
(  )1. A. right B. left C. straight
(  )2. A. plane B. bus C. ship
(  )3. A. interesting B. fast C. slow
(  )4. A film B. trip C. crossing
(  )5. A. must B. wear C. gave
(  )1. (  )2. (  )3. (  )4. (  )5.
(  )1. A. At 7:00 . B. It's new. C. It’s near the park .
(  )2. A. It’s far . B. By bike . C. Go straight .
(  )3. A. She’s young. B. A cook . C. She's kind.
(  )4. A. I'm reading. B. I like reading. C. I often read books.
(  )5. A. To the museum B. With my friends . C. On foot .
1. If you are angry, you should _____ a _____ _____(深呼吸) first.
2. Mary and her sister are_____ (害怕的).
3. My uncle is a _____ _____ (警察).
4. Peter lives near the _____ _____ (邮局).
5. Wu Binbin should do _____ ______ (多运动).
1. He likes science. He wants to be a__________ (seience / scientiat).
2. He __________(feel / feels) angry.
3. I'm going to __________ (do / be) a businessman.
4. He likes __________ (doing/does) word puzzles.
5. We __________ (are/is) going to drnv some pictures.
(  )1. Turn left _____ the first crossing and the cinema is _____ the right.
A. at; on B. on; at C. at; at
(  )2. She's going _____ an art lesson in Xinhua Park.
A. has B. to have C. having
(  )3. The baby should _____ warm clothes.
A. wearing B. wears C. wear
(  )4. How do you get _____ there _____ Bengbu
A. to; from B. / ; to C. /; from
(  )5. _____ Zhang Peng's parents teachers
A. Does B. Are C. Is
(  )6. I'm afraid _____ water, so I can't swim.
A. about B. of C. with
(  )7. _____ are you going tonight
A. When B. Where C. What
(  )8. Zhong Nanshan is _____ old scientist, and he works in _____ university.
A. an; a B. /; a C. an; an
(  )9. The mice _____ bad. The cat is angry with _____.
A. is; them B. are; them C. are; they
(  )10. When _____ your family usually go _____
A. are; hiking B. do; hiking C. does; picnic
1. must, pay, I, to, traffic, attention, lights, the (.)
2. he, doing word puzzles, like, does ( )
3. Sydney, live, Does, he, in ( )
4. do, How, come, to, you, school ( )
5. is, to, exercise, school, good, Walking (.)
A: You look so happy.1._______________
B: Because I'm going to take a trip this winter holiday (寒假).
B: I'm going to take a trip with my cousin.
A: What does your cousin do
B: Yes, he works in the gym. But the gym is far.
A: Where is it
Hello, I'm John, I'm a student. I have a friend. His name is Dave. We l ________(am / are) in the same school. My home is ________(near/from) my school, I usually go to school 3 ________(by/ on) foot. But Dave 4 ________(go / goes) to school by bike. We have different 5 ________ (hobbies / hobby), I like 6________ (play / playing) football, but he 7 ________(like / likes) swimming, we 8.________(are going to play /play) basketball tomorrow.
9________ (Do / Does) you have a good friend What does he 10 ________(like / likes)
I'm Mike. Tomorrow is Saturday. So. I'm happy now. My brother and I will not go to school. My parents will not go to work.But we will be very busy tomorrow.My mother is going to the supermarket.She goes there every weekend.My father is going to visit his friend in the hospital.Because his friend is ill. I'm going to do word puzzles with my brother at home. We like doing word puzzles. After that, my brother is going to draw pictures. And I’m going to read a comic book. Tomorrow evening, my family are going to have a big dinner in an Italian Restaurant. I think we will have a good lime there.
(  )1. Mike is _____ now.
A. worried B. happy C. afraid
(  )2.Mike's mother goes to the _____ every weekend.
A. supermarket B. bookstore C. post office
(  )3. _____ is going to visit his friend tomorrow.
A. Mike B. Mike's brother C. Mike's father
(  )4. Mike and his his brother like _____
A. drawing pictures B. doing word puzzles C. reading comic books
(  )5.Which one is RIGHT
A. Tomorrow is Sunday.
B. Mike's brother is going to school tomorrow.
C. Mike's family are going to have a big dinner tomorrow evening.



