专题04 语法填空-译林版英语八年级第二学期期末真题专项训练(含解析)

综合填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again and again. Do you know how it’s recycled Let’s find it out together.
The glass recycling begins when you put your used glass bottles into the recycle bin. It’s very important that you do your part. After all, if you throw it in the rubbish bin instead ___35___ the cycle bin, it will end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋场). Though it might not be ___36___ (harm) to the soil, it’s a waste of resource.
When the glass is collected by the factory, it will ___37___ (clean) first.That means washing away the waste inside and ___38___ (take) away metals and paper or plastic labels(标签).
Now the glass is clean. It’s time ___39___ (separate) different kinds of glass for recycling. For example, coloured glass and clear glass are two different kinds,and non-food containers(容器) cannot mix ___40___ food containers.
In the next step, the glass will be sent to a machine where it’s broken down ___41___ small pieces. The pieces are called cullet. After the cullet travels down a conveyor belt(传送带), some special ___42___ (tool) are used to take away remaining(遗留的) metals and small paper labels. The cullet becomes much ___43___ (clean).
Finished cullet is then sold to other factories ___44___ a material. The factories melt down the cullet and then form it into new things. Your glass bottle now may become a part of a desk, some beach sand or paint for street lines.
Altogether, the whole recycling and re-production process(过程) can take about 30 days.
All around the world, families celebrate special days together. Traditions for these days _____53_____ (be) very different. Some of them may surprise you.
Families in most countries have a special day to celebrate mothers. In Serbia, this day is on _____54_____ second Sunday before Christmas. On that day, children sneak(溜)into their _____55_____(mother)bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon(丝带)so that she can’t get out of bed. Then they shout, “Mother’s Day, Mother’s Day! What will you pay _____56_____(get) away ” Then the mother gives _____57_____ (they) small treats and presents as payment so that the kids “free” her.
In China, they say that _____58_____ (baby) are one year old when they are born. After that, all children celebrate their birthday on New Year’s Day because that’s when they grow a year _____59_____ (old). Actual birthdays are _____60_____ (usual) celebrated with a big family meal. The tradition is that the “birthday boy” or “birthday girl” should fill their mouth with as many long noodles _____61_____ they can and then eat them. This is because in Chinese culture, long noodles are a symbol ______62______ long life.
Bing Dwen Dwen, the cute mascot (吉祥物) of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, has been selling like hotcakes. Why is the ice-glazed panda so popular What are the ideas behind its design
Professor Cao Xue, who is in charge of the design team, told us the story. Cao Xue ____53____ (clear) remembers the exciting day of September 17th, 2019.
“That day our design was ____54____ (choose) as the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. We were ____55____ excited that we jumped up with joy.” After ____56____ (discuss), the mascot got a new name — “Bing Dwen Dwen”.
Bing Dwen Dwen is a panda with its full-body “shell” (壳) made out of ice. Cao said ____57____ idea came from traditional Chinese snack “ice-sugar gourd”, also known ____58____ tanghulu.
In order to make the panda look more pleasant, Cao and his team members ____59____ (fly) to Sichuan Province to watch pandas. They found that the ratio (比例) of a baby panda’s head to body is different ____60____ that of an adult panda’s, making them ____61____ (cute) and more playful. So they improved the image based on the baby panda.
As for Bing Dwen Dwen’s popularity, Cao said he expected (预料) it to be popular, ____62____ did not expect it to become so popular. “Its ice shell is cold, but the image looks warm and lovely. I believe this kind of warmth can be something everybody feels,” said Cao.
Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening you can see ___55___ (American) running. Men and women, young and old run—along the beaches of California, through Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym. Some people even run in their living rooms.
Running wasn’t so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and ___56___ (health), strong people. When people ___57___ (see) them, they used to ask, “Hey, what’s the hurry ” or they might say to ___58___ (they), “Are they crazy ” At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed ___59___. But today all these attitudes (态度) have ___60___ (change). Men and women of all ages enjoy running.
Doctors say many of the health problems in ___61___ United States come from these bad habits: ___62___(eat) too much, smoking cigarettes, and doing little exercise. Doctors tell us, “Eat less, don`t smoke, and exercise ___63___ (much).” Running is a good exercise ____64____ it helps build a strong body. It also helps most people lose weight.
The year 2022 is a big year for sports in China. That’s because it holds not only the twenty-fourth Winter Olympics in Beijing, but also the ____81____ (nineteen) Asian Games (亚运会) in Hangzhou.
On August 6, 2018, the official emblem (会徽) for the Hangzhou Asian Games came out. The city ____82____ (win) the hosting right for the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third Chinese city ____83____ (hold) the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010.
The Asian Games first ____84____ (take) place in 1951. It is the ____85____ (large) sports event in Asia. It also means a lot to China. To make the Games a great ____86____ (successful), Chinese people worked hard to prepare. Beijing built a great number of ____87____ (road) and stadiums, including the famous Beijing Olympic Sports Centre and Asian Games Village. The games helped the world ____88____ (see) China.
For the ____89____ (come) 2022 Asian Games, Hangzhou has already started building sports playgrounds. And all the Games’ buildings will be ____90____ (friend) to the environment.
What can we do with recycled things For Yan Hong, 33, from Chengdu, they can become ____61____ (amaze) craftwork pieces(手工艺品) She thinks we can reduce ____62____ (pollute) in this way.
She used nut shells ____63____ (make) a “golden” armor (盔甲). She made a Miao headdress with recycled cans. Even ____64____ (potato) were used for casting molds (翻模) of a queen’s crown.
Yan Hong ____65____ (use) to be a nurse. But after ____66____ (start) to make craftwork, she found her real passion. So she left her job at the hospital and opened ____67____ (she) own shop.
Most of her early works were imitations (仿制) of items from TV series and pictures. But the ____68____ (far) she goes, the more she likes original designs (原创设计).
Yan Hong posts videos of her works on YouTube. This wins her many foreign fans, as well as gives her chances to go abroad. In 2019, she ____69____ (invite) to give a speech at Oxford University in the UK. Her works are popular among young people because many of them are not expensive and most of us can afford ____70____ (buy) them.
From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying. But in the evenings and weekends they are free and enjoy ___81___ (they). Some watch television or go to the movies, others take part in sports. This is ____82____ (decide) by their own interests. There are many different ways to spend our free time.
Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be something from collecting stamps to ___83___ (make) model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don’t cost ____84____(something) at all. Some collections (收藏) are worth a lot of money, others are valuable only to their ____85____ (owner).
I know a man who has a coin collection worth several ____86____ (thousand) dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which cost him ¥250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He ____87____ (collect) almost 600 of them by now. I wonder if they are worth any money. However, to my brother, they are quite valuable. Nothing makes him ____88____ (happy) than to a new match box for his collection.
That’s what a hobby ___89___(mean), I think. It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the ___90___(pleasant) it gives us.
During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong asked the prime minister (宰相) Feng Deyi to recommend talented people. ___66___, Feng didn’t recommend anyone after several months.
“I tried my best, but there are no ___67___ (usual) or well-rounded people at all,” Feng said.
“People are like tools,” said the emperor. “What we need to do is ___68___ (make) good use of their strengths. You should blame (归咎于) ___69___ (you) for not noticing people’s strengths. How could you say that there are no talented people in our dynasty ”
That’s true. Each tool has its own function (功能). A knife is made to cut things ___70___ chopsticks (筷子) are made to pick up food. We can’t use a knife as a chopstick, ___71___ a tool, each person has a special strength. Nobody is perfect. We can’t expect a person to be good at everything.
With this idea in mind, Emperor Taizong found many talented people of different ___72___ (background). He gave them important positions, which helped them make the most of their talents. His talented people helped the society develop and created a “golden age”.
A good example is Ma Zhou, who grew up in a poor family. Ma gave a lot of ___73___ (use) advice, so Emperor Taizong gave him a position and praised him many times.
If a person is talented in one field, we should give him a chance. ___74___ same idea can be found in the Analects of Confucius. Treating people as tools shows good leadership. President Xi Jinping once told this story to officers, ____75____ (ask) them to treat talented people correctly.
The World Consumer (消费者) Rights Day is on March 15. The 3.15 Gala, ____76____ yearly show produced by China Central Television pay attention to the ____77____ (protect) of consumers’ rights. The gala exposes (揭露) cases which do anything ____78____ the consumer rights in different fields.
This year’s 3.15 gala exposed the inside story of the production of pickled (腌制的) cabbage (白菜).
Awful! The Hunan Chaqi Vegetable Limited Company produces plenty of pickled cabbage these years. ____79____ they have a terrible hygiene (卫生) problem.
A video showed workers, some wearing slippers (拖鞋), some even without shoes, were stepping on the pickled cabbage. ____80____ were smoking and one even threw the cigarette directly into the cabbage.
The topic “3.15 Gala pickled cabbage” quickly became one of the ____81____ (hot) topics on social media. Consumers are worried about ____82____ (they) health because a type of instant noodles with pickled cabbage, such as Master Kong (康师傅) ____83____ (be) popular among so many people for years.
Master Kong apologized quickly and it has stopped working with Chaqi. It promises that all the products ____84____ (take) off the shelves as soon as possible.
The gala this year also exposed some live-streaming (直播) shows. They spread much false information or sell shoddy (粗制滥造的) goods instead _____85_____ true ones.
Sun Jiarui, a 10-year-old girl from Outang Central Primary School in Wuxi, East China’s Jiangsu province, was recently popular online for her ____76____ (cook) skills.
Sun, who began to learn cooking from her father ____77____ eight, can cook more than 50 dishes. The Outang Central Primary School has also invited Sun and her father to help at its new Gourmet Studio (美食工坊).
In the coming term in September, primary and secondary school students in China ____78____ (find) a new “practical activities” course in their schedules (课表), at least one class hour every week.
The new course has three types of tasks: ____79____ (day) housework, like cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances; productive labor(生产性劳动), ____80____ (include) traditional handicrafts; experience of new technologies, such as 3D printing; and volunteer work.
When Missy was 10, she read a story about turtles(乌龟) with plastic in their ____81____(stomach). She knew she must do something. Then she joined a group that organized a cleanup in her home city of Dubai. “The experience helped me understand what I can do and how I can really make ____82____ difference,” she told Time for Kids magazine.
In 2016, Missy set up Kids for a Better World. Since then, it ____83____(bring) together nearly 10,000 young people from around the world. Its goal is to fight climate (气候) change.
Missy is now 16. “We’re going to have to face the terrible result if the situation isn’t ____84____(improve),” she said. She believes even small actions will help a lot.
Kids for a Better World is for people aged 8 to 16. It teaches them ____85____ they can do at home or in their communities to fight against climate change. They can grow food or plant trees. They can recycle. They can avoid ____86____(use) plastic bags. These are lessons Missy wants schools to teach. “This information can help change our future,” she said.
____87____(grow) up in a desert city has made Missy (even) know more about the need for action. Her city faces rising temperatures and water shortages (短缺). She believes young voices can bring attention to these problems ____88____(easy).
Even if her actions are all very small, Missy has big plans. She’d like ____89____(study) at Stanford University in California and she’ll continue to run Kids for a Better World. “We’re creating our own system of change-makers,” she said.
Mr. White’s family decided ____77____ (repair) their home. Mr. White bought the home two and a half years ago. Since the kids were ____78____ (grow) up, he and his wife wanted to make some changes to the house.
They decided to knock down their living room wall to open up the space. When the wooden walls were removed, they were ____79____ (surprise) to find a lizard (蜥蜴) stuck in the small space ____80____ the walls. The lizard’s foot was stuck by a nail (钉子) which was hammered (钉) from the other ____81____ of the wall.
Mrs. White reminded him that they hammered a nail to put up their kids’ photo. However, they questioned how the lizard had stayed alive so long without ____82____ (move) from that place. So Mr. White stopped his work and watched the lizard. Later, he noticed another lizard appeared carrying food to the stuck lizard’s mouth. That was a real surprise! This act was heartwarming, and he was touched (感动) ____83____ (deep) by the little animal. The free lizard had been feeding the stuck one for all the time! The lizard carried the hope of survival, even in a difficult situation.
Both lizards had never-ending hope for each other and carried their hearts with ____84____ and care. Such love, a beautiful love!
Such love happened to this tiny animal. Why can’t we humans always carry that kind of love in our hearts Life is full of all kinds of ____85____ (difficult). What we can do is _____86_____ (give) our hands to the one in need and share our love. Sharing is caring.
Want to go on holiday, but don’t have enough money for luxury (豪华的)hotels and expensive trips Backpacking might be right for you.
Backpacking is a very cheap way ___66___(travel) outdoors. ___67___ (Europe) students and young adults who may not have all that much money often do it. It ___68___(call) backpacking because, instead of using a suitcase(手提箱), people put all their things in a large backpack. They carry all the things inside with ____69____(they).
The most popular places for backpacking are Southeast Asia and the ___70___ (south) part of America. The cost isn’t not high in the countries and the weather is warm for most of the year. And Australia is also very popular. In 2002, over 400, 000 ___71___(tour) hit Australia.
Sometimes, backpacking can be ___72___(danger). You might walk on ___73___ less-travelled path and get into trouble. As a result, you’d better manage ___74___(prepare) everything well before you start and tell friends or family members about your plans.
Backpacking, in fact, is much more than a holiday for young people. It is seen ___75___ a way of learning about the world. Backpackers often travel around for many months. Besides finding the new world, backpacking, people say, is also about “finding yourself”.
A man who can’t move his hands uses his thoughts to write on a computer screen. The man is paralyzed (瘫痪的) from the neck down after he had an accident while ____51____ (hunt) ten years ago. He doesn’t want his name to be known. So scientists call ____52____ (he) T5. Not long ago two small sensors (感应器) ____53____ (put) into his brain. These two sensors allow him to use his mind to write. The scientists call this “mindwriting”. T5 can write about eighteen ____54____ (word) per minute. This is five words ____55____ (slow) than the average person writing a text message on a smartphone.
Mindwriting is simple to do b____56____ it uses a lot of technology (技术) and a special math. Scientists asked T5 to imagine (想象) writing on paper, and then the two sensors ____57____ (turn) his brain activity into text on a computer screen. A researcher ____58____ (hope) mindwriting will help millions of paralyzed people to write again. It might help people who can’t speak as w____59____. In the future, this technology may help us to write a_____60_____ the speed of thought.
【答案】35. of 36. harmful 37. be cleaned 38. taking 39. to separate 40. with 41. into 42. tools 43. cleaner 44. as
35句意:毕竟,如果你把它扔进垃圾桶而不是循环垃圾箱,它最终会被扔进垃圾填埋场。instead of“代替”,固定搭配,故填of。
36句意:虽然它可能对土壤无害,但却是一种资源浪费。be后接形容词作表语,be harmful to“对……有害”,故填harmful。
37句意:当玻璃被工厂收集后,会先清洗干净。it指代前文的glass,与动词clean之间是被动关系,故此处用被动语态will be done的结构,故填be cleaned。
39句意:是时候把不同种类的玻璃分开回收利用了。It is time to do sth“是做某事的时候了”,动词不定式作定语,故填to separate。
40句意:例如,彩色玻璃和透明玻璃是两种不同的玻璃,非食品容器不能与食品容器混合。mix with“与……混合”,固定搭配,故填with。
41句意:下一步,玻璃将被送往一台机器,在那里它被分解成小块。be broken down into“被分解成”,固定搭配,故填into。
44句意:完成后的碎玻璃再作为原料卖给其他工厂。根据“Finished cullet is then sold to other factories … a material”可知,作为原料卖给其他工厂,as“作为”,故填as。
【答案】53. are##have been 54. the 55. mother’s 56. to get 57. them 58. babies 59. older 60. usually 61. as 62. of'
53句意:现在的传统大不相同。根据“Some of them may surprise you.”可知,此处陈述一种事实,可以用一般现在时或现在完成时,主语是复数,因此be动词用are(一般现在时)或助动词用have(现在完成时)。故填are/have been。
56句意:你要付多少钱才能脱身?分析句子结构可知,此处需用动词不定式作付钱的目的。故填to get。
61句意:传统上,“生日男孩”或“生日女孩”应该在嘴里塞满尽可能多的面条,然后吃。由“as many long noodles…they can”可知,此处考查as…as sb. can尽可能……。故填as。
62句意:这是因为在中国文化中,长面条是长寿的象征。此处是a symbol of“……的象征”。故填of。
【答案】53. clearly 54. chosen 55. so 56. discussion 57. the 58. as
59. flew 60. from 61. cuter 62. but
55句意:我们很兴奋,高兴得跳了起来。根据“excited that we jumped up with joy”可知,此处用so…that引导结果状语从句,故填so。
58句意:曹说,这个想法来自中国传统小吃“冰糖葫芦”,也被称为糖葫芦。根据““ice-sugar gourd”, also known ... tanghulu”可知用known as表示“作为……而出名”。故填as。
60句意:他们发现,熊猫宝宝的头部与身体的比例与成年熊猫不同,这使得它们更可爱、更有趣。be different from“与……不同”,固定短语,故填from。
61句意:他们发现,熊猫宝宝的头部与身体的比例与成年熊猫不同,这使得它们更可爱、更有趣。根据“more playful”可知,此空也应填cute的比较级cuter,故填cuter。
62句意:曹说他预料到它会受欢迎,但没想到会如此受欢迎。“Cao said he expected it to be popular”与“did not expect it to become so popular”是转折关系,故填but。
【答案】55. Americans 56. healthy 57. saw 58. themselves 59. at 60. changed
61. the 62. eating 63. more 64. because##and
55句意:清晨、中午或傍晚,你都能看到美国人在跑步。根据“Men and women, young and old”可知,此处不止一个美国人,所以应填复数名词,故填Americans。
59句意:如果他们这样做了,他们可能会被嘲笑。laugh at“嘲笑”,固定搭配,故填at。
61句意:医生说,美国的许多健康问题都来自这些坏习惯。根据“in … United States”可知,此处指特指在美国,此空应填冠词the,故填the。
63句意:少吃,不要吸烟,多运动。根据“Eat less”可知,此处也应填比较级,故填more。
64句意:跑步是一项很好的运动,因为/并且它有助于建立强壮的身体。“Running is a good exercise”与“it helps build a strong body”是因果关系,也是并列关系,用because引导原因状语从句,或用并列连词and,故填because/and。
【答案】81. nineteenth 82. won 83. to hold 84. took 85. largest 86. success
87. roads 88. see##to see ing 90. friendly
82句意:2015年,这座城市赢得了2022年亚运会的主办权。win是动词, 动作已发生,应用一般过去时,故填won。
83句意:这将是继1990年的北京和2010年的广州之后,第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。hold是动词,此处应用动词不定式作后置定语,故填to hold。
85句意:它是亚洲最大的体育赛事。根据“in Asia.”可知是在三者以上进行比较,应用最高级,故填largest。
87句意:北京修建了大量的道路和体育场馆,包括著名的北京奥林匹克体育中心和亚运村。road是可数名词,被a great number of修饰,应用复数,故填roads。
88句意:奥运会让世界看到了中国。固定短语help sb. (to) do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,故填(to) see。
【答案】61. amazing 62. pollution 63. to make 64. potatoes 65. used 66. starting
67. her 68. further 69. was invited 70. to buy
61句意:它们可以成为令人惊叹的工艺品。此空修饰名词craftwork pieces,应用形容词作定语,修饰物,用以ing为结尾的形容词,故填amazing。
63句意:她用坚果壳做了一件“金色”盔甲。use sth to do sth“用某物做某事”,此空应填动词不定式,故填to make。
65句意:颜红过去是个护士。used to do sth“过去常常做某事”,固定搭配,故填used。
67句意:所以她辞掉了医院的工作,开了自己的店。one’s own“某人自己的”,此空应填形容词性物主代词,故填her。
68句意:但她越深入,就越喜欢原创设计。the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越……,越……”,go further“进一步”,此空用far的比较级further,故填further。
69句意:2019年,她受邀在英国牛津大学发表演讲。主语与动词invite之间是被动关系,且根据In 2019可知,此处用一般过去时被动语态was/were done的结构,主语she是第三人称单数形式,助动词用was,故填was invited。
70句意:她的作品在年轻人中很受欢迎,因为很多作品都不贵,我们大多数人都买得起。afford to do sth“负担得起做某事”,故填to buy。
【答案】81. themselves 82. decided 83. making 84. anything 85. owners 86. thousand
87. has collected 88. happier 89. means 90. pleasure
81句意:但在晚上和周末,他们都有空并玩得很开心。根据句意和所给词汇可知,此处考查“enjoy oneself”“玩得开心”,“they”主格应改为反身代词“themselves”。故填themselves。
82句意:这是由他们自己的兴趣决定的。根据句意和所给词汇可知,主语“This”和动词“decide”构成被动关系,应用被动语态be done,“decide”“决定”的过去分词是“decided”。故填decided。
83句意:它可能是收集邮票,也可以是制作模型。根据“from collecting stamps to... (make) model planes”和所给词汇可知,to为介词,空处应填动名词。故填making。
87句意:到现在为止他已经收集了大约600枚硬币。根据“by now”和所给词汇可知,本句应使用现在完成时have/has done,主语“He”是第三人称单数,应用has,“collect”“收集”的过去分词是“collected”。故填has collected。
89句意:我认为这就是爱好的意义。根据句意和所给词汇可知,本句应用一般现在时,主语“a hobby”是第三人称单数,“mean”“意味着”应使用单数。故填means。
【答案】66. However 67. unusual 68. to make 69. yourself 70. while 71. like
72. backgrounds 73. useful 74. The 75. asking
66句意:然而,封在几个月后没有推荐任何人。“Emperor Taizong asked the prime minister (宰相) Feng Deyi to recommend talented people”和“Feng didn’t recommend anyone after several months”是转折关系,所以空缺处用however“然而”,首字母大写,故填However。
67句意:我尽了最大努力,但根本没有不寻常全面发展的人。根据“recommend talented people”可知,此处指不寻常的人,形容词unusual“不寻常的”,故填unusual。
68句意:我们需要做的是充分利用他们的优势。根据“What we need to do is”和“good use of their strengths”可知,此处指我们需要做的是充分利用他们的优势,空缺处用动词make的不定式to make,故填to make。
70句意:刀是用来切东西的,筷子是用来夹食物的。“A knife is made to cut things”和“chopsticks(筷子) are made to pick up food”是并列关系,所以用while(对比两个事物)而……,故填while。
71句意:我们不能把刀当筷子用。就像工具一样,每个人都有特殊的力量。根据“each person has a special strength”可知,此处指像工具一样,介词like“像”,故填like。
72句意:有了这个想法,唐太宗找到了许多不同背景的人才。根据“many talented people of different”可知,空缺处用background“背景”的复数backgrounds,故填backgrounds。
74句意:《论语》中也有同样的观点。根据空后的“same idea”可知,空缺处用定冠词the表特指,首字母大写,故填The。
75句意:习近平曾向官员们讲述了这个故事,要求他们正确对待人才。根据“President Xi Jinping once told this story to officers”可知,空缺处用ask的动名词asking作状语,故填asking。
【答案】76. a 77. protection 78. against 79. But 80. Others 81. hottest 82. their 83. has been 84. will be taken 85. of
76句意:3.15晚会是中央电视台制作的年度节目,关注消费者权益的保护。根据“The 3.15 Gala, … yearly show produced by China Central Television…”,可知设空处缺少冠词,修饰后面的名词show,此处表示的是泛指,且yearly的发音是以辅音音素开头的,因此用a来修饰。故填a。
78句意:晚会揭露了不同领域的任何侵害消费者权益的案件。根据“The gala exposes (揭露) cases which do anything … the consumer rights in different fields.”结合常识,可知3.15晚会是揭露侵害消费者权益的案件,against“违背、侵害”符合题意。故填against。
79句意:但他们有严重的卫生问题。根据上文“The Hunan Chaqi Vegetable Limited Company produces plenty of pickled cabbage these years.”以及“they have a terrible hygiene (卫生) problem.”可知前后句之间表达的是转折关系,因此要用but连接,又因其位于句首,所以首字母要大写,故填But。
80句意:其他人都在抽烟,有一个人甚至把香烟直接扔进了卷心菜里。根据上文“A video showed workers, some wearing slippers (拖鞋), some even without shoes, were stepping on the pickled cabbage.”可知,此处考查的是some...others...“一些人……,另他人……”,固定搭配,句首单词首字母大写。故填Others。
81句意:“3.15晚会酸菜”话题迅速成为社交媒体上最热门的话题之一。hot“热的”,形容词,“one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最……之一”,故填hottest。
83句意:例如,康师傅多年来一直受到许多人的欢迎。根据“for years”,可知句子时态用现在完成时,其结构为have/has+动词的过去分词,主语是第三人称单数,用has,be的过去分词是been,故填has been。
84句意:该公司承诺,所有产品将尽快下架。根据“It promises that all the products … (take) off the shelves as soon as possible.”结合语境,可知是公司承诺所有产品将尽快下架,时态要用一般将来时,且主语products和谓语动词take off之间是被动关系,因此要用被动语态;一般将来时的被动语态结构为will be+动词的过去分词,故填will be taken。
85句意:他们传播很多虚假信息,或者销售伪劣商品,而不是真正的商品。根据“They spread much false information or sell shoddy (粗制滥造的) goods instead … true ones.”结合语境,可知此处考查固定词组instead of“代替、而不是……”,故填of。
【答案】76. cooking 77. at 78. will find 79. daily 80. including
76句意:近日,江苏省无锡市欧塘中心小学的 10 岁女孩孙嘉瑞因厨艺走红。形容词修饰名词,“skills”意为“技巧”,此处指“做饭的技巧”,因此用“cook”的形容词形式“cooking”,意为“烹饪的”。故填cooking。
77句意:孙嘉瑞八岁就开始跟父亲学厨艺,能做50多道菜。此处指“在八岁的时候”,用“at eight”来表示。故填at。
78句意:在九月份即将到来的学期中,中国的中小学生将在他们的课表中找到一门新的“实践活动”课程,每周至少上一课时。根据时间状语“In the coming term in September”可知,句子的时态为一般将来时,因此谓语动词用will+动词原形,此处用“will find”,意为“将找到”。故填will find。
80句意:包括传统手工艺品; 3D打印等新技术的经验; 以及志愿者工作。include意为“包括”,动词,此处用非谓语动词,“include”与主语“The new course”之间是主动关系,因此用其-ing形式。故填including。
【答案】81. stomachs 82. a 83. has brought 84. improved 85. what 86. using
87. Growing 88. easily 89. to study
81句意:米西10岁的时候,她读了一个关于胃里有塑料的海龟的故事。根据“turtles(乌龟) with plastic in their”可知,表达海龟们的胃,应该使用可数名词复数形式,故填stomachs。
82句意:这段经历让我明白了我能做什么,以及我如何才能真正有所作为。根据“make…difference”可知,make a difference“有影响、创造不同”。故填a。
83句意:从那时起,它已经汇集了来自世界各地的近1万名年轻人。根据“Since then”可知,从2016到现在,应该使用现在完成时,结构是has/have done,主语是it,故填has brought。
84句意:如果情况不改善,我们将不得不面对可怕的结果。situation“情况”和所给单词improve“提高、改善”之间是被动关系,结构是be done,故填improved。
86句意:他们可以避免使用塑料袋。avoid doing sth“避免做某事”,故填using。
89句意:她想在加州的斯坦福大学学习,她将继续运营“为了美好世界的孩子”。would like to do sth“想要做某事”,故填to study。
【答案】77. to repair 78. growing 79. surprised 80. between 81. side 82. moving
83. deeply 84. love 85. difficulties 86. to give
77句意:怀特先生的家人决定修理他们的房子。decide to do sth“决定做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to repair。
80句意:当木墙被拆除时,他们惊讶地发现壁缝里卡着一只蜥蜴。根据下文“The lizard’s foot was stuck by a nail (钉子) which was hammered (钉) from the other … of the wall”可知,蜥蜴卡在了墙中间,between表示“在……之间”,故填between。
81句意:那只蜥蜴的脚被从墙另一边钉下来的钉子卡住了。根据“which was hammered (钉) from the other … of the wall”可知,被墙另一边的钉子卡住了,side“一边”,the other后接单数名词,故填side。
84句意:两只蜥蜴对彼此充满了无尽的希望,它们的心中充满了爱和关怀。根据“Such love, a beautiful love”可知,心中充满了爱,故填love。
85句意:生活充满了各种各样的困难。all kinds of后面修饰名词的复数形式,difficult对应的名词是difficulty,复数形式是difficulties,故填difficulties。
86句意:我们能做的就是给有需要的人提供帮助,分享我们的爱。此空在句中作表语,应填动词不定式,故填to give。
【答案】66. to travel 67. European 68. is called 69 them 70. southern
71. tourists 72. dangerous 73. a 74. to prepare 75. as
66句意:背包旅行是一种非常便宜的户外旅行方式。travel“旅行”,此处用动词不定式作定语,修饰名词way。故填to travel。67句意:可能没有那么多钱的欧洲学生和年轻人经常这样做。空格后有名词,此处作定语用形容词European“欧洲的”。故填European。68句意:它之所以称为背包旅行,是因为人们不使用手提箱,而是将所有东西放在一个大背包中。call“叫作”,主语it和谓语之间是被动关系,描述客观情况,用一般现在时的被动语态be done,主语是it,be动词用is。故填is called。69句意:他们随身携带所有东西。此处作介词的宾语用代词宾格them“他们”。故填them。70句意:背包旅行最受欢迎的地方是东南亚和美国南部。此处修饰名词part用形容词southern“南方的”。故填southern。71句意:2002年,超过400,000名游客来到澳大利亚。根据“hit Australia”可知是游客来参观澳大利亚,故用名词复数tourists“旅客”。故填tourists。72句意:有时,背包旅行可能是危险的。作be动词的表语用形容词dangerous“危险的”。故填dangerous。73句意:你可能会走在一条人迹罕至的小路上而陷入困境。此处泛指“一个不太去的小路”,且less以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a。故填a。74句意:因此,你最好在开始之前做好一切准备,并告诉朋友或家人你的计划。prepare“准备”,manage to do sth.“设法做某事”。故填to prepare。75句意:它被视为了解世界的一种方式。根据“It is seen...a way”可知是被看作一种方式,be seen as“被看作”。故填as。
【答案】51. hunting 52. him 53. were put 54. words 55. slower 56. (b)ut 57. turned
58. hopes 59. (w)ell 60. (a)t
51句意:十年前那人在打猎时出了事故并瘫痪了。根据句中“ten years ago”提示,此处说的是过去发生的事,故应用while he hunted,但句中缺少主语he,且根据主语he与动词hunt之间为主动关系,故hunt应用现在分词形式。故填hunting。
53句意:不久前有两个小型感应器被放进了他的大脑。根据句中“Not long ago”提示,句子应用一般过去时,且主语“sensors”和所给动词“put”之间为被动关系,故应用“were put”结构。故填were put。
57句意:科学家让T5想象自己在纸上写字,然后两个感应器将他的大脑活动转化为电脑屏幕上的文本。根据上文“Scientists asked T5 to …”可知,此处指的是过去发生的事,故所给单词turn应用过去式形式,故填turned。
58句意:一位研究人员希望“脑写”能帮助数百万瘫痪的人重新写作。主语为“A researcher”,故所给单词hope应用动词第三人称单数形式,故填hopes。
59句意:它也可能会帮到那些说不了话的人。根据上文“A researcher hopes mindwriting will help millions of paralyzed people to write again”可知,“脑写”能帮助数百万瘫痪的人重新写作,此处指的是也可能会帮到那些说不了话的人。as well意为“也”,符合句意,故填(w)ell。
60句意:未来,这项技术可能会帮助我们以正常思维的速度进行写字。根据上文“This is five words slower than the average person writing a text message on a smartphone”可知,现在“脑写”的速度比普通人在智能手机上写短信慢五个字,故此处指的是未来,这项技术可能会帮助我们以正常思维的速度进行写字。at the speed of意为“以……的速度”,符合句意,故填(a)t。



上一篇:专题01 单项选择题-译林版英语八年级第二学期期末真题专项训练(含解析)

下一篇:专题07 完成句子--译林版英语八年级第二学期期末真题专项训练(含解析)