He started to run. He did not know w____91____ he was going. He only knew that he had to keep moving. After many hours, he came to where the Native Americans had camped the night before. White Fang could smell men, though there was no one there. He followed where his n____92____ led him. For more than 30 hours, he ran without s____93____. He ran along the river bank and through icy streams that flowed into the r____94____. He pushed his way through thick bushes. He became wet, cold and very t_____95_____. He sat down and looked up at the sky. He opened his mouth and howled. It was his first real wolf howl.
“Tell us about your favorite dream, Meg!” Laurie said.
“I’d like a lovely house, full of all kinds of n____86____ things — good food, pretty clothes and lovely furniture,” Meg said.” And I want to be a good person.”
“And what about a h____87____ and some beautiful children in your lovely house “ said Jo, l____88____.
Meg looked at Laurie and her face turned red.
“I guess you want h____89____ and pens and books in your house, Jo!” she r____90____.
“You’re right! Lots of Arabian horses and rooms full of books, “ said Jo. “I want to write books and be rich and f____91____.”
“And y____92____, Beth ”
“I dream about staying at home with Father and Mother forever and looking after the f____93____,” said Beth quietly.
“I have lots of dreams,” said Amy. “But my favorite one is to be an a____94____. I’d like to go to Rome and paint wonderful pictures. I want to be the best artist in the world.”
“Let’s meet again in ten years and see how many of us have got our w____95____,” said Jo.
—taken from Little Women
【答案】66. (i)mportant 67. (e)xperience 68. (s)omething 69. (r)eceive 70. (f)ull 71. (s)ame
72. (p)repared 73. (f)irst 74. (j)ust 75. (g)uest
66句意:去中国旅游时,了解中国的文化和习俗对你的行为举止很重要。根据“When travelling to China, understanding Chinese culture and customs is i...for you to behave in a good way.”可知,去一个地方旅行,了解中国的文化和习俗对你的行为举止很重要,important“重要的”,在句中作表语,故填(i)mportant。
67句意:被邀请到中国家庭做客是一种美妙而温暖的体验。根据“Being invited to a Chinese family’s home can be a wonderful and warm e...”可知,被邀请去中国家庭做客是好的体验,experience“体验”,此前有a修饰,使用名词单数形式,故填(e)xperience。
68句意:别忘了称赞家里你喜欢的东西。根据“Don’t forget to say good words about s...you like in the house.”可知,别忘了称赞你喜欢的东西,用不定代词something作宾语,故填(s)omething。
69句意:中国人喜欢收到装在漂亮盒子或篮子里的水果或茶。根据“Chinese people like to r...fruit or tea in a nice box or basket.”可知,中国人喜欢收到水果和茶,receive“收到”,like to do sth“喜欢做某事”,故填(r)eceive。
70句意:中国的餐桌是一个快乐的地方,充满了美味的食物和交谈。根据“A Chinese dinner table is a happy place, f...of delicious food and conversation.”可知,此处是full of短语,意为“充满”,故填(f)ull。
71句意:当被邀请来家里吃饭时,一定要注意到其他人在做什么,并试着做同样的事情。根据“When invited over for dinner, make sure to notice what everybody else is doing and try to do the s...”可知,跟其他人做相同的事,same“相同的事物”,故填(s)ame。
72句意:这表明主人已经准备了足够的食物。根据“Don’t finish off the whole dish, but leave a small amount of food on the plates. It shows that the host has p...enough food.”可知,剩点食物证明主人准备充足,prepare“准备”,用于现在完成时结构中,故填(p)repared。
73句意:中国人不怕问私人问题,即使你们是第一次见面。根据“Chinese people aren’t afraid to ask personal questions, even if you’ve met for the f...time.”可知,此处是for the first time短语,意为“第一次”,故填(f)irst。
74句意:如果你不想谈论自己的生活,就向他们解释。根据“If you don’t want to talk about your own life, j...explain to them.”可知,如果你不想谈论自己的生活,就向他们解释,just“就,只”符合语境,故填(j)ust。
75句意:作为中国的客人,你会得到特殊待遇。根据“As a g... in China, you will get special treatment.”可知,客人会得到特殊待遇,guest“客人”,此前有a修饰,使用名词单数形式,故填(g)uest。
【答案】76. (i)nstead 77. (e)nough 78. (r)eceived 79. (S)ince 80. (c)over 81. (g)reen
82. (d)eveloped 83. (r)aised 84. (e)xample 85. (s)uccessful
76句意:例如,乘坐公共汽车而不是开车上班。根据“It records users’ low-carbon activities—taking a bus to work ...of driving”可知,蚂蚁森林提倡低碳活动,所以是乘坐公交而不是开车,instead of“而不是”,故填(i)nstead。
77句意:当用户的绿色能量足够高时,蚂蚁森林及其合作伙伴将为该用户种植一棵真正的树。根据“When a user’s green energy gets high ..., Ant Forest and its partners will plant a real tree for that person.”可知,攒取足够高的绿色能量,就会种一颗真树,enough“足够”,修饰high,故填(e)nough。
78句意:蚂蚁森林因鼓励人们过更绿色的生活方式,保护环境,获得了联合国最高环保荣誉——2019年地球冠军奖。根据“Ant Forest ...the 2019 Champions of the Earth award”可知,获得奖项,receive“获得”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(r)eceived。
79句意:据新华社报道,自2016年8月成立以来,蚂蚁森林及其合作伙伴已经在中国最干旱地区种植了约1.22亿棵树,包括内蒙古、甘肃、青海和山西等地区。根据“Ant Forest and its partners have planted some 122 million trees in China’s driest areas”可知,“since+过去时间点”常与现在完成时连用,since“自从”,句首需大写首字母,故填(S)ince。
80句意:树木覆盖面积为11.2万公顷。根据“The trees....an area of 112,000 hectares.”及首字母可知,此处指“覆盖面积”,cover“覆盖”,时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,d故填(c)over。
81句意:这只是中国绿化地球努力的一部分。根据“This is only part of China’s efforts to make Earth ....”及首字母可知,是中国绿化地球,green“绿色的”,作宾语补足语,故填(g)reen。
82句意:据《中国日报》报道,该项目改善了当地的生活条件,发展了当地的商业。根据“.....local business”及首字母可知,是发展当地商业,develope“发展”,时态是现在完成时,空处用过去分词。故填(d)eveloped。
83句意:据报道,2017年,该项目区域的森林覆盖率提高了13.57%,而40年前为5.05%。根据“It’s reported the forest coverage rate among the regions of the project r...13.57 percent in 2017, compared to 5.05 percent 40 years ago.”可知,森林覆盖率提高了,raise“提高”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(r)aised。
84句意:鉴于中国在防治荒漠化方面取得的成功,联合国环境规划署认为中国是其他国家学习的好榜样。根据“the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) believes the country is a good ....for others to follow.”可知,中国是其他国家学习的好榜样,example“榜样,例子”,此前有a修饰,使用名词单数形式,故填(e)xample。
85句意:中国是沙漠绿化最成功的国家之一,有经验可以与世界分享。根据“China is one of the most s...countries in greening the desert and has lessons to share with the world.”可知,中国早沙漠绿化这一方面是成功的,successful“成功的”,与空前the most形成最高级,在句中作定语修饰countries,故填(s)uccessful。
【答案】66. (t)rain 67. (t)oday’s 68. (c)hance 69. (i)nclude 70. (i)tself 71. (e)nded
72. (s)eparated 73. (W)ars 74. (s)imilar 75. (b)lind
66句意:世界上最好的运动员们在比赛前努力训练并且希望赢得金牌,银牌和铜牌。分析句子结构可知此处应填一个谓语动词,结合首字母提示及“and hope to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal.”可知这里说的是运动员们努力训练并希望赢得奖牌,并且时态应是一般现在时;又因主语athletes是复数,所以谓语动词用原形,故空处应是train“训练”,动词。故填(t)rain。
67句意:然而,第一届奥林匹克运动会与现代的奥林匹克运动会很不一样。根据首字母提示及“However, the first Olympics was quite different ...”可知此处讲的是古代奥运和现代奥运会的区别;应填today’s“今天的”,故填(t)oday’s。
68句意:比赛是运动员们为他们的城邦争光的机会,就像当今运动员为自己国家争光一样。根据首字母提示及空后“just as athletes bring honor to their countries nowadays. ”可知此处应指奥林匹克比赛给运动员们提供了为他们城市争光的机会,故空处应是chance“机会”,名词;根据空前的冠词a,可知此处为可数名词单数。故填(c)hance。
69句意:渐渐地,奥运会项目扩大到包括马车赛,赛马,拳击和五项全能等项目。根据首字母提示及“such as chariot and horse racing, boxing, and the pentathlon.”可知此处应指奥运会包括的项目,故空处应是include“包括”,动词;分析句子结构可知,空前有不定式符号to,故填动词原形。故填(i)nclude。
70句意:五项全能由五个不同的项目组成:疾跑,摔跤,跳远,铁饼和标枪。根据首字母提示及句子结构可知,此处应是反身代词作“The pentathlon”的同位语,故空处应是itself“它自己”,反身代词。故填(i)tself。
71句意:古希腊奥运会在公元前395年左右结束,并且在2200多年的时间里再也没有举行过。根据首字母提示及“and weren’t played again for over 2, 200 years.”可知本句是一般过去式,且此处指奥运会结束的时间,故空处应填end“结束”,动词。故填(e)nded。
72句意:现代奥运会包括更多的运动项目,如足球和滑雪,并且分为夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会。根据首字母提示及空后“...the Summer and Winter Olympics.”可知空处是指现代奥运会分为了夏季和冬季奥运会,故空处应填separate“使分开”,动词;分析句子结构可知此处是被动语态,其结构为be+done。故填(s)eparated。
73句意:在古代奥运会之前和之后的七天,战争会停止,以便运动员能够安全前往奥运会。根据首字母提示及“so that athletes could travel safely to the games. ”可知,此处指战争停止,故空处应填war“战争”,可数名词;其前没有任何冠词或限定词修饰,故用名词复数形式。故填(W)ars。
74句意:同样,许多人认为现代奥运会创造了友善,因为各国通过体育竞技而不是战斗来展示实力。根据首字母提示及前一句“so that athletes could travel safely to the games. ”和“as nations exhibit strength through...”可知,此处讲的是古代和现代奥运会的类似之处,故空处应填similar“相似的”,形容词。故填(s)imilar。
75句意:有些人是盲人。根据首字母提示及前一句“Some are in wheelchairs.”可知此处指盲人,故空处应填blind“失明的”,形容词。故填(b)lind。
【答案】66. (f)act 67. (m)arks##(m)eans 68. (e)njoying 69. (h)istory 70. (f)alls
71. (c)olours##(c)olors 72. (f)irst 73. (a)lso 74. (m)ade 75. (e)verything
66句意:元宵来源于人们称农历正月为元月和夜晓的事实。根据下文“people call the first lunar month the Yuan Month and night Xiao”可知,这里是讲述事实,应用fact表示,故填(f)act。
67句意:正月十五的晚上意味着第一个满月的开始。根据下文“the beginning of the first full moon”可知,标志着第一个满月的开始。根据首字母m提示,可得单词mark/mean,主语The night of the 15th day of the first lunar month为第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故填(m)arks/(m)eans。
68句意:在元宵节这天,中国人有赏灯笼、吃汤圆的习俗。根据上文“On the Lantern Festival”及常识可知,在元宵节这天,中国人赏灯笼。根据首字母e提示,可得单词enjoy,且位于介词of之后,故enjoy应用ing形式,故填(e)njoying。
69句意:这一习俗始于汉代,至今已有两千多年的历史。根据上文“The custom started during the Han Dynasty”可知,这一习俗至今已有两千多年的历史。根据首字母h提示,可得单词history,且位于a之后,故history应用单数形式。故填(h)istory。
70句意:夜幕降临,人们成群结队地来到五彩缤纷的灯海中。根据下文“people go in crowds to the sea of colorful lanterns”可知,夜幕降临,才能看灯。根据首字母f提示,可得单词fall,根据语境可知,此处应用一般现在时陈述事实,主语为night,故动词fall应用第三人称单数形式。故填(f)alls。
71句意:宫灯、壁灯、人像灯、花灯、转马灯、动物灯、玩具灯,种类繁多,颜色各异。根据上文“people go in crowds to the sea of colorful lanterns”可知,元宵灯种类繁多,颜色各异。根据首字母c提示,可得单词colour/color,空格前为all,应用复数形式。故填(c)olours/(c)olors。
72句意:有些灯笼上有谜语,这鼓励人们努力成为第一个找到答案的人。根据上文“Some lanterns have riddles(谜语) on them”及常识可知,出谜语第一个猜出来的人会有奖励,所以是鼓励人们努力成为第一个找到答案的人。根据首字母f提示,可得单词first,意为“第一个的”,符合句意,故填(f)irst。
73句意:吃糯米糍也是传统习俗。根据上文“The custom started during the Han Dynasty, and has a history of more than 2000 years”可知,这里说的是另一个习俗,所以空格处应填意为“也”的单词。根据首字母a提示,可得单词also,副词,意为“也”,符合句意,故填(a)lso。
74句意:早在宋代,就有这样一种食物,一种用糯米粉做成的圆球,里面装满了糖和果仁。根据下文“glutinous rice flour with a filling of sugar and kernels”可知,此处指的是它的制作原料。根据首字母m提示,可得单词make,根据语境可知,此处应用被动语态,故make应用过去分词。故填(m)ade。
75句意:中国人民希望万事如意。根据下文“yuanman in Chinese”可知,圆满的意思就是万事如意。根据首字母e提示,可得单词everything,意为“一切”,符合句意,故填(e)verything。
【答案】66. even 67. making 68. discussed 69. watch 70. parts 71. events 72. taught
73. highly 74. realize 75. other
66even句意:在面对新技术时它变得更困难的。修饰比较级more difficult,故此处用副词even。
67making句意:所以证明擅长让孩子们对传统感兴趣的官员,聚集在湖北省武汉。make sb +形容词“使某人感到……”,be good at doing sth“擅长做某事”,故此处为动名词making。
68句意:官员们讨论如何让地方戏在小学和中学受欢迎。根据Officers also agreed that……可知官员们同意某个观点,故表示他们讨论问题,根据agreed可知此处用一般过去时,故为discussed。
69句意:官员们同意每个学生应该每年有机会免费观看一个传统的戏剧演出。根据宾语是a traditional opera show可知此处表示观看节目,get the chance to do sth有机会做某事,故此处为动词原形watch。
70句意:剧院的工作被分为三部分:演讲,教授和表演。根据speech, teaching and performance.可知此处指的是三部分,有three修饰,故用复数名词parts。
72句意:在80%多的小学和中学,传统的戏剧课被教授。根据in more than 80 percent of its elementary and middle schools.可知学校里,应是这些课被教,故此处用过去分词taught。
75句意:其中一个官员说我国的其他地区能从湖北省的经验中学到一些教训。other parts of 其他一些地方,故此处为other。
【答案】71. (M)aybe 72. (f)ew 73. (u)nlike 74. (s)imply 75. (a)lso 76. (f)illed
77. (l)ift 78. (r)ose 79. (l)etting 80. (d)own
71句意:如果你看到一个热气球在你家附近降落,也许你不会做这些事情。根据后文“you wouldn’t do any of those things”可推断,这里表示“可能你不会”,结合首字母可知,这里应用“maybe”表达“可能”(位于句首开头字母大写)。故填(M)aybe。
72句意:但是在1783年,很少有人见过这样的东西。结合前后文“But back in 1783”“people had ever seen such a thing.”可知,这里表示1978年的人没见过热气球这种东西,故此句为否定句,由“people”和首字母可推断此处应考查“few”表示“几乎没有”来修饰“people”。故填(f)ew。
73句意:他非常不像他的弟弟艾蒂安,一个负责任的成功人士。根据前文“Ballooning started with Joseph Montgolfier, who was not the type of person you’d expected to be an inventor. He didn’t like school and ran away from home as a teenager.”及后文“who was responsible and successful”可知这里表达约瑟夫·蒙戈尔跟弟弟艾蒂安完全不像,故填(u)nlike。
74句意:许多好的科学都是从简单地关注和思考你所看到的开始的。由“Joseph made a common observation and then did something amazing with it.”可知约瑟夫通过简单观察却做出不平凡的事,故推断空内表达“简单观察”,这里需要副词修饰动词短语“paying attention”,结合首字母可知,应用simply。故填(s)imply。
75句意:他还注意到上升的热空气可以携带固体物体。根据前文“Joseph noticed that hot air rises”及后文“noticed that rising hot air can carry solid(固体的)objects with it.”可知本句表达“注意到……还注意到……”,结合首字母可知这里考查“also”表示“也”。故填(a)lso
76句意:他想知道,如果我用热空气装满一个布袋会怎么样?由前文“Joseph noticed that hot air rises”及后文“noticed that rising hot air can carry solid(固体的)objects with it.”可知约瑟夫发现空气加热可以携带固体,由后文“a cloth bag with hot air ”可推断此处表达“如果我用热空气装满一个布袋会怎么样”fill with“装满,充满”,时态为一般过去时,故填(f)illed。
77句意:上升的空气会提起袋子吗?根据前文“Joseph noticed that hot air rises”及后文“noticed that rising hot air can carry solid(固体的)objects with it.”可知约瑟夫发现空气加热可以携带固体,这里表示猜测“空气上升时会提起袋子吗?”,结合首字母可知此处考查“lift”表示“抬起,升高”。故填(l)ift。
78句意:当然,充满热空气的袋子会上升。由前文“Would the rising air lift the bag ”可知,当时的约瑟夫好奇它会不会上升,而由“Of course,”可断定“充满空气的袋子当然会上升”,结合首字母可知此处考查“rise”表达“上升”,时态为一般过去时,故填(r)ose。
79句意:他们举行公开演示,将气球置于在火坑上填充,然后放飞。根据前文“filling the balloons over a fire pit and”可知此处表达“让气球飞起来”,结合首字母可知这里考查“let”表示“让”,由“and”前的“filling”可推断填空处与其并列,应用动名词。故填(l)etting。
80句意:气球上升,然后随着里面的空气冷却下来。由“as the air inside cooled off. ”可推断当气球里面的空气冷却下来时,气球会降落下来,come down“下降”。故填(d)own。
【答案】71. (a)gainst 72. (s)uccessfully 73. (a)ctive 74. (p)repare 75. (D)uring
76. (b)rave 77. (r)aised 78. (c)hance 79. (l)ouder 80. (i)nterview
71句意:英国律师维多利亚·埃文斯只带着她的小船,在海上与狂风大浪搏斗。根据“high winds and big waves at sea”及首字母提示可知,此处表示小船与大风大浪搏斗,是fight against“与……作斗争”,故填(a)gainst。
72句意:她独自一人成功地划过大西洋。根据“rowed across the Atlantic Ocean alone. Her adventure has set a new world record!”及首字母提示可知,她成功地穿过了大西洋,修饰动词用副词,故填(s)uccessfully。
73句意:三年前,她有了鼓励更多女性积极参与体育运动的想法。根据“had the idea to encourage more females to become...in sports”及首字母提示可知,是鼓励女性积极参与运动,active“积极的”,是形容词,故填(a)ctive。
74句意:然后她继续准备在海上航行。根据“for sailing on the ocean.”及首字母提示可知,她继续做准备,此处是prepare for“为……准备”,故填(p)repare。
75句意:在旅途中,大风使划船变得非常困难。根据“the trip, high winds made rowing very difficult”及首字母提示可知,此处说的是在旅行期间,during“在……期间”符合,故填(D)uring。
76句意:这位勇敢的女子在40天19小时内完成了4700多公里的划船。根据“rowed across the Atlantic Ocean alone. Her adventure has set a new world record!”及首字母提示可知,这位女子是勇敢的,故填(b)rave。
77句意:维多利亚的冒险为一个名为“运动中的女性”的慈善机构筹集了24000英镑。根据“24,000 pounds for a charity called Women in Sport. This charity...”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“筹钱”,raise money“筹钱”,描述的动作已完成,应用一般过去时,故填(r)aised。
78句意:这个慈善机构致力于让每一位女性都有机会参加体育活动。根据“give every female the...to take part in sports.”及首字母提示可知,慈善机构给了每一位女性运动的机会,故填(c)hance。
79句意:事实胜于雄辩。根据“Actions speak...than words”及首字母提示可知,此处是习语“Actions speak louder than words”,表示“事实胜于雄辩”,故填(l)ouder。
80句意:这位律师在随后的采访中说。根据“I wants use this experience to show people one thing: You are able to do anything you set your mind to!”及首字母提示可知,这是这位女性在采访中的话,此处指的是“采访”,故填(i)nterview。
【答案】96. early 97. habit 98. growing 99. daily 100. heat 101. on 102. keep
103. stomach 104. asleep 105. difficult
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是形容词,由后文“as five to six thousand years ago”可知,应该填的是早的,as early as 意为“早在”,故填early。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是名词,由后面的句子“of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century”可知,应该是习惯,habit意为“习惯”,故填habit。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是动词的现在分词形式,由前文“Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is very large and it’s still”可知,应该填的是增长,grow意为“增长”现在分词是growing,故填growing。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是形容词作定语,由后文“lives in China for a long time”可知,应该是日常生活,daily意为“日常的”,故填daily。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是名词,由后文“bring on a cool feeling together with a feeling of relaxation”可知,应该填的是驱走炎热,heat意为“炎热”,故填heat。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是介词,由固定搭配live on意为“以……为食”以及后文“meat”可知,应该填on,故填on。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是动词原形,由固定搭配keep one’s mind clear意为“保持头脑清醒”可知,应该填的是keep,故填keep。
根据所在位置可知,应该填的是名词,由前文“too much strong tea is bad for the”可知,应该填的是胃,stomach意为“胃”,故填stomach。
根据固定搭配fall asleep意为“入睡”以及前文“Drinking strong tea just before bedtime will make it hard for people to fall”可知,应该填asleep,故填asleep。
根据所在位置,应该填形容词作表语,由后文“just don't make your tea too strong”可知,应该是不难,difficult意为“困难的”,故填difficult。
【答案】66. (s)hare 67. (o)thers’ 68. (q)uite 69. (f)ind 70. (i)deas 71. (h)ardly
72. (s)lowly##(s)urely 73. (b)ut 74. (u)nhappy 75. (y)ourself##(y)ourselves
66句意:通过使用它们,用户可以与他人分享照片、视频和帖子等内容。根据“Social media”和首字母提示可知,社交媒体可以分享照片、视频等;share“分享”,且情态动词后接动词原形;故填(s)hare。
67句意:社交媒体当然是一个有趣的地方来了解别人在互联网上的观点。根据“opinions on the Internet”和首字母提示可知,学习其他人的观点,others’“其他人的”符合句意;故填(o)thers’。
69句意:你可以做一些调查,找到一些事实,并回复所写的内容。根据“do some research”和首字母提示可知,做调查是为了找出事实,且情态动词后接动词原形,find“找到”符合句意;故填(f)ind。
70句意:大多数人不喜欢别人不同意自己的观点,尤其是网上的陌生人。根据“Most people don’t like it”和首字母提示可知,不同意他们的观点,idea“主意、观点”,此处用复数;故填(i)deas。
71句意:你不能因为和他们争论就改变他们的观点。根据“change their opinions just because you argued with them”和首字母提示可知,很难改变,hardly“几乎不”符合句意;故填(h)ardly。
72句意:问题是,当你在网上卷入这种争斗时,它肯定/慢慢会影响你。根据“influences(影响) you”和首字母提示可知,这种争论肯定会影响你,或是慢慢影响你,副词修饰动词,slowly“慢慢地”/surely“肯定”符合句意;故填(s)lowly/(s)urely。
73句意:一开始你可能不知道,但你参与的争论很容易让你感到不快。根据“You might not know it at first”和首字母提示可知,前后两句是转折关系,but符合句意;故填(b)ut。
74句意:一开始你可能不知道,但你参与的争论很容易让你感到不快。根据“the argument that you take part in”和首字母提示可知,争论会让你感觉不开心,unhappy“不高兴的”符合句意;故填(u)nhappy。
75句意:我想最好的办法就是告诉自己大多数的争论都是没有意义的。根据“that most arguments are meaningless”和首字母提示可知,告诉自己,yourself/yourselves“你自己/你们自己”符合句意;故填(y)ourself/(y)ourselves。
【答案】96. (s)et 97. (m)any 98. (c)ountries 99. (b)etter 100. (h)ealthy 101. (f)rom
102. (p)rovides 103. (w)orks 104. (r)aises 105. (s)upport
96句意:1946年,第二次世界大战后,该组织在欧洲成立。根据“It was ... up in Europe in 1946”及首字母可知,此处指set up“成立”,was后跟过去分词构成一般过去时的被动语态,故填(s)et。
97句意:当时,许多儿童的生活因为战争而改变,联合国儿童基金会想要帮助他们。根据“children’s lives”及首字母可知,此处指“许多”many,后跟可数名词复数形式。故填(m)any。
98句意:目前联合国儿童基金会在190多个国家和地区开展工作。根据“and areas”及首字母可知,此处指“国家”country,190后跟名词复数形式。故填(c)ountries。
99句意:它帮助政府、社区和家庭为儿童创造一个更美好的世界。根据“ It helps governments, communities and families make the world a ... place for children .”及上文“许多孩子的生活因为战争而改变”可知,句中暗含比较之意,指的是创造更美好的世界,结合首字母,better符合语境。故填(b)etter。
100句意:联合国儿童基金会希望所有的孩子都健康,所以它为他们提供干净的水和食物,并努力防止他们生病。根据“so it provides them with clean water and food, and tries to prevent them ...getting illnesses”可知,提供干净的水和食物是为了防止他们生病,所以此处指希望他们健康,空处用形容词healthy“健康的”作表语,故填(h)ealthy。
102句意:联合国儿童基金会认为儿童接受基础教育很重要,因此它为贫困地区的儿童提供基础教育。provide sth for sb“为某人提供某物”,主语是it,结合“ believes that it is ”可知,时态是一般现在时,所以谓语动词用三单形式,故填(p)rovides。
103句意:它还致力于防止一些严重疾病的传播。根据“UNICEF keeps working for...”和“also ”及首字母可知,此处指work“工作”,主语是it,时态是一般现在时,所以谓语动词用三单形式。故填(w)orks。
104句意:联合国儿童基金会通过出售圣诞卡和组织其他活动筹钱。根据“money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities.”及首字母可知,此处指“筹钱”raise money,主语是UNICEF,时态是一般现在时,所以谓语动词用用三单形式。故填(r)aises。
105句意:人们可以通过捐款或做志愿者来支持它。根据“it by donating money or working as volunteers”及首字母可知,通过捐款或做志愿者的方式是来支持它,support“支持”,情态动词can后跟动词原形。故填(s)upport。
【答案】76. (y)ears 77. (h)eld 78. (f)rom 79. (p)ioneer 80. (i)ts 81. (h)ope 82. (w)ork 83. (t)hat 84. (w)estern 85. (h)erself
77句意:1922年,共青团在广州召开了第一次全国代表大会,标志着共青团的诞生。根据“its first National Congress(全国代表大会)in Guangzhou,”可知会议是被召开的,hold“举行”,动词,时态是一般过去时,故填(h)eld。
78句意:25名成员参加了会议,代表了来自全国各地的5000人。根据“representing 5,000 others...all over the country.”可知此处应填一个介词,结合首字母,from“来自”符合,故填(f)rom。
79句意:作为中国青年运动的先行者,共青团在全国有7370多万名14岁至28岁的会员,其中约4380万名是学生。根据“ As a p...of China’s youth movement,”结合首字母可知,此处是指共青团是中国青年运动的先行者,pioneer“先驱者”,可数名词,被a修饰,用单数,故填(p)ioneer。
81句意:青年是国家的未来和希望。根据“Young people are the future and...of a country”结合单词首字母可知,此处是指青年是国家的未来和希望,hope“希望”符合语境,故填(h)ope。
82句意:共青团始终团结、组织、服务青年,鼓励青年为国家的发展而努力。根据“ encouraging them to...for China’s development.”可知是指为国家发展而努力工作,work“工作”,动词,空前有不定式符号to,动词用原形,故填(w)ork。
84句意:她将成为中国西部地区的支教教师,致力于弥合不同地区之间的教育差距。根据“a volunteer teacher in China’s w...areas”结合首字母可知是指西部地区,western“西部的”,形容词作定语,故填(w)estern。
85句意:她将成为中国西部地区的支教教师,致力于弥合不同地区之间的教育差距。固定短语devote oneself“致力于”,结合首字母h可知应填herself“她自己”。故填(h)erself。
【答案】81. (w)orry 82. (n)early 83. (b)uying 84. (s)erious 85. (e)nvironment##(e)arth
86. (d)epends 87. (s)hone 88. (t)ake 89. (c)hance 90. (f)uture
81句意:随着人口和汽车的增加,许多国家担心它们的燃料或汽油很快就会用完,因此燃料价格已经上涨到每升近10元。根据“many countries...their fuel or petrol (汽油) will run out soon,”和首字母可知,此处是指担心燃料或汽油用完。worry“担心”,动词;再根据“the cost of running a petrol-based car becomes”可知,本句描述一个客观事实,需用一般现在时。主语是复数,动词用原形。故填(w)orry。
82句意:随着人口和汽车的增加,许多国家担心它们的燃料或汽油很快就会用完,因此燃料价格已经上涨到每升近10元。根据“fuel price has risen up to...10 yuan per litre”和首字母可知,此处是指燃油价格已涨到每升近10元。nearly“几乎”,副词。故填(n)early。
83句意:你有没有想过买一辆电动汽车?根据“If you want to buy an electric car”可知,此处是指买一辆电动汽车。buy“买”,动词;又因空前有介词“of”,其后跟动名词形式。故填(b)uying。
84句意:现在很明显,我们都需要对我们的空钱包以及严重的气候变化采取行动。根据“make our...greener than it is now ”和首字母可知,此处是指此处是指严重的气候变化。serious“严重的”,形容词作定语。故填(s)erious。
85句意:我们真的可以让我们的环境/地球比现在更环保吗?根据“Can we really make our...greener than it is now ”和常识可知,燃油汽车对环境/地球不环保。所以此处是指使用电动汽车可以让环境/地球比现在更环保吗。environment“环境”/earth“地球”,名词。故填(e)nvironment/(e)arth。
86句意:这完全取决于您的个人品味。固定短语depend on“取决于”;本句是一般现在时,且主语“It”是单数,动词用三单形式。故填(d)epends。
87句意:2022年5月28日,众多中国车企打造的智能电动汽车在广东深圳大湾区车展上大放异彩,吸引了众多年轻人的目光。根据“so many Electronic smart cars made by Chinese auto companies...at Greater Bay Area Auto Show in Shenzhen”和首字母可知,此处是指智能电动汽车在车展上大放异彩。固定短语shine at sth.“表现出色”;再根据“caught lots of young people’s eyes.”可知,本句是一般过去时,动词需用过去式shone。故填(s)hone。
88句意:充电300公里,可能需要8小时甚至更长时间。根据“It may...eight hours or more to charge (充电) a car for only 300 km of driving.”和备选词可知,“take”符合语境,意为花费时间。故填(t)ake。
89句意:这将是一个解决长途旅行充电问题的好机会。根据“it will be a good...to work out the problem of charging on a long-distance trip.”和首字母可知,此处是指解决问题的好机会。固定句型it’s a good chance to do sth.“这是做某事的好机会”。故填(c)hance。
90句意:然后更多的人将使用电动汽车,我们将在不久的将来拥有一个清洁绿色的世界。根据“we will have a clean and green world in the near...”可知,本句是一般将来时,此处future“将来”符合语境,固定短语in the future“在将来”。故填(f)uture。
【答案】61. (e)njoy 62. (e)nters 63. (f)ollows 64. (b)ottom 65. (s)wims 66. (i)nvites
67. (t)hree 68. (s)tory 69. (w)rite 70. (p)rinted
61句意:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》一直以来都是最受欢迎的儿童读物之一,许多成年人也很喜欢。根据“Alice in Wonderland is one of the most loved children’s books of all time”和“as well”可知,成年人也喜欢这本书,enjoy“喜欢”,主语many adults是复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式,故填(e)njoy。
62句意:它讲述了一个叫爱丽丝的小女孩,她进入了一个叫仙境的魔法世界。根据“Her adventures begin”可知,她的冒险开始了,因此她进入这个魔法世界,enter“进入”,定语从句的先行词Alice是第三人称单数形式,因此定语从句的谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填(e)nters。
64句意:在洞的底部,她发现了一扇通往美丽花园的小门。根据“Her adventures begin when she f…a white rabbit down a hole.”可知,她进入一个洞,因此到达了洞的底部,at the bottom of表示“在……的底部”,故填(b)ottom。
65句意:她在自己的泪水池里游泳。根据“in the pool of…”可知,在池子里游泳,swim“游泳”,主语she是第三人称单数形式,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填(s)wims。
66句意:她还遇到了来自一副扑克牌的角色,红心皇后邀请她去玩槌球。根据句意及首字母可知,此处考查invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”,主语the Queen of Hearts是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填(i)nvites。
67句意:一天,他和三个小女孩一起野餐,她们是这家人的朋友。根据后文的“The three girls enjoyed the story very much”可知,此处指三个女孩,three“三”,故填(t)hree。
68句意:为了引起他们的注意,他给他们讲了一个以爱丽丝为主角的故事。根据后文的“The three girls enjoyed the story very much”可知,他给她们讲了一个故事,story“故事”,有定冠词the修饰,用单数名词,故填(s)tory。



上一篇:专题07 完成句子--译林版英语八年级第二学期期末真题专项训练(含解析)

下一篇:专题14 物主代词和冠词80题-译林版英语七年级下学期期末复习真题专项训练(含解析)