牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 7 Abilities Integrated skills & Study skills课时提优训练(含答案)

Integrated skill & Study skills
1. Read the ________ (文章) about travelling. We all like reading it.
2. She can ________ (演示) you how to play this music.
3. We will learn the world history next ________ (学期).
4. ________ He loves football and practices ________ (努力地).
5. My sister is good at playing the ________ (小提琴).
1. It was ________ (care) of my dad to lose his mobile phone on the way home.
2. If you want to learn English well, you should read and speak . ________ (much)
3. I met the important man after ________ (wait) for a moment.
4. She practised ________ (play) tennis very hard.
5. Look! The police ________ (search) carefully in the building.
6. He left without ________ (say) anything.
7. Are you ________ (bad) hurt in that accident ________ (事故)
8. ________ Nancy is good at Maths, and she hopes to do ________ (well) in it.
9. The girl is too young ________ (carry) water for you.
10. Sandy does better in ________ (play) the violin than anybody else in our class.
A. China in the 1900s B. Science of Running C. Be a Quick English Learner
D. The Diary of Anne Frank E. Famous Towns in Jiangsu
1. Literature ________
2. History ________
3. Science ________
4. Languages ________
5. Geography ________
1. 他期末考试考得很好。
He ________ ________ ________ the final exam.
2. 你5岁时就能弹钢琴吗
Can you ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ five
3. 上周林涛尽全力从大火中救了他的邻居。
Lin Tao ________ ________ ________ to save his neighbour from a fire last week.
4. 如果你想学好英语, 你需要多读多讲。
If you want to learn English well, you need to ________ ________ and ________ ________ .
5. 下学期我将进入校足球队。
I will ________ ________ the school football team ________ ________ .
1. My brother Tom can play ______ ping-pong well, but he can't play ______ violin.
A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. /; /
2. You must leach the girls ______ , so they can learn it well quickly.
A. what to dance B. how to dance C. which to dance D. where to dance
3. What nice ______ ! All of us are listening carefully.
A. music B. lesson C. weather D. talk
4. —I hear your brother will enter Tsinghua University this summer. —Exactly, he was a born genius. He was able to read and write the age of 4.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
5. Please ______ the tall buildings if the wind blows hard.
A. run out of B. catch up with C. get on with D. keep away from
On the way to the Shancheng Theatre, Rain knocks into (撞上) an old man.
Rain: Sorry, did I hurt you
Mr Read: Oh, I'm OK. Don't worry about it, young man. You seem (好像) to be in a great hurry.
Rain: Yes, I'm new here. I'm looking for the Shancheng Theatre. Could you tell me the way, please
Mr Read: Certainly. Go down this street until you get to the second crossing, then turn right and you will find it.
Rain: How far is it from here
Mr Read: It's about three kilometres (公里).
Rain: I must gel there as soon as possible (尽快), but how can I get there
Mr Read: There is no bus to go there now. You had better take a taxi.
Rain: I see. Thanks a lot. Sorry for giving you so much trouble.
1. Rain looks hurried because ______ .
A. he wants to go to the Shancheng Theatre B. he knocks into an old man
C. he is looking for an old man D. he is hungry
2. Rain had better go to the Shancheng Theatre
A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D. by taxi
3. It's about kilometres from here to the theatre.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
4. Does Rain know the old man
A. Sorry, I don't know. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn't. D. Yes, he knows him well.
5. What's the best title (题目)
A. An accident (事故) B. Asking the way C. Rain and Mr Read D. Asking for help
七、信息还原 (有两项为多余项)
How can you create luck in everyday life
What is luck It is agreed that more good things happen to some people. Let's just call that luck. Now would you like to be one of these lucky people ___1___
Feel lucky about what you have
___2___ but they just don't know it. Instead of giving all your attention to what you are short of, look at how lucky you are already. You no doubt have some wonderful friends, and a roof over your head.
Luck doesn't just happen to you — it comes to you when you're open. Learning a new skill, visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are all great ways of creating your chances.
Do it right now
You'll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap (大腿). ___4___ . You will find you create more luck in everyday life.
Ask for help if necessary
Sometimes people would be ready to help you out. ___5___ , don't wait for others to offer you help but go and ask them if they will give you a hand.
A. Try special things B. Try something new
C. When you are busy D. If you are in trouble
E. Some people are already lucky F. Act towards your goals and dreams at once
G. Here are 4 top suggestions for creating your own luck
Integrated skills & Study skills
1. article 2. show 3. term 4. hard 5. violin
1. careless 2. more; more 3. waiting 4. playing 5. are searching
6. saying 7. badly 8. better 9. to carry 10. playing
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. E
1. does/did well in 2. play the piano at the age of 3. tried his best
4. read more; speak more 5. get into; next term
1. C 提示: play ping-pong 意为“打乒乓球”; play the violin 意为“拉小提琴”, 均为固定搭配。
2. B 提示: 根据“they can learn it well quickly"可知, 你必须教这些女孩跳舞的方法, 即“怎样”跳舞。
3. A 提示: 根据“listening”确定用 music。music是不可数名词, 其前不用冠词。
4. C 提示: 句意: —我听说你的哥哥今年夏天就要进清华大学了。 —是这样的, 他生来就有天赋。在4岁时他就能阅读和写字了。at the age of意为“在······岁时”。
5. D 提示: run out of 意为“用完”; catch up with 意为“赶上”; get on with 意为“和······友好相处”; keep away from 意为“远离”。根据空后句子可知, 应表示远离大楼, 用短语keep away from。
1. A 提示: 细节理解题。根据文中“I'm looking for the Shancheng Theatre. ”可知, 雷恩急于赶去山城剧院。
2. D 提示: 细节理解题。根据文中“You had better take a taxi. ”可知, 雷恩最好乘坐出租车去。
3. B 提示: 细节理解题。根据文中“It's about three kilometres. ”可知答案。
4. C 提示: 推理判断题。根据对话情节可知, the old man是一个路人, 故雷恩并不认识他。
5. B 提示: 标题归纳题。全文主要内容是问路, 故以“Asking the way”为题最佳。
本文主要介绍的是在日常生活中, 我们应该如何多给自己制造机遇和运气。文章提供了几个建议。
1. G 2. E 3. B 4. F 5. D



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