Unit 6 I'm watching TV.词汇练习 2023-2024人教版七年级英语下册(含答案)

七下 Unit6 SectionA
1.(雅安中考)Remember to your hands before eating, boys and girls.
2. My mom likes some tomato (汤).
3.She's (只是) doing her homework.
4. His father always reads a (报纸)after he gets up in the morning.
5.The (房子) is so big and nice.
1. Alice is w the dirty dishes after dinner.
2.- Do you want to see the m .Let the Bullets Fly(《让子弹飞》)
-Yes, I do. But I have to finish reading the book first.
3.Her grandpa likes reading an in the evening.
4. Does your brother d juice after dinner
5. Sorry, you can't take the dictionary away,
Allan. I'm u it.
1.- What do you often have for breakfast -Some (soup) and bread.
2.-Mom, where is my dad
- I don't know. Perhaps he is in the (swim) pool.
3. My mother usually ( wash) clothes on weekends.
4. Come to my home to drink (tea)!
5. I think computers are very (use).
movie tomorrow house eat just
1. Don't let Tom do so much work. He is a little boy.
2. What about going to the
3. He wants out with his friends tonight.
4. His is not far from the school so he walks to school every day.
5. - Today is your birthday
-No, today is June 15th.My birthday is ,June16th.
1. Our clothes are dirty. Please them on weekends.
A. save B. wash C. wear D. leave
2. His mother always a newspaper after she has dinner in the evening.
A. watches B. reads C.sees D. looks
3.- Don't be too strict with her. She's five years old.- You're right.
A. then B. too C. either D.just
-Miss Yao,may I your computer to search for information
- Of course.
A. use B. count C.draw
Section B
1. Every weekend, my parents buy some oranges in this (超市).
2. How many (州) are there in the USA
3. I don't need (任何) help.I can do it.
4. He isn't at home. He is (仍然) in Beijing.
5. He can run very fast. I'm sure he can win first place in the (竞赛).
1. Look! They are playing in the swimming P .
2. The bread tastes d and I like it.
3. She is fifty years old, but she looks very y . We all think she is about thirty years old.
4. I have two friends. One is Linda and the o is Lily.
5. Liu Mei is studying in London. She m her parents in Chengdu very much.
1. Look! Helen (shop) in the shop.
2. It is an (America) car. It's not a Japanese car.
3. These old (man) are watching TV in the room.
4. My brother wishes (get) his friend's letter.
5. The storybook is very interesting. Lots of (child) like reading it.
live study child miss shop
1. Please be quiet. Your brother in the room.
2.It's 4:00 p. m.Mom at the
clothes store with my sister. They are very happy.
3.My grandpa is watching TV in the room.
4. Mrs. Zhang has three and they're very smart.
5. Lisa is in Africa. Her mother her very much.
1. This year, the family went camping on Day, June lst.
A. Child B. Child's C.Children D. Children's
2. Lily and her sister look the same. I can't tell one from .
A. other B. another C. the other D. any other
3. - People all like the hamburgers in the food store.
-Yeah! They're very .
A. boring B. easy C.delicious D. funny
4.- Does your sister like
- Yes, you can see all kinds of clothes in her room.
A. reading B. dancing
C. swimming D. shopping
Section A
一、1.wash 2. soup 3. just 4. newspaper 5. house
二、1.washing 2. movie 3. newspaper 4. drink5.using
三、1.soup 2. swimming 3. washes 4. tea 5. useful
四、1.just 2. movies 3. to eat 4. house 5. tomorrow
五、1.B 句意:我们的衣服脏了。请在周末把它们洗一洗。save 救助;wash 洗;wear穿;leave离开。根据前一句“Our clothes are dirty.”可知答案选 B。
2. B read a newspaper意为“看报纸”,是固定短语。
3.D 句意:“不要对她太严格。她只有五岁。”“您说得对。”then然后;too 太;either也;just 仅仅。
4.A 句意:“高老师,我可以用一下你的电脑搜索信息吗 ”“当然。”use使用;count数数;draw 画画。
Section B
一、1.supermarket 2. states 3. any 4. still 5. race
二、1.pool 2. delicious 3. young 4.other 5. misses
三、1.is shopping 2. American 3. men 4. to get5. children
四、1.is studying 2. is shopping 3. living 4.children5. misses
五、1.D 根据 June lst可知,此处是儿童节。不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加-’s,即Children's Day。
2.C 句意:Lily 和她的姐姐看起来一样。我不能区分她们。other其他,另外的;another多个中的另一个;the other(两个中的)另一个;any other任何其他的。由句意可知,指的是两个中的另一个。
3.C 句意:“人们都喜欢食品店的汉堡包。”“是的!它们非常好吃。”boring无聊的;easy容易的;delicious美味可口的;funny 滑稽的。人们因为汉堡包美味而喜欢。
4.D 句意:“你姐姐喜欢购物吗 ”“是的,在她房间里你能看到各种各样的服装。”read 阅读;dance 跳舞;swim游泳;shop购物。



上一篇:Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road Lesson 1:A Trip to China 分层培优练冀教版七年级英语下册(含解析)

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