Unit 1 My school 寒假预习练习试题(无答案)

Unit 1 My school 寒假预习练习
( )1.--_______ students are there in your class
A.How many B.What C.How much
( )2.--_______ is the library
--It's on the second floor.
A.When B.How C.Where
( )3.The teacher's office is ____ the third floor.
A.to B.on C.in
( )4.--Wow, your school is cool!
A.Thank you B.Good idea C.Sorry
( )5.--Is this your playground
A.No,it is. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, it isn't.
1.Welcome to our school!
2. This is my classroom.
3. Do you have a library
4. Is that the computer room
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A. B. C. D.
( ) 1. - Is this the library
- No, it’s the computer room.
( ) 2. - Where’s my classroom, please
- It’s on the second floor.
( ) 3. - Is this the teachers’ office - Yes, it is.
( ) 4. - Do you have a garden - Yes, we do.
1.Where is classroom 4?   A.It's next to the art room.
2.This is my school. B.Yes,it is.
3.Is this the teachers' office C.It's so beautiful!
4.Do you have a library D.Yes,we do.
5.Where is the gym E.Classroom 4 is under the art room.
1. is the that library ( )
2. our classroom is that( . )
3. is this teacher's office the ( . )
4. our to welcome school ( . )
5. library is the first the floor on ( . )
6.the, is, where, canteen( )
7.library, the, to, go, a, story-book, read( . )
8.floor, the, on, first, it, is( . )
9.go have look and a let’s ( . )
10.the TV room is where ( )
11.teacher’s office the on floor the is second ( . )
A. Yes.we do.
B.Your school is so beautiful.
C.Is this your classroom
D.It's the art room
E.How many students are there in your class
John: Yes,it is.
Amy: Wow,it is so big.________.
John: Forty-eight.
Mike: Do you have a computer room
John:________.It's next to the library.
Sarah: Is that the teachers' office
John: No.________.
John: Thank you.
I have a very kind friend. Her name is Mary. She loves her students very much. There are forty-five students in her class. They play football together. This is my friend’s office. It is nice and clean ( 清洁 ). It’s on the third floor. There are two computers and ten lights. There are many flowers in her office. She waters the flowers at 5:00 in the morning.
1. My friend’s name is Mary. ( )
2. Her office isn’t nice. ( )
3. There are five computers and ten lights. ( )
4. There are fifty-five students in her class. ( )
5. She eats some noodles at 5:00 in the morning. ( )



