
专题一 名词
考点1名词词义辨析 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1. Betty is crazy about music. Her dream is to be a_______. A.scientist B.painter C.musician D. writer
( )2. I wish you to have good _______and get good grades. A.chalk B.space C.luck D.music
( )3.Thanks to the teacher's help, I solved all the_______ easily, A.chances B.problems C.habits D.grades
( )4.—Why does Mary get good grades each time
—I think that's because she puts most of her_______ in her schoolwork.
A.energy B.practice C.exercise D.process
( )5.Mary's parents are interested in _______, so they often take her to concerts.
A.sports B.music C.science D.movies
( )6.The _______of this kind of electric car is not high. Many young people can afford it.
A.size B. price C.space D.cloth
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1. People all over the world love pandas, and the panda has been a _______of China.
A.festival B.poem C.guest D. symbol
( )2. The proper _______of your spare time will make your life colourful. A.date B.use C. name D.cause
( )3.—Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team —His height gives him a big_______.
A.situation B. challenge C.achievement D.advantage
( )4.—What places of interest are there in Yangzhou
—I recommend the Slender West Lake. A boat tour is a wonderful_______!
A.movement B. attraction C.experience D.research
( )5.—What's your secret of writing so well
—I read a lot, and the works of Lu Xun had a strong_______ on me as a child.
A.difference B.attention C.situation D.influence
( )6.---What can you learn from Journey to the West
—I learn that we should have enough_______ to overcome the difficulties in our life.
A.danger B.success C.courage D.excitement
( )7.—How did you fix up the machine, Dad —It's easy. I just followed the_______.
A.instructions B.inventions C.interviews D. influences
( )8. Many writers describe the autumn to express a feeling of sadness, but in my eyes the_______is full of life and hope. A.year B.season C.temperature D.nature
考点2名词的数 a.辽宁真题回顾 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1.During a meal in the West, people use_______ and forks most of the time. (knife)
2.Well, my chocolate_______ are done now. Have a try. (cookie)
3. Alisa will pick strawberries and_______ with her father. (tomato)
4.The three astronauts of Shenzhou-14 will complete many tasks. They are our _______(hero)
5.Now _______are popular places for people to spend their spare time. (library)
6. People do different things in different_______ (country)
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1. Yueyang is one of the top 10 most beautiful_______ in China this A.city B.cities C.citys
( )2. Look! There are some_______ eating grass on the hill. A.sheep B.cow C.horse
( )3.---- Would you like some_______ -----Yes, madnm. A.egg B.juice C.milk teas
( )4. ----How much do you need ----We need two cups. A.milk B.egg C. pear D. potato
( )5.Would you please give me_______ on how to learn English well
A.some advice B.an advice C. some advices D. some pieces of advices
考点3名词所有格 a辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1. ----Who's the woman under the tree —She's_______ aunt.
A. Kelly and Joe's B. Kelly's and Joe C. Kelly's and Joe's D. Kelly and Joe life.
( )2.Sometimes a little action can make a difference to a_______life.
A. person B.person's C.persons D.persons
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.This year, the family went camping on_______ Day, June 1st. A.Child B.Child's C.Children D.Children's
( )2.Miss Wang is an excellent English teacher who has over 20_______ teaching experience
A.year B. years C. year's D.years
( )3. Look at the book. It's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be_______.
A. somebody else's B.somebody elses' C.somebody's else D.somebody else
( )4.----Where's the bag —I think it is in your room. A. parents B. parent's C.parent D.parents'
( )5.There are many _______teachers in this primary school. A.woman B. woman's C.women D.women
( )1. The beautiful music has brought_______ to people all over the world.
A.difficulty B.pleasure C.weather D.danger
( )2. We can see the _______on their faces when they talk about the great achievements in the past few years.
A.pride B. regret C.ability D.attention
( )3. Sally has made big_______ in Chinese. She can even understand Beijing Opera very well.
A.memories B.vocabulary C.decisions D.progress
( )4. I'm shopping for presents now because_______ Day is coming.
A.Teacher B.Teachers C. Teacher's D. Teachers
( )5. I have the_______ of drinking milk before sleeping, so I can have a good sleep.
A.habit B. name C.help D.question
( )6.According to the study, eating too much is the biggest _______of overweight. We must pay attention to it.
A.mistake B. cause C.goal D. pleasure
( )7.Lion dancing is a traditional Chinese dance_______.And it is still popular now.
A.team B. method C.state D.form
( )8.The young woman is still in great_______ because of the death of her pet dog
A. Peace B.trouble C. difficulty D. pain
( )9.—The government is working hard to improve people's living_______.
—You are right. Our life is getting better and better.
A.tradition B.instruction C.standard D.land
( )10. English is not only a language, but also a _______of communication between two countries.
A.bridge B.road C.fridge D.street
1.Many people think that the more_______ they have, the happier they will be. (choose)
2. Follow that _______advice and soon you will solve the problem. (teacher)
3. Stephen is a_______ from the UK. Let's show him around our school. (visit)
4. _______speak louder than words. (act)
5. Anna doesn't come from Australia. Her parents are_______ (German).
6. I haven't got the_______ to Daming's birthday. I'm a little sad. (invite)
7.Mr Smith has made a_______ to raise money to help the poor. (decide)
8. Doing morning exercises is a good habit. It helps you keep in good_______ (healthy).
9. Hard work and proper methods brought the man great_______(succeed).
10. Perhaps free edueation can bring_______to many families. (happy)
Recently, a Douyin influencer named “employed labourer Xinozhane” went viral(走红) beacuse of her “How-to" video series. In the videos, she teaches the most basic life 1._______(skill), such as how to see a concert and how to take the subway.
In some ways, the rising popularity of “How-to” videos mirrors the fact that young_______ (people) search habits have changed. They're increasingly turning to social medias platforms like Douyin and Bilbili for information.
Li Zhouzi, a 14-year old girl from Shanxi, likes to search on Bilibili. She said that by doing this, she could get information more quickly and easily. For example, when using traditional search engines(搜索引擎) for a concept(概念) of physics, she would always lose her way in a sea of hard-to-get terms. Instead, 3. _______(video) by creators on Bilibili can offer detailed(详细约)explanations that are often clearer than those she can find elsewhere.
Many 4. _______(teenager) also search for lighter topics on social media platforms Meanwhile, they leave the heavier topics to traditional search engines. Zhou Yaokai, a Grade student from Sichuan is one of them. When forming his personal opinions on heated topics, h prefers to turn to official websites of 5._______ (organisation) or well-thought-of media sources“In this way the information can be the most reliable(可靠的),”he said.
Off the northwest coast of Malaysia, a group of islands called Langkawi sits by the sea. It's the destination(目的地) of our recent school 1_______.
We got up early and jumped onto the boat. As the engine(引擎) of the 2_______made loud sound, snow white bubbles(泡泡) came out from below the boat, and the wind rushed to my face.
The first 3_______ we arrived at was called the Island of the Pregnant Maiden, whose name came from the mountains looking like a pregnant(怀孕的) lady. We were allowed into the water for about half an hour, and it was 4_______ playing with my friends in the water. All was fine until one of my water shoes fell into the lake. So I had to do the rest of the trip with only one shoe on.
When we first walked through the forest, I thought it was a nice 5_______ . But with only one shoe, my foot came across either cold shards(玻璃碎片) or hot stones along the way. As the day went on, the land became increasingly jagged. I had to be careful with every 6 _______I took. But then something magical happened—I happened to find a seashell the 7_______ of my hand! I felt like I had found gold and all the 8_______was worth it.
The trip was really an unforgettable experience—the beautiful sea views and the beach treasure hunt were unforgettable 9_______ for me. I've learnt an important lesson from that day, which is not to focus on the bad memories, but instead to remember the cheerful 10_______ and value them.
( )1.A.meeting B.subject C.education D.trip
( )2.A.ship B.boat C. plane D.bus
( )3.A.hill B.beach C.coast D. island
( )4.A.fun B.time C.chance D.trouble
( )5.A.ride B.flight C. form D.walk
( )6.A.tape B.stone C.step D.shoe
( )7.A.colour B.finger C. size D.smell
( )8.A.pain B. work C.happiness D.money
( )9.A.periods B.moments C.years D.months
( )10.A. conditions B. difficulties C.stones D.feelings
专题二 代词
A.考点分类练 :明确每专题所含各个考点,分考点练习更能找出自身薄弱点,更有针对性。
考点 1人称代词、物主代词和反身代词 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1. Don't ride your bike too fast, or you may hurt_______.
A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.itself
( )2.Miss Liu teaches English very well. We all like_______ classes.
A.your B.their C.his D.her
( )3.----Is this _______hat —Yes, I got it from my grandfather as a birthday gift.
A.his B.her C.your D.my
( )4.The Robinsons love seeing the world._______ have been to many interesting places.
A.We B. They C.You D.I
( )5. Lingling is alwavs ready to help others, so we all like _______. A.she B. her C. hers D. herself
b.考点补白训练 单项选择。
( )1.----Where did you get the toy car —From Betty. She made it_______。A.myself B. himself C.herself D.yourself
( )2. ----Harry, is this your basketball —Yes, it's_______. A.his B. yours C.mine
( )3. _______teacher talked to about the stories of the Silk Road.
A.Our; us B. Our; we C.Ours; us D.Ours; we
( )4.Your school library looks as modern as_______. Can you show me around
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
( )5. I like those books! When I get my pocket money, I will buy_______. A.it B.that C.them D. ones
考点2不定代词、指示代词和疑问代词 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.Daming is happy today because he helped _______ look for a set of keys on his way home.
A. nobody B.anybody C.somebody D.everybody
( )2.----_______can you see from the London Eye ----On a clear day,most of London.
A. Where B. How C.Why D. What
( )3.----_______ is this basketball —Perhaps it's our English teacher's. He likes sports.
A.Whose B. Where C. How D. Which
( )4. I tried to buy the dictionary in two bookstores, but______ of them had it. A.both B.all C. neither D.none
( )5.—Bob, what's your dream job, a doctor or a teacher ---- _______I want to be a policeman.
A.Both. B.Either. C. None. D.Neither.
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.—There are many celebrations in the coming Dragon Boast Festival!
—Sounds very interesting. I don't want to miss_______. A. it B.any C. none D.one
( )2.—Chinese chess player Ding Liren has done _______he can in chess and has put all that he has into the games.
—Yes, and he has become the world chess champion(冠军) recently
A.everything B.nothing C.something D. none
( )3. These sweaters are too small for me. Would you show me_____one A.the other B.other C.another D. else
( )4.—Hello, this is Kate speaking. Who is_______
—Hi, Kate. It's Steve. Do you want to play tennis with me this afternoon A.that B.this C.she D.he
( )5.—Are you going to buy the blue shoes —No, I prefer red_______. A.ones B.one C.those D.that
( )1. Professor Smith sets_______ a good example. We should learn from him。A.we B.us C.our D.ours
( )2.—Daming, can you teach_______ how to use chopsticks
—Sure. We use chopsticks every day and it is _______Chinese tradition.
A.me; our B.my; your C.me; ours D.mine; our
( )3.----Whose mask is it Is it_______,Linlin —No, it can't belong to Mine is black.
A.yours; mine B.you; me C.yours; me D.you; mine
( )4.What a pity!_______ of the three students has passed the exam! A. None B. Neither C.Both D. All
( )5. The big family has made_______ ready to welcome the Spring Festival. They're very excite
A.nothing B.anything C.everything D. something
( )6.----Tell me, Mum. _______is your favourite person in the whole world ----That's easy! It's you!
A.What B. Who C.How D. Where
( )7.—Coffee or tea, Frank —Coffee, please. To get relaxed, _______is better than a cup of coffee.
A.nothing B.anything C. something D.everything
( )8.----There are many kinds of tea in China. Which is your favourite
----Green tea, I guess. I have tried black tea, green tea and so on, and_______ of them have their special tastes.
A.all B.both C. none D.neither
( )9.—How many books have you read since the beginning of this term ---To tell the truth,_______.I'm just too lazy.
A.no B.nothing C. none D.neither
( )10.I can do it by myself. I don't need_______ to help me. A.someone B.everyone C.anyone D.no one
1.Though the little girl is only five years old, she can dress_______ (she)
2. The earlier children learn to look after _______, the better their future will be. (they)
3. Boys and girls, believe in _______,and you will make your dreams come true. (you)
4.The foreigner can't understand me because my pronunciation is different from_______ (her)
5. That's your keyboard. Please don't use _______ (I) 6. _______ speech will explain how to prevent the illness. (he)
7. We enjoyed_______ at the party yesterday. (we) 8. He considers_______ as a brave man. (he)
9. The father realised that it was time for_______ to apologise to his son. (he) 10.Whose sandwiches are_______ (this)
C.语法语境练 统考题型 阅读短文,用括号中所给词的适当形式完成短文。
British author Roald Dahl is my favourite writer. Dahl wrote lots of children's books and nearly all of 1. _______(they) are popular. 2._______ (he) books are usually funny and interesting to read.
He often used funny made-up words. For example,in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, heinvented“Oompa-Loompas”and “snozzwangers”. And in The Big Friendly Giant, he created“frobscottle”and “whizzpopoers”. These odd(奇怪的) words with fun pronunciation often rhyme(押韵) and always make 3._______ (I) laugh.
In addition, we can learn about life from his books. For example, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the story of Augustus Gloop tells 4._______ (we) not to be greedy(贪心的).What happened to Veruca Salt shows that parents must not spoil (溺爱) 5. _______(they) children.
I am a big fan of Roald Dahl's works. He was really a fantastic storyteller.
专题三 数词 A.考点分类练:明确每专题所含各个考点分考点练习更能找出自身薄弱点,更有针对性。
考点1 基数词和序数词 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.----China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair has held nine times.
----Yes. The_______ fair was held from December 2 to 4, 2022.
A.nine B.ninth C. nineteenth D. ninety
( )2.China's National Day comes in October, the_______month of the year.
A.eighth B. ninth C.tenth D. eleventh
( )3.----It is Mum's birthday next Wednesday. What should we do
----What about buying her _______flowers to show our love for her
A.forty; forty B.forty; fortieth C.fortieth; forty D. fortieth;fortieth
1.My flat is on the_______ floor. It has a good view of Xinghai Park. (eight)
2.Look at the photo! The_______ boy from the right is my best friend. (nine)
b.考点补白 未涉及到的考查点 一.单项选择。
( )1.----This will be my _______visit to the Sun Island. I'm really excited.
—Really I can't believe it. You've been in Harbin for a year. A. first B. second C.third
( )2.----I have been to Phoenix Mountain(凤凰山) three times. What about you
----I have been there three times, too. And I would like to visit it a _______time.
A. three B.third C.four D. fourth
( )3. Next weekend is my grandpa's_______ birthday, and we will get together to celebrate
A.ninety B. nineties C. ninetieth D.the ninetieth
( )4.The couple have two kids. They are happy that they'll have the_______ one soon.
A.first B. second C.third D. fourth
二.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Linda is the_______ to come to the concert this morning. She is really early. (five)
2. On his_______ birthday, he received a lot of presents from his friends. (twelve)
3. What do you think is the greatest invention in the_______ century (twenty-one)
4.One of the greatest Chinese writers of the_______ century is Lao She. (twenty)
5. He seems to have the sense_______ for knowing that his brother will win. (six)
考点2概数词 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.—On Tree Planting Day, the students in our school planted five_______ trees on the hill.
----Good job! Everyone can do some things to make our home town greener.
A.hundreds B.hundred of C.hundreds of D.hundred
( )2. —Did you watch the second“Tiangong lecture”(天宫课堂) on March 23, 2022
—Yes, about two _______students in our school watched it.
A.thousand B.thousands of C.million D. millions of
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1. There are _______paintings on exhibition(展览). _______works were created by young artists.
A.two hundred; Two hundreds B.two hundreds; Hundreds of C.hundreds of; Two hundred
( )2._______ of people go to Beijing for a holiday every year.
A. Two million B.Millions C.Three million D.Ten thousands
( )3. He always wanted to have_______ of books and he has recently bought two
A.hundreds; hundreds B.hundred; hundred C.hundreds; hundred D.hundred; hundreds
( )4.—China is a great country with a history of more than 5 _______years.
----Yes. And _______foreigners come to visit it every year
A.thousand; million B.thousands; million of C.thousand; millions of D.thousand of; million
考点3分数表达法 B.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.There are several _______ books in my bookcase and I have read _______ of them.
A.hundreds; 60 percent B. hundreds;three fifths C.hundred; 60 percents D. hundred; three fifths
( )2.It is reported _______of the soil around the world was polluted in the_______.
A.two thirds; 1990 B. two third; 1990s C.two third; 1990 D.two thirds; 1990s
( )3.Tom was angry because Jerry ate_______of his nine apples secretly. Now he had only three left.
A.a quarter B. one third C.a half D.two thirds
b.考点补白训练/补充的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.—Dad, about_______ of our classmates wear glasses.
----Oh, that's terrible. You all should take good care of your eyes.
A.three fourth B.third fourth C.third fourths D.three quarters
( )2._______ of the trees in the garden are apple trees.
A.One fifth B.One fifths C. First fifth D. First fifths
( )3.----We have sixty students in our class._______ of them are boys. How many girls are there ----Forty.
A.One third B. Two thirds C.A quarter D. A half
1.—Do you mind telling us something about this area
—Not at all. Three _______of the land in this area is covered with trees and grass.(eight)
2. Two_______ of the floor is wet, so you must be careful. (five)
3. _______of the workers in my company drive to work every day. (hundred)
4.The _______World Table Tennis Championship began in May in Moscow. (fifty)
5.Personally, I prefer the_______ option(选择). (two)
6. We all know that winter is the_______ season of the year and it's the coldest. (four)
7.My grandpa began to use a computer in his_______ .(sixty) 8. At night we can see _______of stars in the sky. (billion)
9.Our teacher advised us to try it a_______ time. (three) 10. Cats sleep _______as much as people. (two)
专题四 介词和介词短语 A.考点分类练 考点1介词的基本用法 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.Three Shenshou XV heroes successfully came back to the Earth_______ June 4,2023.
A.at B.on C. in D. until
( )2.----How long have you learnt English ----_______six years A.In B.For C.At D. From
( )3.The girl takes her dog for a walk_______ the river every evening. A. in B.along C.over D. under
( )4.Everything begins to grow _______spring. It's full of hope. A.in B. on C.at D. for
( )5._______ the West, people often take flowers when they visit someone. A.By B.On C.At D.In
b.考点补白 单项选择。
( )1.----Hi, Mike. When is the Space Day of China —It falls_______ April 24 every year.
A. at B. in C.on D.for
( )2.Please bring Ms Steen to the welcome party_______ telling her so that she can be surprised.
A. about B.from C. without D. for
( )3.Do whatever you can for the community,_______ teaching kids art looking after the old or
A. with B.under C. like D. over
( )4.We have history class_______three o'clock every Friday afternoon. A.at B.on C.in D. to
( )5. With the teachers' help. I have realised I'm not the centre_______ the world and learnt to put myself in others' shoes. A.of B.by C.up D.under
( )6. Father's Day comes_______ June every year. A.in B.on C.at D. to
( )7. The traffic light is green. Let's go_______ the road. A.against B.among C.across D.above
考点2介词短语及固定搭配 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.The newly-built teaching building provides the students_______ a comfortable learning environment.
A.for B.to C. with D.in
( )2.----What do you think of your middle school life —Busy but wonderful ._______,it's valuable.
A. In the end B. All in all C.As a result D. First of all
( )3. _______the teacher's help, I have made much progress.
A. Thanks to B. As for C.Such as D. Up to
( )4.The Olympic spirit tells us nobody can win _______so just enjoy the games.
A.all the time B.in time C. at the same time D. on time
( )5.Tom used to be afraid of speaking_______,but now he is much more confident.
A.in public B. in person C. in total D. in silence
B.考点补白 单项选择。
( )1. Many thanks _______your gift. I love it. A.in B. of C.for D.with
( )2. Bill is_______ all the other runners. It seems that he will be the winner.
A.next to B. far from C.ahead of
( )3.We need to tell people to just do one small thing well_______ 100 things poorly.
A.as well as B.instead of C.according to D. because of
( )4. I have no money on me because I often pay_______ things through WeChat(微信). A.to B.of C.by D. for
( )5. Eating too much fast food is bad for us. We should only have it_______.
A. all the time B.from now on C.at the moment D. once in a while
B.考点综合练:攻克各考点后进行完整专题训练,综合练习更能检测出知识实际掌握情况 一.单项选择。
( )1.We often study English_______ reading out aloud. A.in B.by C.on D.for
( )2.—Who are you going to play_______ next week —HAS.
A. from B.by C.without D.against
( )3.—Do you usually go to school_______ foot
----No, I usually go there bus because it is far from my home to school. A.by;by B.on;by C.by; in D.on; in
( )4. The street was full_______smoke after the big fire. A.of B.with C. in D. for
( )5. Mark Twain is famous _______writer in America.And he is famous_______ his novels.
A.for; as B.as; of C.for; of D.as;for
( )6. More villagers will move to new houses_______three months. A.after B.in C.at D.for
( )7.----How much salt do we need to add_______ the soup
----One spoon. After that,we should cook it_______five more minutes.
A.to; on B. to; for C.up; for D. up;on
( )8. Our coach was pleased _______us because we won the basketball match.
A.to B. with C. at D.about
( )9.I like to exercise_______ my spare time. I often go swimming. A.to B. with C. in D. at
( )10. Mary often helps her mother_______ the housework. A.with B. for C.to D.in
( )11.After running_______ a field and jumping_______ the open window, my pet cat finally came into the living room and slept on my knees. A.across;through B.cross; through C.through; across D. through; cross
( )12.Turn right_______ the first crossing and the park is_______ your right.
A.in; at B.at; on C.on; at D. at; in
( )13. The first Chinese team reached the top of Qomolangma _______1960. A.on B. at C.in D.to
( )14. Look at the teacher_______ all these students, She is telling them a story.
A. Between B.among C.on D.from
( )15.—It is so difficult that I want to give up. —Take it easy. _______,it takes time to learn something new.
A.In that case B.For example C. By the way D.After all
1.当你遇到危险的时候,你应该及时寻求帮助When you are in danger, you should ask for help_______ _______.
2.他们将在我房子前面的河上建一座桥。They will build a bridge over the river_______ _______ _______my house.
3.在他们的学校和村子之间有一条大河。There is a big river_______ their school_______ the village.
4.从现在起,我一定要向我的同学们学习。_______ _______ _______,I must learn from my classmates.
5.Tom从7岁开始学习中文。Tom started to learn Chinese seven_______ _______ _______ _______.
专题五 形容词和副词
考点1 形容词和副词词义辨析 B.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1. The delicious food and_______waiters made us happy with the restaurant.
A.slow B. tired C.awful D.polite
( )2.Hearing the 19th Asian Games would be held in Hangzhou, China could_______control our feeling of pride.
A. Really B. hardly C. nearly D. clearly
( )3.You should drive_______ on rainy days to keep safe. A. quickly B.happily C.slowly D. carelessly
( )4.The football match was put off as a result of the_______ weather. A.wonderful B.exciting C.difficult D.awful
( )5.I feel _______to grow vegetables on the school farm tomorrow.I can't wait.
A.excited B.surprised C. worried D. afraid
( )6. —Why are you so_______ ----Because my pet dog is dead. A.pleased B.active C.sad D.friendly
b.考点补白训练/补充真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.The grapes are very_______ and they also taste good. A.easy B.lazy C.boring D.fresh
( )2.From my childhood,I _______remember my parents working hard day and night.
A.clearly B. patiently C.suddenly D. politely
( )3.If I don't talk_______ my old grandmother can't hear me. A. quickly B. loudly C.suddenly D. quietly
( )4.—The food in the restaurant is great, isn't it
----Yes, it's fine. I just don't like the environment. The music is too_______.
A.talented B.useful C. noisy D.beautiful
( )5.—Camping trips in spring have become very_______ in southern China.
----Exactly. That's because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.
A.hot B.safe C.cheap D.hard
( )6.—Mary is_______ about what she eats. She never has junk food. —A good habit.
A.careful B.angry C.nervous D. relaxed
( )7.—The girls are talking about the art festival_______. ----Yes, they have so many fun things to share.
A.suddenly B. sadly C. badly D. happily
( )8.—Luckily, Tom helped us solve the problem.—Great! He is so smart that he can always come up with___ ideas.
A.bright B.comfortable C.friendly D.similar
( )9.----I hear your parents have moved to the village. —Yes. The countryside is more_______ than before.
A.terrible B.boring C.comfortable D.crowded
( )10.If you want to go to university, you should take your schoolwork_______.
A.truly B. slowly C. seriously D.possibly
考点2形容词和副词的比较等级 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.ChatGPT can make a plan_______ than we do.
A.much quickly B. more quick C.even quick D.far more quickly
( )2.This year I have ten subjects. I decide to work much_______than before.
A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.the hardest
( )3.The Binhai Road is one of_______ roads for walking in Dalian.
A.long B. longer C.longest D.the longest
( )4.I jumped _______than Bill in the sports meeting last year.
A.high B. higher. C.highest a D.the highest
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.Remember this, kids. The harder you work, the_______ you will be. A.worse B.luckier C.easier
( )2.China is one of_______ countries in the world. We are all proud of it.
A.older B.the older C.oldest D.the oldest
( )3.Sam did _______in his studies this year than last year.
A.wells B. better C. best D.the best
( )4. Roy is a great dancer. He dances_______ than others.
A.beautifully B.more beautifully C.less beautifully D.most beautifully
( )5. The waiter talked as ________as he could.
A.clearly B.more clearly C.most clearly D. the most clearly
1. Take exercise one hour a day, and you will become_______ than before. (thin)
2. We can do the work with fewer people and_______ money. (little)
3. I get a lot_______ and I feel healthier. (fit)
4.—I can't afford the white dress. Can you show me another one
—What about the orange one The price is a little_______ (low)
5. Smoking is the_______ thing you can do for your health. (bad) 6. The traffic here is very_______ for children. (danger)
7. Playing football is_______ of all the activities. (interesting) 8. It rained_______ last night and the river rose. (heavy)
9.They _______published findings of a study on this topic. (recent)
10. When you eat in a Western restaurant, you'd better use a knife and fork_______ (proper)
( )1._______ tell anyone your password(密码), because it isn't safe.
A.Often B. Sometimes C.Always D. Never
( )2. The dancing teacher gives us instructions_______until we are perfect in every move.
A. patiently B.quickly C.bravely D.suddenly
( )3.To tell the truth, Lucy isn't as_______as Lily, so she sometimes fails.
A.careful B. more careful C.most careful D.the most careful
( )4. This maths problem isn't so difficult that I can work it out_______.
A. quietly B.usefully C.loudly D.easily
( )5.—I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.
—I agree. I find it_______ to improve my listening. A.harmful B.thankful C.careful D.helpful
( )6. We will have to set off to_______ avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning.
A.early B.quietly C. slowly D.politely
( )7.—It's necessary to learn how to remember the new words.
—I can't agree more. Sometimes it's even_______ than grammar.
A.more difficult B. more important C.the most difficult D.the most important
( )8.Taking a train only with an ID card is_______ for passengers than before.
A.convenient B. more convenient C.the more convenient D. the most convenient
( )9.—Do you know about the play Hamlet —Yes. It's one of Shakespeare's_______ plays.
A.most famous B. less famous C.more famous D.famous
( )10.I think Linda does her homework_______among us.
A.careful B.more carefully C.the most carefully D. the most careful
C.语法语境练 一.完形填空。(语法型)
Robert and Henry were going home for lunch from school. On turning a corner, Robert cried out,“A fight! Let's go and see!”
“No,” said Henry, “let's go home 1_______and not meddle with(参与) this fight. We have nothing to do with it, and may get into trouble.”
“You are a coward(胆小鬼),and2_______to go,"said Robert, and off he ran.
Henry went home, and in the afternoon he went back to school as3._______. But Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward, and they laughed at him a great deal.
However, Henry knew that 4_______ courage was far more than that. He knew that he should be afraid of nothing but doing 5_______.
A few days later. Robert was swimming with some schoolmates and got out of his depth. He struggled and cried for help, but nobody answered. The boys who had called Henry a coward got out of the water as 6_______as they could and did not even try to help Robert. Robert was going down fast when Henry threw off his clothes and jumped into the water. He reached Robert just in time. With great effort, and with much danger to himself, he7_______brought Robert to the riverbank and saved his life.
Robert and his schoolmates were _______for having called Henry a coward. They realised that he had 9_______ courage than all of them.
Never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do 10_______.
( )1. A.bravely B. easily C.happily D. quietly
( )2.A.afraid B.able C. worried D.strong
( )3.A.well B. usual C.before D.late
( )4. A.daily B. weak C. clever D.true
( )5. A.small B.big C.right D.wrong
( )6. A.often B. early C. fast D. slowly
( )7. A.suddenly B. finally C.probably D. mainly
( )8.A.glad B.nervous C. pleased D. sorry
( )9.A.better B. more C.less D. worse
( )10. A.soft B.ill C.bad D.great
Fried Chop Rice Cake, also called Lu Da Gun in Chinese, is one of 1._______ (popular)snacks in Beijing. The name of this snack is very 2. _______(interest), isn't it But it has nothing to do with donkeys(驴). It is a kind of cake which tastes sweet, soft and delicious. Why do Chinese people call 3._______ Lü Da Gun
Here is a story about it. It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi was tired of having the same kind of food every day. So, one day, she ordered a chef(厨师) to cook something different. It was really hard for the chef 4._______ he didn't know how to meet the needs of Cixi. After thinking 5. _______(careful), he made a new kind of cake by using rice powder and red bean paste(糯米粉和豆沙馅).
However, a boy came to the kitchen and he dropped the cake into soybean powder(黄豆面) by accident. The chef was very 6._______ (worry) for it because it was too late to make a new one. He had to take the cake to Empress Dowager Cixi 7._______ (nervous).
8. _______his surprise, Cixi liked his cake very much. She asked the chef what the name of the cake was. The chef had never thought about that. 9. _______(sudden), he thought of the name of the boy “Xiao Lür". So he said that the cake's name was L Da Gun.
Since then, Lü Da Gun has become more and more popular for its special taste and 10._______(fun) name. Would you like to try it
专题六 连词 A.考点分类练:明确每专题所含各个考点分考点练习更能找出自身薄弱点,更有针对性
考点1 并列连词 a辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.David, go to bed early,_______ you will feel sleepy in class tomorrow. A.and B.unless C.or D. but
( )2.The race is only two days away, _______Alice practises day and night. A.as B. but C.so D.or
( )3.This T-shirt is very nice, _______it doesn't look good on me. A.but B.so C.and D.or
( )4.Take medicine on time,_______ your cold will be serious. A.and B. but C.or D.so
( )5.Don't run in the hallways,_______ you might get hurt. A.and B.but C.so D.or
b.考点补白训 单项选择。
( )1.He has failed many times, _______he never loses his heart. A.and B.but C.or D.so
( )2. Everyone will have to get out of their houses _______meet their neighbours. A.and B.but C.or D.so
( )3.Hurry up, _______you will miss the beginning of the concert. A.so B.or C.and D.but
( )4.I saw a good film,_______ I can't remember its name. A.so B.or C.for D. but
考点2 从属连词 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择
( )1.It is necessary to ask your parents or teachers for some advice_______you make the final decision.
A. Because B. unless C. before D.after
( )2.I History is my favourite subject_______ it's very interesting. A.if B. though C. when D. because
( )3.It's raining too hard outside. We won't leave_______the rain stops. A.if B. after C. when D. until
( )4.I“Post-2000s"(00 后)have begun to amaze the world_______ they are very young.
A. Though B.if C. unless D. before
( )5.My parents won't allow me to do things I like_______ I finish my homework.
A.If B. but C. because D. unless
( )6. My father took these photos_______we lived in Hong Kong. A. when B. because C.although D.if
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.Lisa was busy taking notes_______ Mark was giving a talk. A.if B. unless C. until D. while
( )2._______you can use your dictionary, you will learn English better. A.If B. Unless C. Though D.Before
( )3.I'll go to visit my aunt in Hainan_______ the summer holiday starts.
A. while B. since C. until D. as soon as
( )4.I have remembered about 2, 000 words_______I began to learn English a year ago.
A. Before B. when C. after D.since
( )5.We should take care of Earth_______we can make a better world for our grandsons and granddaughters.
A. while B. although C. until D. so that
( )1. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, _______anybody can start now and make a new ending.
A. so B. but C.or D. if
( )2.Don't throw rubbish everywhere, _______our environment will get worse.
A. But B. so C. and D. or
( )3.—Are you a musician_______a teacher —A musician. A. and B.or C. with D. for
( )4. Tony likes rock music_______ his father doesn't like it at all. A. because B.so C. but D.or
( )5._______this may be a hard trip, young people are encouraged to experience it.
A. If B. Unless C. Since D. Although
( )6. The cute dog caught my eyes _______ I walked into the pet store.
A.as soon as B.ever since C.although D. unless
( )7.My mother was watching TV_______ my sister was playing the guitar.
A. unless B. while C. until D. as soon as
( )8.Mr Liu has taught us English_______ he came to our school. A. until B. because C. though D. since
( )9. The doctor worked very hard _______he could save more patients.
A. If B. though C. until D. so that
二.选择合适的连词填空。 When, because, but, so... that, not...until, and ,after,or
1. Hurry up, please!_______you'll be late for school.
2. She _______go to bed_______her mother came back.
3.Yesterday Jim didn't go to see the film ________he must go over his lessons.
4.The students were talking about the sports meeting_______ the teacher came in.
5.Tom was ill yesterday, _______he still went to school as usual.
6.I was_______tired_______I couldn't walk any farther.
7._______the boy finished his homework, he went to bed.
8.Study hard on your subjects,_______ you'll do well in the exams.
专题七 冠词 A.考点分类练:明确每专题所含各个考点,分考点练习更能找出自身薄弱点,更有针对性。
考点1不定冠词 B辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.The spirit of Lei Feng always encourages us to give_______ hand to others. A.a B.an C.the D./
( )2.To me, Peter is only _______competitor not_______ enemy. A.a; an B.an:a C.the; an D. a: the
( )3.Our English teacher asked us to write _______80-word article. A.a B.an C.the D./
( )4.---- Confucius was _______great teacher and thinker. ----Yes, we're still influenced by his ideas today.
A.a B. an C.the D./
b.考点补白训练 单项选择。
( )1.My mother is making_______ apple pie and I want to try_______ piece. A.a; an B.a;/ C.an; a D. an;
( )2.Tracy,_______exchange student from Norway, is_______student in Heilongjiang now.
A.a; an B.an; the C.an; a
( )3.—What do you think of the guidebook Lonely Planet
—Oh, it is really _______useful one. You can always find_______ information you need while travelling.
A.a; a B.an; an C.a; the D.an; the
( )4.China is_______ country with a history of more than 5,000 years. A.the B.a C.an D./
( )5.I usually have_______ egg and some bread for breakfast. A.a B. an C.the D./
( )6. —Do you know there will be_______ 8-day holiday after graduation
—Wow! We will have_______ great time during the holiday. A.a; the B.an; a C.the; D./;an
考点2定冠词 B.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择
( )1.I want to join the music club because I can play _______Violin. A.an B.a C.the D./
( )2.—Who is _______woman in green ----Tu Youyou, a great scientist. A.a B.the C./ D.an
( )3. My home town is_______ beautiful city in_______ west of Liaoning Province.
A.the; a B.a; the C.a; a D.the;the
( )4.Man first walked on_______ surface of the Moon in 1969. A.a B.an C.the D./
b.考点补白训练 辽宁真题中来涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.Jenny ordered a hamburger and _______hamburger was nice. A.a B.an C.the
( )2.China has helped end over 70% of poverty worldwide since_______late 1970s,according to _______World Bank.
A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a
( )3. _______village which I was born in has grown into_______town.
A. The;a B.A; the C.The; the D.A;a
( )4. Bill likes playing_______ basketball, but he doesn't like playing_______ piano.
A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/
( )5. The movie is worth seeing _______ second time as it reminds me of_______happy old days I spent in the country.
A.the;/ B.a;the C.a;/ D.the; the
考点3零冠词 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.China's panda Ya Ya finished_______ 30-day stay in Shanghai after landing in China and then was sent to Beijing Zoo in_______ May. A.a; a B.a;the C.the; a D.a;/
( )2. The king's favourite hobby was playing_______chess. A.a B.an C.the D./
( )3.It's_______pity that he hurt his leg when he played_______ football yesterday.
A./; an B.the; the C.an;a D.a;/
b.考点补白训练 单项选择。
( )1.Yangzhou is _______city full of _______history, culture and mouth-watering food.
A.the;a B.a; a C.the; the D.a;/
( )2.After _______school, I bought_______ present for my mother. A./;a B.a:/ C.a; the D.the;/
( )3.—How do you go to school, Lily —I usually go to school by_______bike, but today I took_______ bus to school.
A./;/ B.a; / C./;the D.the;/
( )4. Flowers come out in_______spring and they bring us lots of pleasure. A.a B. an C.the D./
( )1.I want to be_______ astronaut and walk in space one day in the future. A.an; the B.a;/ C.the; the D.an; /
( )2.The city is in _______southeast of the country and it has_______ population of more than 5 million.
A.a;a B.the; a C.a; the D.the; the
( )3. David has_______ useful book. _______book is also very interesting.
A.an; The B.a;The C.an; A D.a;A
( )4. Scientists invented _______electronic eye that could help_______ blind get around safely.
A.a;/ B.an; the C.a; a D.an; a
( )5. ----Have you ever worked as_______ volunteer —Yes, I have. It was_______unforgettable experience for me.
A.an; an B.a;a C.a; an D.an; a
( )6. Allen works in_______ university and he often takes_______ umbrella on rainy days
A.a;a B.an;an C.a; an D.an; a
二.用a,an,the 补全句子,不填用/。
1.Maria usually goes to school by_______ bus. 2. She is_______ eleven-year-old girl.
3.New York is _______biggest city in America. 4. What_______ beautiful flower it is!
5.This is _______story of friendship. Let's read _______story together.
6. What_______ fine weather it is! Let's go out for a picnic. 7.This is_______ most amazing forest that I have ever seen.
8.What_______surprising news! I have never thought that I can get first prize.
9. People here usually store vegetables in_______autumn every year for the cold winter.
10.We should take care of_______old and_______young.
C.语法语境练 用a, an, the补全短文,不填用/。
Even 1._______most confident performers can suffer from stage fright(怯场).Stage fright is common for everyone, from Broadway(百老汇) actors to experienced presenters. If you have stage fright, then you may start to feel nervous, shaky, or even completely frightened at 2._______thought of performing in front of the audience. But don't worry-you can deal with your stage fright by training your body and mind to relax and trying 3._______few tips.
· Fake(假装) confidence. Even if your heart is racing, just act like 4._______coolest person in the world. Walk with your head high and 5._______ big smile on your face and don't tell anyone how nervous you are. Keep this posture(姿势) when you get on the stage.
· Create a ritual(仪式)).Come up with 6._______effective ritual for the day of your performance. This could be a five-kilometre jog on 7._______ morning of your performance, or even singing a certain song in the shower or putting on your lucky socks, Do whatever you have to do to lead yourself towards 8._______ success.
· Get advice from a professional performer. If you have friends who have performance advice. You may learn some new tips and will be comforted experience, ask for their 9._______fact that everyone gets stage fright no matter how confident he or she may appear by 10._______on the stage.
专题八 动词和动词短语 A.考点分类练:明确每专题所含各个考点,分考点练习更能找出自身薄弱点,更有针对性。
考点1 动词词义辨析 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.You should_______ the time with your parents because you will leave them when you grow up.
A.change B.stop C.avoid D.value
( )2. —Will Mr Li come to the party —Yes. He_______ my invitation happily.
A.reached B.accepted C.achieved D.expressed
( )3.----Dad,what are you cooking It_______ so good. —The main dish for our dinner. You will like it.
A.gets B. smells C. sounds D.tastes
( )4.Linda likes to_______ pens and she has had all kinds of pens so far. A.collect B. throw C.lose D.give
( )5.Because of pollution, this lake is now too harmful to_______ fish.
A.suppose B. transport C.suggest D.support
( )6.When autumn comes, leaves start to _______from the trees. A.grow B.fall C.appear D.come
( )7. Some scientists _______that there will be more robots in the future.
A.become B.build C.believe D.disagree
b.考点补白 单项选择。
( )1.To keep healthy, Daming's grandparents_______ in a park every day. A.exercise B.cough C.sleep D.wait
( )2.We don't_______ much from the kids because they can't understand the value of this work.
A.express B. excuse C.expect D.explain
( )3. ----Hangzhou will hold the 19th Asian Games from September 23 to October 8,2023.
----Right. Players will_______ in forty sports, such as swimming, table tennis and volleyball.
A. compete B. believe C.imagine D.advise
( )4.—Why are you taking a basket with you for shopping
—The store doesn't_______ shopping bags for shoppers to protect the environment.
A.lend B.count C.provide D. collect
( )5.—Waiter, a glass of orange juice, please. —Sorry. Orange juice is only_______ at breakfast.
A.cooked B. bought C.served D.checked
考点2动词短语 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.While staying in Beijing, the foreigners like to_______ in Beijing hutongs.
A. hang out B. bring out C.try out D.set out
( )2.On September 1,students_______ their new school uniforms to go to school happily.
A. take off B. give away C.make up D.put on
( )3. Ann is_______her notes for her English exam now.
A.paying for B.giving away C. looking through D. putting up
( )4. The smell of the sea_______memories of his childhood.
A. called at B.called off C.called up D. called on
( )5. —Could you please tell me whore Mr Green is ----Sure. He has_______for London.
A.cut out B.put out C.come out D. set out
b.补白训练 单项选择。
( )1. I_______the great scientist from maganzines, and I wish to see him some day.
A. know about B.look after C. talk with
( )2. —Look at the sign, What does it mean
----It means we should_______the rubbish_______the proper rubbish bins.
A. put; into B.throw; around C. mix; into D, try;on
( )3. Lisa is a popular monitor. She_______her classmates and teachers.
A. takes part in B.gets on well with C. gets into trouble with D. keeps clear of
( )4.Our team_______what to do about the project and successfully completed on time.
A. gave up B. worked out C. turned down D. took away
( )5. I _______China for three months and this is the first time I've tried on hanfu.
A. have gone to B. have been to C. have arrived in D. have been in
( )6. I Paper cuttings of “double happiness" are often_______ in the married couple's home to bring good wishes.
A. put back B. put up C. put on D. put off
( )7.It's a good habit to_______ the lights when you leave a room.
A. turn down B. turn up C. turn off. D.turn on
( )8. Doing chores helps to improve children's independence and teaches them how to_______themselves.
A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look through
( )9. I The traditional Chinese lunar calendar_______a year_______ 24 solar terms(节气).
A. divides;into B. mixes; with C. translates;into D.covers; with
( )10.I In China, people usually_______ their houses to sweep away bad luck before the Spring Festival.
A.clean up B. look up C. make up D.put up
B.考点综合练:攻克各考点后进行克整专题训练,综合练习更能检测出知识实际掌握情况 单项选择。
( )1.The price of vegetables_______ so quickly these days. A. rushes B. adds C.rises D.raises
( )2. When I walked past Tom's room,I_______ him playing computer games in it.
A. Knew B. noticed C. looked D. listened
( )3.—A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time.
—I agree. All small things can_______ and become big things.
A.add up B. set up C. show up D. get up
( )4.We must_______if we want to win the match tomorrow.
A.give in B.pull together C.get up D.give up
( )5.A man who does not_______ others can't hope to achieve much.
A. learn from B. come from C.get from D.take from
( )6.The flowers _______water because they haven't been watered for many days.
A.ask B.reduce C.reuse D.require
( )7.It's not enough to just listen to the teacher carefully in class. You should_______something important.
A. make up B. take up C.write down D. cut down
( )8.----Sam, let's_______ these old things. I don't need them any more.
—No. We can try to put them to good use. A.pull down B. fix up C.hand out D.throw away
( )9. It's a really big square. It nearly _______over a quarter of the city area.
A.makes up B.tidies up C. gives up D.takes up
( )10. Lily is upset these days. Do you know how to_______ her_______
A.cheer; up B.turn; on C.pick; up D.put; away
( )11. Attention, please! The plane will _______in a minute. Every passenger, please fasten(扣紧) your safety belt. A.take up B.take off C.take around D. take down
( )12. The scarf is beautiful and it_______ soft and smooth. A.feels B. smells C.sounds D.tastes
( )13. Sorry, I can't understand it. Can you_______ it again A.mention B. refuse C.explain D.introduce
( )14. As soon as the holiday begins, my family will travel somewhere to_______ a few days at the seaside.
A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay
( )15. These photos _______the doctors' unusual working experiences.
A.record B.receive C.remember D.realise
专题九 情态动词 A.考点分类练 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.I The lovely boy_______ride the bike at the age of six. A. Must B.could C. need D. should
( )2. You_______ require others to solve the problem like you. Everyone has his own way.
A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. wouldn't
( )3. —Is this red jacket Tony’s ----No, it ___be his. He doesn't like red.
A.can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. wouldn't
( )4.—When Monday I'm afraid Monday _______ be a problem for me.
----But why I know you are free on Monday. A. need B. needn't C. might not D. might
( )5.—Can you swim in this river ----_______It's too dangerous.
A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can't. C. Yes, you may. D. No, you needn't.
( )6.I Don't worry about your Chinese, Betty. We_______teach you Chinese. A.should B. need C.can D. must
b.考点补白训练/补充江宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.—Would you like to visit Tianjin University tomorrow
—Sorry, I'm afraid I_______.I'll work as a volunteer in my community.
A. can B.can't C. must D. mustn't
( )2.I Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We_______learn to protect ourselves.
A. Might B. should C. could D. would
( )3. —How beautiful the paper cutting is! Who made it
—It_______be Linda, She's the only one that can make it in our class.
A. must B. would C. can D. could
( )4. The public sign in the library means people_______smoke there.
A. could B. must C. couldn't D. mustn't
( )5. Peter_______come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet. A.can B. may C. must D. should
( )1.—Whose first aid bag is this ----It______be Jim's, His name is on it. A. can B. can't C. must D. should
( )2. You'd better _____too close to the window. It's dangerous. A. Stand B. not stand C. standing D. not standing
( )3. These stairs are not safe, You _______ use them. A. needn't B. may not C. might not D. can't
( )4.—My house is near a busy street. —It______ be very quiet. A. needn't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. can't
( )5. We should learn some basic life skills since we_______depend on ourselves some day.
A.can B. can't C. must D. mustn't
( )6. Protect your hearing, Don't wait until you________hear a thing.
A. needn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D.can't
( )7.—Thomas, where are my postcards I_______find them. —They're on the bookshelf.
A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't
( )8.—Some people don't show their talents at the very beginning.
—I agree. Even Einstein_______read until he was seven. A. can't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. needn't
( )9. According to the school rules, the students_______ bring their mobile phones to school.
A. needn't B. can't C.mustn’t D. couldn't
( )10.Please keep together, or you _______ get lost while walking in the forest.
A. must B. may C.should D. need
1.—May I borrow your umbrella ---Sorry, I_______lend it to you because it is broken.
2.—May I come at four o'clock —Of course, you_______.
3.—Listen! Helen is singing in the next room. —It_______ be Helen. She has gone to Beijing.
4. We_______ obey the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves.
5.—Only ten tickets What do you mean There_______ be twelve.
—Sorry, Linda. Jack and Tim took two tickets away yesterday.
6.Excuse me. Read the text louder, please. I _______hear you.
7.—Where is my umbrella —It's fine today. You_______ take an umbrella with you.
8.—Would you like to go with me —I'm not sure. I _______take a trip to Dalian with my friends.
专题十 动词的时态
考点1一般现在时 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.The Danube is a river in Europe. It_______ through Vienna. A.will go B.went C.goes D.has gone
( )2.—What did the teacher say just now —He said that the earth_______round the sun.
A.will go B.going C.go D.goes
( )3. The little boy won't go to sleep unless his mum_______him a story.
A.tells B. told C.is telling D.will tell
( )4. Alice often_______the fun of making kites with us. She is so creative.
A. Shares B. shared C.will share D.was sharing
b.考点补白训练 单项选择。
( )1.—I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. ----I_______.It's not safe.
A. Agree B.agreed C. will agree D. had agreed
( )2.He _______newspapers at 8 every evening. A.reads B. is reading C.was reading D.has read
( )3.We will go to watch a movie if it_______.
A.snows tomorrow evening B. doesn't snow C.won't snow D. hasn't snowed
( )4.This is a fantastic novel and it _______about kindness, courage and trust.
A.tells B.is telling C. told D.was telling
( )5.—What does this sign_______ —It you can't walk on the grass.
A.mean; mean B.means; means C.mean; means D. means; mean
考点2一般过去时 a辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.—What did you do last weekend ----I_______ to the movies with my friends.
A.will go B.go C.goes D. went
( )2.James _______a basketball lover when he was 12 years old.
A.becomes B.became C.has become D.will become
( )3.----Has Wang Wei come back from Shanghai —Yes. He _____there for about one month and helped some people.
A. has stayed B.stays C.stayed D.will stay
( )4. ----Has she ever visited Tower Bridge ---Yes, she has. She_______ it two years ago.
A.visits B. visited C.has visited D. is visiting
( )5.The first Tintin story_______ in 1929 and it soon won people's hearts
A.appears B. appeared C.will appear D.is appearing
b.考点补白训练 单项选择。
( )1. Jessica_______ every night before her Chinese test and got good results.
A.studies B.studied C.has studied D.will study
( )2.Yesterday I_______ basketball with my classmates. We had a good time! A.will play B.play C.played
( )3.I_______ my keys when I was playing on the playground. A.lose B. lost C.will lose D. have lost
( )4.—This postcard is so beautiful! —My student _______it for me on Teachers' Day.
A.makes B. made C.has made D. is making
( )5.—Excuse me, no one is allowed to swim in the lake. —Sorry, I _______the sign.
A. didn't see B. won't see C. don't know D. couldn't know
考点3 一般将来时 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1.After this exam, you _______a wonderful holiday next month. Take it easy!
A.have B.have had C.had D.will have
( )2.Ben believes he_______ a college student in 3 years.
A.becomes B.became C.will become D. has become
( )3. My grandparents_______to see me next week.
A.come B.will come C.came D. have come
( )4.—What's your plan for the weekend,Helen —I_______ my grandparents.
A.visit B.visited C.have visited D.am going to visit
b.考点补白训练/补充辽宁真题中未涉及到的考查点 单项选择。
( )1.I_______ ice skating this Sunday. Do you want to come A.go B.went C.was going D. will go
( )2.—The car will not start. What can I do —Don't worry. Tom and I_______ it a push.
A.give B.gave C.have given D.will give
( )3. Don't lose your heart. If you keep working hard, you _______some day.
A.will succeed B.succeed C.succeeded D. have succeeded
( )4.Tomorrow I'm flying to Beijing. I_______ there for the following three weeks.
A.am B. have been C.will be D.was
考点4现在进行时 a.辽宁真题回顾 单项选择。
( )1. Look! The children _______the dragon dance with my grandpa on the playground.
A.learn B. learnt C.are learning D.will learn
( )2.—Where's your brother,Bob —Look!He_______the car in the yard.
A.is cleaning B. cleaned C. cleans D.will clean
( )3. Hurry up! The taxi_______for us now. A.will wait B.waited C.waits D.is waiting
( )4.At the moment I _______at Animal Helpers to learn how to care for animals.
A.volunteer B. am volunteering C.volunteered D.am going to volunteer
( )5.—Shirley, I know _______you a book about China. Have you finished it ----Not yet. Maybe next year.
A. wrote B. have written C.will write D.are writing
b.考点补白训练 单项选择。
( )1.Some students_______ over there. Let's go and join them.
A.play B.played C.are playing D. were playing
( )2.—Jim, I've got a problem with my car. Could you help me ----Sorry, not right now. I _______a short video.
A.make B.have made C.am making D.was making
( )3.—China's high-speed railway technology_______ the world now.
—That's true. It has developed rapidly over the past years. A. led B.was leading C.is leading D. will lead
( )4.----Does she work here —No, but these days she_______ here.
A. helped B. is helping C.helps D.helping
( )5.—What's that terrible noise ----It's Nancy. She _______the piano.
A.practised 专题一 名词 A.考点分类练
考点1 a 1~6CCBABB b1~5 DBDCD 6~8 CAB
考点2 a 1.knives 2.cookies 3.tomatoes 4.heroes 5.libraries 6.countries b 1~5 BABAA
考点3 a 1~2 AB b1~5 DDADC
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 BADDA 6~10 BDDCA
Ⅱ.1.choices 2. teacher's 3.visitor 4. Actions 5.Germans 6.invitation 7.decision 8. health 9.success 10.happiness
I.1.skills 2.people's 3.videos 4.teenagers 5.organisations
Ⅱ.1~5 DBDAD 6~10 CCABD
专题二 代词 A.考点分类练
考点 1 a1~5BDCBB b1~5 CCADC
考点2 a1~5CDACD b1~5 BACAA
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 BACAC 6~10 BAACC
Ⅱ.1.herself 2. themselves 3.yourselves 4.hers 5. mine 6.His 7.ourselves8.himself 9.him 10. these
C.语法语境练 1.them 2.His 3.me 4.us 5. their
专题三 数词 A.考点分类练
考点1 a 1.1~3 BCC Ⅱ.1.eighth 2. ninth
b I.1~4 ADCC Ⅱ.1. fifth 2.twelfth 3. twenty-first 4. twentieth 5. sixth
考点2 a1~2 DA b1~4 CBCC
考点3 a1~3 DDD b1~3DAA
1.eighths 2.fifths3. Hundreds 4.fiftieth 5.second 6.fourth 7.sixties 8.billions 9.third 10.twice
专题四 介词和介词短语 A.考点分类练
考点1 a 1~5 BBBAD b 1~5 CBCCA 6~8 AAC
考点2 a1~5 CBAAA b1~5 CCBDD
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 BDBAD 6~10 BBBCA 11~15 ABCBD
Ⅱ. 1. in time 2. in front of 3.between; and 4. From now on 5.at the age of
专题五 形容词和副词 A.考点分类练
考点 1 a1~6 DBCDAC b1~5 DABCA 6~10 ADACC
考点 2 a1~4 DBDB b1~5 BDBBA
I.1. thinner2. less3.fitter 4. lower 5. worst6. dangerous 7.the most interesting 8. heavily9. recently10.properly
Ⅱ.1~5 DAADD 6~10 ABBAC
C.语法语境练 1.1~5 DABDD 6~10 CBDBC
Ⅱ.1.the most popular 2.interesting 3, it 4. because5.carefully 6.worried 7. nervously 8. To 9.Suddenly 10. funny
专题六 连词 A.考点分类练
考点1 a1~5 CCACD b 1~4 BABD
考点2 a1~6 CDDADA b1~5 DADDD
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 BDBCD 6~9 ABDD
Ⅱ.1.Or 2.didn't; until3. because 4.when 5.but6.so; that 7.After8.and
专题七 冠词 A.考点分类练
考点1 a 1~4 AABA b 1~6 CCCBBB
考点2 a1~4 CBBC b1~5 CBABB
考点3 a1~3 DDD b1~4 DACD
B.考点综合练 I.1~6 DBBBCC Ⅱ.1./ 2.an3.the 4.a5.a; the 6./ 7.the 8./ 9./ 10.the; the
C.语法语境练 1.the 2.the3.a 4.the 5.a 6.an7.the 8./ 9./ 10. the
专题八 动词和动词短语A.考点分类练
考点1 a1~5 DBBAD 6~7 BC b1~5 ACACC
考点2 a1~5 ADCCD b 1~5 AABBD 6~10BCBAA
B.考点综合练 1~5 CBABA 6~10 DCDDA 11~15 BACCA
专题九 情态动词 A.考点分类练 a1~6 BBADBC b1~5 BBADB
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 CBDDC 6~10 DACCB
Ⅱ.1.can't2.can 3.can't 4.must 5.should 6.can't7.needn't 8.may
专题十 动词的时态 A.考点分类练
考点 1 a1~4 CDAA b1~5 AABAC
考点2 a1~5 DBCBB b1~5 BCBBA
考点3 a1~4 DCBD b1~4 DDAC
考点 4 a 1~5 CADBD b1~5 CCCBC
考点 5 a1~5 CACDB b1~5 CBBBD
考点6 a1~5 DBDCC b 1~5 BBBDB 6~8CCC
B.考点综合练 一.1.catches 2.will give 3.am working 4. was talking 5.had 6.have; stayed 7. has been 8.did; buy
二.1~5 CCBDC 6~10 CBDAC
1.was waiting 2.am writing 3.helped 4.watching 5.have expected 6. knew 7. was sent 8.will come 9.left 10.saw
专题十一 被动语态 A.考点分类练
a1~5 CABCD b 1~5 DBDDC 6~8 BCD
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 CACCD Ⅱ.1.will be held 2.isn't allowed 3.are read 4. is thought 5.are given
专题十二 非谓语动词 A.考点分类练
a1~5 ABBCD 6~7 DD b1~5 DCAAD 6~7 CB
B.考点综合练 I.1.taking 2.to drink 3.to eat 4.feel 5.to be Ⅱ.1~5 CDADA 6~7 AD
专题十三 句子种类A.考点分类练
考点1 a1~6 ADDDAC b1~4 ADBC
考点 2 a1~2 AA b 1~4 BAAB
考点3 a 1~6BCBBAA b 1~4 CACC
考点4 a1~4 AACA b1~3 ABC
B.考点综合练 I.1~5 CDCCA 6~10 BDDAB 11~12 CC Ⅱ.1. Read 2.to be 3.Don't cross4.Remember 5. Are 6.Make
专题十四 主从复合句A.考点分类练
考点1 a1~5 BCBAB 6~10 DADBC b1~5 DACCA 6~10 BDDBD
考点 2 a1~6 DADAAC b1~4 DDBA
考点3 a1~4 ACAD b1~2 CA
B.考点综合练I.1~5 ACCBB 6~10 DCCAD Ⅱ. 1.stops 2.will have 3.was listening 4. knocked 5. has worked
Ⅲ.1.if/whether 2.who 3.If 4. since 5.though/although
I.1~5 BCDAD 6~10 CBCCD
Ⅱ. 1.valuable 2.seventieth 3.truth 4.decision 5.Happiness 6.natural 7.personal 8.pollution 9.clearly 10.yourself/yourselves
Ⅲ. 1.countries 2. When 3.wearing 4. biggest 5.to enjoy 6.in 7.proud 8.received 9. celebrations 10.an
I.1~5 ACCAD 6~10 BBDDA
Ⅱ.1.theirs 2.to accept 3.paintings 4.angrily 5.second 6.succeed 7.friendlier 8.took 9.visiting 10.difference
Ⅲ.1.and 2.grew 3.playing 4.an 5.instructions 6.In 7.showed 8.artist 9.to make 10. newest
I.1~5 ABBCC 6~10 BCCBA
Ⅱ.1.active 2. to eat 3.quietly4.player(s) 6.invitation 7.success 5. nation 8.windy 9.will happen 10.twelfth
Ⅲ.1.an 2.successful 3. because 4.to encourage5. better 6. with 7. people's 8.has 9. their 10. musicians
Ⅱ.1.silent2.politely3.ours4.friends5.surprised6.pleasure7.fifth8. Germans9.careful 10.patient
Ⅲ.1.an 2.were told 3.potatoes4.surprised 5.found 6.ourselves7.But8.funnier 9.about 10.skills



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