外研版九下Module8 My Future Life英语单词默写+词汇专项+思维导图

pron. …的人,那个人,那行人(宾格人称代词) whom
take notes(做笔记) handbag n. (女用)手提包
have/leave a note for sb.=leave sb. a note n. 短笺,便条;笔记,记录,纸币 note ① n. 节拍,拍子
(给某人留便条) beat v. beat sb.(打败某人)② (连续)敲打,(心脏)跳动,打败
① n. 床边,床头
prep. bedside
① int. 对不起,请原谅 pardon sb. for doing sth.(原谅某人做某事)
② 床旁的,枕边的 pardon ② n./v. 原谅,赦免 I beg your pardon(对不起)
be disappointed at sth.(对某事感到失望) intend to do/doing sth.(打算做某事)
be disappointed with sb.(对某人感到失望) adj. 失望的,沮丧的 v. 计划,打算 intend sb. to do sth.(想要某人做某事)
be disappointed to do sth.(对做某事感到失 intend 【扩】intent:① n. 目的,意图
望) Module 8 adj. be intent on(doing sth.(专注于…)② 专注的,专心致志的,坚决的
v. disappoint(使失望,使落空) disappointed fetch v.(去)取来,拿来
n. disappointment(失望,沮丧,令人失望的
事) pancake n. 薄烤饼,薄煎饼
【扩】adj. disappointing(令人失望的,令人扫 rose n. 玫瑰,蔷薇
兴的) 嘲笑,对…一笑置之
【短】try one’s best to do sth.(尽某人最大努 laugh at v. laugh(发笑,大笑,嘲笑)
尽某人最大努力 try one’s best
力做某事) n. laughter(笑声) burst into laughter(突然大笑)
【短】give up doing sth.(放弃做某事) 放弃 n. 善举,好意
【扩】give out(分发,散发) kindness adj. kind(善良的,宽容度,体贴的,和蔼的)
give in(屈服,投降) give up
give away(捐赠,泄露)
give off(发出,放出)
give back(归还,使恢复)
give sb. a lift(捎某人一程)
give sb. a(helping)hand(帮助某人)
Module 8
1.(女用)小提包n. _____________
2.节拍;拍子n. 打败,击打v. _____________
3. [口]对不起,请原谅(用于礼貌地请求别人重复自己没听清或不理解的话)int. _____________
4.计划;打算v. _____________ →打算做某事__________________________
5.(去)取来;拿来v. _____________
6. 薄烤饼;薄煎饼n. _____________
7. 玫瑰;蔷薇n. _____________
8. 嘲笑;对……一笑置之 _____________
9. 善举;好意n. _____________→adj. 善良的_____________
10. 放弃(努力)_____________
11. 尽某人最大的努力做某事 __________________________
12. 失望的;沮丧的adj. _____________ →对某事感到失望__________________________ →令
13. 床边;床头n. _____________
14. 短笺;便条n. _____________→给某人留便条__________________________
15. ……的人;那个人;那些人(who的宾格)pron. _____________
handbag beat pardon; pardon sb. for doing sth. intend; intend to do sth. fetch pancake rose laugh at kindness; kind give up try one's best to do sth. disappointed; be disappointed at sth.; disappointing bedside note; leave sb. a note/leave a note for sb. whom
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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外研版九下M8 词汇专项练习
give up kind harm who good
He wanted to have someone to______________he could talk a little about himself.
She was touched by this simple act of ______________.
I'll try my______________to help them solve problems.
I made several attempts to repair the damage, but______________in the end.
Try to choose products that do the least______________to the environment.
The bread is freshly baked. I f______________ them from the baker's this morning.
We were d______________ to find that the museum was closed.
I didn’t i______________ her to see the painting until it was finished.
She looked at her watch on her______________(床头) table and noted it was eight-thirty.
I heard them l______________at the poor boy who was dirty and ragged.
I was going to write Kate a n______________, but I decided to call her instead.
The______________(薄饼) were so good that I scoffed(狼吞虎咽) the lot.
He could never______________(原谅)her for the things she had said.
Their new song has a good b______________ that you can dance to.
The six a______________ on board will spend ten days in space.
一、1. whom 2. kindness 3. best 4. gave up 5. harm
二、1. fetched 2. disappointed 3. intend 4. bedside 5. laughing 6. note 7. pancakes 8. pardon 9. beat 10. astronauts
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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