
2023-2024 学年上学期高二英语期末联考
听力(30 分):1.BCABA 6.ACBCB 11.CBABA 16.CABAC
阅读理解(37.5 分)A 篇 21-23 CAB B 篇 24-27 ACDC C 篇 28-31 BCBC D 篇 32-35. D C BB
七选五(12.5 分)【36~40 题答案】
【答案】36. C 37. A 38. E 39. G 40.F
完形填空(15 分) 41-45 ABDCB 46-50 ACDAB 51-55 CBDAB
语法填空 (15 分)
56. Which. 57. to produce. 58. artists. 。 59. is considered. 60. largely
61. second. 62. It. 63. appearing. 。 64. harmful. 65. to.
写作 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
Dear John ,
I am writing to invite you to attend a lecture about Save food and Reduce waste Campaign
with me .
The lecture is to be held in our school hall at 2:30 pm next Thursday. It will be given by our
headmaster , who will tell us the reasons for launching the campaign as well as the ways to stop
wasting food . Besides , he will talk about various activities to be carried out which are aimed at
raising students ' awareness of saving . I think the lecture can help us have a better understanding
of the campaign and form the habit of saving .
I do hope you can join me . Please write back soon and let me know whether you will
come .
Paragraph 1:
One morning, I went out to pick up rubbish. Some people watched me with a strange look
that seemed to say I was crazy. And suddenly, I remembered that old lady who often picked up
rubbish years ago. The interesting thing was that I was acting just like her! As strange as it might
sound, picking up rubbish is kind of fun for me! Gradually, many people realized I was
volunteering to help make our town clean. They praised me and thanked me.
Paragraph 2:
Then I decided to encourage more students to do this in the town. Surprisingly, they agreed
and we set up a volunteer organization. We bought each student a bright orange coat with words
on it: Let’s make our town cleaner! And we took time to not only pick up rubbish but also sort
through it and recycle it. Something amazing happened—the strangers around us helped out too!
I thought to myself: “The old lady made all this happen; she made a big difference in my life.”
阅读理解 A 篇 21-23 CAB B 篇 24-27 ACDC C 篇 28-31 BCBC D 篇 32-35. D C BB
【28 题详解】
推理判断题。根据第二段“If current farming practices don't change, we will need an area of new
land to produce enough food for the planet.”(如果目前的农业模式不改变,我们将需要一个
新的耕地区域去为这个星球生产足够的食物。) 和第三段“Vertical farms, where urban
farmers could grow crops in environmentally friendly skyscrapers, could be the solution.”(城市
场是为了解决这个星球食物不足的问题。故选 B。
【29 题详解】
推理判断题。根据第四段“vertical farming could be free of chemicals and diseases.”(垂直农
场可以免于化学药品和疾病。)可知,垂直农场生产的是有机食品。故选 C。
【30 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第五段“For this reason, vertical farms would need additional light sources,”
外的光源。故选 B。
【31 题详解】
主旨大意题。根据第二段“If current farming practices don't change, we will need an area of new
land to produce enough food for the planet.”(如果目前的农业模式不改变,我们将需要一个
新的耕地区域去为这个星球生产足够的食物。),第三段“Vertical farms, where urban farmers
could grow crops in environmentally friendly skyscrapers, could be the solution.”(城市农民可以
way of growing fresh food is to build urban farms on rooftops.”(另一个种植新鲜食物的方法是
城市农场的 2 条建议。故选 C。
D篇【答案】32-35. D C BB
【解析】【导语】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要介绍的是人们就 ChatGPT 是否应该应用于教
【32】细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The New York City’s Department of Education, for
example, banned the chatbot from its public school devices and networks, with some people
warning that it could encourage more students to cheat, especially in exams.(例如,纽约市教育
作弊,尤其是在考试中)”可知,该一些高等教育机构禁止 ChatGPT,因为学生可能会在考试
中寻求帮助。故选 D项。
【33】推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的“Embracing AI as early as possible is advisable.(建议
尽早拥抱人工智能)”和最后一段中的“Since we cannot avoid ChatGPT and other AI-powered
applications from entering the field of higher education, we should make collective efforts to
ensure they have a positive impact on society and the future of education.(既然我们无法避免
ChatGPT 和其他人工智能应用进入高等教育领域,我们应该共同努力,确保它们对社会和教
育的未来产生积极影响)”可推知,作者支持人工智能在高校教育中的运用。故选 C 项。
【34】细节理解题。根据文章第四段“AI-powered education technologies can be adopted to
make the learning experience more suitable for each student based on his or her strengths and
每个学生)”可知,人工智能能够根据学生个人情况定制学习体验。故选 B 项。
【35】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Since we cannot avoid ChatGPT and other AI-powered
applications from entering the field of higher education, we should make collective efforts to
ensure they have a positive impact on society and the future of education. Despite AI helping
make learning much more interesting and enjoyable, humans need to work very hard to win the
race with technology.(既然我们无法避免 ChatGPT 和其他人工智能应用进入高等教育领域,我
不能避免人工智能进入高校教育,要与时俱进,确保人工智能发挥积极作用。故选 B 项。
完形填空 41-45 ABDCB 46-50 ACDAB 51-55 CBDAB
41. A. 句意:我所看到的给我留下了深刻的印象。 leave a deep impression on sb 意为"给某
人留下 深刻的印象",故选 A 。
42. B. 句意:我会写一篇博客或在笔记本上写日记记下这些事情。Keep a diary 为“写日记”
故选 B 。
43. D. 根据文章倒数第二段最后一句话中提到的 gift 可知,此处指"我把这些善举看作是给
我的美 好的礼物",故选 D 。
44. C. 句意:那些好人好事照亮了我的精神世界,让我感到开心快乐。 puts up "举起;搭建
", keeps
up "保持", lights up "照亮", brings up "培养,抚养,提出 呕吐",故选 C 。
45. B. 句意:在一个寒冷的早上,我目睹了一件让我很感动的事情。根据下文的 my eye 可
知,此 处意为"目睹",故选 B 。
46. A. 句意:不是每天都能在火车站感受到人性的美好的。根据下文讲述的事情可知,我在
火车站 }看到了那位女士的善举,那是人性中美好的一面,故选 A 。
47. C. 火车站里面的人行色匆匆,所以不是每天都能在这里感受到人性的美好的。 For all "
对所有 人来说", At all "(否定句中)根本", After all "毕竟", In all "总共",故选 C 。
48. D. 火车站里,人们行色匆匆,从一个地方匆忙跑到另一个地方,匆忙购买东西,故选 D 。
49. A. 在火车站里面人们不耐烦地等待他们经常延误的交通方式,故选 A 。
50. B. 此处意为"正当我走出大厅去下一站的路上……",故选 B 。
51. C . 根据后面的 I wondered if she ...可知,我很好奇。故选 C 。
52. B. 根据第二段第一句话中的.… brought a tear to my eye 可知,这件事让我很感动,故
选 B 。
53. D. 根据空格前一句话可知,这件善事是匿名做的,所以不是为了得到认可,而是为了帮
助一个 无家可归的人,让他的生活稍微好一点,故选 D 。
54. A. 句意:这件事让我开始思考,即使很小的事情,也能带来改变。 put on "穿上", take on
"承担; 呈现", decide on "选定",故选 A 。
55. B. 句意:我不禁对那些每天发生却被忽视的小善举感到好奇。 unnoticed "被忽视;没有
被注意到". unpunished "未受惩罚", unchallenged "不受挑战的", undeserved "不应得的",故选
B 。
56. Which. 考查关系代词。 设空处引导非限制性定语从句,which 指代前面的 videos, 作介词
of 的 宾语。
57. to produce. 考查非谓语动词。此处动词不定式表目的。
58. artists. 考查可数名词的复数。根据前面的 songs 判断使用复数。
59. is considered. 考查谓语动词的时态和语态。根据上下文的时态,判断用一般现在时,并表被
60. largely. 考查副词。设空处作状语。
61. second. 考查序数词。
62. It. 考查代词。It was said that “据说...”It 作形式主语。
63. appearing. 考查非谓语动词。设空处作后置定语,修饰 videos。
64. harmful. 考查形容词。be harmful to ...“对...有害...”。
65. to. 考查介词。 have access to ....“有使用.....的机会...”。
Dear John ,
I am writing to invite you to attend a lecture about Save food and Reduce waste Campaign
with me .
The lecture is to be held in our school hall at 2:30 pm next Thursday. It will be given by our
headmaster , who will tell us the reasons for launching the campaign as well as the ways to stop
wasting food . Besides , he will talk about various activities to be carried out which are aimed at
raising students ' awareness of saving . I think the lecture can help us have a better understanding
of the campaign and form the habit of saving .
I do hope you can join me . Please write back soon and let me know whether you will
come .
Paragraph 1:
One morning, I went out to pick up rubbish. Some people watched me with a strange look
that seemed to say I was crazy. And suddenly, I remembered that old lady who often picked up
rubbish years ago. The interesting thing was that I was acting just like her! As strange as it might
sound, picking up rubbish is kind of fun for me! Gradually, many people realized I was
volunteering to help make our town clean. They praised me and thanked me.
Paragraph 2:
Then I decided to encourage more students to do this in the town. Surprisingly, they agreed
and we set up a volunteer organization. We bought each student a bright orange coat with words
on it: Let’s make our town cleaner! And we took time to not only pick up rubbish but also sort
through it and recycle it. Something amazing happened—the strangers around us helped out too!
I thought to myself: “The old lady made all this happen; she made a big difference in my life.”
①捡垃圾:pick up rubbish/collect garbage/trash
②建立:set up/found
③决定:decide/determine/make up one’s decision
①表扬:praise/sing high praise for/think highly of
②感谢:thank/express one’ s gratitude/be grateful
【点睛】【高分句型 1】And suddenly, I remembered that old lady who often picked up
rubbish years ago.(使用了 who 引导的定语从句。)
【高分句型 2】The interesting thing was that I was acting just like her!(使用了 that 引导的
Text 1
W: Do you eat breakfast on weekdays
M: No. 1 usually get up at 7:30 a.m., which is only 20 minutes before I leave for the office. But I'll
drink a cup of hot tea in the office.
Text 2
M:Wow, what a beautiful desk! I used to have one just like it. I bought it when I went to high
school. But I gave it away after graduation. W: Really This is a gift made by my father himself.
Text 3
M: I'm going to be an engineer. What are you going to do in the future, Mary
W: When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a doctor. But now I want to be a lawyer.
Text 4
W: How beautiful the rose garden is! Can I pick some roses from here M: I think you'd better not.
You can buy some roses from the flower shop. W: Alright, alright. I'll buy some roses later.
Text 5
W: John, how did your final exam go
M: Oh, Mom. I've been asked this question many times today. I don't want to answer any more.
Text 6
w: ⑥It's your turn to do the housework, honey. I'm going to play table tennis with my
M: ⑥⑦Are you kidding me I cleaned our house last weekend. W: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot it. But
my friends are waiting for me now. M: Alright. I'll do it today. Then it's your turn to clean up next
week. W: Okay, and I will prepare a big meal for you tonight.
Text 7
M: 1⑩We're going to take a health examination tomorrow morning.
W: Okay. Is there anything special I should pay attention to before the health examination M:
Hmm... don't eat spicy food or drink wine today. W: OK. ⑧Can I drink some water now
M: ⑧Of course. But don't drink water after 9:00 p.m. tonight. W: When will we meet tomorrow
M: The health examination starts at 8:00 a.m. I'll pick you up at your house at 6:30 a.m.
W: I think that's too early for me. ⑨⑩Why don't we meet at the hospital gate at 7:30 a.m.
I can go there by bus.
M:10Alright. Please remember not to be late.
Text 8
and feed him when I'm out M: Hi,Emma. ①I'm going on a business trip for a few days. Can you
help me walk my dog
W: Of course I can.
M:Thanks.He is a gentle dog. So don't be afraid of him. I've prepared some food on the table.
Feeding him twice a day is proper. The first time is around 8:00 a.m., and the second time is
around 6:00 p.m.
w: OK. Can I take him to run with me after work in the evenings
can play with his friends. M: Yes. Perhaps you can take him to the Natural Princeton Park.He
likes running there and he
w: No problem. I usually take a walk in that park after work, too. M: Great. Thank you very
much! Text 9
W: Excuse me, sir. ④ I'm a journalist from News Near You. I'm writing a report about reading.
Can you answer me some questions M:Of course. Go ahead.
W: What was the last book you read
M: Hmm... The last book I read was To Live by Yu Hua. This book is one of Yu Hua's
famous books. It's about a man who has suffered a lot, but he still tries to live. Though the story
is full of sadness, it's still encouraging.
W: It sounds like a great book.1⑥How often do you read books Once or twice a week M: Far
from that. I'm busy with work now.⑥I read only once a month. W: Oh, that's sad. It seems that
people don't like reading nowadays.
M: Not exactly. I saw a lot of people reading on the subway or bus on their way to and from work.
And my kids read before going to bed.
W: That's good to hear. But parents should set an example to their kids, right M:Yeah. I couldn't
agree with you more.
15. How does the man feel about the last book he read
A. It's inspiring. B. It's boring. C.It's relaxing.
解析:此题答案为 A.考查考生理解说话者意图、观点和态度的能力。根据男士说的话“The last
book I read was To Live by Yu Hua.”和“Though the story is full of sadness, it's still encouraging.”
可知,男士认为他上次读的那本书非常鼓舞人心。故选 A。
Text 10
W: 1⑧Good evening, everyone. I'm Ashley Dvorkin. Thanks for joining us. In today's
program, our guest is Luke Tipple, a scientist. He said one of the biggest misunderstandings
people have about sharks was that they want to eat us. People actually think that sharks have a
bad intention to eat humans. It's not true. We're not on their menu. We're not even supposed to
be in the water according to the theory of evolution.9The sharks just take a bite to see if those
strange things are food, and those strange things happen to be us. 20If we come face to face with
a shark, it helps to hit it on the nose. Absolutely, 20I've hit many sharks on the nose just to
frighten them away and it does work. Well, the reason why it works is that they have very
sensitive noses.And if you hit them there, it's like a shock to their system.
考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分
2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3.本试卷共 8页,全卷满分 150分考试用时 120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最
佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对
1. What time does the man go to work
A.At 7:30 a.m. B. At 7:50 a.m. C.At 8:00 a.m.
2. How did the man get his desk
A.His father gave it to him. B.He made it himself. C. He bought it.
3. What does the woman want to be
A. A lawyer. B.A doctor. C.An engineer.
4. Where are probably the speakers
A. At the woman's home. B. In a garden. C. In a flower shop.
5. How does the boy probably sound
A. Impatient. B. Sorry. C.Curious.
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、C三
个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;
听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7题。
6. What does the woman want the man to do
A.Clean the house. B. Play table tennis with her. C.Meet her friend.
7. How does the man probably feel at first
A. Understanding. B.Sorry. C.Unhappy.
听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。
8. What can the woman do now
A. Eat spicy food. B. Drink water. C.Drink wine.
9. How will the woman go to the hospital
A.By car. B. On foot. C.By bus.
10. When do the speakers decide to meet tomorrow
A.At 6:30 a.m. B.At 7:30 a.m. C.At 8:00 a.m.
听第 8段材料,回答第 11至 13题。
11.What does the man plan to do for a few days
A. Help the woman walk a dog. B. Visit the woman. C.Go on a business trip.
12.When should the woman feed the dog
A. At around 6:00 a.m. B. At around 8:00 a.m. C.At around 8:00 p.m.
13. What does the woman usually do after work
A. Go for a walk. B.Make dinner. C. Play with her friends.
听第 9段材料,回答第 14 至 17题。
14.What is the woman
A.A writer. B.A reporter. C.A student.
15. How does the man feel about the last book he read
A. It’s inspiring. B. It's boring. C.It's relaxing.
16. How often does the man read books
A. Twice a week. B. Once a week. C. Once a month.
17. When do the man's children read books
A. Before they go to bed. B.When they're on the subway. C.When they're on the bus.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20题。
18.Who is the speaker
A.A scientist. B. A hostess. C.A doctor.
19. Why do sharks bite humans
A. They want to check if humans are food.
B. They want to protect themselves.
C.They are cruel by nature.
20. What can we learn from the talk
A. Sharks have no interest in strange things.
B. The speaker was once attacked by a shark.
C. Hitting a shark on the nose may help to escape.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 37.5分)
Welcome to Child's Play NY activities. It offers children and teens exciting
experiences.There are just 4 of 14 highly unique activities being offered.
Camp Encanto for Ages 4-6
Walk through a magical door and find your own Encanto in this joyous musical camp.Theater
games and improvisation (即兴创作 ) will have us become magic parts of the madrigal house.
Encanto music will stress our playing and we will learn the art of dance and vocal (发声的 )
techniques to bring the songs to life.
Address: Carroll Street, Brooklyn
Scene Study for Wizards Camp forAges 7-11
This scene study camp gets young performers working together in magical ways using
materials and improvisation, Campers will work on some material from Fantastic Beasts,Tangled
and Harry Potter. As they do, they learn character development, and how to make strong and
specific choices.
Address: Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn
Outer Space Explorers for Ages 3-4
3-2-1 take off with us into deep space. Whether you' re exploring the outer space or landing
on the moon like an astronaut, kids will feel like a star in their amazing explorations.We'll tie in
our adventures with space-themed kids' literature.
Address: Columbia Street, Brooklyn
Train Your Dragon for Ages 4-6
Join us on the Isle of Berk for exciting adventures inspired by Cressida Cowell's How to
Train Your Dragon, Norse mythology (北欧神话) and our favorite scenes from the films.Together
with your friends, defend Berk from dragon hunters and find bravery you never knew you had.
Address: Carroll Street, Brooklyn
21. How many activities does Child's Play NY offer
A.2. B.4. C 14. D.20.
22. Which activity is the best choice for children who are fond of music
A. Camp Encanto. B. Scene Study for Wizards Camp.
C. Outer Space Explorers. D. Train Your Dragon.
23. Where can you go if you want to take part in Outer Space Explorers
A. Pierrepont Street. B. Columbia Street.
C. Carroll Street. D. South Oxford Street.
For the past year, Dianne has been walking 2. 7 miles to the marketplace down Highland
Road where she works. She used to do it five times a week since her car broke down last year.
It was tiring and time consuming for her but she didn't have a choice because of her financial
situation. Everything changed when something unexpected happened.
She was walking home from work and she decided to stop at the gas station to grab a snack.
However, before she could set her foot inside, she noticed something out of the ordinary. She
looked down on the ground and found a plastic bag with a large sum of money in it. She was
shocked to see how much money was inside the plastic bag but she wouldn't take it. As a
grandmother of two, she knew exactly what to do.
She did what she knew was right and called the police. It didn't take long for the police
officers to find the owners of the money since there were cards with their address. It turned out
that the money was owned by a couple who got married earlier that day. The cash Dianne found
was a total of $ 14,780 and the police returned it to the couple who owned it.
Dianne's honesty made a great impact on the police officers as well as their families. A police
officer's wife set up a GoFundMe to help Dianne, hoping that a lot of people would be touched by
her kindness. The GoFundMe has raised over $ 60,000.
Dianne received a brand-new Jeep as a reward for her good deed. Dianne said she would like
to pay it forward so she was going to give her coworkers a ride when they needed one.She also has
some advice for everyone: If you find something that doesn't belong to you, don't keep it.
24. How did Dianne go to work a year ago
A.By car. B. On foot. C. By train. D. By bike,
25. Why did Dianne leave her car unrepaired
A. She lacked time. B. She owned a new one.
C.She was short of money.. D. She wanted to work out.
26. What was Dianne's reaction when seeing the amount of the money
A. Frightened. B. Uncomfortable. C. Satisfied. D. Unbelievable.
27. What can we learn from the story
A. Health is better than wealth. B. Care and working hard bring luck.
C. One good turn deserves another. D. People always help those who help themselves.
Skyscrapers(摩天大楼) are the symbol of urban life and city people are used to seeing tall
buildings and apartments. Farms, on the other hand, are associated with rural life. However, there
are experts who think skyscrapers should become farms to meet the increasing food needs.
By the middle of this century, some scientists suggest, almost 80% of the earth’s population
could live in cities. In addition, the population could increase to 9.1 billion people during that time
yet the amount of land available for farming will be the same. If current farming practices don’t
change, we will need an area of new land to produce enough food for the planet.
Vertical farms, where urban farmers could grow crops in environmentally friendly
skyscrapers, could be the solution. In spite of concerns over high costs, experts want to make it a
reality and use these skyscrapers to grow crops.
Vertical farms would have many advantages, supporters say. Unlike traditional farming,
vertical farming could be free of chemicals and diseases. Besides, crops would not suffer from
problems like flooding. Finally, vertical farms would reduce the cost and negative effects of
transporting food over long distances.
Some argue that although crops growing in a tall glass building would get natural sunlight
during the day, it wouldn’t be enough. For this reason, vertical farms would need additional light
sources, such as artificial light.
Another way of growing fresh food is to build urban farms on rooftops. This more practical
approach may be more achievable than the idea of farms in skyscrapers, researchers suggest.
Experts agree that innovative farming practices are needed to support the need for more food at
affordable costs, both to the farmer and to the consumer, but the best ideas could be yet to come.
28.What primary problem could vertical farming settle
A.Poor state of rural life. B. Shortage of food supply.
C. High costs for transporting crops. D. Environmental pollution.
29.What is the advantage of vertical farming
A.It can benefit transport industry. B. It requires little care.
C. It can produce organic food. D. It needs very low cost.
30.What is a big challenge to make vertical farming a reality
A.Farmable land. B. Light sources.
C. Crop diseases. D. Climate conditions.
31.What can be the best title of the text
A.Future Food Needs B. Symbol of Urban Life
C. Farms of the Future D. Farming on Rooftops
ChatGPT, a new chatbot(聊天机器人 ) model developed by US-based AI research laboratory
OpenAI, has quickly become a hit globally due to its advanced conversational capabilities(能力).
It can write emails, computer codes(代码), even academic papers and poems, and has passed
a number of tests within seconds. Academicians(学会会员; 学者)worldwide are discussing whether
AI should be used in education. Some universities have banned it. The New York City’ s
Department of Education, for example, banned the chatbot from its public school devices and
networks, with some people warning that it could encourage more students to cheat, especially in
Many more welcome this app, claiming that, like most technological advances and
groundbreaking innovations in history, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for the development of higher
Embracing AI as early as possible is advisable. Higher education institutions should make
preparations for including AI in their syllabus (教学大纲 ). They can start by offering related
courses, because by understanding how it works, they can make better use of it. Besides, students
with good knowledge of AI are more competitive when it comes to getting a good job, as an
increasing number of jobs are being done by computer programmes ,some in cooperation with
humans, AI-powered education technologies can be adopted to make the learning experience more
suitable for each student based on his or her strengths and weaknesses. As for professors, AI can
free them from doing some dull tasks so they can concentrate on teaching and interacting with
Since we cannot avoid ChatGPT and other AI-powered applications from entering the field of
higher education, we should make collective efforts to ensure they have a positive impact on
society and the future of education Despite AI helping make learning much more interesting and
enjoyable, humans need to work very hard to win the race with technology.
32. Why do some higher education institutions forbid ChatGPT
A. ChatGPT can write emails and computer codes quickly.
B. Some professors might not perform their duties properly.
C. Students would have conversations with each other via it.
D. Students might seek help from it in completing the exams.
33. What is the author’s attitude towards AI applications in education
A. Fearful. B. Disapproving. C. Supportive. D. Uncertain.
34.. How can AI benefit students of higher education
A. It offers students an increasing number of jobs.
B. It personalizes students’ learning experience.
C. It equips students with competitive skills to cooperate with humans.
D. It handles uninteresting tasks so students can better focus on learning.
35. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. We should guard against AI apps.
B. AI will be more widely used in education.
C. The future of education relies on AI apps.
D. Humans will be left behind by technology.
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
A cat whisperer is a person who can talk and communicate with cats. Talking to a cat
means understanding the spoken and unspoken words of a cat. He understands the cat's physical
and verbal communication. ___36___
You can also become a cat whisperer if you learn to understand the body language of your
cat. ___37___ If a cat opens her eyes wide and looks right at you, she is careful and ready to
listen to you. When the eyes are half closed, it may mean she is a sleepy cat or she may want you
to know, "I trust you and everything around me; I'm not in danger.” When the cat stares at you, it
means she wants you to stay away and does not wish to be interrupted. ___38___ cats are
complex animals that are actually clever. Each and every cat is different and the owner will
quickly learn to understand the body language of his/her cat.
__39___ For example, if you are petting your cat and you see her wagging her tail, it
means that she is happy and loves to be petted. But if suddenly you get a bite, it means that she
wants you to stop petting her at once.
Unlike dogs, who are considered humans' good friends, cats are not good at showing their
emotions. ___40___ With a little understanding and patience, you will also become a good cat
A. Take its eyes for example.
B. It is because she is searching for comfort.
C. Therefore, he knows what the cat is trying to say.
D.Cat whisperers are something new to people.
E.You should understand these signs to communicate with your cat.
F. However, cats prove to be humans' good friends just the same.
G. What's more,do consider a cats feelings if you want to be a cat whisperer.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 完形填空 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I have seen many things and many people that can touch me deeply since I was born. What I
have seen has left a deep 41 on me. When I was free, I used to write a blog post or 42
a diary in my notebook. I have made it a rule to do so. I regard that kind of good acts of kindness
as nice 43 given to me, which 44 my mental world and makes me delighted and happy.
On a regular cold Friday morning in an icy train station, I 45 something that brought a
tear to my eye. It's not every day that you get to feel the 46 of humanity in train stations.
47 , it is the place where people 48 from one end to the other, where they quickly buy a
breakfast lunch snack and where they wait with 49 for their often delayed mode of
Right 50 I walked out into the main hall on my way to my next connection, I saw a
young woman leave something next to a sleeping homeless man. I was 51 and I wondered if
she had put some money there. Instead, I saw a sandwich between the bench he was sleeping on
and his blanket. What made this moment so 52 to me was that it was done anonymously(匿
名地), and that it was not about 53 , but to help a homeless person and make his life just a
little more bearable.
This made me 54 how it really is the smallest thing that can make a difference. I can't
help but wonder about all the other little acts of kindness that happen every day and go 55 .
And what a gift it is when you get to witness them.
41. A. impression B. regret C. hardship D. suffering
42. A. say B. keep C. read D. make
43. A. life B. belief C. idea D. presents
44. A. puts up B. keeps up C. lights up D. brings up
45. A. heard B. witnessed C. told D. shared
46. A. best B. worst C. confidence D. honesty
47. A. For all B. At all C. After all D. In all
48. A. lean B. swing C. jump D. rush
49. A. impatience B. carelessness C. convenience D. direction
50. A. because B. as C. while D. since
5l. A. shy B. worried C. curious D. scared
52. A. clear B. touching C. deep D. disappointing
53. A. support B. price C. pity D. recognition
54. A. reflect on B. put on C. take on D. decide on
55. A. unpunished B. unnoticed C. unchallenged D. undeserved
第二节 语法填空 (共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The popularity of Chinese video-sharing social networking service TikTok continues to grow
among young people in the United States, especially teens and young adults.
The service lets users create and share short videos, many of 56 are within 15 seconds.
The TikTok app offers a wide choice of sounds, brief parts of songs and special effects tools 57
(produce) a video. Videos often include popular songs from famous 58 (artist) and TikTok has
even helped begin the careers of new music stars.
TikTok 59 (consider) a competitor to video-sharing app Snapchat, as well as
Facebook's Instagram service. Snapchat and Instagram also mainly interest young users with
photos and videos centered 60 (large) on fashion, pop culture and humor.
Last year, TikTok was the 61 (two) most downloaded app from Apple and Google
stores. Only WhatsApp was downloaded more. 62 was said that people have downloaded
the TikTok app 1.65billion times.
While TikTok has continued to grow, some experts and parents have expressed concerns
about videos 63 (appear) on TikTok that might be 64 (harm) to young users. For this
reason, they urge parents to monitor what their children watch on TikTok and suggest that only
those over 16 should have access 65 the service.
第四部分 写作(满分 40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分 15分)
假定你是李华,你校近期将举行一场关于“节约粮食,减少浪费(Save Food and Reduce Waste
Campaign)”的讲座。请给你校美国交换生 John写一封邮件,邀请他一同前往。内容包括:
注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 字左右;
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear John,
Li Hua
第二节(满分 25分)
When I was eleven years old, I moved to Tampa, Florida. My parents traveled for a living, so
Aunt Emily took care of me while they were away. One rainy morning, there was an old lady who
was dressed in a bright orange coat carrying a rubbish bag and a stick. “What’s that old lady
doing ” I asked Emily, pointing out the window to the street in front of the house.
Hearing my question, Emily answered, “She’s picking up rubbish around here for fun.” “Oh,”
I answered. “Interesting… Why would someone think picking up rubbish was fun ” For a long
time, often saw that old lady—rain or shine—on my way to school. In the beginning, I thought she
was crazy to pick up rubbish. However, I finally smiled and waved at her each time I saw her.
Later, when I moved to college, I’d see rubbish in the grass and feel really angry about it. I’d
think, “Why isn’t anyone picking up rubbish People are so unconcerned!” But shortly after that, I
said to myself, “Why do I think picking up rubbish is someone else’s duty ” And I couldn’t walk
past trash without feeling guilty (内疚的).
So while walking in the college, I began picking up rubbish and made sure the campus was in
better shape than I previously found it. My behavior influenced some students. They started to
help out.
Like me, they also picked up rubbish whenever they noticed it. And our college became more
beautiful. Seeing it, I began to think, “If I could pick up rubbish outside the college—in other
places of the town, it may make a big difference to the town.”
But picking up rubbish in front of many people outside the college needs courage. It could be
embarrassing. But it was the right thing to do. I decided to try it.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
One morning, I went out to pick up rubbish.
Paragraph 2:
Then I decided to encourage more students to do this in the town.



