
班级:_________ 姓名:__________ 评分:___________
( 满分:100分)
John’s family are going to visit Mike’s family.
Let’s know about John first.听音,根据所到的内容,在表格里“√”出正确的选项。( 5分 )
Name John
Age A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen
Way to school A.on foot B. by bus car
Hobbies A.reading books B.playing football
Dream job a scientist B. teacher C.secretary
Dream working place an office B. a company C. a university
John is asking his father about Mike’s family.听音,连线。(5分)
2. 3. 4. 5.
Mike’s father Mike’s mother Mike’s uncle Mike’s aunt Mike’s brother
John’s father is talking about Mike’s family’s hobbies.听音,根据录音内容,选出正确的选项。 (10分)
( ) 1. Mike’s father likes ___________ A.going boating B.going swimming C.going fishing
( ) 2.Mike’s mother likes ___________ A.singing B.dancing C.going shopping
( ) 3.Mike’s uncle likes ___________ A.reading books B.going hiking C.going fishing
( ) 4.Mike’ s aunt likes ___________ A.playing sports B.going swimming C.listening to music
( ) 5.Mike and his brother like ___________ A.watching TV B.watching films
四、Now they are at Mike’s home.Mike’s mother is talking about Mike.听短文,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。 (10分)
( ) 1. Mike is a nice boy.
( ) 2. Tom is kind and always happy.
( ) 3.Sarah is ill,she should see a doctor and drink hot water.
( ) 4.When Amy feels afraid,she should ask her friends for help.
( ) 5.They are friendly with each other.
笔试部分( 70分)
Mike is doing his homework.Can you do it together
It is a place.People often go there to send letters or postcards.______________ _______________
It’s too cold outside.My parents are_______________about their cows.
People call 110 to ask then for help.They are __________________ _________________.
She is good at singing.She is a ______________.
He is a person who works at sea and catches fish.He is a ________________.
( )1.周末了,惠惠和父母一起去红花湖游玩。你知道哪块是湖的正确路牌吗?
A. B. C.
( )2.在红花湖绿道上骑自行车的休闲方式深受市民喜爱。骑行不忘安全,骑行时要带上____.
helmet B. hat C. jacket
( )3.Xiaodong and his parents like_______ . They________ in Honghua Lake every weekend.
A.going cycling, went cycling B.go cycling, going cycling C. going cycling, go cycling
( )4.惠惠一家在红花湖水库看到警示牌 ,如果请你给它标上英语,你会选_______.
No swimming B. No fishing C. No smoking
( )5. 游玩结束了,惠惠说了一句英语“We have a good time”.Here “have a good time”means_________.
A.时间充裕 B.玩得开心 C.有个好时间
1. bikes, helmet,a, on, People, must, wear ( . ) _____________________________________________(连词成句)
2. the, How, to, can, Italian, I, get, restaurant ( ) __________________________________________(连词成句)
3. often, other, he, to , countries, go ,Does ( )__________________________________________(连词成句)
4. I am going to take a trip.I________________________________________________(改为同义句)
5.Do you want to be a head teacher ______________________________________________(作肯定回答)
6.Your father works in Huizhou. _____________________________________(就划线部分提问)
I have a pen pal.______(1)name is Linda.She comes from Australia.But she_______(2)Beijing now.She_____(3)Chinese in a university.Linda likes everything about China.She cooks Chinese food at home every day.She likes doing word puzzles.She often_______(4)word puzzles with her Chinese friends.She’s going to ______(5)Chinese kung fu next year.Do you want_________(6)her pen pal
( )1.A. She B.Her C.His ( ) 2 in B.lives at C.lives in
( )3.A. studies B.studying C.studys ( )4. A.does B. do C.doing
( )5.A.learns B.learn C.learning ( ) be C.being
( A )Judy和Nick买了这张票准备在中国旅行,请你根据这张票所提供的信息判断正(T)误(F )。(10分)
( )1. It’s a plane ticket(票).
( )2. Judy and Nick are going to Guangzhou.
( )3. Judy and Nick are going on August 30th,2021.
( )4.They will get to Guangzhou at 19:59.
( )5.They will get to Beijing from Guangzhou.
( B )读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)
In winter,the weather is very cold.So some people are ill in the cold weather.If you don’t wear enough clothes,
you will have a cold.How do you feel if you have a cold You will be very tired.Your head may hurt badly.Your temperature(体温)will be higher than 37℃.Then the cold may turn into a fever.But don’t worry if you are ill,go to see a doctor.Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days.And drink more hot water.Then you will get better soon.
( )1.People are ill in winter because it’s_______________.
warm B.cold C. cool
( )2.How do we feel if we have a cold
Our feet hurt badly. B.We will be very angry. C. We will be very tired.
( )3.If your temperature is higher than 37℃,you will_________.
A.have a cold B. have a fever C. have a toothache
( )4.If you are sick,you must____________.
see a doctor B.go to school C. wear more clothes
( )5.When you’re must drink more__________water.
A.cold C.less
以My family为题,介绍你和你的家人的职业,在哪里上班,怎么去上班,爱好等。
My family
OK,now can you do it B. Please don’t disturb me. C. No! I’m afraid of water.
I’m going to learn how to swim. E.Practise and you will learn. F.Learn by doing
To: Beijing
Time: 19:59
Date:August 30th,2021
Let’s know about John first.听音,根据所到的内容,在表格里“√”出正确的选项。(5分 )
Hi,I’m John.I’m twelve years old.There are three people in my family.They are my parents and me.My home is far from my school,so I go to school by bus.I like science.I want to be a scientist one day.I want to work in a university. ( 1.B 2.B 3. C 4.A 5.C )
John is asking his father about Mike’s family.听音,连线。(5分)
John:Dad,how many people are there in Mike’s family
Dad:Mike has a big family.There are six people----his parents,his uncle,his aunt and his brother.
John:What does Mike’s father do
Dad:He is a police officer.
John:What about Mike’s mother
Dad:She is a nurse.She works in a hospital.
John:What are his uncle and his aunt’s job
Dad:His uncle is a math teacher and his aunt is a factory worker.
John:Is Mike’s brother a student
Dad:No,he is a coach.He likes playing football.
John’s father is talking about Mike’s family’s hobbies.听音,根据录音内容,选出正确的选项。 (10分)
Mike has a sweet family.Everyone works hard.On the weekend,they often do things they like.Mike’s father likes going fishing.Mike’s mother likes singing.Mike’s uncle likes reading books.Mike’s aunt likes going shopping.Mike and his brother like watching films.They all like playing sports because it can make them healthy.( 1. C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B )
四、Now they are at Mike’s home.Mike’s mother is talking about Mike.听短文,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。 (10分)
Mike is a helpful boy.He often gives some good suggestion to his friends.Tom is Mike’s friend.He is kind but he is easy to get angry.Mike tells him to take a deep breath.Sarah and Amy are Mike’s classmates.Sarah always rests at home when she’s ill.Mike tells her to see a doctor and drink hot water.Amy sometimes feels afraid.Mike tells her to ask her friends for help.They are friendly with each other. ( 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T )
笔试部分( 70分)
post office 2. worried 3.police officer 4.singer 5.fisherman
二、选择填空。 1. C 2. A 3. C 4.A 5.B
1.People on bikes must wear a helmet.
2.How can I get to the Italian restaurant
3. Does he often go to other countries
4.I will take a trip.
5.Yes, I do.
6. Where does your father work
1. B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B
1. D 2.B 3. C 4.E 5.A 6.F
六、阅读。 (20分)
(A ) 1. F 2.F 3. T 4. F 5. T
( B ) 1.B 2.C 3. B 4.A 5. B




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