Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 词汇练习2023-2024人教版七年级英语下册(含解析)

七下 Unit5 Section A
1.(雅安中考)Now, (老虎)are in danger. Let's do something for them.
2. I like this (可爱的)dog.
3. Lions mainly live in (非洲).
4.(遂宁中考)Guangzhou is one of my favorite cities. It is in the (南方) of China.
5. (猫)usually work at night.
1. Tom is a l boy. He never gets up before eight.
2. Elephants and lions are both a .
3. Oh, dear, the desk only has three .
4. The blue dress looks very b .So all the girls like it.
5. Linda is a s girl.She can answer all the teachers'questions.
1. There are two big (zoo)in our city.
2.- Why do you want(see) them - Because they are very (interest).
3. He can (walk) on two legs.He can (dance),too.
4. My brother goes to bed early and (sleep) very well every night.
5. We want to see the koalas (one) because they are very lovely.
giraffe sleep kind of lazy Australia
1. It is boring to stay at home every weekend.
2. Don't be so . You can help your mother do some housework.
3. The koalas are very lovely and they're from .
4. I usually for seven hours every night. How about you
5. Look at the .They're so tall but very shy.
1.(哈尔滨中考改编)The is China's national treasure(国宝).It's a kind of lovely animal that likes eating bamboo(竹子).
A. panda B. koala C. elephant
2. Peter doesn't feel well. He can't well at night.
A. sing B. read C. write D.sleep
3. Our dog is very .It can learn a lot from people.
A. noisy B. quiet C.smart D. strict
4. There is elephant in the zoo. elephant is from Africa.
A. a; The B. an; The C.an;An D. the; The
Section B
1. There is a five-star red (旗)in the center of our school.
2. The park is a good (地方)to have fun.
3. Don't (杀死)animals. They're our friends.
4. Are there any apples on that apple (树)
1. Water is important to us. So we must s it.
2. My grandfather is o 70 years old.
3. The lions are from S Africa.
4.(眉山中考)Some wild animals need our protection,
because they are in great d now.
1. She is very (friend) to everyone. So we all like her.
2. I love my cat Yuanyuan. She is one of my favorite______(pet).
3. I have a map with me so we won't get (lose)outside.
4. The desk in my room is (make) of wood(木头).
5. Don't forget t (buy)ice-cream for us when you come home from work, dear Mom.
place friend forget kill lose
1. Eric is very to me, so I like to make friends with him.
2. If you go to that village with me, you won't get .
3. Mary always to take the keys with her when she leaves the classroom.
4. I can remember the with a lot of cute animals.
5. The boy loves tigers so he doesn't want people them for their meat.
1. Our teachers are very friendly us.
A. for B. to C. with D. and
2. Helen is new and she doesn't like talking too much, so she looks very .
A. lazy B. scary C. shy D. smart
3. Trees are very important in our life. We can't .
A. cut down it B. cut it down
C. cut down them D. cut them down
4. These animals are in great danger. We must them.
A. sell B. show C. stop D.save
5.(贵港中考)- Amy, don't forget your mask(口罩)when you go out.
- Don't worry, Mom. I will.
A.wear B. wears C. to wear D. wearing
答案:Section A
一、1. tigers 2. cute 3. Africa 4. south 5. Cats
二、1.lazy 2. animals 3. legs 4. beautiful 5. smart
三、1.zoos 2. to see; interesting3. walk; dance4. sleeps 5. first
四、1.kind of 2. lazy 3. Australia 4. sleep5. giraffes
五、1.A 句意:熊猫是中国的国宝。它是一种喜欢吃竹子的可爱动物。panda 熊猫;koala考拉;elephant大象。
2.D 句意: Peter 感到不舒服。他晚上睡不好。sing唱歌;read 读书;write 写字;sleep 睡觉。
3.C 句意:我们的狗很聪明。它能向人们学很多东西。 noisy 吵闹的;quiet 安静的;smart聪明的;strict严格的。
4.B 句意:在动物园里有一头大象。这头大象来自非洲。第一次提到一个事物使用a/an,又因elephant以元音音素开头,应与 an 连用;第二次提到这个事物时使用定冠词 the。
Section B
一、1.flag 2. place 3. kill 4.tree
二、1. save 2. over 3. South 4. danger
三、1.friendly 2. pets 3. lost 4. made 5. to buy
四、1.friendly 2. lost 3. forgets 4. place 5. to kill
五、1.B 句意:我们的老师对我们很友好。be friendly to sb.意为“对某人友好”。
2.C 句意:Helen 是新来的,她不喜欢多说话,因此她看起来很害羞。lazy 懒惰的;scary 可怕的;shy 害羞的; smart 聪明的。shy符合语境。
3.D 句意:树在我们生活中很重要。我们不能砍伐它们。这里 Trees为复数,用them。cut down为“动词+副词”结构的短语,当宾语为代词时,应放在cut与down之间。
4.D 句意:这些动物面临极大的危险。我们必须拯救它们。sell 卖;show出示; stop阻止;save挽救。
5.C 句意:“Amy,外出时不要忘了戴口罩。”“妈妈,不用担心。我会的。”forget to do sth.忘记要做某事;forget doing sth.忘记做过某事。



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