2024 年初中中考英语 阅读理解(说明文)含解析

2024 年初中中考英语——阅读理解(说明文)
(2023·江苏常州 · 统考中考真题)Scientists who study happiness have evidence (证据) to show that being kind to others can result in happiness. Acts as simple as buying a cup of coffee for someone can lift a person’s mood, for example. Everyday life is full of chances for such actions, yet people do not always make
the most of them.
In studies, behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley and I examined a possible explanation: people who do
kind acts underestimate (低估) how much the ones receiving kindness value their behavior.
In the experiments (实验), about 1, 000 people were asked to do some actions to make someone else feel good. We asked both the person performing (执行) the kind act and the one receiving it to answer some questions. The performers were asked to report their own experience and to guess how the receivers might feel. We wanted to understand how valuable people considered these acts to be, so both the performer and receiver had to rate ( 评 分 ) how “big” the act seemed. In all cases, we compared the performer’s
expectations of the receiver’s mood with the receiver’s actual (实际的) experience.
For one, both performers and receivers experienced more positive (积极的) moods. For another, the receivers felt much better than the kind performers expected. The receivers also rated these acts as “bigger”
than the people performing them did.
At first, we studied acts of the kindness done for familiar people, such as friends, classmates or family. But we found that performers underestimated their positive influences on strangers as well. In one experiment, performers in a public park gave away hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day to people that just happened to
be nearby. Again, the kind act brought more happiness than the performers expected.
These findings suggest that what might seem small could matter a great deal to the person we do it for. Considering these warm actions can improve our own mood and brighten the day of another person, why not
choose kindness when we can
1 .What did the receivers do in the experiments
A .They showed kindness to others.
B .They guessed the performers’ feelings.
C .They rated how valuable the performers’ act of kindness was.
D .They compared the performers’ expectations with their actual results.
2 .What is paragraph 5 mainly about
A .Different purposes of the research. B .More evidence for the research results.
C .Possible influences of the research findings. D .Another explanation of the research methods.
3 .What is the writer’s attitude (态度) towards showing kindness to others
A .Supportive. B .Unclear. C .Doubtful. D .Uninterested.
4 .What is the main idea of this article
A .Being kind can reduce one’s happiness as expected.
B .Kindness can have unexpectedly positive influences.
C .Choosing kindness is more difficult than expected.
D .Showing kindness is more valuable than receiving it.
(2023·江苏常州 · 统考中考真题)Sending astronauts to Mars is a big challenge. Astronauts will have to take everything they need, including food, air and water. The room inside the spaceship is too limited to
hold many things. So packing a spaceship is a huge challenge for a trip to Mars.
Six astronauts on an eight-month trip to Mars will need at least 18,000 kilograms of water for drinking and washing. They’ll also need water to protect themselves from space rays which can pass right through spaceship walls and harm astronauts’ living cells. But a layer of water placed around the ship can stop the
That’s a lot of water. And sending water into space is too expensive. It costs $33,000 to send one cup of water to Mars. The more you take, the more it costs. We have the technology to get to Mars, but the
problem is that it’s too expensive.
But Flynn, an engineer at NASA, thinks he has a way of solving the problem. Instead of building a
heavy spaceship and packing it full of stuff (物料), why not use the stuff as part of the spaceship
Imagine a spaceship that blows up like a balloon. Inside, the walls have pockets like a big honeycomb (蜂巢). These hold lots of plastic bags filled with water, dried food and algae (水藻). All these make hard walls and great radiation ( 辐射) protection. And stopping radiation doesn’t influence the food or water itself—it’s safe to eat and drink. And what if the same water could be reused again and again Flynn and his
team call their packed-pocket idea Water Walls.
Making oxygen and taking away CO2—the waste gas you breathe out—is another problem in space. “Water Walls will take away CO2 the same way it’s done here on our Earth—with living plants,” Flynn says. Living plants take in CO2 to make their food, and give off oxygen. “Plants are hard to grow in a spacecraft,
so we use algae,” he says.
Algae are tiny plants that live in water. The algae will live in bags in the walls too, fed by human waste
and sunlight, eating up CO2 and making oxygen for the astronauts to breathe.
Flynn thinks his onboard recycling system has many advantages. He hopes it will help make flying to
Mars a reality very soon.
5 .What does the underlined phrase “packing a spaceship” in paragraph 1 most probably mean
A .repairing things in a spaceship B .recycling things in a spaceship
C .checking things in a spaceship D .putting things into a spaceship
6 .What is the advantage of Flynn’s system
A .Cost is saved. B .Travelling time is saved.
C .Plastic bags are saved. D .Food is saved.
7 .What is one purpose of Flynn’s idea of Water Walls
A .To prevent space rays during the space trip. B .To make the whole spaceship stronger.
C .To control the temperature in the spaceship. D .To produce water in the spaceship.
8 .Why are algae put in the plastic bags
A .To prevent water from being polluted. B .To serve as food for astronauts.
C .To provide oxygen for astronauts. D .To help other plants grow in a spaceship.
(2023·江苏南通 · 统考中考真题)Climate change (气候变化) has brought a serious warning to the living areas of the Siberian crane, increasing the need to better protect the birds and their migratory channels
(迁徙路径), an expert said.
The Siberian crane breeds (繁殖) in northeast Siberia in Russia and flies to Poyang Lake for the winter
in East China’s Jiangxi Province. About 95 percent of the birds spend the season in Poyang.
Qian Fawen, a research professor from the National Bird Banding Center of China, said that Poyang’s water levels decide whether it is suitable for the birds to live there. However, climate change has made the levels change often. “In some years, the lake experiences floods; in others, it experiences droughts. Both of
these situations create food shortages in the cranes’ living area,” he said.
The Siberian crane is listed as seriously endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. “We need to protect their living area, which is mainly wetland, so that we can protect them,”
Qian said.
In the recently announced National Action Plan for the Protection of Bird Migration Channels (2021- 35), 1, 140 places in China were considered as important breeding grounds, wintering grounds and staying stops, including Poyang and the Yellow River wetland inNingxia. The plan said that the government should
watch and count the number of migratory birds and pay farmers for losses caused by the birds.
Since China joined the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1992, it has designated ( 指定) 202,600 hectares of wetland as Wetlands of International Importance. They store and clean water, keep all kinds of living things, help store floods and prevent droughts. According to a plan announced by the central
government in October, by 2025, China will have protected 55 percent of its wetlands.
After the Wetlands Protection Law, the nation’s first law to protect wetlands, was introduced on June 1, 2022, complete protection was strengthened. The law clearly explained what the government should do and introduced strict punishment for people who destroy wetland areas. It limits building at important national wetlands and it doesn’t allow harmful activities, including using them as farmlands, leaving wastewater
everywhere, harvesting and fishing too much.
Key nature reserve management offices in China have reported more birds wintering in the nation’s
wetlands, including some new rare kinds. ▲
9 .What can we learn from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 4
A .About 95 percent of the Siberian cranes spend their winter in Poyang Lake.
B .Climate change has little influence on the Siberian cranes’ living area in Poyang. C .The Siberian cranes will live in Poyang all year round if the wetland is protected.
D .Water levels decide that Poyang Lake isn’t suitable for the Siberian cranes to live.
10 .Which of the following behaviors is right at important wetlands
①building houses ②making farmlands ③limiting fishing
④leaving wastewater ⑤watching birds
A.①③ B.②④ C.③⑤ D.②⑤
11 .What does this passage mainly tell us
A .The problem the Siberian cranes face and the ways people protect wetlands.
B .The reason why the Siberian cranes migrate and the place they usually stay in.
C .The importance of protecting the Siberian cranes and the result it will lead to.
D .The loss of wetlands and the actions that have already been taken to help them.
12 .What will the writer probably continue to write in “ ▲ ” in Paragraph 8
A .People have done something to protect wetlands.
B .The number of the birds has increased in wetlands.
C .Experts will go on to do other research on wetlands.
D .The government will make more laws to protect wetlands.
(2023·江苏南通 · 统考中考真题)The Drama Festival will run in and outside China from June 20 to July 7. Sixty-five works will be put on both in theaters and online. “The festival is all about imagination connecting drama with the latest technology,” says Liu Chang, manager of the festival, who is also a drama director. Technology has improved design, performances and so on. Artists like Liu aren’t sure if the new
technology can take drama to the future.
A Chinese play directed by Meng Jinghui, inspired (赋予灵感) by the two-part drama Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, will be on as the opening play of the festival. In the first half of the play, Meng introduces the story to 400 real audiences (观众) sitting in the Fengchao Theater in Beijing. The second half of the play will have more audiences, who use their cellphones, computers and headsets to be part of the play
Zhang Zhouxiang is a director full of imagination. His work, inspired by Hieronymus Bosch’s painting The Garden of Earthly Delights, will be shown from June 30 to July 2. Supported by AI, audiences can
explore the fictitious scene, similar to the feeling in the real world, as the painting describes.
“The stage (舞台) design is done by AI, which is like an assistant realizing the ideas of me and my
team,” says Liu, “Now I try to use the latest technology, such as ChatGPT, to write the script, and I am still
working on it because the language model is difficult to understand.”
Now technology is playing a more and more important role. Many artists want to use it to improve drama. They are very interested in the relationship between people and the latest technology, especially when
connected in drama—a scene to dream.
13 .Which of the following is true according to this passage
A .Liu doubts whether technology can greatly improve drama.
B .Meng’s two-part drama Faust will be on at the opening.
C .Audiences can explore the scene of Liu’s work by AI.
D .Liu has managed to write the script by ChatGPT.
14 .What does the underlined word “fictitious” mean in Paragraph 3
A .colorful B .unreal C .fantastic D .boring
15 .What is the structure of this passage (1=Paragraph 1, 2-Paragraph 2…)
A .
B .
C .
D .
16 .What is the best title of this passage
A .A drama festival B .Human imagination
C .Drama of the future D .AI-assisted technology
(2023·江苏无锡 · 统考中考真题)
Pet parrots that are allowed to make video calls to other birds show signs of feeling less isolated,
according to scientists.
The study, which involved giving the birds a computer that they could use to make video calls, found that they began to engage in more social behaviors including preening, singing and playing. The birds were
given a choice of which “friend” to call on a touchscreen computer and the study showed that the parrots that
called other birds most often were the most popular choices.
Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, of the University of Glasgow and a co-author of the study, said that video calls had helped many people feel less isolated in the last few years. She added, “There are 20 million parrots living in people’s homes in the USA, and we wanted to explore whether those birds might benefit (受益) from video calling too. If we gave them the chance to call other parrots, would they choose to do so, and
would the experience benefit the parrots and their caregivers ”
Their study of 18 pet parrots suggested that there were, indeed, benefits for the birds. In the wild, many species of parrots live in large groups, but as pets they are, kept alone or in a small group. Living alone can cause birds, to develop mental problems, which include rocking, walking back and forth, or self-harming
behaviors such as feather-plucking.
The parrots first learned to ring a bell and then touch a photo of another bird on the screen of a computer to make a call to that bird, with the help of their owners. In total the birds made 147 calls to each other during the study, while owners took detailed notes on the birds’ behavior and the researchers later reviewed the
video footage.
Jennifer Cunha of Northeastern University said that the parrots “seemed to know” that they were communicating with other birds. “All the bird owners in the study said they valued the experience, and would
want to continue using the system with their parrots in the future,” she said.
“I was quite surprised at so many different behaviors,” said Hirskyj-Douglas. “Some would sing, some
would play around and go upside down, others would want to show another bird their toys.”
17 .The main purpose of the study is to find out .
A .if parrots can learn to make video calls B .if parrots can benefit from video calling
C .why parrots can have so many benefits D .why parrots can develop mental problems
18 .What can we learn about the pet parrots
A .Their way to communicate is singing. B .Most of them used to live in large groups.
C .The most popular ones made most calls. D .They can make video calls by themselves.
19 .Which word has the closest meaning to “isolated”
A .amazed B .calm C .scared D .lonely
20 .The following paragraph can best go after .
Video calling could reproduce some of the social benefits of living in a group, according to Rébecca
Kleinberger, of Northeastern University and first author of the study.
A .Paragraph 1 B .Paragraph 2 C .Paragraph 3 D .Paragraph 4
(2023·江苏扬州 · 统考中考真题)The scientific method is used for simple experiments that students may do in the classroom or very difficult experiments that scientists are doing all over the world. It is a way
of thinking that helps you to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions.
There are usually four steps in the scientific method, including observation (观察), hypothesis (假设), experiment, and conclusion. The steps may not always be completed in the same order, but the first step is usually observation and asking a question about your observation. For example, you had a sick stomach, and ate a candy bar. An hour later, you observed that you felt much better. Here, you can ask a question, such as,
“What makes a sick stomach feel better ”
The second step is to state a possible answer to the question, or a hypothesis, such as A good hypothesis includes three things: The explanation for the observations, it is able to be tested, and it will
usually predict new outcomes or conclusions.
The third step is the experiment, to test the hypothesis. An experiment is a test which will either
challenge or support the hypothesis. The hypothesis will then be true or false.
The final step is to think about what happened when you tested the hypothesis and draw a conclusion. The conclusion will either clearly support the hypothesis or it will not. If the results support the hypothesis, a conclusion can be written and you can share it with the rest of the world. If it does not support the hypothesis, you may choose to change the hypothesis or write a new one based on what was learned during the experiment.
21 .Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the passage
A .How do the four basic steps in the scientific method work
B .What makes a good hypothesis based on the observation
C .The conclusion will always clearly support the hypothesis.
D .Learning the scientific method may help students succeed in science.
22 .Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 3
A .A candy bar makes a sick stomach feel better.
B .It was the medicine you took an hour earlier that made you feel better.
C .Eat a candy bar again, and see what happens to your sick stomach.
D .Ask people if eating a candy bar has made a sick stomach feel better.
23 .What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to (指的是)
A .The hypothesis. B .The conclusion.
C .The question. D .The observation.
24 .Which of the following sentences about the experiment is TRUE
A .An experiment is a test to always support the hypothesis.
B .An experiment does not have to be part of the scientific method.
C .An experiment is a test to either challenge or support a hypothesis.
D .An experiment is only used when scientists are trying to prove a hypothesis.
(2023·江苏淮安 · 校考一模)A new kind of sea sponge (海绵) found in Norfolk, England, has been
named by a nine-year-old girl after a competition for local schools.
The unique purple sponge, which had never been seen in other parts of the world, was first discovered by divers off the north Norfolk coast. Although found in 2011, it had been without a name for almost ten years. In January this year, the Marine Conservation Society(MCS)—a group of people who work to protect
the UK’s seas and coasts—asked local schoolchildren to come up with suggestions.
Now the sponge has a name to be proud of: parpal dumplin, as suggested by nine-year-old Sylvie from Langham Village School. Sylvie said she came up with the name because “the sponge is purple and it looks like a dumpling”. Parpal dumplin is “purple dumpling” spoken in a Norfolk accent (口音). The judges all agreed that Sylvie’s suggestion should be the sponge’s name because “the spelling gives the sponge a strong
connection to Norfolk” .
Sponges were once thought to be plants but they are actually simple sea animals. They feed on tiny things in sea water and help keep the water clean in the process (过程). Sponges have a very “lazy” lifestyle, with no means of moving themselves around. They are found on the seabed, rocks or even shells. They come
in all kinds of different colors, shapes and sizes.
Parpal dumplin was first discovered in a place called the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds as part of a project called Seasearch. When diver Dawn Watson showed sponge expert Clarie Goodwin what she found, Goodwin was sure that it was a kind of sponge unknown to science. Watson’s discovery is a special sponge,
which takes the shape of whatever it covers. Parpal dumplin will now become its common name, and will be
used until researchers have learned enough about it to suggest an official scientific one.
25 .What does the underlined word “unique” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A .Strange and ugly. B .Special and unusual.
C .Soft and beautiful. D .Meaningful and important.
26 .What can we learn about sponges from Paragraph 4
A .They help clean up sea water. B .They are of the same size.
C .They can only be found on beaches. D .They are actually sea plants.
27 .Which is TRUE about parpal dumplin
A .It has many colors. B .It was found 20 years ago.
C .It was scientifically known before. D .It has only one shape.
28 .What do we know from the last sentence
A .Parpal dumplin is a common sponge.
B .Parpal dumplin is the sponge’s official name.
C .There’s still a lot to be learned about parpal dumplin.
D .Researchers suggested an official name for the sponge.
(2023·江苏南京 · 校考一模)
A police drama based on real organized crime cases is helping educate the public about the Value of the
rule of law and their rights, experts said.
A special campaign launched by the central government on fighting organized crime and legal
departments’ rectification measures are used as much of the background for The Knockout.
The drama tells the story of a police officer’s fight against organized crime over 20 years, and shows
the rise and demise of underworld figures and corrupt officials.
It has received a rating of 9.1 out of 10 on Douban, one of China’s most-visited review platforms, and has become one of the most discussed topics on social media since mid-January. The drama began screening
on China Central Television and streaming platform iQiyi on Jan 14, with a total of 39 episodes to be aired.
Many viewers have applauded the show’s plotlines and the actors’ performances, and also praised the
efforts of police officers in battling organized crime.
According to the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, from 2018 to 2020, authorities busted 3,644 mafia-like gangs and 11,675 other criminal gangs, detained 237,000 suspects and investigated 89,700 cases of “protective umbrellas”, a reference to officials
who hide gangsters’ crimes.
Wei Pengju, director of the Institute of Cultural Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, said The Knockout resonated with viewers on an emotional level. Reactions to the program also reflected how the public perceived the work and achievements of the nation in combating
organized crime and building a sound legal environment.
“Stories of fighting organized crime are often attractive to audiences, and this reflects people’s expectations and trust in advancing rule of law. The hatred of gangsters and the pursuit of justice among viewers is the same, which is the simplest understanding of a law-based society,” said Zhi Feina, a professor
at the Film and Television Research Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts.
Zhi said that the positive sentiment created by the authorities’ crackdown on organized crime is an
important reason for the drama’s success. This has also promoted the idea of the rule of law, she added.
29 .What is the type of The Knockout
A .A horrible film.B .A serious drama. C .A detective story. D .An exciting novel.
30 .According to the passage, which word best describes The Knockout
A .Popular. B .Humorous. C .Romantic. D .Funny.
31 .What can we learn from the first three paragraphs
A .The director of The Knockout designed the plot on the basis of his imagination.
B .The police defeated underworld figures and corrupt officials after 20 years in The Knockout.
C .For common people, The Knockout is not worth watching.
D . A special campaign was launched successfully by the central government because of The
32 .What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7
A .The thoughts in The Knockout are opposite to the ones of viewers.
B .Viewers couldn’t understand The Knockout on an emotional level.
C .The Knockout caught viewers’ attention successfully.
D .What The Knockout showed was pretty important to viewers.
33 .Which saying best expresses the theme of The Knockout
A .Better late than never. B .After the rain comes the sunshine.
C .Every cloud has a silver lining. D . Justice and fairness may be late, but shall never
(2023·江苏泰州 · 统考二模)The winners of the most respected awards in the world—the Nobel Prize—were announced last week. According to the founder Alfred Nobel, the prize recognizes people who
have provided “the greatest benefit (利益) to humankind” .
Fourteen outstanding people, including scientists, politicians and authors, won awards in the prize’s six categories (类别). Many of the winners have one thing in common: The achievements they make date back years ago. For example, John B.Goodenough, one of the three winners of this year’s chemistry prize, is 97 years old, the oldest person ever to win a Nobel Prize. He and the other two scientists won the prize for developing the lithium-ion (锂离子) batteries that we use today in mobile phones, laptops and electric cars.
The technology was first developed in the 1970s, nearly 50 years ago.
The reason why it took so long for this achievement to be recognized is that it takes time to see the real value of a new breakthrough. “Every year, there are lots of claims of amazing discoveries, but quite a few of them turn out to be not quite as amazing as everyone thought,” said Sven Lidin, former chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. “We want to make sure that we award those who open the first door into new
scientific insight. This means that naturally there is a delay.”
But how can they make sure that they have chosen the right winners They depend on qualified nominators. Every year, thousands of people are invited to nominate candidates (候选人) for the NobelPrize. They include university professors and previous Nobel Prize winners, as well as current and former Nobel committee members. After receiving all of the nominations, a five-member committee for each prize will
pick the winners.
The names of both the nominators and candidates are kept secret for 50 years. This means that many people might have been nominated, but would never know. This rule, according to the chief editor of the
prize’s official website, allows people to be honest in the nomination process.
34 .Paragraph 2 is mainly written to explain .
A .why it took so long to recognize the winners’ achievements
B .what kind of people can win the Nobel Prize
C .many of the winners’ achievements date back years ago
D .how John B .Goodenough won the Nobel Prize
35 .The underlined phrase “this achievement” in Paragraph 3 refers to .
A .the technology of lithium-ion batteries B .the use of laptops
C .the invention of mobile phones D .the development of electric cars
36 .From the passage we can learn that .
A .John B .Goodenough is the founder of the Nobel Prize
B .only scientists, professors and authors can have the chance to win the Nobel Prize
C .the Nobel winners cannot be recognized until the value of their achievements are seen
D .people have known the names of the nominators and candidates before the nominations
37 .How can a person win the Nobel Prize Please choose the correct order.
①be a nominator ②apply for the Nobel Prize
③have a great achievement ④a five-member committee picks the winner
⑤wait years to see the real value of the achievement
A.③②①⑤④ B.②③①④⑤ C.①②③④⑤ D.③①④⑤②
(2023·江苏徐州 · 校考三模) Four Poems
Fishing in SnowBy Liu Zongyuan From hill to hill no bird inflight; From path to path no man insight A lonely fisherman afloat Is fishing in snow in a lonely boat. To Wang LunBy Li Bai I, Li Bai, sit aboard a ship about to go When suddenly onshore your farewell songs o’erflow. However deep the lake of Peach Blossoms may be. It is not so deep, O Wang Lun! As your love for me.
Homesickness NightBy Li Bai Before my bed a pool of light Can it be hoar frost on the ground Looking up, I find the moon bright Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned. On the Stork TowerBy Wang Zhihuan The sun beyond the mountain glows; The Yellow Rivers e awards flows You can enjoy a grander sight; By climbing to a greater height.
(Translated by Xu Yuanchong) NOTES: hoar frost: small pieces of ice seawards: towards the sea glow. shines less brightly grander: greater
38 .How did Li Bai feel when he wrote To Wang Lun
A .Creative B .Confident C .Regretful D .Thankful
39 .In Poem 3, the underlined word “Homesickness” means in Chinese.
A .忧国 B .思乡 C .乐学 D .壮志
40 .Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A .The four poems were all about friendship.
B .Xu Yuanchong translated the four poems into English.
C .The four poems were written in Ming dynasties.
D .Wang Zhi huan showed his love to the country in his poem
(2023·江苏连云港 · 连云港市新海实验中学校考三模)Smartphones are getting boring. The new models are either a bit faster or have better cameras, but they are basically no different from the ones already in our pockets. This is why scientists are hoping, and working for something new, something that will change
our lives just as greatly as smartphones do. At the moment, the next invention might be smart glasses.
Just imagine. Instead of having to pick up your phone and look at the screen, all of the information you need simply appears just in front of you, in your glasses. Satellite navigation(导航) directions would appear
right there on the road. And your smart glasses could guide you to the right shelf in the supermarket!
Smart glasses could also be used in industry. They could show engineers the instructions they need to fix things more quickly. A doctor could carry out a difficult operation, guide in real time by someone on the
other side of the world. This may sound impossible. But most of the technologies to invent them are already
there. For example, one key technology is named AR, which can make digital 3-D objects appears as if they are part of the real world. We’ve used it a lot on our video calls. Similarly, huge progress has been made in spatial audio. This is when a sound made to give it a sense of place, like what you hear in an empty room. Some high-end earphones can already do that. Future glasses will of course need to recognize(识别) your
voice to do tasks. This technology has been used in our daily life.
So, why aren’t we all wearing smart glasses yet So far, no one has invented a good way to send images(映像) of our world onto glasses. However, with the rapid development of technology, smart glasses
could arrive much sooner than we think.
41 .Why does the writer mention smartphones in Paragraph 1
A .To start a story. B .To explain an idea.
C .To introduce a topic. D .To discuss a problem.
42 .What are Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 mainly about
A .When smart glasses might be made. B .Where smart glasses could be used.
C .How smart glasses would give directions. D .Why smart glasses should be changed.
43 .Which of the following technologies needs to be improved to invent smart glasses
A .Making spatial audio. B .Recognizing voices.
C .Creating digital 3-D objects. D .Sending images onto glasses.
44 .How might the writer feel about the future of smart glasses
A .Bored. B .Confident. C .Satisfied. D .Unsure.
(2023·江苏连云港 · 校考二模)A new font(字体) designed by a Finnish software company could
make your writing more polite and hopefully reduce cyberbullying(网络暴力).
Polite Type, developed by TietoEVRY, replaces harmful language with nicer words as you type. For
example, if you type “you are ugly”, it will be replaced with “you are not traditionally beautiful” .
“We want bullies(欺凌者) to rethink the words they use and the actual meaning behind them,” said
company manager Kia Haring.
The problem of cyberbullying has been around since the internet was invented. Nearly everyone who
has used the internet has experienced it, or at least seen it in action.
Polite Type is a good step in the right direction. But how do we really deal with cyberbullying For one,
we can choose to be “invisible (隐形的)”—that is, to surf the internet without making any profiles (个人资 料) or leaving any comments(评论). This, however, isn’t a real solution, as it forces us to give up our right
to “exist (存在)” online.
We can also choose to simply take no notice of bullies. However, this isn’t perfect either, as it can be
hard to forget people who are especially cruel (残酷的).
A better solution could be to block and report. If you block someone on social media, they won’tbe able to see or comment on your posts. Most websites have rules against harmful language if you report a bully’s
profile to the website, they will often stop that person from using the website. Sometimes direct action like
this is the best action to take.
45 .What is Polite Type
A .A Finnish software company.
B .A kind of cyberbullying.
C .A new font that can rewrite hurtful words.
D .An organization that deals with bullies.
46 .What does Haring mean in Paragraph 3
A .Bullies usually don’t have a good education.
B .Bullies often use polite words to chat online.
C .Bullies should rethink what they are doing.
D .Bullies should express their opinions clearly.
47 .What are the last three paragraphs about
A .How cyberbullying affects our life.
B .What we can do to deal with cyberbullying.
C .How Polite Type can protect us from bullying.
D .What rules websites should make to stop bullies.
48 .What is the author’s opinion on cyberbullying
A .It is a new problem.
B .It happens to everyone at least once.
C .There is no effective solution for it.
D .Taking direct action against it is best.
(2023·江苏苏州 · 苏州市景范中学校校考二模)
Wordle is a free online word puzzle game. You can just visit the website and start playing right away.
The game was created by a software engineer Josh Wordle as a gift for his partner who loves playing games.
The easy rule of Wordle attracts a wide users. Wordle challenges people to find a five-letter word in six guesses. After each guess, the letters turn into different colours. Green means it’s the right letter and it’s in the right place. Yellow means the letter is in the word but in the wrong place. Grey means the letter is not in the word at all. Everyone plays only one word a day, so players are excited to solve it. If they manage to guess in the first or second try, they can’twait to show their results on Twitter. Wordle has suddenly become a huge part of people’s lives. That’s why wordle has been sold to the New York Times for more than a million
Here are some tips for you to win in fewer guesses. For your first guess, it’s a good way to pick a word that contains at least two vowels with popular consonants r, t and s. If you have a yellow k in the second place of your first guess, you might try placing it in the fifth place instead many five-letter word end with ck. It is also helpful to think of letters often appearing in sets of two or three, like tr/ai/ing. Don’t reuse grey
letters and don’t forget letters can appear twice.
Wordle attracts lots of players since it is such a simple game. But will players keep being crazy about it
in the future Let’s wait and see.
49 .Wordle is a game .
A .that should be downloaded first
B .where players can guess two words daily
C .that doesn’t require any payment
D .where players need to guess a six-letter word
50 .According to the passage, how can you guess the right word with fewer tries
A .Try letters that commonly appear together in words.
B .Consider the most common locations of the grey letters.
C .Start with a word having as many consonants as possible.
D .Avoid reusing green letters you’ve guessed out in the first try.
51 .Which word might be right ifR is green in the second place and E is yellow in the third place
(2023·江苏南京 · 统考二模)Sean Elliot Martin and Pancho Timmons are friends on a mission (任务)
to change the world, one small act of kindness at a time.
① That’s the subject of their new book, Quick and Easy World Change, which they published as an
“The premise (前提) is that you don’t really need to be a superstar or have a large amount of money to make the world a better place,” said Timmons, the founder of two organizations—Pennsylvania Youth
Initiative and Connect in Effect.
② The project is inspired (启发) by another kindness-related book Martin worked on years ago. The latest one takes parts of the first book and updates it with more inspiring stories and lists of little things people
can do daily to spread goodness wherever they go.
Just a little effort
③ For example, the book gives readers ideas for good things to do in 60 seconds, with only $1 or without even leaving the house. People are encouraged to get creative, too. “Make a game of giving—you
can give yourself points for different little things,” Martin said.
It also addresses the concept of compound kindness—a domino (多米诺) effect of good deeds.
“If you praise one person, they’re likely to praise two to five people,” Martin said.
Paying it forward
④ Quick and Easy World Change is their way to pay those experiences and opinions forward.
For Timmons, a teacher’s compassion (同情) in college was a turning point for him.
“I did all the things I was supposed to do—worked hard, studied hard—and ended up failing the exams,” he recalled. “But the professor pulled me aside and said, ‘You’re an A student turning in C and D work
because you’re clearly dyslexic (诵读困难的) and not getting the help you need. ’”
“That 5-minute conversation was the difference between dropping out of college and getting two
master’s degrees and now running two companies,” Timmons said. “I’ve spent my career trying to pay that
52 .According to the passage, what can we know about Timmons
A .He was pretty good at studying when in college.
B .He was influenced by his college teacher’s words.
C .He ran two companies when he was still a student.
D .He enjoyed being praised by others in his school life.
53 .How did Martin explain what “compound kindness” is
A .By solving a difficult problem. B .By telling an interesting story.
C .By describing a possible situation. D .By making a detailed comparison.
54 .What is the correct order of the following events
①Timmons continued studying to get two master’s degrees.
②Martin and Timmons worked together to published an e-book.
③Martin worked on his first kindness-related book by himself.
④What teacher said made a difference to Timmons’ study experience.
A.②③④① B.④①③② C.①③②④ D.④③②①
55 .Where can we put the following sentence in the passage
Both authors’ lives have been influenced by the kindness of others.
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
56 .What is the best title for the passage
A .True Friendship Lasts Long B .Every Minute Matters
C .Good Deeds Make a Difference D .Good Education Works
(2023·江苏南京 · 统考二模) Xi’an China
Xi’an is no doubt one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. Every year, millions of travellers visit the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shihuang, which is one of the most amazing historic sites in the
As one of China’s great former capitals, Xi’an grew to be the largest city in the world during the Tang
Dynasty, a golden age of art and poetry. Chang’an, as it was known at the time, was the starting point of the
Silk Road, which connected China to the world. It was here that Xuan Zang set out on his famous travels, which became the basis of Journey to the West. Historic sites from that time include the two Wild Goose
Pagodas and the remains of the Daming Palace, which was the centre of the Tang court (朝廷).
Today, Xi’an is a modern city, at the heart of China’s Belt and Road initiative ( 倡议), but its long history can be seen everywhere: it is one of the few cities in the world that still have city walls. The wall, almost 14 kilometres long, was originally built for guarding against danger, but nowadays, it’s a great way
to experience Xi’an: from here, you can get an amazing view of the city.
Florence Italy
Florence, one of the famous historic cities in Italy, is the birthplace of many amazing ideas and
Florence’s history is alive with the memory of a time when art, culture and science were being reborn. In the late 13th century, the Renaissance (文艺复兴) began here before spreading to the rest of Europe. At that time, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo were some of the people living, working and studying in Florence. During this period, they along with other great minds, contributed valuable artworks
and made important scientific discoveries.
Florence is filled with art, science and history museums and ancient buildings, as well as historic universities. You can visit many of these places to experience and admire the amazing work and discoveries that happened during the Renaissance period. An example is Michelangelo’s famous statue David, which he completed between 1501 and 1504. Another must-see is the University of Florence. It was started in 1321
and many famous people studied there in the Renaissance period.
In Florence today you can experience the old and the new. Historic sites are neighbours with fancy restaurants and high-end shops. While you are trying the delicious local food, you can decide which
interesting places to visit next.
57 .According to the passage, what can we know about two cities
A .Xi’an was the largest city in the world during the Song Dynasty.
B .Many famous people once studied, worked and lived in Florence,
C .You can visit the historic sites and try local food for free in Florence.
D .Xi’an was the heart of the silk road, which connected China to the world.
58 .Which of the following do the two texts both mention
①must-see places ②past and present ③excellent education ④value of the city
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
59 .What does the writer write this article for
A .To explain why the two cities are so popular.
B .To give advice on how to visit the two cities.
C .To introduce famous people in the two cities.
D .To encourage people to learn about the two cities’ history.
1 .C 2 .B 3 .A 4 .B
1 .细节理解题。根据“both the performer and receiver had to rate (评分) how ‘big’ the act seemed”可知
接受者都必须对善意行为的程度进行评分。故选 C。
2.主旨大意题。根据“At first, we studied acts of the kindness done for familiar people...the kind act brought more happiness than the performers expected.”可知本段主要介绍了一些证明研究结果的更多证据。故
选 B。
3 .推理判断题。根据“why not choose kindness when we can ”可知作者建议我们要选择善良, 所以作
者对于对别人友善的行为是支持的。故选 A。
4 .主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了研究表明,善良会产生意想不到的积极影响。故选 B。
5 .D 6 .A 7 .A 8 .C
5 .词义猜测题。根据“The room inside the spaceship is too limited to hold many things. So packing a spaceship is a huge challenge for a trip to Mars.”可知,宇宙飞船里的空间太有限了,放不下很多东西, 因此, 把东西放进宇宙飞船对火星之旅来说是一个巨大的挑战。故此处划线部分 packing a spaceship
意为“把东西放进宇宙飞船里” 。故选 D。
6.细节理解题。根据“but the problem is that it’s too expensive”以及“But Flynn, an engineer at NASA, thinks he has a way of solving the problem.”可知,他的系统的好处是没有那么贵,即节省了费用。故选 A 。 7 .细节理解题。根据“All these make hard walls and great radiation (辐射) protection.”可知,水墙概念
的目的之一就是阻止巨大的辐射。故选 A。
8.细节理解题。根据“The algae will live in bags in the walls too, fed by human waste and sunlight, eating up CO2 and making oxygen for the astronauts to breathe.”可知, 藻类吸收二氧化碳, 并为宇航员呼吸制
造氧气。故选 C。
9 .A 10 .C 11 .A 12 .B
9 .细节理解题。根据“About 95 percent of the birds spend the season in Poyang.”可知大约 95%的鸟类
在鄱阳湖度过冬天。故选 A。
10.细节理解题。根据“the government should watch and count the number of migratory birds”可知政府 应该观察和统计候鸟的数量,即⑤; 根据“ it doesn’t allow harmful activities, including using them as farmlands, leaving wastewater everywhere, harvesting and fishing too much.” 可知不允许过度捕捞,即要
限制捕捞,即③。故选 C。
11 .主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了西伯利亚鹤面临的问题以及人们保护湿地的方式。
故选 A。
12.推理判断题。根据“Key nature reserve management offices in China have reported more birds wintering
in the nation’s wetlands, including some new rare kinds”可知中国主要自然保护区管理办公室报告称, 有更多的鸟类在中国湿地越冬, 其中包括一些新的稀有物种, 可见湿地的鸟类数量在增加, 选项 B“湿
地中的鸟类数量有所增加”符合语境。故选 B。
13 .A 14 .B 15 .A 16 .D
【导语】本文主要介绍 AI 在戏剧节中的运用。
13 .细节理解题。根据“Artists like Liu aren’t sure if the new technology can take drama to the future.”可
知刘不确定科技是否能把戏剧带向未来。故选 A。
14.词义猜测题。根据“Supported by AI, audiences can explore the fictitious scene, similar to the feeling in the real world, as the painting describes.”可知描述的场景与真实世界的感受类似,说明“fictitious scene”
表示并非真实的场景。故选 B。
15.篇章结构题。第一段引出文章话题戏剧节中 AI 的运用;第二, 三, 四段介绍 Meng Jinghui,Zhang Zhouxiang 和 Liu Chang 介绍 AI 在此次作品和戏剧节中的运用;第五段总结全文。故文章结构是总
分总的结构。故选 A。
16 .最佳标题题。本文主要介绍 AI 在戏剧节中的运用。 D 项“AI 辅助的科技”符合题意。故选 D。
17 .B 18 .C 19 .D 20 .D
17.细节理解题。根据“There are 20 million parrots living in people’s homes in the USA, and we wanted to explore whether those birds might benefit (受益) from video calling too.”可知,在美国,有 2000 万只鹦 鹉生活在人们的家中,我们想探索一下这些鹦鹉是否也能从视频通话中受益。由此可知,这项研究
的主要目的是找出鹦鹉是否能从视频通话中受益。故选 B。
18 .细节理解题。根据“the study showed that the parrots that called other birds most often were the most popular choices”可知,研究表明,最常叫其他鸟类的鹦鹉是最受欢迎的选择。由此可知,最受欢迎
的打了最多的电话。故选 C。
19.词句猜测题。分析“Pet parrots that are allowed to make video calls to other birds show signs of feeling less isolated”可知, 被允许与其他鸟类进行视频通话的宠物鹦鹉显示出感觉不那么孤立的迹象, 此处
isolated 的意思是“孤立的” ,故选 D。
20 .推理判断题。分析“Video calling could reproduce some of the social benefits of living in a group,
according to Rébecca Kleinberger, of Northeastern University and first author of the study.东北大学的丽贝 卡 · 克莱因伯格是这项研究的第一作者,她表示视频通话可以再现群体生活的一些社会效益。”可知, 本句介绍的是该研究中视频通话的效益, 与第四段结尾“Living alone can cause birds, to develop mental problems, which include rocking, walking back and forth, or self-harming behaviors such as feather-
plucking.”语境相符,逻辑相连。故选 D。
21 .A 22 .A 23 .B 24 .C
21.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了基本科学方法包括四个步骤:观察、假设、实验和结论。选项 A“科
学方法的四个基本步骤是如何工作的? ”最能表达出文章主旨。故选 A。
22.推理判断题。根据“A good hypothesis includes three things: The explanation for the observations, it is able to be tested, and it will usually predict new outcomes or conclusions.(一个好的假设包括三件事:对 观察结果的解释, 它能够被检验, 它通常会预测新的结果或结论。) ”可知 A 选项“一块糖能让恶心的
胃感觉好一点。 ”是一个好的假设,是一个解释,且能够被检验。故选 A。
23 .词句猜测题。根据“The conclusion will either clearly support the hypothesis or it will not.”可知此处 “it”指代前面的“The conclusion”,表示“ 结论要么明确地支持假设,要么结论不支持假设”。故选 B。 24 .细节理解题。根据“An experiment is a test which will either challenge or support the hypothesis.”可
知实验是一种挑战或支持假设的测试。故选 C。
25 .B 26 .A 27 .A 28 .C
25 .词义猜测题。根据“The unique purple sponge, which had never been seen in other parts of the world” 可知,在世界其他地方从未见过的,可见它很特别,所以 unique 与“special and unusual”同义,故选
26.细节理解题。根据“They feed on tiny things in sea water and help keep the water clean in the process”
可知海绵以海水中的微小生物为食,在这个过程里可以帮助保持海水清洁,故选 A。
27 .细节理解题。根据“They come in all kinds of different colors,”可知它有很多颜色。故选 A。
28 .推理判 断题 。根据 “Parpal dumplin will now become its common name, and will be used until
researchers have learned enough about it to suggest an official scientific one”可知, Parpal dumplin 现在将 成为它的通用名称,并将被使用,直到研究人员对它有足够的了解,从而提出一个官方的科学名称,
所以关于它研究人员还有许多东西要去了解,故选 C。
29 .B 30 .A 31 .B 32 .C 33 .D
29 .推理判断题。根据第一段“A police drama based on real organized crime cases is helping educate the public about the Value of the rule of law and their rights, experts said.”及结合文章内容可知,《狂飙》是 一部警匪剧, 讲述了一名警察与有组织犯罪作斗争 20 年的故事, 展示了黑社会人物和腐败官员的崛
起和衰落,因此可以推断出 The Knockout 是一部严肃的电视剧。故选 B。
30 .推理判断题。根据第四段“It has received a rating of 9.1 out of 10 on Douban, one of China’s most- visited review platforms, and has become one of the most discussed topics on social media since mid-January.” 可知, 《狂飙》这部剧在豆瓣评分很高, 也是社交媒体上议论较多的话题之一,因此可推断这部剧非
常受欢迎。故选 A。
31.细节理解题。根据第三段“The drama tells the story of a police officer’s fight against organized crime over 20 years, and shows the rise and demise of underworld figures and corrupt officials.”可知,在《狂飙》
这部剧中,警察在 20 年后击败了犯罪团伙和腐败的官员。故选 B。
32 .句意猜测题。根据“The Knockout resonated with viewers on an emotional level”可知, 《狂飙》这部
剧吸引了观众的注意力,在情感上引起了观众的共鸣。故选 C。
33.主旨大意题。根据第三段“The drama tells the story of a police officer’s fight against organized crime over 20 years, and shows the rise and demise of underworld figures and corrupt officials.” ,可知《狂飙》 这部剧讲述了一名警察 20 多年来与有组织犯罪作斗争,最后获胜的故事,选项 D“正义和公平可能
会迟到,但永远不会缺席。 ”符合这篇文章的主题。故选 D。
34 .C 35 .A 36 .C 37 .A
34.细节理解题。根据“Many of the winners have one thing in common: The achievements they make date
back years ago.”可知,此段是在解释许多获奖者的成就追溯到很多年前。故选 C。
35.词句猜测题。根据“He and the other two scientists won the prize for developing the lithium-ion batteries that we use today in mobile phones, laptops and electric cars. The technology was first developed in the
1970s, nearly 50 years ago.”可知,此处指的是锂离子电池技术。故选 A。
36.细节理解题。根据“The reason why it took so long for this achievement to be recognized is that it takes time to see the real value of a new breakthrough.”可知,诺贝尔奖获得者的评定是根据他们的成就价值
的见证情况而定的。故选 C。
37 .细节理解题。根据通读全文可知,获得诺贝尔奖首先要有重大的成就,然后申请诺贝尔奖,成
为提名者,接下来等待数年,看成就的真正价值,最后由五人委员会选出获奖者。故选 A。
38 .D 39 .B 40 .B
38.推理判断题。根据“However deep the lake of Peach Blossoms may be, It is not so deep, O Wang Lun!
As your love for me.”可知作者很感激朋友汪伦对自己的爱。故选 D。
39 .词句猜测题。根据“Homesickness Night”可知, 本诗为《静夜思》,Homesickness 表示“ 思乡” ,故
选 B。
40 .细节理解题。根据“Translated by Xu Yuanchong”可知,许渊冲把这四首诗歌翻译成英文,故选
41 .C 42 .B 43 .D 44 .B
41 .推理判断题。根据“This is why scientists are hoping, and working for something new, something that will change our lives just as greatly as smartphones do. At the moment, the next invention might be smart
glasses.”可知作者写到智能手机是为了能引出智能眼镜的话题。故选 C。
42.段落大意题。根据“Just imagine. Instead of having to pick up your phone and look at the screen, all of the information you need simply appears just in front of you, in your glasses.”Smart glasses could also be used in industry.”可知第 2 和 3 段主要讲智能眼镜的使用场所,即可以用在阅读和工业等领域。故选
43 .细节理解题。根据“So far, no one has invented a good way to send images(映像) of our world onto
glasses.”可知一个好的将图像发送到眼镜上的方式还没有被发明出。故选 D。
44.推理判断题。根据“However, with the rapid development of technology, smart glasses could arrive much sooner than we think.”可知作者认为随着科技的发展,智能眼镜可能会比我们想象的更快到来,即对
智能眼镜的前景是比较有信心的。故选 B。
45 .C 46 .C 47 .B 48 .D
【导语】本文主要介绍了由 TietoEVRY 开发的“Polite Type”可以用更友好的词语取代有害的语言,
45.细节理解题。根据“Polite Type, developed by TietoEVRY, replaces harmful language with nicer words
as you type.”可知, “Polite Type”是一种可以重写有害语言的字体,故选 C。
46 .推理判断题。根据“We want bullies(欺凌者) to rethink the words they use and the actual meaning behind them,”可知, 他们希望欺凌者重新思考他们使用的词语以及这些词语对他人的影响, 所以欺凌
者应该重新思考他们所做的事情,故选 C。
47.段落大意题。根据“But how do we really deal with cyberbullying ”、“We can also choose to simply take no notice of bullies.” 以及“A better solution could be to block and report.”可知,后三段讲述了我们能做
些什么来应对网络暴力,故选 B。
48.推理判断题。根据“Sometimes direct action like this is the best action to take.”可知,作者认为采取
直接行动对抗它是最好的,故选 D。
49 .C 50 .A 51 .C
49.细节理解题。根据文中第一段“Wordle is a free online word puzzle game.”可知 Wordle 是一款不用
付费的在线字谜游戏。故选 C。
50 .细节理解题。根据“It is also helpful to think of letters often appearing in sets of two or three, like
tr/ai/ing.”可知你可以试着使用通常出现在一起的字母来猜出正确单词。故选 A。
51.推理判断题。根据文中第“Green means it’s the right letter and it’s in the right place. Yellow means the letter is in the word but in the wrong place.”可知绿色代表这个字母是正确的, 而且处于正确的位置, 黄 色代表这个字母是在这个单词里, 但这个字母所处的位置不对。结合题目“R is green in the second place
and E is yellow in the third place”可知这个单词中的第二个字母是“R”,排除选项 D;“E”也是这个单词
中的字母,但是它不是第三个字母,排除选项 A 和 B;选项 C 符合。故选 C。
52 .B 53 .C 54 .B 55 .D 56 .C
【导语】本文主要介绍了 Sean Elliot Martin 和 Pancho Timmons 两位朋友出版的新书《快速改变世
52 .细节理解题。根据“For Timmons, a teacher’s compassion (同情) in college was a turning point for him.” 和“‘I did all the things I was supposed to do—worked hard, studied hard—and ended up failing the exams,’ he recalled. ‘But the professor pulled me aside and said, ‘You’re an A student turning in C and D work because you’re clearly dyslexic (诵读困难的) and not getting the help you need.’”可知老师的话让 Timmons 没有辍学,之后得到两个硕士学位,现在经营两家公司,所以是老师用温暖的话安慰了他。
故选 B。
53.细节理解题。根据“It also addresses the concept of compound kindness—a domino (多米诺) effect of good deeds. ‘If you praise one person, they’re likely to praise two to five people,’ Martin said.”(它还谈到了 复合善良的概念—— 多米诺骨牌行善的效果。马丁说:“如果你表扬一个人,他们可能会表扬两到五
个人”)可知,此处是假设一种情况来说明复合善良的概念。故选 C。
54 .细节理解题。根据“For Timmons, a teacher’s compassion (同情) in college was a turning point for him.”可知,先讲述老师的话对 Timmons 的学习经历产生了影响。根据“‘That 5-minute conversation was the difference between dropping out of college and getting two master’s degrees and now running two companies,’ Timmons said.”可知, 接着 Timmons 继续学习, 获得了两个硕士学位。即前两个顺序为④
①。故选 B。
55 .推理判断题。根据“Quick and Easy World Change is their way to pay those experiences and opinions forward. For Timmons, a teacher’s compassion (同情) in college was a turning point for him.”可知,这里 描述了他人对作者的善良之举, 改变了作者很多。Both authors’ lives have been influenced by the
kindness of others.“两位作者的生活都受到了他人善意的影响。 ”最适合放在④处。故选 D。
56.最佳标题题。本文主要介绍了 Sean Elliot Martin 和 Pancho Timmons 两位朋友出版的新书《快速 改变世界》,这本书的目的是通过每天做一些小事情来改变世界。 C 选项“善举改变世界”可作为本文
最佳标题。故选 C。
57 .B 58 .B 59 .A
57 .细节理解题。由原文“At that time, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo were some of the people living, working and studying in Florence.”可知,米卡郎基罗,达芬奇,伽利略等著名人物曾在
佛罗伦萨学习、工作生活过。故选 B。
58 .细节理解题。文章分别介绍了两座城市的必看景点,也介绍了过去和现在的情况和两座城市的
价值,唯独没提及教育。故选 B。
59 .主旨大意题。通读全文,作者在向我们介绍西安和佛罗伦萨两座城市的优点,所以是在解释两
座城市受欢迎的原因。故选 A。



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