Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions素养提升练习(含解析)

Module 2 Experiences
单元大观念素养目标 对应新课标内容
理解和掌握本模块学到的重点词汇,并能灵活运用 了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配等形式【P20】
掌握现在完成时的用法、结构和句式变化 初步意识到语言使用中的语法知识是“形式—意义—使用”的统一体,明确学习语法的目的是在语境中运用语法知识理解和表达意义【P21】
读懂以旅行经历为话题的语篇材料 梳理书面语篇的脉络、梗概和发展变化,提取关键信息,归纳内容要点;从书面语篇中推断和归纳作者的观点及语篇的主旨要义【P29、P30】
根据所给提示,描述自己或他人的旅行经历 用简单的书面语篇描写他人的经历或熟悉的事物【P29】
Unit 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions.
1.This is the best novel I've    / ev / read.
2.Only five girls are going to    / ent / the running race.
3.(2023北京师大附中期中)Her lifelong    /dri m/ was to be a famous writer.
4.【语言能力·理解能力】—Do you know what the first    /pra z/ of the contest is
—I don't know. Maybe it might be an air ticket.
5.There will be a singing    / k mp t n/ next week. Are you going to take part in it
6.(2023浙江杭州中考)Let's i    Kate over for dinner tomorrow.
7.【新素材·折叠屏手机】The mobile phone is Galaxy Z Flip 5. It's too expensive and I can't a    it.
8.—Maths is too hard for me.
—Don't w   . I can help you with it.
9.My brother is good at playing chess. I think he can w    any chess game.
10.【文化意识·文化理解】—I'm sorry. I can't go to the party with you.
—What a p   !
11.(2023山东德州天衢新区期中)Mr White invited me     the hill with him last weekend. climb   B.climb
C.climbing climbing
12.【人与自我·理性消费】(2023安徽合肥瑶海区期末)She can't     a new computer, so she plans to search for a second-hand one on the Internet.   B.afford   C.hope   D.expect
13.(2022安徽合肥瑶海区期中改编)I'm sure we can     the game. In my mind nobody can     us.
14.【推断思维】(2023河北中考)This book must be great. My sister     it five times.
A.reads    B.has read reading   D.was reading
15.(2022天津河东区期中)It was so late, so they stopped     and went home.
A.write write   C.wrote   D.writing
16.【语言能力·理解能力】(2023广西南宁西大附中期中)In the class, Mrs. Green asked the students to     a story about a trip to space.
A.make up   B.take away
C.ask for
17.Mary's mother likes classical music. (对画线部分提问)
            music does Mary's mother like
18.【新独家原创】I hope I will get a chance to meet Lionel Messi. (改为同义句)
I hope         a chance to meet Lionel Messi.
19.They have visited the Great Wall.(改为否定句)
They       the Great Wall.
20.Tony has watched the movie.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
—   Tony   the movie
—Yes,        .
Zhao Xin:Hi, Lin Ping. Long time no see. Where did you go
Lin Ping:Hi, Zhao Xin.  21 
Zhao Xin:How was your trip
Lin Ping: 22 The fresh air and green mountains there made me so relaxed.
Zhao Xin:Sounds like a nice place.  23 
Lin Ping:I did many things such as fishing, feeding chickens and learning to do yangge(秧歌).
Zhao Xin:Yangge! It's a traditional dance in the north, right
Lin Ping: 24 It's very popular in my hometown.
Zhao Xin:I want to try it.  25 
Lin Ping:No problem. I can teach you anytime.
Zhao Xin:Thank you very much.
Lin Ping:You're welcome.
A.That's right.
B.It was fantastic.
C.Can you teach me
D.How can I get there
E.What did you do there
F.I went back to my hometown.
21.    22.    23.    24.    25.   
Ⅰ.1.ever 2.enter 3.dream 4.prize 5.competition
Ⅱ.6.invite 7.afford 8.worry 10.pity
Ⅲ.11.A 根据invite sb. to do sth.的固定搭配可知,to climb符合题意。
12.B 根据题干中的“所以她打算在网上搜一下二手电脑”可知,她买不起新电脑,afford符合题意。
13.D 表示“赢得比赛”要用win和game搭配;表示“打败我们”要用beat和us搭配。
14.B 根据本题语境可知,我姐姐已经读过五遍这本书了,对应的时态是现在完成时,has read符合题意。
15.D 根据题干中的“已经很晚了”和“回家”可知,他们停止写作了,stop doing sth.意为“停下正在做的事情”,故答案为D。
16.A 根据本题语境可知,格林老师要学生“创作”一个太空旅行的故事,make up符合题意。
Ⅳ.17.What kind of get 19.haven't visited
20.Has; watched; he has
Ⅴ.21—25 FBEAC




下一篇:Module 2 Experiences Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids素养提升练习(含解析)