专题11 阅读理解之记叙文 牛津译林版英语七年级下学期期末复习真题专项训练(含解析)

专题11 阅读理解之记叙文
A farmer had some dogs to sell from $30 to $50. He was painting a sign advertising (做广告) them on the edge of his yard. At that moment a little boy appeared, and said, “Sir. I want to buy one of your dogs.”
“Well” said the farmer, “these dogs cost quite a lot of money.” The boy said. “I’ve got only ¢89. Is that enough at least to take a look ”
“OK.” said the farmer. Then he called the dogs over. Four little balls of fur appeared from the doghouse. Then the little boy noticed something else inside the doghouse.
Slowly another little fur ball appeared, and this one was smaller. It was walking strangely, trying to stand up properly (得体地), “I want that one.” the little boy said, quickly pointing to the runt (矮个子).
“Son, you don’t want that dog. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.” said the farmer.
Then the little boy rolled (卷) up one leg of his trousers. His leg had a steel brace (钢支架) on it. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see. I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”
“How much ” asked the little boy. “No charge.” answered the farmer. “There’s no charge for ▲ .”
1.How did the farmer advertise his dogs
A.Put up a sign in his yard. B.Send pictures to a magazine.
C.Advertise them in the newspaper. D.Show them to children in the street.
2.How much did the boy pay for the dog
A.$30. B.$50. C.¢89. D.None.
3.Which of the following can best fill in the blank in the last paragraph
A.the best runner B.animal lovers C.love and understanding D.children with disabilities
The next morning Bobbie, Phyllis and Peter leave the house early with a picnic lunch to watch the paperchase. A tall boy’s carrying bag full of small pieces of paper and throwing them. He goes into the tunnel. Then a group of boys are following the pieces of paper and run into the tunnel. A boy in a red jumper is the last one to go in.
“Let’s go and watch them come out,” says Peter.
First the boy with the bag comes out. Then the other boys run out. “We can go home now,” says Bobbie getting up.
“No, wait!” says Peter. “There is still one boy in the tunnel. The boy in the red jumper.” They wait and wait but the boy doesn’t come out.
“Let’s go in and look for him,” says Peter. “Perhaps he’s e on!”
It’s very dark inside the tunnel. Suddenly a train comes into the tunnel and passes them and goes out. It is dangerous.
“Come on!” says Peter. “We must find the boy.”
They see the boy sitting near the wall. He is very weak and tells them his leg is broken. Phyllis and Peter go out and get some help. Bobbie stays with him. In the dark tunnel, the boy tells Bobbie he is Jim and he has a grandfather. After a long time, Phyllis and Peter came back with two farm workers and decide to take the boy to their own house.
When Mother sees poor Jim’s white face and broken leg, she’s very happy to help him. She thinks it is better to speak to his grandfather.
The next morning, someone knocks on door. Mother answers it. Five minutes later Mother calls, “Bobbie! Jim’s grandfather is here. He wants to see you! Come to the dining room when you’re ready.”
They knock politely on the dining room door and go in. And in Father’s big leather armchair is—the old gentleman from the train!
“This is Jim’s grandfather,” Mother says with a big smile. The children are very surprised.
——Taken from The Railway Children
4.According to (根据) the story, who is still in the tunnel after other boys come out
A.Bobbie. B.The boy with a bag. C.The boy in a red jumper. D.Peter.
5.Who finds there is still a boy in the tunnel
A.Bobbie. B.Phyllis. C.The boy with a bag. D.Peter.
6.Why are the children surprised Because Jim’s grandfather _________.
A.wants to see Bobbie B.is the old gentleman from the train
C.comes to their home so early D.sits in Father’s big leather armchair
7.Which one is the correct order
a. Jim’s leg is badly hurt. b. The train goes into the tunnel.
c. A tall boy’s throwing pieces of paper. d. The children go into the tunnel to save Jim.
A.a-d-b-c B.c-a-d-b C.d-a-c-b D.a-d-c-b
8.What can we infer (推断) from the passage
A.Peter is a careful and brave child.
B.Mother asks Jim’s grandfather to take Jim away.
C.All the children in the passage are the best friends.
D.The children finds two farm workers to help them quickly.
The four travelers see a beautiful green light in the sky in front of them.
“That’s the Emerald (翡翠) City,” Dorothy says. “Come on! It isn’t far now.” Soon they come to a big green wall. There’s a gate in it. It’s shining in the afternoon sun. Dorothy looks at it carefully. It’s made of emeralds! She knocks on the gate. The gate opens and they all go inside. A little man in green clothes is standing there with a big box.
“What do you want in the Emerald City ” he says. “We want to see the Great Oz,” Dorothy answers. “It’s important,” the Scarecrow says.
“I am the Keeper of the Gate,” the little man in green says. “I can take you to his Palace. But before you go there, you must put on these glasses.” He takes five pairs of glasses out of the box. The glass in the glasses is emerald green.
“Why ” Dorothy asks.
“Everyone in the Emerald City wears them,” the Keeper of the Gate says.
They put on the glasses. Then the Keeper takes out a big gold key and opens another gate. Dorothy is surprised. Everything is green, the houses and the streets. The sky is also green. Children are buying green juice with green money. Men in green clothes are driving green cars along the green streets. Everybody is smiling.
The Keeper of the Gate takes them to a big building in the middle of the city. Oz cannot see them today, so they must stay in the Palace for a few days.
A young girl takes them to their rooms. These rooms are beautiful and comfortable. They feel very tired now....
一Taken from The Wonderful Wizard of OZ
9.What does “it” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.The sun. B.The box. C.The gate. D.The city.
10.Why do Dorothy and her friends go to the Emerald City
A.Because they want to see Oz. B.Because they want to buy juice.
C.Because they want to drive a car. D.Because they want to wear glasses.
11.Which of the following is the correct order (顺序) according to the passage
a. Everyone puts on glasses.
b. A young girl takes them to their rooms.
c. The keeper takes them to a big building.
d. They see a beautiful green light.
e. Dorothy knocks on the gate.
A.b-e-d-c-a B.c-d-c-b-a
C.d-e-a-c-b D.a-c-d-b-e
12.What will probably happen to Dorothy and her friends next that day
A.They will see Oz. B.They will go to sleep.
C.They will go back to their homes. D.They will have the Emerald City.
Holly’s house is on the other side of Westbourne. The houses are large and have garages and big gardens. Jack sees her house, jumps off his bike, runs up her path and rings the doorbell. Holly opens the door. She sees a hot, red-faced Jack.
“Jack! Are you all right ”
“I’m fine,” says Jack, “I just want some information. Can you tell me about hawks (鹰) ” “Hawks Why do you want to know ”
“I’m just interested, that’s all. For example, what do they eat ”
In the afternoon, Jack and Jim take some meat from the fridge and cut it into very small pieces. They put it on a saucer (碟子) and go to the shed. Nemo is by their side, meowing and jumping up at the saucer. But they are prepared.
“Here you are, Nemo”, says Jim.
He puts a saucer of milk on the ground. And Nemo is happy at last!
Over the next few days, Falco gets much better. He always eats the meat Jack and Jim bring him. Jack even digs up worms (虫子) in the park and brings them home. Falco loves them! His feathers look bright and shiny, too. Falco often opens his wings and beats them. But he can’t fly. The shed (棚) is too small. And maybe his damaged wing isn’t strong.
Jack’s parents are puzzled. Every morning their two boys are nice to each other and they never argue (争吵).
“What’s going on ” asks their mother. “What are you two doing ”
“Nothing, Mum,” they say, and smile. She doesn’t believe them. But what can she do
—From Jack’s Endless Summer
13.What is Falco
A.A cat. B.A hawk. C.A worm. D.A boy.
14.Where does Jack hide Falco
A.In a wooden box. B.In a shed. C.On a saucer. D.At Holly”s house.
15.Which is the RIGHT order according to the passage
① Jack takes some meat from the fridge.
② Falco often opens his wings and beats them.
③ Jack digs up worms in the park.
④ Jack rings the doorbell.
A.④③①② B.①④②③ C.④①③② D.①③④②
16.What can we infer (推断) from this passage
A.Holly is poor so she wants to sell Falco.
B.Jack’s parents know everything about him.
C.Nemo likes eating worms very much.
D.Holly knows something about hawks.
If you want to know real Beijing, walk along the streets of Beijing and visit a siheyuan. As traditional buildings, siheyuan is mostly seen in northern China.
A typical siheyuan has a big square courtyard (院子) with four buildings on all four sides. Usually, one big family lives here. The design of a siheyuan follows Confucian (儒家的) ideas of respecting authority (权威) and the old. The northern main house gets the most sunshine, so the eldest member of the family lives there. The east and west wing houses are for children and grandchildren. The southern building is closest to the doorway. It is usually for servants (仆人) or guests. Living under the same roof helps to form as strong family bond (纽带). Every family member stays close by sharing laughs and cries together.
But nowadays (如今), you can’t see many of these traditional, beautiful buildings, but there are many modern, tall buildings in this big city. The number of siheyuan in Beijing has dropped from 40, 000 in the Qing Dynasty to 3, 000 today. In order to protect siheyuan, the government (政府) will do something.
17.Where can you mostly see siheyuan in China
A.In northern China. B.In southern China. C.In eastern China. D.In western China.
18.Who can live in the northern main house
A.The old. B.Children C.Servants D.Guests
19.What happens to siheyuan nowadays
A.There are many siheyuan in Beijing. B.There are 40, 000 siheyuan in Beijing.
C.Siheyuan is becoming less and less. D.The government will build more siheyua.
20.What may the writer talk about after the last paragraph
A.Who owns a siheyuan. B.How to buy a siheyuan.
C.How to protect siheyuan. D.Talk about modern buildings.
When Holly looks out of the window in the morning, the world is white. The roofs of the house are white, the trees are white, the grass is white. But she sees something else, too.
She pulls on her clothes and trainers, runs downstairs, and opens the conservatory door. The bright snow dazzles her eyes and the cold air makes her cheeks turn red. But there, in the snow, she clearly sees little shapes going from the food bowl to the end of the garden. These aren’t human foot prints. They are paw prints! Holly follows them across the garden, crunching the snow under her feet.
They go under a gap in the fence beneath the old tree to the garage. The garage door isn’t completely closed. The paw prints stop at the entrance. An animal is in there. A fox A cat Or even. “Oh please, please, “she says softly. Holly pushes up the door and steps inside. In the comer, under a pile of cardboard boxes, and lying on an old blanket, she sees a dark shape. It opens an eye. It opens another eye. Its tail starts to wag. Eco!
Before Holly goes to school, there’s a meeting in the kitchen. Her mother, father, sister and dog are all there. The conclusion is: Holly can keep Eco. But she must take him to a dog training school. So Eco learns to sit when Holly says, “Sit!” She learns to come when Holly says, “Come here!” He goes to his basket when…. And the amazing thing is, Eco really enjoys it. For him, it’s one big game. And he doesn’t get into trouble.
21.Holly sees Eco’s paw prints in the ________.
A.roof B.grass C.house D.snow
22.Where does Holly find Eco
A.In the garage. B.Under a gap. C.Behind the old tree. D.In the kitchen.
23.What may happen to Eco after the meeting according to Paragraph 4
A.Eco can’t sleep in the house. B.Eco will go to a training school.
C.Holly can’t keep Eco. D.Eco can go to school with Holly.
24.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Holly finds Eco on a warm day. B.Eco sleeps in a cardboard box.
C.Eco doesn’t like the training school. D.Eco isn’t any trouble any more.
Once there was a milkmaid (挤奶女工) named Patty living in a small village. One day, she milked her cow and had two full pails (桶) of fresh milk. She never got so much milk at a time, so she decided to sell it at the market (市场). She put the pails of milk on both ends of a stick, carried it on her shoulder (肩膀) and set off to the market. As she walked to the market, her mind began to wander a bit. On her way, she kept thinking about the money she would make from selling the milk. Then she thought about what she would do with that money.
She was talking to herself and said, “Once I get the money, I’ll buy some chickens. The chickens will lay eggs and I will get more chickens. They’ll all lay eggs, and I will sell the eggs for more money. Someday, I’ll buy the house on the hill and everyone will envy (羡慕) me.” She was excited about the thought of becoming rich and having a better life.
With these happy thoughts, she walked more excitedly. As she almost got to the market, suddenly she tripped (绊倒) and fell. Both of the pails of the milk fell to the ground and spilled (洒) everywhere. There was no milk left for her to sell. All Patty could do was to cry and shout, “Why ”
She had to go home and told her mother what happened. “Oh, my child,” said her mother, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
25.What does the underlined word “wander” mean in this story
A.look around for something B.walk quickly and happily
C.become afraid of doing something D.think about something else
26.According to Patty’s plan, she would do something to make more money EXCEPT ________.
A.selling more milk B.selling more chickens
C.selling more eggs D.pouring all the milk
27.What happened to Patty in the end
A.She didn’t make any money at all.
B.She forgot to take her milk to the market.
C.She bought the house on the hill.
D.She woke up and knew she was dreaming.
28.Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the story
a. Patty cried and shouted, then went back home without money.
b. Patty took the milk to the market to make money.
c. Patty milked the cow and got two full pails of fresh milk.
d. Patty tripped and fell down and the milk spilled everywhere.
A.c-b-a-d B.b-c-d-a C.c-b-d-a D.b-a-d-c
29.What’s the meaning of the last sentence of the story
A.三思而后行。 B.亡羊补牢,为时不晚。
C.不要太早打如意算盘。 D.熟能生巧。
Studies have found that money can make people happy. But happiness is not about having money. Instead, it’s about giving money. It could be buying a present for a friend. It could be buying a homeless person food to eat. It could be giving money to a person in need. Just think about the first time you used your own money to do something for someone else. How did you feel You feel happy when you give. This is because making someone else happy makes the giver happy, too.
Ubuntu , an African (非洲的)word, means connecting (连接) your happiness to others. There is a story about a man visiting Africa. He asked some kids to run to a nearby tree. The first child to touch the tree would get one piece of candy. Surprisingly, all the children held hands and ran together. They all touched the tree at the same time. The man asked why they had done this. The children simply said they could only enjoy the candies if everyone had one.
Clearly, those children know that the secret (秘密) to happiness is making others happy.
30.Where is the underlined word “Ubuntu” in the second paragraph from
A.Africa B.Asia. C.Australia. D.America.
31.Why did the children hold hands to run together
A.The man asked them to do so.
B.They liked to hold hands while running .
C.Each of them could get one piece of candy.
D.Holding hands was a very interesting thing.
32.Why does the writer use a story in Paragraph 2
A.To tell readers Africans like candies.
B.To share the writer’s interesting story.
C.To make the writer’s opinion (观点) clearer.
D.To show the writer’s love for African children.
33.What does the writer try to tell us in the article
A.Having money can make people happy.
B.Running for candies makes children happy.
C.If you want to be happy, you can visit Africa.
D.You will feel happy when you make others happy.
I’m Mu Lan. I’m 13 years old. My classmate Li Hong is the same age as me. We are also good friends. I’m taller than her. But she is thinner than me. We are also in the same class, Class 2.
Li Hong’s mother is a nurse. She is busy. On weekends she has to do some housework. Li Hong likes helping her mother with some housework. Li Hong’s mother has no time to go shopping. So she loves online (网上) shopping very much. Shopping online can save (节约) her some time. She often buys some clothes for Li Hong. Li Hong’s mother likes purple and blue. She often buys some purple or blue dresses for herself.
Today Li Hong is in a red skirt. She looks very nice in it. It’s her favorite color. The skirt is only ninety-six yuan. Her white T-shirt is nice too. It’s sixty-eight yuan. Her mother bought them for her online last Sunday.
My mother is different from Li Hong’s mother. She is an office worker. She likes buying clothes in the store because she can try them on.
34.How old is Li Hong
A.7. B.13. C.15. D.20.
35.Why does Li Hong’s mother love online shopping
A.Because she is busy. B.Because she is very tall.
C.Because she is a nurse. D.Because she likes purple.
36.What does Mu Lan’s mother do
A.She is a school driver. B.She is a nurse.
C.She is an office worker. D.She is a shopkeeper.
How did you spend your summer holidays How about roller-skating all the way to Tibet That’s exactly(确切地)what Quanzhou College of Technology junior student Zheng Xu did. He made the 2, 150-kilometre journey from Chengdu to Lhasa in 27 days.
Most people chose to take the journey by bike, by train, by car or by plane, but Zheng Xu had a different way. He was a member of a roller-skating club at his school. He decided to have a new try. He started planning the trip in 2016. He took a part-time job to get money to buy supplies and equipment(装备). And finally he set off from Chengdu on July 8, 2017.
It wasn’t an easy trip. Zheng Xu had to face the speeding traffic, the weather and the altitude (海拔高度). Once he was ill and had to stay in hospital. And he reduced(减少)the weight of his backpack from 24kg to just 6kg. But he made lots of new friends on the way, meeting a cycling team. Zheng saw many beautiful views along the way. He said his trip was great and he learned a lot on the way.
37.What does the underlined word “journey” in Paragraph 1 mean
A.An exciting show. B.A long trip. C.A special lesson. D.A short holiday.
38.When did Zheng Xu finally get to Lhasa
A.On August 1, 2016. B.On July 8, 2017.
C.On August 4, 2017. D.On August. 7, 2017.
39.Which can be the best title for this passage
A.An interesting journey by roller-skating. B.Some problems Zheng met on the way.
C.Some good ways of travelling to Tibet. D.Beautiful views from Chengdu to Lhasa.
1.A 2.D 3.C
1.细节理解题。根据“He was painting a sign advertising (做广告) them on the edge of his yard.”可知,农民通过在自家院子边上画一个广告牌为狗做广告。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据“‘No charge.’ answered the farmer.”可知,农民对小男孩要的残疾小狗不收费。故选D。
4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A
4.细节理解题。根据“There is still one boy in the tunnel. The boy in the red jumper.”可知,穿着红色套头衫的男孩还在隧道里。故选C。
5.细节理解题。根据“‘No, wait!’ says Peter. ‘There is still one boy in the tunnel. The boy in the red jumper.’”可知,彼得发现隧道里还有一个男孩没出来。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据“And in Father’s big leather armchair is—the old gentleman from the train!”及“The children are very surprised.”可知,孩子们惊讶是因为吉姆的祖父是火车上的那位老先生。故选B。
8.推理判断题。根据“‘No, wait!’ says Peter. ‘There is still one boy in the tunnel. The boy in the red jumper.’”可知,彼得发现隧道里还有伙伴没有出来,说明他是细心的。根据“‘Let’s go in and look for him,’ says Peter. ‘Perhaps he’s e on!’”可知,彼得提议去隧道救吉姆,说明他是勇敢的。故选A。
9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B
9.词义猜测题。根据“There’s a gate in it. It’s shining in the afternoon sun. Dorothy looks at it carefully. It’s made of emeralds!”可知,他们看着那扇大门,所以此处it代指”大门”。故选C。
10.细节理解题。根据“We want to see the Great Oz”可知,因为他们想见Oz。故选A。
11.细节理解题。根据“The four travelers see a beautiful green light in the sky in front of them.”、“She knocks on the gate.”、“They put on the glasses.”、“The Keeper of the Gate takes them to a big building in the middle of the city.”及“A young girl takes them to their rooms.”可知,正确的排序是:他们看见了一道绿色美丽的光→Dorothy敲门→每个人都戴上了眼镜→看门员把他们带到一座大楼→一个年轻的女孩把他们带到他们的房间,故选C。
12.推理判断题。根据“These rooms are beautiful and comfortable. They feel very tired now”可知,接下来他们会去睡觉。故选B。
13.B 14.B 15.C 16.D
13.细节理解题。根据“Can you tell me about hawks (鹰) ”和“Falco often opens his wings and beats them. But he can’t fly.”可知,Falco是只鹰,故选B。
14.细节理解题。根据“The shed (棚) is too small.”可知,他们把鹰藏在了棚里,故选B。
15.细节理解题。根据“Jack sees her house, jumps off his bike, runs up her path and rings the doorbell.”,“In the afternoon, Jack and Jim take some meat from the fridge and cut it into very small pieces.”,“ Jack even digs up worms (虫子) in the park and brings them home.”和“Falco often opens his wings and beats them.”可知,正确的顺序是④①③②,故选C。
16.推理判断题。根据“‘I just want some information. Can you tell me about hawks (鹰) ’ ‘Hawks Why do you want to know ’”可知,霍利知道鹰的事,故选D。
17.A 18.A 19.C 20.C
17.细节理解题。根据“As traditional buildings, siheyuan is mostly seen in northern China.”可知四合院主要分布在中国的北部,故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“The northern main house gets the most sunshine, so the eldest member of the family lives there.”可知北面的主房可以得到最多的阳光,所以家庭中最年迈的人住在那,故选A。
19.细节理解题。根据“The number of siheyuan in Beijing has dropped from 40, 000 in the Qing Dynasty to 3, 000 today.”可知北京四合院的数量已经从清朝的4万间减少到今天的3000间,故选C。
20.推理判断题。根据“But nowadays, you can’t see many of these traditional, beautiful buildings, but there are many modern, tall buildings in this big city.”可知这些传统的美丽的建筑正在大量减少,所以推测接下来作者应该谈论如何保护这些四合院,故选C。
21.D 22.A 23.B 24.D
21.细节理解题。根据“But there, in the snow, she clearly sees little shapes going from the food bowl to the end of the garden. ”可知,Eco的爪子印在雪地里。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“The garage door isn’t completely closed. The paw prints stop at the entrance. An animal is in there.”可知,Holly在车库里找到Eco。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“The conclusion is: Holly can keep Eco. But she must take him to a dog training school.”可知,Holly要送Eco去狗狗训练学校。故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“And he doesn’t get into trouble.”可知,Eco不会再陷入麻烦中了。故选D。
25.D 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.C
25.词义猜测题。根据“On her way, she kept thinking about the money she would make from selling the milk. Then she thought about what she would do with that money.”可知,在她步行去市场的路上,她开始想怎么处理卖牛奶的钱,推知“wander”是“考虑其他事”的意思,故选D。
26.细节理解题。根据“On her way, she kept thinking about the money she would make from selling the milk.”及“The chickens will lay eggs and I will get more chickens. They’ll all lay eggs, and I will sell the eggs for more money.”可知Patty计划卖更多牛奶、卖更多鸡、卖更多鸡蛋来赚钱,不包括“倒掉所有的牛奶”。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据“There was no milk left for her to sell.”可知她根本没赚到钱。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“One day, she milked her cow and had two full pails of fresh milk. ... She put the pails of milk on both ends of a stick, carried it on her shoulder and set off to the market. ... As she almost got to the market, suddenly she tripped and fell. Both of the pails of the milk fell to the ground and spilled everywhere. ... All Patty could do was to cry and shout, ‘Why ’ ”可知正确的顺序是:c. Patty挤了牛奶,得到了两满桶新鲜牛奶→b. Patty带着牛奶去市场赚钱→d. Patty绊了一跤,牛奶洒了一地→a. Patty又哭又喊,然后没赚到钱就回家了。故选C。
29.句意猜测题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了Patty想卖牛奶赚钱然后计划自己未来的生活,但最后她摔倒了,牛奶洒了,她没有赚到任何钱,“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch”的意思应是“不要太早打如意算盘”。故选C。
30.A 31.C 32.C 33.D
30.细节理解题。根据“Ubuntu , an African (非洲的)word, means connecting (连接) your happiness to others.”可知,单词“Ubuntu”来自非洲,故选A。
31.推理判断题。根据“The children simply said they could only enjoy the candies if everyone had one.”可知,这些孩子手拉着手一起跑,是为了每个人都能得到一块糖,故选C。
32.推理判断题。根据“Clearly, those children know that the secret (秘密) to happiness is making others happy.”可知,作者在第二段使用这个故事,是想要告诉我们他的观点:快乐的秘密是让其他人快乐,故选C。
33.标题归纳题。根据“This is because making someone else happy makes the giver happy, too.”和“Clearly, those children know that the secret (秘密) to happiness is making others happy.”可知,作者想要告诉大家:当你让别人快乐时,你就会感到快乐。故选D。
34.B 35.A 36.C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要内容是Mu Lan介绍了她和她的好朋友Li Hong以及她们各自的妈妈的基本信息和爱好等。
34.细节理解题。根据“I’m Mu Lan. I’m 13 years old. My classmate Li Hong is the same age as me.”可知,Mu Lan和Li Hon都是13岁,故选B。
35.细节理解题。根据“Li Hong’s mother has no time to go shopping. So she loves online shopping very much.”可知,Li Hong的妈妈喜欢网购是因为她平时没有时间去购物。故选A。
36.细节理解题。根据“My mother is different from Li Hong’s mother. She is an office worker.”可知,Mu Lan的妈妈是一位办公室文员。故选C。
37.B 38.C 39.A
37.词义猜测题。根据“Most people chose to take the journey by bike, by train, by car or by plane”可知很多人会骑自行车、坐火车、坐汽车或坐飞机进行长途旅行,故此处划线部分意为“长途旅行”。故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据“He made the 2, 150-kilometre journey from Chengdu to Lhasa in 27 days.”以及“And finally he set off from Chengdu on July 8, 2017.”可知他是2017年7月8号出发的,经过27天之后,到达了西藏,即2017年8月4号。故选C。



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