牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 4 Finding your way Grammar 课时提优训练(含答案)

1. There is a ________ (标牌) on the wall, saying “No Smoking”.
2. It's not right of some people to sleep on the ________ (长椅) in the park. They’re for people to have a short rest.
3. I like being ________ (在·······外面), near beautiful lakes and hills.
4. He likes lying ________ ________ ________ (在草地上) to have a rest.
5. He is making a fire ________ ________ ________ ________ (在一块空地上).
6. There is a tall tree ________ ________ ________ ________ (在·······前边) the classroom.
7. Tom is sitting ________ (在······右边) me.
8. She ________ ________ (看上去像) her mother.
9. ________ ________ (多有趣) the story is!
10. —He can't come here because his bike is broken. —________ ________ (我明白了).
1. He is standing ________ me, so I must turn back to see him.
2. There are some boats ________ the bridge.
3. Millie is reading ________ the warm room and her brother is playing on the playground.
4. The moon was ________ the tall tree in the east.
5. Go ________ the bridge and you'll find a restaurant.
1. There is ________ computer on the desk.
2. It will take half ________ hour to get to the bus station.
3. I'll invite ________ friend of mine to dinner this evening.
4. ________ library of our school is large and there are all kinds of books in it.
5. ________ girl in the room is my sister.
1. 千万别开窗户, 外面很冷。
________ ________ the window. It's very cold ________ .
2. 过了桥, 你就能看到一个剧院。
________ the bridge, ________ you'll see a ________ .
3. 书店在超市的对面。
The bookstore is ________ ________ the supermarket.
4. 我们到了, 可以休息一下了。
Here ________ ________ and we can ________ ________ ________ .
5. 河上有条小船。小船上有四个人。
There is a small boat ________ ________ ________ . There are four people ________ ________ ________ .
1. Beijing, ______ capital of China, is ______ city with a long history.
A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. /; the
2. She often plays ______ chess on weekends.
A. an B. a C. the D.
3. —Are you free on weekends —Yes, I am going to have ______ picnic on ______ Sunday.
A. the; an B. a; the C. a; / D. an; /
4. Lucy and Lily are twins. Even their parents find it hard to tell the differences ______ them.
A. from B. with C. between D. among
5. The traffic light is green. Let's go ______ the road.
A. against B. among C. across D. above
六、根据短文内容完成下面的句子, 每空词数不限
My name is Sue. I want to have a special party to celebrate my 12th birthday, After discussing it with my family, I decided to have a Hello Kitty theme birthday party.
Hello Kitty Birthday Invitations
An invitation in the shape of a skirt is a fun way to invite my friends to the party. My sister, Lisa, will help me make the invitations. My mom tells me to send out the invitations 3-5 weeks before the date of the party.
My birthday party is on December 21, so I will send out the invitations before November 24.
Hello Kitty Theme Decorations
The party will be held in our garden. I plan to put some white and pink balloons around the garden. There will be a vase which is full of pink flowers on each table and a small Hello Kitty on each chair.
Hello Kitty Birthday Party Menu
My parents will cook some delicious food. All of them will be named after Hello Kitty's friends, such as Rory and Fifi. I will book a birthday cake in the shape of a Hello Kitty at Mrs Green's Cake Store at the beginning of December.
I hope my friends will enjoy themselves at the special party.
1. According to the passage, Sue will be ________ old. She wants to have a ________ theme birthday party to celebrate her birthday.
2. Sue will send out the party invitations to her friends in ________ . That is 3-5 weeks before her birthday. She will ask her sister, Lisa, to help her make the invitations which will be in the shape of ________ .
3. Sue will have her party ________ , so she plans to put some white and pink balloons around it. On each of the dinner table, there will be a vase which is full of ________ and a small Hello Kitty on each chair.
4. Sue will book a Hello Kitty-shaped for the party, and her parents will cook some delicious food. All of them will be named after Hello Kitty's friends, such as ________ .
5. Sue discussed the birthday party with ________ . They planned everything in a Hello Kitty theme because they wanted all the friends to ________ time at the party.
七、阅读下面短文, 在空白处填上适当单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺。给出单词的空格不限一词, 没有给出单词的空格限一词。
Maybe the word “hello” is used 1. ________ (much) often than any other word in the English language. An 2. ________ (America) uses this word again and again every day and everywhere. You pick up the phone and the first word you hear is “Hello!”. You meet a friend in the street 3. ________ the first word you say is “Hello!”.
4. ________ did the word come from Thomas Edison, a great inventor (发明家), was the first person 5. ________ (use) “hello” in the late 18th 6. ________ (century) soon after the invention of the telephone.
At first people greeted (问候) each other with“Are you there ” 7. ________ the phone. They were not sure the new things could 8. ________ (real) carry voices. But Thomas Edison never wasted time. The first time he picked up the phone, he did not ask “Is anyone there ”. He was sure 9. ________ was there, and he just 10. ________ (say) “Hello!”. From then on, the word “hello” becomes widely used in America.
1. sign 2. benches 3. outside 4. on the grass 5. in an open area
6. in front of 7. on the right of 8. looks like 9. How interesting 10. I see
1. behind 2. below/under 3. inside/in 4. above 5. across
1. a 2. an 3. a 4. The 5. The
1. Never open; outside 2. Cross; and; theatre 3. across from 4. we are; have/take a rest 5. on the river; in the boat
1. C 提示: the capital of...意为“..... ·的首都”; 第二个空格表示泛指, city为辅音音素开头的单词, 应用a。
2. D 提示: play chess意为“下国际象棋”。
3. C 提示: have a picnic 意为“去野餐”; on Sunday 意为“在周日”。
4. C 提示: 由句中的Lucy and Lily可知, 是两者之间, 用between。
5. C 提示: go across the road 意为“过马路”。
本文讲述了苏为庆祝她的12岁生日, 计划举办一个特别的聚会。
1. 12/twelve years; Hello Kitty
2. November; a skirt
3. in their garden; pink flowers
4. birthday cake; Rory and Fifi
5. her family; have a good/great/wonderful
本文介绍了英语中“hello” —词的由来。
1. more 2. American 3. and
4. Where 5. to use 6. century 7. on
8. really 9. someone 10. said



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