2023-2024牛津译林版英语五年级下册 1-8 单元测试+期中+期末试题(无答案及听力原文听力音频)

班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. prince B. present C. parents
( )2. A. fit B. fairy C. foot
( )3. A. when B. where C. what
( )4. A. bathroom B. washroom C. mushroom
( )5. A. leave B. gloves C. shoes
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. On Sunday. B. At 3:20 in the afternoon C. She is my sister.
( )2. A It’s nice. B. They are for your brother.
C. They are on the beds.
( )3. A. Because I’m ill. B. I usually go to the park. C. Good idea.
( )4. A. She’s at home. B. He’s at home. C. They’re at home.
( )5. A. They are under the chair. B. They are my father’s.
C. It’s my brother’s.
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. are you late for school
2. Cinderella has nice .
3. I to do my homework at six o’clock
4. Bobby a big red apple.
5. Come and on this coat.
( ) 1. A. drink B. tree C. dress
( ) 2. A. pick B. like C. fit
( ) 3. A. now B. snow C. brown
( ) 4. A. late B. what C. make
( ) 5. A. dragon B. driver C. tree
1. 不得不走 2. What a pity!
3. 试穿他们 4. read fairy tales
5. 脱下 6. be bad for our eyes
7. 玩得开心 8. come back home
9. 穿上连衣裙 10. leave a storybook behind
( )1. Where my shoes
A. is B. am C. are
( )2. Cinderella the shoe. It .
A. try on; fit B. trying on;fits C. tries on;fits
( )3. My father likes , he is a good .
A. driving; driving B. driving; driver C. driving; drivers
( )4. There _______ a prince and many girls at the party.
A. are B. has C. is
( )5. —What’s wrong with you, Yang Ling —My foot .
A. hurts B. hurt C. hurting
( )6. Bobby some mushrooms under the tree. But we can’t eat .
A. find, they B. finds, them C. finds, it
( )7. There are many here.
A. fairies B. fairy C. fairys
( )8. Why Nancy his skirt
A. do, puts on B. does, take off C. is, put on
( )9. does Cinderella come back home
A. Where B. What C. When
( )10. I don’t have nice clothes shoes.
A. some, and B. any, or C. any, and
四、根据绘本《Where do babies come from 》选择正确答案。(5分)
( )1. Bill and Jill come out of
A. eggs B. belly(肚子) C. stone
( )2. Crocodiles come from
A. egg B. womb C. belly
( )3. A mother cat can give birth to babies at a time.
A. one B. several C. two
( )4. A mother horse usually gives birth to horse at a time.
A. one B. several C. a few
( )5. There is in Mum’s body.
A.one egg B. a lot of eggs C. one seed
五、根据绘本《Where do babies come from 》判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( )1.Bill is reading a book about eggs with his younger sister Jill.
( )2.Bill and his sister run to their Dad. They are eager to know the answer.
( )3. Some babies come from eggs, like cats. Their mothers lay the eggs.
( )4.There is an egg in Mum’s body and there are a lot of seeds in Dad’s body.
( )5.When the time is right, the baby comes out through the birth canal.
can’t reading goes on takes off
1. Cinderella home before 12 o’clock.
2. Yang Ling is too hot. She her coat.
3. Do you like stories
4. I draw a picture because I don’t have any crayons.
5. Put the book the desk, please.
1. I would like some . (snack)
2. Would you like (drink) a glass of milk.
3. My parents (like) .(swim)
4. — Helen, (try) on the red dress. — All right.
5. Cinderella can dance (good).
6. Liu Tao (put)his old cap aside(旁边).
7. —Mum, where (be) my glasses —They are on the table.
8. Why (does) you look so sad
9. Yang Ling (have) to have a swimming lesson.
1. She looks so nice. (改为一般疑问句)
she so nice
2. We can eat them. (改为否定句)
We______ eat them.
3. Wang Bing has to go home before six o’clock.(对画线部分提问)
___________ ____________ Wang Bing___________ to go home
4. Cinderella is very happy at the party. (改为同义句)
Cinderella a time at the party.
1. —谁不能参加聚会? —灰姑娘。— can’t go to the —Cinderella.
2. 玛丽,你为什么如此开心? Why you so , Mary
3. 让我们来帮助你。 help you.
4. 王子拜访了每户人家。 The prince visits every .
十、完形填空。( 5分)
This is a photo of Mr White’s family. There are 1 people in his family. They’re Mr. White, Mrs White, Jack , Ann and Tom, Mrs White is a housewife. She often cooks and 2 cakes at home. Jack is a student. He can 3 basketball very well, but he can’t play 4 guitar. Mr White is a policeman,Ann and Tom are only four. They like playing in the garden. Ann likes 5 , too,but Tom doesn’t.
( ) 1. A. four B. five C. six
( ) 2. A. makes B. make C. making
( ) 3. A. to play B. play C. plays
( ) 4. A. with B. / C. the
( ) 5. A. drawing B. draw C. draws
One day, a tiger is looking for something to eat. Suddenly he meets a fox (狐狸)and catches him. The tiger says “I’m hungry. I will eat you." The fox says “No, you can’t. Because I am the king of the animals.”
“ Really I don’t think so.” Says the tiger. “You don’t believe(相信) me Let’s go and try.” Says the fox.
  Then they go to the forest. All the animals run away when they see the tiger and the fox. “Oh, you are right. You are really the king of the animals. All the animals are afraid of you. ” Says the tiger. Then he goes away. The fox is happy“The tiger is so stupid (愚蠢). In fact, the animals are afraid of him, not me!”
( ) 1. is looking for something to eat.
A. The fox B. The tiger C. The lion
( ) 2. Does the tiger believe the fox is the king of the animals at first (最初)
A. No, he doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, he does.
( ) 3. All the animals are afraid of .
A. the fox B. the tiger C. Sorry, I don’t know.
( ) 4. Does the tiger eat the fox up
A.Yes, he does B. No, he does C. No, he doesn’t
( ) 5. The fox is .
A. sad B. clever C. stupid
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. far B. four C. from
( )2. A. school B. ship C. show
( )3. A. year B. young C. here
( )4. A. take B. ride C. tree
( )5. A. bus B. box C. basket
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesn’t.
( )2. A. By plane. B. By car. C. Bye-bye.
( )3. A.Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is. C. No, she isn’t.
( )4. A. No, you can’t. B. Yes, you can. C. No, I don’t
( )5. A. I live in Sunshine Town. B. He lives in Sunshine Town.
C. She lives in Sunshine Town.
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. I go to school by
2. Joe lives the park.
3. does your father go to Beijing
4. Helen’s uncle works on a big .
5. Is your home from here
( )1. A. train B. tree C. drink
( )2. A. trousers B. travel C. dress
( )3. A. drive B. truck C. dragon
( )4. A. city B. ship C. driver
( )5. A. try B. traffic C. think
1. 步行上学 2. show me her dress
3. 乘飞机 4. sit in the basket
5.一位出租车司机 6. near City Library
7. 住得离我新家远 8. like riding
9. 乘地铁上学 10. work on a big ship
( )1. Where you now
A. does; live B. do; lives C. do; live
( )2. Liu Tao lives Park Street.
A. by B. on C. under
( )3. — does Yang Ling go home —By car.
A. Where B. How C. Why
( )4. Nancy and Mike always school by bus.
A. come to B. comes to C. come
( )5. How Lily to the snack bar
A. do; go B. do; goes C. does; go
( )6. He likes his books us.
A. show; to B. showing; to C. showing; at
( )7. It’s not my home. It’s my home.
A. far from; near B. far; near C. far; near from
( )8. He can there by ship.
A. get to B. get C. gets to
( )9. My uncle goes to many .
A. city B. cities C. citys
( )10. He on a big ship.
A. work B. worker C. works
四、根据绘本《A silkworm’s life cycle》选择填空。(5分)
( )1. The baby silkworm likes leaves so much.
A. elm B. lettuce C. mulberry
( )2. The silkworm produces(生产) .
A. silk thread B. water C. ink dot
( )3. After a silkworm makes the outer part of her house , she works on the
A. outside B. inside C. middle
( )4. The small house is finished people call it
A. egg B. pupa C. cocoon
( )5. In about weeks , the pupa becomes a silkworm
A .three , moth B. two, baby C. one, pupa
五、根据绘本《A silkworm’s life cycle》判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( )1. In about two weeks, the pupa becomes a silkworm moth.
( )2. A new life cycle begins after the yellow eggs become brown.
( )3. In the cocoon, she turns into a black pupa.
( )4.Then her small house is finished. People call it “cocoon”.
( )5.Then on a warm sunny day, a baby silkworm comes out from the egg.
1. There are many (bus) near the stop.
2. My grandparents are (farm) .
3. He rides very (good).
4. I like dancing, but my sister (do not)
5. Liu Tao ( not do) his homework before six.
6. Why______(be) she so sad
7. My (脚) hurt.
8. My uncle has a new bus. He is a bus (驾驶员).
9. Who (居住) in that house?
10. Mike always__________(坐)beside his mother.
1. My sister lives in Shanghai.(改为一般疑问句)
your sister in Shanghai
2. Billy has a new car.(改为否定句)
Billy a new car.
3. Su Hai and Su Yang go to the zoo by bike.(对画线部分提问)
Su Hai and Su Yang go to the zoo
4. We can take a bus to the cinema.(同义句)
We can go to the cinema .
5. home, new, you, do, your, like (连词成句)( )(2分)
1. —他的妈妈怎样去上班? —她乘地铁去上班。
— his mother go to work
—She to work by .
2. 刘涛住在哪里? does Liu Tao live
3. —格林先生是住在公园附近吗? —是的,他是。
— Mr Green the park —Yes, he does.
4. 我们乘飞机去那儿。 We go there by .
5. 让我们现在出发吧! go now!
九、完形填空。( 5分)
Helen is a student. She lives far from 1 school, so she usually takes the bus to school. She goes to school at about six thirty in the morning,because she 2 want to be late.The first class 3 at eight o’clock. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. She doesn’t go home for lunch. She has it at school. Helen learns Chinese, Math,English,PE and some other 4 .She works very hard,and she likes Maths very much,because she thinks it’s very interesting.
In the evening, Helen usually does her homework and sometimes 5 TV. She goes to bed at nine o’clock.
( ) 1. A. his B. she’s C. her
( ) 2. A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t
( ) 3. A. starts B. begin C. has
( ) 4. A. sports B. classes C. subjects
( ) 5. A. watches B. watch C. looks
A bus stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. "Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me Here are two dollars(美元)." "Great!" say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. "Where is my hamburger " asks the young man. "Oh, there is only one hamburger left(剩下). So I'm eating my hamburger. Here is your dollar. "
( )1. Where is the young man
A. At a station B. Under a big umbrella C. On the bus
( ) 2. What does the young man want to buy
A. umbrella B. hamburgers C. dollars
( ) 3. Who helps the young man
A. A boy B. A man C. Nobody (没有人)
( ) 4. Does the young man get a hamburger
A. No, he doesn't B. Yes, he does C. No, he does
( ) 5. Is the boy clever
A. Yes, he isn't B. Yes, he is C .No, I'm not
My name is
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. fish B. film C. fine
( )2. A. long B. from C. along
( )3. A. city B. cinema C. supermarket
( )4. A. ship B. shoe C. shop
( )5. A. make B. traffic C. take
( ) Lucy wants to visit Nancy’s new house.
( ) Let’s go and watch a film.
( ) The park is next to the cinema.
( ) Turn left at the first traffic light.
( ) Where does your uncle live
( )1. A. It’s nice. B. It’s big. C. It’s near my school.
( )2. A. OK. B. That’s all right. C. Excuse me.
( )3. A. He can take a bus. B. I can take a taxi. C. You can take a metro.
( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I can’t . C. Yes, it is.
( )5. A. Thank you. B. It’s far from here. C. They’re on Moon Street.
四、听录音,填入所缺单词,补全对话。 (5分)
A: Excuse me, do I to the Times Supermarket
B: You can get the metro. Then to Green Street.
There’s a next to it.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You’re welcome.
( )1. A. sheep B. shop C. station
( )2. A. should B. excuse C. shoe
( )3. A. over B. stop C. go
( )4. A. at B. traffic C. plane
( )5. A. shiny B. sunshine C. Christmas
1.问路 2. see a new film
3.上公交车 4. wait for the taxi
5.向右转 6. ask a policeman for help
7.在地铁站台 8. next to the bookshop
9.太多的汽车 10. get to City Cinema
( )1. My home is her home.
A. next to B. next on C. next at
( )2. I want to buy _________ interesting book ______ her.
A. an; for B. an; of C. a; for
( )3. You can a taxi to the park.
A. take B. takes C. by
( )4. Yang Ling out from City Library.
A. come B. go C. comes
( )5. The shoes are all nice. He doesn’t know to choose.
A. what B. which C. who
( )6. —What _______ Tom like doing —He likes cartoons.
A. do, watching B. does , watch C. does, watching
( )7. They go to the supermarket.
A. want to B. wants C. want
( )8. We’re too late. The film is .
A. on B. over C. in
( )9. The bus is . We can’t take it.
A. big B. nice C. full
( )10. In the , we ask “Where’s the restroom ”
A. US B. UK C. China
( ) 1. If it’s going to snow, the sky will be_______
A. red B. blue C. grey
( ) 2. What do children do in the snow
A. Have snowball fights B. Make snowmen C. A and B
( ) 3. What does snow bring to the people
A. trouble B. money C. food
( ) 4. Which kind of weather appears only in winter
A. snowy days B. rainy days C. windy days
( ) 5. Who has so much fun with snow
A. The postman B. The children C. The policeman
( )1. The policeman can hardly recognize his house.
( )2.Cars move slowly in the snow.
( )3.The policeman hurts himself badly.
( )4. The postman likes snow very much.
( )5. Children expect so much snow!
1. Do you want (go) to the cinema
2. The boy sits next to __________(he).
3. How do I get to (Helen) home
4.Wang Bing _________(not live)near school. So he takes the bus to school every day.
5. Tom, (get) on the bus at the bus stop.
6. Turn left at the (two) traffic lights.
7. Are there any ____________(zoo)near here
8. Let’s go __________(shop), Helen.
9. How do I get to _________(they)home
10. The boxes _________ (be) too full.
1. There is a toilet on the street. (改为一般疑问句)
a toilet on the street
2. Bobby wants to watch a film. (改为否定句)
Bobby to watch a film.
3. Jack gets there by train. (对画线部分提问)
does Jack there
4. Helen goes to school on foot. (同义句)
Helen________ _________ school.
5. your, can, right, the, hospital, see, on, you (.)(2分)
1. 你可以在玩具商店前面下车。
You can get the taxi in front of the toy .
2. 杨林沿着太阳街走。
Yang Ling along Street.
3. 我们如何去动物园呢?
can we go to the ?
4. 瞧,火车站离这儿不远。
Look, the train is not from here.
5. 打扰一下,请问医院在哪里?
Excuse me, the ?
Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the People’s Hospital. Xiao Ming’s mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. But Xiao Ming doesn’t know the way.On the way, Xiao Ming sees an old man. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says , “Hi, old fellow…” But the old man doesn’t answer him and walks on . Xiao Ming gets puzzled(迷惑的). Suddenly he understands why. It is not polite(有礼貌的)to say “old fellow” to an old man. Now he goes up to the old man again and asks, “Excuse me, grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the People’s Hospital ” This time the old man answers, “Well, go along this street , then turn left. It’s just behind the post office.” Xiao Ming thanks the old man and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital.
( ) 1. Aunt Liu ______ in a hospital.
A .works B. is ill C. sees Xiao Ming
( ) 2. Xiao Ming’s mother wants him to _______.
A .take some eggs to Aunt Liu. B. go to Aunt Liu’s home
C. see an old grandpa.
( ) 3. Xiao Ming asks the old man ______.
A .to tell him the way B. to go to a hospital
C. to walk in front of him
( ) 4. The post office is ______ the hospital.
A .behind. B. far from. C. in front of
( ) 5. It is polite(有礼貌的)to say “ _______” to an old man.
A .old fellow B. Hi, old fellow C. Excuse me
(二)阅读短文,判断正(T)误( F )。(5分)
It is Sunday morning. Lily and I want to go to a bookshop, but we don’t know the way. We ask the policeman in the street for help. He tells us to go long Green Street, and turn left at the traffic lights. Then we walk and walk but we don’t see the bookshop. We are too tired so we take a taxi. “Please take us to the bookshop” We tell the taxi driver. The taxi diver laughs and says, “The bookshop is over there, you may get off now.”
( ) 1. Lily and I go to the park on Saturday.
( ) 2. We know how to go to the bookshop.
( ) 3. The policeman tells us the way to the bookshop.
( ) 4. Lily and I go to the bookshop by taxi.
( ) 5. The driver knows the way to the bookshop.
十、小练笔 (5分)(你可以写一写从你家到学校应该怎么走吗?如果你家离学校
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. neck B. take C. check
( )2. A. tooth B. toothache C. teeth
( )3. A. head B. hear C. headache
( )4. A. fever B. her C. water
( )5. A. food B. would C. should
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )1. A. Yes , I do. B. Yes, she is . C. No , she doesn’t .
( )2. A. I’m 12 years old. B. I have an umbrella. C. I have a headache.
( )3. A. I have a cold. B. His arms hurt. C. She has a toothache.
( )4. A. No, you don’t. B. Yes , he does. C. No, she doesn’t.
( )5. A. I can see a doctor. B. You should eat some fruit.
C. You should take off your coat.
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. You eat so many sweets .
2. —What’s wrong with you —I a .
3. —How do you now —I can’t hear .
( ) 1. A. toothache B. chicken C. lunch
( ) 2 . A. teeth B. that C. three
( ) 3. A. chair B. China C. backache
( ) 4. A. teach B. much C. Christmas
( ) 5. A. headache B. ouch C. kitchen
1. 休 息 6. help them
2. 看医生 7. take some medicine
3. 喝些温水 8. his arm hurts
4. 头疼 9. in March
5. 发烧 10.point at his long neck
( )1. Do you brush your ________ every morning
A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth
( )2. —What’s the matter with your _______ —It _______. I can’t write now.
A.hands; hurt B. hand; hurt C. hand; hurts
( )3. My father and mother both _________ a toothache.
has B. having C. have
( )4. Su Hai is ill. She to the doctor.
A. go ; look B. go ; see C. goes ; see
( )5. Can you help , Doctor
A. I B. us C. she
( )6. Tom is in the library. He should not ________ or ________.
A. shouting; drinking B. shout; drink C. shouts; drinks
( )7. She feels cold. She should her coat.
A. put on B. take off C. try on
( )8. —How your friend —He a cold.
A. are ; has B. does ; has C. is ; has
( )9. —What’s wrong with —He has a fever.
A. his B. he C. him
( )10. I have a toothache. I can’t eat ________ .
A. something B. anything C. nothing
四、根据绘本《Old MacDonald’s farm》选择填空。(5分)
( )1. Old MacDonald has
A. a factory B. a car C. a farm
( )2. The hens’s bush is on farm.
A. Eric’s B. Chris’ C. Frank’s
( )3. The hens like eating .
A. vegetables B. worms. C. fruit
( )4.The ducks likes in the pond.
A. running B. playing C. swimming
( )5. Eric is good at
A. cutting the wool B. milking the cow C. making the fences
五、根据绘本《Old MacDonald’s farm》判断正(T)误(F)(5分)
( )1.Old MacDonald is not good at milking the cow.
( )2.In the end, everyone is not happy, especially Old Macdonald.
( )3. Finally, Chris and Eric run the farm together.
( )4. Finally, Old MacDonald was very happy.
( )5.Old MacDonald don't want his two sons to run the farm together.
Yang Ling __________ (go) to the hospital and __________(see) the doctor.
I have ___________(cold). I feel ___________(cold).
3. Nancy would like ___________ breakfast in her grandparents’ home.(have)
4. What should ________ (their) do
5. My friends ________(eat) a lot of sweets. They like _________(eat) sweets.
6. I’m happy ________ (help) others.
7. She can’t write _______(good).
1. You should take some medicine.(改为否定句)
You take medicine.
2. My sister has a fever. (改为一般疑问句)
your sister a fever
3. You can’t eat anything. (改为肯定句)
You eat .
4. You should have a rest at home.( 对画线部分提问)
should I
5. glad them very help is Dad to (连词成句)
1. 长颈鹿来到医院。 Giraffe to the .
2. 我的弟弟在早上刷牙。 My brother teeth in the morning .
3. 她怎么了? wrong with
4. 王兵觉得又冷又饿。 Wang Bing cold and .
5. 我们也不应该在图书馆吃喝。We eat drink in the library either.
九、完形填空 (5分)
Mr Brown: Hello ! This is David Brown. May I ① to Doctor Li
Doctor Li: Hello, Mr Brown. This is Doctor Li ② .
Mr Brown: Doctor Li, I’m ill.
Doctor Li: I’m sorry to ③ that. What’s ④ with you
Mr Brown: I have a fever and a cough.
Doctor Li: Can you come here and let me ⑤ .
Mr Brown: Sure. See you later.
Doctor Li: See you.
( )1. A. talk B. speak C. chat
( )2. A. talking B. here C. speaking
( )3. A. hearing B. hears C. hear
( )4. A. wrong B. ill C. feel
( )5. A. checks B. check C. to check
A: Hello. This is Su Hai. May I speak to Yang Ling
B: Hello. This is Yang Ling speaking.
A: Shall we go to the cinema I want to see a new film called “SPIDERMAN”
B: I’d like to go, but I can’t.
A: What’s wrong with you
B: I have a fever and a bad cough.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. You should take some medicine and have a good rest at home.
B: OK. Thanks. I’ll stay in bed and have a lot of rest.
A: Wish you’ll feel better soon !
B: Thank you very much!
( ) 1. Su Hai is calling Yang Ling for help.
( ) 2. Yang Ling wants to see a new film.
( ) 3. Yang Ling can’t go to the cinema because she is ill.
( ) 4. Yang Ling has a cold and a bad cough.
( ) 5. Yang Ling shouldn’t have a good rest at home.
十一、小练笔。(5分)(Tom牙疼,去看医生, 想像看病的情境,写一段话,可以写成对话形式,也可以写成一篇小短文)
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. bus B. bike C. neck
( )2.A. taxi B. metro C. train
( )3.A. fine B. fairy C. farmer
( )4.A. wait B. point C. point to
( )5.A. with B. Maths C. brush
( )Come back before 12 o’clock .
( )I live on Moon Street .
( )You can see the bookshop on your left .
( )There are too many cars in the streets .
( )You should drink some warm water .
( )1. A. He’s a cook. B. He’s old . C. He’s my uncle.
( )2. A. Yes, she is . B. No, he isn’t . C. No, he doesn’t.
( )3. A. I’m not so good. B. I usually watch TV. C. I go there by bike.
( )4. A. I have a fever. B. He has a headache. C. He likes Chinese.
( )5. A. I’d like some water . B. You should have a rest . C. I get up early .
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. —Excuse me, how do I get to the on Chang Cheng Street
—Go this street, then left at the traffic lights
2. —What’s wrong with you
—I have a . What should I do, Doctor
—You should some medicine and have a rest.
( )1. A. dress B. drive C. tree
( )2. A. drink B. dry C. day
( )3. A. train B. try C. driver
( )4. A. show B. stop C. short
( )5. A. Christmas B. chair C. lunch
1. 吃药 6. brush one’s teeth
2. 喝水 7. see the dentist
3. 向右转 8. in the shoe shop
4. 步行上学 9. a post office
5. 感觉冷 10.have a good time
( )1. — do you like doing —I like pictures .
A. What; draws B. What; drawing C. Who; drawing
( )2. Your toy bear so lovely.
A. look B. looking C. looks
( )3. You should eat an apple every day. It’s good you.
A. for B. to C. at
( )4. —Why can’t I go to school by bike —Because you are too .
A. young B. tall C. small
( )5.The bank is from the bus stop.
A. near B. next C. far
( )6.The girl does not have clothes shoes.
A. some; and B. some; or C. any; or
( )7. Where do you , Liu Tao
A. live in B. lives in C. live
( )8. How do you home
A. go to B. go C. get to
( )9. — your mother ill —Yes, she .
A. Are; is B. Does; does C. Is; is
( )10. —What’s wrong with —He has a fever.
A. her B. he C. him
( )1. Eric teaches Chris how to_____.《Old MacDonald’s Farm》
A. milk the cow B. cut the wool C. make fences.
( )2. Chris helps Eric to_____.《Old MacDonald’s Farm》
A. cut the wool B. feed the sheep C. run the farm
( )3. How many sons does Old MacDonald have 《Old MacDonald’s Farm》
A. one B. two C. three
( )4. Why doesn’t the postman like snowy days 《Snow》
A. Because he is always trapped in traffic jams on snowy days.
B. Because the children always throw snowballs on him on snowy days.
C. Because his shoes and socks always get wet on snowy days.
( )5.Children are _______to see the first snow of this winter. 《Snow》
A. sad B. excited C. tired
( )6. The _______has a hard time directing the traffic. 《Snow》
A. farmer B. doctor C. policeman
( )7. What will happen to a girl moth after laying eggs 《A Silkworm’s Life Cycle》
A. She will leave her eggs
B. She will stay with her eggs after laying them
C. She will die soon after laying eggs
( )8.______ is baby silkworm’s favorite food. 《A Silkworm’s Life Cycle》
A. elm B. lettuce C. mulberry
( )9.Like baby chickens, ____come from eggs. 《Where Do Babies Come from 》 A. baby horses B. baby cats C. baby dinosaurs
( )10. A small baby lives in Mum’s womb for about_____ before coming out.
《Where Do Babies Come from 》
A. seven months B. nine months C. half a year
1.—How many _________ (tooth) do you have —Twenty-eight.
2. How many _________ (teach) can you see
3. Would you like____________(show) me your new shoes.
4. What’s wrong with ________ (they)
5. The prince visits every house and (find) Cinderella.
1. Helen likes her new dress . (改为否定句)
Helen her new dress .
2. My right foot hurts. (改为一般疑问句)
Your right foot
3. We can take a taxi to get there. (同义句转换)
We can get there .
4. He has a bad headache. (对画线部分提问)
with him
5.the for at wait bus they bus the stop (.) (连词成句)
1. 灰姑娘试穿了那只鞋子。
Cinderella the shoe.
2. 你的学校离家远吗?
your school from your home
3. 我应该在哪里向左转 ?
Where should I
4. 我们不能吃太多糖。
We can’t eat sweets .
5. 杨玲向一位警察寻求帮助。
Yang Ling a policeman help .
It’s 1 to get lost (迷路) in a new city. Here are some tips to help you 2 the way and get to the place where you want to go. Take a map 3 you when you go to a new place. If you lose the way, look at the map. You will find the place where you want to go. If you can’t find the place on the map, ask a policeman for help. He will tell you the right way 4 . Remember the name of your hotel and the street where it is. If you still can’t find the way back, 5 a taxi.
( ) 1. A. difficult B. easy C. sad
( ) 2. A. look at B. look for C. find
( ) 3. A. for B. with C. and
( ) 4. A. go B. to go C. goes
( ) 5. A. take B. by C. in
Traffic rules(规则) are very important(重要). Today, we can go to a lot of places by car, by bike or on foot, so we must know the traffic rules. The traffic lights are the same(相同的) in every country(国家). There are three lights: red, yellow, and green. Red means“stop”.Yellow means“wait”.Green means“go”. In China, drivers drive on the right side of the street. In the US, drivers drive on the right side of the street too. But in the UK and Australia, drivers drive on the left.
( )1. When we drive a car, we must know the .
A. traffic rules B. policeman C. red light
( )2. The traffic lights are in every country .
A. good B. the same C. different (不同的)
( )3. The yellow light means .
A. stop B. go C. wait
( )4. In China, drivers drive on the side of the street .
A. right B. left C. yellow
( )5. In , drivers drive on the left.
A. the UK B. Australia C. A and B
班级 姓名 得分
( )1.A.blowing B. bring C. sing
( )2.B.grow B. garden C. go
( )3.A.pest B. sweet C. grape
( )4.A. robot B. ladybird C. bird
( )5.A.parents B. parent C. present
( )What is your uncle doing
( )My father is sleeping in his bedroom.
( )My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
( )Nancy’s father is having tea.
( )They are playing in the living room.
( )1.A.He is in the kitchen. B. She is in the living room. C. They are in the kitchen.
( )2.A.He has a pen. B. He’s watching the flowers. C. What a pity!
( )3.A.There are many animals. B. It’s a ladybird. C. It’s dancing.
( )4. A. She is helping her mother. B. He is eating fruit. C.I am watching TV.
( )5. A. My hand hurts. B. All right. C. Thank you..
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. —What are you ________
—I _______ _________the bed.
2. —Tom and his father ________ _________ the car in the garden .
( )1. A. sing B. evening C. wind
( )2. A. put B. but C. run
( )3. A. name B. take C. ask
( )4. A. nice B. listen C. kitchen
( )5. A. my B. ladybird C. sky
1. 在下午____________________ 6. clean the table __________________
2. 扫地 _____________________ 7. help their parents __________________
3. 在星期六上午______________ 8. some pests on the grapes ________________
4. 做早饭 ___________________ 9. big and sweet ___________________
5. 洗碗 _____________________ 10. go away ___________________
1. do ______________ 2. run _______________ 3. swim _______________
4. wash____________ 5. jump______________ 6. clean ____ ________
7. eat ____________ 8. make ______________ 9. come_______________
10. sleep __________
( )1. My friend Peter is _____________.
A. swim B. running C. sings
( )2. Look! The girls are __________ grapes.
A. eatting B. eat C. eating
( )3. On Sunday morning, my cousin __________.
A. come B. coming C. comes
( )4. Don’t shout. My parents ___________
A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleep
( )5. There _________ any pests on the grapes.
A. are B. is C. aren’t
( )6. Tim’s grandfather often__________ flowers in his garden .
A. is growing B. grows C. eats
( )7. The pests go away, but the ladybirds____________.
A. don’t B. doesn’t C. do
( )8. My father is so busy. I should help ______
A. her B. them C. him
( )9. What ______ Mike and Nancy doing
A. is B. are C. do
( )10. Tim’s mother always _________ nice breakfast for _______ .
A. cook; him B. cook; he C. cooks; him D. cooks; he
( ) 1. How many bedrooms are there in Ken’s house
A.two B. three C. four
( ) 2. How many people are there in the story
A. Six B. Five C. Four
( ) 3. Ken’s sister has lots of _______.
A. hard toys B. soft toys C. teddy bears
( ) 4. Ken’s brother takes his ______ and Ken takes his ______.
A. badminton racket, baseball bat B. teddy bear, badminton racket
C. baseball bat, badminton racket.
( ) 1. Sheena likes teddy bears.
( ) 2. Mum and Dad are worried.
( ) 3. There is something in the living room.
( ) 4. Sam takes his teddy bear to his parents’ bedroom.
( ) 5. The giant always makes much noise.
read books
1. —Where is Mike —He is in the pool(池) now .
2. We shouldn’t eat before bedtime. It’s bad for our __________
3. How many __________ are there in the basket
4. We should help our__________, because they’re busy.
5. The girl often before bedtime .
1. She is having dinner.(改为一般疑问句)
______ she _______ dinner
2. They are playing in the playground.(改为否定句)
They _______ _________in the playground.
3. I’m singing.(对画线部分提问)
_______ ________ you doing
4. My father is cleaning the car.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ cleaning the car
5.the, pests, in, there, any, tree, are ( ) (连词成句)
My mother _______ _________ breakfast in the kitchen.
2. 博比在他的果园里种了葡萄。
Bobby _______ grapes _____ his garden.
3. 他们正在哪里举行聚会?
_______ are they _________ a party
4. 迈克和我正在帮助她。
Mike and I are _______ _______.
5. —他正在干什么? —他正在跑步。
—What _______ he doing —He’s ___________.
Kate is a new student. She is eleven. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Beijing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays with her friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends. Now Kate is reading an interesting book in her bedroom. Her mother is cooking in the kitchen. Her father is cleaning his car. And her brother Tom is growing flowers in the garden.
( ) 1. Kate is ______________.
A. a new student B. a Chinese girl C. a doctor
( ) 2. Kate can ______________.
A. speak a lot of Chinese B. speak English well C. speak a little English.
( ) 3. Kate often studies___________.
A. from Monday to Friday B. in Nanjing C. on Saturdays and Sundays
( ) 4. Her parents_____________.
A. are working in a school B. have classes on Mondays. C. are doctors
( ) 5. Her brother Tom ________________in the garden.
A. is cooking B. is cleaning his car C. is growing flowers
十一、小练笔(5分)今天是星期天,迈克和他的父母正在打扫卫生,你能用现在进行时来描述一下他们正在干什么吗?(提示:cleaning the car、sweeping the floor、cooking 、cleaning the table…)
On Sunday
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. friend B. help C. hand
( )2. A. game B. give C. get
( )3. C. read B. ready C. really
( )4. A. angry B. hungry C. green
( )5. A. window B. win C. write
( )Are you cooking meat
( )There are a lot of pests and ladybirds in Bobby’s garden.
( )They can’t drive the bad ladybirds away.
( )Nancy comes to help Bobby.
( )Is he drinking water
( )1. A. Yes, they are . B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, she is.
( )2. A. I’m drinking juice. B. He’s drinking juice . C. She’s drinking juice.
( )3. A. It’s yummy. B. It’s beautiful. C. I love it.
( )4. A. Yes, there is . B. No, there are not. C. Yes, there are.
( )5. A. She’s reading a story. B. He can cook meat. C. I’m flying a kite.
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. —Are you _______ meat with ________ —Yes, I am .
2. —What ______he doing —He is _______ _______some juice in the fridge.
( )1. A. queen B. quick C. get
( )2. A. read B. clean C. sweater
( )3. A. apple B. wash C. catch
( )4. A. draw B. drink C. desk
( )5. A. traffic B. truck C. time
1.寻找________________________ 6. cook meat_______________________
2.在晚上______________________ 7. a football game___________________
3.在厨房里 ___________________ 8. catch a ladybird _________________
4.五个西红柿 _________________ 9. lots of pests
5.一位棒厨师 _________________ 10.orange juice ___________________
( )1. There are many flowers in __________ garden now.
A. Mr Black B. Mrs Black C. Miss Black’s
( )2. —______he often read in the library —Yes, he_____.
A. Does, does B. Is, is C. Does, is
( )3. — _______ any meat in the fridge —Yes.
A. Is there B. Are there C. There are
( )4. —Can you _____the dog ______for me —Sure.
A. leave, behind B. go, away C. drive, away
( )5. Liu Tao wants ______ meat.
A. eating B. to eat C. eat
( )6. — _______ Mr Green cleaning his car —Yes, he is. .
A. Are B. Am C. Is
( )7. He can’t find his new pen. He ____________ it .
A. is looking B. is looking at C. is looking for
( )8. How many spots ______this ladybird have
A. do B. does C. is
( )9. Here ________ a ladybird.
A. does B. is C. are
( )10. —How is the fish —___________.
A. It’s five B. They’re yummy C. It’s yummy.
四、根据朗文分级阅读《What are you 》选择正确答案。(5分)
( ) 1. The children are playing ______.
A. in the stream B. near the stream C. near the jar
( ) 2. In ______ weeks, Ploppy has two legs.
A. seven B. eight C. nine
( ) 3.Where are the children playing
A.In a park B. Near the stream C. On a hill
( ) 4. Who are the quiet neighbours
A. Shells B. Ploppy C. Turtles
( ) 5. There are _____ turtles in the story.
A. four B. three C. two
五、根据朗文分级阅读《What are you 》判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( ) 1. Ploppy changes every day.
( ) 2. Ploppy is a big worm.
( ) 3. In three weeks, Ploppy has a small tail.
( ) 4. In fourteen weeks, Ploppy can croak and swim.
( ) 5. Daisy is a boy.
1. He _________(want) ___________(make) fruit salad.
2. Would you like__________(cook) __________(some) soup
3. Helen likes ___________ (tomato) .
4. Wang Bing is looking for some _________(apple) juice in the fridge.
5. Listen! My parents__________ (come).
6. Nancy__________ (have) an Art lesson every Monday afternoon.
7. Don’t sing. My little sister_____________ (sleep).
8. It’s seven o’clock. We___________ (have) supper.
1. There are a lot of pests in Bobby’s garden.(对画线部分提问)
________ _________ in Bobby’s garden
2. Mike and Tim have breakfast at seven o’clock.(用now 替换 at seven o’clock)
Mike and Tim_______ _________ breakfast now.
3. My mother likes going shopping. (改为否定句)
My mother like shopping.
4. My mother is cooking dinner.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
— ______ _______ mother cooking dinner
—No, _______ _________.
1. 刘涛正在吃肉。
Liu Tao is _______ the _________.
2. 南希的手上有三个鸡蛋。
There _______ three eggs on ________ hand .
3. 她的父母正在厨房里做午饭。
_______ parents ________ cooking lunch in the kitchen.
4. 在冰箱里有一些面包吗?
_________ there ________ bread in the fridge .
5. 王兵从葡萄上抓了两只瓢虫。
Wang Bing ____________ two ladybirds _________ the grapes.
It’s 9:30 (1) the morning. Ben and his parents (2) at home. It’s Sunday. Ben (3) have any lessons today. Ben and his parents go to the party. There (4)_many trees and flowers in the park. There (5) a lake and a hill too. It’s a beautiful.
( )1. A. on B. in C. at
( )2. A. are B. is C. be
( )3. A. / B. don’t C. doesn’t
( )4. A. is B. isn’t C. are
( )5. A. are B. is C. isn’t
It is Saturday. The Blacks are at home. Mrs Black is in the kitchen. She’s making apple pies. The pies are very delicious. Do you want to have a taste Mr Black isn’t in the living room. He is outside. He is cleaning his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Sue She’s in her bedroom with her friend, Ann. They are watching TV.
( ) 1. There are people in Mr Black’s family.
A. six B. four C. two
( ) 2. Mrs Black is _________________.
A. making the apple pies B. watching TV C. cooking
( ) 3. Mr Black is .
A. clean the car B. playing with his daughter C. cleaning his car
( ) 4.______________ are playing football in the garden.
A. Mrs Black and Sue B. Jim and some boys C. Some girls
( ) 5. Sue and Ann are _____________________ .
A. watching TV in the living room
B. playing in Ann’s room
C. watching TV in Sue’s room
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. mouth B. fruit C. mountain
( )2. A. swing B. spring C. favourite
( )3. A. read B. ready C. really
( )4. A. rice B. moon C. dumpling
( )5. A. place B. please C. people
( )It is a festival for all people.
( )I like the Dragon Boat Festival.
( )People often get together with their friends.
( )Liu Tao likes climbing mountains in autumn.
( )What should we do on Mother’s Day
( )1. A. It’s autumn. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s Friday.
( )2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it doesn’t. C. Yes, I do.
( )3. A. I give my mother presents. B. I give my father presents.
C. I give my grandparents presents.
( )4. A. We are swimming. B. We can eat ice cream.
C. We are not climbing mountains.
( )5. A. We eat rice dumplings . B. We eat dumplings.
C. We eat cakes.
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
1. It’s a day for mothers. It’s ________ the ________ Sunday of _________.
2. The Double Ninth Festival is in____________ or _______________.
( )1. A. thirty B. three C. there
( )2. A. that B. think C. birthday
( )3. A. mouth B. this C. thin
( )4. A. family B. fly C. my
( )5. A. teach B. March C. Christmas
1. 在冬天________________________ 6. in May or June_____________________
2. 在一月或二月__________________ 7. Dragon Boat Festival _______________
3. 看望他们的父母_______________ 8. a rice cake ______________________
4. 赏月 ________________________ 9. get together _____________________
5. 春节_________________________ 10.climb mountains___________________
( )1. I call my father’s parents _________.
A. parents B. grandpa C. grandparents
( )2. —How many days are there in ________ —There are 30.
A. January B. February C. April
( )3. — Can you _______some nice food for ________
—Yes, I can.
A. cook, their B. cooking, them C. cook, them
( )4. —Is _________ a festival for old people —Yes, it is.
A. Mother’s Day B. the Double Ninth Festival C. Mid-Autumn Festival
( )5. She often looks at the sky ______ night..
A. in B. on C. at
( )6. There are _______ months in a year.
A. ten B. eleven C. twelve
( )7. ____________is on the third Sunday of June.
A. Mother’s Day B. Father’s Day C. Teachers’ Day
( )8. My father ________ the Dragon Boat Festival.
A. like B. likes C. liking
( )9. ___________ is on 31st October.
A. The Dragon Boat Festival B. Halloween
C. The Mid- Autumn Festival
( )10. Our friends often ________ presents _______us.
A. give, for B. gives, to C. give, to
四、根据朗文分级阅读《Everybody is Special》选择正确答案。(5分)
( ) 1. Tippy is huge. She can take much ______.
A. garbage B. water C. fruit
( ) 2. _______ can take children to school.
A. Plane B. Minibus C. School bus
( ) 3. What is the most important in the story
A. The plane B. The bicycle C. The garbage truck
( ) 4. The garbage truck doesn’t work, the city is_____
A. beautiful B. dirty C. clean
( ) 5. The bicycle is_____
A. stink B. pretty C. mean
五、根据朗文分级阅读《Everybody is Special》判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( ) 1. Tippy is a garbage truck.
( ) 2. Tippy helps make the restaurants dirty.
( ) 3. Plane can fly all over the world.
( ) 4.We should help each other after reading the story.
( ) 5.The city will be clean if Tippy goes away.
1. Jan.(完全形式) __________________ 2. does (否定形式) ______________
3. family(复数) _________________ 4. my parents(所有格) ____________
5. they(形容词性物主代词) __________ 6. second(基数词) _____________
7.nine(序数词) ____________________ 8. September (缩写形式) ___________
9. China(形容词) __________________ 10. my(复数) __________________
1. Bill visits their parents and grandparents.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
—_______ Bill______ their parents ______ grandparents
—Yes, he .
2. Some people eat dumplings. (改为否定句)
Some people _______ ________ dumplings.
3. They give their mothers presents on Mother’s Day.(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ they do on Mother’s Day
4. I like autumn best.(对画线部分提问)
_________ _________ do you like best
1. 你最喜爱的节日是圣诞节吗?
__________ ___________ favourite festival Christmas
2. 迈克和南希在谈论着给妈妈的礼物。
Mike and Nancy are _________ _________the presents _______Mum.
3. 母亲节是五月的第二个星期日。
________ Day is________ the second Sunday of May.
4. 端午节是在五月或者六月。
The Dragon Boat Festival is _______ _______or ________.
九、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 (5分)
Today is Children’s Day, Ben always has a good time. He gets up early in the morning. There is a party at school. Ben and his classmates sing and dance at the party. After lunch, he gets to the park with his classmates. They play lots of games together. They go home at four. After dinner, his parents give him a CD Walkman. He likes it very much. He really has a wonderful time.
( )1. Today is ____________.
A. the third of June B. the second of June C. the first of June
( )2. Ben gets up ________ in the morning.
A. early B. late C. earlier
( )3. At the party, They _________.
A. play games B. watch TV C. sing and dance
( )4. Ben goes to the park _________.
A. after lunch B. after school C. after dinner
( )5. Ben gets a _____________ on Children’s Day.
The Australian seasons are the opposite(相反的) of our seasons. When it’s spring in China, it is autumn in Australia. Australia is in the south(南方) of the earth. June, July and August are the winter months. It’s not cold in winter. People in Australia wear a jacket in the morning and a T-shirt at noon. The summer is in December, January and February. It’s very hot there. People like going swimming.
Near the North Pole(北极) there are two seasons. The winter nights are long. For more than two months, you can’t see the sun, even(甚至) at noon. The summer days are long too. For more than two months, the sun never sets(落下), and there’s no night.
( ) 1. The Australian seasons are the same as Chinese seasons.
( ) 2. June, July and August are Australian winter months.
( ) 3. It is very cold in August in Australia.
( ) 4. Near the North Pole there are two seasons, spring and winter.
( ) 5. The winter nights are long near the North Pole.
My favourite festival
My favourite festival is_______________________________.
It is _______________________________. At this festival ,people usually
班级 姓名 得分
( )1. A. seventh B. tenth C. eleventh
( )2. A. here B. hero C. hello
( )3. A. play B. place C. password
( )4. A. eight B. eighth C. eighteenth
( )5. A. April B. August C. autumn
( )We usually have a big dinner .
( )My birthday is on the ninth of June ..
( )It’s on the first of May .
( )Let’s have a big party .
( )What a pity !
( )1. A. My birthday is on the second of September .
B. Her birthday is on the second of September .
C. His birthday is on the second of September .
( )2. A . What a pity ! B. Yes , I do . C. No , he doesn’t .
( )3. A. The twelfth of May.
B. The twentieth of July.
C .The tenth of September .
( )4. A. I’m good at Maths. B. Well done . C. A good idea .
( )5. A. It’s on the table. B. They’re on the table . C. Thanks a lot .
四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 (5分)
A: ________ is your birthday
B: My birthday is on the ________ of March .
A: What do you do on your birthday
B: I usually _______a big dinner______my parents. And we all have a great _______ .
( )1. A. this B. that C. three
( )2. A. mother B. brother C. thin
( )3. A. these B. those C. third
( )4. A. they B. their C. think
( )5. A. father B. them C. birthday
1. 买一个生日蛋糕 2. eat noodles
3. 在八月份 4. have a lot of fun
5. 在五月十一日 6. have a big dinner
7. 举办一个聚会 8. the first number
9. 玩游戏 10.start fighting
( )1. I have a big dinner ______ my family.
A. and B. or C. with
( )2. —When’s Christmas ? —It’s ______ the 25th of December.
A. in B. on C. at
( )3. Many boys are good ______ PE in our class .
A. in B. on C. at
( )4. — Are you happy at the party —Yes . We have ______ fun .
A. a great time B. a good time C. a lot of
( )5. The fourth month of the year is ______ .
A. March B. April C. May
( )6. The desk is in ______ .
A. two rooms B. the second room C. second room
( )7. Six students have their birthdays ______ January .
A. in B. on C. at
( )8. Then the cat comes out ______ a room .
A. from B. in C. for
( )9. My birthday is on the ______ of July .
A. twenty- first B. twentieth-first C. twenty-one
( )10. People ______ usually open their present as soon as they receive them .
A. in the West B . in the west C. in China
四、根据朗文分级阅读《The Fire Dragon》选择正确答案。(5分)
( ) 1. Cindy and Jack are _______ in the garden.
A. watering flowers B. watering plants C. watering bean plant
( ) 2. Jack is __________.
A. watering flowers B. watering plants C. watering bean plant
( ) 3. What day is it
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday
( ) 4. What is Jack’s favorite plant
A. the flower B. the tree C. the bean
( ) 5. Who grabs Cindy
A. A fairy B. A dog C. A fire dragon
五、根据朗文分级阅读《The Fire Dragon》判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( ) 1. The dragon is very nasty to Cindy.
( ) 2. Cindy always works. The dragon never works.
( ) 3. Finally, Cindy and Jack are dangerous.
( ) 4. The bea plant reaches up to the castle.
( ) 5. Jack sprays the fire dragon with water.
1. It’s a___________ (fun) film.
2. When is ___________ (your mother) birthday
3. Two students have __________(they) birthdays in January.
4. My aunt lives on ___________________(five) floor.
5. Helen often ___________(play) some games with her friends after school.
6. My sister ___________ (eat) a cake now.
7. Bobby cannot find his cat and starts_________(cry).
8. _______________ (teacher) Day is coming.
9. Wang Bing is good at __________________ (swim).
10. That’s easy for __________(we).
1. My birthday is on the first of April . ( 对画线部分提问 )
________ is ________ birthday
2. They play games at weekends . ( 改为否定句 )
They ________ ________ games at weekends .
3. His birthday is on the eleventh of May . (改为一般疑问句 )
________ his birthday ________ the eleventh of May
4. on , first , it’s , the , of , June ( . ) ( 连词成句 )
5. Can you play with me ( 根据实际情况回答问题 )
1.—你们在一起干什么? —我们在一起吃生日蛋糕 。
—What do you ________ together —We ________ a birthday cake together .
2. 房间里有一头猪。 There ________ a pig ________ the house.
3. 第四个女孩是我的姐姐。 The ________ girl is ________ sister .
4. —你通常在你妈妈生日时做什么? —我通常送一张卡片给她。
— _____ do you do on your______ birthday — I usually give _____ a card .
5. Bobby 在一部戏中是一个英雄。 Bobby is a hero in a ________ . .
Today is Mike's birthday. We are 1 a birthday party at his house. Now we are playing the 2 “Remember”. We are trying to hide the presents in 3 places. Then Mike will guess. If he is right, he will 4 the present. So we are very excited. Look! Su Yang is putting the VCD in the books. Peter is 5 up the football from the ground, then Jack hides it behind the door quickly. Nancy puts the earphones in the bag, but Liu Tao hides them behind the TV.
( ) 1. A. making B. taking C. having
( ) 2. A. game B. kite C. guitar
( ) 3. A. the same B. different C. same
( ) 4. A. gets B. take C. get
( ) 5. A. picking B. pulling C. take
十、阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F) (5分)
There is an interesting festival in China. On that special day, people in Hunan always have a dragon boat match .The dragon boat is quite long. There are pictures of dragons on each side. The front of the boat is a man on the boat. He beats a drum ( 敲鼓 ). It’s an exciting match ,especially ( 特别是 ) when they are reaching the end.The audience ( 观众 ) beside the lake shout for their favourite teams. From this match, we have the name of the festival ---- Dragon Boat Festival



