人教版七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? SectionB基础练习(含答案)

人教版 七下 U1 Section B 基础练习
1. There are four p in my family—my parents, my brother and I.
2. Tina can draw and she can a play the piano.
3. East or west,     (家)is the best(最好的).
4. —Hi, Mary! What day is it t ? —It’s Monday.
5. It takes us 20 minutes to get to the     (中心)of Beijing by subway.
1. He is good at singing and wants to be     music teacher.
2. Can your sister play     chess?
3. I want to learn to play     piano.
4. We play     basketball for an hour(小时)every day.
5. I’m free. Let’s go to the park on     weekend.
1. Let me      you how to get to the bus stop.
A. draw B. show
C. see D. dance
2. Alice can play football      basketball,      she can’t play ping-pong.
A. and; and B. and; but
C. but; but D. but; and
3. I like playing      chess but my brother likes playing      piano.
A. the; the B. the; /
C. /; the D. /; /
4. —Can you and Tom draw? —      .
A. Yes, I can B. No, he can’t
C. Yes, we can’t D. No, we can’t
5. Betty is good at singing and she play      the piano well.
A. also can B. can also
C. is also D. also is
6. We need help      the music party. Can you help    music?
A. on; with B. for; on
C. with; on D. for; with
7. —Are you      this afternoon?
—No, I have much homework to do.
A. free B. busy
C. fun D. healthy
8. Peter is good at      English, and he is good ____children.
A. teach; at B. teaching; with
C. teach; with D. teaching; at
9. Jack can      English. He can also ______ stories in English.
A. say; say B. speak; say
C. speak; tell D. say; tell
1. 在周末,我通常和我的朋友们打篮球。
I usually play basketball with my friends             .
2. 我哥哥在学校里喜欢结交朋友。
My brother likes to         at school.
The old man is         children and he also likes     them         chess.
4. 我也想要加入学校运动中心。
I want to     the School Sports     , too.
    you help me     my English?
1.people 2.also 3.home 4.today 5.center
1.a 2./ 3.the 4./ 5.the
6—9 DABC
1.on the weekend 
2.make friends
3.good with; teaching; to play 
4.join; Center 
5.Can; with



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