Unit 3 Our animal friends 语法填空(含解析)牛津深圳版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训

Unit 3 Our animal friends 语法填空(含解析)牛津深圳版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训
Hello, everyone. My name is Kate Green. I have a good friend. 1 (she) name is Cindy Miller. Here is a photo of her room. A bed, a desk, a chair, a bookcase and a sofa 2 (be) in the room. Look! A quilt is on the bed. On the desk, you can 3 (see) a computer, a tape player and a clock. Can you see the 4 (watch) on the sofa They are so nice. Cindy loves them very much. Her parents bought them for her on her birthday. What are 5 (that) under the chair They are Cindy’s baseballs. She 6 (have) 3 baseballs. She thinks it is 7 (interest) to play baseball with her friends after class.
My friend Anna has a cat. One day, 8 cat didn’t eat anything and was asleep all day. She was worried about it 9 she asked me for help. I told her to call the animal doctor. But Anna 10 (think) there was nothing she could do.
“Call the animal doctor and talk to 11 (he),” I said again. “It doesn’t work, because the animal doctor won’t know anything by calling. He may ask me 12 (take) my cat to see the doctor, and I know it’s not that bad,” she said.
“Yes.” I said. “But you do that just 13 you, not for your cat. You are worrying about your cat now. If you don’t do anything, you will worry about it all the time.”
“OK,” she said. “I see.”
She 14 (talk) with the doctor, and then found the problem very quickly. The doctor told her what to do. Three 15 (day) later, things changed. Her cat was healthy again and could eat 16 (good).
Now, Anna 17 (stay) with her cat and enjoys the great time every day!
When you worry about something, you should act(行动)on it, not just think about it.
Today pets are very common in many families. People have time and money to look after 18 (they). Many people like to keep little animals as pets, such as dogs, cats and birds. And the pets are very 19 (importance) in their families. They think of the pets 20 their family members.
In many ways, pets can bring love and happiness and sometimes they also feel thankful. They show their 21 (thank) in a special way. They 22 (be) humans’ friends for quite a long time, especially the dogs.
Two years ago, a fireman saved 23 dog named Doberman from a fire in her house. The dog was a mother of six babies. The fireman kept on 24 (work) in the fire. The tired man sat down to have a rest 25 he put out the fire. He saw the mother dog that he saved walking straight to him. He wanted 26 (know) what she was going to do. To his surprise, the dog came up to him and kissed him. At first, he was too surprised to do anything. But then he hugged (拥抱) her 27 (happy) at once.
Christian lives in Australia and she has a pet koala. His name is Triumph. But he didn’t have the right foot. So he couldn’t climb and had problem in 28 (walk). For years, Christian tried to find a person to make a new leg for him, but no one could do it.
Then one day, Christian met a doctor, Doulman, and 29 (tell) him about Triumph’s problem. Doulman was so 30 (friend) and wanted to have a try. He thought about many 31 (way) to help Triumph. In the end, he made a model of Triumph’s leg. To Christian’s surprise, after she helped Triumph put it on, he could use it well. He did a little jump and started running around and 32 (climb). Christian shouted because it was great to see him move like other koalas. Her dream came true.
Doulman works on a new model leg for Triumph these days. He 33 (wish) that it could help him climb more easily and 34 (quick). He is sure Triumph can live a better life.
It 35 (look)like there are more cats around us today. 36 fact, now there are about 58.1 million pet cats in China. China has the second 37 (large)number of cat owners in the world after the United States. Every year, more young people take cats 38 pets. More cats bring more jobs. Many people now work at pet shops and animal hospitals.
39 cats can become problems, too. Some people throw 40 (they)pet cats away because of different reasons. Then the cats become 41 (home). They can pass on 42 (disease). And they hunt other animals like birds and frogs.
So in Japan and Australia, the governments take homeless cats to animal hospitals. Doctors operate 43 them in order that the cats can’t have babies. In this way, 44 number of cats will not go up.
Do you have a pet Tom and Kate are talking about pets. They have different ideas.
Tom: I have a little black dog. 45 (it) name is Bob. I like the dog very much. I think it is very cute and 46 (friend). When my parents are out, I can talk 47 play with it. It makes 48 (I) happy. My families often go to the park 49 the dog. It brings us a lot of happiness.
Kate: 50 (animal) are our friends. I like dogs, cats, and birds very much. 51 I don’t have a pet. I think it is dirty. We may not be 52 (health). It also 53 (need) more time and money. I don’t think I can look after them 54 (good).
At the age of 9, I wanted to keep a pet fish. After months of saving, I had enough money 55 (get) one finally. I named it Bob. I put a 56 (beauty) toy house with windows in the tank (鱼缸) so that Bob could swim through. Sometimes, I would draw 57 (picture) of other fish and sea plants and tape (粘) them to the side of the tank, so Bob wouldn’t get lonely while I was at school.
However, after 58 month, I found the tank dirty. My dad asked me to bring it into the bathroom. He wanted to make sure I knew what to do so that Bob wouldn’t get hurt (受伤).
First, my dad told me to reach 59 (careful) into the tank and take the house away. When I took my hand out of the water, I saw that the water was much 60 (dirty) than I thought.
“That’s smelly!” I said. “Let’s hurry up 61 get the fish out of the water, Dad!”
“Not so fast, Ben,” Dad said. “We need to save some of the old water, because Bob 62 (need) a place to stay while we clean the tank.”
“Why ” I asked.
“Running water can be bad 63 fish,” Dad answered. “That means we can’t put Bob into fresh water right away. Instead, we need to put 64 (he) in a cup with a little of the dirty water for a moment.”…
All sounded so easy. I hoped the next time I would be able to clean the tank all by myself.
Twitter Bryan and his wife Jessica love animals. When they were helping out in a local pet rescue(救助) store, they made friends with a cat 65 (call) Wyatt. They decided 66 (take) it home. In order to let Wyatt live more comfortably, Bryan wanted to give it something more its own bedroom. After 67 (look) around their house, Bryan found that the roof could be 68 (Wyatt) room. He was excited at the idea. “It will be a perfect place in our small house.” Bryan said. Bryan built a bed from 69 (piece) of wood while Jessica cut up old pillows(枕头) to use it as a mattress(床垫). Then, they 70 (find) some old balls for Wyatt to play with. Now, Wyatt is living 71 (happy) with the couple.
I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I’m tidy, 72 Gina is not. 73 our room, my books and tapes 74 (be) in the bookcase. My keys are 75 my schoolbag. I 76 (have) a clock. It’s on the desk. 77 (Gina) books are everywhere—on her bed, on the sofa 78 under the chair. The white model plane is 79 (her). It’s under the desk. “Where 80 (be) my keys Where’s my ruler Where’s my schoolbag ” Gina always 81 (ask).
Hi, I’m Dino, a family dog. I help keep people safe, especially(尤其) on the roads. Take a look at 82 I did last week.
On Sunday Our neighbor’s boy ran in front of a car to get his ball. The car almost 83 (hit) him. I saved him.
On Monday I stopped two people from 84 (cross) the road when the traffic light was on.
On Tuesday One 85 (drive) started shouting at Mum when she stopped to let some children cross the road. I soon made him 86 (stop).
On Wednesday I saw two girls walking on a 87 (danger) road. I made them change 88 minds(想法), and then they walked on the safe pavement(人行道).
On Thursday I made sure everyone in our car wore their seat belts. Even I had one. But Mum forgot to wear her seat belt, 89 I reminded(提醒)her.
On Friday I saw Dad talking on his mobile phone when he 90 (drive). I soon stopped him.
On Saturday Mum took me 91 a walk. One car was parked in a very place. It was right on the corner of the street. I made the driver change the parking place.
1.Her 2.are 3.see 4.watches 5.those 6.has 7.interesting
【导语】本文介绍了一张Cindy Miller房间的照片。
1.句意:她的名字叫辛迪·米勒。根据“...name is Cindy Miller.”可知,此空缺形容词性物主代词作定语修饰名词name,故填Her。
2.句意:房间里有一张床、一张桌子、一把椅子、一个书柜和一张沙发。根据“A bed, a desk, a chair, a bookcase and a sofa...in the room.”可知,主语“A bed, a desk, a chair, a bookcase and a sofa”为复数,且本句为陈述事实,为一般现在时,be动词用are,故填are。
4.句意:你能看到沙发上的手表吗?根据下文“They are so nice.”可知,此处为复数,watch“手表”的复数形式为watches,故填watches。
5.句意:椅子下面的是什么?根据下文“They are Cindy’s baseballs.”可知,此处应填that的复数形式those“那些”,故填those。
6.句意:她有3个棒球。根据“She...3 baseballs.”可知,本句为陈述事实,为一般现在时,且主语she为第三人称单数,谓语动词have“拥有”应用三单形式,故填has。
7.句意:她觉得下课后和朋友们一起打棒球很有趣。it is+形容词+to do“做某事怎么样”,固定句式,interest“使感兴趣”的形容词为interesting“有趣的”,形容事物。故填interesting。
8.the 9.so 10.thought 11.him 12.to take 13.for 14.talked 15.days 16.well 17.stays
8.句意:有一天,那只猫不吃东西,一整天都在睡觉。根据上文“My friend Anna has a cat.”可知此处应用定冠词the特指上文提到的那只猫。故填the。
10.句意:但安娜认为她无能为力。根据“there was”可知句子应用一般过去时,动词think的过去式为thought。故填thought。
12.句意:他可能会让我带我的猫去看医生,我知道情况并没有那么糟。根据“ask me”可知此处应用动词短语ask sb to do sth表示“让某人做某事”,动词take的不定式为to take。故填to take。
13.句意:但你这样做只是为了你,而不是为了你的猫。根据“but not for your cat”可知此处应用介词for表示“为了”。故填for。
17.句意:现在,安娜和她的猫待在一起,享受每一天的美好时光!根据“Now”和“every day”可知句子应用一般现在时,主语Anna为第三人称单数,谓语应用动词stay的三单形式stays。故填stays。
18.them 19.important 20.as 21.thanks 22.are/have been 23.a 24.working 25.after 26.to know 27.happily
18.句意:人们有时间和金钱来照顾它们。look after“照顾”,动词短语。“after”为介词,介词后面用宾格,they的宾格是them。故填them。
20.句意:他们认为宠物是他们的家人。根据“They think of the pets...their family members.”可知,此处指把宠物“当作”家庭成员,用介词as。故填as。
22.句意:它们一直是人类的朋友,特别是狗。此句陈述的是客观事实,可以用一般现在时态,主语“They”为复数,be用are;根据“for quite a long time”可知,此处也可用现在完成时态,结构为:have/has been,主语为复数,故用have been。故填are/have been。
24.句意:这名消防员继续在火中工作。work“工作”,动词。keep on doing sth.“继续做某事”,动词短语。故填working。
25.句意:那个疲惫的人把火扑灭后坐下来休息。根据“...have a rest...he put out the fire.”可知,此处指把火扑灭后,坐下来休息,所以用after,表示“在……之后”。故填after。
26.句意:他想知道她要干什么。know“知道”,动词。want to do sth.“想要做某事”,动词短语。故填to know。
27.句意:但他立刻高兴地拥抱了她。happy“高兴的”,形容词。根据“...he hugged (拥抱) her...(happy)”可知,空处修饰动词“hugged”,应用副词。故填happily。
28.walking 29.told 30.friendly 31.ways 32.climbing 33.wishes 34.quickly
28.句意:所以他不能攀爬,走路也有问题。“have problem in doing sth.”为固定搭配,意为“做某事有困难”,故用walk的doing形式。故填walking。
30.句意:Doulman非常友好,想试一试。分析句子,可知be动词后跟形容词,“friendly”意为“友好的”,“so friendly”意为“非常友好”。故填friendly。
32.句意:他做了一个小跳跃,开始四处奔跑和攀爬。“start doing sth.”意为“开始做某事”,分析句子,可知running和此空为并列关系,故用climb的doing形式。故填climbing。
34.句意:他希望它能帮助他更容易、更快地攀登。根据“climb more easily and…”,可知这里用quick的副词形式quickly修饰动词climb。故填quickly。
35.looks 36.In 37.largest 38.as 39.But 40.their 41.homeless 42.diseases 43.on 44.the
35.句意:看起来如今我们周围猫咪更多了。根据“there are”可知,本句用一般现在时,且主语It是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式。故填looks。
36.句意:事实上,现在中国大约有5810万只宠物猫。in fact“事实上,实际上”,固定短语,且句首首字母大写。故填In。
39.句意:但是,猫咪也会成为问题。根据“More cats bring more jobs”以及“cats can become problems”可知,空格前讲述“更多猫咪可以带来更多的工作岗位”,空格后讲述“猫咪会成为问题”,前后形成转折。but意为“但是”,表转折,且句首首字母大写。故填But。
41.句意:然后,这些猫咪就变得无家可归了。become为系动词,其后接形容词作表语;再根据前文“throw their pet cats away”可知,被丢弃的猫咪无家可归。homeless“无家可归的”,形容词。故填homeless。
43.句意:为了让这些流浪猫不再生育,医生会给它们做手术。operate on...“给……做手术”,故填on。
44.句意:用这种方式,流浪猫的数量将不再增长。the number of“……的数量”,此处特指流浪猫的数量,定冠词the表示特指。故填the。
45.Its 46.friendly 47.and 48.me 49.with 50.Animals 51.But 52.healthy 53.needs 54.well
46.句意:我觉得它非常可爱和友好。根据“it is very cute and…”可知是友好的,空格处应用friend的形容词friendly。故填friendly。
49.句意:我的家人经常带着这只狗去公园。根据“go to the park…the dog”可知是带着狗去公园,空格处应用介词with,表示伴随。故填with。
51.句意:但是我没有宠物。根据“I like dogs, cats, and birds very much”和“I don’t have a pet.”可知两句之间是转折关系,空格后无标点,应用but表示转折,句首字母要大写。故填But。
53.句意:它也需要更多的时间和金钱。根据“It also…”可知空格处缺少谓语动词,原句是一般现在时,主语it是第三人称单数,谓语动词need用三单形式needs。故填needs。
54.句意:我觉得我不能很好地照顾它们。根据“look after them…”可知是照顾不好,空格处缺少副词,good的副词形式是well。故填well。
55.to get 56.beautiful 57.pictures 58.a 59.carefully 60.dirtier 61.and 62.needs 63.for 64.him
55.句意:经过几个月的积蓄,我终于有足够的钱买了一条。enough…to do sth.意为“足够的……做某事”,此处应用动词不定式作结果状语,故填to get。
57.句意:有时,我会画其他鱼类和海洋植物的照片,并把它们粘在鱼缸的一边,这样鲍勃就不会在我上学时感到孤独。根据“tape them to the side of the tank”可知,them指代图片,所以此处应用名词复数形式pictures,故填pictures。
61.句意:爸爸,我们快点把鱼从水里捞出来吧!句中“hurry up”和“get the fish out of the water”是并列关系,所以用并列连词and,故填and。
62.句意:我们需要节省一些旧水,因为我们打扫鱼缸时,鲍勃需要一个地方住。根据“We need to save some of the old water”可知,该句是一般现在时,主语是Bob,谓语动词用单三形式needs,故填needs。
63.句意:自来水对鱼不好。be bad for意为“对……不好”,故填for。
65.called 66.to take 67.looking 68.Wyatt’s 69.pieces 70.found 71.happily
【导语】本文主要讲述了Twitter Bryan和他的妻子帮助了一个宠物救助商店并和一只名为Wyatt的小猫生活在一起的故事。
66.句意:他们决定把它带回家。decide to do sth“决定做某事”,为固定短语,故填to take。
72.but 73.In 74.are 75.in 76.have 77.Gina’s 78.and
79.hers 80.are 81.asks
73.句意:在我们的房间里,我的书和磁带都在书柜里。根据“our room, my books and tapes”可知,应该是指在房间里,应用介词in。故填In。
74.句意:在我们的房间里,我的书和磁带都在书柜里。主语“my books and tapes ”是复数,be动词用are,故填are。
75.句意:我的钥匙在书包里。根据“My keys are...my schoolbag”可知,钥匙在书包里,应用介词in,故填in。
78.句意:吉娜的书到处都是——床上、沙发上和椅子下面。根据“on her bed, on the sofa...under the chair”可知几者之间是并列关系,应用and,故填and。
82.what 83.hit 84.crossing 85.driver 86.stop 87.dangerous 88.their 89.so 90.was driving 91.for
84.句意:当交通灯亮起时,我阻止两个人过马路。stop sb from doing sth表示“阻止某人做某事”。故填crossing。
85.句意:当妈妈停下车让一些孩子过马路时,一个司机开始对妈妈喊。根据“...started shouting at Mum”可知,司机对妈妈大喊,driver“司机”;空前有“one”,此处应用单数形式。故填driver。
86.句意:我很快让他停下。make sb do sth表示“让某人做某事”。故填stop。
88.句意:我让她们改变她们的想法,然后她们走人行道了。change one’s minds表示“改变某人的想法”,them的形容词性物主代词是their。故填their。
90.句意:当爸爸开车时,我看到他打电话。此句是when引导的时间状语从句,描述过去正在做的事,用过去进行时。故填was driving。
91.句意:妈妈带我溜达。take sb for a walk表示“带某人散步”。故填for。



