
第一部分 阅读理解
卷别 年份 篇目 语篇类型 主题 考查题型
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新课标 Ⅰ卷 2023 A 应用文 人与社会 自行车租赁服务 3
B 记叙文 人与自然 污水净化生态箱 1 3
C 说明文 人与自我 数字极简主义生活方式 3 1
D 说明文 人与社会 “群体智慧”效应 1 2 1
新高考 Ⅰ卷 2022 A 应用文 人与自我 课程评分细则 2 1
B 说明文 人与社会 减少食物浪费 3 1
C 说明文 人与社会 养老院养鸡项目 1 2 1
D 说明文 人与社会 饮食结构影响语音 2 1 1
新课标 Ⅱ卷 2023 A 应用文 人与自然 黄石国家公园护林员项目 3
B 记叙文 人与自我 Urban Sprouts菜园子项目 2 1 1
C 说明文 人与社会 书籍介绍 1 2 1
D 说明文 人与自然 接触自然有益健康 2 2
新高考 Ⅱ卷 2022 A 应用文 人与社会 博物馆参观信息 3
B 记叙文 人与社会 新媒体的影响 1 2 1
C 说明文 人与社会 司机无视手机禁令 1 1 1 1
D 说明文 人与自我 运动可以促进心脏健康 2 2
【典例印证】 【破题关键点】
  (2023·新课标Ⅰ卷) The goal of this book is to make the case for digital minimalism, including a detailed exploration of what it asks and why it works, and then to teach you how to adopt this philosophy if you decide it’s right for you. To do so, I divided the book into two parts. In part one, I describe the philosophical foundations of digital minimalism, starting with an examination of the forces that are making so many people’s digital lives increasingly intolerable, before moving on to a detailed discussion of the digital minimalism philosophy. Part one concludes by introducing my suggested method for adopting this philosophy: the digital declutter. This process requires you to step away from optional online activities for thirty days. At the end of the thirty days, you will then add back a small number of carefully chosen online activities that you believe will provide massive benefits to the things you value. In the final chapter of part one, I’ll guide you through carrying out your own digital declutter. In doing so, I’ll draw on an experiment I ran in 2018 in which over 1,600 people agreed to perform a digital declutter. You’ll hear these participants’ stories and learn what strategies worked well for them, and what traps they encountered that you should avoid. The second part of this book takes a closer look at some ideas that will help you cultivate (培养) a sustainable digital minimalism lifestyle. In these chapters, I examine issues such as the importance of solitude (独处) and the necessity of cultivating high-quality leisure to replace the time most now spend on mindless device use. Each chapter concludes with a collection of practices, which are designed to help you act on the big ideas of the chapter. You can view these practices as a toolbox meant to aid your efforts to build a minimalist lifestyle that words for your particular circumstances. 1. What is the book aimed at A. Teaching critical thinking skills. B. Advocating a simple digital lifestyle. C. Solving philosophical problems. D. Promoting the use of a digital device. 2. What does the underlined word “declutter” in paragraph 3 mean A. Clear-up.     B. Add-on. C. Check-in. D. Take-over. 3. What is presented in the final chapter of part one A. Theoretical models. B. Statistical methods. C. Practical examples. D. Historical analyses. 4. What does the author suggest readers do with the practices offered in part two A. Use them as needed. B. Recommend them to friends. C. Evaluate their effects. D. Identify the ideas behind them. 1. 先读第1题的题干,标出关键词________ →根据关键词,从第一段开始浏览,寻找和题干关键词意思相近的________,确定此处内容是本题根据 →根据本句中的“to make the case for digital minimalism(为数字极简主义辩护)”,确定第1题的答案________ 2. 再读第2题的题干,关键词是画线词________ →根据关键词,从第1段后浏览,在第三段找到画线词 →找到关键词后把此处内容和四个选项进行比对,确定第2题的答案________ 3. 然后读第3题的题干,标出关键词________ →根据关键词,从第2题关键词后面浏览,寻找题干中的关键词 →找到关键词后把此处内容和四个选项进行比对,确定第3题的答案________ 4. 最后读第4题的题干,标出关键词________ →根据关键词,从第3题关键词后面浏览,寻找题干中的关键词 →找到关键词后把此处内容和四个选项进行比对,确定第4题的答案________ 答案 1. aimed; goal; B 2. declutter; A 3. the final chapter of part one; C 4. practices; A
Bike Rental & Guided Tours
Welcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.
Why MacBike
MacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children’s bikes.
 What is an advantage of MacBike
A. It gives children a discount.
B. It offers many types of bikes.
C. It organizes free cycle tours.
D. It has over 2,500 rental shops.
(1)找出题干中关键信息提示词:an advantage。
(3)根据句中“We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety”,可直接得出B项是正确答案。
Late Work
An essay not submitted in class on the due date will lose a letter grade for each class period it is late. If it is not turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a zero. Daily assignments not completed during class will get a zero. Short writings missed as a result of an excused absence will be accepted.
1. What will happen if you submit an essay one week after the due date
A. You will receive a zero.
B. You will lose a letter grade.
C. You will be given a test.
D. You will have to rewrite it.
答案 A
解析 直接细节题。根据Late Work部分“If it is not turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a zero. (如果没有在截止日期后的4天内上交,将会得到零分)”可知,如果在截止日期后一周才交文章,你将会得零分。故选A项。
The Biggest Stadiums in the World
People have been pouring into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the world’s best known stadium and continues to inform contemporary design. Rome’s Colosseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 people. However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people.
2. How many people could the Circus Maximus hold
A. 104,944.     B. 107,601.
C. About 150,000. D. About 250,000.
答案 D
解析 直接细节题。根据题干中的关键词“the Circus Maximus”可将解题线索定位于该段最后一句“However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people.”可知,the Circus Maximus可容纳大约250,000人。故选D项。
Earning first place on the latest “Asia’s 50 best restaurants” list, progressive Indian restaurant Gaggan is one of the most exciting venues (场所) to arrive in Bangkok in recent years. The best table in this two-story colonial Thai home offers a window right into the kitchen, where you can see chef Gaggan and his staff in action. Culinary theater at its best.
 What is special about Gaggan
A. It hires staff from India.
B. It puts on a play every day.
C. It serves hard-to-find local dishes.
D. It shows the cooking process to guests.
(1)找出题干中关键信息提示词:special, Gaggan。
(3)根据句中“where you can see chef Gaggan and his staff in action”并对比四个选项可知,“It shows the cooking process to guests”是此句的同义表达,故D项是正确答案。
What comes into your mind when you think of British food Probably fish and chips, or a Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables. But is British food really so uninteresting Even though Britain has a reputation for less-than-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top class chefs who appear frequently on our television screens and whose recipe books frequently top the best seller lists.
1. What do people usually think of British food
A. It is simple and plain.
B. It is rich in nutrition.
C. It lacks authentic tastes.
D. It deserves a high reputation.
答案 A
解析 间接细节题。根据本段中的“What comes into your mind when you think of British food Probably fish and chips, or a Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables. But is British food really so uninteresting?”可知,提及英国食物,大家往往只是想到炸鱼和薯条,或者周日烤肉,所以人们通常会觉得英国食物平平无奇。故选A项。
Terri, who now rents a house with friends in Wandsworth, South West London, says DIY also saves her from losing any deposit when a tenancy (租期) comes to an end. She adds: “I’ve moved house many times and I always like to personalise my room and put up pictures. So, it’s been useful to know how to cover up holes and repaint a room to avoid any charges when I’ve moved out.”
2. How did Terri avoid losing the deposit on the house she rented
A. By making it look like before.
B. By furnishing it herself.
C. By splitting the rent with a roommate.
D. By cancelling the rental agreement.
答案 A
解析 间接细节题。根据文章选段“So, it’s been useful to know how to cover up holes and repaint a room to avoid any charges when I’ve moved out.”可推知,Terri是通过装饰房间,让它看起来和以前一样,来避免被扣除租房押金的。故选A项。
According to a new study from market analysts, 1 in 5 Britons say that watching cookery programmes on TV has encouraged them to try different food. Almost one third say they now use a wider variety of ingredients (配料) than they used to, and just under 1 in 4 say they now buy better quality ingredients than before. One in four adults say that TV chefs have made them much more confident about expanding their cookery knowledge and skills, and young people are also getting more interested in cooking. The UK’s obsession (痴迷) with food is reflected through television scheduling. Cookery shows and documentaries about food are broadcast more often than before. With an increasing number of male chefs on TV, it’s no longer “uncool” for boys to like cooking.
 Which is the percentage of the people using more diverse ingredients now
A. 20%. B. 24%.
C. 25%. D. 33%.
(1)找出题干中关键信息提示词:using more diverse ingredients和now。
(3)句中的数词Almost one third可转换成33%,所以得出D项是正确答案。
Bike Rental & Guided Tours
Hand Brake, Three Gears Foot Brake, No Gears
1 hour 7.50 5.00
3 hours 11.00 7.50
1 day (24 hours) 14.75 9.75
Each additional day 8.00 6.00
1. How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days
A. 15.75. B. 19.50.
C. 22.75. D. 29.50.
答案 C
解析 数字计算题。根据定价表可知,租一辆带手刹和三档的自行车一天需要14.75欧元,额外增加天数每天8欧元。所以租一辆带手刹和三档的自行车两天需要14.75+8=22.75欧元。故选C项。
£4. Children under 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free.
Schools and Colleges
A special low entrance charge of £2 per person is available to all in full-time education, up to and including those at first degree level, in organised groups with teachers.
2. How much would a couple with two children under 12 pay for admission
A. £4. B. £8.
C. £12. D. £16.
答案 B
解析 数字计算题。根据Admission部分“£4. Children under 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free.(4英镑。12岁以下儿童在一位成人陪同下免费入场)”可知,一对夫妇应付4+4=8英镑,两个12岁以下的儿童在成人陪同下免费,即入场费为8英镑。故选B项。
Jacqueline Felice de Almania (c. 1322) highlights the suspicion that women practicing medicine faced. Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery. In 1322 she was tried for practicing unlawfully. In spite of the court hearing testimonials(证明) of her ability as a doctor, she was banned from medicine.
James Barry (c. 1789-1865) was born Margaret Bulkley in Ireland but, dressed as a man, she was accepted by Edinburgh University to study medicine. She qualified as a surgeon in 1813, then joined the British Army, serving overseas. Barry retired in 1859, having practiced her entire medical profession living and working as a man.
 What did Jacqueline and James have in common
A. Doing teaching jobs.
B. Being hired as physicians.
C. Performing surgery.
D. Being banned from medicine.
(1)找出题干中关键信息提示词:Jacqueline and James和have in common。
(2)根据题干信息提示词,定位本题根据,通过认真阅读对两位人物的介绍,分别找到信息句:“performed surgery”和“She qualified as a surgeon in 1813”。
Researchers say they have translated the meaning of gestures that wild chimpanzees (黑猩猩) use to communicate. They say wild chimps communicate 19 specific messages to one another with a “vocabulary” of 66 gestures. The scientists discovered this by following and filming groups of chimps in Uganda, and examining more than 5,000 incidents of these meaningful exchanges.
Dr Catherine Hobaiter, who led the research, said that this was the only form of intentional communication to be recorded in the animal kingdom. Only humans and chimps, she said, had a system of communication where they deliberately sent a message to another group member.
1. What do chimps and humans have in common according to Dr Hobaiter
A. Memorizing specific words.
B. Understanding complex information.
C. Using voices to communicate.
D. Communicating messages on purpose.
答案 D
解析 归纳概括题。根据第二段中的“Only humans and chimps, she said, had a system of communication where they deliberately sent a message to another group member.(她说,只有人类和黑猩猩有一个交流系统,他们有意向其他成员发送信息)”可知,黑猩猩和人类的共同点在于有意传递信息。故选D项。
Journey Back in Time with Scholars
Classical Provence (13 days)
Journey through the beautiful countryside of Provence, France, with Prof. Ori Z. Soltes. We will visit some of the best-preserved Roman monuments in the world. Our tour also includes a chance to walk in the footsteps of Van Gogh and Gauguin. Fields of flowers, tile-roofed (瓦屋顶) villages and tasty meals enrich this wonderful experience.
Southern Spain (15 days)
Spain has lovely white towns and the scent (芳香) of oranges, but it is also a treasury of ancient remains including the cities left by the Greeks, Romans and Arabs. As we travel south from Madrid with Prof. Ronald Messier to historic Toledo, Roman Mérida and into Andalucia, we explore historical monuments and architecture.
2. What can visitors see in both Classical Provence and Southern Spain
A. Historical monuments.
B. Fields of flowers.
C. Van Gogh’s paintings.
D. Greek buildings.
答案 A
解析 归纳概括题。根据Classical Provence部分中的“We will visit some of the best-preserved Roman monuments”和Southern Spain部分中的“we explore historical monuments and architecture”可知,游客在普罗旺斯和西班牙南部都可以看到历史纪念碑。故选A项。



