
滁州市2024届高三 次教学质量检测英语答案,目前试卷答案已经汇总了滁州市2024届高三 次教学质量检测英语答案的各科答案和试卷,更多试卷答案请关注本网站。



    1、滁州市2024年高三 次教学质量监测英语
    2、滁州市2024年高三 次教学检测
    6、滁州市2023-2024学年度 学期高三
    8、滁州市2024年高三 次教学质量检测英语
    9、滁州市2024年高三 次教学质量检测英语答案
    10、滁州市2024高三 次质量检测英语
(D)53.Which of the following is NOT true(C)60.What will Weatherford most probablyabout Darrius?agree with?A.He taught himself to play the piano.A.Saying is easier than doing.B.He has his own style of playing the piano.B.A man is known by his friends.C.He dreams of becoming a composer.C.No one is too all to make a differenceD.He mastered his f orite piano song in aD.All things are difficult before they aremonth.easy.gg(C)54.Which of the following can best describeDarrius?。DA.Caring and helpful.B.Kind and wise.C.Strong and hard-working.C)61.The explanation in the beginning isD.Shy and friendly.given to introduce(B)55.What can we learn from Darrius's story?A.a museumB.an emperorA.All good things must come to an end.C.a guideD.a touristB.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.(B)62.The underlined word "supplement"canC.All things are difficult before they becomebe replaced byeasy.A.changeB.improveD.Don't put off until tomorrow what you can doC.controlD.spreadtoday.c(A )56.Weatherford learned about helping others(C )63.The numbers in Paragraph 4 showby watching hisWang's_A.parentsB.teachersA.wonderful experiencesB.good looksC.friendsD.neighbours(B)57.What is explained in Paragraph 3?C.high popularityA.Why did Weatherford start a volunteer group?D.professional abilityB.How did Weatherford get the idea for a(A )64.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?company?A.What a day of Wang is like.C.Why does Weatherford advise kids to doB.Whom Wang receives every day.service projects?C.How Wang gives livestream tours.D.How did Weatherford make friends throughD.Where Wang has given livestream tours.volunteering?(D)58.In Weatherford's opinion,young people(D)65.Which can be the best title for theA.don't believe in themselvespassage?B.are much arter than sA.Stories of Terracotta WarriorsC.should solve problems on their ownB.Guides in the ancient city Xi'anD.h e the ability to do something bigC.Livestream tours of Terracotta WarriorsD.A guide telling history stories of Xi'an第二节ETr elling the world is a dream for many people,but do you want to make a difference while(D)59.Which of the following is NOT true aboutenjoying the world?(66)CWeatherford?Volunteer tr el is an act of taking a trip whereA.His parents g e him great courage.all or part of the purpose of the trip is to doB.He started volunteering at a young age.voluntary work.(67)DC.He made a career out of what he loved to do.D.His life of service has influenced manyThere are many advantages of volunteer tr el.B.But volunteer tr el isn't just about helping others. s.C.If so,volunteer tr el could be a good choice for you.D.It can last anywhere from a few days to several months.gE.At first,most volunteer activities took place in a foreigncountry.4




