重庆市第八中学校2022-2023八年级下学期入学检测英语试题 (含答案含听力原文无音频)

I. 听力测试。(共30分)
1. A. Nice to meet you. B. Have a good time. C. You’re welcome.
2. A. Sunny. B. Fantastic! C. Never.
3. A. On July 13th. B. Nothing much. C. To the Central Park.
4. A. To get good grades. B. A good writer. C. In New York.
5. A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. OK, I will.
6. A. Sounds great! B. Sure, I’d love to. C. Too bad.
7. A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
8. A. She went shopping. B. She tried paragliding. C. She visited museums.
9. A. On Saturday evening. B. On Sunday morning. C. On Monday evening.
10. A. Peter. B. Tim. C. Miss White.
11. A. He likes them. B. He doesn’t like them. C. They’re boring.
12. A. One spoon. B. Two spoons. C. Three spoons.
13. What’s the matter with the woman
A. She has a cold. B. She has a headache. C. She has a sore throat.
14. What’s the doctor’s advice
A. Lie down and rest. B. Have some medicine. C. Drink more water.
15. What would the girl like to do
A. To talk with old people. B. To work with kids. C. To look after animals.
16. When does a volunteer probably need to go to the food bank
A. On weekends. B. On Mondays. C. Every afternoon.
17. Tina is upset because
A. she has no time to exercise
B. her friends often laugh at her
C. running isn’t helping her lose weight
18. To lose weight more easily, Tina should ______.
A. eat more meat B. run every day C. pay attention to her eating habits
19. Which is the truth
A. Everyone has a different body shape.
B. Everyone has a different body taste.
C. Everyone has a different body type.
20. What is Jason’s suggestion at last?
A. Tina should learn to accept herself.
B. Tina may ask more friends for help.
C. What other people think is important.
Ⅱ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分。21-33题为单项选择,34和35题为多项选择题。)
21. Selina didn’t want to accept ________ invitation to the concert, because she had ________ article to write.
A. an; the B. the; the C. an; an D. the; an
22. —Shall we stay at home and clean the house tonight
—________. I want to go bike riding to lose weight.
A. I think so B. Good idea C. I’m afraid not D. I’d love to
23. I find the service robots in the hotel useful, so I plan to buy ________ for my grandfather.
A. it B. one C. this D. that
24. —Mike wants to know if ________ a picnic tomorrow.
—Yes. But if it ________, we will do something else instead.
A. you have; will rain B. you will have; will rain
C. you will have; rains D. will you have; rains
25. —How was your holiday in Sanya
—It couldn’t be worse! There were too many people, so I don’t _______want to talk about it.
A. even B. hardly C. mainly D. ever
26. —I have ________.
—You need to go to the dentist and get an X-ray.
A. a headache B. a toothache C. a teethache D. a stomachache
27. In China, it’s common for parents to ________ a comfortable environment at home________ their kids.
A. depend; on B. raise; for C. provide; for D. develop; to
28. —Dear David, I’m sorry I ________ my homework at home this morning.
—No worries. But don’t forget ________ it here tomorrow.
A. left; to take B. forgot; bringing C. left; to bring D. forgot; to bring
29. —You know many old people in China live in the village________.
—I think so. We should visit them from time to time. Then, they won’t feel ________.
A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone
30. Lily’s friend Bill works as ________ as her. But she wonders why his grades are always better than ________.
A. hard; hers B. hard; her C. hardly; hers D. hardly; she
31. —You won’t be successful ________ you work hard.
—I agree. That’s ________ everyone is making an effort to realize their dreams.
A. until; why B. unless; because C. unless; why D. until; when
32. With the popularity of livestreaming(直播), we can buy things ________ than shopping in offline stores. So we can save money in this way.
A. cheaper B. much cheaper C. much cheaply D. more cheaply
33. —Mom, the Spring Festival is coming. But my room is in a mess. Must I clean it up now
—No, you ________. Just remember to tidy it tonight.
A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t
34. When I have some difficulty ________ out the math problem, my teacher always teaches me ________it.
A. working; what to do with B. working; how to deal with
C. to work; what to do with D. to work; how to deal
35. Can you predict ___________ if the story in The Three Body Problem (《三体》) comes true
A. what is our world like B. what our world will be like
C. how our world will be D. how our world is like
Ⅲ. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)
The King of Soccer, Pelé(贝利)
Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known to the world as Pelé, has died. The Brazilian soccer star was 82 years old and had colon cancer(直肠癌). Pelé was known far beyond Brazil’s playing fields where he developed his skills. In 1967, for example, the two sides of a war in Nigeria 36 to a cease-fire(停火) so that he could play a friendly game there. In 1986, the leader of the United States said this when he met the Brazilian soccer star: “My name is Ronald Reagan, president of the United States of America… 37 you don’t need to introduce yourself because everyone knows who Pelé is.”
In 1958, Pelé played in the championship game(总决赛) of the World Cup against Sweden in Stockholm. He scored two goals, one so smartly that it was almost unbelievable for the audience (观众)to see. After that, in both 1962 and 1970, Pelé helped Brazil to 38 the World Cup. No 39 soccer player has taken three World Cup championships.
Later, he helped to make soccer 40 in America by joining the New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League and more people came to know and fell in love with this sport. In his final game, he played for 77,000 people in a match 41 the Cosmos(宇宙队) and his old Brazilian club team.
With Pelé and Brazil, the sport became “the beautiful game.” And Pelé became known as the King of Soccer. The International Olympic Committee named him “Athlete of the 42 “ because it takes so many years to have such a talented soccer player in the world. The Brazilian government saw 43 as a national treasure(珍宝).
The famous star was also known for his humble(谦虚的) way of speaking. In 2013, Pelé told Reuters: “God gave me this ability 44 one reason: To make people happy.” He added: “No matter what I did, I tried 45 that.”
36. A. began B. expected C. agreed D. meant
37. A. So B. And C. Also D. But
38. A. beat B. win C. defeat D. decide
39. A. one B. else C. more D. other
40. A. important B. independent C. popular D. fair
41. A. both B. between C. for D. of
42. A. Century B. Humans C. World D. Times
43. A. itself B. it C. himself D. him
44. A. of B. in C. for D. about
45. A. to forger B. to not forget C. not to forget D. not forget
IV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共34分)
● Be a volunteer and help those who need your help in your community! Volunteer work includes helping the poor, visiting the old, helping the families whose houses were destroyed( 毁 坏 ) by natural disasters or creating green areas for neighborhood families. No matter what kind of service activity you choose,you have the right to make a difference and create a real change in the community! ● Join the Volunteer Service Center today! Volunteers are the greatest people in the world. Let’s work together to make the world a better place. Our summer holiday volunteer jobs are open to all Americans. You don’t need any special skills to join and there are no age limits with Biosphere Expedition(生物圈探险). You can be a wildlife(野生动物)and environmental volunteer for anywhere from two weeks to two months. You’ll work with local scientists, and the leaders from Biosphere Expedition will be by your side.
● We need students at the age of 16 and up who study at school and want to give them chances to use their talents, skills and knowledge to help the little kids. They must have enough patience and are warm-hearted.
46. Biosphere Expedition is likely to be open _____________.
A. for three months B. in the summer holiday
C. only by local scientists D. between America and China
47. Which of the followings is true
A. The volunteer can choose any service activity in the community.
B. The volunteer should create green areas for all the families.
C. To be safe in the wildlife volunteer work, you should have some special skills.
D. A 22-year-old boy who just graduated(毕业) can be a volunteer to help the little kids.
48. Where can you find the passage
A. A travel book. B. The local newspaper.
C. A magazine about animals. D. The website of a summer camp.
“Dear Abby”. With these two words, millions of letters are about the writer’s worries, seeking(寻求) an answer to many problems. People send the letters to Abigail Van Buren, one of the most welcome social advice givers in the United States. The newspaper advice column(专栏) Dear Abby appears in more than 1000 newspapers, and over the years has tried to give answers to people looking for help with such topics as troublesome(让人烦心的) children, work, problems about health and so on.
There is another “agony aunt” advice columnist(专栏作家) in the United States who is also popular and successful. Her name is Ann Landers, and she is also one of the most popular newspaper columnists in the world.
Are these two famous advice columnists in competition The funny fact behind their work is that they are twin sisters. “Dear Abby” is in fact Pauline Friedman. Her twin sister, Esther Friedman, is known as Ann Landers.
They were born in Sioux City, Iowa on July 4, in 1918. In 1955, Esther Friedman took over(接管) the Ann Landers advice column in the Chicago-Sum newspaper, and kept the columnist’s name even when she served in another newspaper later. Inspired by Esther’s example, in 1956, her twin sister Pauline called the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle and said she felt she could do a better job than the Ann Landers advice column. The editor asked for some examples of the columns and said he would look at them. The rest is history.
49. Both Abigail Van Buren and Ann Landers are ___________.
A. newspaper reporters B. newspaper advice columnists
C. advice seekers D. Chicago-based writers
50. According to the passage, Abigail Van Buren and Ann Landers ___________.
A. worked for the same newspapers
B. thought they were much better than each other
C. were born on the same day
D. started as advice columnists the same year
51. What can we infer from the passage
A. Dear Abby did a better job than the Ann Landers advice column.
B. People can read Dear Abby column only in one newspaper.
C. Ann Landers works for the Chicago-Sum newspaper all the time.
D. The Ann Landers advice column has a longer history than Dear Abby.
I am greatly upset about the findings of a survey among mothers about children’s viewing habits, carried out by TV Times. I am not surprised at the result that 90 per cent of the nation’s children watch TV every day. What does worry me is the parents’ carelessness about children’s viewing habits.
Eight out of ten children can “usually or sometimes” watch right up to “their bedtime”: a third of 5 to 8-year-olds and two-thirds of 9 to 11-year-olds are allowed to stay up after their normal bedtime at weekends to watch TV.
It’s common that, after 9 pm, more violent(暴力的) and bloody(血腥的) programmes can be shown. But the survey shows 24 per cent of every 5 to 8-year-olds can sometimes view after nine o’clock, and half of the nation’s 9 to 11-year-olds may actually be watching then.
The most important information we can get from the survey is that parents take little or no control over their children’s viewing, even when it worries them. They think it’s the programme-makers’ job to control children’s viewing, which is both cowardly(怯懦的) and irresponsible. The people who make and plan programmes should not be the ones who have to worry about little children being influenced(受到影响).
This survey makes me believe that there should be some kind of indication(指示) given to parents about whether the TV programmes are good for children or not because parents are the only ones who can decide what their children view at home. For example, some American movies now have an “R” to show that children under 17 can only watch these movies when adults are with them. If the same is taken in TV programmes, it would help parents to guide the young seriously.
52. What is the main idea of this passage
A. Children watch too many kinds of TV programmes like the violent and bloody ones.
B. A number of children watch TV at night but parents don’t take it seriously.
C. Parents care little about children’s viewing habits so there should be some help.
D. TV programmers don’t worry about children’s viewing habits though it’s a big problem.
53. According to the passage, _______ are most likely to watch TV after 9 pm.
A. a third of 5 to 8-year-olds B. two-thirds of 9 to 11-year-olds
C. 24 per cent of every 5 to 8-year-olds D. 50 per cent of the nation’s 9 to 11-year-olds
54. The writer _________ the act of having an “R” in movies and TV programmes.
A. is for B. is careful with C. is bored with D. is angry about
Every summer 3 billion birds migrate(迁徙) from southern Africa to Europe. In winter, they return to Africa’s warmer coasts(海岸). Both large and small birds travel thousands of kilometers. The migrating trip is long and difficult, and some of the animals die during the trip. However, it is not this twice-a-year trip that offers the most serious danger to these animals. The main problem of their survival(幸存) is from people. All over Mediterranean(地中海), millions of birds are killed for food, selling and sport every year. As a result, birds’ number is dropping all over the Mediterranean.
Countries over the Mediterranean have realized this, and decide to make changes. Many European countries stop people from killing migrating birds. Across the Mediterranean, Nature Conservation(保护) Center is working to increase protection of its country’s wildlife, including migrating birds. As part of the project, the group is trying to develop activities such as eco-tourism(环保旅游) along the coasts. The hope is that, as more tourists come to visit protected natural areas, there will be a kind of incentive for local people to care for the birds and their habitats(栖息地).
Wildlife organizations around Mediterranean are helping to bring about changes, “Hunting bans( 禁令) are working,” says Martin Jacoby, a bird expert. But there is still more to do. Environmentalists hope to stop hunting and protect bird habitats all over the Mediterranean. If this can be done, the birds’ number will increase. “There is a long way to go,” Jacoby says, “but just like after a long trip in the desert, there will be an oasis(绿洲).”
55. What’s the biggest danger to migrating birds
A. The migration is too long. B. They can’t get enough food.
C. Terrible weather. D. Human hunters.
56. What does the word “incentive” mean in Paragraph Two
A. Chance. B. Energy. C. Dream. D. Place.
57. What does the last paragraph mean
A. They will try more ways to make things better.
B. They will build an oasis in the desert for migrating birds.
C. The problem has been solved by the governments around Mediterranean.
D. The migrating birds are able to use the oasis.
58. What could be the best title of the passage
A. Birds in Danger over Mediterranean B. Hunting Bans around the Coasts
C. More Care, More Migrating Birds D. Eco-tourism along the Mediterranean Coasts
①The idea of beauty passes during centuries. Paintings of Egyptians(古埃及人) 4,000 years ago show that both men and women painted their nails(指甲) and wore makeup(化妆). Today, people spend a lot of time and money on their faces and hair to make themselves better-looking.
②There is at least one good reason to be beautiful: Beauty can do everything. Studies show that good-looking people make more money, get called on more often in class, and are seen as friendlier.
③But what is beauty It’s difficult to describe it clearly, and we know it when we see it. And our feeling of it may start at a very early age. In one study, people showed six-month-old babies some photographs. In the study, the babies spent more time looking at the nicer faces than the others.
④In other studies, they found that men like the photos of women with larger eyes and a smaller nose while women like men with a stronger body. According to scientists, the mind tells men and women that these traits(特点) are more important than health.
⑤Not everyone thinks the same way. What is beautiful in one culture might not be the same in another. In some Western magazines, the women are thin, but is this body type “the best” for women in every country Scientists’ answer is no. The feeling of beauty is different around the world.
⑥Although there seem to be some physical traits which are commonly beautiful, it is also true that beauty does not always keep to a unique standard(唯一标准). Beauty really is, as the saying goes, in the eye of the watcher.
59. People’s ideas about beauty______.
A. are the same B. have nothing to do with their success
C. showed up in old times D. has a unique standard
60. In Paragraph 3, the babies in the study______.
A. didn’t know anything about beauty B. showed interest in women
C. gave no help to the study D. were able to find out beautiful faces
61. We can learn from the passage that______.
A. the ideas of beauty become different as people grow up
B. the standards for beauty come from some researches
C. beauty is better than everything people have
D. the understanding of beauty is different in different places
62. What can be the best structure of this passage
A. ①; ②③④⑤; ⑥ B. ①; ②; ③④; ⑤⑥ C. ①; ②③; ④; ⑤⑥ D. ①②; ③; ④; ⑤⑥
Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(63-65题每题2分,66题3分,共9分)
Many people travel to different places in the world by air. Usually it takes a long time, maybe half a day, for people to stay in the plane. So airlines(航空公司) give people food. But it is common that they feel bad about the food taste. To solve this problem, airlines try hard to improve their food. They would like to do so because they don’t want to lose customers(顾客).
However, according to some researches(调查), part of the reason why plane food tastes bad is that at high altitude(海拔) our body changes in a special way. That’s why we cannot taste things as well as we do on the ground. Also, as the plane moves up, the air pressure(压强) inside the plane changes a lot, which makes our taste buds(味蕾) lose part of their feelings. So we think the food in the plane tastes bad. The sad fact, however, is that our noses have no idea.
All of these help to explain why airlines choose to give passengers very salty(咸的) and spicy (辛辣的)food. Without doing so, people inside the plane would find the food terrible.
Though airlines try their best, it is not as easy as they thought. Because they can’t deal with the special environment successfully, such as the change in air pressure, making food taste good is still hard for them.
63. Do people think plane food taste bad
64. What do airlines want by improving their plane food
65. Why does the plane food taste bad
66. Do you think it’s important to improve plane food Why or why not
_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Ⅵ. 用所给词的适当形式填空,每空不限一词。(每空1分,共5分)
67. More and more Chinese parents are getting to know the importance of developing children’s ___________ (depend).
68. To celebrate the Spring Festival, one of the ___________ (prepare) is to clean up the house.
69. The idea my sister came up with __________ (work) so well that we solved all the problems.
70. Lots of people volunteer __________ (cheer) up the elderly in the hospital.
71. The ___________ (friendly) you are, the fewer friends you will make.
Ⅶ. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)
72. My sister lay in bed reading the Old Man and the Sea last night. (改为否定句)
My sister _______ ______ in bed reading the Old Man and the Sea last night.
73. The mountains will be covered with trees in ten years. (对划线部分提问)
______ _______ will the mountains be covered with trees
74. We will have a surprise party for Mr. Wang in the classroom tomorrow evening. (改为同义句)
_______ will _______ a surprise party for Mr. Wang in the classroom tomorrow evening.
75. 他的新年决心跟其他任何人的不一样。(完成译句)
His new year’s resolution is different from ________ ________.
76. 当我看到动物们好转起来的时候,我有强烈的满足感。
When I see the animals get better, I get such a strong ________ of ___________.
Ⅷ. 短文填空(每空一词,每空2分,共32分)
Our daily life has much to do with(与...有很大的关系) the Internet, especially for the teenagers. We use a variety of(各种各样的) apps to solve the problems and they make our life easier for sure. But do you ever think about one important question: Why are so many apps free to use After all, they 77 money to develop to meet people’s needs. However, as customers, instead of paying 78 money, you’re actually paying by sharing your personal data(资料). Then,businesses buy and use the data so that they can show you their specially-chosen ads according to the apps you often use.
When we go online, what happens to our personal information The truth is that many free apps get paid by businesses who want to know about the users of the apps. 79 a business wants is the information about the customers. More surprisingly, companies called “data brokers” collect your data. They collect almost everything from your name,location(位置) and education level to the topics you search for, the websites you visit and the people you follow—and then they make the best use of your data by 80 the information to other brokers and businesses.
The data is valuable(有价值的). Businesses can use the information from data brokers to aim their ads. It means they will show their ads to the people who are most likely to be 81 in their products or services.
Feel scared or not What can we do about it Many countries make laws to protect personal information. For example, a law in the United States says companies must get 82 agreement to collect their kids’ personal data under 13. China’s law on personal information protection also came into use on November 1, 2021. At the same time, we ourselves should try to guard our data. 83 an app asks for something personal like your location, remember to say “No” first. Many apps 84 have privacy settings (隐私设置), which you can use to improve your privacy.
In short, information about you is not only important but also valuable. Try to protect it.
77. __________ 78. __________ 81. __________ 82. __________
79. __________ 83. __________ 80. __________ 84. __________
Imagine the wonderful feeling of chocolate melting (融化) in your mouth! If you like chocolate, you’re not 85 . Millions of people around the world also say they can’t live without chocolate. But do you wonder 86 chocolate is bad for your health Let’s focus on (关注) some facts about this popular food.
Chocolate makes you happy
There are over three hundred chemicals (化学物质) in chocolate, which make your brain active and help to produce the feelings of 87 so that you will feel less worried or upset. The caffeine (咖啡因) in chocolate can give you more energy and it is also found in coffee and tea. No wonder they are lots of people’s favorite drinks.
Chocolate makes you fat
It’s common for people to think that chocolate is a kind of food which makes people get fat 88 . In fact, cocoa beans (可可豆) are full of some ingredients called antioxidants (抗氧化剂) that are good for health. However, a lot of antioxidants are removed (去掉) during the process to clear up their bitterness (苦味). Most store-bought chocolates have high sugar and fat, and only a little cocoa. So 89 these and other high-fat chocolate desserts, like cakes and cookies, can really make you put on weight.
Chocolate causes (引起) bad teeth
It’s not chocolate 90 that causes bad teeth, but the sugar in chocolate products and bad teeth-brushing habits! In fact, it’s believed that cocoa butter forms a coating over our teeth, and this might actually 91 our teeth rather than (而不是) hurt them.
As you can see, chocolate only becomes a danger when you eat it too much. It’s important to remember that most of the advantages of chocolate come from cocoa. That’s why dark chocolate is the most popular 92 all the chocolate lovers. So choose your chocolate wisely and eat it in a proper way, and you’ll get the best of both happiness and health.
85. __________ 86. __________ 89. __________ 90. __________
87. __________ 91. __________ 88. __________ 92. __________
听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A, B, C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
1. I’m going to Sanya for my winter vacation.
2. How do you like your new neighborhood
3. Where will you go if it doesn’t rain this weekend
4. What is your New Year’s resolution
5. Remember to turn off the lights before you leave.
6. Can you come to my birthday party this evening
7. W: Hi, Uncle Wang. You look quite well.
M: Thanks! I exercise at the park every day.
Q: How often does Uncle Wang exercise
8. M: Did you go anywhere interesting this summer vacation
W: Sure. I went to the beach in Thailand. And I tried paragliding for the first time.
Q: What did the girl do this summer vacation
9. M: What day is it today
W: It’s Sunday. Don’t forget my birthday party tomorrow evening.
Q: When is the girl’s birthday party
10. W: You’re really hard-working, Peter.
M: Not really, Miss White. Tim works much harder than me.
Q: Who is more hard-working
11. W: I don’t like sitcoms. They are so boring.
M: Well, but I think it’s a great way to relax!
Q: What does the man think of sitcoms
12. M: Is one spoon of salt enough for the soup, mom
W: No, dear. Add two more.
Q: How much salt does mom need for the soup
根据你所听到的对话,从三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两遍。 听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。
M: Sit down, please. What’s the matter with you
W: I’m not feeling well. I have a headache.
M: When did it start
W: It started two days ago.
M: Do you have a sore throat
W: No, I don’t.
M: I think you are too tired. How many hours do you sleep at night
W: About five hours.
M: Well, you should lie down and rest. Then you will feel better.
W: Hello, sir! I want to work as a volunteer.
M: What would you like to do
W: Well, I like working with kids.
M: You could help cheer up the kids in the hospital every afternoon.
W: I’m afraid not. I’m only free on weekends.
M: Let me see. Oh, you could volunteer at the food bank.
W: What can I do there
M: You could give out food to the kids.
W: Oh, I’m not good at doing this.
M: Well, would you like to help kids with their schoolwork in an after-school study program
W: OK. It is a good idea. Thank you!
听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、 B、 C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
Dear Tina,
I got your letter yesterday and I can feel your sadness because running isn’t helping you lose weight. In fact, exercise is just one way to lose weight. Even if you exercise every day, you might not lose weight.
That’s because eating healthily is much more important. After you exercise, if you take in lots of food especially food with a lot of protein(蛋白质), it’s not easy to be thinner. So pay more attention to your eating habits. This will help you lose weight more easily. But please ask yourself. Do I really need to lose weight
The truth is that everyone has a different body type. Big is beautiful too. You’ll find happiness when you learn to accept yourself for who you are.
1-6 BBCACB 7-12 ABCBAC 13-16 BABA 17-20 CCCA
21-25 DCBCA 26-30 BCCCA 31-33 CDA 34 AB 35 BC
36-40 CDBDC 41-45 B A/D DCC
A篇 46-48 BAB B篇 49-51 BCD C篇 52-54 CDA
D篇 55-58 D A/B AC E篇 59-62 CDDB
63. Yes. / Yes, they do.
64. More customers. / They don’t want to lose customers. / They want more customers.
Because of the high altitude and the change of the air pressure inside the plane. / (只答一点给一分)
Because at high altitude our body changes in a special way. /
Because our taste buds lose part of their feelings and our noses have no idea. / (只答一点给一分)
66. 言之有理即可。(e.g. Yes. Because food is part of the service. There will be more customers if the food tastes better. Also, if the plane food tastes good, there will be less waste in the plane.)
67. independence 68. preparations 69. worked 70. to cheer 71. less friendly / more unfriendly
72. didn’t lie 73. How soon 74. There, be 75. anyone/ anybody, else’s
76. feeling/ sense, satisfaction / fulfillment
(A)77. cost/ need/ require 78. with/by/through 79. What/ All/ Everything 80. selling
81. interested 82. parents’ 83. When / Whenever / If / Once 84. also/already
(B) 85. alone 86. if / whether 87. happiness/ joy/ pleasure/ enjoyment/excitement
88. easily 89. having/ eating 90. itself 91. protect
92. among/ with



上一篇:重庆市巴蜀中学校2022-2023七年级下学期开学考试英语试题 (含答案无听力原文及音频)
