2024年牛津译林版英语Unit 1-4中考一轮复习(知识点精讲 习题巩固)(无答案)

1. 代词it的用法
① it可以用来指代动物或者无生命的事物。
【it/ one/ that的区别】
1.I can’t find my pen. I’m going to buy one.
2. Life today is better than that in the old days.
3.I can’t find my pen. I must have lost it.
(1) It is +adj.+ (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事是怎样的
It is necessary for you to give him a letter.
(2) It is +adj. + of sb. to do sth. 做某事某人是怎样的
It is kind of you to say so.
1. I can’t find my ticket. I think I must have lost______.
A.it B.one C. this D. them
2. We decide to make_____ a rule for us roommates to turn off the lights at l0:30 p.m.
A. that B. this C.it D.one
3. It’s necessary for us______ to our parents when we have problems.
A.to talk B. talking C. talk D. talks
4. It’s dangerous ______a close look at the tiger in the zoo.
A. for us taking B. of us to take C. of us taking D. for us to take
5. It_________me about 10 days painting the walls.
A. took; to finish B. cost; finishing C. took; finishing D. spent; to finish
2. 时态
always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, on Sunday, every day, every year, once a month, three times a year
at the moment, now, right now,look, listen
yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year, two months ago, in 1999
It has been two weeks since I came here.
I have been here for two weeks.
at this time yesterday, from ... to ..., last night
He was sleeping when his father came back.
He was always playing computer games when he was in Grade 7.
3. 简单句与复合句之间的转换(一)
I saw that he was reading the book carefully.
=I saw him reading the book carefully.
I know how I should drive a car.
=I know how to drive a car.
He got up early so that he would not miss the train.
=He got up early in order not to miss the train.
I found that he was very happy.=
I noticed that he was entering the room.=
I do not know what I will do tomorrow.=
I wonder how I should go to the airport.=
疑问词why不能和动词不定式连用。用“疑问词+动词不定式”将宾语从句转换成简单句的前提是宾语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且主语的谓语动词通常是know、remember、forget、learn 等。
He is so young that he cannot go to school.=
She is so clever that she can work out this difficult maths question.
He exercises every day so that he can keep fit.=
用“动词不定式”将结果状语从句或目的状语从句转换成简单句的前提是从句的主语和主句的主语一致。结果状语从句so ... that ... 的结构可以用too ... to ... 或(not) ... enough to ... 来转换,目的状语从句可以用in order to来转换。
4. 简单句和复合句之间的转换(二)
She started to learn drawing when she was seven.
= She started to learn drawing
I am sure that the concert tickets will be expensive.
= I am sure about the high price for the concert tickets.
I prefer to stay in a hotel room which has a sea view.
= I prefer to stay in a hotel room
He learnt to swim when he was eight years old.
= He learnt to swim
He could not go to the party because he had too much homework.
= He could not go to the party
He cannot solve this problem if he has no help.
= He cannot solve this problem
The photos remind me that I travelled to the UK five years ago.
= The photos remind me of my trip to the UK five years ago.
Are you certain that Tom is satisfied with the plan
= Are you certain about Tom’s satisfaction with the plan
Do you know the girl who is holding two books in her hand
= Do you know the girl in her hand
The man who wears a blue shirt is our English teacher.
= The man is our English teacher.
1. The problem is too difficult for us to work out.
The problem is that we work it out.
2. The tree is too tall for us to reach.
The tree is tall we can’t reach .
3. The teacher asked us to come earlier.
The teacher asked us come earlier.
4. He came late because of the bad traffic.
He came late the traffic was .
5. He built a lab at the age of nine.
He built a lab nine.
6. I can’t finish the work in time without your help.
I can’t finish the work if me.
7. The water was too dirty for us to drink.
The water was dirty that we drink .
8. The teacher told us how to do the experiment.
The teacher told us how the experiment.
9. Could you tell me how I should get to the station
Could you tell me to the station
1. We’d better keep moving. 我们最好继续前进。
had better do sth 最好做某事
had better not do sth 最好不做某事
keep (on) doing sth 不停地做某事
2. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 明朝和清朝的皇帝们过去居住在那里。
【辨析】used to do sth.,be used to do sth.,be used to doing sth.
used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”,指过去经常做而现在不做了,是一般过去时。
be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,相当于 be used for doing sth.,是被动结构。
be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”,可用于任何时态。
3. With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit. 它(故宫)里面有宏伟的建筑和艺术珍宝,非常值得一游。
worth后可接名词,意为“值得做某事”;可接v-ing形式,sth. be worth doing 意为“某事值得做”;
【练一练】I think his advice is of great ___________. It's well worth ___________.
A. value, taking B. value, to take C. valuable, to take D. valuable, taking
4. Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag. 许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在那里观看升国旗。
watch sb. do sth 意为“观看某人做某事”
watch sb. doing sth 意为“观看某人正在做某事”
raise vt. 升起;筹集;抚养;饲养(raise-raised-raised)
rise vi.(太阳, 温度, 物价……)上升(rise-rose-risen)
5. It lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River. 它(桂林)位于漓江两岸。
原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词
lie 不及物动词 躺,位于 lay lain lying
不及物动词 说谎 lied lied lying
lay 及物动词或不及物动词 放置,产卵,下蛋 laid laid laying
6. In this underground cave, it is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes ----some hang down, and others point upwards. 在这个地下洞穴中,令人惊讶的是有如此多形状不同寻常的岩石——有些垂下,有些向上。
unusual作形容词, 意为“特别的,不同寻常的”, 可作表语或定语, 其反义词为usual, 意为“寻常的,通常的”。
hang 悬挂,挂起 hung, hung hang up 挂断电话
徘徊 hung, hung hang out 闲逛
绞死 hanged, hanged
point作不及物动词, 意为“指,指向”。
point at sb./sth.意为“指着某人/某物”,多指近处的人或物,着重于指的对象;
point to sb./sth.意为“指向某人/某物”,多指远处的人或物,着重于指的方向。
7. The lake is very big——it takes up three quarters of the area. 湖非常大,占据了这个区域四分之三的面积。
take up意为“占据(空间) ”, 还可意为“占用(时间)”。
take after 与…相像 take apart 拆卸, 拆开
take away 带走 takedown 写下, 记下
take in 欺骗; 吸收 take off 起飞; 脱下
take over 接收; 接管 take care of 照顾, 照料
one third 三分之一
two fifths 五分之二
8. There are many stone lions on either side of it. 在桥边有很多石狮子。
either作副词时, 可意为“也”, 常用于否定句句末,表示补充说明。
either可作代词, 意为“两者中任何一个”。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
Either of the skirts is OK.
either … or … “或者…或者…”
拓展:neither…nor… “既不…也不…”
9. I felt a little cold when we went out. 当我们出去时感到有点冷。
a little 意为“一点,稍微”,修饰形容词和副词;还可以修饰不可数名词,表示数量。
a little还可以修饰单数名词,意为“小的”。
To our surprise, he is such a little boy.
①a few ,“一点儿”,只能用来修饰可数名词复数。
10. pleasant
pleasant 形容词 意为“令人愉快的;吸引人的",常作定语,用于修饰物
pleased 形容词 意为“高兴;满意”,常作表语,主语通常是人, 常用于be pleased to do和be pleased with结构中
pleasure 名词 意为“快乐;乐事", 作“快乐"讲时,是不可数名词;作“乐事"讲时,是可数名词。
11. The traffic is often busy,but public transport here is quite good,so it’s easy for people to get around. 交通经常很繁忙,但这里的公共交通相当好,所以人们很容易四处走动。
be busy doing sth.,意为“忙于做某事”。
be busy with sth. 意为“忙于某事”。
12. India has the second largest population in the world. 印度是世界第二大人口国。
②当population与分数或百分数连用, 在句中作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式。
③表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,可用“…has a population of ….”或者“The population of+...+is...。”
What’s the population of the city
⑤表示人口的“多”要用large/big;“少”用 small。
13. He was the pride of the whole world. 他是全世界的骄傲。
take pride in意为“对…感到骄傲”,相当于 be proud of。
14. The cave is praised as the “Art Palace of Nature”. 这个洞穴被誉为“大自然的艺术殿堂”。
praise v.赞誉, 赞扬 n.赞扬
praise highly of高度赞扬;
be praised as被誉为
win high praise from 赢得…的高度赞扬
15. They provide a high level of service. 他们提供高水平的服务。
a high level of service高水准的服务
service n.服务;服役
serve v.服务;服役
serve as a pilot for three years 作为飞行员服役了三年
【练一练】--Waiter! I'd like some beef and a vegetable salad.
--Sorry, madam. They ________ only for lunch. Why not consider _________ something else
A. served; to order B. served; ordering
C. are served; ordering D. are served; to order
16. the discovery of ……的发现
discover v.发现
17. has spent all his life on the research and the development of better rice plants 将他的一生都致力于更好的水稻植株的研究与培育
spend one’s life on sth.= devote one’s life to sth. 把生命奉献于…
development n.发展;培育;培养
develop v.发展;培育;培育
with the development of technology, ...= with technology developing, ...随着技术的发展
1. complain v. 抱怨,投诉,发牢骚
complain to sb. 向某人抱怨
complain about/of sth. 抱怨某事
2. allow v. 允许
allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
allow doing sth. 允许做某事
allow sb. sth. 给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间),让某人有(拥用或带有)某物
3. It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang’s needs. 似乎总的来说,机器人满足了蒋先生的需求。
seem+adj. 看起来...
seem+to do sth. 好像...,似乎...
satisfy sb.’s needs 满足某人的需要
sb. be satisfied with sth. 某人对某物满意
4. do with=deal with 处理某事
5. --I’ve never thought about travelling into space. --Me neither. 我从未想过去太空旅行。我也没有。
think about doing sth. 意为“考虑做某事”,相当于consider doing sth.
think highly of 对...高度评价
think little of 轻视...;对...不假思索
Me neither.==Neither have I.
Neither book was very interesting.
Neither of us felt like going out.
neither作连词,常与nor 连用,构成neither…nor…结构,意为“既不…也不…”,连接同等的句子成分。当连接主语时,动词与靠近它的主语一致。
6. Our own planet, the Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted because of the rapid increase in population. 因为飞速增长的人口,我们自己的星球——地球正变得越来越拥挤,污染越来越严重。
more and more crowded越来越拥挤
more and more+(多音节)形容词或副词的原级 “越来越...”
②less and less+不可数名词
fewer and fewer+复数可数名词 “越来越少的…”
more and more+复数可数名词或不可数名词 “越来越多的...”
③the+形容词或副词的比较级+陈述句,the+形容词或副词的比较级+陈述句 “越…,越…”
Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more you get.
7. large numbers of 许多的,大量的
相当于a large number of,修饰可数名词复数。
a number of意为“一些;许多的;若干的”,相当于many,后接可数名词复数。做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,number 前面可以用large或small等词修饰,表示程度。
the number of意为“...的数量”,后面接可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。
8. Compared with life on the Earth, life on Mars would be better in some ways. 与地球上的生活相比,火星上的生活在某些方面会更好。
compared with... 与...相比
compare A with/to B 把A和B相比较
in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上
by the way 顺便提一下,顺便问一下
find one’s/the way (to) 找到…的路 lose one’s way 迷路
on the/one’s way (to) 在去…的路上
in no way 一点儿也不,决不
in the way 挡道,妨碍别人
9. Most people may prefer to watch the amazing low-gravity basketball games instead. 大多数人可能更喜欢观看令人惊叹的低重力篮球比赛。
prefer to do sth./prefer doing sth. 更喜欢…
prefer+名词/动名词+to+名词/动名词 与…相比更喜欢…
prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做…而不是做…
instead做副词,意为“代替,反而”,往往位于句子开头或句子末尾。instead of意为“代替,而不是”,表示前者代替后者,并带有否定后者的含义,instead of后可接名词、代词或动名词。
10. whatever pron.任何;一切事物
【练一练】Actually, girls can be ____they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, an astronaut, or a general manager.
A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whoever
11. His business suit has been smoothly ironed. 他的工作西服已被平整地熨烫好。
smoothly adv.平整地;顺利地
be smoothly ironed 被平整地熨烫
go smoothly 进展顺利
12. Coins, bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor. 硬币、账单和他的私人文件都散布在地板上。
spread v.扩散, 散开(spread-spread-spread) n.扩散, 蔓延
In some ways the Internet can be a tool for __________ (传播)knowledge or sharing experience.
This kind of disease __________(传播)so quickly that it drew the government's attention.
13. My robot has already stopped working completely. 我的机器人已经完全停止工作了。
completely adv.完全地
complete adj.完全的 v.完成
complete doing sth.完成做某事
14. I regret having bought a robot like this. 我后悔买了像这样的一个机器人。
regret doing sth. 后悔做某事
regret to do sth.遗憾要去做某事
15. Please hold and I’ll put you through. 请稍等, 我将为您接通。
hold v.稍等, 别挂断
put sb. through 帮某人接通电话
16. I’m not sure if it’s worth the risk. 我不确信是否值得冒这场风险。
risk n.风险 take risks to do sth. 冒险做某事
v.冒险 risk doing sth. 冒险做某事
17. Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging. 火星上的生活, 不仅有挑战性, 还很有趣。
as well as 除…之外还有
注意:当as well as与主语连用时, 在意义上强调前者, 谓语动词应与其前的主语保持一致。
He as well as his friends _________ going shopping.
A. like B. likes C. liked D. will like
1. Shanghai Science and________________(技术) Museum is a perfect place for children to visit.
2. The top of this mountain is 4,000 metres above the sea __________(高度).
3. In the picture, Mr Li is talking while ________ (指着)at the map.
4. How amazing! The islands viewed from above appear in all kinds of unusual__________(形状).
5. Shanghai is a city with a large______________(人口).
6. The young engineer’s _________(突然)death made the family feel very sad.
7. The ____________(discover) of oil made this island a busy place.
8.Some evidence suggests that liquid water once existed on the (表面) of Mars.
9. She is the apple of her parents’ eye. And she is also their___________(骄傲).
10. Do you know the _____________(发明者) of this new type of cutting machine
11. What caused the accident remains _______________(know), so we need to do more research on it.
12. These vegetables can be ___________(储藏)well for long time in the fridge.
13. The business suit can meet many ____________(顾客) needs.
14. ___________ (比较) with what he had already, the new stamps were not very interesting.
15. He offered ______ valuable advice that ______people disagreed.
A such; a few B such; few C so; a few D so; few
16. It’s a     that the little boy survived after he had been trapped in the earthquake for a week.
A. wonder B. truth C. way D. result
17. — We can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday, but we can’t do    , right
— That’s true. It’s an either-or situation.
A. other B. either C. another D. both
18. ---Jack, haven’t seen you for a long time Where have you been
---Well, I _______in Shanghai on business for two months.
A. have stayed B. stayed C. had stayed D. was staying
19. ---A large number of people _________thinking and talking in English. ---Because it __________in the world.
A. get used to; is widely used B. used to; is used widely
C. use; does widely used D. are used for; was used widely
20. —     the population of Jiangsu Province — More than 73 million. It is the fifth largest province in China.
A. How many is B. How much is C. What is D. What are




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