
November 9, 2023
满分:150分 考试时间: 120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When does the tour start
A. 13: 25. B. 13: 35. C. 13: 45.
2. Where are the speakers
A. In a hotel. B. In a bank. C. In a shop.
3. What is the man
A. A tailor. B. A salesman. C. A mechanic.
4. What is the man’s problem
A. He can’t get the candy bar.
B. He can’t get his change back.
C. He can’t put money into the machine.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A present. B. A thank-you note. C. The woman’s birthday.
6. What does the woman think of the sailing course
A. Satisfying. B. Discouraging. C. Boring.
7. What can we learn from the conversation
A. The equipment was of high quality.
B. The teacher gave clear instructions.
C. The conditions were perfect for sailing.
8. What made the book interesting according to the man
A. The main character. B. The storyline. C. The language.
9. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
10. What is the woman doing
A. Cleaning the house. B. Washing clothes. C. Looking for a pen.
11. Who is to blame for the mess
A. Jacob. B. The woman C. The man.
12. What might the man do next
A. Meet some friends. B. Make a phone call. C. Find some remover.
13. When did Brittany enjoy acting
A. When she took part in a school play.
B. When she attended some acting classes.
C. When she played at being an actress at home.
14. What did Brittany worry about before her first theatre performance
A. Forgetting her lines. B. Using the wrong accent. C. Appearing in front of the audience.
15. Why did Brittany go into TV acting
A. She needed to earn more. B. She lost interest in theatre work.
C. She wanted to try something new.
16. What brings excitement to Brittany
A. Being offered a new part. B. Watching her new works onscreen.
C. Sharing her performance with her family.
17. What is illegal in Los Cabos
A. Renting cars. B. Drinking alcohol. C. Being drunk in public.
18. Where are the listeners recommended to exchange their money
A. At a bank. B. At the hotel. C. At a scenery spot.
19. What advice does the speaker give about getting around the city
A. Carrying some change. B. Using public transport. C. Avoiding traveling at night.
20. Who will probably talk about the special discounts
A. Luca. B. Havier. C. Diego.
第二部分 阅读理解(共2节,满分50分)
Some of our research projects rely on the generosity of people like you. Whether it’s using your home PC, taking part in a clinical trial, or simply volunteering your time for a study, you may be able to contribute to some of the ground-breaking projects which make the University of Oxford a world leader in research. Watch this space for ways in which you could get involved.
Seeking poor sleepers for insomnia (失眠) research
Trouble sleeping Researchers from the Sleep & Circadian Neuroscience Institute are evaluating different interventions aimed at improving sleep. We are looking for poor sleepers between the ages of 18 and 65. Participation will involve spending overnights in the sleep laboratory at Oxford, monitoring your sleep/wake cycle, and completing computerized tasks. If you are interested, please contact the research team at insomnia@ndcn.ox.ac.uk.
Volunteers with lazy eye wanted
We are looking for volunteers aged 18-45with a history of lazy eye to take part in our brain scanning study. You will also be asked questions about your medical history to check your suitability for an MRI scan. Call 01865 223622 for more information.
Oxford Vaccine Group
The Oxford Vaccine Group is an independent multi-disciplinary(多学科的) clinical trials group. OVG works towards the goal of developing new and improved vaccines for the prevention of infection in adults and children, enhancing the understanding of immunity and studying the epidemiology of infectious diseases. To get more information, please see the OVG website.
Oxford Experimental lab for the Social Sciences
The Oxford Internet Institute, together with the Business School, is recruiting individuals to participate in computer-based experiments involving online surfing behavior as well as economic and political decision-making. We pay our subjects well, there are no special skills required and you don’t have to come to the lab in person. Contact us at social sciencestudy@ox.ac.uk.formore information.
21. What is the main purpose of the passage
A. To look for research subjects. B. To offer medical help to patients.
C. To introduce new research programs. D. To recruit experienced researchers.
22. What does OVG work on
A. Carrying out operations. B. Producing better vaccines.
C. Learning more about infection. D. Studying the causes of diseases
23. Which project can you probably participate in if you can’t be physically present
A. Oxford Vaccine Group. B. Insomnia research group.
C. Brain Scanning study group. D. Oxford Experimental lab.
The European Patent Office (EPO) on 4th July 2023 announced that Maasai inventor, Richard Turere, won first place in the Young Inventor Prize at the European Inventor Award 2023.
Turere invented the Lion Lights system at age 11. As a young Maasai boy, Turere was entrusted with the vital responsibility of protect g his family’s cattle from predators(捕食者). He recognized the need for a solution to prevent lions and other predators from attacking livestock(牲畜), which led him to develop the innovative light system that has since gained global recognition.
Lion population in Africa is estimated to have declined by 43% in the past 20 years. Many lions are killed to stop them from eating precious livestock, significantly impacting the lion population, the area’s biodiversity and tourism. Known as Lion Lights, Turere’s invention is based on a simple concept: visually reproducing the human presence that keeps lions away. With changing sequences(序列) of flashing lights which are fixed on fences, the lions can hot become comfortable with the patters and are discouraged from hunting livestock.
As word of Turere’s technology and its success spread, other community members began requesting the system for their properties, and now over 2, 000 homes in Kenya use Lion Lights. The system typically runs on solar energy but can also be coupled with wind power when the weather is cloudy or there is little sun.
In 2013, Turere founded the Lion Lights organization, which now cooperates with more than 50 young people in his native village. Turere’s commitment and resourcefulness have attracted international attention. His invention has been adopted in several other countries. “I want this story to inspire the young kids so that they too can do something. Anyone can make it. Anyone can change this world”, says Turere.
24. Why Turere invented Lion Lights
A. To win an award. B. To protect livestock.
C. To maintain lion population. D. To shoulder family responsibility
25. How does the Lion Lights system work
A. It controls electric fences to trap lions.
B. It operates on a single energy source.
C. It patterns the human existence using lights.
D. It uses strong flashing lights to scare lions away.
26. Which of the following best describes Turere
A. Creative and devoted. B. Intelligent and generous.
C. Brave and disciplined D. Ambitious and outgoing.
27. In which column can the text be found in a newspaper
A. People. B. Entertainment. C. Environment. D. Politics.
I don’t think translation apps will make learning foreign languages completely outdated. No program can accurately recreate the implication (含意) of real conversation. For example, by dropping “will” or “am going to” in “Tomorrow I start my diet” I am implying a previous delay of the diet. Atypical translation by apps would be “Tomorrow I am going to start my diet” which gets across the basic idea but lacks the intended implication.
However, technology is removing the need to learn foreign languages for practical purposes such as reserving hotel rooms or ordering meals in a foreign country, since practicality is why most people want to learn a new language.
Douglas Hofstadter, a cognitive scientist, sees his mastery of foreign languages as a reflection of his identity. As an enthusiastic language learner myself, I don’t entirely share his perspective, but I do agree with the writer Graeme Wood, who has noted “to actively enjoy piecing together how other languages work is an individual quirk(怪癖), not a human universal.” True enthusiasts learn new languages for the sheer joys of discovery or accomplishment. Most people, however are uninterested in this odd desire.
Some would say a foreign language is a window into a new way of processing the world. But did the humble level of French or Spanish we picked up in school provide us with a new lens and profound views on the world If our goal is getting directions to the bus station in Rome, technology now makes that possible at the press of a button.
As someone endlessly fascinated by languages, I am working hard to accept this new reality. With an iPhone handy and an appropriate app downloaded, foreign languages will no longer present most people with the barrier they once did. Learning a new language will likely become a pursuit of interest to a much smaller but more committed set of enthusiasts.
28. What is paragraph 1 mainly about
A. The function of real conversation. B. The importance of accurate translation.
C. The limitation of translation technology. D. The necessity of learning foreign languages.
29. Why does the author learn new languages
A. To satisfy an inner desire, B. To display his individuality.
C. To serve practical purposes. D. To explore his core identity.
30. What does the author think of foreign language lessons in school
A. Uninspiring. B. Irrelevant. C. Inflexible. D. Insufficient.
31. What does “this new reality” in the last paragraph refer to
A. Language enthusiasts will lose their passion.
B. Foreign languages won’t pose big challenges.
C. Many people will quit learning new languages.
D. Learning languages is no longer a personal choice.
The natural word provides humans with essential services. For instance, forests channel water into rivers that irrigate crops while the roots prevent landslides. Over decades, therefore, governments have made promises about preserving the world’s biodiversity.
However, those promises have been broken many times, which has caused the depressing destruction of natural environments, One step towards avoiding yet more disappointment is to emphasize the close link between preserving biodiversity and the widely held goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions. Unfortunately, less known is the link between them.
Given that biodiversity has an important role in meeting these carbon-reduction goals, you might think it would feature highly in the net-zero emissions plans. Not so. For example, faced with tighter regulation of emissions, many com panes are now channeling more time and cash to their firms carbon footprints reduction and energy transition, yet the plans have too little to say about biodiversity.
That needs to change. Sale guarding biodiversity is an efficient way to control carbon panies and investment firms should pay more at tent into the opportunities from preserving ecosystems. By investing in biodiversity —directing capital(资金) to projects that repair an ecosystem, companies can of set(抵消) their emissions. By some estimates, projects to manage carbon-rich we lands and to re forest cleared land could provide more than one-third of the emissions reductions that are needed to prevent more than 2℃ of global warming.
Key to managing more capital is better measurement so that the link between investment in natural l projects, biodiversity and carbon is made clear. Today some so-called carbon-of set projects that involve firms paying money to are questionable and not supported by evidence, Better guidelines and practice can help and so can new technology. Drones and satellites can improve the measurement of biodiversity and accounting systems can measure how spending on biodiversity compares with pouring cash into other kinds of carbon management.
32. What do we know about biodiversity
A. Its importance is undervalued.
B. Its link with carbon emissions is crystal clear.
C. It is the source of carbon dioxide.
D. It gets promised benefits from governments.
33. Why is “many companies” mentioned in paragraph 3
A. To clarify a rule. B. To make a conclusion.
C. To explain a plan. D. To support an opinion.
34. What is the benefit of safeguarding biodiversity
A. Rebuilding wetlands. B. Redirecting capital.
C. Cutting carbon emissions. D. Transforming energy.
35. What message does the writer convey in the text
A. The natural world deserves more investment,
B. The key to managing capital is new regulations.
C. It is hard to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.
D. It is worthwhile spending money on carbon reduction.
Once upon a time, we were all quest in-asking experts. We start d asking our parent numerous questions as kids. By preschool, our inquiries even reached the depths of science, philosophy, and the social order. Where does the sun goat night Why doesn’t that man have a home like we do Why do rocks sink but ice floats 36
Why does the child’s urge to ask questions grow inactive in so many adults An important factor is how the social environments surrounding us change as we age. Schools transform from a place for asking questions to one funded by our ability to answer them. 37 And we recognize that society rewards the people who propose to have the answers.
38 we can be braver about asking questions in public and encouraging others to pursue their curiosity, too. In that encouragement, we help create an environment where those around us feel safe to ask questions.
When it comes to how we phrase questions, we are advised to open with less sensitive questions, favor follow-up questions, and keep questions open-ended. We can also practice asking questions of and for ourselves by keeping a running list of questions in a journal. 39 Finally, we could set aside time to ask absurd questions like “How would you accomplish a week’s work in two hours ” This type of questions forces us to break the boundaries of our comfort zone.
In the world that does not look much as it did years ago, we must ask questions. 40 Great questions can open up our capacity to change because they allow us to draw people in, opening them up to sharing knowledge, ideas, and opinions. And they are also our primary means of learning about the world. In short, asking questions is the best way to deepen our understanding of the things that matter to our life. As any child could probably tell us if we asked.
A. Then, at some point, our inquiring desires disappear.
B. It is a high-payoff behavior especially in times of change.
C. The questions we ask depend on our attitudes as well as the situations.
D. But as we grow up, asking questions fills us with worry and self-doubt.
E. As such, one way to renew our inquiring spirit is to change the atmosphere.
F. We learn to sell ourselves on the job market by what we know, not what we don’t.
G. It not only removes the publicity from question asking, but offers us a place to experiment.
第三部分 语言知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共15题,每题1分,满分15分)
Recently, I have been struggling to connect with my dad because our conversations have seemed unimportant to him. In a half-hearted attempt to find something that 41 him, I pulled out my phone and showed him a few 42 of Jay, my new pet rabbit.
“Did mom tell you I got a bunny ” It was an unusual question. To my surprise, my dad’s 43 were lifted. “A black bunny!” he called out, getting closer to 44 the photos. He wanted to know more, I hurried to find more photos, holding on to this 45 opportunity.
I shouldn’t be 46 that it was a bunny that 47 the fog between my dad and I. Growing up, we never talked much. Instead, our time together centered around animals, like catching crayfish at the river and caring for turtles and crabs. 48 animals has always been our 49 .
A few months later, I came up with more photos and videos of Jay on my laptop so my dad could see them more 50 .I had been 51 that his initial interest in Jay was a one-off event, but he 52 again when I showed him the new stuff.
Our love for animals is the 53 that connects us. There was no 54 to start having deep conversations if that had never been our style, just finding 55 together in a photo of a bunny was enough.
41. A. connects B. comforts C. inspires D. interests
42. A. gifts B. photos C. videos D. posters
43. A. spirits B. feelings C. perceptions D. gestures
44. A. select B. share C. examine D. obtain
45. A. unexpected B. unfinished C. undoubted D. unlimited
46. A. disappointed B. annoyed C. satisfied D. surprised
47. A. broke down B. set out C. wore out D. broke through
48. A. Respecting B. Loving C. Adopting D. Catching
49. A. topic B. motive C. appetite D. thing
50. A. easily B. frequently C. patiently D. distantly
51. A. pleased B. ashamed C. worried D. persuaded
52. A. cheered up B. straighten up C. gave up D. looked up
53. A. trick B. passion C. bond D. routine
54. A. need B. help C. harm D. chance
55. A. company B. amusement C. innovation D. interpretation
第一节 单句语法填空((共15题,每题1分,满分15分)
56. He was a (courage) and kind figure loved by many people. (U1金句)
57. This kind of cloth washes well, irons easily and (wear) long.(U1词汇)
58. (encounter) a fightening beast on the way to the market the other day, the servant fed with her heart beating wildly.(U1黄本)
59. Not only does it improve our health, it a so makes us cheerful and raises our learning (efficient) .(U2单元考)
60. The disease is surprisingly difficult to catch, as most people have a natural (resist) to it.(U2单元考)
61. I will tell him the good news (instant) I meet him.(U2词汇)
62. Income, education and (occupy) al play a part in detemining a person’s living style.(U2黄本)
63. His (admit) to that famous university surprised us all for he was absent from school for a whole year.(U3单元考)
64. (ban) from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back.(U3白本)
65. Hearing the news, he was (visible) shocked.(U3词汇)
66. As in China, the climate in Canada (vary) depending on the area.(U4白本)
67. My (shy) really prevents me from approaching people.(U4词汇)
68. Some think that a woman’s body cells have a (tend) to age more slowly than man’s.(U4白本)
69. He worked in a car factory for four years, after he founded his own company in his hometown.
70. The presenter (demonstrate) his project at 15: 00 next Monday.
第四部分 书面表达(40分)
第一节 应用文(15分)
第二节 读后续写(25分)
When I was in middle school, my family moved to Seattle, where my parents start d their new business—a small grocery store downstairs my house. As a girl of shy and reserved nature, I had to take a fresh start to fit into the sophisticated city life.
One sunny day, my school announced an exciting even, a talent show for the local food bank. Students were encouraged to showcase their unique talents in front of the public in the city hall on National Day. Abuzz of excitement fed the school as everyone began preparing for the big day. Deep down, I felt as park of curiosity and a desire to participate. However, myself-doubt held me back, “I don’t have any special skills to share.”
Days turned into weeks, and the talent show drew closer I couldn’t shake the upsetting feeling until one day Emma, one of the most popular girls in my class, came to me while I was helping in the grocery store after class. “How about singing together in the talent show ” She grinned, “I heard you singing a tune, along the way back home. I can’t help following you here.” Gosh, I couldn’t believe my ears. Emma, with personality and popularity, acknowledged my little talent. Since Emma had the world’s prettiest voice, I felt like being favoured by fortune.
“You two The talent show for the food bank ” My mum bent towards us and her face lit up. “A big occasion.” Then a light bulb seemed to go in her head. “Why not practise right now upstairs I bet you’ll be a perfect match.” Winking at us, she seemed to know we were thinking alike.
Emma and I embarked on rehearsing almost every single day after school. We brainstormed, exchanged ideas and rehearsed the scene. As the days rolled by, I was feeling pretty good about our act. But the day before the performance,
Emma called that she had an acute stomachache and was not in any shape to perform.
听力理解: 1-5BBCBA 6-10ACAAB 11-15CBABC 16-20ACABA
阅读理解: 21-23ABD 24-27BCAA 28-31CADC 32-35ADCA 36-40AFEGB
完形填空: 41-45DBACA 46-50DDDBA 51-55CACAB
56.courageous 57.wears 58.Encountering 59.efficiency 60.resistance
61.instantly 62.occupation 63.being admitted 64.Banned/Having been banned 65.visibly
66.varies 67.shyness 68.tendency 69.which 70.will be demonstrating
Dear Henry,
I am delighted to learn that you are visiting China and looking forward to enjoying a day at a theme park. As a fan of amusement park, I strongly recommend Shanghai Disneyland to you. It’s a world-class theme park, with thrilling rides, renowned attractions, eye-catching live shows, and super grand parades. Encountering classic characters, and participating in various interactive experiences, you will be transported into a world of pure magic! The park is truly family-friendly and enchanting even for little kids, offering a miraculous touch of Disney magic.
Come and visit Shanghai Disneyland during your stay in China, and I’m confident it will provide you with a remarkable experience. Wishing you an enjoyable and memorable time in China!
Li Hua
Text 5
W: Look at the watch my sister sent today.
M: What was the occasion Your birthday was in February.
W: It was a thank you for taking care of her house and pet.
Text 6
M: That sailing course was great.
W: I couldn’t agree more. And it was a good job I’d read a bit about how to do it before I went, because I couldn’t actually hear a lot of what the teacher said.
M: The sails made quite a lot of noise in the wind, but there was just the right amount for learning how to sail.
W: And the waves were really small too, which made things easier. I think the club needs to spend some money on new boats, though. The one I was in felt like it might fall to bits at any moment.
Text 7
M: Have you finished that book we’re studying in our literature class yet
W: Yes, last night I stayed up late because I couldn’t stop reading the last few pages. I really didn’t expect the hero to be killed
M: I thought he might be. I read an interview with the author who said some readers would be disappointed by what happened at the end. I’ve never read anything that had someone like him as the hero, though. That’s what made it so interesting. Most books rely on the story and lots happening, but this was more about his thoughts and feelings.
W: True!
Text 8
W: Oh, man. Someone ran a pen through the dryer, and now all of the clothes and the dryer area real mess.
M: Ugh. Wow. That’s rough. Well, I have to go. I’m playing tennis with Jacob in a few minutes.
W: No way! Wait, wait. What about the mess
M: Well, uh, what clothes did you have in there
W: Listen. I had two of my new shirts, a pair of shorts, the children’s running socks, and one of your work shirts.
M: No way!
W: Look! Here’s the pen, and it has your company logo on it. I guess it was your fault.
M: Oooh. Uh...
W: Call your friends and tell them you’re going to be late. And try using this remover. It’ll help get the ink marks out of the dryer.
Text 9
M: We’ve got TV actress Britany Briers in the studio. Brittany, how did you di cover your love of acting
W: I was always trying to be like TV characters at home but never thought of acting. When I was twelve, Mum sent me to drama classes. Then I learned enough to act in a school play. Being onstage then was definitely what got me interested!
M: What was your first professional theatre performance like
W: The person I played had an American accent. I kept thinking I’d go back to my own. I’m sure things like not remembering your lines are embarrassing when there’s a huge audience. I made sure that didn’t happen.
M: Later you went into TV acting. Why
W: I was seen onstage by a director who thought I was perfect for a TV series he was making. I thought “Why not learn some fresh skills ” The extra money was useful, but I’d never take a job just for money, though.
M: What do you love most about your job
W: When a new TV series comes out and my family get excited—but I avoid watching myself on screen. I get the real excitement from picking up the envelope containing my new role.
Text 10
Hello everyone. My name is Luca. Welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. Right now I’d like to take a minute to familiarize you with the area. Firstly, please realize that it is against the law to get drunk in public.
I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in Los Cabos. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains or take a moonlit walk along the water. Suntan Tours offers a variety of special discounts depending on your travel plans. There will be a short information session at 1: 00 pm in the hall of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about these offers. If you need to exchange your dollars into pesos, please use a bank or money exchange. We don’t recommend exchanging your money neither at the hotel nor at a scenery spot because you won’t get a fair rate. Also, if you want to get around the city, you’d better take the local bus. If you do decide to take a taxi, make sure that you negotiate a price before you go.
We’re going to be pulling up to the hotel in just a few minutes. Havier and Diego will be meeting us at the bus to help you with your bags. I hope to see you tomorrow at the information session.




下一篇:人教版八年级下册英语Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world 单元作业(含答案)