Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A~Self Check&单元自主检测 单词短语句子 默写练习(含答案)

单元复习 Section A~Self Check
1. n. 生活,生存→ (复数形式)
2. n. 牙齿 → (复数形式)
3. adv. 从不;绝不→ (反义词)
4. v. 有………的味道;品尝 n. 味道 → (第三人称单数形式)
5. n. 工 作(可数名词)→ (不可数名词)
6. adv.&.adj. 早(的)→ (反义词)
7. adv 向上→ (反义词)
8. v. 刷 → (第三人称单数形式)
9,穿衣服 v. 连衣裙 n. 10. 淋浴 n.&.v. 淋浴器(间)n.
11. 四十 num. 12.五十 num,
13. 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 adj. 14. 锻炼;练习 v.&.n.
15. 打扫;弄干净 v. 干净的 adj.
17. 或者 conj. 也(用在否定词组后)adv.
18. 家庭作业 n. 19. 有时 adv.
20. 很快地 adv
1. 去上学 3. 回 家 5. 穿上衣服 7. 写作业 9. 洗淋浴 11 .9点45(10点差 一 刻) 13,去睡觉
2. 去上班
4. 起 床
6. 刷牙
8. 吃早餐/午饭/晚饭
12. 一份有趣的工作
14. 打扫房间
1. 我上学从来没有迟到。 (be late for)
2. 她午餐吃许多水果和蔬菜。(lots of)
3. 她知道它对她没有好处,但是它尝起来很好吃。(be good for)
4. 晚饭后,我的祖父母总是去散步。(take a walk)
5. 我过着一种非常健康的生活。(a very healthy life)
1.The story is f .We all like it.
2.Paul likes sports.He r every morning.
3.She likes to take a w after dinner.
4.These apples are small but they t good.
5.Please tell me about your school 1 .
6.My grandfather usually (锻炼)after dinner.
7.I need a (一刻钟)to go to school.
8.It's too late.Let's go home (很快地).
9.Mary is a student and she usually does her (家庭作业)in the evening.
10.Peter doesn't like it.I don't like it. (也).
1.Jeff usually (work)late at night.
2.She (not eat)breakfast in the morning.
3.Linda brushes her (tooth)in the morning.
4.I don't have (many)time for dinner.
5.Lucy (do)her homework at 7:00 in the evening.
6.My father (watch)TV in the evening.
7.She usually (get up)at 6:30 a.m.
8.She neyer (eat)them.
9.Tom (exercise)for two hours every day.
10.Eating more vegetables is good for your (healthy).
三 、单项选择
1.We usually eat lunch at 12:10.
A.my B.the C.a D./
2.It's time to play
A.the football B.a balls C.games D.a footballs
3.Sarah plays volleyball plays ping-pong.She never feels tired(疲倦的).
A.either;and B.either;or C.doesn't;or D.can't;or
4.My brother has a at a radio station. He has much to do every day.
A.job;works B.work;job C.job;work D.work;jobs
5.It's time school.
A.go to B.for C.to go D.for to go
6.She quickly and has no breakfast to work.
A.gets dressed B.gets dress C.get dress D.get dressed
7. Peter his homework in the afternoon
A.Do;does B.Does;do C.Do;do D.Does;/
8.Tom often a shower in the morning.
A.is B.makes C.have D.takes
9 . 一 does Mike go home
8:00 in the evening,
A.When;In B.When;At C.What time;In D.What time;On
10.—What time does she run in the park
A.For half to five B.At half an hour
C.At half past five D.At an hour
1. 他觉得在广播电台工作很有趣。
He thinks it's interesting to work at a
2. 迈克上学总是迟到。
Mike is always school.
3. 汤姆通常八点半去上班。
Tom usually at eight thirty.
4. 我父母不让我晚上出去。
My parents don't let me go out
5. 我妈妈从早上九点工作到下午六点。
My mother works nine in the morning six in the afternoon.
Michael is a student at an American high school.He usually 1. up at seven in the morning. After that he takes 2. shower,eats breakfast and goes to school.His school starts 3. eight o'clock.There are four classes in the morning.Lunch is from eleven to half 4. twelve.In the afternoon,classes 5. at four thirty.After that he 6. home.Dinner is usually at six.He 7. his homework after dinner.After doing homework,he 8. walks with his sister and then it's time 9. bed.Do you know 10. he usually goes to bed It's about ten thirty.
单 元 复 习 Section A-Self Check
一、1.life;lives 2 .tooth;teeth 3.never;often/usually 4.taste;tastes 5.job;work 6.early;late 7.up;down 8. brush;brushes 9. dress 10 .shower 11.forty 12.fifty 13.funny 14.exercise 15.clean 16.walk17.either 18.homework 19.sometimes 20.quickly
二、1.go to school 2.go to work 3. go home 4 .get up5. get dressed 6. brush one's teeth 7. do one's homework 8.eat(have)breakfast/lunch/dinner 9. take a shower 10. a quarter past eight 11 .a quarter to ten
an interesting job 13. go to bed 14. clean one's room
三、1. I'm never late for school.
2. she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.
3. She knows it's not good for her,but it tastes good.
4. My grandparents always take a walk after dinner.
5. I have a very healthy life.
一、1.funny 2 .runs 3.walk 4.taste 5. life 6.exercises 7.quarter 8. quickly 9. homework 10 .either
二、1. works 2.doesn't eat 3.teeth 4.much 5.does 6.watches 7.gets up 8.eats 9. exercises 10. health
三、1~5 DCBCB 6~10 ABDBC
四、1.radio station 2. late for 3.goes to work 4. at night 5. from;to
五、1.gets 2.a 3.at 4.past 5.end 6.goes 7.does 8 .takes 9.for 10.when




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