Unit 6 Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney课时同步练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 6 Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney第1课时
1. 澳大利亚的天气和中国的天气不一样。
The weather in Australia              that in China.
2. Jo 是Josephine的简称。
Jo               Josephine.
3. 上周我在四川拍了大熊猫的照片。
I               pandas in Sichuan last week.
4. 在有风的日子,我可以在冲浪板上冲浪。
On a windy day, I can               on the surfboard.
5. 那是同一件事的另一种表达方式。
That                    saying the same thing.
II 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子
6.This song is very ________(流行的). Many people love it very much.
7.________(冲浪运动) is very difficult, but it is good exercise for us.
8.I want to live near the ________(海) so that I can go swimming every day.
9.The radio says the temperature will be 28 ________(度数) tomorrow.
10.The train ________(到达) the station very late yesterday.
Ⅲ. 单项选择
(  )11. I usually stay at home and listen to music ________ cold days.
A.in B.on
C.at D.to
(  )12. ________ exciting the news is!
A.What B.What an
C.How D.How an
(  )13. When he ________ school,he saw his classmates playing football.
A.arrived B.got
C.reached D.went
(  )14. Aaron likes surfing very much. He is dreaming of being a great________.
A.surfer B.swimmer
C.skater D.diver
(  )15. We ________ pay(付款) to get into the museum. It's free.
A.can't B.mustn't
C.might not D.don't have to
(  )16. The mum often watches her daughter ________ some pictures.
A.draw B.to drawing
C.drew D.draws
Ⅳ. 按要求完成下列各题
17.Lucy wears a skirt today. (改为否定句)
Lucy ________ ________ a skirt today.
18.Ken lives in__Sydney.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Ken ________?
19.Surfing is very popular in Australia. (改为一般疑问句)
________ ________ very popular in Australia
20.The buildings are tall. (改为感叹句)
________ ________ the buildings are!
21.Lucy's hobby is not the same as Lily's. (改为同义句)
Lucy's hobby ________ ________ ________ Lily's.
Ⅴ. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式完成短文
happy, beach, surf, give up, tourist,
for, nothing, time, especially, ride
Surfing is a very popular water sport. It first started on the island of Hawaii. Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world. Hawaii is famous 22. ____________ its beautiful beaches. Every year, water sports, 23. ____________ swimming and surfing, attract(吸引) large numbers of 24. ____________ to the island.
Waikiki is one of the best 25. ____________ for surfing in Honolulu. It is not too hot or too cold all year round. No matter what the weather is like,you can always find surfers 26. ____________ the waves.
It is different between serious surfers and the so called(所谓的) “beach boys”.Serious surfers live to surf and 27. ____________ can stop them. They surf three 28. ____________ a day if possible.
For example, Jake Booth, a 21 year old man 29. ____________ his job in San Francisco a year ago. He has been in Honolulu ever since. In the morning, he works as a part time assistant in a surf shop. At night, he works in a restaurant as a waiter. He hasn't got a very good job, but still feels 30. ____________. He hopes that one day 31. ____________ will be an event of the Olympic Games.
Unit 6 Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney第2课时
be different from, a lot, go surfing,
take a picture of, from…to…
1.There are lots of people on the Great Wall. It's hard to ____________ me.
2.Look! Your bag ____________mine.
3.Many boys like to ____________ in summer.
4.The shop is open ____________3:30 a.m. ____________ 5:00 p.m.
5.My grandpa talked ____________ about his life in Canada.
二 词汇运用
1. It's very hot in my hometown in summer. Daytime temperature can     (达到)40℃.
2. —Why do you practice Tai Chi every day
—Because this Chinese form of     (锻炼)helps me relax.
3. He lives near the beach and goes to     (海)every day.
4. The highest temperature is about 25     (摄氏度) today.
5.      (surf) is a very exciting sport. It is very popular in Sydney.
6. My brother teaches me to stand on my     (surfboard)during my summer vacation.
7. Yang Lin and Zhang Tong are good     (mate). They often go to school together.
8. There are a lot of     (beach) in Hainan. People from all around the world come here to have fun every year.
1. We go to school     Monday to Friday every week.
A. at B. for
C. on D. from
2. —It's easy for us to know what is happening in the world.
—Right! With the help of the Internet, news can     us very quickly.
A. get B. arrive
C. reach D. turn
3. —How often do you go to the cinema
—    . I only watch movies at home.
A. Always B. Often
C. Sometimes D. Never
4. On school days, we must wear school uniforms, but on weekends we   
A. must B. mustn't
C. have to D. don't have to
5. This year, the song Lonely Warrior(《孤勇者》) is very    , because it is full of power.
A. popular B. difficult
C. comfortable  D. traditional
1. is, the movie, how, boring
2. watches, surf, often, me, my father
3. are, there, people, so many, on the beach
4. I, become, how, a great surfer, can
5. popular, the students, is, with, this book
  It is August in Qingdao. Now, there 1.     (be) many people on holiday. They go to the beach and enjoy 2.      (they) there. What a sunny day it is today! It's 3.     (wind), so it is not very hot. The highest temperature is 32℃. The sea is blue 4.      beautiful. The water is so clear, so we can 5. (see)fish in the sea. On the beach, a lot of people are talking with their friends 6.     (happy) and looking at the beautiful sea. Some of them are 7.    (swim). Some are rowing. Others are taking 8.      (photo). Can you find me Yes, I'm the boy 9.      red shorts. I'm going to dive(潜水). It's cool. I have 10.      good time.
  We often talk about the weather. Here are some passages about the weather. Let's read them together.
Passage 1:
Is it hot or cold, cool or warm It always goes up and down. When the sun comes up, it warms the air and the temperature will go up. When nights come, the air will get cooler and the temperature will drop.
Passage 2:
We can't see it, but we can feel it. It can move the air. When it comes, we can see the branches(树枝) of trees are moving. Do you like flying kites It can carry your kite high in the sky. It can also blow your hat off.
Passage 3:
Rain is falling all around. It falls on fields and trees. It rains on the umbrellas here and on the ships at sea.
Passage 4:
We often see it in winter. It looks white and many people like it a lot. When it comes, the ground will be put on white clothes. And children are very happy then, because they can make snowmen.
1. What does the underlined word "it" in Passage 2 refer to (指代)
A. Air.   B. The sun.
C. Rain.   D. The wind.
2. What does Passage 4 mainly (主要地) talk about
A. Rain. B. Snow.
C. The wind. D. Temperature.
3. Why do children feel happy in winter according to the Passage 4
A. Because they feel very cold.
B. Because they can stay at home.
C. Because they don't need to go to bed.
D. Because they can make snowmen.
Unit 6 Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney第1课时
1. is different from      
2. is short for
3. took pictures/photos of 
4. ride the waves
5. is another way of
II 1. popular 2. Surfing 3. sea
4.degrees 5. reached
Ⅲ. 11—16 BCCADA
Ⅳ. 17. doesn't wear
18.Where does; live
19.Is surfing
20.How tall
21.is different from
Ⅴ. 22. for 23. especially 24. tourists 
25.beaches 26. riding/ride 27. nothing
28.times 29. gave up 30. happy
Unit 6 Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney第1课时
一、1. take a picture of
2.is different from
3.go surfing
4.from; to
5.a lot
二 词汇运用
1. reach 句意:在我的家乡,夏天非常热。日间温度可以达到40摄氏度。
2. exercise ——你为什么每天练习太极 ——因为这种中国的运动方式帮助我放松。
3. sea 句意:他住在海滩附近,每天都出海。
4. degrees 句意:今天最高温度大约是25度。degree的复数形式是在其后加-s。
5. Surfing 句意:冲浪是一项令人兴奋的运动。它在悉尼非常受欢迎。此处用动名词作主语。
6. surfboard 句意:暑假期间,我哥哥教我站在冲浪板上。
7. mates 句意:杨琳和张彤是好朋友。她们经常一起去上学。主语是两个人,故此处用mate的复数形式。
8. beaches 句意:海南有许多沙滩。每年来自世界各地的人来这儿玩。beach为可数名词,由空前的a lot of可知用beach的复数形式beaches。
1. D 句意:我们每周从周一到周五上学。from. . . to. . . "从……到……",为固定搭配。
2. C ——我们很容易知道世界上正在发生什么。——对!在互联网的帮助下,新闻可以很快为我们所知。reach在此处意为"被……看到(或听到)"。
3. D 根据答语中的"I only watch movies at home"可知,回答者从不去电影院看电影,故用never。
4. D 根据but可知空处表示的情况与前面内容相反,故此处应是说在周末不必穿校服。
5. A 句意:今年,歌曲《孤勇者》很流行,因为它充满了力量。popular"流行的"符合语境。
1. How boring the movie is
2. My father often watches me surf
3. There are so many people on the beach
4. How can I become a great surfer
5. Is this book popular with the students
1. are   2. themselves  3. windy   4. and
5. see 6. happily 7. swimming 8. photos
9. in 10. a
1. D 代词指代题。根据画线词后的"we can see the branches(树枝) of trees are moving"并联系常识可知,树枝摇动说明有风存在,所以此处it指代的是风。
2. B 段落大意题。根据Passage 4内容可知,本段主要介绍了雪,故选B。
3. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"And children are very happy then, because they can make snowmen"可知 答案。



上一篇:Unit 5 Lesson 28 How Do I Learn English课时同步练习(2课时含答案)
