
兴隆台区 2023¨2024学年度 三、听问题 , 选择正确 的答语 。 (10分 ) (听两遍 )
第一学期末教学质量监测 六年级英语试卷 ( )16. A.WarⅡl and windy. B.IIot and dry.
( )17,
时旧 卜争 〉数: 100彡〉 A.Yes,I can, B,sure.J: 9o彡 I '·
题 刂· 四 五 七 丿 九 合计 ( )18, A.Twelve, B.Four.
得 分 ( )19. A,His hobby is dancing, B.Her hobby is singing.
| |
巾 | | ( )20. A.They are f1ying kites.B.They like flying kites.

复核人 ( )21. A,It’ s on May lst. B.It’ s on septembcr 10th.
$ ( )22.
茹 A.Make snowinen. IB.Go on spr1ng outings.
A卷 听力试卷 ( )23. A.Labour Day. B.People’ s Liberation Army Day.
一、听录音,根据所听内容将下列图片按 (1——5)的顺序排序。(5分 ( )24.) A.I’ 11 get son· le candy.

烬 (听两遍 ) B.l’ d like a choco1ate cake.
肿 驾
)25. A.The leaves on the trees are ye11ow and brown,
刺 B.The trees have new green leaves.

蛇 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( B卷 笔试试卷

憩 K 二、句子到慨 听录音判断下刃句子与所听内容是 (T)否 C)相符。 (1C).·》 四、单项选择。从各题的三个选项中选出一) 个最佳答案,并将代表答

(听 案的字母填入括号内。(lO分两遍 ))
( )26. ——
rhe students a,re going.to camp.in summer. Is it _ to play the piano )6.′
恤 ——
)7. There are a lot of apples on the trees. Yes,but my teacher a1ways helps n·le.
削 A,easy B,difficult C.kind
)8. The farmers are busy cutting rice,
忠 ( )27. school begins____8∶
刂 押 10 am_Mondays·)9. T1.1ey a.11 e11joy· t1.1e su.IIlmer holidays.
)10.Are you interested in co11ecting picture Cards A. at;in IB.ini on C.ation
( )28. —— What does Peter _ on Fridays
)11.I like t1.1at 1· le.a,rt-sha.ped.cal——
、vhat time it is He usua1⊥ y _ computer galnes.)12.Do you know
A. doi plays B.does; play C. doesi plays
邱 )13.lV1·1at t1Ⅱle does iyotlr· party begirl
舳 ( )29. The weather is and it often in December.
)14.Here’ s a birthday cake for you.
A. cold; snowy B. cold; snows C.coo1; rains
)15.Orl the Eve of the festival, people usua11y have duinplings.
六年级英语试卷 第 1页 (共 8页 ) 六年级英语试卷 第 2页 (共 8页 )
)30. is on October lst.
A.Thanksgiving Day B.Easter C.National Day A.I have two photos here, B.Yes,the baby is hungry,
C.The baby is smiling. D,I’ m.interested in m.aking do11s.
( )31. March is after_.It’ s the_month of the year,
E.What are you interested in, Lisa
A,February;third B.January;first C.April∶ second
( )32. ′I11e are busy harvesting in ,
六、完形填空,阅读短文后根据短文内容选择正确的答案填空。(1o分 )
A.farmers;spring B.farmers;autum.n C.workers;sulnm.er
Lucy is twelve a.nd she is a 41 ____ in PriIIlary six. s1.1e’ s
( )33, summer is coming. It’ s getting 42__London.she usua11y 43_ up at 7∶ 30 am. she has

A.cooler and coo1er B.colder and colder breakfast at 8∶ 00 aI△, and then she 44 _ to schoo1. .After
C.hotter and hotter schoo1, she often plays
with her ifriends. Iˉ 】er father is a 呐
likes to play basketba11.Basketba11 is teacher.11e 45 science.IIe goes to work early and gets 46)34.
— 1ate· He usua11y goes tO wOrk 47~ bus· Lucy and her
_ a· vourlte sport. 由
father like 48_.so every Weeke11d they go to the 49_and
A.We;our B.They;their C.Li Ming;his
50 near the lake, 丬
)35. —— _ your ifat1·ler _ a`pples 。r1 trle fa,r· Ⅱl ( )41. A.student B.teacher C.worker 瑜
—— Yes,he ls. ( )42. A.comes from B.from C./

A.Is;ipicking B.Does;picking C.Canipick ( )43. A,goes B.get C.gets

( )44, A.goes B,get C.go
、 民五 补全对话,丛方框中选出最佳选项,使对话意思完整。 (5分 ) ( )45, A,teach B.teaches C.teachers
Yang Ming∶ What are you dolng,Zhou Pe1 ( )46. A.to schoo1 B,to home C,home 曲
zhou Pei∶ I’ m making a do11.36 How about you ( )47. A.in B.by C.on 牧
Yang Ming∶ I’ m.interested in l)1aying computer ga,nle s.37_ ( )48. A.to sw.ilnming B.watch TV C.walking
Lisa∶ I’ m.interested in taking photos. ( )49. A.shop B.park C.home
Yang Ming∶ Rea11y ( )50. A.walk B.to walk C.walking
Lisa.∶ Yes,38 Look at this one! 七、 阅读理解 )
Yang Ming∶ How cute!The kid is feeding t11e baby. 读短文根据短文内容选择正确答案填空。
My name is Danie1,I’ nl from Australia.I have a happy
Lisa∶ 39 ne s crylng.
family,Now· 1et m.e te11 you about1△ y family.There are four people
Lisa∶ And now look at this photo.40
in iny fam.ily. lⅦ y father is a doctor.His hobby is doing taiJiquan.
Yang lM|ing∶ What a super kid! she takes good care of the baby.
六年级英语试卷 第 3页 (共 8页 ) 六年级英语试卷 第 4页 (共 8页 )
My mother is a teacher.Hcr hobby is watching TV.My sistcr is a ( )58. David’ s Inother he1ps David to light the candles.
student. |Hor hobby is cooking.My hobby is co11ecting staInps.IIow ( )59.For。 ld people,ei曲 t big ctlndles wi11 showthat apersc)n is ei曲 t
about you and your fa1· 1111y Can you te11 Ine9
· years old.
( )51. 1.1ow lnanyˉ peor)1e a..re t1.1e1· ·e in.I)a.n.ie1’ s fa,n· lily‘冫 ( )60,David cuts the cake and.givcs each~of· 1·1is friends t△
A.3. B,4. C.5.
piece of cake,
( )52. W11|ere is I)ar1iel frorn9
巾 A,Canada. B.AInerica. C.Australia.
肿 Hi.My name is GaowOi.I’ m from Beijing.There arO four
( )53. lV1· lat’ s E)a,11ie1’ s sister’ s 1·1obby‘冫
seasons in my city. summer is the 62 scason.In my hon1e
勰 A.Cooking. ∶B.singing. C.Co11ecting stalnps,
town (∶家乡), su△lmer is from June to August.
( )54. Does Danie1’
南 s rn.other like w· atching TⅤ Summer is a hot and wet season, because the sun is very big and
A.Yes,she does.B.I don’ t know,C.No, she doesn’ t.
邸 it rains a lot.My hobby is swimming.so I~⊥±上£~~旦旦型In11~b(Dst.I
谬 ( )55. lV1.1c) likes d~oirlg.taijiclua,r19
胛 often go to the beach and swi1· 11 in the sea.0n sul1II11er hol ida.ys 1驾 A.Danie1. B,Father. C.Sister.
often go on trips and go calnping. 1 1ikc waterlne1ons and ice cream.
B.阅读短文根据短文 内容判断正 (T)误 (F)。刊 What a nice sumlner! It is my favouri-te season.
David is cele.brating his birthday today. H-is lllother brin黑 s
羽 ( )61. lVller· e is t1·le wiriter fron19
a birthday cake to his c1ass, David is going to share t11c cake
耻 with h.is friends. △i°: A.Australia. B.Chi na. C.singapore

期 K F.irst, the.t· eacher helps IDav· id to light the candles. Why do 62.根 “ ”唰 据上下文在 上写出合适的单词,补全短文。
-We put candlcs .on a b主rt11day cake
63. 1】ow lnany Inonths are there in suⅡlmer
r1· C andles lnake our day bright and i11appy. TL1e cand1es also show

J our· age. David’ s cake has e1·even slna11 candles, because he is

e1even.years o1.d. |For old people, one big ca11dle shows ten years. 64. Why is sulnirler a hot season

Eigllt big candles w· i11 show that a person is eighty years old.

T11e children play games.Therl, evcryone s1ngs the birthday 65.写 “ ”出画 句子的同义句。
song, David 1·nakes a w.ish. He blows out the candles.Everyone
ls each of his fFiends a Diece of
clap^ s . H e c u t s iv拶 t h e cake and 黑ˇ 飞出l i.· · ‘
D.阅 口 。
cake. Everyone is happy. .~· 读短文根据短文内容 答问题
督 · Christtlas is on December 25th, It is a very special western( )56. I.)avicl’ s Inc)tller b1· ings a.birtllda.y ca1.【 e tc) his class.
肺 }) t11eir 1.1omes.
· festiva1.Before Cl|1ristⅡlas,people decorate (劣 吏饣饰( )57. I)a.vid.is eleven year· s ()1d,sc) t1· 1e1· ea,re eleve11 cand~1os
They send Cllristmas cards to their faIrlily and fr土 ends, They buy
on his cake,
Christmas trees iand decorate tllem. iPeople buy presents and they
-6页 (共
六年级英语试卷 第 5页 (共 8页 ) 六年级英语试卷 第 8页 )
put the presents under their Christmas trees. They always have 77.你愿意来参加我的生日宴会吗
a big meal at Christmas. They say “Merry Christmas!″ Would 9
66, When is Christmas Day
78.Her mother’ s hobby is mllect业肛亚2 (对画线部分提问)
IIoouy f
67.`What do people send to t11eir family and friends before 79,Does Lucy see a film on sunday (作 否定回答)
80,I have a box for you.(改 为同义句)

68. Where do people put the presents Here’ s

九、作文。 (10分 )
69. What do they a1ways do at C11ristrnas9 啉请以spring Festiva1为题, 向你的朋友们介绍一下春节,要求语句通
顺,意思连贯,无 凼语法错误,不少于 50词。
70.What do people say on Christmas Day 参考词汇: clean houses, get new clothes or presents, 丬
eat dumplings, have a big dinner, have a holiday

—77汉 爿 : spring Festival is in.... They like.。丿 按要求完成句子。 (71— 译英) (20分
参 掌 z型 。
) 油
In China,people usua11y...
71`..、 我妈妈通常下午 2:00擦窗户。

My mum usua11y at 2∶ spring Festivaloo


73.我爷爷的爱好是喝茶和种花。 牡
My grandpa’ s 11obbies are 峪
7⒋ 冬天是第四个季节。
76.我晚上 6∶ 10吃晚饭。
六年级英语试卷 第 7页 (共 8页 ) 六年级英语试卷 第 8页 (共 8页 )




下一篇:2023-2024七年级英语下册牛津译林版 Unit 4 Finding your way 单元基础卷(含答案及听力原文无音频)