Unit 1 Dream homes 第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 培优训练 牛津译林版七年级英语下册(含答案)

Unit 1 Dream homes
第1课时Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
1. —There are so many old and great ________ (宫殿) in Beijing, right —Yes. I hope to visit them some day.
2. There are twenty ________ (餐馆) in the city. Which is your favourite
3. —Are there any beautiful ________ (城镇) —Yes, there are.
4. People all over the world know Beijing is the c________ of China.
5. —I would like to go abroad this year, and I plan to go to a city of C________ . —Why not go to Ottawa It is a good place to visit.
1. The students are learning about houses indifferent ________ (country).
2. Among the three cups, the white one is the ________ (big) one.
3. Where would you like to go if you are in ________ (French)
4. —Does Wendy come from Russia —Yes. She is a ________ (Russia) student.
5. Would you like ________ (watch) a new film with me tonight, Neil
chat, one, come from, next to, play, photo
1. It’s Cindy’s ________ time visiting Nanjing.
2. The boy often takes ________ in that park. Most of them are very beautiful.
3. Lucy’s brother enjoys ________ with his friends on the Internet.
4. —Is there a big shopping mall ________ your school, Millie —Yes, there is. We often go shopping there.
5. Look! Simon with the boy in blue ________ basketball in the playground. They are having fun.
1. Kitty was born in ______ USA. Her birthday is on ______ fifth of April.
A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /
2. —Which is ______ , the Sun, the Moon or the Earth —Of course the Moon is.
A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest
3. —______ woman is Mike’s mother —The one in the pink coat.
A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which
4. —If I go to buy today’s newspaper, I will get ______ for you. —Thank you. It’s very kind of you!
A. it B. this C. one D. that
5. —What are you going to do this weekend —I’d like ______ my parents.
A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visits
1. Do you want to fly to France (同义句转换)
________ you ________ to fly to France
2. Miss Green teaches us English this term. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Miss Green ________ you English this term
3. The old woman lives in a wooden house. (改为否定句)
The old woman ________ ________ in a wooden house.
4. The tall building over there has twenty floors. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ floors does the tall building over there ________
5. Sandy lives with her parents in a big house. (对画线部分提问)
________ does Sandy ________ with her parents
1. 你最喜欢哪个城市
________ is your favourite ________
2. 我喜欢第五大街上最大的那家。
I like the biggest ________ in ________ Street.
3. 安娜住在北大街的一所公寓里。
Anna ________ in a flat ________ North Street.
4. 孩子们正在画他们的梦想家园。
The children are drawing their ________ ________ .
5. —红场在哪里 —它位于俄罗斯的首都—莫斯科。
—Where is Red Square —It’s ______________ .
6. —我来自英国, 而不是日本。—对不起, 我知道了。
—I’m from the UK, not ________ . —Sorry, ______________ .
7. 这些照片来自哪里
8. 桑迪想住在一家图书馆旁边。
9. 我们都知道英国的首都是伦敦。
10. 尼尔有一个住在白宫的梦想。
Everyone dreams of having his or her own house. I also imagine(想象) one and I am still dreaming about 1. w________ my future house would be like. There are three floors in my 2. d________ house. It has a pointed roof. The third floor has an attic(阁楼). It is just below the pointed roof. One side of the wall has a large 3. w________ and the moonlight streams(照射) in through the window. I can enjoy the moonlight at night. I can just lie down on the comfortable bed. It 4. m________ me feel like I lie down on the fluffy(轻飘飘的) clouds. The second floor has three rooms—a bedroom, a dressing room and a bathroom.
I like 5. r________ books, so there are some bookshelves. The bookshelves in my 6. s________ look like the bookshelves from the movie Beauty and the Beast. Each bookshelf is 7. f________ of books. I collect them in my whole life. Especially, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, my favourite, is in the middle of the bookshelf. My dressing room is beautiful and clean. Also, there is a 8. l________ room and a dining room on the first floor. The big and comfortable sofas are in9. f________ of a TV and beside sofas there is a tea table. My family sit there and 10. c________ with each other together. Moreover, I can have a barbecue(烧烤) party in my backyard.
My family feel warm and safe as we live harmoniously(和谐地) and peacefully.
My dream home is very big and clean. It is near the sea. I can watch the sea and ___1___ volleyball on the beach.
My grandparents live ___2___ us in the big house. Their room is on the first floor. I always talk with them and help them ___3___ some housework at weekends. On the ___4___ floor, there is a kitchen and a dining room. All the family ___5___ have dinner there. My bedroom, study and bathroom are on the third floor. There is a big balcony in my bedroom. I can play games and read books there. The furniture in my house is all made of wood. It is good ___6___ my health. I like ___7___ to music when reading books in my bedroom. I always ask my friends to ___8___ here. My parents’ room is on the fourth floor. It’s ___9___ big and clean.
There is a big and nice garden behind the big house. There are many flowers and ___10___ tall trees in it. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can swim freely in it. I think it is very comfortable to live in my dream home.
1. A. play B. buy C. need D. lend
2. A. between B. around C. with D. of
3. A. take B. see C. do D. wash
4. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
5. A. friends B. members C. things D. animals
6. A. at B. to C. in D. for
7. A. listening B. making C. writing D. doing
8. A. shop B. begin C.come D. leave
9. A. also B. too C. either D. but
10. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
Bill has a nice house on a hill. Inside the house there are 7 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, 6 kitchens and 6 fireplaces. It even has a theatre, a library, an exercise room and a swimming pool. However, it doesn’t look so big, because its large part is in the hill.
The house is famous in town for many reasons. One is its large size, and another is its amazing electronic systems(电子系统). Before visitors go into the house, they get chips(芯片) at the gate. These chips send information about them to the electronic systems in the house. When they go into the house, lights are on automatically(自动地). When they go into a room, the temperature will change to make them comfortable. When they go from one room to another, they can hear music.
Bill began to build his house in 1990. It took him about 7 years to finish it.
1. Bill’s house doesn’t look very big because ______ .
A. it stands in a big forest B. it looks very modern
C. it’s very new and small D. its large part is in the hill
2. Bill’s house is very famous. The writer gives ______ reason(s).
A. one B. two C. four D. five
3. What is the best title for the passage
A. Bill’s dream home B. Bill’s nice house C. Bill and his house D. Bill’s happy family
Unit 1 Dream homes
第1课时 Comic strip&Welcome to the unit
1. palaces. 2. restaurants 3. towns 4. capital 5. Canada
1. countries 2. biggest 3. France 4. Russian 5. to watch
1. first 2. photos 3. chatting 4. next to 5. is playing
1~5. CDDCB
1. Would; like 2. Does; teach 3. doesn’t live
4. How many; have 5. Where; live
1. Which; city 2. one; Fifth 3. lives; in
4. dream homes 5. in the capital of Russia—Moscow
6. Japan; I see 7. Where do these photos come from
8. Sandy would like to live next to a library.
9. We all know the capital of England is London.
10. Neil has a dream of living in the White House.
1. what 2. dream 3. window 4. makes 5. reading 6. study 7. full 8. living 9. front 10. chat
1. A play后接球类运动时, 中间不用定冠词。play volleyball意为“打排球”。
2. C 根据句意可知, 祖父母和“我们”住在这个大房子里。live with sb. 意为“和某人住在一起”。
3. C help sb. do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”。do housework 意为“做家务”。
4. B 根据下文中“My bedroom, study and bathroom are on the third floor. ”可知, 此处说的是二楼的情况。
5. B 根据 family 以及 have dinner there 可知, 此处是指家庭成员们一起吃饭。
6. D be good for意为“对······有好处”。
7. A listen to music 意为“听音乐”。
8. C 根据句意可知, “我”总是请朋友来家里。
9. A 根据上文可知, “我”的房间很大, 故此处是指父母的房间也是又大又干净。空处位于句中, 故用also。
10. B 根据句意可知, 花园里有许多花和一些高树。a few修饰可数名词复数。
1. D 细节理解题。根据第一段中“However, it doesn’t look so big, because its large part is in the hill. ”可
知, 比尔的房子看起来并不是那么大, 因为它的很大一部分在山里。
2. B 细节理解题。根据第二段中“One is its large size, and another s its amazing electronic systems. ”可知, 作者给出了两个理由。
3. B 标题概括题。通读全文可知, 本文主要介绍了比尔的房子的布局以及房子里的设施。



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