
animals helps children in their breathing system development.
The research repeatedly found that exposure to farmyard dirt,dust and the various fine hairs that fly off
PLOS One also reinforces earlier research about the role of the environment in developing allergies.
In addition to adding to the growing body of scientific literature about pets and human health,the
preexisting research on the seemingly funny ways that cats influence human development.
food challenges are required to more accurately assess the incident of food allergies"-it reinforces
While the study is not the final word on the issue-the researchers note"further studies using oral
-namely,allergies to wheat,soybean and egg.
who were exposed to cats during their early years were likewise less likely to develop specific allergies
children exposed to hamsters during this same period had an increased risk of nut allergies.Yet children
This wasn't true for other pets that weren't cats and dogs.Indeed,the same research found that
less likely to have nut,milk and egg allergies.
who were exposed to dogs either during fetal()development,or up to the age of 3 years old were
The researchers engaged in a detailed survey,studying 65,000 children.They found that children
risk of developing all food allergies than those who did not own pets.
published Wednesday,found that children raised with cats and dogs early in life had a 13 to 16%lower
Hence,a recent study published in the journal PLOS One might come as a surprise.The study,
exacerbating,not alleviating them.
lifestyles.Yet when it comes to conditions like allergies ()we tend to think of pet ownership as
Indeed,we know there are some physical benefits as well,as dog owners tend to have more active
There are well-documented mental health benefits to pet ownership,as much research has shown
C.Behind bad luck comes good luck.
A.God helps those who help themselves.
27.What can be learned from the text
C.Professional and adventurous.
A.Changeable and respectable.
26.What words can be used to describe McCullough
D.She spent much time with friends in the library
C.She acted as a nursing assistant for children.
B.She worked harder than at high school.
A.She volunteered at cancer centers.
25.What happened during McCullough's college life
C.Her natural ability of nursing
A.Her love for her brother.
24.What makes McCullough want to become a nurse
for patients and families to make them feel loved and welcomed.
nurses she admired so much as a child.She finds the time,even on very busy days,to truly be there
Today,She's a nurse on the same unit that cared for her brother years ago.She is one of those
and worked as a nursing assistant in the Pediatric Transplant Center.
assistant at Stanford Health Care for adults with cancer.Then,she transferred to Packard Children's
In college,each step brought McCullough closer to her dream.She worked as a nursing
the university.She traded going out and spending time with friends for the library.
respected nursing school.She feels like she worked 10 times harder than other nursing students at
Despite feeling like school never came easy,McCullough persisted()and got into a
hospital that had done so much for her brother.
D.He who laughs last laughs best.
B.Where there is a will there is a way
D.Considerate and persistent.
B.Hardworking and demanding.
D.The voluntering experience
B.The pain of cancer patients.高三英语参考答案
11-15 CCACC 16-20 CBAAA
21-23 BAD 24-27 ACDB
28-31ACBD 32-35 DABD
46-50 BACDA
51-55 BCBAD
56.was/had been
58.and 59.when
61.to cover 62.happiest 63.admiration 64.an
Dear fellow students,
This is Li Hua.I am excited to announce that our newly constructed indoor swimming pool is about to
open its doors for everyone!The swimming pool will be open from Ipm to 9pm on the weekday and from
Sam to 9pm on the weekend.Before you dive in,remember to follow the safety guidelines posted around the
pool area.
We encourage all students to take advantage of this fantastic facility.Swimming is not only a great
getaway to relax but also an excellent form of exercise to keep your body fit and healthy.So,grab your
swimsuits and dive in for a refreshing experience!
See you at the pool!
Paragraph 1:
After what seemed like hours,I felt a sigh of relief rush through my body.Emerging from the dense bush,
I found myself standing in a familiar place,the collection of sticks and stones from
our weekend adventures with my dad scattered around.It was then that I realized I had circled back
to our special spot.The familiar rustling of leaves and the cool air on my back reassured me
that I was indeed near home.In the foggy distance,a fuzzy but familiar figure stood still beneath the tall tree in
front of my house.It was my dad!I gathered all my strength and ran towards the house.
Paragraph 2:
“You are alive!”my dad shouted,“You are alive!”My dad's voice echoed through the early
morning,filled with a mixture of relief and concern.I threw myself into the warm embrace of my worried father,
exhausted but relieved.He had been searching crazily for me as the night wore on.I shared my adventure,from the
mysterious screech to the challenging encounter with the river.My dad,though relieved,couldn't
help but chuckle at my determination to explore even in the dead of night.From that day forward,
our weekend adventures became even more special,filled with stories the Australian sky.
Text 1
M:Terrisa came back from Macao this afternoon.Let's hang out with her tomorrow morning.
W:Sorry,I have to visit my grandma then.I won't be back until tomorrow afternoon.



