
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)
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I. 听力理解(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A.A large bowl, please. B.Yes, I’d love to. C.Good idea.
【原文】Would you like a large bowl of noodles or a small bowl
A.Cheer up. B.That’s all. C.I agree with you.
【原文】I don’t think it is necessary to get up so early.
A.Good idea. B.How are we going C.Why are we going
【原文】Let’s go shopping this afternoon.
A.Yes, glad to help. B.Certainly not. I’m coming. C.No, I’m busy at the moment.
【原文】Jack, do you mind carrying the books to the classroom
A.I’m glad you like it. B.It’s ten yuan. C.I will buy it.
【原文】Thank you for your birthday present.
6.How did the boy get the bird
A.He got it from his classmate. B.He bought it from a shop. C.He got it from his aunt as a present.
【原文】W: What a lovely bird!
M: My aunt gave it to me as a birthday present.
7.Where does the woman want to go
A.A bus stop. B.The Science Museum. C.Long Street.
【原文】W: Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop
M: The nearest bus stop is on the Long Street opposite to the Science Museum.
8.What will Mike do first
A.Take out the rubbish. B.Do his homework. C.Wash the clothes.
【原文】W: Mike, could you please take out the rubbish
M: Yes, Mum. But I must do my homework first.
9.How much is the shirt now
A.240 yuan. B.120 yuan. C.60 yuan.
【原文】W: This shirt looks nice. How much is it
M: It was 120 yuan. But it’s half of the price now.
10.What does Mr. Lin do
A.He’s an actor. B.He’s a doctor. C.He’s a teacher.
【原文】M: Do you know Mr. Lin is in the action movie
W: Yes. He plays a very important role in it.
11.Where may the speakers be
A.At the man’s home. B.At the woman’s home. C.In a restaurant.
12.How much should Mrs Wu pay a month for cooking lessons
A.About 30 yuan. B.About 200 yuan. C.About 900 yuan.
【答案】11.B 12.C
【原文】W: Would you like some more fish, Mr Wu
M: No, thanks. I’m full. The food is very delicious, Mrs Lin.
W: Thank you. I have been learning cooking at a club these days. I think it’s very interesting.
M: My wife likes cooking, too. But she doesn’t do it well. Can you tell me where the club is
W: Of course. It’s about ten-minute walk from your home.
M: What’s the price of the lessons
W: Thirty yuan for one day. You will find that your wife is a good cook.
13.Why is the girl going to the supermarket
A.To buy some balloons. B.To buy some candles. C.To buy some drinks and snacks.
14.Where will they have the party
A.In Mary’s home. B.In Lily’s home. C.In Tony’s home.
15.When will the party start
A.At 6 p.m. on Saturday. B.At 7 p.m. on Sunday. C.At 6 p.m. on Sunday.
【答案】13.C 14.A 15.C
【原文】M: Hi, Mary. Where are you going
W: Hello, Tony. I’m going to the supermarket.
M: What for
W: I’m going to have a party in my home. We need some drinks and snacks.
M: Really Who will go to the party
W: Lily, Dan and Jack. Would you like to join us
M: Yes. But shall we watch a movie then
W: Of course. We’ll have fun at home and after that we’ll go to a movie.
M: That sounds fun. I’ll join you. When will the party begin
W: At 6 p.m. this Sunday.
M: Thanks a lot. See you!
16.What do some of the listeners think of English
A.It’s difficult. B.It’s important. C.It’s boring.
17.How long has the speaker learnt English
A.Less than 2 years. B.Just 2 years. C.More than 2 years.
18.When did the speaker become interested in English
A.When he was in Grade 7. B.When he was in Grade 8. C.When he was in Grade 9.
19.Which way of learning English isn’t mentioned by the speaker
A.Making vocabulary lists. B.Watching English movies. C.Writing English diaries.
20.What may the speaker be
A.A teacher. B.A student. C.A singer.
【答案】16.A 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B
【原文】Hello! Everyone!
I often hear some of you complain English in difficult. I want to tell you how I study English. I have learnt English for over 2 years. First of all, I think English is very important. So when I was in Grade 7, I was interested in it and worked hard at it. Second, to improve my English, I’ve been trying many ways, I usually learn it by listening to the teacher carefully in class, by speaking bravely, reading aloud and making vocabulary lists. Besides, I often practice conversations with friends, read English magazines, watch English movies and sing English songs.
That’s all for my words. I hope you will make great progress in English.
21.—I heard that Tim hit a bus coming in the opposite _________.
—Too terrible! Everyone should be careful of the traffic when driving.
A.view B.direction C.number D.conclusion
【详解】句意:——我听说蒂姆撞上了一辆从相反方向驶来的公共汽车。——太可怕了!每个人开车时都应该小心交通。考查名词辨析。view风景;direction方向;number数字;conclusion结论。根据“Tim hit a bus coming in the opposite”可知是撞上了相反方向来的公交车。故选B。
22.That photo always ________ wonderful memories whenever I see it.
A.puts off B.brings back C.writes down D.makes up
考查动词短语。put off推迟;bring back使……回忆起来;write down写下;make up构成。根据“wonderful memories whenever I see it.”可知,照片总能使我回忆起美好的记忆。故选B。
23.Listen to the passage carefully and choose the ________ answers.
A.important B.correct C.possible D.absent
考查形容词辨析。important重要的;correct正确的;possible可能的;absent缺席的。根据“Listen to the passage carefully and choose the … answers”可知,此处指选出正确的答案。故选B。
24.—Would you like ________ more to eat
—No, thanks. I’m full.
A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything
考查不定代词。anything任何东西,用于否定或疑问句;nothing没有什么东西;something某样东西,用于肯定句,或者表示请求或建议的疑问句中;everything每样东西。根据“Would you like”可知表达的是客气的询问,表示建议,用不定代词something。故选C。
25.Your answer ________ be right, but I’m going to ask teacher to make sure.
A.might B.can’t C.must D.needn’t
考查情态动词。might可能;can’t不能;must必须;needn’t不必。根据后文“but I’m going to ask teacher to make sure”可知,你的答案可能是正确的。故选A。
26.—Has your sister come back from Yunnan
—Yes. He ________ there for two months to help training teachers in the countryside.
A.stays B.stayed C.has stayed D.will stay
考查时态。根据“Yes.”和“there for two months to help training teachers in the countryside”可知,哥哥已经回来了,此处陈述过去发生的事情,要用一般过去时。故选B。
27.—Have you talked with Sam about his decision
—Yes, I have. But he is ________ to my advice. Maybe you can change his mind.
A.open B.close C.similar D.deaf
【详解】句意:——你和Sam谈过他的决定了吗?——是的,我有。但他对我的劝告充耳不闻。也许你能改变他的想法。考查形容词辨析。open开着的;close近的;similar相似的;deaf聋的。根据“Maybe you can change his mind.”说明Sam并不听说话人的劝告,也就是充耳不闻(be deaf to)。故选D。
28.We can’t see the beautiful sunrise ________ we have gone through the dark night.
A.until B.after C.while D.since
考查连词辨析。until直到;after在……之后;while当……时;since自从。根据“We can’t see the beautiful sunrise...we have gone through the dark night”可知,此处使用not…until…“直到……才……”,表示直到经历黑暗的夜晚之后才能看到美丽的日出。故选A。
29.—Why do people like traveling in Hefei
—More and more people like traveling from one place to ________ to enjoy the beauty of Hefei.
A.other B.another C.each D.every
【详解】句意:——人们为什么喜欢在合肥旅游?——越来越多的人喜欢从一个地方到另一个地方旅游,享受合肥的美丽。考查代词辨析。other其他的,后接复数名词;another另一个;each每个;every每个。根据“from one place to...”可知,此处是泛指“另一个地方”,应用another,故选B。
30.—It is reported that the three Shenzhou XIV astronauts returned to Earth successfully.
—________! I’m so proud of them.
A.It’s OK B.That’s cool C.It’s a pity D.That’s no excuse
【详解】句意:——据报道,三个神舟十四号飞船的宇航员成功地返回到地球。——太酷了!我是如此地为他们自豪。考查情景交际。It’s OK没关系;That’s cool太酷了;It’s a pity很可惜;That’s no excuse没有借口。根据“I’m so proud of them.”可知宇航员成功地返回到地球,真是太酷了,故选B。
Buy Nothing Day is a great way of reminding yourself you don’t need to go shopping. In today’s world, most of us 31 too much, even more than we need. Shopping has become a hobby for many panies are 32 at making us buy things. TV and Internet ads can even make us buy things that are 33 . There is a well-known saying: “When life gets hard, people go shopping.” I would say only foolish people go shopping to reduce their 34 . Anyway, the day is a fantastic way to 35 crowded stores, save some money and spend time wisely.
Lots of ideas on how to spend this day are on the 36 where you learn that you actually help save our 37 by not going shopping. You spend less and this means we use less 38 of the Earth. We can easily run out of our planet’s animals, forests, water and a lot more. Except the ideas, the website suggests you lock your 39 away or keep it under the bed for the day in order not to become poor. You will not be 40 . People around the world will take a break from shopping together with you. And the best thing is, it’s free.
31.A.reduce B.save C.buy D.help
32.A.experts B.players C.doctors D.recorders
33.A.unpaid B.unfair C.uneven D.unnecessary
34.A.time B.cost C.stress D.need
35.A.avoid B.run C.break D.experience
36.A.earth B.lock C.bed D.website
37.A.company B.planet C.experiment D.store
38.A.information B.influence C.energy D.knowledge
39.A.shop B.animal C.water D.money
40.A.strict B.alone C.fantastic D.wise
31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.D 40.B
reduce减少;save节约;buy购买;help帮助。根据“even more than we need. Shopping has become a hobby for many people. ”可知,此处指买的太多,故选C。
experts专家;players参与者;doctors医生;recorders记录员。根据“TV and Internet ads can even make us buy things that are ... There is a well-known saying: ‘When life gets hard, people go shopping.’”可知,此处是介绍在让人们买东西方面,公司是专家,故选A。
unpaid未付款的;unfair不公平的;uneven不平坦的;unnecessary不必要的。根据“TV and Internet ads can even make us buy things ...”可知,此处even表示强调,所以此处指买不必要的东西,故选D。
time时间;cost费用;stress压力;need需要。根据上文“When life gets hard, people go shopping”可知,此处是作者对这种观点的批判,指用购物来减轻压力是愚蠢的,故选C。
avoid避免;run跑步;break打破,打碎;experience经历。根据“the day is a fantastic way to ... crowded stores”可知,“国际无消费日”可以让人们不去消费,所以也就可以避开拥挤的商店,故选A。
earth地球;lock锁;bed床;website网站。根据“Except the ideas, the website suggests ”可知,此处指网站上的建议,故选D。
company公司;planet行星;experiment实验;store储存。根据“You spend less and this means we use less...of the Earth. We can easily run out of our planet’s animals, forests, water and a lot more. ”可知,这里介绍的是不去购物和购物对地球的影响,所以应是不去购物可以拯救地球,也就是我们的星球,故选B。
information消息,资料;influence影响,作用;energy能源;knowledge知识。 根据后文“We can easily run out of our planet’s animals, forests, water and a lot more.”可知,此处是说你消耗的少,则地球上的能源也会消耗的越少,故选C。
shop商店,店铺;animal动物;water水;money钱。 根据“keep it under the bed for the day in order not to become poor.”可知,要防止变穷,应是把钱锁起来,故选D。
strict严厉的;alone独自的;fantastic极好的,非常棒的;wise明智的,高明的。根据“People around the world will take a break from shopping together with you”(世界各地的人们将和你一起远离购物)可知,你不是一个人,故选B。
Off the Beaten Cart Path
The best-selling travel book which includes over 200 new places of interest, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must-see destinations(目的地).
Cover Price: $30.00 Our Price: $19.80
The most popular magazine for parents who want to raise smart and loving children. It has child development guidance, advice on your child’s health and safety, and the best way to encourage your child’s learning.
Cover Price: $26.00 Our Price: $12.60
Best Weekend Projects
The projects(方案)are chosen from 80 special ideas to create an unusual living space. They are practical, as well as creative. They will improve your home and yard and can be made on weekends. And the most important of all, they are easy to follow.
Cover Price: $17.95 Our Price: $13.90
The shopping magazine with the best buys, and the fashion tips. You’ll need them before you go to the stores. What makes Lucky really special is that it gives you the information you need before anyone else has it.
Cover Price: $18.50 Our Price: $15.50
41.Which of the following saves the most money
A.Off the Beaten Cart Path. B.Parents.
C.Best Weekend Projects. D.Lucky.
42.Who may be interested in the book off the Beaten Cart Path
A.A young lady who likes going shopping.
B.A parent who has just got a new-born baby.
C.A person who is interested in traveling in America.
D.A husband who wants to get his home improved.
43.What makes Lucky special according to the passage
A.It’s cheap and easy to find in the city.
B.It has some fashion tips for the readers.
C.It introduces some best products in the stores.
D.It provides the latest information for the shoppers.
44.As to the book Best Weekend Projects, which of the following is NOT true
A.The projects are creative. B.The projects are done on weekdays.
C.The projects are practical. D.The projects are easy to follow.
45.What do you think the text is
A.An advertisement. B.A notice. C.A story. D.A report.
【答案】41.B 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.A
41.细节理解题。根据“Parents”中的“Cover Price: $26.00 Our Price: $12.60”和其他书籍价格可知,“Parents”最省钱,可以省13.4美元,故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据“Off the Beaten Cart Path”中的“The best-selling travel book which includes over 200 new places of interest, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must-see destinations(目的地).”可知这本书和在美国旅行有关,选项C“对在美国旅行感兴趣的人。”符合,故选C。
43.细节理解题。根据“What makes Lucky really special is that it gives you the information you need before anyone else has it.”可知特别之处在于它能在别人得到你需要的信息之前给你。故选D。
44.细节理解题。根据“They will improve your home and yard and can be made on weekends”可知这些项目在周末完成,不是工作日,故选B。
Naomi was more embarrassed(尴尬的) than she had ever been before. It was her first day in the new school, and her mom had completely ruined(破坏) it by coming to the school. Not only be cause she came to the school, but also because she wore that stupid sweater and jeans. “How could she do that to me Didn’t she know that I was nervous enough about starting in the new school ” Naomi sat sadly in the dining hall. Nobody came near her, and it was easy to see why: Everyone was probably laughing at her.
Just when Naomi thought things couldn’t get more embarrassed, a girl came up to her and said, “You’re new here, aren’t you ” “Yeah.” Naomi replied.
“I remember I saw you in math class before but I didn’t know you then. I’m Emily.”
“I’m Naomi.” Naomi said almost in surprise. This girl was actually talking to her! After a moment of silence, Emily sat down at the table and then continued, “I saw you in the hall just now, too. Was that your mom with you ” Naomi was unable to say anything, just nodding.
“You’re so amazingly lucky!” Emily replied, “My mom doesn’t even live with me. I haven’t talked to her for two days.”
Suddenly everything seemed different to Naomi. “I’m sorry.” she finally said quietly.
For the rest of lunch, the two girls talked. By the time lunch was over, they had decided to be friends with each other. On the way to the classroom, Naomi realized that the companion(陪伴) of family members was more important than anything else. She was so regretful that she got angry with her mom, so she promised herself she would say sorry to her mom later, too.
46.Why did Naomi feel embarrassed
A.Because everyone laughed at her. B.Because a girl said something bad to her.
C.Because she had no friends in the new school. D.Because her mother came to school with stupid clothes.
47.What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6
A.Naomi realized that she did something wrong.
B.Naomi seemed to be a better girl in the future.
C.Naomi wanted to change everything around her.
D.Naomi thought Emily was a very different person.
48.Which of the following shows how Naomi’s feelings changed over time
A.Sad—embarrassed—surprised—regretful. B.Sad—surprised—regretful—embarrassed.
C.Embarrassed—surprised—regretful—sad. D.Embarrassed—sad—surprised—regretful.
49.Which words can best describe Emily
A.Outgoing and friendly. B.Brave and honest.
C.Proud and helpful. D.Polite and humorous.
50.What can we learn from the text
A.Problems make family closer. B.The companion of family matters most.
C.A special friend can spread better ideas. D.A new school gives us a chance to grow up.
【答案】46.D 47.A 48.D 49.A 50.B
46.细节理解题。根据“It was her first day in the new school, and her mom had completely ruined(破坏) it by coming to the school. Not only be cause she came to the school, but also because she wore that stupid sweater and jeans.”可知,Naomi感到尴尬的原因是妈妈穿着笨拙的衣服来她的学校。故选D。
47.词句猜测题。根据“‘I’m sorry.’ she finally said quietly.”可知,Naomi通过和Emily的交谈意识到了自己不应该认为妈妈的到来让自己很尴尬,她意识到自己做错了事情。故选A。
48.推理判断题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句“Naomi sat sadly in the dining hall.”可知,Naomi感到很难过;根据文章第四段第一、二句“‘I’m Naomi.’ Naomi said almost in surprise. This girl was actually talking to her!”可知,Naomi听到Emily跟她说话感到惊讶;根据文章最后一段最后一句中“she was so regretful that she got angry with her mom”可知,Naomi很后悔对妈妈生气。综合可知,Naomi的情感变化是从尴尬到难过,再到惊讶,最后是后悔。故选D。
Have you ever seen a bee fly busily Do you think the bee is just flying around Actually, the bee is hard at work.
Bees spend a lot of time looking for food. But not all the bees in the hive(蜂巢) have this work. Bees can be divided into three kinds—a queen bee, drones(雄蜂), and worker bees. The queen bee is very important. She is the mother of all the bees that live in the hive. Worker bees do all the other work in the hive. Besides looking for food, they make and clean the hive. They also take care of the queen and protect her.
Bees make dance-like movements inside the hive to send messages about food. They use different movements to give different kinds of information. They tell where food can be found and how far away it is from the hive. Bees can even share how much food there is and how good it is.
And surprisingly, a new research has found that a group of bees could generate an amazing amount of electricity by beating their wings more than 200 times per second. And the amount of electricity could reach 100 to 1,000 V(伏). That’s eight times greater than the electricity a storm cloud can produce.
Scientists found that the denser(密集的) the cloud of bees is, the bigger the electrical field is. Based on these findings, the team recorded that bees—which group in huge, dense clouds—could have an influence similar to that of a storm. Further research is needed to find out how electricity influences the bees and their environment.
51.Why does the writer ask two questions in Paragraph 1
A.To find the answers. B.To present the argument.
C.To interest the readers. D.To show the latest research results.
52.What do worker bees need to do
a. Make the hive. b. Look for food.
c. Look after the queen. d. Give birth to the baby bees.
A.a, b, d B.a, b, c C.b, c, d D.a, c, d
53.How do bees communicate with one another
A.By making noise. B.By spreading smell.
C.By producing electricity. D.By using different movements.
54.What does the underlined word “generate” mean in Chinese
A.利用 B.产生 C.切断 D.输送
55.Which one shows the relationship between the density of the cloud of bees (x) and the amount of electricity level (y)
A. B.
C. D.
【答案】51.C 52.B 53.D 54.B 55.A
51.推理判断题。根据后文“Actually, the bee is hard at work;Bees spend a lot of time looking for food;Bees make dance-like movements inside the hive to send messages about food. ”可知,作者在后文回答了这两个问题,因此想用两个问题来引起读者的兴趣。故选C。
52.细节理解题。根据“Worker bees...hive. Besides looking for food, they make and clean the hive. They also take care of the queen and protect her.”可知,工蜂要寻找食物、筑巢、清理蜂巢、照顾和保护蜂后。因此a,b,c符合题意。故选B。
53.细节理解题。根据“They use different movements to give different kinds of information. ”可知,它们用不同的动作来分享各种信息,因此是用动作交流的。故选D。
54.词句猜测题。根据“ a group of bees could generate an amazing amount of electricity by beating their wings more than 200 times per second.”可知,蜜蜂可以通过拍打翅膀产生电量。因此generate表示“产生”。故选B。
55.推理判断题。根据“Scientists found that the denser(密集的) the cloud of bees is, the bigger the electrical field is. ”可知,蜂群越密集,电场强度越大,因此蜂群密集程度与电场强度是正比关系。故选A。
Have you ever had an experience where you meet someone new, learn their names and think to yourself, “Wow! They really look just like their names!” What does this mean exactly Scientists are suggesting that humans like to connect people’s names with their appearances, and can even guess someone’s name according to how they look.
Researchers at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel collected thousands of photos of people’s faces. They marked each photo with four names. Then, they asked volunteers(志愿者)to guess which of the four names was correct. They were able to guess the right name 38% of the time. It seems that humans are able to know certain characteristics(特点)of faces that can give them something about someone’s name, Reader’s Digest reported.
However, this only works when we’re looking at names within our own culture. Besides, the volunteers were not as good at guessing the real names of people who use nicknames(昵称)more often than their real names. This shows that a person’s appearance is influenced by their name only if they use it often.
“This kind of face—name matching happens because of a process of self-fulfilling prophecy(自我实现预言), as we become what other people expect us to become,” Ruth Mayo from the university told science news website EurekAlert.
Studies have shown that gender and race stereotypes(性别和种族刻板印象)can influence a person’s appearance. The researchers believe there are also similar stereotypes about names. For example, people usually think that men named Bob should have rounder faces because the word itself looks round. People may think that women named Rose are beautiful. They expect them to be delicate(娇弱的)and female, just like the flower they are named for.
56.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.It’s not polite to ask strangers about their names.
B.There are several ways to guess a stranger’s name.
C.A person’s appearance can be influenced in three ways.
D.People can guess others’ names according to their appearances.
57.What can we know from this research
A.Nicknames have a bigger influence on people s appearances.
B.Gender and race have no influence on a person’s appearance.
C.The volunteers guessed nearly four names correctly out of ten.
D.People are good at guessing the different characteristics of faces.
58.Why does Dr. Ruth thinks some people look like their names
A.racial stereotypes B.their living environment
C.their special culture D.a self-fulfilling prophecy
59.According to the passage, men named Bob are expected to _______.
A.have big eyes B.look strong
C.have round faces D.wear glasses
60.How is this passage developed
A.By doing a test. B.By giving examples.
C.By asking questions. D.By comparing different ways.
【答案】56.D 57.C 58.D 59.C 60.D
56.主旨大意题。根据“Scientists are suggesting that humans like to connect people’s names with their appearances, and can even guess someone’s name according to how they look.”可知,人类倾向于把人的名字和他们的外表联系起来,甚至可以根据他们的外表猜别人的名字。所以这篇文章告诉我们人们可以通过外表猜测别人的名字,故选D。
57.推理判断题。根据“Then, they asked volunteers(志愿者)to guess which of the four names was correct. They were able to guess the right name 38% of the time.”可知志愿者们有40%的正确率,故选C。
58.细节理解题。根据“This kind of face—name matching happens because of a process of self-fulfilling prophecy(自我实现预言), as we become what other people expect us to become,”可知,这种面孔和名字的匹配是因为自我实现预言的过程,因为我们会成为别人期望我们成为的人。所以他认为是因为自我实现的预言,故选D。
59.细节理解题。根据“ For example, people usually think that men named Bob should have rounder faces because the word itself looks round.”可知,人们倾向于认为叫鲍勃的男人应该有更圆的脸。故选C。
It’s not unusual for us to change friends, change schools or change the way we dress as we’re growing up. 61 That’s the life of Meilin Lee, the perfectly imperfect main character of Disney-Pixar’s new film Turning Red.
62 Set in Toronto, Canada in the year 2002, Meilin is a confident 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian girl who is going through puberty(青春) troubles. However, one morning, after a frightening dream, she discovers that she has turned into a giant red panda, later learning that her ancestors have a shared history with the species. Whenever she gets too excited or stressed, she turns into the red panda.
Actress Rosalie Chiang, 16, lends her voice to Meilin. “ 63 The panda represents her insecurity(不安全感) and fear,” Rosalie says. “The movie gives a new view on Asian family life.” Rosalie says Asians in films before have often been shown as examples of success. 64 Turning Red is hoped to have a good influence on other movies focusing on Asian characters.
Accept your insecurities. For Rosalie, that’s the message to take away from Meilin’s adventures. “All these insecurities and these differences are what make people who they are,” Rosalie adds. “ 65 ”
Turning Red was released on March 11, 2022.
A.But what about changing into a giant red panda
B.The film tells a coming-of-age story like no other.
C.This movie presents Meilin as an imperfect person.
D.But do you know the film which is about changing colors
E.Find out who you are, not what other people want you to be.
F.This movie can put pressure on local audiences to live up to high expectations.
【答案】61.A 62.B 63.C 64.F 65.E
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了电影《青春变形记》(Turning Red)的主要内容。
61.根据上文“It’s not unusual for us to change friends, change schools or change the way we dress as we’re growing up.”可知这里提到了改变, 据此判断问句询问的是“但是变成一只巨大的红色熊猫呢”。故选A。
62.根据下文“Set in Toronto, Canada in the year 2002, Meilin is a confident 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian girl who is going through puberty(青春期) troubles.”可知,下文开始介绍电影的主要内容,则空格处要表达的含义为“这部电影讲述了一个与众不同的成长故事”。故选B。
63.根据下文“The panda represents her insecurity(不安全感) and fear.”可知,这句话表达了梅林的不安全感与恐惧,则空格处要表达的含义为“这部电影把梅林塑造成一个不完美的人”。故选C。
64.根据下文“Turning Red is hoped to have a good influence on other movies focusing on Asian characters.”可知,空格处要表达的含义为“这部电影可能会给当地观众带来压力, 要求他们达到更高的期望”。故选F。
65.根据上文““All these insecurities and these differences are what make people who they are,”Rosalie adds.”可知,空格处要表达的含义为“弄清你是谁, 而不是别人想让你成为什么”。故选E。
In the early morning, Zhang Yukui turns on the loudspeaker and travels through the village of Xiaomaozi in the city of Chifeng, North Chin. “Trash sorting(垃圾分类)is good 66 the nation and the people. Hey, folks, we must sort our trash.” 67 the loudspeaker, the villagers ran out with large bags of sorted trash. “Trash is a good thing and we’re 68 to it now,” said 70-year-old Bi Yuliang.
More than 2,800 km away, in Hudan Village of the southern Chinese resort(度假胜地)island of Hainan, trash sorting is also a hot topic. Yun Tianhong, 80, volunteered to 69 an environmental inspector(检查员). Every day, he walks around and posts cleaning problems 70 he finds on the village’s WeChat group.
71 villager working outside once called back at night reminding the family “not to fall behind” after being exposed(曝光) on the chatting group. “Even the kids know they need to sort 72 trash,” said a local villager Yun Cuilan.
Now Hudan Village has become a 73 in rural environmental management and many have come to learn 74 its experience. “We don’t just shout out. We put trash sorting into practice. This is 75 we succeeded,” said Yun Tianlong, a local businessman.
for 67.Hearing 68.used 69.become 70.that
71.A 72.their 73.model 74.from 75.why
66.句意:垃圾分类对国家和人民都有好处。be good for…意为“对……有好处”,是固定短语。故填for。
67.句意:听到喇叭声,村民们带着一大袋已分类的垃圾跑了出去。根据“the loudspeaker”可知听到喇叭声;hear“听”,为动词,这里用hearing作状语,位于句首,首字母需要大写。故填Hearing。
68.句意:垃圾是个好东西,我们现在已经习惯了。be used to sth意为“习惯某物”,是固定短语。故填used。
69.句意:80岁的云天宏自愿成为一名环境检查员。根据“an environmental inspector”可知自愿成为一名环境检查员,动词become意为“成为”,volunteer to do sth意为“志愿做某事”,应填动词原形。故填become。
72.句意:当地村民云翠兰表示,即使是孩子们也知道需要整理他们的垃圾。根据“the kids”可知这里指孩子们也知道需要整理他们的垃圾;their意为“他们的”,为形容词性物主代词,后跟名词。故填their。
73.句意:如今,胡丹村已成为农村环境管理的模范,许多人也开始学习其经验。根据“have come to learn”可知胡丹村已成为农村环境管理的模范;model意为“模范”,为可数名词,前面有不定冠词“a”,故用其单数。故填model。
74.句意:如今,胡丹村已成为农村环境管理的典范,许多人也开始学习其经验。learn from意为“从……中学习”。故填from。
75.句意:这就是我们能成功的原因。根据前句“We put trash sorting into practice.”(我们将垃圾分类付诸实践。)可知这就是我们为什么能成功,why意为“为什么”。故填why。
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2. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Danny,
I’m glad to hear you will visit Henan this summer vacation.
Li Hua
Dear Danny,
I’m glad to hear you will visit Henan this summer vacation. It’s indeed a great place to explore the roots of Chinese civilization. I highly recommend you visit the city of Luoyang.
Luoyang is famous for its historical and cultural sites. One must-visit attraction is the Longmen Grottoes, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. When it comes to food, Luoyang offers a wide variety of delicious dishes. Don’t miss out on the famous Luoyang Water Banquet, which consists of 24 courses of various dishes cooked in different ways using water. Besides, Luoyang is known for its traditional peony culture. The city holds an annual Peony Festival, where you can admire the beautiful peony flowers in full bloom. Lastly, Luoyang has a rich history. It was once the capital of multiple dynasties, including the Eastern Zhou and Tang Dynasty.
I hope this recommendation helps you have a fantastic vacation in Henan. Enjoy your trip!
Li Hua
①One must-visit attraction is the Longmen Grottoes, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. (定语从句)
②Don’t miss out on the famous Luoyang Water Banquet, which consists of 24 courses of various dishes cooked in different ways using water. (祈使句)
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)
1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
I. 听力理解(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A.A large bowl, please. B.Yes, I’d love to. C.Good idea.
A.Cheer up. B.That’s all. C.I agree with you.
A.Good idea. B.How are we going C.Why are we going 4.
A.Yes, glad to help. B.Certainly not. I’m coming. C.No, I’m busy at the moment.
A.I’m glad you like it. B.It’s ten yuan. C.I will buy it.
6.How did the boy get the bird
A.He got it from his classmate. B.He bought it from a shop. C.He got it from his aunt as a present.
7.Where does the woman want to go
A.A bus stop. B.The Science Museum. C.Long Street.
8.What will Mike do first
A.Take out the rubbish. B.Do his homework. C.Wash the clothes.
9.How much is the shirt now
A.240 yuan. B.120 yuan. C.60 yuan.
10.What does Mr. Lin do
A.He’s an actor. B.He’s a doctor. C.He’s a teacher.
11.Where may the speakers be
A.At the man’s home. B.At the woman’s home. C.In a restaurant.
12.How much should Mrs Wu pay a month for cooking lessons
A.About 30 yuan. B.About 200 yuan. C.About 900 yuan.
13.Why is the girl going to the supermarket
A.To buy some balloons. B.To buy some candles. C.To buy some drinks and snacks.
14.Where will they have the party
A.In Mary’s home. B.In Lily’s home. C.In Tony’s home.
15.When will the party start
A.At 6 p.m. on Saturday. B.At 7 p.m. on Sunday. C.At 6 p.m. on Sunday.
16.What do some of the listeners think of English
A.It’s difficult. B.It’s important. C.It’s boring.
17.How long has the speaker learnt English
A.Less than 2 years. B.Just 2 years. C.More than 2 years.
18.When did the speaker become interested in English
A.When he was in Grade 7. B.When he was in Grade 8. C.When he was in Grade 9.
19.Which way of learning English isn’t mentioned by the speaker
A.Making vocabulary lists. B.Watching English movies. C.Writing English diaries.
20.What may the speaker be
A.A teacher. B.A student. C.A singer.
21.—I heard that Tim hit a bus coming in the opposite _________.
—Too terrible! Everyone should be careful of the traffic when driving.
A.view B.direction C.number D.conclusion
22.That photo always ________ wonderful memories whenever I see it.
A.puts off B.brings back C.writes down D.makes up
23.Listen to the passage carefully and choose the ________ answers.
A.important B.correct C.possible D.absent
24.—Would you like ________ more to eat
—No, thanks. I’m full.
A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything
25.Your answer ________ be right, but I’m going to ask teacher to make sure.
A.might B.can’t C.must D.needn’t
26.—Has your sister come back from Yunnan
—Yes. He ________ there for two months to help training teachers in the countryside.
A.stays B.stayed C.has stayed D.will stay
27.—Have you talked with Sam about his decision
—Yes, I have. But he is ________ to my advice. Maybe you can change his mind.
A.open B.close C.similar D.deaf
28.We can’t see the beautiful sunrise ________ we have gone through the dark night.
A.until B.after C.while D.since
29.—Why do people like traveling in Hefei
—More and more people like traveling from one place to ________ to enjoy the beauty of Hefei.
A.other B.another C.each D.every
30.—It is reported that the three Shenzhou XIV astronauts returned to Earth successfully.
—________! I’m so proud of them.
A.It’s OK B.That’s cool C.It’s a pity D.That’s no excuse
Buy Nothing Day is a great way of reminding yourself you don’t need to go shopping. In today’s world, most of us 31 too much, even more than we need. Shopping has become a hobby for many panies are 32 at making us buy things. TV and Internet ads can even make us buy things that are 33 . There is a well-known saying: “When life gets hard, people go shopping.” I would say only foolish people go shopping to reduce their 34 . Anyway, the day is a fantastic way to 35 crowded stores, save some money and spend time wisely.
Lots of ideas on how to spend this day are on the 36 where you learn that you actually help save our 37 by not going shopping. You spend less and this means we use less 38 of the Earth. We can easily run out of our planet’s animals, forests, water and a lot more. Except the ideas, the website suggests you lock your 39 away or keep it under the bed for the day in order not to become poor. You will not be 40 . People around the world will take a break from shopping together with you. And the best thing is, it’s free.
31.A.reduce B.save C.buy D.help
32.A.experts B.players C.doctors D.recorders
33.A.unpaid B.unfair C.uneven D.unnecessary
34.A.time B.cost C.stress D.need
35.A.avoid B.run C.break D.experience
36.A.earth B.lock C.bed D.website
37.A.company B.planet C.experiment D.store
38.A.information B.influence C.energy D.knowledge
39.A.shop B.animal C.water D.money
40.A.strict B.alone C.fantastic D.wise
Off the Beaten Cart Path
The best-selling travel book which includes over 200 new places of interest, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It includes over 1,000 of the United States most must-see destinations(目的地).
Cover Price: $30.00 Our Price: $19.80
The most popular magazine for parents who want to raise smart and loving children. It has child development guidance, advice on your child’s health and safety, and the best way to encourage your child’s learning.
Cover Price: $26.00 Our Price: $12.60
Best Weekend Projects
The projects(方案)are chosen from 80 special ideas to create an unusual living space. They are practical, as well as creative. They will improve your home and yard and can be made on weekends. And the most important of all, they are easy to follow.
Cover Price: $17.95 Our Price: $13.90
The shopping magazine with the best buys, and the fashion tips. You’ll need them before you go to the stores. What makes Lucky really special is that it gives you the information you need before anyone else has it.
Cover Price: $18.50 Our Price: $15.50
41.Which of the following saves the most money
A.Off the Beaten Cart Path. B.Parents.
C.Best Weekend Projects. D.Lucky.
42.Who may be interested in the book off the Beaten Cart Path
A.A young lady who likes going shopping.
B.A parent who has just got a new-born baby.
C.A person who is interested in traveling in America.
D.A husband who wants to get his home improved.
43.What makes Lucky special according to the passage
A.It’s cheap and easy to find in the city.
B.It has some fashion tips for the readers.
C.It introduces some best products in the stores.
D.It provides the latest information for the shoppers.
44.As to the book Best Weekend Projects, which of the following is NOT true
A.The projects are creative. B.The projects are done on weekdays.
C.The projects are practical. D.The projects are easy to follow.
45.What do you think the text is
A.An advertisement. B.A notice. C.A story. D.A report.
Naomi was more embarrassed(尴尬的) than she had ever been before. It was her first day in the new school, and her mom had completely ruined(破坏) it by coming to the school. Not only be cause she came to the school, but also because she wore that stupid sweater and jeans. “How could she do that to me Didn’t she know that I was nervous enough about starting in the new school ” Naomi sat sadly in the dining hall. Nobody came near her, and it was easy to see why: Everyone was probably laughing at her.
Just when Naomi thought things couldn’t get more embarrassed, a girl came up to her and said, “You’re new here, aren’t you ” “Yeah.” Naomi replied.
“I remember I saw you in math class before but I didn’t know you then. I’m Emily.”
“I’m Naomi.” Naomi said almost in surprise. This girl was actually talking to her! After a moment of silence, Emily sat down at the table and then continued, “I saw you in the hall just now, too. Was that your mom with you ” Naomi was unable to say anything, just nodding.
“You’re so amazingly lucky!” Emily replied, “My mom doesn’t even live with me. I haven’t talked to her for two days.”
Suddenly everything seemed different to Naomi. “I’m sorry.” she finally said quietly.
For the rest of lunch, the two girls talked. By the time lunch was over, they had decided to be friends with each other. On the way to the classroom, Naomi realized that the companion(陪伴) of family members was more important than anything else. She was so regretful that she got angry with her mom, so she promised herself she would say sorry to her mom later, too.
46.Why did Naomi feel embarrassed
A.Because everyone laughed at her. B.Because a girl said something bad to her.
C.Because she had no friends in the new school. D.Because her mother came to school with stupid clothes.
47.What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6
A.Naomi realized that she did something wrong.
B.Naomi seemed to be a better girl in the future.
C.Naomi wanted to change everything around her.
D.Naomi thought Emily was a very different person.
48.Which of the following shows how Naomi’s feelings changed over time
A.Sad—embarrassed—surprised—regretful. B.Sad—surprised—regretful—embarrassed.
C.Embarrassed—surprised—regretful—sad. D.Embarrassed—sad—surprised—regretful.
49.Which words can best describe Emily
A.Outgoing and friendly. B.Brave and honest.
C.Proud and helpful. D.Polite and humorous.
50.What can we learn from the text
A.Problems make family closer. B.The companion of family matters most.
C.A special friend can spread better ideas. D.A new school gives us a chance to grow up.
Have you ever seen a bee fly busily Do you think the bee is just flying around Actually, the bee is hard at work.
Bees spend a lot of time looking for food. But not all the bees in the hive(蜂巢) have this work. Bees can be divided into three kinds—a queen bee, drones(雄蜂), and worker bees. The queen bee is very important. She is the mother of all the bees that live in the hive. Worker bees do all the other work in the hive. Besides looking for food, they make and clean the hive. They also take care of the queen and protect her.
Bees make dance-like movements inside the hive to send messages about food. They use different movements to give different kinds of information. They tell where food can be found and how far away it is from the hive. Bees can even share how much food there is and how good it is.
And surprisingly, a new research has found that a group of bees could generate an amazing amount of electricity by beating their wings more than 200 times per second. And the amount of electricity could reach 100 to 1,000 V(伏). That’s eight times greater than the electricity a storm cloud can produce.
Scientists found that the denser(密集的) the cloud of bees is, the bigger the electrical field is. Based on these findings, the team recorded that bees—which group in huge, dense clouds—could have an influence similar to that of a storm. Further research is needed to find out how electricity influences the bees and their environment.
51.Why does the writer ask two questions in Paragraph 1
A.To find the answers. B.To present the argument.
C.To interest the readers. D.To show the latest research results.
52.What do worker bees need to do
a. Make the hive. b. Look for food.
c. Look after the queen. d. Give birth to the baby bees.
A.a, b, d B.a, b, c C.b, c, d D.a, c, d
53.How do bees communicate with one another
A.By making noise. B.By spreading smell.
C.By producing electricity. D.By using different movements.
54.What does the underlined word “generate” mean in Chinese
A.利用 B.产生 C.切断 D.输送
55.Which one shows the relationship between the density of the cloud of bees (x) and the amount of electricity level (y)
A. B.
C. D.
Have you ever had an experience where you meet someone new, learn their names and think to yourself, “Wow! They really look just like their names!” What does this mean exactly Scientists are suggesting that humans like to connect people’s names with their appearances, and can even guess someone’s name according to how they look.
Researchers at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel collected thousands of photos of people’s faces. They marked each photo with four names. Then, they asked volunteers(志愿者)to guess which of the four names was correct. They were able to guess the right name 38% of the time. It seems that humans are able to know certain characteristics(特点)of faces that can give them something about someone’s name, Reader’s Digest reported.
However, this only works when we’re looking at names within our own culture. Besides, the volunteers were not as good at guessing the real names of people who use nicknames(昵称)more often than their real names. This shows that a person’s appearance is influenced by their name only if they use it often.
“This kind of face—name matching happens because of a process of self-fulfilling prophecy(自我实现预言), as we become what other people expect us to become,” Ruth Mayo from the university told science news website EurekAlert.
Studies have shown that gender and race stereotypes(性别和种族刻板印象)can influence a person’s appearance. The researchers believe there are also similar stereotypes about names. For example, people usually think that men named Bob should have rounder faces because the word itself looks round. People may think that women named Rose are beautiful. They expect them to be delicate(娇弱的)and female, just like the flower they are named for.
56.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.It’s not polite to ask strangers about their names.
B.There are several ways to guess a stranger’s name.
C.A person’s appearance can be influenced in three ways.
D.People can guess others’ names according to their appearances.
57.What can we know from this research
A.Nicknames have a bigger influence on people s appearances.
B.Gender and race have no influence on a person’s appearance.
C.The volunteers guessed nearly four names correctly out of ten.
D.People are good at guessing the different characteristics of faces.
58.Why does Dr. Ruth thinks some people look like their names
A.racial stereotypes B.their living environment
C.their special culture D.a self-fulfilling prophecy
59.According to the passage, men named Bob are expected to _______.
A.have big eyes B.look strong
C.have round faces D.wear glasses
60.How is this passage developed
A.By doing a test. B.By giving examples.
C.By asking questions. D.By comparing different ways.
It’s not unusual for us to change friends, change schools or change the way we dress as we’re growing up. 61 That’s the life of Meilin Lee, the perfectly imperfect main character of Disney-Pixar’s new film Turning Red.
62 Set in Toronto, Canada in the year 2002, Meilin is a confident 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian girl who is going through puberty(青春) troubles. However, one morning, after a frightening dream, she discovers that she has turned into a giant red panda, later learning that her ancestors have a shared history with the species. Whenever she gets too excited or stressed, she turns into the red panda.
Actress Rosalie Chiang, 16, lends her voice to Meilin. “ 63 The panda represents her insecurity(不安全感) and fear,” Rosalie says. “The movie gives a new view on Asian family life.” Rosalie says Asians in films before have often been shown as examples of success. 64 Turning Red is hoped to have a good influence on other movies focusing on Asian characters.
Accept your insecurities. For Rosalie, that’s the message to take away from Meilin’s adventures. “All these insecurities and these differences are what make people who they are,” Rosalie adds. “ 65 ”
Turning Red was released on March 11, 2022.
A.But what about changing into a giant red panda
B.The film tells a coming-of-age story like no other.
C.This movie presents Meilin as an imperfect person.
D.But do you know the film which is about changing colors
E.Find out who you are, not what other people want you to be.
F.This movie can put pressure on local audiences to live up to high expectations.
In the early morning, Zhang Yukui turns on the loudspeaker and travels through the village of Xiaomaozi in the city of Chifeng, North Chin. “Trash sorting(垃圾分类)is good 66 the nation and the people. Hey, folks, we must sort our trash.” 67 the loudspeaker, the villagers ran out with large bags of sorted trash. “Trash is a good thing and we’re 68 to it now,” said 70-year-old Bi Yuliang.
More than 2,800 km away, in Hudan Village of the southern Chinese resort(度假胜地)island of Hainan, trash sorting is also a hot topic. Yun Tianhong, 80, volunteered to 69 an environmental inspector(检查员). Every day, he walks around and posts cleaning problems 70 he finds on the village’s WeChat group.
71 villager working outside once called back at night reminding the family “not to fall behind” after being exposed(曝光) on the chatting group. “Even the kids know they need to sort 72 trash,” said a local villager Yun Cuilan.
Now Hudan Village has become a 73 in rural environmental management and many have come to learn 74 its experience. “We don’t just shout out. We put trash sorting into practice. This is 75 we succeeded,” said Yun Tianlong, a local businessman.
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2. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Danny,
I’m glad to hear you will visit Henan this summer vacation.
Li Hua
I. 听力理解(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
1-5 ACABA 6-10 CABCA 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 ACACB
21-25 BBBCA 26-30 BDABB
31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.D 40.B
【答案】41.B 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.A
【答案】46.D 47.A 48.D 49.A 50.B
【答案】51.C 52.B 53.D 54.B 55.A
【答案】56.D 57.C 58.D 59.C 60.D
【答案】61.A 62.B 63.C 64.F 65.E
for 67.Hearing 68.used 69.become 70.that
71.A 72.their 73.model 74.from 75.why
Dear Danny,
I’m glad to hear you will visit Henan this summer vacation. It’s indeed a great place to explore the roots of Chinese civilization. I highly recommend you visit the city of Luoyang.
Luoyang is famous for its historical and cultural sites. One must-visit attraction is the Longmen Grottoes, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. When it comes to food, Luoyang offers a wide variety of delicious dishes. Don’t miss out on the famous Luoyang Water Banquet, which consists of 24 courses of various dishes cooked in different ways using water. Besides, Luoyang is known for its traditional peony culture. The city holds an annual Peony Festival, where you can admire the beautiful peony flowers in full bloom. Lastly, Luoyang has a rich history. It was once the capital of multiple dynasties, including the Eastern Zhou and Tang Dynasty.
I hope this recommendation helps you have a fantastic vacation in Henan. Enjoy your trip!
Li Hua



