人教(PEP)版五年级下册英语Unit 1 My day 专训:连词成句(含答案)

人教(PEP)版五年级下册英语Unit 1专训:连词成句
1. do, I, homework, on, always, my, Sunday (.)
2. get, day, up, early, I, always, every (.)
3. off, your, island, I, hope, you, can, get, soon (.)
4. good, at, Friday, is, sports (.)
5.breakfast, do, when, eat, you( )(连词成句)
6.always, do, I, Sundays, kung fu, on(. )(连词成句)
7.clean, every, I, day, room, my (. )(连词成句)
8.do, What, do, the, on, you, weekend ( )(连词成句)
9.play, sometimes, I, John, with, sports (. )(连词成句)
10. get, I, at, in, six, the, morning, o'clock, up(. )(连词成句)
11.usually, on, Sundays, I, wash, clothes, my(.)(连词成句)
12.in, Spain, at, three, o'clock, starts, class(.)(连词成句)
13.hiking, I, often, the, weekend, on, go(.)(连词成句)
14.do, you, exercises, when, do, morning( )(连词成句)
15.do,eat,when,you,dinner( )
16.usually, sports, play, I, three o'clock, at(.)(连词成句)
17.eat, dinner, 7: 00, at, usually, I(.)
19.finish, at, we, class, 1 o'clock(.)
20.do, when, do, morning, you, exercises( )
21.cleans at Tom his room 6:00 ( . )
23.Wednesday to music I listen on ( . )
25.swimming, Zip ,often,the,water, in , goes.(连词成句)
26.Sometimes the class I take dancing a on weekend ( . )
27.Robinson ,the,late, up, in, gets,morning, always.(连词成句)
28.mum housework does the My weekend on often ( . )
(1)sometimes l shopping go my with mum the on weekend(. )
(2)school go when you do to( )
30. 连词成句。
(1)do you what do the on weekend( )
(2)often I my clean room Saturdays on(. )
31. When play you do sports ( )(连词成句)
32. wins he often (.)(连词成句)
33. will pipa I the play(.)(连词成句)
34. am I busy very always(.)(连词成句)
35. with friends I eat my nuts(.)(连词成句)
36.we, at, afternoon, the, in, finish, 5 o'clock, class (.)(连词成句)
37.you, to, back, when, do, go, school ( )(连词成句)
38.last, my, night, worked, father (.)(连词成句)
39.Tuesday, let's, go, next, together, boating (.)(连词成句)
40.I, teacher, to, need, help, a, me (.)(连词成句)
41. A: finish, in, you, class, when, morning, do, the ( )(连词成句)
B: We finish class at about 11:30 in the morning.
42. A: go, with, shopping, can, me, afternoon, you, this( )(连词成句)
B: Yes, I can.
43. walk, for, I, go, a, class, after, usually(. )(连词成句)
44. sometimes, I, watch, with, TV, Tina(. )(连词成句)
45. often, I, the, on, clean, Saturdays, rooms(. )(连词成句)
46. A: When do you go to bed (.)(连词成句)
B: at 6 o'clock, I, morning, in, go to bed, the (.)
47. at class in 3: 00 We the afternoon finish(. )(连词成句)
48. for I walk go with a often my mother(. )(连词成句)
49. eat, at, We, lunch, home(. )(连词成句)
50. A: do, start, you, when, in, class, Spain ( )(连词成句)
B: Usually at 9 o'clock.
51.I, horses, in, ten, the, see, picture (.)
52.two, new, my, kittens, cat, has(.)
53.can, walk, the, kitten, now (.)
54.have, white, they, fur(.)
55.the, six, days, kittens, are, old (.)
56.flowers, there, beautiful, everywhere, are(连词成句)
57.weather, is, the, hot (.)
58.white, is, everywhere, it(.)
59.which, does, Robin, season, like ( )
60.lovely, what, colours (!)
61.I, paint, a, want, to, picture (.)
62.favourite, what, is, season, your(连词成句,注意首字母大写及标点符号)
63. where, is, from, Jim (连词成句,注意首字母大写及标点符号)
64. early, school, every, you, go, why, do, to,so, day (连词成句注意首字母大写及标点符号)
65.the, boy, under, which, your, brother, tree, is (连词成句注意首字母大写及标点符号)
66.is, your, when, birthday ( )
67.what, for, your, will, you, do, sister ( )
68.noodles, cook, for, I'll, her (.)
69.brother's, birthday, that's, my, too (,.)
70.the, will, come, to, you, party ( )
71.will, stories, you, act, out (.)
72.you, on, what, have, do, Tuesday ( )
73.students, do, what, the, in, May, will ( )
74.will,I, play, games(.)
75. snow, I, play, in, often, the (连词成句)
76.often for I Saturdays go on walk a (. )
77.birthday Is her Thursday eleventh ( )
78.can, him, the, storybooks, show, I (. )
79.usually, I, go, home, 4:30, at (. )
80.flowers There everywhere are beautiful (. )
81.trip, The, is, March 3rd, on (.)
82.you, What, drink, would, to, like ( )
1.I always do my homework on Sunday.
2.I always get up early every day.
3.I hope you can get off your island soon.
4.Friday is good at sports.
5.When do you eat breakfast
6.I always do kung fu on Sundays.
7.I clean my room every day.
8.What do you do on the weekend
9.Sometimes I play sports with John.
10.I get up at six o'clock in the morning.
11.I usually wash my clothes on Sundays.
12.Class starts at three o'clock in Spain.
13.I often go hiking on the weekend.
14.When do you do morning exercises
15.When do you eat dinner
16.I usually play sports at three o'clock.
17.Usually I eat dinner at 7:00/ I usually eat dinner at 7:00
18.I usually go shopping on the weekend.
19.We finish class at 1 o'clock.
20.When do you do morning exercises
21.Tom cleans his room at 6:00.
22.I often play basketball with my friend.
23.I listen to music on Wednesday.
24.When do you have a music class
25.Zip often goes swimming in the water.
26.SometimesI take a dancing class on the weekend.
27.Robinson always gets up late in the morning.
28.My mum often does housework on the weekend.
29.(1)l sometimes go shopping with my mum on the weekend.
(2)When do you go to school
30.(1)What do you do on the weekend?
(2)I often clean my room on Saturdays.
31.When do you play sports
32.He often wins.
33.I will play the pipa.
34.I am always very busy.
35.I eat nuts with my friends.
36.We finish class at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
37.When do you go back to school
38.My father worked last night.
39.Let's go boating together next Tuesday.
40.I need a teacher to help me.
41.When do you finish class in the morning
42.Can you go shopping with me this afternoon
43.I usually go for a walk after class.
44.I sometimes watch TV with Tina.
45.I often clean the rooms on Saturdays.
46.I go to bed at 6 o'clock in the morning.
47.We finish class at 3: 00 in the afternoon.
48.I often go for a walk with my mother.
49.We eat lunch at home.
50.When do you start class in Spain
51.I see ten horses in the picture.
52.My cat has two new kittens.
53.The kitten can walk now.
54.They have white fur.
55.The kittens are six days old.
56.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.
57.The weather is hot.
58.It is white everywhere.
59.Which season does Robin like
60.What lovely colours!
61.I want to paint a picture.
62.What is your favourite season?
63.Where is Jim from
64.Why do you go to school so early every day?
65.Which boy under the tree is your brother?
66.When is your birthday
67.What will you do for your sister
68.I'll cook noodles for her.
69.That's my brother's birthday, too.
70.Will you come to the party
71.You will act out stories.
72.What do you have on Tuesday
73.What will the students do in May
74.I will play games.
75.I often play in the snow.
76.I often go for a walk on Saturdays.
77.Is Thursday her eleventh birthday
78.I can show him the storybooks.
79.I usually go home at 4:30.
80.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.
81.The trip is on March 3rd.
82.What would you like to drink



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