冀教版九年级下册Unit 8 Lesson 44 Popular saying课时同步练习(共2课时含答案)

Lesson 44 Popular Sayings第1课时
Ⅰ. 1. 网上聊天____________ 我不知道______________=________________
2. 圣诞节就要来了。______________ 一碗. . . . . . ______________
3. 玩得开心,过得愉快____________=_____________=_____________
4. I used chopsticks______(代替) a fork. 停车是一个问题。_______________
5. 地下停车场_______________ 舞龙表演___________________________
6. 人们对我说英语。______________
It’s Santa Claus _______(引导词) ______(bring) you gifts.
7. bring的用法_____________ 我们确实有很多乐趣。_________________
8. 得到礼物_______________ 压岁钱________________
庙会_______________ 各种各样的_____________
9. 希望做某事____________________
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空
pound, society, whether, wealth, fool
11. People didn't understand him and thought him     .  
12. Mrs. Black bought two     of tomatoes yesterday.
13. I wonder     they can help me or not.
14. Mr. Gao is a fat cat. It means he is very     .
15. Our     is like a big family. We should help each other.
Ⅲ. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空
in common, begin with, whether or not,be similar to, other than
16. We         music from South Africa that is sure to make listeners want to dance.
17. I don't know any French people         you.  
18. Would you please make sure         Mr. Ding will join us in the club
19. On this point, my idea         yours.
20. These two films have one thing         .
They both have a happy ending.
Ⅳ. 单项选择
(  )21. We believe in him because he has rich     in the job. A. praise B. experience
C. progress D. message
(  )22.     Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard.
A. Although B. Because
C. Unless D. When
(  )23. This passage is full     humorous sentences. I like reading it a lot.
A. of B. with C. for D. at
(  )24. The words “kayak” and “level” are the same     they are read from left to right or from right to left.
A. since B. though
C. unless D. whether
(  )25. Their house is     ours, but ours has a bigger garden.
A. similar to B. different from
C. far from D. the same as
(  )26. —The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot     .
—No wonder she is your best friend.
A. in style B. in common
C. in need D. in total
(  )27. —Dad, it's difficult for me to clean the whole yard on my own.
—Why not ask your brother for help     .
A. No pain, no gain
B. Every dog has his day
C. The early bird catches the worm
D. Many hands make light work
(  )28. Jessica's parents always encourage her     out her opinions.
A. speak B. speaking
C. to speak D. will speak
Ⅴ. 根据汉语意思完成句子
29. 这里除了一张桌子外,没有别的东西。
There is nothing here         a table.
30. 简和杰克没有共同的背景。
Jane and Jack have no background         .  
31. 我的父母经常鼓励我赶上别人。
My parents often                     with others.
32. 那位总统受到了来自社会各界人们的欢迎。
The president was welcomed by people from                 .
Ⅵ. 句型转换
33. His new car cost over one thousand pounds. (对画线部分提问)
             his new car       
34. Tom looks like his father. (改为同义句)
Tom             his father.
35. There is nobody here except me. (改为同义句)
There is nobody here         me.
36. London is full of visitors during May and June. (改为同义句)
London             visitors during May and June.
37. The twins have something in common. (改为一般疑问句)
     the twins         in common
Ⅶ. 阅读理解
China and Western countries have something different in cultures about certain animals, but when it comes to pigs, we have the same idea—pigs are ugly, lazy and stupid.
Just look at some Chinese sayings such as “Boiling a dead pig” and “A pig looking in the mirror is still a pig”. And in English, there are some expressions like “Eating like a pig” and “Pigs might fly”. None of them are complimentary.
However, pigs have some good qualities(品质). They are even as smart as dogs and elephants. They have good memories. And they know whether people treat them well or not.
A U. K. cartoon, Peppa Pig, is a most popular cartoon. The four members in the pig family teach children from all around the world about love, friendship and the value of family. And a Chinese cartoon film, My Life as McDull, is also very famous. In the cartoon, the little pig, McDull, has a heart of gold and always works hard towards his dreams. Most people want quick success, but McDull is slow and patient, and not afraid of failing again and again.
Maybe when we talk about pigs next time, we should think of their good qualities.
(  )38. China and Western countries have     in cultures according to the passage.
A. the same idea towards pigs
B. different ideas towards pigs
C. the same idea towards all the animals
D. different ideas towards numbers
(  )39. What does the underlined word “complimentary” mean in Chinese
A. 固执的 B. 赞美的
C. 负面的 D. 不屑的
(  )40. From the third paragraph, we can learn that     .
A. pigs have bad memories
B. pigs only can eat and sleep
C. pigs are as clever as dogs and elephants
D. pigs don't know who treats them well
(  )41. The writer gives the two examples of cartoons in the passage to show     .
A. pigs have good qualities
B. the two cartoons are well known
C. pigs are silly and ugly
D. both Chinese and English children like pigs
(  )42. What's the best title of the passage
A. Opinions on Pigs
B. Opinions on Animals
C. Opinions on Cartoons
D. Opinions on Cultures
Ⅷ. 词语运用
As the saying goes, smiling is sunshine in everyone's heart. 43.      I started to go to primary school, my teacher Mr. Wei told me the 44.     (important) of smiling. He told me that 45.      was simple behavior which was very powerful. It can give people warm feelings and show your respect to 46.     (other). Since a smile is a positive(积极的) attitude, we can often smile to 47.     (our) to become confident and happy. Although there are some situations where we may experience hardship or even 48.     (fail), we can always smile to ourselves. It can help us overcome many 49.     (difficult) as well as succeed in the end. 50.     (learn) to smile at others is also beneficial. When we smile at others, we can get a smile 51.      return. Then it can put us in a good mood. What's more, it can also help us build a good relationship with others. In one word, smiling is a language which can help others understand us better. Therefore, let's start to smile and live a better and 52.     (happy) life.
Lesson 44 Popular Sayings第2课时
一 根据课文内容填空
It is important to learn something about sayings because they are an important part of the language and 1.      of every society. They are usually simple and easy to 2.      but full of 3.      meaning in fact. Sayings come from different 4.      of life as well as from the experience of 5.      of people. The sayings like “Well 6.      is half done” and “Don't be penny wise and pound 7.     ” help people understand the world and 8.      good habits.
Sayings may be in different languages, but they share something in 9.     . Human beings share 10.      hopes and fears.
1. 眼见为实________________________ 使. . . . . . 远离_____________
谚语___________ . . . . . . 的一部分__________
2. 充满____________=________________ 深层含义________________
3. 看一看_________ experience 经验___________ 经历_____________
4. 养成好习惯____________ 鼓励某人做某事___________共同点_______
5. 和. . . . . . 相似____________ 人类_________________________
1. I call _________(我自己) Joe Wu。
Joe is an English name ______(引导词) __________(听起来像) Zhou。
2. ________ (be) modest is a virtue.
This is _________ (一种. . . . . . 标志) _________(be) weak.
3. It’s not polite ______(ask) an adult’s age.
提供给某人某物 _____________= ________________4. An elderly person may feel embarrassed about __________(be) offered a seat. 出去吃 ________________
5. 传递给某人某物 ________________= _________________
6. _____________(understand) cultural differences helps(help) us ___________ (understand) each other.
Lesson 44 Popular Sayings第1课时
1. 网上聊天 chat online 我不知道 I don’t know = I have no idea
2. 圣诞节就要来了。Christmas is coming. 一碗. . . . . . a bowl of
3. 玩得开心,过得愉快 have a good time=have fun =enjoy oneself
4. I used chopsticks instead of (代替) a fork. 停车是一个问题。Parking is a problem.
5. 地下停车场 the underground parking lot 舞龙表演 a dragon dancing performance
6. 人们对我说英语。People spoke English to me. It’s Santa Claus who (引导词) brings(bring) you gifts.
7. bring的用法 bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 我们确实有很多乐趣。We do have lots of fun.
8. 得到礼物 get gifts 压岁钱 庙会 temple fairs 各种各样的 all kinds of
9. 希望做某事 hope\wish to do sth 希望某人做某事 wish to do sth
Ⅱ. 11. foolish 12. pounds 13. whether 14. wealthy 15. society
Ⅲ. 16. begin with 17. other than  18. whether or not 19. is similar to  20. in common
Ⅳ. 21. B 句意:我们信任他因为他有丰富的工作经验。 experience意为“经验,经历”。 故选B。
22. A 考查连词辨析。句意:尽管西蒙学习很好,但他仍然很努力地学习。由后面的still可知,前后句之间是转折关系。although 意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句;because 意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句;unless 意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句;when 意为“当……时候”,引导时间状语从句。由句意可知选A。
23. A
24. D 考查连词辨析。句意:“kayak”和“level”这两个词无论从左到右读,还是从右到左读,都是一样的。since意为“自从;既然”;though意为“虽然”;unless意为“除非;如果不”;whether意为“不管;无论”。根据句意可知选D。
25. A 由后半句句意“但是我们的房子有一个更大的花园”推测,前半句表示“他们的房子和我们的房子类似”。be similar to意为“和……相似”; be different from意为“和……不同”; be far from意为“距……很远”; be the same as意为“和……一样”。由句意可知选A。
26. B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:“我越了解南希,我越意识到我们有许多共同之处。”“难怪她是你最好的朋友。”in common意为“共同的;共有的”,符合语境。
27. D 
28. C encourage sb. to do sth. 意为“鼓励某人做某事”。
Ⅴ. 29. other than 30. in common 31. encourage me to catch up 32. all walks of life
Ⅵ. 33. How much did; cost 34. is similar to 35. other than 36. is filled with
37. Do; have anything
Ⅶ. 38—42 ABCAA
Ⅷ. 43. When 44. importance 45. it 46. others 47. ourselves 48. failure 49. difficulties 50. Learning 51. in 52. happier
Lesson 44 Popular Sayings第2课时
Ⅰ. 1. culture 2. remember 3. deep 4. walks 5. generations 6. begun 
7. foolish 8. form 9. common 10. similar
1. 眼见为实 Seeing is believing 使. . . . . . 远离 keep . . . . away 谚语 old sayings . . . . . . 的一部分 a part of
4. 充满 be full of = be filled with 深层含义 deep meanings 各行各业 different walks of life
5. 看一看 take a look at experience 经验 不可数名词 经历 可数名词
4. 养成好习惯 form good habits 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 共同点 in common
5. 和. . . . . . 相似 be similar to 人类 human beings
1. I call myself (我自己) Joe Wu。 Joe is an English name that (引导词) sounds like (听起来像) Zhou。
2. Being (be) modest is a virtue. This is a sigh of (一种. . . . . . 标志) being (be) weak.
3. It’s not polite to ask (ask) an adult’s age. 提供给某人某物 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb
4. An elderly person may feel embarrassed about being (be) offered a seat. 出去吃 eat out
5. 传递给某人某物 pass sb sth = pass sth to sb
6. Understanding (understand) cultural differences helps(help) us understand (understand) each other.



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