
课时作业(八) 单元复习测试题 Unit 2
1.He wrote the t________ on the blackboard, then copied out the text, sentence by sentence.
2.We do not need to envy any other person, for our existence is u________.
3.We're not Americans, a________. We're Canadians.
4.Does this restaurant have a smoking s________?
5.I i________ to visit him, but I was afraid I would disturb him.
6.The math examination was ________ (相当) difficult; to our joy, a number of students passed it.
7.We are doing our best with the limited ________ (资源) available.
8.Some TV programs have a ________ (负面的) effect on children because they contain too much violence.
9.It is very helpful to receive ________ (评论) from the public.
1.I must spend the weekend ________ (go) over the rest of the lessons.
2.Hearing what the teacher said, I reflected ________ how to go.
3.She cried when she spoke ________ Oliver.
4.If you have trouble in ________ (remember) phone numbers, it can be really helpful to try this.
5.Though I was told to perform ________ (calm) before the interview, his questions made me feel nervous.
6.The annoying thing about the plan is that it is very ________ (confuse).
7.His driver forgot to remind him of ________ (get) off at that stop.
8.This toy will help children with their ________ (create).
9.At our meeting we heard two ________ (oppose) opinions.
10.________ (alarm) by the noise, the birds flew away.
look out of, wind up, become aware of, come across, be likely to, burn down, speaking of, according to
1.I ____________ a group of children playing.
2.More than one house was ____________ in the fire.
3.The President is about to ____________ his visit to China.
4.____________ Harry, have you seen him recently
5.I suppose you could ____________ the window and see lots of scenery.
6.Unemployment ____________ go on rising this year.
7.____________ the expert, the vase has a history dating from the early Tang Dynasty.
8.We ____________ danger approaching us.
A notice was put up in order to ________________________________________ the changed lecture time.
He gave her a good beating. __________________________________________ she was crying sadly.
____________________, he has decided to go to the countryside to visit his grandmother.
Lincoln ____________________ one of the greatest presidents in America.
Not only ____________________ how to read and write,but also how to be a real man.
Access to any and all types of videos is obviously a great way to improve your listening. Downloading movies and English teachers' videos are both excellent. But how about using this resource in different ways How about going onto video websites and watching some old music videos with the lyrics (歌词) coming up on the screen Or TED Talks! This is a very interesting and novel resource for talks. Watching these videos gives you not only excellent access to English, but also a lot of new ideas! If you enjoy the diary style video, then make use of this medium because it will give you access and training to listen to more natural speech. But, beware of bad language!
There are many more ways you can get creative with the resources available to you online. You don't have to search websites for English specific content to stay on top of your learning. All you need to do is be proactive (主动的) and creative. If you visit a website and they ask if you want to be on their mailing list (in English), why not say yes When a newsletter does pop into your inbox, there is no harm in reading it for a bit of practice!
For some more unusual ideas for learning English, not Internet related, read our blog here. If you would like to book a course with us and find out more about how to supplement (补充) your learning outside the classroom from one of our experienced and qualified teachers, contact us at any time.
1.What's special of TED Talks
A.Movies. B.Novels.
C.New ideas. D.English songs.
2.Why does the writer recommend diary style videos
A.The language is more natural.
B.They are short of bad language.
C.They are more interesting.
D.The language is more modern.
3.How can you get newsletters from certain websites
A.Tell them your email address.
B.Take a positive attitude to it.
C.Say yes to all the questions.
D.Search for specific information.
4.Which part does the passage belong to
A.Campus culture. B.School life.
C.Entertainment. D.Language learning.
The English language has many borrowed words, which come from everywhere. Before 1066, the people living in the British Isles didn't need borrowed words. They spoke a German language called Old English. In 1066, France conquered Britain. The language of the nobles became French. The common people, however, still spoke Old English. Because of this,__a double vocabulary developed in English. For example, everyone likes pork. The nobles called it by the French word, porc, while the common people called it swine. Both words exist in modern English, although pork is more common. Over time, more words from other European countries went into English.
Here is a brief summary of where many borrowed words in English come from: Latin—29%, French—29%, Greek—6%, other languages—6%, and proper names—4%. That leaves only 26% of English words that are actually English! There is very little that is original about English. Since its words come from so many languages, many may have come from yours.
When English borrowed words, it kept the original spellings from the original languages. All languages borrow words, but many change the rules to fit their phonetics (发音学). For example, photograph is a Greek word. Ph has the sound /f/ in Greek. English has kept the ph, but Spanish has changed it to f as in fotografia. This is why English spelling is so difficult and often does not make sense, even for native English speakers. Click here to know more examples of borrowed words in English.
5.What can we know about Old English
A.It was the same as the modern German.
B.It came into being in the year of 1066.
C.It's spoken by the ruling class after 1066.
D.It's begun to borrow words since 1066.
6.What does the underlined word “this” refer to
A.Two different languages were spoken.
B.Britain conquered France in 1066.
C.Old English was replaced by French.
D.Old English is still common now.
7.What's Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The make up of English vocabulary.
B.The history of English language.
C.The usage of borrowed words.
D.The spelling of borrowed words.
8.Where is the passage most likely come from
A.An English book.
B.The Internet.
C.A magazine on history.
D.A science report.课时作业(二) Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Using language
1.I've heard that you are a talented young woman, and I have found you charming and i________ (聪明的) as well.
2.To get the most out of reading these plays, try to picture the play on s________ (舞台), with you, the reader, in the audience.
3.You can be the one who directs the conversation to fun t________ (话题) that are ripe for others to add humor.
4.If you take the trouble to s________ (安排) a visit, you can be more or less guaranteed of a response.
5.The musician along with his b________ (乐队) members has given ten performances in the last three months.
6.Unlike traditional gyms, app backed g________ (健身房) offer people flexible options to exercise.
7.Being very interested in your English drama club when I saw your p________ (海报), I would like to join the big family.
8.I am so glad to have the chance to join the d________ (讨论). Now I want to say something about garbage classification.
9.I'm more than glad to have been invited to attend the p________ (钢琴) concert with you.
10.When he heard these words, my father felt his i________ (内心的) doubts melt away.
look after, play a part in, argue about, come along, care about, such as, twice a month, take part in1.For 10 years she ____________ her three children with her career very much on the back burner.
2.He and his sister always ____________ politics.
3.I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have ____________ with you to this place.
4.He goes backwards and forwards between Dalian and Shanghai ____________.
5.His toes are hurt and he is unable to ____________ today's basketball game.
6.He bought a lot of fruit ____________ apples and peaches.
7.The famous writer neither worried nor ____________ public opinion.
8.The agriculture during the 19th century ____________ the early industrialization of the United States.
1.The street was crowded with reporters, ________ (photograph), cameras and microphones.
2.It's ________ (argue) whether the plan is actually worthwhile.
3.The pencil case contains pencils, a pencil ________ (sharp) and an eraser.
4.A workman must ________ (sharp) his tools if he is to do his work well.
5.I believe that the science of artificial ________ (intelligent) is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step.
6.Reading books is learning; ________ (apply) is also learning and the more important form of learning.
7.It's not right to make a decision without ________ (investigate) and study.
8.With the development of industry, people's material wealth and lifestyle changed ________ (drama) .
9.In the UK and US, senior high school students take part in ________ (vary) after school activities.
10.In the mid 1990s,Tom Bissell taught English as ________ volunteer in Uzbekistan.
1.James is an exchange student.
2.You should register before Friday.
3.The traffic light is flashing.
4.His words gave me more confidence.
5.I found her an outgoing and kind girl.
6.The boy was reading a story in a loud voice.
7.The designer designed a beautiful dress.
8.They argued fiercely.
9.The new student looks anxious and frightened.
10.Planting trees is important especially in mountainous areas.
Although toys' packaging says it's educational, it doesn't make it so. That's the finding from a new study in JAMA Pediatrics that found some toys being marketed as language promoters got in the way of learning.
Research shows that for kids to understand, speak and eventually read or write a language, they need to hear it—lots of it. And it's never too early for parents and caregivers to get talking. That explains the fast industry in talking electronic toys that claim to help kids learn language.
“We had a talking on farm animal names and things,” Professor Anna Sosa says of the electronic toys. “We had a baby cell phone. And we had a baby laptop. So you open the cover and start pushing buttons, and it tells you things. The parent child couples were asked to play separately with each type of toy over the course of three days.”
“When there's something else that's doing some talking, the parents seem to be sitting on the sidelines and letting the toy talk for them and respond for them,” Sosa says. “That's bad because the best way a toy can promote language in babies and kids is by exciting interaction between parent and child. There's simply no evidence that a young child can learn language directly from a toy. It isn't responsive enough. It isn't social.”
As for the other toys, traditional blocks and puzzles stimulated more conversation than the electronic toys, and books outscored them all. But don't underestimate the humble block. “While traditional toys fell short of books in interaction quantity,” Sosa notes, “they kept pace in terms of quality.”
1.What is the finding of the research led by Professor Anna Sosa
A.The toy industry is facing new challenges in marketing.
B.Kids should be taught to learn with toys as early as possible.
C.People might be misled by the statements of some toy makers.
D.Parents need to be cautious when choosing toys for their kids.
2.According to the passage, why are talking electronic toys so popular
A.Because they represent the latest creations.
B.Because they arouse the interest in learning.
C.Because they are used as an educational tool.
D.Because they are easy for the kids to control.
3.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph
A.It is necessary for the parents to share their experiences of reading with their kids.
B. It is necessary for the parents to spare more time to stay with their kids at home.
C.It is necessary for the parents to encourage their kids to attend social activities.
D.It is necessary for the parents to get involved in the conversations with their kids.
4.What is the author's attitude to electronic toys as language promoters
A.Critical. B.Doubtful.
C.Supportive. D.Objective.
How to Be a Good Listener in Class
Being a good student means being a good listener. Whether you're a young student or entering college, it's important to learn to pay attention in class and take good notes, which will help you succeed.__1__.
Be prepared for class
When it's time to go to class, make sure you've got everything that you need ready to go, so you won't have to miss anything because you're struggling to catch up.__2__. In general, you want to make sure you have, for each class: notebooks, pencils already sharpened or pens that work well, books needed for class.
Look at the teacher
__3__.When your teacher is talking, your eyes should be to the front. Don't look out the window, or at the kids next to you, or at the phone you're trying to hide under your desk. Look at your teacher and what is being presented.
Concentrate on understanding the broad concepts, and don't try to catch every single word. Listen for key words and concepts that your teacher mentions, and pay attention to what's written on the board. Anything that the teacher takes the time to write down on the board is extremely important. Also, anything that is repeated several times is very important.
Take good notes
Have a different notebook for each class, and have some pencils or pens ready to go when you want to take notes.__5__. It's not necessary to have a total record of everything your teacher says. As long as you try to keep up and write down important ideas, taking notes is a good way of paying attention in class.
A.Listen to important ideas
B.Remember what you hear
C.Only write down key words
D.Good listening starts with good watching
E.Have good note taking materials ready to go while in class
F.Learn to listen well and set yourself up for success by staying focused
G.You'll miss part of a lecture if you're trying to finish your homework before class starts课时作业(二十) 单元复习测试题 Unit 5
1.The house ________ (destroy) in the fire can't be repaired.
2.I'm ________ (determine) to succeed.
3.It's ________ (amaze) how quickly people adapt.
4.The level of pollution in the river ________ (measure) every day.
5.His only chance of ________ (survive) was a heart transplant.
6.They have to come up with a ________ (solve) to the problem.
7.Hers was the first company ________ (found) by a woman to reach the Fortune 500.
8.We can buy many kinds of ice creams in the ________ (freeze) food section in supermarkets.
9.There's been a drop in ticket sales in ________ (react) to the review.
10.We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to ________ (recover).
lose track of, turn up, cut down, lead to, from time to time, concentrate on, recover from, up to, fall off, after all
1.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; ____________, he is over seventy.
2.Young children can't ____________ one activity for a very long time.
3.He promised to come, but so far he has not ____________.
4.You won't ____________ the stepladder; I'll hold it for you.
5.In the past ten years, a lot of trees have been ____________ in the mountain.
6.Smoking too much will ____________ lung cancer.
7.I can't agree more. We need to get away from work ____________.
8.She returned to her hometown to ____________ an illness.
9.We could go now or later—it's ____________ you.
10.Tom's work was so interesting that he ____________ the time.
1.I see what you mean, but ________________ (如果你设法做成它),everything will change.
2.The government will ____________________
3.This suggestion will certainly ______________________ (导致争论).
4.Just ________________ (确信你关好门).
5.Sugar can be absorbed by the body in ________________ (各种各样的形式).
6.I am ________________ (专注于我的工作), that's my strength.
7.The high speed train can travel ______________________ (以每小时四百多千米的速度).
8.His face goes white, and he just __________________________ (盯着自己的脚).
9.So don't hurry. ________________ (毕竟), he can't run away.
10.________________ (稍等),and we're not ready to leave yet! 语言能力训练
You can find house sparrows (麻雀) in most places where there are houses (or other buildings), and in few places where there aren't. They have a short history in North America. Here are some facts about house sparrows.
The house sparrow was introduced into Brooklyn, New York, in 1851. By 1900 it had spread to the Rocky Mountains. Two more introductions in the early 1870s, in San Francisco and Salt Lake City, aided the bird's spread throughout the West. House sparrows are now common across all of North America except Alaska and far northern Canada.
The house sparrow takes frequent dust baths. It throws soil and dust over its body feathers, just as if it were bathing with water. In doing so, a sparrow may make a small depression (凹陷) in the ground, and sometimes defends this spot against other sparrows.
The house sparrow prefers to nest in man made structures such as lower edges of their roofs or walls of buildings, street lights, and nest boxes instead of in natural nest sites such as holes in trees.
House sparrows are social birds and they have a pecking (啄食) order much the way chickens in a farmyard do. You can find out the standings by paying attention to the black throats of the males. Males with larger patches of black tend to be older and dominant__over males with less black. By wearing this information on their feathers, sparrows can avoid some fights and thereby save energy.
1.What can we know about house sparrows
A.They are native to New York.
B.They are a new species of birds.
C.They are foreign to North America.
D.They are seen in all parts of the world.
2.In which place are you least likely to see house sparrows
A.New York. B.Alaska.
C.San Francisco. D.Canada.
3.Which can replace the underlined words “dominant over”
A.surprised at B.curious about
C.popular with D.superior to
Each year,people buy millions of aquarium (水族箱) fish. But somehow most of the fish died within weeks or even within hours after you had bought them. For sure, fish are weak creatures compared to us. It does not mean they died for no reason at all.
Since fish have no body heat, they are sensitive to sudden changes of water temperature. Water PH and water hardness can also affect them if there is a sudden change. Most of the quick deaths of fish are due to shock.
Tap water is not a perfect choice for aquarium fish because of the chlorine (氯) in the tap water, which can kill the fish. So the best way is to just put the tap water in the sun for a few days.
Fish need oxygen in the water. They will die if the oxygen in the aquarium runs out. Several things can cause it to happen. The aquarium is too small, that is, less water means less oxygen. The aquarium is too crowded, for the more fish you have, the more oxygen they need. The temperature is too high, because the higher the water temperature, the less dissolved oxygen.
Overfeeding the fish can cause a digestive (消化的) problem and kill the fish directly. More food than it is needed can also cause water pollution and create more harmful waste which will kill the fish too. Feed the fish only once a day, with no more food than they can eat in less than a minute. In this case, less is better.
4.What's the function of paragraph one
A.Raising a question.
B.Putting forward an argument.
C.Posing a problem.
D.Listing the causes of the problem.
5.Why are fish sensitive to sudden changes of water temperature
A.They are warm blooded.
B.They have no body heat.
C.They live in the water.
D.They are very weak.
6.What's the purpose of putting tap water in the sun
A.To let out the chlorine.
B.To warm the water.
C.To kill the viruses.
D.To make the water clear.
7.How is the passage mainly developed
A.Problem solution pattern.
B.Question answer pattern.
C.Doubt explanation pattern.
D.View argument pattern.
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
答案课时作业(二十二) Unit 6 Section Ⅱ Using language
1.How much time and money would it cost to r________ (更换)the content of that little wallet eventually
2.The s________ (结构)of our schools is now broadly in line with the major countries of the world.
3.Their information came from an o________ (天文台) in New South Wales, Australia.
4.Because the town sits in a v________ (山谷),air pollution is not easily dispersed for its position.
5.They provided a viewing p________ (高台)to watch the view of the mountain.
6.The first disadvantage is that the c________ (消费者)can't see the goods or try them on personally.
7.After I found the solution, I've taught myself how to ride a c________ (骆驼).
8.They lost their way in the mystery d________ (沙漠) and no one survived.
9.I shall get myself a little boat and s________ (航行) it around the world to seek my happiness.
10.British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the t________ (隧道),measuring its safety.
note down, be located in, separate... from, pass through, check out, work out, divide... into
1.The amazing gate is wide enough for six trucks ____________.
2.The university ____________ the eastern suburbs of the city.
3.I ____________ my friends when we were in the crowds.
4.I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just ____________.
5.Let me ____________ your address and telephone number.
6.This examination ____________ two parts and covers the following subjects.
7.Have you both sat down and determined to ________ a budget together
1.We have replaced the old computer ________ a notebook.
2.This corner would make a good ________ (locate) for a gas station.
3.This is a new film ________ (direct) by the famous director.
4.The most important factor that separates ordinary photographs ________ good photographs is the lighting.
5.The deep snow and severe frost made it impossible for his horse ________ (carry) him any farther.
6.If you want to stay at a hotel, you have to check ________.
7.About half of those funds have gone to repair public roads, ________ (structure) and bridges.
8.They ________ (sail) across the Baltic and North Seas with only a compass to guide them.
9.It is known to us that Guangzhou is located ________ the south of China.
10.We set out on this voyage of ________ (explore) with an open mind.
11.The man ________ whom this house belongs is a friend of Wang Lin's.
12.I don't have enough money ________ which I can buy such an expensive dress.
13.I felt angry about the way ________ I was treated when I was shopping.
14.Scientists think calculation is a necessary skill ________ which they base their researches.
15.The reason ________ I was late for school was that my bike broke down halfway.
16.The great pianist performed in the centre of the stage, at ________ command the keys were producing wonderful tunes (曲调).
Tyler Kellogg drove more than 3,000 miles last year. His goal is to help as many people as he can.
Tyler Kellogg calls himself a long time do gooder, and last summer he really did a lot of good. After collecting together $2,000 and using his car as a sleeping space, the 21 year old college student hit the road. His goal was to do random acts of kindness for 100 strangers.
He drove 1, 600 miles, from his parents' house in Adams Center, New York, to the Florida Keys, then back again. “The first person I helped was a person fixing a boat lift on a lake in Oneida, New York,” Kellogg remembers. “I was shaking when I asked if he needed a hand. What if he thought I was crazy When he said,‘Can you help me get this lift into the water?’ I knew everything was going to be fine.”
He helped a policeman fix a downed barricade (路障) in Washington, D.C., and spread many yards of mulch (护盖物) in Maryland and North Carolina. And somewhere outside Atlanta, he met a man who was crying because his wife had recently died and he had no one to talk to.“For three hours we sat in his garden,”Kellogg says.“When I left, he said, ‘Thank you. I realize now that my life will go on.’”
In 55 days, Kellogg helped 115 strangers and made an exciting discovery.“You don't have to have much money,” he says.“You just have to ask people,‘How can I help?’”
1.What is the purpose of Tyler Kellogg driving so many miles
A.To practice his driving.
B.To have a good trip.
C.To do good things.
D.To visit his friends.
2.What does the underlined word “random” in the 2nd paragraph probably mean
A.Without determination.
C.Without any plan or aim.
3.How did he feel when he tried to help the first person
A.A little afraid. B.Confident.
C.Surprised. D.Worried.
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.A Student's Exciting Discovery
B.College Students' Life
C.100 Strangers' Dreams
D.The Best Road Trip
题号 1 2 3 4
Sylvia is a woman with big scars (伤痕) on her body.The incident happened during a childhood game of hide and seek with her sister. Due to frequent power cuts (停电), her mum used to __1__ pots of water and put them on the bathroom floor. Her mother had told her not to enter the bathroom,but Sylvia __2__ in the bathroom. When her sister pushed the __3__,she fell backwards into the __4__ water.
With scars over her body, a life of hiding from __5__ followed until the __6__ point came in July last year. Sylvia was on holiday with her mother when she __7__ a man's camera phone following her. Then she was __8__ by the effect the experience had on her mother—she could see Mum staring at her scars, looking __9__. Seeing this, Sylvia __10__ to pose to make her mum __11__.
Sylvia felt like she had __12__ her family's lives and thoughts. She realized it was time to __13__ not just to make a change herself, but to help others with disfigurements (缺陷).
Sylvia pointed out,“Every person is __14__. We should accept our bodies the way they look.”She also organized a swimwear show featuring models with different disfigurements and wanted people to see what it truly __15__ to be inclusive (包容性强的).,
1.A.drink B.boil
C.take D.store
2.A.washed B.remained
C.hid D.jumped
3.A.barrier B.curtain
C.window D.door
4.A.cold B.warm
C.hot D.clean
5.A.attention B.attraction
C.discussion D.relation
6.A.showing B.turning
C.breaking D.meeting
7.A.stopped B.spotted
C.allowed D.prevented
8.A.silenced B.disappointed
C.touched D.annoyed
9.A.quiet B.beautiful
C.angry D.sad
10.A.happened B.started
C.pretended D.agreed
11.A.return B.move
C.smile D.improve
12.A.rebuilt B.destroyed
C.ended D.saved
13.A.think B.learn
C.decide D.change
14.A.unique B.uneasy
C.hopeful D.equal
15.A.benefits B.requires
C.means D.matters
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(二十三)
Unit 6 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.If you could finish the novel by January, they might p________ (出版) it sooner.
2.You'll also get e________ (专家的) advice on keeping your hair in good condition.
3.I could see the b________ (树枝) of the trees moving back and forth.
4.The floor is burning. Can we keep staying on the r________ (屋顶)
5.We can't promise to publish your advertisement as space is l ________ (有限的).
6.By summer's end, kids will have a s________ (向日葵) house to play in.
7.They refused to r________ (租借) an apartment to an unmarried couple.
8.I hope what I have written will be of b________ (益处) to someone else who may feel the same way.
9.He was saving his e________ (精力) for next week's race in Belgium.
10.Several of the delays were caused by the new high tech baggage s________ (系统).
for the benefit of, reflect on, at the end, as well as, be good for, at that time, be popular with, soon after, in doubt, at the beginning
1.They visited some factories, hospitals ____________ the school.
2.The healthful air at the seaside ____________ you.
3.And ____________, I didn't quite understand what all this was about.
4.We have brought down prices of medicines ____________ the people.
5.A good movie can make us ____________ human values.
6.The play gripped the audience ____________ it started.
7.If you are ____________, you may ask our teacher.
8.That's why he ____________ his students and colleagues.
9.____________, the problem of whether we should take part in the Olympic Games or not arose.
10.I was absolutely exhausted ____________ of the match.
1.The report ________ (publish) in a Sunday newspaper later that week.
2.Leave a wide space between the rows when planting ________ (sunflower).
3.Any farmer or ________ (garden) knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season.
4.I hope to become an expert ________ this field.
5.The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural ________ (beautiful).
6.We are doing our best with the ________ (limit) resources available.
7.Do you have a three bedroom apartment ________ rent
8.There is still room for ________ (improve) in your work.
9.Using computers has a ________ (benefit) effect on children's learning.
10.I hope in years to come he will reflect ________ his decision.
“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” 1.________ (come) from the book The Secret Garden. At that time, only the very rich in Britain 2.________ (have) gardens. Very soon after this, homes with gardens began 3.________ (build). Today, many Brits are proud of having “green fingers”.
Many Brits like nothing 4.________ (good) than spending their Sunday 5.________ (cut) the grass, 6.________ some are happy just to sit under the branches of the trees and enjoy the 7.________ (beautiful) of the world around them.
8.________, many have no space to grow their plants, so they have to rent small pieces of land outside because they only have limited land. One recent idea has been to turn rooftops and walls into private 9.________ (garden). These gardens have helped make the cities greener and improve air quality.
As well as being good for the environment, gardening is also good for the soul, which allows people to be at one 10.________ nature and create more beautiful living things.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
New research suggests that human beings may have been partly responsible for the disappearance of cave bears thousands of years ago, when the plant loving animals lived. Some experts believed that the cooling climate during the Earth's Ice Age was to blame for their extinction.
Scientists reported last week they had studied genetic data from 59 cave bears. Their bones were recovered from seven countries: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. From the genetic information, the scientists noted a decrease in the cave bear population beginning about 50,000 years ago. That is around the time of the arrival of Homo sapiens, or modern humans, in Eastern Europe. The researchers said they observed a sharp drop in the bears' numbers about 40,000 years ago. That coincides with the spread of Homo sapiens throughout Europe.
The animals disappeared about 20,000 years ago. The cave bear lived in the Ice Age at the same time as other now extinct creatures. The bear was as big as a modern polar bear, but ate only plants. It appears often in prehistoric cave paintings.
There has been a scientific debate about what led to the extinction of the cave bear. Some scientists believe that the climate change greatly reduced the plants they needed, while others have blamed human activities, including hunting and taking over the caves where the bears gave birth and slept during winter. The bear's population remained largely unchanged for long periods before climate cooling, including during two noticeably cold periods and other cooling events.
Homo sapiens appeared in Africa more than 300,000 years ago and later moved to other areas. The study offered new evidence that the arrival of Homo sapiens led to ruin for many kinds of animals across Eurasia, the Americas and Australia.
1.How did scientists research on cave bears
A.By studying the bones found in some countries.
B.By observing the paintings on the cave walls.
C.By being told from generation to generation.
D.By making research on the polar bears.
2.When did the cave bear die out
A.About 50,000 years ago.
B.About 40,000 years ago.
C.About 20,000 years ago.
D.More than 300,000 years ago.
3.What can we learn according to the fourth paragraph
A.Sudden change of climate made cave bears die out.
B.Cave bears couldn't adapt to cold environment as quickly as possible.
C.The loss of cave bears' habitats caused damage to their existence.
D.Cold periods were very common thousands of years ago.
4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A.Humans Perhaps Partly to Blame for Cave Bears' Disappearance
B.Homo Sapiens Hunting Kinds of Animals across Eurasia
C.A Debate over Why Cave Bears Suddenly Disappeared
D.Scientists Studied Bones Discovered in Seven Countries
Dogs have complex emotions such as jealousy (嫉妒)and pride, according to a scientific research that throws new light on their relations with humans.
Animal psychologists previously believed most animals lacked the “sense of self”, which is needed to experience secondary emotions such as jealousy, embarrassment or guilt. These emotions are more complex than instant reactions such as anger or joy.
Professor Friederike Range, from the University of Vienna, has shown that dogs are jealous when they feel unfairly treated compared with other dogs. “Dogs show a strong reaction to inequity (不公平),” she said.“If one dog gets something, you'd better believe another will demand something as well.”
But, her study points out that it doesn't matter if one gets a better treat and only that the distribution is fair.
The dog study is the latest into several species, including cows, horses, cats and sheep, which have shown that animals are far more self aware than they were thought.
Paul Morris, a psychologist at the University of Portsmouth who studies animal emotions, told The Sunday Times, “We are learning that dogs and horses are far more emotionally complex than we ever realized. They can suffer simple forms of many feelings we once thought only primates (灵长类) could experience.”
In research among dog owners, Morris found almost all of them reported jealous behavior by their pets. The dog often tried to get their owner away from a new lover in the early days of a relationship.
Behavior experts suggest owners keep their dogs away as much as possible from a new partner or child. This helps to prevent jealous activity of the dog such as interruptions with barking or whining (哀号).
5.What's the best title for this passage
A.Animals Have Complex Feelings
B.A New Research
C.How to Prevent Jealous Activity from a Dog
D.Dogs Can Be Jealous
6.What can we learn from the second paragraph
A.Only advanced animals have complex feelings.
B.Most animals lack the sense of self.
C.Experts used to believe that most animals lack complex emotions.
D.The best way to prevent jealousy is to treat all the animals fairly.
7.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true
A.The owner of the dog can do what he likes without considering the feeling of dogs.
B.We have already realized that animals are self aware.
C.Dogs will get jealous if they find they are treated unfairly.
D.The best way to prevent dogs' jealous activity is to give whatever they like to eat.
8.What does the underlined word “complex” in the second paragraph mean
A.Complicated. B.Difficult.
C.Easy. D.Positive.
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
答案课时作业(二十四) 单元复习测试题 Unit 6
1.The drought killed our c________ (庄稼),and there wasn't enough grass for the cattle.
2.How many d________ (朝代)are there in China's history
3.It is/has been 3 years since I p________ (出版)my first book.
4.The company r________ (租用)the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.
5.Bad weather p________ (阻挡,防止) me from starting.
6.The events are w________ (包裹)in mystery.
7.I guess there are much fewer people in the Arctic r________ (地区)than here.
8.His extensive experience in other parts of Asia helped him to overcome cultural b________ (障碍).
9.All the m________ (材料)have been prepared.
10.The test can be run on various p________ (平台) and environments.
1.过去30年我的家乡发生了很大变化。(take place)
2.学生们很重视这次考试的成绩。(attach significance to)
3.要过上幸福的生活,我们应该与自然和谐相处。(in harmony with)
6.在他的讲话中,他提到了最近的加拿大之行。(refer to)
________________________________________________________________________trip to Canada.
7.学生们的兴趣大多限于学术领域。(be limited to)
Earthquakes are a form of 1.________ (nature) disaster. They are so powerful 2.________ they can cause tall buildings to crash to the ground in just a few seconds. In fact, most of the 3.________ (death) in an earthquake are caused by 4.________ (fall) houses. New research data from earthquake zones is helping architects to design 5.________ (safe) buildings that will not 6.________ (destroy) during an earthquake.
Instead of being fixed in place like most ordinary 7.________ (building), the new buildings 8.________ they have designed can move. Other researchers have 9.________ (design) a small round house that will not fall down when there is 10.________ quake. Because the houses are round, they can survive strong winds and floods and are good shelters during a disaster.
The art of conversation takes practice, but it's not as hard as you might think. __1__
Be around confident people. Being around confident people makes you feel good. The other person's enthusiasm makes all the conversation participants feel confident and comfortable.
__2__ If it's someone who you work with or go to school with, look at the department website, or see if the person is on any special networks before talking to him for the first time. The information you get can be a good starting point for conversations.
Ask questions. What do they like to do What sort of things have they done in their lives What is happening to them now What did they do yesterday or last weekend __3__ However, try to space out your questions or they'll feel like you are interrogating (审问) them, which is very bad and closes off friendships.
Listen. __4__ Make movements to indicate that you are still listening. If you listen well, the other person's statements will suggest questions for you to ask. Allow the other person to do most of the talking. They will often not realize that it was they who did most of the talking, and you get credit for being a good conversationalist.
Know when to end the conversation. Even the best conversations will eventually run out of steam or be ended by interruption. Smile if you are leaving, tell them it was nice to talk to them, and say goodbye. __5__
A.Listen carefully to what is being said.
B.Ending on a positive note will leave a good impression.
C.Ask as many questions as you can think of, including their age, income and marriage.
D.With some patience and these steps, you can learn to relax and enjoy a great conversation.
E.Find out about the person you will be talking to before you actually talk to him, if you can.
F.Take a special course on making conversations so that you can communicate with others better.
G.Identify things about them that you might be interested in hearing about, and politely ask questions.
题号 1 2 3 4 5
A Game of Light and Shade
It was a sunny day. While buying the ticket for climbing the tower, I was surprised to see the attendant (工作人员) selling a blind man a ticket. Then __1__ the wall with the fingers, the blind man reached the stairs __2__ to the hallway.
“What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” I said to the attendant, expecting him to show some __3__, but he didn't answer.
“Not the __4__ certainly,” I said. “Perhaps he wants to __5__.”
I bought a ticket and __6__ up the stairs. The man hadn't gone as far as I __7__. After ten minutes, I __8__ him. “Excuse me”, I said as politely, “but I am curious to know __9__ you came up.”
He smiled. “Coming up the stairs, you will notice how not just light but sun __10__ into the tower through the windows, so that you can feel the __11__—the cool stairs suddenly become quite warm—and how behind the wall there is __12__, but as soon as going opposite a window you can find the sun. There is no __13__ so good as this for feeling the difference between light and shade.”
The blind man seemed quite __14__ just like a child who was enjoying his favourite games. He told me the truth that blind men can also find the beauty in life __15__ they cannot enjoy the sights of the world.,
1.A.touching B.climbing
C.hitting D.covering
2.A.pointing B.attaching
C.contributing D.leading
3.A.respect B.doubt
C.concern D.sympathy
4.A.view B.test
C.prize D.trick
5.A.kick B.jump
C.relax D.escape
6.A.struggled B.explored
C.wandered D.hurried
7.A.promised B.examined
C.imagined D.confirmed
8.A.recognised B.surrounded
C.approached D.witnessed
9.A.why B.how
C.when D.whether
10.A.knocks B.pours
C.slides D.bursts
11.A.trend B.reaction
C.change D.honour
12.A.light B.space
C.mess D.shade
13.A.place B.signal
C.object D.period
14.A.nervous B.content
C.curious D.patient
15.A.unless B.because
C.once D.although
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(二十一) Unit 6 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
1.What did Levine take into consideration when d________ (设计)her annual experiment
2.T________ (因此),they don't have time to learn how to read or write and don't get an education.
3.As a child, Adeline couldn't understand why the medal was so s________ (重要的).
4.My cat and dog never fight; they live together in perfect h________ (和谐).
5.After all, there it can pollute drinking water, harm plants, and eat away s________ (土壤).
6.While the sun's rays can age and h________ (伤害) our skin, they also give us beneficial Vitamin D.
7.Children know more than earlier g________ (几代人) of youngsters knew.
8.But in a________ (农业),small farmers can get the best of the major players.
9.While watching the TV show South Park, I was a________ (吸引)by the funny characters.
10.You can sign up for an appointment on the sign up s________ (表)outside the door.
1.For example, the number 7 ________ (flash) on one side of the screen and the other end would have 9 and 8.
2.She had participated in cold English Bay swimming events for 76 years and was ________ sometimes known as the Queen of the Polar Swims.
3.We recognized the possibility and took steps ________ (prevent) it happening.
4.What you should pay attention to is to be in harmony ________ the people around you.
5.These goods can be transported to Europe ________ waterway.
6.This app ________ (design) for those who prefer vegetables.
7.They're learning to do ________ (tradition) dances.
8.The crocodile lets the plover eat small, ________ (harm) animals attached to its teeth.
9.Technology is vital for ________ (agriculture) development.
10.Considered one of the most beautiful lakes in Europe, Lake Como ________ (attract) tourists since Roman times.
The Longji Rice Terraces 1.________ (build) by the local Zhuang and Yao people. There are few large, flat areas of land in the region, so they turned 2.________ (mountain) into terraces to have more areas 3.________ (grow) crops. The terraces are 4.________ (clever) designed to prevent the soil from 5.________ (wash) down into the river or the sea. 6.________ is most significant is the way in which people have worked in harmony with nature. There are hundreds of waterways connected with each other, 7.________ which rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces.
Terrace 8.________ (construct) not only protects the local ecological environment, but also provides 9.________ good living area for wildlife. This knowledge is passed down through families, 10.________ (mean) that new generations continue to use ancient methods of agriculture to maintain the terraces. Today, they attract lots of visitors who come to admire this wonder created by people here.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
Friendships can bring joy or sorrow.__1__, we have talked to researchers, authors, and therapists to learn how to manage the common relationship difficulties we all face.
Broken promises
Friends are vital for our physical and mental well being but these relationships aren't always smooth sailing.__2__. And a major way this happens is through broken promises. Perhaps he canceled (取消) plans at the last minute or she declined to take part in an important party.“__3__,the first thing to do is remember that no one is perfect,” says Jan Yager, PhD, friendship coach.
“Sometimes jealousy (猜忌) reveals our deepest desires,” says Dr. Yager. “Healthy envy can motivate you to become better and be inspired by your friend's success,” she says. She points out that it could be the other way around as well: Your friends might be jealous of you.
Feeling left out
There's no worse feeling than when you check Facebook Monday morning to find out that your friends went on a weekend getaway without you. Scott Christnelly, a therapist, says,“I encourage clients to express their feelings about it but also not to jump to conclusions.” Then find someone else to talk to—maybe a family member, or a close friend (not one who went on the trip)—to explain how you feel.__5__.
A.Experiencing envy
B.But while it may be painful
C.Stopping feeling jealous of them
D.A breakup between friends can be just as painful as a romantic split
E.In fact, it's common to experience some serious hurt from your friends
F.Since there's no rule book on what to do when things get tense or go south
G.Maybe through that conversation, you can brainstorm how you will respond
题号 1 2 3 4 5
I was waiting for my friend at the bus station. There came a man selling culture shoes and started __1__ them off to me so that I could buy a pair. I just __2__ and said thank you. I don't know if it was because of the smile that the young man stepped __3__ and stood beside me and started talking to me. “You know I didn't just end up selling shoes. I had a family but one day my life was just __4__ upside down and all was __5__,” he said. Those were his words. In __6__, he lost all his money, his car and his house. And then he __7__ making culture shoes and selling them to earn a living.
As I stood there listening to him pour out his __8__, I was still __9__ how in the world someone can be so open to a(n) __10__ stranger like that. A lot of times we meet people and most of them have __11__ in their hearts, and some of them don't even have a person to __12__ them, so I've tried to __13__ people my time to listen to what they have to say. By doing this it will not only __14__ that particular person but also the one listening __15__ you get to learn something from them and see the other side of life.,
1.A.taking B.showing
C.putting D.keeping
2.A.sighed B.stared
C.nodded D.smiled
3.A.away B.closer
C.further D.back
4.A.turned B.hung
C.broken D.rolled
5.A.quiet B.abandoned
C.gone D.disabled
6.A.vain B.short
C.addition D.turn
7.A.started B.enjoyed
C.imagined D.risked
8.A.gratitude B.loneliness
C.anger D.heart
9.A.uncertain B.uneasy
C.uncomfortable D.surprised
10.A.kind B.total
C.impatient D.curious
11.A.happiness B.questions
C.secrets D.burdens
12.A.rely on B.sponsor
C.listen to D.reward
13.A.introduce B.owe
C.give D.send
14.A.free B.help
C.amaze D.save
15.A.if B.though
C.until D.since
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(九)
Unit 3 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
1.A typhoon is now a________ (靠近) Hong Kong.
2.There are now over 40 c________ (聊天) benches throughout England.
3.She decided to go back to campus to advance her c________ (事业) and to be able to better support her family.
4.Let them know that you are there to help in any way that is acceptable, while still r________(尊重) the privacy of your neighbor.
5.This figure is high because this age group is often the least likely to have their own i________ (收入).
6.We taught Alice that her intellect was more important than her c________ (性格).
7.Vietnam is known as a cheap place to travel around, but Hanoi, the north area, often gets i________ (忽视) by travelers.
8.The National Teacher of the Year is a p________ (专业的) award in the United States.
9.No one will ever know what mix of t________ (天赋), ambition, energy and luck made Dickens such a distinguished writer.
10.This two wheel tour o________ (选择) gives travelers access to some of the city's most popular landmarks.
at the front of, focus on, take one's advice, turn to, in surprise, be proud of, in the end, at the same time
1.The research interests those groups who ____________ key issues in women's health.
2.The driver must sit ____________ the bus to control it.
3.Last night I ____________ the very end page of the book to read the final words.
4.“How did you come here It is unbelievable.” she said ____________.
5.He didn't want to say it at the beginning, but he said it ____________.
6.We Chinese are all brothers and sisters, and ____________ who we are.
7.They ____________ and studied hard.
8.You can do anything you want, but not everything ____________.
1.It focuses on when and how the West first ________ (approach) China.
2.Wanting him to take his flower and go off to play, I managed a smile and then turned ________ the other side.
3.It is not a good idea for people ________ (focus) only on themselves.
4.People respect lawyers and they may have ________ good income.
5.I don't know whether men are ________ (calm) than women in emergencies.
6.Out of a total of 17 groups, only one group ________ (ignore) the sound of the angry bees.
7.The ________ (character) in the short story The Lost Necklace are well drawn.
8.I heard my voice quiver, and ________ the same time my tears shone like the sun.
9.When the investing is reaching a new high, you'll be tempted to jump in with both ________ (foot).
10.I felt a bit stupid, but also rather proud ________ myself at the same time for having done it properly.
One Friday night, Grandfather and Father 1.________ (seat) at the table were playing chess in the living room 2.________ Son approached the table 3.________ (nervous).
He wondered whether he would have a talk with his father about his future career. His father was overjoyed and prepared to share that. 4.________, his father got quite annoyed and rather angry with him because he wished to take up a music job instead of a lawyer his father 5.________ (hope) for.
His father shouted, 6.________ (ignore) his grandfather, too. His father thought playing in a band was not a job. It's the best choice to be a lawyer 7.________ which he could be paid well and respected. He wanted to explain that making music was a 8.________ (promise) career but his father refused.
They were debating about it when the grandfather shouted in his loud voice. The grandfather reminded the father when he was at his son's age. The grandfather asked the father to think over and then gave a good 9.________ (explain) to his grandson. At last they agreed that he could take two 10.________ (option) at university at the same time. And in this way he could have more choices in the future.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
How To Fight Back To School Anxiety
August is the time to prepare for a new school year. __1__ These simple tips can help you or someone you love deal with the year ahead.
__2__ Like any new activity, a new school year is always easier when you're prepared for it. Get your class schedule in advance so you know exactly what to expect on your first day. Make sure you're prepared with all the supplies you'll need. If you'll be attending a new school, get familiar with the campus in advance of the first week.
Talk about it. Change is never easy, and can often be scary. If you have feelings of fear or anxiety about the upcoming school year, it's important to express them. __3__ If you're unsure who to talk to, there are many free resources available for you.
Do what you love. __4__ Whether you're a bookworm or social butterfly, it's easy to feel depressed or anxious when you're trying to be something you're not. Find activities, clubs or organizations that truly interest you. Chances are, when you do, you'll find a sense of belonging that's completely genuine.
Get help. It's not abnormal for any teen to feel stressed about an upcoming school year. But if your feelings of anxiety or depression are affecting your ability to eat, sleep or function on a daily basis, it's time to seek professional help. __5__
A.Get ready.
B.Stick to a tight schedule.
C.When you're a teen, fitting in is important.
D.It is common for people to feel stressed after holiday.
E.For teens, the “back to school” period can be especially troubling.
F.A parent or adviser can help you find an expert to help you get through the upcoming year.
G.Speaking with a parent, friend or adviser can be a perfect way to start finding solutions together.
Lucy didn't have a lot of friends. She was a bit __1__. She never really wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to __2__ secrets and laughter with.
When it came to going to college, Lucy still felt nervous. The first week of classes, something happened that __3__ Lucy's life forever. In her English Composition class, she was asked to share a little about herself. She __4__ everyone where she came from and all of the other __5__ details that students share in such a(n) __6__. The final question for each student was always the same: “What is your __7__ for this class?” Now, most of the students said it was to get a good __8__, pass the class or something similar, but for some __9__, Lucy said something entirely __10__. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.
While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Lucy and __11__ his hand and introduced himself. He asked if she would be his friend. The whole room was __12__—all eyes focused on Lucy and the hand extended just in front of her. She __13__ and reached out to take his hand and a friendship was formed. It was a friendship that __14__ all through college. Lucy learned the __15__ of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action.,
1.A.shy B.outgoing
C.kind D.grateful
2.A.find B.share
C.learn D.keep
3.A.controlled B.changed
C.damaged D.upset
4.A.asked B.taught
C.calmed D.told
5.A.funny B.surprising
C.exciting D.ordinary
6.A.situation B.state
C.condition D.event
7.A.meaning B.story
C.goal D.secret
8.A.friend B.chance
C.grade D.job
9.A.sense B.way
C.point D.reason
10.A.different B.interesting
C.wrong D.tiring
11.A.brought out B.set down
C.went through D.held out
12.A.concerned B.silent
C.active D.frightened
13.A.smiled B.laughed
C.sat D.came
14.A.swapped B.lasted
C.went D.caught
15.A.force B.balance
C.power D.effort
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(六)
Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Using language
1.Taking on this challenge will bring you in c________ (联系) with someone who shares your interests.
2.A key finding is that over time, children raised by an intelligent father were significantly more l________ (可能的) to develop persistence (坚持).
3.Currently hoverboards (悬滑板) are banned in academic institutions and public places, like campus buildings, parks, shopping malls and s________ (地铁) stations.
4.A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new a________ (公寓套房) or house.
5.We have conducted the survey of the t________ (类型) of birds in Chongqing.
6.Not only are many high buildings and broad h________ (公路) built, but education has been given more attention and support.
7.For one thing, bicycles don't need any p________ (汽油) and they are energy saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly.
8.I wonder if you could help me find a proper f________ (公寓套房) and a roommate.
9.You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the c________ (上下文).
10.Nowadays, we can see many people are watching their mobile phones in subway, restaurants, e________ (电梯), roads and so on.
as soon as possible, be made up of, be short for, come across, add up to, match...to, be referred to as, take...as an example
1.I ____________ Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.
2.Please ____________ the words ____________ the pictures before you answer the questions.
3.All Edison's school education ____________ no more than one year.
4.A simple sentence ____________ one independent clause which has one subject verb combination.
5.Oil ____________ blood for industry.
6.CD ROM ____________ Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
7.There was total agreement to start the peace process ____________.
8.This head hunting company ____________ to do a research about how to find a good engineer.
1.Jennifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the ________ (type) college student to pursue her goal of earning a nursing degree.
2.Most people feel uneasy in the ________ (familiar) surroundings.
3.By 9:33 am, a burst of ________ (add) traffic might push it to 145 seconds.
4.You'd better think things over more because efficiency depends on good ________ (organize).
5.Listen! A warning is being broadcast on the radio that a hurricane is likely ________ (come) in two days.
1.Although my new cellphone has many functions,__it doesn't function well.
(    );(    )
2.I have booked my ticket and bought three books for my sister.(    );(    )
3.My brother is studying for the coming examination in our father's study.(    );(    )
4.Let's go out for a walk after supper, but don't walk too fast.(    );(    )
5.You must slow down a little or you'll make yourself ill.(    )
6.Lily wanted to take a career break in order to have children.(    )
7.There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.(    )
8.The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.(    )
9.Who scored the goal?(    )
10.The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.(    )
If you live in a place where most people speak the language you are learning, you may use the language for several hours each day. But you may not have these chances to practice English. You may even be self taught. __1__ It is not very difficult, but it does take effort and practice.
Think in single words.
__2__ In your head, try to name each object in your surroundings. As you continue with this, it becomes more of a habit, so things are going to pop up into your head—computer, telephone, chair, and desk. Whatever it is, wherever you are. You can also do this at home when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
Another exercise is describing in your mind objects you don't know the words for. An example would be if you couldn't think of the word “garage,” Hinshaw says. “If you're looking at your house and you see your garage, but you can't think of the name in English. You can say, ‘The place inside where I put my car.’”
Think in sentences.
The next exercise is thinking in simple sentences. For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself things like, “It's such a beautiful day.” and “People are playing sports with their friends.” __4__
Describe your day.
Another exercise expert's suggestion is to describe your daily activities. You can mentally make plans in the morning when you wake up. __5__ So the skill level is a little higher.
A.Describe unknown words.
B.Guess the meaning of a new word.
C.This would require future verb tenses.
D.A good first step is to think in individual words.
E.Hinshaw says doing this can help learners of any language.
F.Once this becomes easy, you can move on to more difficult sentences.
G.The good news is that thinking in English can bring you a huge step closer to fluency!
I believe I had the perfect life. Because I was about to __1__ my high school, and on my way to college, I had great friends and a loving family. There was nothing __2__ . But I spoke too soon.
It was around 9:25 a.m. that I heard the news that would __3__ my life forever. My brother Zach had been in a car accident. I ate, then I slept, then I ate again. I couldn't cry. I could hardly feel anything, and I was __4__ . I stopped building relationships for fear that they would end just as __5__ as Zach's life.
I saw my parents' __6__ worse than mine because of the death of their son. I didn't want them to __7__ me. I also experienced a lot of __8__ , because I was angry about why the sadness had happened to me, and I never __9__ from this emotion.
Now, it has been nearly five years since Zach's death. I don't __10__ life anymore: I face it bravely. I __11__ my friendship and began socializing more. I even __12__ Zach's story with people around me. Although my new friends never met him, they know about Zach.
One lesson I learned from losing my brother was never to be __13__ to say “I love you” to our family. I loved my brother, but it was too late to __14__ it loudly. The last time I remember telling my brother I loved him was when he was dying. Don't make this __15__ like me.,
1.A.admit B.finish
C.skip D.determine
2.A.earning B.reaching
C.competing D.missing
3.A.regret B.change
C.beautify D.solve
4.A.funny B.hopeful
C.patient D.senseless
5.A.finally B.suddenly
C.nearly D.seriously
6.A.pain B.discouragement
C.willingness D.memory
7.A.think about B.dream about
C.talk about D.care about
8.A.surprise B.anger
C.disappointment D.doubt
9.A.escaped B.prevented
C.stopped D.suffered
10.A.damage B.choose
C.fear D.leave
11.A.produced B.rebuilt
C.communicated D.raised
12.A.copy B.advertise
C.share D.perform
13.A.stubborn B.satisfied
C.brave D.afraid
14.A.explore B.express
C.spread D.pray
15.A.mistake B.decision
C.explanation D.difference
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(七)
Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.It r________ (提醒) her that children don't enter life afraid to take risks or unwilling to try again when they fall down.
2.One self deprecating c________ (评论) is a generous and even confident form of humor.
3.The problem comes when you start doing too much complaint b________(以……为基础) humor.
4.The books in this s________ (区域) may not be taken away.
5.According to him, living in this kind of society might a________ (实际上) make it easier to keep track of the social order.
6.Scientists have a fairly n________ (消极的) attitude to the theory.
7.No payments were made last week because of a computer e________ (错误).
8.Depending on what enemies or r________ (资源) are around, it might make sense to travel in a combined group rather than a smaller one.
9.Discussions are held on an i________(非正式的) basis within the department.
10.The life of the whole family has changed since the m________ (事故,灾难).
have a frog in one's throat, in exchange for, come across, be based on, because of, be aware of, be likely to, take place
1.He was informed that he hadn't qualified (取得资格) for the scholarship ____________ his academic background.
2.He ____________ the risk, but he has no choice but to go ahead.
3.Where does the conversation probably ____________?
4.On Malaita, part of the Solomon Islands, shells are accepted at most places ____________ goods.
5.I ____________ an old friend at a dinner party several days ago.
6.When the young man was asked to give a public speech, he ____________.
7.The film ____________ a novel by Sinclair Lewis.
8.Look, dark clouds are gathering. It ________ rain soon.
1.They were ________ (disappoint) at the result of the game.
2.It's best to learn to deal ________ things and manage your time wisely.
3.There is a growing ________ (aware) that the prevention of environmental pollution is extremely important.
4.Pollution ________ (standard) are made to keep down poisons.
5.He was looking forward to ________ (work) with the new manager.
6.Proper activities help enrich our lives, ________ (broad) our horizons and develop our personalities.
7.I spend too much time ________ (watch) television.
8.He ________ (post) a few photos of our camping trip yesterday.
9.Believe it or not, technology companies seem to be aware ________ the problem.
10.The way he described teenagers gave me the impression that he didn't ________ (actual) know many teenagers.
Last week, our forum 1.________ (ask) people to share some funny or strange stories about using English with us. 2.________ our surprise, we received so many 3.________ (post), which reminded us that some of 4.________ English we learned in the classroom is rather 5.________ (difference) from the English in the outside world. When Yancy heard her teacher Maggie had a frog in her throat, she thought Maggie ate a big frog. 6.________ (actual), Maggie had a sore throat. What made Sophie 7.________ (confuse) is that the first floor she was told was in fact the ground floor to 8.________ (she) knowledge. In another post, Julien couldn't understand why his penfriend used “wicked”, such a negative word, to describe his nice grandfather. Zheng Xu, a hard working Chinese, was 9.________ (disappoint) at his teacher's comment “Not bad!” on his paper, 10.________ means “fantastic”.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
In the U.S., speaking more than one language fluently is not very common except in Los Angeles, California.
The city has one of the largest population in the U. S. of young people between the ages of 18 and 34. This generation is often called millennials (千禧一代). More than half of millennials in Los Angeles are bilingual (双语的), which means they speak more than one language.
Maria Elena Burgos is cooking a Mexican breakfast. She says making Mexican food is just one of the many traditions in her home. Another is speaking Spanish to her children.
“We want them to be bilingual. We want to keep the Spanish somewhere in their learning too, not only at home.”
When Ms Burgos first came to the United States from Mexico, she learned English. She knew her children would learn English quickly. So she wanted them to speak Spanish at home and study the language at school.
She says being bilingual will give them more opportunities in the future. Knowing Spanish also means the children can talk with their relatives in Mexico.
“When we had our children, one of the decisions we as parents made was to name them with a name that was easily pronounced in English and Spanish.”
Her children include daughters Elizabeth and Monica. They like speaking both English and Spanish.
Elizabeth wants to know her family's culture.
“The culture—to go back to our roots because that's part of who we are.”
Monica wants to pass on the culture to her children.
“It's nice to know our culture and then to be able to pass it onto our children and grandchildren and everyone to let them know where we come from.”
And, Monica says she does not speak only English and Spanish. She has even learned some Korean in school.
1.Which of the following is a tradition of Maria
A.Cooking breakfast for her relatives.
B.Talking with her children in Spanish.
C.Talking with her relatives in Spanish.
D.Forcing her children to speak Spanish.
2.What can be inferred from Monica's words
A.She doesn't care where she comes from.
B.She looks forward to learning Spanish.
C.Everyone should know his own culture.
D.She doesn't like American culture.
3.Which of the following is mentioned about children speaking more languages
A.It can give children more chances in the future.
B.It can make children feel proud before their friends.
C.It can give children a chance to go to a good college.
D.It can let children go to the places where they want to go.
4.What's the main purpose of this passage
A.To entertain the readers with a funny story.
B.To inform the readers of a shocking experiment result.
C.To encourage more persons to learn a second language.
D.To tell a truth that many people in Los Angeles are bilingual.
However exciting space travel sounds, astronauts must still suffer with bad food. Now, food in space has to be dehydrated (使脱水) or precooked and stored. This means astronauts aren't really eating fresh food.
New technology may change this. Scientific American reports that a specially designed oven will be sent into space this autumn with NASA's NG 12 cargo mission. Far from the common vacuum packed meals, astronauts may get to enjoy freshly baked cookies in the near future.
Why aren't they baking cookies in space already For one thing, there's the risk of a fire. Engineers also have to overcome the challenge of micro gravity (微重力), which prevents heat from circling inside ovens the same way it does on Earth.
Astronauts will still have to wait a while before they can have their cookies, though. After baking, the results will be sent back to Earth for safety testing. If successful, this will be the first oven to bake food in space.
“I believe...that will be game changing for both science and astronauts,” food technology researcher Maeena Naman Shafiee told Scientific American.
One of the main driving forces behind this project has been NASA's 2018 research into the effects of “confinement and isolation”. Unlike on the International Space Station (ISS), astronauts traveling out of Earth's orbit may not be able to speak to their loved ones on future missions, which could lead to negative feelings.
It's hoped that the chance to bake and sense familiar smells can bring joy to astronauts.
“Is the ISS going to smell like fresh baked cookies We don't know,” said NanoRacks' communications manager Abby Dickes. “But that's feeling we all know and love...that will make someone feel at home.”
Baking cookies in space would mark an important step, offering a small comfort in the difficult and unfamiliar environment of space travel. Astronauts have already grown plants aboard the ISS.
With commercial space travel now being planned, who knows what other developments may surprise us in the future
5.What can astronauts do with the new oven in space in the future
A.They can cook a meal.
B.They can eat cookies.
C.They can bring more fresh food.
D.They can prepare food quickly.
6.According to the passage, why can't astronauts bake cookies in space now
A.Cooking in space needs some special cooking skills.
B.Micro gravity makes it dangerous to cook in space.
C.It's expensive and inconvenient to bring fresh food to the space.
D.It's difficult to heat food the same way as on Earth because of different gravity.
7.Which one is NOT the purpose of designing the special oven
A.To prepare some fresh food for astronauts.
B.To bring the feeling of home to the astronauts.
C.To make improvements in space travel.
D.To provide a new game for astronauts to play in space.
8.The author is most likely to think that the future of astronautical development will be ________.
A.unknown B.imaginable
C.surprising D.confusing课时作业(三) Unit 1 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.The money was collected for a s________ (特定的) purpose.
2.His parents nodded, and they watched as he walked out of s________ (视野) into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents.
3.It is three years since he g________ (毕业) from Harvard.
4.The trend, then, was toward the “penny paper” —a term r________ (提到) to papers made widely available to the public.
5.Being liked creates o________ (机会) for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage.
6.Maybe I would be f________ (害怕的) at seeing this if I were a meat eater.
7.I f________ (认为) that if I took the night train, I could arrive in Beijing in the morning.
8.Students should read the list with their parents/carers, and s________ (选择) two activities they would like to do.
9.They are s________ (奋斗) to build a stronger and richer country.
10.This p________ (特定的) price is valid for departures between April 1 and April 30.
1.They are looking forward to ________ (send) to the lecture by the famous professor.
2.The past scenes are still in the old red army soldier's ________ (memorize) and always make him excited.
3.I struggled ________ (control) my temper and didn't burst out in front of many people.
4.After ________ (graduate) , she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.
5.It was a really ________ (frighten) experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocked.
6.A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 symbols consisting of numbers and ________ (select)letters with 0~25 drops of water or juice as a reward.
7.I'm not sure who is ________ (frighten), me or the female gorilla that suddenly appears out of nowhere.
8.The company awarded Mary a prize for her excellent ________ (perform) in her work.
9.Students then have an opportunity ________ (improve) their products.
10.I've never ________ (exchange) words with those moms beyond small talk, but they wanted to help.
I graduated from my high school last June and am about 1.________ (go) to college. But now I feel as if high school 2.________ (be) only yesterday!
The impression of my first getting to school is Orientation Day, which was really 3.________ (help) for new students. At that time I made some new friends so that I just kept an open mind.
I had a chemistry test right at the end of the 4.________ (one) week. At the sight of the test paper I was frightened. But I 5.________ (figure) I'd better just go all out to do it. I believed that if I failed this time, the next time I could fail 6.________ (well) . There is another thing that impressed me greatly. 7.________a member of the school volleyball team, though I wasn't selected for the end of year 8.________ (compete) , I realized I joined the team for the love of the sport, not just about winning. I kept 9.________ (work) hard to support my teammates.
Looking back on my high school life, the important words I'd show are “Be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud.” Give a hand to 10.________ is in trouble, and this will make you feel good.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
When I woke up on August 4, 2016, there was only one thing in my mind: what to wear. A billion thoughts appeared through my brain. Not only was it my first day of high school, but it was my first day of school in a new state. First impressions are everything, and it was important for me to impress the people who I would spend the next four years with.
After carefully hunting my closet (衣橱) ,I proudly came out in a dress. The soft cotton was comfortable, and the specially designed shoulders added a little fun. Yes, this dress was the one. An hour later, I felt powerful as I headed toward room 1136. But as I entered class, my jaw dropped to the floor.
Sitting at her desk was Mrs Hutfilz, my English teacher, wearing exactly the same dress as me. I kept my head down and tiptoed (踮着脚尖) to my seat. I made it through my simple introduction speech until Mrs Hutfilz stood up, jokingly saying that she liked my style. Although this was the moment I had been afraid of from the moment I walked in, all my anxiety surprisingly melted away, and the students paid attention as I shared my story. My smile grew as I laughed with the students. After class, I stayed behind, talked to Mrs Hutfilz and made a humorous and real communication.
Looking back four years later, the ten minutes I spent afraid of giving my speech were really not worth it. My first period of high school certainly made the day unforgettable in the best way and taught me that Mrs Hutfilz had a brilliant sense of style!
1.Why did the author pay great attention to her clothes on the first day of high school
A.She followed her father's advice.
B.She was unconfident about herself.
C.She cared too much about her appearance.
D.She wanted to make a good impression.
2.Which of the following is TRUE
A.It was the author's first day of primary school.
B.The author was satisfied with her first day dress.
C.The teacher was unhappy because the author wore the same dress as her.
D.The author made a conversation with the English teacher in class.
3.How did the author probably feel after noticing her teacher's dress
A.Angry. B.Confused.
C.Proud. D.Embarrassed.
4.What is the author's purpose in writing the article
A.To share a memorable experience.
B.To explore the troubles with dressing.
C.To introduce the stylish English teacher.
D.To stress the importance of first impressions.
I was about to explain the meaning of the word “gossamer” (薄纱;蛛丝) to my five year old students. We were learning a poem. I __1__ because one of them was waving his hand at me.
“Yes?” I asked.
“Once I got caught in a spider web__2__ I didn't see it,” the boy said.
“That's gossamer!”I shouted, nearly jumping up.“ Gossamer things are hard to see.” Gossamer is also how I might describe the voices of __3__ young children. I can only hear them when I am close enough. They are not the children speaking with ease. They are the children whose faces turn __4__ if I call them, or whisper (低语) “I don't know” even when they do __5__ . I don't want them to__6__ .I want them to be comfortable being __7__ .
Shy children usually have less practice in speaking, especially when there are other more children__8__ to talk. It's a loud world. Though shy children may appear __9__ to be in the background, they are losing opportunities to participate. Without practice, fear of speaking __10__ .
It takes about three weeks, a small bit of __11__ each day, for each of my 17 students to learn a poem. So far, they have memorized more than five. And now, an obvious __12__ has happened. The “shyest” children are as eager to read aloud as the __13__ ones.
Practice is an excellent way to increase__14__ of shy children while learning a poem. And it is practice that makes them enjoy the __15__ of the language.,
1.A.stopped B.breathed
C.argued D.reflected
2.A.or B.until
C.because D.although
3.A.curious B.shy
C.intelligent D.anxious
4.A.round B.blue
C.red D.strange
5.A.play B.ask
C.walk D.know
6.A.get up B.take up
C.turn up D.give up
7.A.focused B.respected
C.heard D.told
8.A.eager B.slow
C.careful D.worried
9.A.embarrassed B.puzzled
C.amazed D.satisfied
10.A.hides B.grows
C.disappears D.falls
11.A.research B.practice
C.benefit D.discussion
12.A.accident B.change
C.debate D.event
13.A.healthy B.familiar
C.outgoing D.impressive
14.A.excitement B.pressure
C.resource D.confidence
15.A.beauty B.method
C.trouble D.speed
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十)
Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Using language
1.As an airline, we're c________ (当前) in the process of turning all our planes into electric airplanes.
2.Making a full length clay (黏土) figure would not exhaust my s________ (力气) —and that is what I intend to do!
3.Each play has a t________ (主题) or central idea which the playwright (剧作家) hopes to get across through dialogue and action.
4.And my shyness has caused me to avoid attending e________ (活动), not make important connections, and keep my ideas to myself.
5.Only in this way can we enjoy our trip happily and have a beautiful m________ (回忆) as well.
6.What's more, what you are studying is badly needed in China n________ (现在).
7.It would be of great benefit to your health if you could take more exercise in future, for example, j________ (慢跑) and playing basketball.
8.Actually, some tea even can reduce the risk of cancer and keep you s________ (苗条的).
9.With smog getting increasingly serious, environmental protection has become an urgent i________ (议题) for human beings.
10.The development of other science will have a great i________ (巨大影响) on all people's lives.
play chess, aim to, make an apology to, in the future, compare to, take off, work on, make up for, draw up, in fact
1.I ____________ with Tom yesterday and I was the winner!
2.Lessons that are learned from the past can guide one ____________.
3.While I was ____________ my letter, the telephone rang.
4.A plan was ____________ by our soldiers to defeat the enemy at that time.
5.He has not finished his drama. ____________, he has not started on it.
6.The good weather that day ____________ the bad organization.
7.Life ____________ a play, in which everyone is an actor or an actress.
8.Have Japanese ____________ China for starting the Second World War
9.____________ get to work by eight, they got up early.
10.Double Eleven shopping plan ____________ and was copied everywhere last year.
1.Please remember to have three meals ________ (regular) and stay away from junk food.
2.Who should be ________ (response) for the accident
3.It made the headlines in the ________ (nation) newspapers.
4.Basically, the activity aims ________ (offer) us a further approach to Chinese classics and help us form a better understanding of the traditional Chinese culture.
5.The policeman observed the young fellow ________ (enter) the bank with a shotgun and he followed in.
6.The captain made an ________ (apologise) to the passengers for the delay caused by the weather.
7.A lot of jobs are ________ (stress), and do not you once tell me you thrive on pressure
8.Only Edward can lift that heavy stone because he is a man with great ________ (strong).
1.Every few years, the coal workers ________ (have) their lungs X rayed to ensure their health.
2.I know a little about Thailand, as I ________ (go) there three years ago.
3.Hurry up, kids! The school bus ________ (wait) for us!
4.—What time is it
—I have no idea. But just a minute, I ________ (check) it for you.
5.—Dr. Jackson is not in the office at the moment.
—All right. I ________ (call) him later.
6.The real reason why prices ________ (be), and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.
7.He ________ (learn) English since he was 6 years old.
8.—Is Peter coming
—No, he ________ (change) his mind after a phone call at the last minute.
9.The little girl is very happy, because she ________ (sell) out all the flowers.
10.As you go through this book, you ________ (find) that each of the millions of people who lived through World War Ⅱ had a different experience.
All the students here ____________________________.
When he was young, he ________________________ regularly.
If you ________________________ to a key college, your English must be excellent.
The summer holiday __________________. I'm going to have a good rest.
He moved here in 2017 and he ________________________ ever since.
She entered the room, ________________________ a magazine and looked through it carefully.
Next month we ________________________ our school open day.
Tweener ________________________ that he would come back ________________.
Most of the guests had left when he ________________________.
________________________ London at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. 语言能力训练
The British are known for their sense of humor. However, it is often difficult for foreigners to understand their jokes. The main point to remember is that the British often use understatement.
Understatement means saying less than you think or feel. For example, if someone gets very wet in a shower of rain, he might say, “It's a little damp (潮湿的) outside.” Or, if someone is very impolite and shouts at another person, someone else might say, “She isn't exactly friendly.” Understatement is often used in an unpleasant situation or to make another person look silly. Understatement plays an important part in British humor.
Another key to understanding British humor is that the British like to make fun of themselves as well as others. They often laugh at the silly and unpleasant things that happen in our everyday life when someone accidentally falls over in the street. They also like to make jokes about people from different classes of society. They like to make jokes about their accents, the way they dress and the way they behave. What's more, the British love to watch comedies (喜剧) about people who do not know how to behave in society. The comedies series Mr. Bean is a good example of this kind of humor.
Mr. Bean is the character created by British actor Rowan Atkinson in 1990. Mr. Bean doesn't talk often, and instead he uses his body movement and facial expressions to make people laugh. Perhaps what makes Mr. Bean so funny is that he does things that adults in the real world cannot do. Mr. Bean is popular in many countries around the world because you do not have to speak English to understand the humor. Because of this, many people have become familiar with the British sense of humor.
1.Why is it difficult for foreigners to understand British jokes
A.The British often enlarge the fact.
B.British jokes are not as funny as jokes in other countries.
C.British jokes are connected with many different cultures.
D.The British try to make out that something is less important than it is.
2.Which method does the author explain understatement
A.Using examples.
B.Making comparisons.
C.Following time order.
D.Describing a process.
3.How does Mr. Bean make people laugh
A.By telling funny stories.
B.By using his body language.
C.By copying how others behave.
D.By making jokes about others' accent.
4.What can be the best title for the text
A.British Humor in Comedy
B.Understanding British Humor
C.Developing Your Sense of Humor
D.Humor in Different Cultures
I was very fortunate to be selected to receive $100 for the monthly kindness contest and it has helped to make a beautiful difference in people's lives. This past October I received a grant to build The Inspiration Tree.
The concept is simple. I took a lot of fallen branches and hung them from the ceiling with the help of volunteers and friends. Then we hung strings with clothespins (衣夹) attached to them from the branches. I got a whole lot of art supplies and as people came in for the art exhibit, they were encouraged to create a piece of art or a positive message to hang from the tree.
The tree transformed into this really fun way of exchanging positive messages. If you were to hang a message up, you had to take a message down for you to keep. The experience was really amazing. People of all ages and from all walks of life were sharing art and inspiration through the tree.
With the $100 I received, I made a total of seven more trees. I am putting them all over our community. One will go to a youth shelter for homeless teens and one will be put right in the middle of the town on our public square. They will have paper and art supplies at the base for people to use in creating a message or piece of art.
For the classroom I was able to provide them with new colored pencils, markers, some sketchbooks and folders, which they all loved. The idea is to create interactions that are positive and can impact people's lives in great ways just by doing a simple act of kindness. The messages people receive can be kept with them forever as a reminder of the good in the world, or they can pass them along to others.
5.What is The Inspiration Tree made of
A.Old clothes. B.Art supplies.
C.Strong strings. D.Dead branches.
6.What should you do if you put up your message on the tree
A.Help create a new tree.
B.Pay some money to do it.
C.Take a message from the tree.
D.Ask someone to exchange gifts.
7.What do you know about the author
A.Considerate. B.Confident.
C.Honest. D.Wise.
8.What is the author's purpose in creating the tree
A.To help others.
B.To inspire people.
C.To hand out gifts.
D.To spend the prize money.课时作业(十八) Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Using language
1.What kind of a________ (住处) could you offer if this appointed requirement should not be satisfied
2.The i________ (成语) mentioned in your email was remarked by Confucius, the greatest ancient Chinese philosopher.
3.Only the manager has the a________ (权力) to sign cheques.
4.This kind of food ought to be a very good s________ (来源) of protein.
5.Knowing you prefer sports, I'm writing to inform you that a Tai Chi Club has been newly f________ (创立) in our school.
for the first time, the first time, be against, rain cats and dogs, kill two birds with one stone, date back to, as busy as a bee, instead of, hold your horses
1.Let's take some pictures when we jog in the park so that we can ____________.
2.____________, and there's no need to be too anxious about the exam.
3.It will ____________ tomorrow, but the teenager will go to school as usual.
4.Mr. Green cannot meet you right now with appointed plan; he is ____________.
5.I remember seeing the unusual ocean scene ____________.
6.He decided to drive back to his home in the distance ____________ putting up for the night at the hotel.
7.____________ I went to the Great Wall, I fell in love with the great scene.
8.Paper making in China ____________ about 200 B. C.
9.A true friend and partner will stand by you when millions ____________ you.
1.I will never forget the day.
I joined the army on the day.
2.I still remember the time.
We visited the farm at the time.
3.This is the house.
I lived in the house three years ago.
4.Do you know the reason
He left for the reason.
5.Is this the reason
He explained this reason at the meeting.
Wildlife faces threats (威胁) from habitat destruction,pollution, and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife may seem too hard at times, even small actions in your own neighbourhood can help protect many different animals. Here are some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.
1.Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard.
When trying to make your garden more beautiful, you can choose plants that can provide food and shelter for native wildlife. This will also help cut down on pollution. Add bird or bat houses to your yard or garden to attract and shelter these species.
2.Avoid harming the natural ecosystem (生态系统) in your area.
Some plants from other places can kill or harm native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife.
3. Have a greener lifestyle.
By using less water and fewer fuels, you will be helping to protect the wildlife around you. Take buses or the subway when you can, turn off electric devices when you're not using them, take shorter showers, and keep your room temperature at or below 68 degrees Fahrenheit during winter.
4.Buy products that are wildlife friendly.
Don't buy products that are made from endangered animals. Keep it in mind that some endangered animals are killed by traps, catches or hunters who are after other wildlife within the same habitat.
5. Donate money or time to organisations that protect wildlife and their habitats.
You can give money to organisations or groups that protect wildlife species in your neighbourhood.
1. What do you think is the purpose of this passage
A.To tell us why protecting wildlife is extremely important now.
B.To suggest that we protect wildlife through actions.
C.To explain why protecting wildlife is not as hard as people think.
D.To give us some tips on how to protect wildlife through small actions.
2.Which of the following threats to wildlife is NOT mentioned in the passage
A.Animal diseases.
B.Loss of habitats.
3.What behaviour do you think the author may disagree with
A.Planting right trees in gardens.
B.Buying an ivory vase as a gift.
C.Donating some money to WWF.
D.Reading books about wildlife.
4.In which section of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage
A.Environment. B.Teaching.
C.Business. D.Geography.
题号 1 2 3 4
A visit to the hospital is rarely a pleasant one. As I made my way to the ward (病房) ,I took a deep breath and __1__ a smile. After all, nobody needed another __2__ face in the room.
As I entered the ward, I overheard my relatives making plans for a funeral (葬礼). My grandfather had remained __3__ for almost a week, with a __4__ diagnosis (诊断) from the doctor. Was this really the end for him __5__ at my grandparents' place since young, I __6__ a very close relationship with them. He would sneak me downstairs for ice cream when Grandmother was in the bathroom, while I __7__ added more sugar in his morning drink because he had a sweet tooth that Grandmother disapproved of.
I wanted to __8__ this quiet man. I did not believe it was his time to go. I had read about paper cranes (鹤) and wishes coming true. For every one thousand folded paper cranes, we get a wish granted by the gods. Ridiculous as it sounds to the adults, I managed to __9__ my sisters and cousin to carry out this plan.
The last few cranes were __10__ but a week later he was still in a deep sleep. The one thousand paper cranes had not delivered our __11__ to the gods. We only had one wish—was that too __12__ to ask for
Just when all hope seemed __13__, a call from my aunt changed everything. She wanted us to come to the hospital immediately—my grandfather was awake. A visit to the hospital is __14__a pleasant one. However, this time, I was __15__ by the scent (香气) of flowers that visitors brought. I stepped into my grandfather's ward and saw him holding our jar of paper cranes. This man of few words looked up at me and said, “My good girl, thank you.”
1.A.hid B.gave
C.practiced D.returned
2.A.beautiful B.miserable
C.serious D.ugly
3.A.awake B.silent
C.uncertain D.unconscious
4.A.firm B.wrong
C.correct D.discouraging
5.A.Supported B.Raised
C.Held D.Kept
6.A.improved B.destroyed
C.established D.handled
7.A.secretly B.delightedly
C.surprisingly D.gladly
8.A.call B.understand
C.forget D.awaken
9.A.allow B.convince
C.advise D.inform
10.A.completed B.performed
C.started D.left
11.A.wish B.suggestion
C.information D.opinion
12.A.heavy B.high
C.much D.far
13.A.promising B.lost
C.reasonable D.inspiring
14.A.usually B.gradually
C.rarely D.typically
15.A.praised B.accepted
C.reminded D.greeted
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十二) 单元复习测试题 Unit 3
1.Shakespeare made his ________ (人物) live through their language in his plays.
2.It is said that the expert is a person easy to ________ (靠近).
3.I had a ________ (聊天) with my parents last night about whether we will plant some trees in the yard.
4.I didn't see your car, so I ________ (认为) you'd gone out.
5.Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be equally ________ (尊重).
6.We will never ________ (忽视) your opinions whether they are positive or negative.
7.Car companies should design more types of cars to ________ (适合) the public needs.
8.John has a ________ (才能) for playing soccer. He is well suited to be a professional player.
9.She has an excellent ________ (记忆) for names, which helps her quite a lot in her work.
10.We usually ________ (庆祝) the Spring Festival in our country.
1.They have a very communicative approach to ________ (teach) languages.
2.If praise is sincere and ________ (focus)on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward.
3.They preferred to make ________ (assume) about the world based on the experience of others.
4.The manager apologized ________ Judy for not arranging for someone to meet her at the airport.
5.Judging ________ his expression, his request must have been turned down.
6.We'd better discuss everything ________ detail before we work out the plan.
7.________ (obvious), the opposing voice from the media reflects the truth.
8.Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It ________ (fall) on December 25th.
____________________ consumers look to brand names they know and trust.
____________________ , our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day.
____________________ many stone sculptures of famous historical figures.
Tom was late for work this morning. ____________________ he overslept.
As far as I'm concerned, the problem ____________________.
Invite your kids to see polar bears up close, step into American history or catch their very first fish: family vacations are a great way for children to explore the world and experience new things. If you're planning a getaway (短假) with the whole family, America's most kid friendly attractions are the perfect place to start.
Each great kid friendly vacation in our list is filled with amazing children's attractions and things to do, but family vacations also go beyond water parks, museums and zoos. These getaways are designed for kid friendly exploring. You never know what you—and your kids—might discover!
From secret handshakes to favorite desserts, every family is different, and every family vacation should be, too. Because there's no such thing as a one size fits all trip, we find some of the best kid friendly attractions and places for vacation in the U.S. There are many great places to go with kids in America's cities, mountains, islands and small towns. Since the best family vacations are as unique as your kids are, some of these spots might even take you by surprise. Whether you're looking for educational fun, wild roller coaster rides or just some laid back beach time, all you need to do is pack your bags, hit the road and get ready to share the memories of a lifetime.
1.Why are family vacations so important for kids
A.They offer chances for kids to explore their inner world.
B.They are a great way for kids to improve their creativity.
C.They are beneficial to children's growth and development.
D.They are arranged by schools according to laws.
2.Which can best describe the family vacations recommended by the writer
A.Kid friendly and unique.
B.Educational but expensive.
C.Entertaining and instructive.
D.Impressive and cheap.
3.Whom is the passage written to
A.Teachers. B.Children.
C.Parents. D.Guides.
4.What will be told in the next paragraph
A.A one size fits all trip.
B.A list of kid friendly attractions.
C.A series of museums.
D.A range of items you need to pack.
题号 1 2 3 4
Last week,we drove to Key West to spend our weekend. Our plan was to enjoy a scenic __1__ on Highway 1. The scenery was __2__ and we kept our eyes glued to the window.
Driving from Miami to Key West __3__ about three hours on the scenic highway. When we were closer to Key West, suddenly my husband __4__ the car, grabbed (匆忙拿起) his camera, and ran out looking up at the sky—leaving me looking at him __5__. After a few minutes of looking and __6__ at a shiny object in the sky, he was pretty excited to __7__ he'd spotted a UFO. I should __8__ here that he loves his Sci Fi movies and UFO shows.
We __9__ got back in the car, stopped at a nearby store, and __10__ someone in the parking lot: “Do you see that __11__ thing in the sky?” The man looked up and responded, “Do you mean that weather blimp (气象飞艇)?”We came to __12__ later that what we saw in the sky was “Fat Albert”, which was used to keep an eye on the __13__ around.
It is one of the short funny travel stories that always come up when we talk about our __14__. It starts with one of the kids saying “__15__ the time when Dad thought he saw a UFO...?”and always makes us laugh.,
1.A.voyage B.flight
C.walk D.drive
2.A.breathtaking B.time saving
C.easy going D.pain taking
3.A.takes B.spends
C.wastes D.uses
4.A.started B.parked
C.abandoned D.stopped
5.A.surprised B.excited
C.puzzled D.worried
6.A.waving B.pointing
C.shouting D.staying
7.A.respond B.announce
C.recognize D.promise
8.A.mention B.apologize
C.praise D.think
9.A.painfully B.suddenly
C.frequently D.eventually
10.A.doubted B.questioned
C.asked D.answered
11.A.tiny B.slight
C.bright D.dark
12.A.find out B.turn away
C.set aside D.push up
13.A.weather B.traffic
C.buildings D.thieves
14.A.holidays B.customs
C.trips D.studies
15.A.Keep B.Inform
C.Remind D.Remember
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十九) Unit 5 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.Jack was s________ (震惊的) at her personality when she said that she didn't actually mind being cheated.
2.The common e________ (要素) in modern science is the significantly strict scrutiny (认真彻底的审查) of claims.
3.Making the best of this unusual close e________ (相遇), I took some digital pictures of the bear.
4.Some places have also put speed limits on the devices and restricted their use to bike p________ (小道).
5.I can, from my computer at home, pull up satellite i________ (图像) of Juan's village and click it open.
6.This should be a .jpg f________ (文件) with a size of no more than 1 MB.
7.The island offers such a wide v________ (种类) of scenery and wildlife.
8.Their r________ (反应) to the joke is to laugh.
9.The house has b________ (令人惊叹的) views from every room.
10.I couldn't c________ (专注,专心) with all that noise going on and stared at the sky for a long time.
1.The police observed him ________ (drive) at a speed of 90 miles per hour.
2.It was up to him to concentrate ________ his studies and make something of himself.
3.My family has a vase, which ________ (date) back to the Ming Dynasty.
4.She went to Spain ________ the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.
5.You should be easy on these students. ________ all, they are kids.
6.This is a storybook ________ (write) for children all over the world.
7. ________ do you think the photographer felt when he saw the grizzly bear
8.I sat in the room for a few minutes with my eyes ________ (stare) at the ceiling.
9.It was because of the bad weather ________ the football match had to be put off.
10.Being a wildlife photographer ________ (require) good photography skills, knowledge of animal behaviour and a lot of patience.
As a nature photographer, I have to brave the elements. But 1.________ the wind and the rain, I still enjoy working outside in the wild. Yellowstone is famous for the 2.________(various) of its wildlife, but it is 3.________ (probable) best known for its bears. Last spring in Yellowstone, I had a close encounter with a bear. While I was concentrating 4.________photographing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched. Slowly, and with the camera still 5.________ (hold) to my eye, I turned... and 6.________(freeze) . Only metres away from me 7.________ (be) a bear. We stared at each other and a second 8.________(late) , the bear turned and ran back into the forest. And this frightening but magical experience was captured forever in a single image. From time to time I look at the photo as a 9.________ (remind) to show respect to all animals. It is after all we 10.________ are the visitors to their world.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
How to survive an earthquake
★If you are indoors:
Don't run, but protect yourself. Don't try to run out of the building during an earthquake. The most important thing is to protect yourself as much as you can.
__1__. DROP down onto your hands and knees. COVER your head and neck with your hands, arms or hard objects. If possible, find a strong shelter nearby which will cover your whole body. HOLD ON to your shelter until the shaking stops.
Find the triangle of life. __2__, so that if a wall falls down, it will create a space for you to survive.
Move away from anything that can fall. Move to open areas. Buildings, trees, streetlights and power lines can all fall down during an earthquake.
Find a shelter where you can stay. If you are near objects that can fall, __4__.
Wait a moment before moving to any other place. Objects may also fall after an earthquake and there are always strong aftershocks. Observe carefully before you move away.
★If you're in a car:
Stop. Stop your car as quickly as you can, __5__.
Stay seated. Stay calm in your car. The car's metal body can protect you from falling objects.
Drive away carefully when the earthquake stops. Avoid bridges that have been damaged or may be damaged by aftershocks.
A.If you are outdoors
B.If you are in the forest
C.Drop, cover and hold on
D.but you need more patience
E.find a shelter to protect yourself from them
F.Sit on the floor next to a sturdy piece of furniture
G.but avoid stopping near a building or under a tree
题号 1 2 3 4 5
You never know what nature has prepared for you as a gift. Years ago, when walking alone on a beach in Florida, I was so __1__ to hear splashes (水溅声) coming from the water. As I walked in the __2__ of the sounds, I saw a manatee (海牛) show its head out of the water, __3__ a great snuffling (带鼻音的) breath. It seemed that it was in __4__ and trying to get out of it.
I'd never seen a __5__ like this before. I wanted to ask for help, but there was no one __6__. So I went into the shallow water and went toward the animal. I came __7__enough to make out the manatee. Then, a second manatee appeared beside it. __8__, the other manatees were also moving toward me. Soon, I was __9__ by several manatees. I could clearly see the larger manatee __10__ the little one up with her flipper (鳍状肢) and push it to the surface beside me.
I held my hand out touching their back as they passed me. Since they obviously enjoyed touching me, I began __11__each of them as they swam by.
I stood there enjoying the scene, __12__ to move, until finally the rising tide __13__ me back to the shore. Later I knew that the manatees involved me in their celebration of a birth and I was welcome to meet the __14__ member of their family. You never know who might __15__ up for your party. ,
1.A.frustrated B.surprised
C.embarrassed D.disappointed
2.A.direction B.condition
C.middle D.side
3.A.making out B.putting out
C.coming out D.letting out
4.A.force B.trouble
C.loss D.action
5.A.look B.feel
C.scene D.smell
6.A.in hand B.in the distance
C.in the way D.in sight
7.A.close B.soon
C.quick D.straight
8.A.Luckily B.Personally
C.Unexpectedly D.Sadly
9.A.surrounded B.watched
C.attacked D.separated
10.A.turn B.eat
C.throw D.hold
11.A.moving B.hitting
C.catching D.touching
12.A.unwilling B.ready
C.unable D.afraid
13.A.invited B.forbade
C.forced D.helped
14.A.best B.oldest
C.toughest D.newest
15.A.build B.show
C.look D.step
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十六) 单元复习测试题 Unit 4
1.He got up slowly and d________ (拉) his chair towards the table.
2.The police recognized the criminal from his typical facial feature—a s________ (伤疤) on the forehead.
3.So please treasure your college years—make the best use of your free time and become an independent thinker to control your d________ (命运).
4.Our English teacher creates a friendly and relaxing a________ (氛围) in the class where we are free to express ourselves.
5.Why are some brands more popular than others even if the products are of similar q________ (质量)
6.Teaching children with special needs requires p________ (耐心) and understanding.
7.Thank you for sharing this encouraging story with us, which has increased our confidence and arouse our p________ (激情).
8.I was too tired and frightened to find c________ (安慰) in that familiar promise.
9.A sense of h________ (幽默) is a social skill to help you build a good relationship with others.
10.Tom bought a d________ (数码的) camera made in Japan in the supermarket.
l.In fact, the school bags that were bought by my mother and aunt are not ________ (significant) different.
2.Recent ________ (advance) in medical science have brought a lot of hope to people suffering from serious illnesses.
3.Jack made a(n) ________ (adventure) journey by sailing around the world in his own sailboat.
4.________ (acquire) the skills of playing the piano, you should spend as much time as you could practicing it.
5.The museum to be visited was within easy walking ________ (distant) of the hotel.
6.He is too anxious ________ (know) the result of the final examination.
7.Many people expressed a strong ________ (prefer) for the original plan.
8.Few want to live without search engines or a quick ________ (deliver).
9.The way ________ you told me was not practical.
10.Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be ________ (humour).
1.I don't feel it difficult to understand the Special English program on the radio.
2.Whenever (it is) possible, ride your bike to save some gasoline and reduce the carbon footprint.
3.The moral of the story is: Spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily however difficult the situation may be.
4.Mr Green must have been punished for his being rude at the meeting yesterday, didn't he
5.I like this game, and I am fortunate to have fun with all my friends.
A while back I caught a news report on something called “couch surfing” and the network of trusting souls who make this phenomenon possible. They offer to put up travelers free of charge and help them on their ways. At first, it sounded unbelievable. I mean, inviting strangers into one's home for one or two nights Give me a break.
However, I was intrigued. I decided to investigate. The only way to truly learn about this phenomenon was to dive in. So I planned a trip to Finland, a country I had always wanted to explore. I would couch surf at every stop there.
If ever any anxiety existed when stepping into the unknown, it disappeared when my first host met me at the train station. Ari looked like my idea of a typical Finn: tall and blue eyed. Finns were also supposed to be famously reserved (寡言少语的). Ari was anything but. He was a live wire, giving me an enthusiastic welcome and hiking with me to his apartment, where he showed me the sleeper sofa, served me tea, and engaged me in warm conversations. He also handed me a key to come and go as I pleased.
If this was what couch surfing was all about trust and friendship, then I had gotten off to a good start. As I boarded my next train to continue my journey, I began to think about this couch surfing idea. What urged these people to open their homes to strangers I concluded that there was a desire to lend a hand to like minded folks who might enrich their own lives.
Seven cities in 14 days. Seven hosts. Seven new friends. If couch surfing taught me anything, it's this: Most people are good and generous.
Where will couch surfing take me next Who knows But I can't wait to find out.
1.Which of the following best explains the underlined word “intrigued” in Paragraph 2
A.Relaxed. B.Disgusted.
C.Interested. D.Embarrassed.
2.What can we know about Ari
A.He was reserved like most Finns.
B.He talked less but he was friendly.
C.He treated the author as a friend.
D.He saw off the author at the train station.
3.Why did people offer couch surfing to strangers
A.To take an adventure with strangers.
B.To exchange houses for a short time.
C.To learn more about others' family lives.
D.To enrich their own lives by helping others.
4.What can be the suitable title for the text
A.Travel on Trust and Couches
B.A Free Travel in Finland
C.Experiences in Strangers' Houses
D.A Plan for Couch Surfing
Thirteen year old Kaylee has a lot of friends—532, actually, if you count up her online friends. And she spends a lot of time with them.
But is it possible that Kaylee's online friendships could be making her lonely That's what some experts believe. Connecting online is a great way to stay in touch, they say. However, some experts worry that many kids are so busy connecting online that they might be missing out on true friendships.
Could this be true During your parents' childhoods, connecting with friends usually meant spending time with them in__the__flesh. Kids played Scrabble around a table, not Words With Friends on their phones. When friends missed each other, they picked up the telephone. Friends might even write letters to each other.
Today, most communication takes place online. A typical teen sends 2,000 texts a month and spends more than 44 hours per week in front of a screen. Much of this time is spent on social media platforms (平台).
In fact, in many ways, online communication can make friendships stronger. “There's definitely a positive influence. Kids can stay in constant contact, which means they can share more of their feelings with each other,” says Katie Davis, coauthor of The App Generation.
Other experts, however, warn that too much online communication can get in the way of forming deep friendships. “If we are constantly checking in with our virtual words, we will have little time for our real world friendships.” says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University. Rosen also worries that today's kids might mistake the “friends” on the social media for true friends in life. However, in tough times, you don't need someone to like your picture or share your blogs. You need someone who will keep your secrets and hold your hand. You would like to talk face to face.
5.What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A.To summarize the text.
B.To tell about true friends.
C.To bring up a discussion.
D.To encourage online friendships.
6.What does the underlined part “in the flesh” mean in Paragraph 3
A.In any case. B.In person.
C.In full measure. D.In advance.
7.What is Katie's attitude towards online communication
A.Worried. B.Unconcerned.
C.Confused. D.Positive.
8.What view does Rosen hold
A.It's wise to turn to friends online.
B.It's easier to develop friendships in reality.
C.Teenagers need to focus on real world friendships.
D.Social media help people stay closely connected.
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
答案课时作业(十七) Unit 5 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
1.I will play in the a________ (每年的)school concert next Sunday.
2.The solution, of course, was to plant trees so the animals could s________ (寻找)shelter during the daytime adventure.
3.He took m________ (测量)of the mountain before he climbed it.
4.Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique p________ (位置) to help their adolescent children learn persistence.
5.Share prices c________ (暴跌)to an all time low yesterday.
6.It is proved that most people only absorb about 20 p________ (百分比)of a speaker's message. So, don't stop speaking when you make a mistake unless it's a truly serious one.
7.Most kids want superheroes, familiar sports team logos or princesses, while babies often receive scenes with flowers, trees and sea c________ (生物).
8.What followed was to d________ (测定,确定)what had caused the mass migration of the monarch.
9.To everyone's amazement, the whole city was completely d________ (破坏)in the sudden flood and nothing was left.
10.Of the six people injured in the crash, only two s________ (活下来,幸存).
1.The ________ (hard) you study, the luckier you will be.
2.Wise people are more easily respected than foolish ________ (one).
3.Remember that the best relationship is one ________ your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.
4.I graduated from university last summer, ________ I was 22.
5.In future articles we will come back to the theme and provide solutions ________ some of the questions we posted.
6.The building was completely ________ (destroy) by fire.
7.Seeing him come back to work, we were absolutely ________ (amaze) at his rapid recovery.
8.However, human vision performance is related to two factors: the quality of images ________ (capture) by the eye and the image processing ability of the brain.
9.The monarch butterfly's population ________ (crash) by as much as 90 per cent in the last few years.
10.Can you imagine such a famous wildlife professor lives in a room ________ (measure) only 6×6 metres
Many animals migrate 1.________ (find) food, seek a partner, or in search of warmer weather. One of the most wonderful migrations in nature is 2.________ of the North American monarch butterfly. The time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky allow the butterfly 3.________ (determine) the way to go. Eventually, it manages 4.________ (travel) a long distance south and reach the places 5.________ it will spend the winter. However, until recently no one knew how the monarch butterfly did this. And the solution to the mystery of the monarch's amazing ability comes at a time 6.________ it is in serious trouble. Its population 7.________ (crash) by as much as 90 per cent in the last few years. 8.________ (sad) , human activity is the main reason why the number of monarch butterflies is falling. The research on the monarch's behaviour has however led to a greater 9.________ (aware) of this creature. People have been working together. The more we know about the creature, the 10.________ (great) the chance it will survive.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
Becoming more social online isn't that difficult if you keep these two points in mind. Firstly, adopt an open minded approach. Secondly, remember that people online are as real as you and not virtual (虚拟的) though nameless. Getting to know them will make you feel much easier to be more social online.
Consider which social medium you are most comfortable with. There are many different methods for you to spend time online and socialize with others. If you feel that you can express yourself more vividly (生动地) over video, consider choosing video chat or Skype. If you feel more comfortable expressing yourself using writing, experience magic of creating articles on the page through writing blogs. If you want to socialize in a friendly atmosphere and to create a good circle, Facebook is best for you. Try not to limit yourself to just one medium of communication. Having a variety of experiences will help you to feel more widely engaged and will maintain your interest in a range of areas, meeting many different types of people.
Be open to thoughts expressed by others. Take care to avoid being misunderstood by others by writing or talking clearly and explaining yourself carefully. Take time to respond to messages and if something upsets you, step back rather than responding immediately and think through whether you've interpreted (理解) things accurately or not. Allow others the same—do not expect people to reply immediately or to have quick answers to questions that you have placed for them.
1.What does the underlined word “them” refer to
A.People online.
B.The ways to be social.
C.People in real life.
D.The two points above.
2.Compared with people in real life, what's special about people online
A.Real. B.Open minded.
C.Virtual. D.Nameless.
3.If you're skilled at writing, which medium suits you best
A.Facebook. B.Blogs.
C.Video chat. D.Skype.
4.Which is in agreement with the writer's view
A.Words are much easier to be misunderstood than videos.
B.One can never be too careless communicating online.
C.When you are annoyed online, be quick to fight back.
D.Give others and yourself time to reflect before responding.
Roommates can be fun, entertaining and interesting. However, it doesn't mean your living friendship will always run smoothly. In other words, there is no perfect or faultless roommate. Here are some common roommate problems that one is sure to face.
Everyone expects to live in a clean room. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same understanding of cleanliness. Thus, one roommate may end up feeling the other doesn't put effort into keeping the room neat. Moreover, a common example is the situation where one roommate has no sense of cleanliness, letting rubbish pile up in the room for days and never cleaning the bathroom.
Noise making is one unpleasant course of feud (不和) between roommates. Some roommates are loud and very noisy with slamming (砰地关上) doors behind them and playing or singing along with music. Most of these noises are unwanted and can easily break the peace.
Some roommates have many friends who would visit until midnight or even sleep over in your room practically invading your privacy.
Having a roommate who takes your things without your permission is one of the worst problems. It can be annoying to get back from class only to realize that your roommate picked or finished your leftovers, or to discover that your juice is somehow running out twice as fast as it usually does, and this can lead to a feud.
To live in comfort with a roommate, you need to live in harmony (和谐) and brush things off when you can because everyone has faults.
5.What's the nature of the first problem
A.Difference in thoughts.
B.Difference in fortune.
C.Difference in customs.
D.Difference in culture.
6.How is Paragraph 5 developed
A.By giving explanations.
B.By comparing.
C.By inferring.
D.By listing examples.
7.What's the purpose of the last paragraph
A.To summarize the passage.
B.To give a solution to the problems.
C.To list some relevant facts.
D.To bring forward the problems.
8.Which can be the best title of the passage
A.Practical solutions to roommate problems
B.Common problems between roommates
C.What a bad roommate one can be
D.Don't touch others' things without permission
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
1.Nowadays,they are once again a f________ (熟悉的) sight, playing roles that are often just as important for the community as their original purpose.
2.His son, aged 15, judged that there was something u________ (不平常的) about the one with a young girl sitting on a garden chair.
3.We live in a d________ (数字的) world now, and a student's technology needs have changed.
4.“Sleep is a c________ (可耻的) waste of time.” That's not me talking. That's two famous people, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison.
5.These courses are intended for a________ (高级的) learners of English.
6.She had heard the newsflash on a TV channel's news u________ (最新消息).
7.There are other s________ (网站) that allow people to share contents such as pictures, articles or videos.
8.I'm glad that talk is over. It seemed to go on f________ (永远)!
9.This pass e________ (使可能) me to travel half price on trains.
10.The world population t________ (倾向于) to increase more and more.
lose track of, stay in touch with, connect with, even if, keep in mind, tend to, long for, enable sb. to do sth., persuade sb. to do sth., be familiar with
1.The software ____________ you ____________ access the Internet in seconds.
2.In this study, each of the participants ____________ be either honest or dishonest.
3.We must ____________ that we are not children any more, and we should be independent.
4.I've only just come here. I'm still not ____________ the work.
5.The children are ____________ the holidays.
6.Thank you for ______________ my mother ____________ let me join the army.
7.The hotel ____________ the station by a walkway.
8.I ____________ the time and missed the last bus.
9.____________ we achieve great success in our work, we should not be conceited (自大).
10.Without the use of email, I would have a very difficult time ____________ my friends.
1.As a professional singer, creativity is of great ________ (significant).
2.His good health ________ (able) him to work hard.
3.Which is your ________ (prefer), tea or coffee
4.If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to ________ (social) .
5.There is a growing ________ (tend) for women to have children later in life.
6.That ________ (adventure) experience made him have a deeper understanding of life.
7.A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set nine ________ (crime) free.
8.As a ________ (say) goes, “No pain, no gain.”
When you make friends with others online, please keep in mind 1.________ all that we see on social media is often not the whole 2.________ (true). Because on social media sites, people tend 3.________ (post) only positive updates that make them appear happy and friendly. For example, a young person could be old. 4.________ (similar) , a woman could be a man; the “friend” you are sharing your information with could even be a 5.________ (crime) . But this doesn't mean that we should throw 6.________ baby out with the bathwater. After all, every one of us needs 7.________ (friend) , the true meaning of which remains the same and our 8.________ (long) for friends doesn't disappear either. However, as technology has changed the way 9.________ our acquiring friends, we should learn to protect 10.________ (we) when we “friend” people online.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
The bus screamed to a stop in Nazareth, Israel. Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with me. They asked typical travelers' questions—where was I going and why was I traveling alone My plan was to travel with a friend of a friend, I explained, but when I called her that morning, she didn't pick up and I had no other way to reach her. My stomach was in knots, but I decided to head out anyway, thinking I might run into her if I traveled to Tiberius, where we had planned to go together.
“Why don't you travel with us?” one of the backpackers offered. They were experienced adventurers who would work for a few months, save, then travel for as long as they could. Their current plan was to explore the Middle East and Europe in three months while working in London.
It seemed risky to travel with strangers, but my instinct said yes. For the next two weeks, I explored Israel with the backpackers and learned to trust my instincts in all types of new and interesting situations. When they hooked a ride, I took the bus, but when they wanted to steal into the King David Hotel's swimming pool, I led the way. The world opened up to me because I chose to travel alone. I joined complete strangers, who become close friends. Years later, one couple from the backpacking group even flew from Sydney to Phoenix to be in my wedding. The trip was such a special experience that it gave me confidence in all areas of my life. Since then, I've backpacked alone across South Africa, sky dived from 12, 000 feet in New Zealand and even moved across the U. S. with no job lined up.
On my third day wandering in Israel with my new friends, I bumped into the woman I was supposed to meet. Though I was happy she was all right, I was grateful she hadn't picked up the phone.
1.By “My stomach was in knots” (in Paragraph 1) , the author most likely means that she was ________.
A.sick of riding on a bumpy bus
B.nervous of meeting strangers
C.upset about the sudden change
D.sorry about the impractical plan
2.Which of the following best describes the backpackers the author met
A.Courageous but disrespectful.
B.Jobless and poorly educated.
C.Warmhearted and trustworthy.
D.Homeless but lighthearted.
3.The author's sixth sense told her that ________.
A.she would get along with the backpackers
B.it might cause trouble to have a swim
C.she ought to stay away from the backpackers
D.it could add excitement to get a free ride
4.What can be inferred from the passage
A.Most of the backpackers became the author's lifelong friends.
B.The author gathered the courage to be a fulltime backpack traveler.
C.The woman missed the phone call with the purpose of traveling alone.
D.The author considered it the best decision of her life to travel on her own.
题号 1 2 3 4
Growing up in the 1960s, I was taught from an early age to send a handwritten thank you note expressing __1__ for kindness. My mother used to buy me a box of paper and __2__ me in the art and value of saying “thank you”. She __3__ to be right.
A study showed that it took most volunteers less than 5 minutes to write the thank you notes. Just 5 minutes to make __4__ person feel “overjoyed” ! Yet, in our “instant” world, we tend to do what is __5__ for us—a quick text or an email.
It's easy to use the __6__ of being busy, but even very busy and __7__ businessmen find time to __8__ thank you notes. For example, when Doug Conant became CEO of Campbell's Soup, the company had __9__ half of its market value and morale (士气) was at an all time low. He __10__ fixing that by doing some simple things that are probably not __11__ in any MBA class. For one thing, Conant wrote to every __12__. He gained their confidence and __13__, turned the company around. In his ten years as CEO, Conant wrote over 30, 000 notes to employees. Conant made time for __14__ because he knew the impact each one would have. An expression of __15__ in this crazy world still makes a difference.,
1.A.appreciation B.sympathy
C.affection D.concern
2.A.consult B.impress
C.answer D.instruct
3.A.proved B.remained
C.appeared D.claimed
4.A.one B.another
C.any D.each
5.A.special B.convenient
C.necessary D.important
6.A.situation B.excuse
C.example D.case
7.A.humorous B.successful
C.optimistic D.experienced
8.A.pen B.receive
C.design D.deliver
9.A.lost B.gained
C.developed D.damaged
10.A.gave up B.kept up
C.set about D.worried about
11.A.permitted B.taught
C.checked D.tested
12.A.market B.businessman
C.company D.employee
13.A.personally B.frankly
C.naturally D.occasionally
14.A.me B.it
C.him D.them
15.A.kindness B.joy
C.value D.confidence
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十四) Unit 4 Section Ⅱ Using language
1.After that I p________ (倒) oil into a pan and turned on the stove. Indeed, I waited patiently until the oil was hot.
2.Those viewing the q________ (品质) of Abbot Hall's temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a city gallery.
3.Polar bears—like all wild animals—should be photographed from a safe d________ (距离).
4.As you know, we t________ (青少年) are going through a rapid growth and development which needs to be supported by a healthy and balanced diet.
5.Believe it or not, the club will send a free information p________ (小包).
6.I will, with great p________ (激情), try my best to serve our honored guests from home and abroad politely.
7.We were completely knocked out by their g ________ (慷慨) .
8.He has a lively sense of h________ (幽默感) and appears naturally confident.
9.I'm also very interested in writing and I am a ________ (焦虑的) to know how to choose a powerful topic for a novel.
10.It was an unpopular decision to p________ (推迟) building the new hospital.
in order, feel like, communicate with, come up with, help out
1.My parents have never ____________ me till now.
2.She ____________ a new suggestion to solve the problem.
3.I have ____________ here for five months.
4.This article discusses the above four topics
5.Such negative thoughts and feelings make entire people ____________ giving up.
1.Lucy is a smart girl. Her ideas are always ________ (inspire).
2.The ________ (comfort) room, delicious meals, friendly family all made me feel so at home.
3.After 3 hours of waiting for the train, our ________ (patient) was finally exhausted.
4.Jane will show up at the concert; she is very anxious ________ (meet) the famous director.
5.Mother was still waving as the train disappeared in the ________ (distant) .
6.I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise.
7.She said she would do anything ________ could help her mother recover from the disease.
8.This is the very factory ________ they visited last summer holiday.
9.I still remember the earthquake ________ happened in 2019 in Yibin, Sichuan.
10.The dishes ________ I cooked were Mom's favorites.
1.The first place ________________.(  )
2.I came across the boy ____________.(  )
3.This is my favourite book ________.(  )
4.Xi'an is the city ________________.(  )
5.This is the house ________________.(  )
6.My father is the person __________.(  )
7.He has found the necklace ________.(  )
8.My hometown is Kunming ________.(  )
①which he gave his wife as a birthday gift
②who always helps others and educates us to do so
③that they visited in London was the Big Ben
④whose parents went to Canada last year
⑤which is known as the Spring City
⑥that was bought by my mother in Xinhua Bookstore
⑦which he would like to visit next year
⑧which was discovered by the project team last month
How to Contribute to Thanksgiving Dinner
As a Teenager
Your family has been stressing out about hosting this year's Thanksgiving meal for weeks now, and you want to help out. The problem is, you're only a teenager. __1__
Go grocery shopping. If you have enough time and the food hasn't been purchased yet, ask your parents if you can do the grocery shopping for them. __2__ If you don't have a car and walking to the grocery store or biking there isn't a choice, ask if you can go to the grocery store along with your parents to make the shopping process easier.
Clean the house. A clean home is the best setting for Thanksgiving dinner. __3__ Clear an area for guests to put their shoes, coats, and bags so they aren't in the way.
Set the table. It will save your parents' time, so they can finish preparing the meal. If you're using place cards, put wine glasses at the seats of guests who will be drinking. Some guests may have their kids seated at the table. __4__
Plan a fun family activity. This is a great thing to do when people are either waiting for the meal or looking for something to do after the meal. This is where you come in. __5__ You may even take some family photos. They'll be happy that you captured these memories later.
A.So how do you start helping out
B.Don't get too pushy about doing everything.
C.You should plan a fun game or activity in advance.
D.If you have a car and they trust you to drive, that is.
E.Ask your parents if you are unsure whether you really need place cards.
F.You should consider not putting a knife at their seat, for safety reasons.
G.Even if it's not perfectly neat, things should be relatively organized and dust free.
题号 1 2 3 4 5
At the beginning of our last class, I asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved him/her. As was usually the __1__,I fully expected one of the women to __2__, but on this evening one of the men raised his hand. He appeared quite moved and a bit __3__.
He began by saying, “Dennis, I was quite __4__ with you last week when you gave us this __5__. I didn't feel that I had anyone to say those words to, and __6__, who were you to tell me to do something that is __7__? But as I began driving home a(n) __8__ deep down in my heart started talking to me. It was __9__ me that I knew exactly who I needed to say ‘I love you’ to. You see, five years ago, my father and I had a cruel __10__ and really never resolved it since that time. We__11__seeing each other unless we totally had to at Christmas or other family__12__.But even then, we __13__ spoke to each other. So, last Tuesday by the time I got home I had __14__ myself I was going to tell my father I loved him.”
“It's strange, but just making that decision __15__ to lift a heavy load off my chest.”
“When I got home, I rushed into the house to tell my wife what I was going to do and for the first time in our married life she saw me cry.”,
1.A.matter B.step
C.manner D.case
2.A.volunteer B.behave
C.accept D.get
3.A.tired B.curious
C.shaken D.puzzled
4.A.familiar B.angry
C.strict D.content
5.A.assignment B.instruction
C.explanation D.description
6.A.therefore B.besides
C.however D.thus
7.A.popular B.happy
C.personal D.painful
8.A.idea B.desire
C.voice D.message
9.A.showing B.asking
C.speaking D.telling
10.A.disagreement B.defeat
C.challenge D.suggestion
11.A.enjoyed B.avoided
C.tried D.finished
12.A.collections B.occasions
C.restaurants D.gatherings
13.A.finally B.hardly
C.willingly D.happily
14.A.convinced B.advised
C.taught D.answered
15.A.meant B.led
C.wanted D.seemed
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十五) 
Unit 4 Section ⅢDeveloping ideas & Presenting ideas
1.Many young people went to seek their f________ (财富) abroad.
2.The novel describes the way of life of the o________ (普通的) people there.
3.The young woman's face was disfigured by a long red s________ (伤疤).
4.I find it really hard to d________ (拖,拉) myself out and exercise regularly.
5.Your p________ (搭档) should then pass the ball back to you.
6.They stood gazing at the happy s________ (场景) of children playing in the park.
7.While attending to the central task, we should u________ (展开) the work in other fields.
8.I have to find a convenient l________ (地点) for the table.
9.Despite their different p________ (个性), they became best friends.
10.When I entered the room, I found it had a breathless a________ (气氛).
1.It is very ________ (fortune) for you to meet your good friend in this lonely village.
2.His ________ (person) comes through in his writing.
3.If necessary, we'll have video meetings with our ________ (part) around the world.
4.We agreed to meet at the school gate at the ________ (appoint) time.
5.The poor black man spoke most ________ (bitter) of his experiences in prison.
6.He ________ (drag) the heavy case across the floor.
7.He quickly ________ (fold) the blankets and spread them on the bed.
8.Life learning is not limited by the time, ________ (locate) or presence of the teacher.
9.The old man stood there, ________ (surround) by his five sons and daughters, looking very happy.
10.He was ________ (shame) that he had lied.
The short story was set in New York on a cold, dark night. In a quiet part of the city, a policeman noticed a man 1.________ a scar on his face outside a shop. When the policeman questioned the man, he started to tell his story. He told the policeman that he 2.________ (wait) for a friend. Because 20 years 3.________ he had made an agreement in the restaurant there with his 4.________ (close) friend in the world Jimmy Wells 5.________ they would meet at the same place 20 years later whatever was going to happen to them. Then he 6.________ (leave) New York and went to the West 7.________ (make) his fortune while Jimmy remained living in New York, 8.________ he thought New York was the only place on earth. At first they corresponded with each other, but after a year 9.________ two, they lost track. However, he firmly believed that Jimmy Wells wouldn't forget the agreement between them and would turn 10.________ to meet him.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things as they do.
The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will stay away from a scared or angry looking face.
One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person
Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Who are their favorite singers, where do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. Make sure you have something to add to the conversation, too. When someone asks you a question, do have an answer for them. There's nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a__shrug__(耸肩)__for__an__answer.__
Kids who show an interest in other kids and who are kind and friendly make good friends. Remember, everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who are nice to them.
1.What advice does this article give us
A.How to make friends.
B.What kind of person you can make friends with.
C.How to start a conversation.
D.The importance of smiling.
2.What kind of people do most people like to make friends with
A.Who are sad every day.
B.Who share the same interest.
C.Who are fond of talking.
D.Who say bad things to them.
3.According to the third paragraph, most people enjoy talking to one ________.
A.who is always smiling
B.who seems to be friendly
C.who praises them
D.who points out their shortcomings
4.What does the underlined part in this passage mean
A.Being very proud.
B.Making no answer.
C.Knowing nothing.
D.Not hoping to answer.
题号 1 2 3 4
I have been doing presentations and conducting training programs for many years. Just recently I had the pleasure of __1__ at a conference (会议) about the success factors in business and as usual I spent a lot of time __2__ the content.
I have always __3__ the level of success of my presentations by the applause (鼓掌) and __4__ that I received from the audience. After the applause ended, I had the __5__ to personally speak to nearly all of the delegates (代表). The last delegate I spoke with __6__ me by shaking my hand and saying how much she __7__ my presentation, and that she had got a lot of __8__ tips to use in her business. Usually I feel __9__ after any presentation, and I know it is directly related to how much energy I put into what I do. __10__, this time her praise gave me a great lift and recharged my batteries.
This __11__ at the end of my presentation also made me realize that what we __12__ in life can come back to us and __13__, we all need to value the praise when and where it is deserved (应得的). As I drove away from the __14__ I reflected on how fortunate I had been to receive all those words of praise and __15__ that morning. ,
1.A.performing B.educating
C.speaking D.learning
2.A.imagining B.protecting
C.describing D.preparing
3.A.measured B.changed
C.raised D.adjusted
4.A.gifts B.advice
C.comments D.invitation
5.A.motivation B.responsibility
C.plan D.chance
6.A.greeted B.blamed
C.confused D.welcomed
7.A.explored B.enjoyed
C.admired D.expected
8.A.helpful B.simple
C.interesting D.free
9.A.excited B.relaxed
C.embarrassed D.tired
10.A.However B.Moreover
C.Otherwise D.Therefore
11.A.challenge B.discovery
C.experience D.accident
12.A.figure out B.set up
C.dream of D.give out
13.A.equally B.differently
C.seriously D.practically
14.A.party B.conference
C.school D.ceremony
15.A.achievement B.comfort
C.encouragement D.trust
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(十一)
Unit 3 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.Jennifer is a first generation graduate and an inspiration to her family—and that's pretty p________ (强有力的).
2.Some i________ (个人) are born with a gift for public speaking.
3.Another vehicle approaching at high speed on a collision t________ (轨道) might not be visible until it's too late.
4.The gap between the poor and the rich is very wide i________ (确实).
5.While I have only listed two of each, there are o________ (明显地) many other situations that can arise.
6.Throughout my educational years, d________ (尽管) the kind teachers I had met, I never felt interested in writing until I met her, Mrs Kelley.
7.It continues the spirit of giving that Roald expressed t________ (在整个期间) his life.
8.Many other studies have found the same positive i________ (影响) throughout their social activities.
9.A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give o________ (意见).
10.The writer writes this passage a________ (力求达到) to draw our attention to helping the migratory (迁徙的) animals.
in trouble, no longer, end up, in the lead, start with, round the corner, now and then, leave behind, settle for, agree with
1.Number five is ____________, and it looks like he is going to win.
2.The factory has built itself up by ____________ an old machine tool.
3.When trees begin to turn green, spring is just ____________.
4.Now he is ____________, so we should go all out to help him.
5.This road is so narrow that there are traffic jams ____________.
6.He went off to the station in such a hurry that his wallet ____________ at home.
7.When a thing has been used, it is ____________ new.
8.I couldn't afford the house I really wanted, so I had to ____________ second best.
9.When China presented this theory, DPRK ____________ it.
10.With Jim driving, you never know where you're going to ____________.
1.Our company's technology is obviously still ________ the lead in this field.
2.Actually, I have witnessed your progress with ________ (admire) all these years, and I can imagine how much effort you have put into your writing.
3.There are 10 kilometers of ________ (track) and paths for rides across farmland and the open country.
4.________ (judge) from her letters, the mother seems to be feeling a lot better.
5.________ (typical), we are all aware that the Romantic poets lived hard and died young.
6.In many cities and towns, there are also transportation services available, such as ________ (special) equipped buses.
7.They have tried to reconstruct the ________ (settle) as it used to be.
8.With these main reasons in mind, we can evaluate our level of anger ________ the day.
The Brownlee brothers 1.________ (take) part in the final part of the 2016 World Triathlon Series in Mexico when something was wrong. Alistair was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead. They were rushing to the finish line when Jonny was about to fall 2.________ the track. Alistair saw that and rushed to his brother without any 3.________ (hesitate) and then pulled him towards the finish line. Alistair 4.________ (push) his brother in second place and he himself in third. After the competition, Alistair just wanted to see his younger brother, who had been rushed to the medical area.
They 5.________ (do) triathlons since they were children. They encourage each other as much as they can when they train. 6.________ (have) a brother is an advantage, 7.________ makes them have an 8.________ (enormous) positive force. Though the ending to the race has divided 9.________ (opinion), yet Alistair didn't care about it. The important thing he did was not to leave his brother 10.________ . At that moment, Alistair was no longer an athlete aiming for a medal—he was just a brother.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
The best way to go on a holiday
Holidays with family can be hard and there can be many arguments. One friend told me that both she and her sister were in tears after arguing on holiday when their flight had even taken off. __1__ In my own family, my dad always wants to go to a museum, my mom and my sister want to shop, and I want to go to a coffee shop. __2__ Travelling with family can be very cheap or even free, though,if parents pay.
Holidays with friends are not usually as cheap and money always plays an important role. It's normal for everyone to have different budgets and there need to be a lot of compromises, from where you stay to what you eat. This surely causes problems.
__3__ When on holiday with friends, you do different things from what you do with family. It's also good for learning more about your friends, and sharing experiences together. Even though we spend a lot of time with our friends, travelling with them is different and is a way to strengthen friendship.
When choosing with whom to travel, there is another option: Alone. __4__ For example, you don't have to compromise on money issues. You can choose what you want to do and it can also be a good opportunity to meet new people, especially when staying in hotels.
Personally I prefer travelling alone because there are fewer arguments. Of course, sometimes I like holidays with other people. __5__
A.For the most part, we end up shopping.
B.That way, there is always someone to talk to.
C.Nonetheless, travelling with friends can be incredible fun.
D.Not everybody in the family wants to do the same thing.
E.Travelling alone has advantages over travelling with other people.
F.Going to travel with such people can be different.
G.Almost everybody likes to relax, to visit new places and see new things.
题号 1 2 3 4 5
I learned something really early from my family: Even the biggest challenges are less terrifying when you solve them as a community.
My brother, sister and cousins were my first group. __1__ we got more and more fights at home, we never __2__ that outside our house—if you messed with one of us, you got __3__ of us.
From school to sports, I was __4__ in a class project, club, team or group. I grew because others pushed me. __5__ didn't seem so scary because we were taking risks together.
When a drunk driver killed my father, it was our community that __6__. It was our family, friends, our community theater and our sports teams that stood __7__ us. I don't __8__ a parent's death as the way to learn about the __9__ of small communities, but it did make me __10__ that. If I looked for bigger challenges with the support of a group, I was going to __11__ broader goals and build deeper relationships __12__ the journey.
As I sit here tonight with my team of five, I'm __13__ of how much I love these moments—building __14__ we believe in, that we'll learn from and that we'll do together.
If you are going to do something that terrifies you, first find a(n) __15__.
1.A.Once        B.When
C.While D.Since
2.A.argued B.considered
C.decided D.doubted
3.A.none B.all
C.nothing D.anyone
4.A.sometimes B.seldom
C.always D.barely
5.A.Failures B.Goals
C.Fights D.Disasters
6.A.stepped in B.moved on
C.turned up D.stood out
7.A.for B.between
C.by D.through
8.A.confirm B.recommend
C.adopt D.identify
9.A.belief B.power
C.possibility D.harmony
10.A.realize B.figure
C.consider D.notice
11.A.go through B.get over
C.go for D.come across
12.A.for B.besides
C.by D.throughout
13.A.informed B.reminded
C.blamed D.inspired
14.A.anything B.everything
C.something D.somebody
15.A.dream B.partner
C.organization D.group
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(四) 单元复习测试题 Unit 1
1.I'm ________ (好奇的) to see what's going to happen on the political scene.
2.We still keep the tradition of ________ (交换) gifts at Christmas.
3.Those activities were ________ (组织) by our school, which really provided us with much pleasure.
4.Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest ________ (挑战) faced by scientists today.
5.I was under ________ (压力) from my parents to become a teacher.
6.I feel much more ________ (有信心的) about myself and my abilities these days.
7.I was ________ (害怕的) of being left by myself in the house.
8.I had such a tight schedule that I had no time to write a travel ________ (日记).
9.When I was admitted to the university, my family congratulated me on my excellent ________ (表现).
10.He spent much of his life ________ (探索) the wildlife.
in particular, refer to, one by one, look forward to, turn around, go all out, keep calm, graduate from
1.Jimmy has made great progress in all subjects this term, chemistry ____________.
2.Whenever we come across new words, we may ____________ the dictionary.
3.The war was ended and we ____________ the dawn of much happier days.
4.We foster and encourage employees to ____________ to work for customers.
5.Students are required to go to work in poor mountain areas after ____________ university.
6.Tina tried to ignore the danger, and did her best to ____________.
7.He ____________, and I recognized him as a former classmate.
8.We must look into these matters ____________.
1.When I was in senior high school, I wanted to explore everything on campus with ________ (eager).
2.The students presented their collections one by one at the collection exhibition ________ (organise) by the school.
3.When you are panicked or frightened, you may have difficulty ________ (breathe).
4.________ if you are faced with challenges and pressure, you must keep calm.
5.The author has various hobbies, but he loves photography and opera ________ particular.
6.John graduated from college, and he still hasn't found any job opportunities ________ the moment.
7.She is looking forward to ________ (give) a dance performance or playing the piano on stage.
8.The volunteers put up a poster, ________ (say) they would hold a sharp debate and argue about the topic.
9.Scientists have been investigating how dinosaurs ________ (appear) suddenly.
10.The band gave a wonderful performance on stage, ________ (leave) a deep impression on the audience.
11.________ my point of view, dolphins are intelligent animals.
12.The little girl felt ________ (frighten) at the sight of the dinosaur.
13.In the gym, the players are going all out ________ (play) badminton.
14.Many volunteers are curious to apply ________ the job without gaining any award.
15.The school organised a field trip for collection of various insects, ________ (include) butterflies.
16.I figure the journals ________ you've selected and subscribed to are useful for your studies.
17.Could you give me some hints on how ________ (operate) this engine
18.Tom graduated from junior high school and went to senior high school. At first everything was very ________(impress)to him.
19.She was not confident of herself and ran away in panic ________ the sight of difficulties.
20.When ________ (refer) to the specific schedule, he gave us a detailed description.
1.在汤姆上高中的第一天,他对校园里的一切都很好奇。(be curious about; on campus)
2.学校的优良传统和教学设施给参观者留下了深刻印象。 (make a deep impression on)
3.尽管面临挑战和压力,我还是热切地探索新知识。(despite the challenges and pressure; with eagerness)
4.在学校组织了生物展览的参观后,我写了关于自己的昆虫收藏的故事。(organise a visit to; write something about)
5.我们班举行了一场激烈的辩论会,同学们就这个话题进行了争辩。(a sharp debate; argue on this topic)
6.这位交换生大学毕业了,此刻他正在申请成为一名志愿者。(graduate from; apply to be)
7.这个小女孩在电视上看到恐龙时,变得害怕并惊慌失措地哭了起来。(in panic; at the sight of)
8.当我提到他具体的写作日程时,作者提出了不同的看法。(refer to his specific writing schedule; various views)
9.教练认为所有队友都应该全力以赴打好这场羽毛球比赛。(figure; go all out to play)
10.该乐队正期待着早日在舞台上演出。(look forward to; give a performance)
I am a part of the Windward Robotics team known as the Omnicats, one of the many clubs offered at my school. My eight teammates and I started out by watching the robotics qualifiers and finals of Chinese teams. We used these robotics videos for inspiration and drew up mind maps of what our team wanted to do.
We meet every day for two hours after school in order to build our robots. Typically, adults oversee what students are building, but my school lets teens take control. It leaves room for more errors, but we're prouder of our final product.
Before our first real match, a practice one was offered at the actual site. My group had been further along than other teams but quickly fell behind. When we arrived on that big day, I immediately felt my teammates' tension. Our first match was in three minutes. All of us glanced around at each other since we were not prepared at all. Our robot was still sitting in a box. Two of our teammates rushed to take the robot for an official examination as the rest of us discussed our strategy.
Our team captain explained that we all should try driving the robot now, while it was early in the season. She gave me the remote. I had only driven for a limited amount of time in practice so I was extremely nervous. Our autonomous code began to run almost immediately after our short discussion. Despite all the drama, we ended up winning the match. Not too bad for the first match! I was so proud. I did not enjoy the pressure of driving but liked building the robot behind the scenes instead.
We have transferred to a different type of robotics at the end of the semester, which involves the whole team designing one giant robot with large tools. I am a part of the electrical team now, so I make sure the motherboard (母板) can supply the robot's energy needs. We have all enjoyed the rest of the season and learned that robotics is never dull!
1.What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Inspect. B.Revise.
C.Overlook. D.Request.
2.Why did the author's teammates feel so nervous before their first match
A.Because it was really too difficult for them.
B.Because they didn't prepare for it at all.
C.Because they didn't know what the match would be like.
D.Because they didn't make full preparations before the match.
3.How did the author think about their first robotics match
A.It was tiring but exciting.
B.It was stressful but wonderful.
C.It was terrible but delightful.
D.It was boring but rewarding.
4.What is the best title for the text
A.A Girl Who Loves Robots
B.My First Robotics Match
C.Teamwork for Robots
D.Robotics Is Never Dull课时作业(五) 
Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
1.Each player has to act out the t________ (题目)of a movie, play or book.
2.Coloured leg bands in u________ (独一无二的) combinations let researchers tell the black and blue birds apart.
3.To our surprise, a car a________ (警报器) went off in the middle of the night.
4.I had a friend who had the o________ (相反的) view and felt that the war was not necessary.
5.They began to feel h________ (想家的) and headed back down their city.
6.His strange b________ (举止) made the police suspicious.
7.The instructions on the box are very c________ (令人困惑的).
8.Their clothes r________ (显示) a rising standard of living in their country.
9.Normally, about 2,500 individual (单个的) stars are v________ (看得见的) to the human eyes without using any special equipment.
10.There may be a link between madness and c________ (创造力).
1.All of the shells landed ________ (harmless) in the sea.
2.His laziness leads ________ his failure in the competition.
3.Many parents frankly admit that they have trouble ________ (bring) up their children.
4.We weren't seeing weight loss necessarily, and that was ________ (confuse) to us.
5.His image seemed to ________ (reflect) many times in the mirror.
6.All ________ (apartment) have a small kitchen and a bathroom.
7.Some people would rather ________ (take) the bus than drive a car to work.
8.The machine is named after its ________ (invent).
9.________ (hear) the news, they got excited.
10.If this is true, then he shouldn't judge other people from his own ________ (behave) in the past.
1.We will subscribe to magazines ____________ (根据) our personal interests.
2.The whole family was in panic because the fire ____________ (烧尽) everything and the house was ____________ (烧毁).
3.In order to catch up with the first subway, remember to ____________(给……上发条)the clock.
4.The students graduating from university ____________________(应对现实有困难).
5.____________ (那就是为什么) he wanted to improve his teaching method.
6.____________ (谈到) his confusing behavior, I don't know what to say.
I hadn't thought why people had trouble 1.________ (learn) English until one day my son asked me whether there was ham in a hamburger. This also made me realize that there is 2.________ pine nor apple in pineapple. What 3.________ (make) English a crazy language to learn
For example, while we're traveling, we can get seasick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick in 4.________ car, but we don't get homesick when we get back home. If harmless 5.________ (action) are the opposite of harmful actions, why are 6.________ (shame) and shameful behaviors the same We can say “it's raining” or “it's snowing”, but we can't say “it's sunshining”. Even the 7.________ (small) words can be confusing, such as the “WHO” in a medical report, “IT” and “US”, which have nothing to do with “who” “it” and “us”. You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in 8.________ a house can burn up as it burns down.
The key to your confusion is that English 9.________ (invent) by people, not computers, and it 10.________ (reflect) the creativity of the human race.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
I'm a strong believer that learning different languages makes you look incredibly good when you're in a foreign country and can understand and speak the language. The list below is 4 apps that will help you learn a foreign language! You can download them for free.
Babbel—Learn Languages
Babbel is an excellent language tool to help you progress step by step when you learn a new language. It helps you learn grammar along the way as you work your way through the tasks and assignments. You need to pay a monthly subscription (订阅费), but this will still be cheaper than taking physical lessons with a tutor!
Duolingo—Learn Languages Free
The app has many languages to choose from and will work through the basics all the way to advanced words and sentences. It's all completely free too! It's incredibly well designed, looks great and will help you learn, remember and progress with just a little bit of time every day.
Tandem—Language Exchange
Rather than have you work through tasks and memorize different things, the app lets you match people who share your interests but speak the language you want to learn. You can then have text, voice and video conversations with people who want to learn your native language, and in return you learn theirs, all by simply communicating with each other. It's a great way to learn with only $1 a day.
Busuu—Learn English
This app is perfect if you want to learn English. There are all sorts of audio and visual learning aids. You'll find yourself working through interactive tests and learning tools for vocabulary and dialogue.
1.What is the purpose of the passage
A.Sell apps to language learners.
B.Introduce language learning apps.
C.Teach language learners to use apps.
D.Teach languages through apps.
2.Which app suits you best if you want to learn through communication
A.Babbel. B.Tandem.
C.Duolingo. D.Busuu.
3.How is Duolingo different from the other three apps
A.It is completely free to use.
B.It is specially for English learning.
C.It is unsuitable for beginners.
D.It is the most effective app.
4.What do the apps have in common
A.They cover all languages.
B.They focus on grammar.
C.They contain many tests.
D.They are free to download.
There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校). __1__ being sent away, this boy was the __2__ student in his class. He was at the top in every __3__, always with high marks.
But the boy changed after __4__ home and attending the boarding school. His grades started dropping and he felt __5__. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and __6__ him.
They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his classes, teachers and __7__. After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”
The boy answered, “To __8__ my grades?”
“No, no,” his dad replied. “I am here to tell you that you are the most __9__ person for me. I want to see you __10__. I don't care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”
These words __11__ the boy's eyes to be filled with tears. He __12__ his dad. They didn't say anything to each other for a long time.
Now the boy had __13__ he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply. He __14__ the whole world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him __15__!,
1.A.After B.Before
C.When D.While
2.A.hardest B.naughtiest
C.brightest D.dullest
3.A.exam B.activity
C.game D.class
4.A.coming B.returning
C.leaving D.reaching
5.A.careless B.concerned
C.annoyed D.worthless
6.A.talk with B.listen to
C.tell of D.care about
7.A.family B.friends
C.study D.grades
8.A.realize B.analyze
C.check D.test
9.A.outstanding B.important
C.famous D.familiar
10.A.happy B.excellent
C.interested D.satisfied
11.A.caused B.wanted
C.encouraged D.forced
12.A.answered B.ignored
C.hated D.hugged
13.A.nothing B.something
C.everything D.none
14.A.showed B.meant
C.intended D.expressed
15.A.sad B.angry
C.pleasant D.joyful
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(一) Unit 1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
1.Opportunity favors those with a c________ (好奇的)mind.
2.Most students feel curious and excited on the first day at s________ (高级的)high.
3.Shakespearean actors will help us e________ (考察) the universal themes in Romeo and Juliet.
4.He hurried to the new school with eagerness at that m________ (某一时刻).
5.Boasting about yourself and your best qualities is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling c________ (自信的).
6.The unwilling parent o________ (组织)the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end of season gifts.
7.A thirteen year old girl is being treated after b________ (呼吸)in thick smoke.
8.Adjusting to an upright position was quite a c________ (挑战), especially when the bones had to support an extra large skull.
9.This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the p________ (压力) fingers apply to each key.
10.The deep, gentle voice helped c________ (使镇静) the nervous girl.
one by one, find out, in panic, depend on, calm down, over and over again, half done, turn on
1.If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to ____________ ourselves.
2.Students walked into the classroom __________.
3.Suddenly, a rabbit ____________ fled out by the road. Obviously, it had been injured.
4.You had better ____________, or you will get into trouble.
5.A number of tests have been carried out to ____________ if these drugs have any effects.
6.Most people study by reading their notes ____________.
7.I think we have made a good start in our business and well begun is ____________.
8.____________ the television, please. There is a wonderful program on TV right now.
1.In their ________ (eager) to find a solution, they may have overlooked certain financial difficulties.
2.The students are looking forward to having an opportunity ________ (explore) society.
3.Will you count off the figures one ________ one so that I can write them down
4.The new teacher made a good ________ (impress) on the students.
5.He's the president of a large international ________ (organise).
6.The deadlines and what you need to apply depend ________ the program.
7.As a result, there are lots of traffic jams, and the air we ________ (breath) is terrible.
8.The purse found on the playground matches the ________ (describe) by Mary, so it must be hers.
9.When it was his turn to deliver his speech, nervous and ________ (embarrass), he walked towards the microphone.
10.Patrick was ________ (confidence) of his ability to get work for himself.
After I 1.________ (picture) it over and over again in my mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high! In order to learn more about my new school, I 2.________ (rush) out of the door in the early morning 3.________ (get) to know my new school.
I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard in the new campus 4.________ a white haired man who was enthusiastic, humorous and 5.________ (friend) appeared behind me. Later, I knew he was our English teacher, 6.________ made a great and deep impression on me.
Class beginning, we introduced ourselves to each other in class. I was organising my words when it was my turn. 7.________ (interesting), our English teacher's name was just 8.________ same as mine. So I felt quite 9.________ (embarrass).
Our English teacher said that at senior high we would face many new 10.________ (challenge). We should struggle to study and make the most of our time at senior high.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
Starting a new school can be very hard, and all you want to do is just fit in. If you want to overcome the feelings of being left out, remember well begun is half done. So try to start off well.
Arrive early. On your first day at your new school, try to arrive early so that you can fit in. Arriving late will make you feel excluded (排斥的) , and won't make a good impression on your new teachers! Arriving early will give you the chance to socialize with people already at school. This can help to make you look as if you're already “in the know” .
Introduce yourself. Although it may seem awkward, this is the way to get things rolling. Start to talk about the smallest of things and especially about the other person. By doing this, you'll be right on track in a week or two.
Try to be outgoing. The key to this advice is starting the conversation and showing your attitude towards other kids. Let's face it. No one's going to come straight up to you and want to be best friends. It's you that have to go up, say your name, ask questions, get to know people, and maybe even share things about yourself. It may seem scary, but it's definitely worth a shot.
Connect. Find people you have things in common with. Although you can't necessarily be picky on the first day, be on the lookout for long term friends, not just people who are looking to be nice to you to better their reputation.
1.What will happen if you arrive late on the first day
A.Feel left out.
B.Be ignored by other kids.
C.Be cool.
D.Make a good impression.
2.How should you get to talk with other kids
A.Talk about great events.
B.Ignore the feeling of awkward.
C.Talk more about yourself.
D.Not speak unless spoken to.
3.What advice is put forward in paragraph 4
A.Take the initiative.
B.Show your attitude.
C.Be modest.
D.Avoid speaking nonsense.
4.What's the writer's attitude to those looking nice to better their reputation
A.Favorable. B.Admired.
C.Disappointed. D.Disgusted.
Grades from freshman year are important later on if you aim to get into a selective college. While your specific grades in each class might not be put under a microscope, your overall GPA will be front and center. Grade point averages (GPAs) are generally calculated based on all of the classes that you've taken in high school, so your freshman classes will weigh into your GPA just as heavily as your junior year classes.
If you get a few Bs or even one or two Cs, it won't be the end of the world. One thing that admissions committees do look for is an upward grade trend. They like to see how you learn from your mistakes and use them as tools for improvement. Getting a less than stellar (不尽如人意的) grade during your freshman year will be less of an issue if you improve steadily afterwards.
All in all, your freshman year grades are important because they will weigh into your GPA and affect your class rank (排名), both of which are factors that a college admissions committee is very interested in. At the end of the day, though, a C during your freshman year is not nearly as bad as a C during your junior or senior year. You still have plenty of time to improve.
5.What will happen if you get low grades in your first year
A.You won't graduate from high school successfully.
B.You won't be admitted to any college or university.
C.You need to work hard in your junior and senior years.
D.You will be looked down on by admissions committees.
6.What does a college admissions committee care most
A.Specific grades in each class.
B.GPAs and class rank.
C.Scholarships won in high school.
D.Downward grade trend.
7.How is the passage mainly developed
A.General specific pattern.
B.Specific general pattern.
C.General specific general pattern.
D.Specific general specific pattern.
8.Which can be the best title of the passage
A.When Do You Need Work Heart and Soul
B.Which Year Matters Most in High School
C.How Are GPAs Calculated in High School
D.How Much Do Your Freshman Grades Matter
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Four weeks after you were born, I still served in the navy (海军) . Had I __1__ in the navy, I would always be leaving you. So I left the navy and applied to Bowdoin College and was __2__ —though, at 27, I was considered a very__3__ student. Your mother was having a __4__ time. She reached a __5__ point, so I took you to school with me.
It was very __6__ at the beginning. I feared Bowdoin knew it,so I didn't __7__ you to anyone. For the first __8__, I lived off campus and worked at night. I had to take you in sometimes and__9__ you in the closet (壁橱). Working, studying and taking care of you filled all my life. I __10__ 27 pounds just from stress.
And you __11__ school right away. I would take you to __12__ and give you things to do, and you would just sit at a desk and do them.
My graduation day was __13__. I carried you in my arms to get my diploma. All my classmates stood up and __14__. They gave me the only standing ovation (欢迎) of the day. It __15__ what I had endured (忍耐) for the past four years.,
1.A.stayed B.moved
C.changed D.survived
2.A.refused B.employed
C.accepted D.promised
3.A.normal B.unimportant
C.educated D.non traditional
4.A.simple B.difficult
C.regretful D.comfortable
5.A.laughing B.breaking
C.starting D.growing
6.A.popular B.relaxing
C.disordered D.exhausted
7.A.mention B.return
C.pass D.send
8.A.place B.term
C.school D.class
9.A.feed B.bury
C.raise D.hide
10.A.bought B.lost
C.raised D.used
11.A.got used to B.asked for
C.made up for D.added to
12.A.hotels B.markets
C.dorms D.classes
13.A.comfortable B.disappointing
C.memorable D.confusing
14.A.cheered B.cycled
C.disturbed D.escaped
15.A.organized B.disliked
C.requested D.confirmed
1.________ 2.________ 3.________
4.________ 5.________ 6.________
7.________ 8.________ 9.________
10.________ 11.________ 12.________
13.________ 14.________ 15.________课时作业(一)
层级一 语言知识训练
1.curious 2.senior 3.explore 4.moment 5.confident 6.organises 7.breathing 8.challenge 9.pressure 10.calm
1.depend on 2.one by one 3.in panic 4.calm down
5.find out 6.over and over again 7.half done 8.Turn on
1.eagerness 2.to explore 3.by 4.impression
5.organisation 6.on/upon 7.breathe 8.description
9.embarrassed 10.confident
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要描述了作者上高中第一天的所见所闻以及感悟。
1.答案与解析:had pictured 考查动词时态。句意:我在脑海里一遍又一遍地想象之后,这个重要的日子终于到来了…… 因为“想象”的动作发生在arrived之前,即过去的过去,故用过去完成时。
2.答案与解析:rushed 考查动词时态。根据语境可知,此处为发生在过去的动作,应该用一般过去时。
3.答案与解析:to get 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应该用不定式短语作目的状语。
4.答案与解析:when 考查连词。be doing...when...是常用句型结构,意为“正在做……,这时(突然)……”。
5.答案与解析:friendly 考查形容词。根据句子结构可知,此空与enthusiastic,humorous并列,都作was的表语,应该用形容词friendly。
6.答案与解析:who 考查关系代词。根据句子结构可知,此处应该用who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰our English teacher。
7.答案与解析:Interestingly 考查副词。根据句意“有意思的是,我们英语老师的名字恰好和我的一样”可知,用副词作状语,修饰整个句子。
8.答案与解析:the 考查冠词。本句中the same as是固定短语,意为“与……一样”。
9.答案与解析:embarrassed 考查形容词。句意:所以我感到十分尴尬。此处表示“感到尴尬的”,主语为人,应该用形容词embarrassed。
10.答案与解析:challenges 考查名词复数。challenge是可数名词,空格前有many修饰,应该用challenge的复数形式。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。一个好的开始是成功的一半,本文介绍了快速适应并融入新学校,在新学校打造美好开始的方法。
1.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“Arriving late will make you feel excluded, and won't make a good impression on your new teachers!”可知,开学第一天迟到会感觉到被孤立,给老师留下不好的第一印象。
2.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“Although it may seem awkward,this is the way to get things rolling.”可知,尽管介绍自己时可能感到尴尬,但也是让事情顺利进行开始的办法。据此可推断作者建议忽视尴尬的感觉。
3.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。第四段第一句是本段的主题句,也是这一段的主要建议。A选项意为“积极主动”与“Try to be outgoing.”是同义转述。
4.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第五段中“not just people who are looking to be nice to you to better their reputation”的否定词not可以判断作者对那些看上去很友好,而目的只是提高自己声誉的人持否定态度。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。介绍了高中一年级学科成绩的重要性,它一样计入GPA成绩。不过,高中一年级成绩不好也不是什么世界末日。招生委员会最关注的是整个高中阶段的GPA成绩和班级排名。
5.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“...it won't be the end of the world.”可知高中一年级成绩不好并不是世界末日;根据第二段最后一句“...be less of an issue if you improve steadily afterwards.”可知只要以后成绩稳定增长就不是什么问题。所以高中一年级成绩不好,需要在以后的学年中努力学习。
6.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“...your GPA and affect your class rank, both of which are factors that a college admissions committee is very interested in.”可知,招生委员会最关注的是GPA成绩和班级排名。
7.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。本文第一段分述高中一年级成绩的重要性;第二段分述高中一年级成绩不好的影响;第三段综述第一段和第二段内容。故本文的结构是“先分后总”。
8.答案与解析:D 标题归纳题。本文的中心论点是高中一年级成绩的重要性,故D项正确。A选项和B选项文章没有提及;C选项是论据为中心论点服务。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。由于妻子的特殊情况,作者不得不带着刚出生不久的孩子去上大学。最终,作者克服了重重压力完成了学业,赢得了同学的认可。
1.答案与解析:A 句意:如果我留(stay)在海军,我总是会离开你。根据下文“So I left the navy”可知,作者认识到自己留在海军服役就要和孩子聚少离多,所以才决定离开海军。move移动;change改变;survive幸存。
2.答案与解析:C 句意:于是我离开了海军,申请了鲍登学院,并被录取(accept)了——虽然27岁的我被认为是一个非常非传统的学生。根据下文提到作者成了那所大学的一名学生可知,作者被录取了。refuse拒绝;employ雇用;promise承诺。
3.答案与解析:D 句意:于是我离开了海军,申请了鲍登学院,并被录取了——虽然27岁的我被认为是一个非常非传统的(non traditional)学生。带着孩子上大学,这是不符合常规的。normal正常的;unimportant不重要的;educated受教育的。
4.答案与解析:B 句意:你母亲的日子不好过。根据下一句作者不得不带着孩子去上学可知,孩子的母亲过得很困难(difficult)。simple简单的;regretful遗憾的;comfortable舒服的。
5.答案与解析:B 句意:她快要崩溃(breaking)了,所以我带你一起去学校。上文提到孩子的母亲过得很艰辛,此处指她已经到了崩溃的边缘。laughing笑的;starting起始的;growing成长的。
6.答案与解析:C 句意:开始的时候很混乱(disordered)。根据上文各种原因可知,作者不得不带着孩子去上学,因此一开始一切都会非常混乱。popular流行的;relaxing令人放松的;exhausted筋疲力尽的。
7.答案与解析:A 句意:我怕鲍登(学院的人)知道,所以我没跟任何人提起(mention)你。根据上文“I feared Bowdoin knew it, so I didn't”可知,作者怕鲍登(学院的人)知道,所以没跟任何人提起孩子的事。return返回;pass通过;send发送。
8.答案与解析:B 句意:第一学期(term),我住在校外,晚上工作。根据语境可知,此处指第一学期。place地方;school学校;class班级。
9.答案与解析:D 句意:我有时不得不把你带进去并且把你藏(hide)在壁橱里。根据下文“you in the closet”可知,是为了不让孩子被发现而把孩子藏在壁橱里。feed喂养;bury埋葬;raise提高。
10.答案与解析:B 句意:因为压力,我瘦了(lose) 27磅。根据下文“27 pounds”可知,因为压力,作者瘦了27磅。buy购买;raise提高;use使用。
11.答案与解析:A 句意:你很快就适应(get used to)了学校。根据下一句提到孩子的表现可知,孩子很快适应了学校。ask for要求;make up for补偿;add to添加。
12.答案与解析:D 句意:我会带你去上课(class),给你安排要做的事情,然后你就坐在书桌前做这些事情。根据下文“you would just sit at a desk and do them”可知,作者带着孩子去上课。hotel宾馆;market市场;dorm宿舍。
13.答案与解析:C 句意:我的毕业典礼令人难忘(memorable)。根据下文“I carried you in my arms to get my diploma.”可知,作者带着孩子去参加毕业典礼很令人难忘。comfortable舒服的;disappointing令人失望的;confusing令人困惑的。
14.答案与解析:A 句意:所有的同学都站起来欢呼(cheer)。根据下文“They gave me the only standing ovation of the day.”可知,同学们都为作者欢呼。cycle循环;disturb扰乱;escape逃跑。
15.答案与解析:D 句意:它肯定(confirm)了我过去四年所承受的一切。作者领到了毕业证并且获得了同学的欢呼和认可,这肯定了作者在过去四年承受的一切。organize组织;dislike不喜欢;request要求。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.intelligent 2.stage 3.topics 4.schedule 5.band
6.gyms 7.poster 8.debate 9.piano 10.inner
1.has looked after 2.argue about 3.come along 4.twice a month 5.take part in 6.such as 7.cared about 8.played a part in
1.photographers 2.arguable 3.sharpener 4.sharpen 5.intelligence 6.application 7.investigation 8.dramatically 9.various 10.a
1.JamesS __is__V an__exchange__student.P
2.YouS should__registerV before__Friday.A
3.The__traffic__lightS is__flashing.V
4.His__wordsS gaveV me__IO more__confidence.DO
5.IS foundV herO an__outgoing__and__kind__girl.OC
6.The__boyS was__readingV a__storyO in__a__loud__voice.A
7.The__designerS designedV a__beautiful__dress.O
8.TheyS arguedV fiercely.A
9.The__new__studentS looksV anxious__and__frightened.P
10.Planting__treesS is__V importantP especially__in__mountainous__areas.A
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。主要讨论了现在比较流行的一些智能玩具的“教育意义”的真实性。
1.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句以及第四段第一句可知,Anna Sosa教授领导的研究发现人们可能会被一些玩具制造商的声明所误导,故选C。
2.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知会说话的电子玩具如此受欢迎的原因是它们被用作一种教育工具,故选C。
3.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句可推知,对于父母来说参与到和孩子的会话中是有必要的,故选D。
4.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者对电子玩具能促进语言发展的说法持批判性态度,故选A。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要就如何在课堂上做一个好的倾听者提出了一些建议。
1.答案与解析:F 根据上文“做一个好学生意味着做一个好的倾听者。无论你是年轻的学生还是刚进入大学,重要的是学会在课堂上集中注意力,做好笔记,这将帮助你成功”可知,选项在说明倾听的必要性,上文中good listener和pay attention与F选项中listen well和staying focused相对应。故F选项“学会认真倾听,保持专注,为成功做好准备”符合语境。
2.答案与解析:G 根据上句“当你要去上课的时候,确保你准备好了所有你需要的东西,这样你就不会因为努力赶时间而错过任何东西”以及后句“一般来说,你要确保每堂课都有笔记本、已经削好的铅笔或好用的钢笔、上课需要的书”可知,本段主要说明了上课前的准备工作,上文中When it's time to go to class与G选项中before class starts相对应。故G选项“如果你努力在上课前完成作业(而不是提前完成),你将会错过一部分课程”符合语境。
3.答案与解析:D 结合小标题“Look at the teacher(看着老师)”以及下文“当老师讲话时,你的眼睛应该朝前看。不要看窗外,不要看你旁边的孩子,也不要看你试图藏在桌子底下的手机。看着你的老师和老师展示的内容”可知,本段主要强调的是课堂上要专注于看着老师,不要看其他分散注意力的事物,且D选项中watching与标题中look at相对应。故D选项“好的倾听始于好的观察”符合语境。
4.答案与解析:A 根据下文“集中精力理解宽泛的概念,不要试图抓住每一个词。听老师提到的关键词和概念,注意黑板上写的内容。老师花时间写在黑板上的任何东西都是非常重要的。同样,任何重复几次的内容都是非常重要的”可知,本段强调的是注意听老师课堂上提到的关键词和概念,这些才是重要的。故A选项“倾听重要的想法”适合作为本段小标题。
5.答案与解析:C 根据上文“为每节课准备不同的笔记本,当你想做笔记的时候准备好一些铅笔或钢笔”以及下文“没有必要把老师说的所有东西都记录下来”可推知,本句是在说明只写下老师说的关键的词。故C选项“只写下关键词”符合语境。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.specific 2.sight 3.graduated 4.referring
5.opportunities 6.frightened 7.figured 8.select
9.struggling 10.particular
1.being sent 2.memory 3.to control 4.graduation
5.frightening 6.selective 7.more frightened
8.performance 9.to improve 10.exchanged
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要描述了作者在高中毕业后即将上大学前对高中生活的回忆,展示出作者面对生活的态度。
1.答案与解析:to go 考查非谓语动词。本句中be about to do sth.是常用句型,表示“即将做某事”。
2.答案与解析:was 考查动词时态。句意:但是现在回想起高中生活就像发生在昨天一样!as if引导表语从句。
3.答案与解析:helpful 考查形容词。根据句意“迎新日对新生来说是有益的”可知,表示“有益的”,用形容词helpful。
4.答案与解析:first 根据空前的the可知此处用序数词。
5.答案与解析:figured 考查动词时态。根据语境可知,动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时,
6.答案与解析:better 考查比较级。句意:我相信如果这次不及格,下一次我会做得更好。此处暗含下一次与这一次之间的对比,故用well的比较级。
7.答案与解析:As 考查介词。表示“作为一名学校排球队队员”应该用as。
8.答案与解析:competition 考查名词。此处表示“年终比赛”,应该用名词competition作介词for的宾语。
9.答案与解析:working 考查非谓语动词。keep doing sth.是固定用法,意为“继续做某事”,故用动名词短语作keep的宾语。
10.答案与解析:whoever 考查连词。句意:向有困难的人伸出援助之手,这会使你们感觉良好。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者进入高中,入学第一天所发生的难忘经历。
1.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“Not only was it my first day of high school, but it was my first day of school in a new state.First impressions are everything...”可知,作者看重入学第一天的穿着是因为希望给人们留下一个好印象。
2.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“After carefully hunting my closet, I proudly came out in a dress.”可知,作者对她的穿着很骄傲,即对她入学第一天的穿着很满意。
3.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“But as I entered class,my jaw dropped to the floor.”和第三段第二句“I kept my head down and tiptoed to my seat.”可知,作者看到和老师撞衫后很是惊愕,低着头踮着脚尖走向座位,这些动作表明了作者的尴尬。
4.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“My first period of high school certainly made the day unforgettable in the best way and taught me that Mrs Hutfilz had a brilliant sense of style!”并结合全文内容可知,文章是作者以高中第一天入学挑选衣服开始的,到当天自己与老师撞衫,再到作者对这一天很是难忘,这些都是在分享一个难忘的经历。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者通过教害羞的孩子背诵诗歌来增加他们的自信的故事。
1.答案与解析:A 根据后文“because one of them was waving his hand at me.”及“‘Yes?’I asked.”可知,此处指作者停了下来。
2.答案与解析:C 前后文是因果关系,需用because引导原因状语从句。
3.答案与解析:B 根据后文“I can only hear them when I am close enough.”可知,因为声音很小,只有靠近才能听见,由此可知,此处指害羞的(shy)小孩子的声音。curious好奇的;intelligent聪明的;anxious焦虑的。
4.答案与解析:C 根据常识可知,因为这些孩子害羞,所以一叫他们,他们的脸会红(red)。
5.答案与解析:D 根据副词even和前后对比可知,因为这些孩子害羞,所以即使他们知道(know)问题的答案,也会说不知道。
6.答案与解析:D 根据后文“I want them to be comfortable...”可知,作者想要帮助这些孩子,不想让他们放弃(give up)。get up起床;take up占据;turn up出现。
7.答案与解析:C 前文说这些孩子不敢大声说话,所以此处表示作者希望这些孩子能自在地被倾听(heard);focus聚集;respect尊重;tell告诉。
8.答案与解析:A 前文说害羞的孩子很少说话,空处应用形容词eager,表示其他孩子渴望说话,前后形成鲜明对比。
9.答案与解析:D 根据空后“they are losing opportunities to participate”可知,这些孩子满足(satisfied)于现状,所以正在失去参与说话的机会。embarrassed尴尬的;puzzled困惑的;amazed惊讶的。
10.答案与解析:B 根据前文“without practice”描述可知,因为没有练习,所以这些孩子对于说话的恐惧增加(grow)了。hide隐藏;disappear消失;fall跌倒。
11.答案与解析:B 根据前文“practice”可知,要让“我”的17个学生每人学会一首诗,需要三个星期的时间,每天练习(practice)一点点。research研究;benefit好处;discussion讨论。
12.答案与解析:B 根据后文“The‘shyest’children are as eager to read aloud”可知,孩子们发生了改变(change)。
13.答案与解析:C 根据语境可知用形容词outgoing(外向的)与前文的shyest对应。familiar熟悉的;impressive印象深刻的。
14.答案与解析:D 根据“Practice is an excellent way”可知因为这些孩子害羞,所以此处指练习增加他们的自信心(confidence)。excitement兴奋,激动;pressure压力;resource来源。
15.答案与解析:A 因为孩子们不再害羞了,能自信地朗诵了,所以他们能感受到语言的美(beauty)。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.curious 2.exchanging 3.organised 4.challenges
5.pressure 6.confident 7.frightened 8.journal
9.performance 10.exploring
1.in particular 2.refer to 3.looked forward to 4.go all out
5.graduating from 6.keep calm 7.turned around 8.one by one
1.eagerness 2.organised 3.breathing 4.Even 5.in
6.at/for 7.giving 8.saying 9.disappeared 10.leaving 11.In 12.frightened 13.to play 14.for 15.including 16.that/which 17.to operate 18.impressive 19.at
1.On his first day in senior high school, Tom was curious about everything on campus.
2.The fine traditions and teaching facilities of the school made a deep impression on the visitors.
3.Despite the challenges and pressure, I explored new knowledge with eagerness.
4.After the school organised a visit to the biology exhibition, I wrote something about my own insect collection.
5.Our class held a sharp debate, and the students argued on this topic.
6.The exchange student graduated from university and he is applying to be a volunteer at the moment.
7.The little girl became frightened and cried in panic at the sight of the dinosaur on TV.
8.When I referred to his specific writing schedule, the author put forward various views.
9.The coach figures that all the teammates should go all out to play the badminton match well.
10.The band is looking forward to giving a performance on stage soon.
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者和队友参加一次机器人比赛的事情,介绍了他们比赛前后所做的工作,比赛时的情况以及作者在比赛中的体会。
1.答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后“...but my school lets teens take control. It leaves room for more errors, but we're prouder of our final product.”可知,一般情况下,是成年人监督学生制造机器人,但作者的学校让青少年独自操作。这会产生更多失误,但作者他们对最终的成果更加自豪。故画线词意为“监督”。
2.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第三段中“All of us glanced around at each other since we were not prepared at all.”可知,他们在比赛前没有做好充分的准备。
3.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第四段中“...so I was extremely nervous... Despite all the drama, we ended up winning the match. Not too bad for the first match! I was so proud.”可知,作者认为他们的第一次机器人比赛很紧张,但最后他们赢得了比赛,结果还不错。
4.答案与解析:C 标题归纳题。本文主要在讲作者和队友如何准备机器人比赛以及比赛前后的情况,贯穿全文的是团队的合作。故C选项“机器人比赛的团队合作”最适合做文章标题。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.title 2.unique 3.alarm 4.opposing 5.homesick
6.behavior 7.confusing 8.reflected 9.visible 10.creativity
1.harmlessly 2.to 3.bringing 4.confusing
5.be reflected 6.apartments 7.take 8.inventor
9.Hearing 10.behavio(u)r
1.according to 2.burned up; burned down 3.wind up
4.have trouble dealing with reality 5.That is why
6.Speaking of/Talking of
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要通过列举人们在英语学习中遇到的困惑来说明学习英语的难处,进一步表达了语言是人类创造力的反映。
1.答案与解析:learning 此处考查固定结构have trouble (in) doing sth.
2.答案与解析:neither 此处考查neither...nor...结构,表示“两者都不”。
3.答案与解析:made 考查时态。根据本段内容可知用一般过去时。
4.答案与解析:a 考查冠词。泛指“一辆车”用不定冠词a。
5.答案与解析:actions 根据后面谓语动词are可知此处应用可数名词复数。
6.答案与解析:shameless 根据前面的harmless和harmful对比可知,此处应是对比shameless和shameful。
7.答案与解析:smallest 下文中提到的都是很短的单词,句子前面有even(甚至),故此处用最高级。
8.答案与解析:which 考查定语从句。先行词为English,关系词在从句中作介词in的宾语,故用which。
9.答案与解析:was invented 根据句意“英语是被人们发明的”可知,应用被动语态。
10.答案与解析:reflects 考查时态。虽然and连接两个并列结构,但英语被发明是过去发生的事情,而它反映了人类的创造力是客观事实,故用一般现在时。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文为一篇应用文。推荐了4个免费的语言学习的应用程序。
1.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“The list below is 4 apps that will help you learn a foreign language! You can download them for free.”可知文章的目的是向人们介绍语言学习的应用程序。
2.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据Tandem—Language Exchange中的第二句“You can then have text, voice and video conversations with people who want to learn your native language, and in return you learn theirs, all by simply communicating with each other.”可知,如果你想通过交流来学习,Tandem最合适。
3.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据Duolingo—Learn Languages Free中的“The app has many languages to choose from and will work through the basics all the way to advanced words and sentences. It's all completely free too!”可知,Duolingo与其他三个应用程序相比,是完全免费的。
4.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“You can download them for free.”可知这些应用程序的共同点是可免费下载, 因此选D项。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。一个男孩被父母送去寄宿学校,他认为没人爱他,所以成绩下降。父亲的一席话让他知道了他是父亲眼中最重要的人,从此他发生了巨大的变化。
1.答案与解析:B 考查介词。在被送到寄宿学校之前(before),这个男孩是班里最聪明的学生。与下文形成对比。after在……之后;when当……时候;while然而,当……时。
2.答案与解析:C 考查形容词。通过下文可知此处指他是班里最聪明的(brightest)学生。hardest最难的;naughtiest最淘气的;dullest最迟钝的。
3.答案与解析:A 考查名词。此处指他每次考试(exam)成绩都是最好的。activity活动;game游戏;class班级。
4.答案与解析:C 考查动词。句意:但是这个男孩离开(leave)家去寄宿学校之后变了。此处指离开家。come来;return返回;reach到达。
5.答案与解析:D 考查形容词。句意:他的成绩开始下降,他认为自己是无价值的(worthless)。careless粗心的;concerned关心的;annoyed恼怒的。
6.答案与解析:A 考查动词短语。句意:所以父亲决定去寄宿学校和儿子谈谈(talk with)。listen to听;tell of说明;care about关心。
7.答案与解析:B 考查名词。句意:父亲开始询问关于课程、老师和朋友(friend)的一些随意的问题。family家庭;study学习;grade分数。
8.答案与解析:C 考查动词。当父亲问儿子是否知道自己来学校的原因时,儿子认为父亲是来检查(check)他的成绩的。realize认识到;analyze分析;test测试。
9.答案与解析:B 考查形容词。句意:我来这里是为了告诉你,对我来说你是最重要的(important)人。outstanding杰出的;famous著名的;familiar熟悉的。
10.答案与解析:A 考查形容词。句意:我想看到你幸福(happy)。因为父亲爱孩子所以希望孩子幸福。excellent极好的;interested感兴趣的;satisfied满意的。
11.答案与解析:A 考查动词。此处指父亲的这些话使(cause)儿子感动得满眼是泪。want想要;encourage鼓励;force强迫。
12.答案与解析:D 考查动词。此处指儿子激动地抱住(hug)父亲。answer回答;ignore忽视;hate憎恨。
13.答案与解析:C 考查代词。此处指现在男孩拥有了他想要的一切(everything)。nothing没有什么;something某物;none没有一个。
14.答案与解析:B 考查动词。此处指男孩对父亲来说意味着(mean)整个世界。show显示,证明;intend打算;express表达。
15.答案与解析:A 考查形容词。句意:现在这个年轻人在大学的班里名列前茅,没人见过他悲伤(sad)! angry生气的;pleasant令人愉快的;joyful欢喜的。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.contact 2.likely 3.subway 4.apartment 5.types
6.highways 7.petrol 8.flat  9.context 10.elevators
1.came across 2.match, to 3.added up to 4.is made up of
5.is referred to as 6.is short for 7.as soon as possible
8.was/is taken as an example
1.typical 2.unfamiliar 3.additional 4.organization
5.to come
1.n.功能; v.起作用,运转 2.v.预订;n.书 3.v.学习;n.书房 4.n.散步;v.走 5.v.放慢 6.n.休息 7.n.必要 8.v.梦想 9.v.进球 10.v.导致
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一些如何练习用英语思考的方式。
1.答案与解析:G 结合下面已给的标题“Think in single words.”“Think in sentences.”“Describe your day.”可知,文章主要介绍的是一些如何训练用英语思考的方式。该句应该对下文这些内容进行概括,结合所给选项,G项(好消息是,用英语思考可以让你更接近流利!)符合语境。
2.答案与解析:D 根据标题“Think in single words.”可知,该段建议人们从单个词开始思考。后一句“In your head, try to name each object in your surroundings.(在你的头脑中,试着给你周围的每一个物体命名)”对该空做了进一步的说明。故D项(好的第一步就是从单个词的角度进行思考)符合此语境。
3.答案与解析:A 根据该段中的“Another exercise is describing in your mind objects you don't know the words for.(另一个练习是在脑海中描述那些你不知道该怎么说的物体)”可知,该段建议描述那些不知道该怎么说、不认识的词语。
4.答案与解析:F 上文提到:下一个练习是用简单句思考。例如,如果你坐在公园里,你可以告诉自己一些事情,比如,“今天天气真好”,“人们正在和他们的朋友做运动”。该空承接上文,结合选项,F项[一旦这变得容易了,你可以继续(思考)更难的句子]与之承接密切。
5.答案与解析:C 前文提到:另一个运动专家的建议是描述你的日常活动。你可以在早上醒来的时候在脑子里制订计划。空后提到:所以技能水平更高一些。根据so推知,该空应当提出“制订计划时要求更高水平的一些地方”。结合选项,C项(这将需要动词的将来时态)符合该语境。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者从弟弟的去世中得到一个教训:不要害怕对家人说“我爱你”。
1.答案与解析:B 句意:因为我马上高中毕业,去读大学……。根据后文“on my way to college”可知作者即将完成(finish)高中学业,考入大学。admit承认;skip跳过;determine决定。
2.答案与解析:D 句意:我什么也不缺。从上句“...I had great friends and a loving family.”可知,作者有很好的朋友和充满爱的家庭,什么也不缺,所以使用missing来修饰nothing。earn赚得,挣得;reach到达;compete竞争。
3.答案与解析:B 句意:大约上午九点二十五分,我听到那个永远改变(change)我生活的消息。从下文可知弟弟的去世改变了作者的生活:不想交朋友。regret后悔;beautify美化;solve解决。
4.答案与解析:D 句意:我几乎不能感觉到任何东西,没有意识(senseless)。由前半句“I could hardly feel anything”可知,作者感觉不到任何东西,是无意识的。funny有趣的;hopeful有希望的;patient有耐心的。
5.答案与解析:B 从上文可知Zach是突然去世的。句意:我不再交朋友,因为害怕他们会像Zach一样突然(suddenly)去世。finally最终;nearly几乎,差不多;seriously认真地。
6.答案与解析:A 父母失去儿子是痛苦(pain)的。句意:……由于儿子的死,父母比我更痛苦。discouragement泄气;willingness乐意;memory记忆。
7.答案与解析:D 父母本身就很痛苦,作者不想让父母再担心(care about)自己。句意:我不想让他们担心我。think about考虑;dream about梦想;talk about谈论。
8.答案与解析:B 根据后文“because I was angry about why the sadness had happened to me”可知,作者感觉很恼火(anger)。句意:我也很恼火,因为我生气为什么悲伤的事情发生在我身上,我从来都没有从这种情绪中走出来。surprise惊奇;disappointment失望;doubt怀疑。
9.答案与解析:A 句意:我也很恼火,因为我生气为什么悲伤的事情发生在我身上,我从来都没有从这种情绪中走(escape)出来。从下文“Now, it has been nearly five years since Zach's death.”可知,作者在很长时间内一直没有摆脱这种情绪。prevent阻止;stop停止;suffer遭受。
10.答案与解析:C 句意:我不再害怕(fear)生活……。根据下一句“I face it bravely.”可知,作者不再害怕生活,而是勇敢面对。damage破坏;choose选择;leave离开。
11.答案与解析:B 句意:我重建(rebuild)友谊,开始更多社交。根据后半句“and began socializing more”可知,作者重新开始社交,开始交朋友。produce生产;communicate交流;raise提高。
12.答案与解析:C 句意:我甚至和周围的人分享(share) Zach的故事。share...with与……分享……。copy复制;advertise做广告;perform执行。
13.答案与解析:D 句意:从失去弟弟这件事中,我得到一个教训——不要害怕(afraid)和家人说“我爱你”。stubborn固执的;satisfied满意的;brave勇敢的。
14.答案与解析:B 句意:我爱我的弟弟,但是现在已经太晚了,我不能再大声向他表达(express)我对他的爱。此处是作者表达对弟弟的感情。explore探索;spread扩散;pray祈祷。
15.答案与解析:A 句意:不要像我一样犯这样的错误(mistake)。此处指作者犯了一个错误,不想让别人和自己一样犯错。decision决定;explanation解释;difference不同。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.reminds 2.comment 3.based 4.section 5.actually
6.negative 7.error 8.resources 9.informal 10.misadventure
1.because of 2.has been aware of 3.take place 4.in exchange for 5.came across 6.had a frog in his throat 7.is based on 8.is likely to
1.disappointed 2.with 3.awareness 4.standards
5.working 6.broaden 7.watching 8.posted 9.of 10.actually
【语篇解读】 本文属于新媒体语篇。文章通过几个网络热帖来说明英式英语和美式英语的区别。
1.答案与解析:asked 考查时态。句首有last week,故用一般过去时。
2.答案与解析:To 考查固定结构。to one's surprise意为“令某人吃惊的是”。
3.答案与解析:posts 考查可数名词的复数。空前有many,故用复数形式。
4.答案与解析:the 考查冠词。这里的English特指我们在课堂上学到的英语,故用定冠词the。
5.答案与解析:different 考查固定短语。be different from意为“与……不同”。
6.答案与解析:Actually 考查副词。此处修饰整个句子,故用副词形式。
7.答案与解析:confused 考查形容词。表示人“感到困惑的”用confused,表示“令人困惑的”用confusing。
8.答案与解析:her 考查代词。此处指她的想法。
9.答案与解析:disappointed 考查形容词。be disappointed at意为“对……感到失望”。
10.答案与解析:which 考查定语从句。此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词指物,故用which引导。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章通过举例的方式介绍了在美国的洛杉矶有许许多多的人学习双语的事情。
1.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“Another is speaking Spanish to her children.”可知Maria在家和她的孩子用西班牙语交流,这是她家的传统之一。
2.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。从文章最后几段Monica说的话中,我们知道她们学习双语主要是认为有必要把自己国家的文化传承下去,每个人都应该了解自己国家的文化。
3.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。由第六段第一句“She says being bilingual will give them more opportunities in the future.”可以知道Maria觉得双语能让孩子们在未来有更多的机会。
4.答案与解析:D 主旨大意题。整篇文章就是通过举例的方式来说明在美国洛杉矶有许许多多的人学习双语的这个事实。文章的第一段里也提到了这种情况。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一款特别设计的烤箱,这款烤箱有可能让宇航员在太空烤饼干,吃上新鲜的食物,从而使太空旅行更舒适。
5.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Far from the common vacuum packed meals, astronauts may get to enjoy freshly baked cookies in the near future.”可知,新烤箱可以帮助宇航员吃到刚出炉的饼干。
6.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Engineers also have to overcome the challenge of micro gravity, which prevents heat from circling inside ovens the same way it does on Earth.”可知,宇航员现在不能在太空烘焙饼干是由于重力的不同,很难用地球上相同的方式加热食物。
7.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Far from the common vacuum packed meals, astronauts may get to enjoy freshly baked cookies in the near future.”倒数第四段“It's hoped that the chance to bake and sense familiar smells can bring joy to astronauts.”倒数第三段中的“But that's feeling we all know and love...that will make someone feel at home.”及倒数第二段中的“Baking cookies in space...offering a small comfort in the difficult and unfamiliar environment of space travel.”可知,设计特殊烤箱的目的有:为宇航员准备一些新鲜的食物、给宇航员带来家的感觉以及改善太空旅行。D选项“为宇航员提供一个在太空玩的新游戏”文中未提到。
8.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“With commercial space travel now being planned, who knows what other developments may surprise us in the future?”可知,作者最有可能认为,航天发展的未来将是令人惊讶的。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.title 2.unique 3.actually 4.section 5.intended
6.rather 7.resources 8.negative 9.comments
1.going 2.on 3.of 4.remembering 5.calmly
6.confusing 7.getting 8.creativity 9.opposing
1.came across 2.burnt down 3.wind up 4.Speaking of 5.look out of 6.is likely to 7.According to 8.became aware of
1.remind the students of 2.That was why 3.Honestly speaking 4.is recognised as/to be 5.do teachers teach pupils
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种新奇的英语学习资源:TED演讲视频、带字幕的歌曲视频以及网站的内部通讯等。
1.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Watching these videos gives you not only excellent access to English, but also a lot of new ideas!”可知,TED演讲能够带给学习者新思想。
2.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句“...because it will give you access and training to listen to more natural speech.”可知,日记形式的视频的语言更加自然。
3.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“If you visit a website and they ask if you want to be on their mailing list (in English), why not say yes?”可知,要想收到网站的内部通讯需要答应网站把自己的电子邮箱地址列入邮寄名单。
4.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。本文主要讲述的内容是新奇的英语学习资源,故应该属于语言学习部分。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英语中使用外来词的历史、英语词汇的构成和外来词的拼写等。
5.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Before 1066, the people living in the British Isles didn't need borrowed words.”可知,在1066年之前,英语中没有外来词汇。据此可知,外来词汇从1066年开始进入英语中。
6.答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。根据第一段第五句和第六句“The language of the nobles became French. The common people, however, still spoke Old English.”可知,法国占领时期,英国的统治阶级和平民说不同的语言,致使英语形成两套词汇。
7.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。根据第二段首句“Here is a brief summary of where many borrowed words in English come from...”可知,本段主要讲述英语词汇的构成。
8.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第三段尾句“Click here to know more examples of borrowed words in English.”可以推知本文可能来自因特网。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.approaching 2.chat 3.career 4.respecting 5.income 6.character 7.ignored 8.professional 9.talent 10.option
1.focus on 2.at the front of 3.turned to 4.in surprise
5.in the end 6.are proud of 7.took my advice 8.at the same time
1.approached 2.to 3.to focus 4.a 5.calmer 6.ignored
7.characters 8.at 9.feet 10.of 
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述一家人在一起谈论有关儿子对职业的看法以及大学选择的故事,爸爸不同意儿子的选择,但祖父给出了更全面的建议。
1.答案与解析:seated 考查非谓语动词。表示“让某人坐在桌旁”用seat sb. at the table,即sb.与seat之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。
2.答案与解析:when 考查连词。本句是一个常用句型:be doing sth. when...意为“正在做某事,这时……”。
3.答案与解析:nervously 考查副词。根据句意可知,副词作状语,修饰approached。
4.答案与解析:However 考查副词。根据上下文语境可知,表示意义上的转折,且空格后有逗号隔开,应该用however,注意首字母大写。
5.答案与解析:had hoped 考查动词时态。根据句意可知,hope表示的动作发生在wished之前,即“过去的过去”,应该用过去完成时。
6.答案与解析:ignoring 考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,本空属于非谓语动词,主语his father和动词ignore之间是主动关系,应该用现在分词作伴随状语。
7.答案与解析:by 考查介词。根据句子结构可知,此处用“介词+which”引导定语从句,表示“通过做一名律师”这种方式,应该用“介词by+ which”表示方式。
8.答案与解析:promising 考查形容词。根据句意可知,表示“音乐创作是一份很有前途的职业”,应该用形容词promising(有前途的)作定语,修饰career。
9.答案与解析:explanation 考查名词。表示“给孙子一个很好的解释”,应该用名词explanation作give的直接宾语。
10.答案与解析:options 考查名词。表示“在大学可同时有两个选择”。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要向学生就如何克服回校焦虑症提出四点具体的建议。
1.答案与解析:E 本小题处在总起段。根据上文“August is the time to prepare for a new school year.(八月是准备新学年的时候)”以及下文“These simple tips can help you or someone you love deal with the year ahead.(这些简单的建议可以帮助你或你爱的人在新的一年里处理好关系)”可推知,对于青少年来说,八月之后的回校时期可能会尤其折磨人。
2.答案与解析:A 根据下文“Like any new activity,a new school year is always easier when you're prepared for it.(就像任何一项新活动一样,当你为新学年做好准备时,它总是会变得更容易)”以及第二段的内容主要是学生要如何为回校做好相应的准备可知,本段强调要做好准备。
3.答案与解析:G 根据上文“If you have feelings of fear or anxiety about the upcoming school year, it's important to express them.”可知,如果你对即将到来的学年有恐惧或焦虑的感觉,表达出来是很重要的。故下文应为你要和父母、朋友或者指导老师进行交谈,并与他们一起找出解决方法。
4.答案与解析:C 根据本段中的“Find activities,clubs or organizations that truly interest you. Chances are, when you do, you'll find a sense of belonging that's completely genuine.”可知,找到你真正感兴趣的活动、俱乐部或组织。当你这样做的时候,你很有可能会找到一种真正的归属感。由此可知,作为青少年,融入群体,找到归属感是很重要的。
5.答案与解析:F 本句为段尾,起总结性作用。本段主题句为“Get help.”,强调必要的时候寻求帮助,故可对应到F选项中的help you get through the upcoming year.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一个害羞的女孩露西,在大学收获了一段友谊的故事。露西以前想要与别人分享秘密和欢笑,但是在那个时候,她没有什么朋友。然而,上大学后一切都变了。在课堂上,她被要求做自我介绍。她勇敢地说出了她希望能在这个班级收获友谊。一个人向她伸出手,他们成了朋友。
1.答案与解析:A 句意:她有点害羞(shy)。根据上文“Lucy didn't have a lot of friends.”可知,Lucy不善交友是因为很害羞。outgoing外向的;kind友好的;grateful感激的。
2.答案与解析:B 句意:她从来没有想过要变得受欢迎,但她确实想要有人一起分享(share)秘密和欢笑。结合下文“secrets and laughter with”可知,是想要有人一起分享秘密和欢笑。find发现;learn学会;keep保持。
3.答案与解析:B 句意:开学第一周,发生了一件永远改变(change)露西生活的事情。结合下文“Lucy's life forever”可知动词应为“改变”,永远改变了露西的生活。control控制;damage破坏;upset使生气。
4.答案与解析:D 句意:她告诉(tell)每个人她来自哪里,以及学生在这种情况下分享的所有其他普通的细节。结合下文“everyone where she came from”可知,是告诉每个人她来自哪里。ask询问;teach教授;calm使平静。
5.答案与解析:D 句意:她告诉每个人她来自哪里,以及学生在这种情况下分享的所有其他普通的(ordinary)细节。结合上文“告诉每个人自己从哪里来”可知是关于自己生活的一些普通的细节。funny有趣的;surprising令人惊讶的;exciting令人激动的。
6.答案与解析:A 句意:她告诉每个人她来自哪里,以及学生在这种情况(situation)下分享的所有其他普通的细节。结合上文可知露西被要求分享一些自己的情况,于是她在这种情况下分享了自己的具体情况。state状态;condition条件;event事件。
7.答案与解析:C 句意:每个学生的最后一个问题总是一样的:“你这门课的目标(goal)是什么?”结合下文“pass the class or something similar”以及“She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.”可知,此处应提问的是这门课的目标是什么。meaning意义;story故事;secret秘密。
8.答案与解析:C 句意:现在,大多数学生说,是为了取得一个好成绩(grade),通过这门课或类似的事情,但出于某种原因,露西说了完全不同的事情。结合后文pass the class可知大多数学生说,是为了取得一个好成绩,通过这门课。friend朋友;chance机会;job职业。
9.答案与解析:D 句意:现在,大多数学生说,是为了取得一个好成绩,通过这门课或类似的事情,但出于某种原因(reason),露西说了完全不同的事情。结合上文露西不善交友可知,她出于某种原因,说了完全不同的事情。短语for some reason“出于某种原因”。sense感觉;way方式;point要点。
10.答案与解析:A 句意:现在,大多数学生说,是为了取得一个好成绩,通过这门课或类似的事情,但出于某种原因,露西说了完全不同的(different)事情。结合下文“She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.”可知,露西说的和大多数学生说的不一样。interesting有趣的;wrong错误的;tiring累人的。
11.答案与解析:D 句意:当大多数学生安静地坐着的时候,一个学生走到露西面前,伸出(hold out)手做了自我介绍。结合下文“his hand and introduced himself”可知,一个学生伸出手做了自我介绍。bring out出版;set down记下;go through经历。
12.答案与解析:B 句意:整个教室很安静(silent)——所有的眼睛都盯着露西和那只伸到她面前的手。根据下文“all eyes focused on Lucy and the hand extended just in front of her”可知,教室里很安静,所有的眼睛都看着他俩。concerned关心的;active活跃的;frightened害怕的。
13.答案与解析:A 句意:她微笑(smile)着伸出手来握住他的手,一份友谊就此建立。结合下文“and reached out to take his hand and a friendship was formed”可知露西微笑着接受了。laugh大笑;sit坐下:come来。
14.答案与解析:B 句意:这份友谊一直持续(last)到大学毕业。结合下文“all through college”可知友谊持续到大学毕业。swap替换;go去;catch抓住。
15.答案与解析:C 句意:露西学会了寻求自己想要的、诚实和采取行动的力量(power)。结合上文可知露西从这件事中学会了寻求自己想要的、诚实和采取行动的力量。force武力;balance平衡;effort努力。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.currently 2.strength 3.theme 4.events 5.memory 6.nowadays 7.jogging 8.slim 9.issue 10.impact
1.played chess 2.in the future 3.working on 4.drawn up
5.In fact 6.made up for 7.is compared to 8.made an apology to 9.Aiming to 10.took off
1.regularly 2.responsible 3.national 4.to offer 5.enter
6.apology 7.stressful 8.strength
1.have 2.went 3.is waiting 4.will check 5.will call 6.were
7.has been learning 8.changed 9.has sold 10.will find
1.belong to No. 1 Middle School 2.took cold baths 3.are to go 4.is coming 5.has lived here 6.picked up 7.will have
8.promised; in an hour 9.arrived at the party 10.The train leaves
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英国人幽默的关键点是轻描淡写,以及英国人喜欢取笑自己,也喜欢取笑别人。
1.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由第一段中的“However, it is often difficult for foreigners to understand their jokes. The main point to remember is that the British often use understatement.”和第二段中的“Understatement means saying less than you think or feel.”可知,外国人很难理解英国的笑话是因为英国人经常使用轻描淡写,说明英国人试图说明有些事不怎么重要。
2.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“For example,if someone gets very wet in a shower of rain, he might say,‘It's a little damp outside.’Or, if someone is very impolite and shouts at another person, someone else might say, ‘She isn't exactly friendly.’”可知,作者解释轻描淡写的时候用了for example,举了两个例子来说明它的含义。
3.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Mr. Bean doesn't talk often, and instead he uses his body movement and facial expressions to make people laugh.”可知,憨豆先生用他的肢体语言让人发笑。
4.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。第一段引入“英国人在使用幽默时,经常使用轻描淡写”话题,第二段通过两个例子解释轻描淡写,第三段讲“理解英国幽默的另一个关键是,英国人喜欢取笑自己,也喜欢取笑别人”,第四段讲“憨豆先生的幽默”。文章都在介绍了解英国人幽默的关键点是轻描淡写和英国人喜欢取笑自己,也喜欢取笑别人,旨在帮助读者更好地了解英国人的幽默,B项“了解英国人的幽默”为短文最佳标题。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者很幸运被选中参加每月100美元的慈善比赛。在刚刚过去的10月份,作者收到了一笔资金,想用来做好事,就想到了灵感树的点子。作者把全部奖金用于建造灵感树。
5.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I took a lot of fallen branches and hung them from the ceiling...”可知,这些灵感树是由枯树枝制作的。
6.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“If you were to hang a message up, you had to take a message down for you to keep.(如果你要挂上一条信息,你必须取下一条信息,以便你保存)”可知选C。
7.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“They will have paper and art supplies at the base for people to use in creating a message or piece of art.”可知,作者在灵感树的下面放上纸和美术用品,供人们参加活动使用,说明其考虑事情很周到。
8.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The idea is to create interactions that are positive and can impact people's lives in great ways just by doing a simple act of kindness.”可知,作者制作灵感树的目的是激励人们。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.powerful 2.individuals 3.track 4.indeed 5.obviously
6.despite 7.throughout 8.impact 9.opinions 10.aiming
1.in the lead 2.starting with 3.round the corner 4.in trouble 5.now and then 6.was left behind 7.no longer 8.settle for 9.agreed with 10.end up
1.in 2.admiration 3.tracks 4.Judging 5.Typically 6.specially 7.settlement 8.throughout
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要描述了在参加世界铁人三项大赛时,兄弟两人之间所发生的故事,揭示了手足之情超越一切力量。
1.答案与解析:were taking 考查动词时态。本句是固定结构:be doing sth. when...,意为“正在做某事,这时……”,由下文时态可知,本空应该用过去进行时。
2.答案与解析:onto 考查介词。根据语境可知,乔尼正要摔倒在跑道上,故用介词onto。
3.答案与解析:hesitation 考查名词。此处表示“毫不犹豫地向乔尼跑去”,作介词without的宾语,用名词hesitation。
4.答案与解析:pushed 考查动词时态。根据语境可知,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时。
5.答案与解析:have been doing 考查动词时态。since常与完成时态连用,此处表示该动作还没有结束,故用现在完成进行时。
6.答案与解析:Having 考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,此处在句中作主语,应该用动名词。
7.答案与解析:which 考查关系词。分析句子结构可知,此处用which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的句子,which在从句中作主语。
8.答案与解析:enormously 考查副词。修饰形容词positive用副词。
9.答案与解析:opinions 考查名词复数。表示人们对比赛的结果众说纷纭,此处opinion应该用复数形式。
10.答案与解析:behind 考查固定搭配。leave sb. behind意为“将……抛在后面”,是固定搭配。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。旅行是放松自己、开阔眼界的理想方式,独自旅行、和家人旅行还有和朋友旅行,每种旅行方式都各有利弊。你如果想旅行,会选择哪种方式呢?
1.答案与解析:D 根据上文中的both she and her sister were in tears after arguing on holiday可知,D项“并不是家庭中的每个人都想做相同的事情”符合语境。
2.答案与解析:A 作者用自己的家庭来举例,“我爸爸总想去博物馆,我妈妈和我妹妹想去购物,我想去咖啡店”,A项“大多数情况下,我们最终以购物结束”符合语境。
3.答案与解析:C 上一段介绍的是和朋友一起度假会出现很多问题,本段是说和朋友度假的好处,空格处所填的句子应该是引出本段内容的过渡句,C项符合语境。
4.答案与解析:E 根据下文所举的例子来看,本段介绍的是独自度假的好处,E项符合语境。
5.答案与解析:B 根据上一句所述“当然,有时我喜欢和别人一起度假”可知,空格处所填的句子是其原因,B项“那样,就总是有人可以交谈”符合语境。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者在文中通过自己的经历向我们讲述了一个道理:在团队里我们可以变得强大,从团队中我们可以获得关爱与支持。
1.答案与解析:C 根据后文中的we never __2__ that outside our house 可知,尽管(while)在家里打架,但是……,while表示让步。once一旦;when当……时;since自从,因为。
2.答案与解析:D 根据后文中的if you messed with one of us,you got __3__ of us可知,如果惹恼了“我们”其中的一个人,你就得罪了“我们”所有人,“我们”毫不怀疑(doubt)这一点。argue争论;consider考虑,认为;decide决定。
3.答案与解析:B 根据语境可知,如果惹恼了“我们”其中的一个人,你就得罪了“我们”所有(all)人。none没有一个;nothing什么都没有;anyone任何人。
4.答案与解析:C 根据上文中的as a community可知,在学校或运动时,“我”总是(always)在一个班级项目、俱乐部、团队或小组里。sometimes有时;seldom很少;barely几乎没有。
5.答案与解析:A 根据该空后的didn't seem so scary because we were taking risks together可知,因为“我们”在一起冒险,失败(failure)似乎也不那么可怕。goal目标;fight战斗;disaster灾难。
6.答案与解析:A 根据该空前的when a drunk driver killed my father可知,当一名喝醉了的驾驶员害死“我”父亲的时候,是社区介入(step in)进来。move on继续,前行;turn up出现;stand out 突出,显露出来。
7.答案与解析:C 与下文with the support of a group呼应,家中有难,是“我们”的家人、朋友、社区剧院和运动队在支持(stand by)“我们”。stand for代表;stand between站在……之间;through通过。
8.答案与解析:B 根据语境可知“我”不推荐(recommend)把父亲或母亲的去世作为认识到小团队力量的一种方式。confirm确认,证实;adopt采纳,收养;identify认定。
9.答案与解析:B 根据上文中的didn't seem so scary because we were taking risks together可知,“我”不推荐把父亲或母亲的去世作为认识到小团队力量(power)的一种方式。belief信念;possibility可能性;harmony和谐。
10.答案与解析:A 根据下文中的I was going to __11__ broader goals and build deeper relationships可知“我”意识到(realize)“我”将会主动去追求更大的目标。figure认为,计算;consider考虑,认为;notice注意。
11.答案与解析:C 根据语境可知,“我”将会主动去追求(go for)更大的目标。go through经历;get over克服;come across偶遇。
12.答案与解析:D 根据语境可知,在整个的(throughout)历程中去建立更深厚的关系。for为了,对于;besides除……之外(还);by通过。
13.答案与解析:B 根据句意可知,“我”想起(remind)“我”是多么爱这些时刻啊。inform告知;blame责备;inspire激励。
14.答案与解析:C 根据该空后的that we'll learn from and that we'll do together可知,建立起“我们”所信任的、能从中学习到的并且可以一起做的某些事情(something)。anything任何事;everything每件事;somebody某人。
15.答案与解析:D 联系上下文可知本文的主题就是讲述团队(group)的重要性,此处不是指某个组织。dream梦想;partner伙伴;organization组织。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.characters 2.approach 3.chat 4.assumed 5.respected
6.ignore 7.suit 8.talent 9.memory 10.observe
1.teaching 2.focused 3.assumptions 4.to 5.from/by 6.in 7.Obviously 8.falls
1.It is generally assumed that 2.With Teachers' Day approaching 3.There stand 4.That was because 5.is easy to deal with
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。家庭旅行对孩子的成长和发展是非常有益的。正如每个家庭都非常独特一样,每个家庭的假日旅行也应该与众不同。本文介绍了在美国招儿童喜欢的家庭旅行项目。
1.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...family vacations are a great way for children to explore the world and experience new things.”可知,家庭旅行是孩子们探索世界、体验新事物的有效方式,即对于孩子的成长和发展有益。
2.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Each great kid friendly vacation in our list”和第三段中的“...every family is different, and every family vacation should be,too.”可知,作者提供的家庭旅行项目的特点是招儿童喜欢,且非常独特。
3.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。第一段第一句“Invite your kids to see...”中的代词“your”指的是孩子的父母,故这篇文章是写给父母看的。
4.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“our list is filled with amazing children's attractions”和第三段中的“...we find some of the best kid friendly attractions and places for vacation in the U.S.”可知,下一段作者会讲述美国最招儿童喜欢的家庭旅行项目。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者一家在汽车旅行途中,丈夫在天空中发现了一个闪亮的物体。丈夫误以为是UFO,而实际上只是一艘气象飞艇。这个有趣的故事成了作者一家的谈资。
1.答案与解析:D 根据首句中的“we drove to Key West”可知,作者一家是开车去基韦斯特的。故他们计划要享受一次风景如画的驾车(drive)旅行。
2.答案与解析:A 根据下文“we kept our eyes glued to the window”可知,车窗外的景色非常优美,令人叹为观止(breathtaking)。
3.答案与解析:A 句意:从迈阿密驱车去往基韦斯特要在风景如画的公路上花费(take)大约3个小时。本空易误选spend和use,两词的主语应该是人。
4.答案与解析:D 根据下文“grabbed his camera, and ran out looking up at the sky”可知,这些都是停(stop)车后才能完成的动作。有些同学此处可能会误选parked,park是指长时间泊车,与stop临时停车含义不同。
5.答案与解析:C 根据上文“grabbed his camera, and ran out looking up at the sky”可知,作者丈夫的行为非常突然,也没有告诉作者,所以让作者感到非常迷惑(puzzled)。
6.答案与解析:B 根据下文“he'd spotted a UFO”可知,丈夫以为自己发现了UFO,据此可以推断他看了几分钟后,用手指着(point at)闪亮的物体宣布他发现了一个UFO。
7.答案与解析:B 句意:看了几分钟后,丈夫兴奋地用手指着空中闪亮的物体宣布(announce)他发现了一个UFO。
8.答案与解析:A 句意:在这里我应该提(mention) 一下:他喜欢科幻电影和UFO节目。
9.答案与解析:D 根据下文“got back in the car”可以推断,看完了“UFO”后,他们最终(eventually)回到车里。
10.答案与解析:C 根据下文问句“Do you see that ________ thing in the sky?”可知,丈夫问(ask)了停车场里的某个人。
11.答案与解析:C 根据第二段中的“at a shiny object in the sky”可知,空中的物体是明亮的,利用同义转述法可知本空应该是“bright”。
12.答案与解析:A 根据下文“that what we saw in the sky was‘Fat Albert’”可知,作者和丈夫最终弄清楚(find out)了事情的真相。
13.答案与解析:A 根据上文“Do you mean that weather blimp?”可知,空中闪亮的物体实际上是气象飞艇,它监控着周围的天气(weather)。
14.答案与解析:C 根据上文“funny travel stories”可知,本文的故事是旅行中的,利用同义转述法可知本空应该是“trips”。
15.答案与解析:D 句意:还记得(remember)那次父亲以为他看到UFO的旅行吗?
层级一 语言知识训练
1.familiar 2.unusual 3.digital 4.criminal 5.advanced 6.update 7.sites 8.forever  9.enables 10.tends
1.enables to 2.tended to 3.keep in mind 4.familiar with
5.longing for 6.persuading to 7.is connected with 8.lost track of 9.Even if 10.staying in touch with
1.significance 2.enables 3.preference 4.society 5.tendency 6.adventurous 7.criminals 8.saying
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。简要介绍了网络和社交媒体对人们交友方式的影响,同时谈了网络交友需要注意的问题。
1.答案与解析:that 此处that引导的是宾语从句,作keep的宾语。在该宾语从句中,句子的主体结构是all...is often not the whole...,而that we see on social media是定语从句修饰all。故填that。
2.答案与解析:truth 由于前面是形容词whole,后面应填名词,作前面is的表语,故填truth。
3.答案与解析:to post 此处考查固定短语tend to do,意为“倾向于做……”,故填to post。
4.答案与解析:Similarly 此处需要副词作整个句子的状语,且位于句首,故填Similarly。
5.答案与解析:criminal 由于前面有不定冠词a,该空需要名词,此处表“罪犯”之意,且为单数,故填criminal。
6.答案与解析:the 此处考查固定短语throw the baby out with the bathwater,意为“不分良莠一起抛弃”,故填the。
7.答案与解析:friendship 此空需要名词作needs的宾语,又根据后面定语从句可知此空应填friendship,而非friends。
8.答案与解析:longing 该空需要一个名词作主语,故填动词long的动名词形式。
9.答案与解析:of 此处考查固定短语the way of doing sth.,在意思上等同于the way to do sth.。
10.答案与解析:ourselves 根据句意可知该空需要一个宾语,且因为句子主语为we,故填反身代词ourselves。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者原本与朋友约好去旅游,却被放了鸽子,她决定一个人去。途中她遇见了五个背包客,这些背包客邀请她一起去旅游,她和这些人一起经历了美好的几天,并和他们成了好朋友。
1.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“My plan was to travel with a friend of a friend, I explained, but when I called her that morning, she didn't pick up and I had no other way to reach her.”可知,作者被朋友放鸽子了,被放鸽子肯定是失望的,C项(因为突然的变化而感到沮丧)最符合作者此时的心情。
2.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“‘Why don't you travel with us?’one of the backpackers offered.”可知,这些背包客邀请作者一起旅游,说明他们很热心;再由“They were experienced adventurers who would work for a few months, save, then travel for as long as they could.”可知,这些背包客旅游经验很丰富,所以是值得信任的。
3.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“It seemed risky to travel with strangers,but my instinct said yes.”可知,这些背包客邀请作者一起旅游时,她的本能(instinct)也就是第六感说了“好”,也就是说她的第六感让她相信她能和这些背包客相处得很好,才会答应他们的邀请。
4.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The world opened up to me because I chose to travel alone.”可知,作者觉得自己选择一个人旅游让自己看到了更大的世界;再结合文章最后一句“Though I was happy she was all right, I was grateful she hadn't picked up the phone.”可知,作者庆幸她的朋友没有接她的电话。由此可以判断作者认为自己选择一个人去旅行是一个很好的决定。
【语篇解读】  本文是一篇记叙文。人们总是借口太忙而没有时间写感谢信,但成功的人总会腾出时间写感谢信。在担任CEO的十年里,Conant给员工写了三万多封感谢信,作者由此告诉我们:在这个疯狂的世界里,善意的表达仍然会产生影响。
1.答案与解析:A 根据本空前的“send a handwritten thank you note expressing”可知,发一封手写的感谢信是为了表达感激(appreciation)之情。sympathy同情;affection喜爱;concern关心。
2.答案与解析:D 根据本空后的“me in the art and value of saying ‘thank you’”可知,妈妈教导(instruct)我说“谢谢”的艺术和价值。consult商议;impress给某人留下深刻印象;answer回答。
3.答案与解析:A 妈妈教我说“谢谢”的艺术和价值,事实证明(prove)她是对的。remain保持;appear出现;claim声称。
4.答案与解析:B 根据本空后的person feel “overjoyed”可知,只需要五分钟就能让另一个(another)人喜出望外。one 一个;any任一;each每一个。
5.答案与解析:B 根据本空后的for us—a quick text or an email可知,我们总是做对我们来说方便的(convenient)事情——发短信或电子邮件。special特别的;necessary必要的;important重要的。
6.答案与解析:B 根据本空后的of being busy可知,我们很容易以忙当借口(excuse)。situation形势;example例子;case情况。
7.答案与解析:B 根据本空后的businessmen find time to __8__ thank you notes. For example, when Doug Conant became CEO of Campbell's Soup可知,成功的(successful)人总能腾出时间写感谢信。humorous幽默的;optimistic乐观的;experienced经验丰富的。
8.答案与解析:A 根据后面Campbell的CEO的例子可知,即使是忙碌的商人也能腾出时间写(pen)感谢信。receive收到;design设计;deliver递送。
9.答案与解析:A 根据本空后的half of its market value and morale was at an all time low可知,这家公司刚损失(lose)一半的市值,士气处于最低潮。gain获得;develop发展;damage伤害。
10.答案与解析:C 根据本空后的fixing that by doing some simple things that are probably not __11__ in any MBA class可知,他着手(set about)解决这个问题,方法是做一些可能在任何MBA课程中不曾教过的简单的事情。give up放弃;keep up保持,继续;worry about担心。
11.答案与解析:B 根据本空前的some simple things可知,这些简单的事情是MBA课上不曾教(teach)过的。permit允许;check检查;test测试。
12.答案与解析:D 根据下文中的“...Conant wrote over 30,000 notes to employees.”可知,他给每一个员工(employee)写信,赢得了他们的信任。market市场;businessman商人;company公司。
13.答案与解析:C 他赢得了员工的信任,自然地(naturally),公司的生意好转了。personally亲自地;frankly坦白地;occasionally偶尔。
14.答案与解析:B 本空应为Conant made time for it,即Conant为写感谢信留出时间,此处用it指代“writing a thank you note”。me我;him他;them他们。
15.答案与解析:A 根据本空后的in this crazy world still makes a difference可知,在这个疯狂的世界里,善意(kindness)的表达仍然会产生影响。joy快乐;value价值;confidence自信。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.poured 2.quality 3.distance 4.teenagers 5.pack
6.passion 7.generosity 8.humour 9. anxious
1.communicated with 2.came up with 3.helped out
4.in order 5.feel like
1.inspiring 2.comfortable 3.patience 4.to meet 5.distance 6.whose 7.that 8.that 9.that/which
1.③ 2.④ 3.⑥ 4.⑦ 5.⑧ 6.② 7.① 8.⑤
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了作为一个十几岁的青少年怎样在感恩节晚宴上帮助爸爸妈妈,包括去杂货店购物、打扫房子、摆好桌子以及准备一些好玩的家庭活动等。
1.答案与解析:A 考查上下文的逻辑关系。第一段第一句“Your family has been stressing out about hosting this year's Thanksgiving meal for weeks now, and you want to help out.”可知,A项“So how do you start helping out?(所以你可以从哪里帮起呢?)”起承上启下的作用。故选A。
2.答案与解析:D 考查上下文的逻辑关系。前文提到“ask your parents if you can do the grocery shopping for them”及后文“If you don't have a car and walking to the grocery store or biking there isn't a choice, ask if you can go to the grocery store along with your parents to make the shopping process easier.”可知,D项“If you have a car and they trust you to drive, that is.(如果你有一辆小汽车,而且他们相信你会开,那就是这样)”是与没有车可采用的办法进行对比,符合文意,故选D。
3.答案与解析:G 考查上下文的逻辑关系。根据前文“Clean the house. A clean home is the best setting for Thanksgiving dinner.”可知,G项“Even if it's not perfectly neat, things should be relatively organized and dust free.(即使不完全整洁,东西也要相对应地放好且没有灰尘)”符合文意,故选G。
4.答案与解析:F 考查上下文的逻辑关系。前文提到“Some guests may have their kids seated at the table.”可知,F项“You should consider not putting a knife at their seat, for safety reasons. (出于安全原因,你应该考虑不要把刀子放在他们的座位上)”符合文意,故选F。
5.答案与解析:C 考查上下文的逻辑关系。由最后一段第一句“Plan a fun family activity.”可知,C项“You should plan a fun game or activity in advance.(你要提前准备有趣的游戏或活动)”符合文意,故选C。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个与父亲争吵过的男子,多年来几乎不与父亲说话。在老师布置的作业“当你告诉他人‘我爱你’时,会发生什么事”中反思了自己,终于认识到自己是爱父亲的,因此化解了心中的怨恨。
1.答案与解析:D as is/was usually the case为固定搭配,意为“通常情况下,情况通常是这样的”。
2.答案与解析:A 根据语境可知,通常都是希望有个女的主动(volunteer)来说,但今天晚上却是一个男的举手。
3.答案与解析:C 根据“He appeared quite moved”可知,他看上去很感动,所以显得有点儿发抖(shaken)。
4.答案与解析:B 根据下文的描述可知,上周当作者布置这个任务时,他非常生气(angry)。
5.答案与解析:A 根据第一段第一句“At the beginning of our last class, I asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved him/her.”可知,这是作者布置的任务(assignment)。
6.答案与解析:B 根据and可知,此空的上下文内容是并列关系,分析选项可知B项符合题意。
7.答案与解析:C 句意:我觉得我没有人可以对他说这些话,而且,你是谁,让我做一些私人的(personal)事情?根据第一段第一句中的“I asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved him/her”可知,分享他们告诉某人他们爱他/她时发生的事情是“私人的”事。
8.答案与解析:C 句意:但当我开车回家的时候,我内心深处的一个声音(voice)开始告诉我。
9.答案与解析:D 分析语境可知,此处句意为“这个声音告诉(tell)我,我真的知道该对谁说‘我爱你’”。
10.答案与解析:A 根据“cruel”和“really never resolved it since that time”可知,只有父子之间的可怕的争论或分歧(disagreement)才会一直没有解决。
11.答案与解析:B 因为父子之间的不愉快,才会避免(avoid)见面,故选B。
12.答案与解析:D 此处是指“除非在圣诞节或其他家庭聚会(gathering)上我们非得见面,否则我们避免见面”。
13.答案与解析:B 此处是指父子俩不是万不得已,面都不愿意见,所以也几乎不(hardly)说话。
14.答案与解析:A 根据上文“It was telling me that I knew exactly who I needed to say‘I love you’ to.”可知,我想对父亲说“我爱你”。因此句意为“所以,上星期二,当我回到家的时候,我说服自己要告诉我的父亲我爱他”。convince oneself意为“说服(某人)自己,使(某人)自己相信”。
15.答案与解析:D 根据语境可知,此处是指“这很奇怪,但只是做那个决定似乎(seem)就让我卸下了心中沉重的包袱”。
层级一 语言知识训练
1.fortune 2.ordinary 3.scar 4.drag 5.partner 6.scene
7.unfold 8.location 9.personalities 10.atmosphere
1.fortunate 2.personality 3.partners 4.appointed 5.bitterly 6.dragged 7.unfolded 8.location 9.surrounded 10.ashamed
1.答案与解析:with 此处需填一个介词,with a scar on his face是介词短语作定语,修饰前面的名词man。
2.答案与解析:was waiting 整篇文章用的是过去时态,而此处又表示正在进行,故用过去进行时was waiting。
3.答案与解析:before 由于整篇文章用的是过去时态,而这里是指相对于他叙述故事时的20年前的事情,故填before而非ago。20 years ago是指相对于现在的20年前。
4.答案与解析:closest 由于后面有in the world,故该空应该用形容词的最高级形式。
5.答案与解析:that 该空考查的是同位语从句,从句作agreement的同位语。整个句子结构可简化为“He had made an agreement...that they would...”。
6.答案与解析:left 此处应为过去时态,故填left。
7.答案与解析:to make 此处考查不定式短语作目的状语,故填to make。
8.答案与解析:because 此处because引导原因状语从句,解释Jimmy不愿意离开纽约的原因。
9.答案与解析:or 此处考查固定短语a year or two,意为“一两年”。
10.答案与解析:up 此处考查固定短语turn up,意为“出现;到场”。
层级二 语言能力训练
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。短文向我们介绍了如何交朋友。
1.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends.” 可知,这篇文章给我们的建议是有关交朋友的。
2.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things as they do.”可知,人们喜欢和与他们有共同兴趣爱好的人交朋友。
3.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him.”可知,多数人喜欢和愿意称赞他们的人交朋友。
4.答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“When someone asks you a question, do have an answer for them. There's nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug for an answer.”可知,当别人问你问题时,一定要回答他们。如果耸肩而不回答谈话就会很快结束,a shrug for an answer的意思是“耸耸肩而不回答”。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者多年来一直从事演讲和培训方面的工作。一次演讲完毕后,一位参会代表的赞扬使得作者深受鼓舞,感悟颇多。
1.答案与解析:C 根据第二段中的my presentations可知,作者最近在一次会议上进行演讲(speak),谈论商业成功的因素。perform表演,表现;educate教育;learn学习。
2.答案与解析:D 根据该空后的the content可知,作者在演讲前要准备(prepare)自己演讲的内容。imagine想象;protect保护;describe描述。
3.答案与解析:A 根据本空后的the level of success of my presentations可知,作者一直根据听众的掌声来衡量(measure)自己演讲的成功程度。change改变;raise提高,举起;adjust调整。
4.答案与解析:C 根据该空和前面的the applause可知,听众的反应包括掌声和评论(comment)。gift礼物;advice建议;invitation邀请。
5.答案与解析:D 根据该空后的to personally speak to nearly all of the delegates 可知,掌声过后,作者有机会(chance)和几乎所有的代表进行交谈。motivation动力,动机;responsibility责任;plan计划。
6.答案与解析:A 根据该空后的shaking my hand and saying可知,握手并讲话是最后一位代表向作者打招呼(greet)的方式。blame责备;confuse使困惑;welcome欢迎。
7.答案与解析:B 根据下文中的she had got a lot of __8__ tips to use in her business可知,最后一位代表从作者的演讲中受益颇多,因此她告诉作者自己非常喜欢(enjoy)作者的演讲。explore 探索;admire 赞美,钦佩;expect 期望,预料。
8.答案与解析:A 根据上下文可知,她从作者的演讲中获得了很多有帮助的(helpful)建议。simple简单的;interesting有趣的;free自由的。
9.答案与解析:D 根据下文中this time her praise gave me a great lift and recharged my batteries可知,这一次演讲完毕后,最后一位代表的赞扬让作者精神振奋。由此推知,作者因为演讲耗费了大量精力,通常演讲完毕后都会感到非常疲惫(tired)。excited兴奋的;relaxed放松的;embarrassed尴尬的。
10.答案与解析:A 根据该空后的this time her praise gave me a great lift and recharged my batteries可知,但是(however)这一次作者感到精神振奋,表示转折关系。moreover此外,另外;otherwise否则;therefore因此。
11.答案与解析:C 根据该空后的at the end of my presentation also made me realize that可知,这次经历(experience)使得作者意识到在生活中,我们的付出会有所回报。challenge挑战;discovery发现;accident事故。
12.答案与解析:D 根据该空后的come back to可知,我们在生活中的付出(give out)会有所回报。该空和come back相对



