Unit 4 Lesson 23 A weekend with Grandma课时同步练习(2课时含答案)

Lesson 23 A Weekend with Grandma第1课时
1. —I bought a skirt for     . I hope you like     .
—Thank you, Mom. I can't wait to try it on.
A. you; one B. you; it
C. me; one D. me; it
2. You can write a letter to Jim. You can also     him and his telephone number is 33355566.
A. get B. tell
C. phone D. see
3. —Is your sister in
—No, but she     back home in twenty minutes.
A. come B. comes
C. is coming D. came
4. —Did you do     special for your mother on her birthday
—Yes. I cooked long noodles for her.
A. nothing B. something
C. everything D. anything
5. —Mom, must I tidy my room right now
—No, you     . You can do it after breakfast.
A. needn't B. mustn't
C. can't D. shouldn't
1. 刘杰正在电话里和他的姑姑交谈。
Liu Jie is talking with his aunt               .
2. 学校情况怎么样
     is school     
3. 市博物馆离我家很近。
The City Museum     very          my home.
4. 你能给我端杯茶吗
Can you     a cup of tea     me
5. 花园里房子的屋顶是由玻璃砖做成的,它非常漂亮。
The top of the house in the garden is made          glass blocks and it's very beautiful.
1. I bought some gifts for my parents. They were not     (昂贵的) but useful.
2. Put these vegetables in the fridge to keep them     (新鲜的).
3. —Do you want a drink
—I'll finish my homework     (首先).
4. Tom talked to his grandma on the     (电话) last night.
5. The young woman is very brave, and she is not afraid of     (任何东西).
My parents are busy with 1. (they) work all the time. My grandmother always 2. (feel) lonely. Last Sunday, I took my grandmother to the park near my house. There 3. (be)many tall trees in the park. My grandmother looked at everything around us 4. (happy), because she stayed at home for a long time. When we reached the gate of the park, we met 5. girl. She was taking 6. (photo) for visitors. She told me she took up this hobby when she was in the 7. (five) grade. She took a picture 8. my grandmother and me. We saw a lot of old people dancing to music. My grandmother also wanted to join, 9. her legs hurt. Many balloons 10. (fly) in the blue sky. What a happy day it was!
In many countries, grandparents, parents and kids all live together. In Australia, many kids live in a big family. The family is not just mum, dad and the kids in the house. Grandparents are the parents of your mum and dad, so that means you may have two grandmothers and two grandfathers.
If you live with your grandparents, you are lucky that you get to see them very often. You may have someone who can tell you family stories. You may have someone to talk about your worries. If you don't live with your grandparents, try to keep in touch(联系) with them by letter or phone.
Your grandparents may be living in "your" house but you should ask for their permission(允许) to go into their room or use their things.
Sometimes you feel very good with your grandparents and sometimes you feel bad. But there is a lot of fun with them. Please be good to them.
1. In Australia, many kids live with their         and parents.
2. If you live with your grandparents, they can tell you         .
3. How do people feel with their grandparents according to the passage

Lesson 23 A Weekend with Grandma第2课时
1. —Grandma, I'm too tired and hungry. Could you please get some bread________ me
A. to B. for
C. at D. of
2. She is talking ________ her friend________ the phone.
A. to; in B. to; on
C. with; at D. with; for
3. —I'm a little hungry, Mum!
—There are some apple pies on the table. You may take ________.
A. it B. this 
C. that D. one
4. —This dress is a little________. I can't afford(买得起) it. Can you show me another one
—What about the orange one
A. cheap B. high
C. low D. expensive
5. It's 5 kilometres ________from my home to my school.
A. away B. far away
C. long away D. far
6. I like hiking in the forest because the air is pretty________.
A. free B. close
C. busy D. fresh
7. Do you have________to tell me I feel bored these days.
A. new nothing B. something new
C. new anything D. new something
8. She needs ________ some sleep.
A. to get B. get
C. getting D. to getting
9. If you are free this evening, please________and have dinner with us.
A. come over B. come to
C. get up D. come from
10. —When________Mr. Brown________back
—Sorry, I don't know.
A. does; coming B. are; coming
C. is; coming D. is; come
11. Bryan will not want to have________to do with horses in the future.
A. everything B. something
C. anything D. nothing
12. My home isn't far from school, and it is only ______ away.
A. two bus stop B. two bus stops
C. bus stop D. bus stops
13. Ben will ________ me a phone call tomorrow.
A. give B. take
C. talk D. put
14. Don't return the video to Peter. I am going ________ it this evening.
A. to watch B. watch
C. watches D. watching
15. Do you have any toys
I'd like to buy________for my cousin.
A. it B. one
C. this D. that
16. Many young people like talking by phone. (改为同义句)
Many young people like talking________ ________ ________.
17. I am going to phone my grandma this evening. (对画线部分提问)
________________ you ________________ ________ this evening
18. There is something in the box. (改为一般疑问句)
________ ________ ________in the box
19. It's two bus stops away from my home. (对画线部分提问) (难)
________ ________is it from your home
20. I can read you a story this evening. (改为同义句)
I can________a story ________you this evening.
21. things, learning, interesting, I'm
22. doing, you, well, days, are, these
23. favourite, my, dumplings, food, is
24. is, to, your, how, school, far, it
25. weekend, my, this, mother, visit, me, will
四、选词填空 :
did tears really the tell also or answers read how
Children today have many things to play with. They can watch television, surf ________26 Internet, or play video games. But what ________27 children do for fun long ago They read books.
Some of you might ask, “Are books ________28 fun ” Believe it or not, books provide many things that television or computers cannot. For books use only words to ______29 a story. They can improve your imagination. You can picture the characters (人物) and background in your head and you can also imagine ________30 the characters feel.
The words and sentences in storytelling are also very interesting. People usually cannot find them on television ________31 on websites. They are sometimes so beautiful and touching that they can bring ________32 to your eyes.
Books ________33 help us to think harder and deeper. As we continue to read, we ask questions to ourselves and try to find out ________34.
These are some of the reasons (理由) why books are so fun to ________35.
Remember: the more you read, the more you grow.
五、 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子
36. They are talking on the ________(电话).
37. He is hungry. He wants ________(某物)to eat now.
38. This car is much too ________(昂贵的).
39. She wants to buy some ________(杂货)in the store.
40. The girl reads books for a long time every day. She is a ______(书迷).
bookworm phone  grocery close of course
41. My mother often buys________at the market. They are cheap.
42. My sister is a ________. She likes reading.
43. —May I ask you some questions
44. Our school is________to my home. I often walk there.
45. When driving, you'd better not__________.
Lesson 23 A Weekend with Grandma第1课时
1. B you"你";one指代同名异物;it指代同名同物;me"我"。根据"Thank you, Mom. I can't wait to try it on"可知,第一句指的是"给你买了一条裙子",for是介词,应用宾格you作宾语;第二空指的是前文提到的这条裙子,是同名同物,应用it代替,故选B。
2. C 由空后内容可知,此处指"你也可以给他打电话"。phone sb. 意为"给某人打电话"。
3. C 根据"in twenty minutes"可知,空处表示将来的动作,又由于come是位移动词,可以用现在进行时表示将来,故选C。
4. D ——你妈妈生日那天你为她做了什么特别的事吗 ——是的。我为她煮了长寿面。anything"任何事",常用于疑问句和否定句。
5. A ——妈妈,我必须现在整理房间吗 ——不,你不需要。你可以在早饭后做。对以must开头的一般疑问句作否定回答时,应用needn't。
1. on the phone  
2. How; going  
3. is; close to
4. get; for
5. up of
1. expensive 句意:我给我的父母买了一些礼物。它们不贵却有用。
2. fresh 句意:把这些蔬菜放到冰箱里保鲜。
3. first ——你想喝杯饮料吗 ——我要先完成家庭作业。
4. phone 句意:Tom昨天晚上给他的奶奶打电话了。
5. anything 句意:这位年轻的女士很勇敢,她不怕任何东西。
1. their  2. feels  3. are   4. happily  5. a
6. photos  7. fifth  8. for  9. but  10. flew
1. grandparents
2. family stories
3. Sometimes they feel very good with their grandparents and sometimes they feel bad.
4. In many countries, grandparents, parents and kids all live together.
5. 但是和他们在一起很快乐/有乐趣。
Lesson 23 A Weekend with Grandma第2课时
一、1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 
6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B
二、16. on the phone 17. What are;going to do
18. Is there anything 19. How far 20. read; to
三、21. I'm learning interesting things
22. Are you doing well these days
23. My favourite food is dumplings
24. How far is it to your school
25. My mother will visit me this weekend
四、26. the 27. did 28. really 29. tell 30. how 
31. or 32. tears 33. also 34. answers 35. read
五、36. phone 37. something 38. expensive
39. groceries 40. bookworm
六、41. groceries 42. bookworm 43. Of course 44. close 45. phone




下一篇:Unit 5 Lesson 30 Writing an Email in English课时同步练习(3课时含答案)