Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road Lesson 1:A Trip to China 分层培优练冀教版七年级英语下册(含解析)

Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road Lesson 1:A Trip to China—七年级下册英语冀教版分层培优练
1.—Jenny, do you like history
—Yes. It’s an interesting ________.
A. color B. sport C. trip D. subject
2.I need to have a _______ to Beijing, and I can know about Chinese history there.
A. trip B. question C. lesson
3.—In China, New Year’s Day is a very big __________.
—Yes, you are right.
A. trip B. party C. festival D. month
4.“You can’t ________ me!” Jack shouted and ran away quickly.
A. send B. take C. catch
5.—May I speak to Helen
—She isn’t at home. Can I take a ________
A. walk B. trip C. vacation D. message
6.—Hello, this is Sally speaking. Is that Steve
—Sorry, you have the wrong _________.
A. idea B. name C. news D. number
7.—What does ________ come from
—It’s from sheep.
A. silk B. cotton C. leather D. wool
8.Father often helps mother to ________ all the bags when they go shopping.
A. carry B. bring C. take D. send
9.When is your English ________
A. birthday B. name C. trip D. party
10.—There is some good ________. Our class wins again!
—Oh yeah!
A. matches B. news C. lessons D. classes
Johnny is ten years old. He is very lazy (懒惰的). This Sunday his classmates will go on a bus trip. The teacher doesn't want to take Johnny with them. But no one takes care of Johnny at school. So the teacher has to take him.
"Now, children!" the teacher says. "On our bus trip we can see many old buildings and some beautiful villages. I want you to write about everything you see on the trip."
The bus trip begins. The children are writing something in their notebooks. The teacher is very happy.
Suddenly the teacher sees Johnny lying on the floor of the bus, so she goes up to him.
"Are you sick " she asks him.
"No, Miss Brown," Johnny says.
"Then why are you lying on the floor "
"If I can't see anything,'' he says, "I will not need to write about it, right "
1. What will they do this Sunday
A. Have lunch at a restaurant. B. Swim in the river.
C. Go on a bus trip. D. Go shopping.
2. They will see _____ on the trip.
A. some animals B. many old buildings
C. some beautiful cars D. many new buildings
3. What do the students do on the bus
A. They read some books. B. They write something in their notebooks.
C. They lie on the floor. D. They sing many songs.
4. Johnny lies on the floor because _____.
A. he wants to see everything B. he doesn't want to write about the trip
C. he is sick D. he is laughing
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Johnny is a lazy boy. B. Johnny is a happy boy.
C. The others are very lazy, too. D. The teacher is sick.
解析:句意:我需要去北京旅行,在那里我可以了解中国的历史。考查名词辨析。trip旅行;question问题;lesson课。根据“I can know about Chinese history there.”可知,此处指的是“去旅行”,是固定搭配have a trip to“去……的旅行”。故选A。
解析:句意:“你抓不到我!”杰克大叫着迅速跑开了。考查动词辨析。send发送;take拿;catch抓住。根据“Jack shouted and ran away quickly.”可知,迅速跑开,所以说对方抓不到自己。故选C。
解析:句意:—我可以和海伦说话吗?—她不在家。我可以帮你传话吗?考查名词辨析。walk步行;trip旅行;vacation假期;message口信,消息。结合句意以及“She isn’t at home.”可知,海伦不在家,可推测出接下来要询问是否要帮传话,“传话,带口信”take a message。故选D。
解析:句意:—你好,我是Sally。你是Steve吗?—抱歉,你拨了错误的电话号码。考查名词辨析。idea想法;name名字;news新闻;number号码。根据“Hello, this is Sally speaking. Is that Steve”及“Sorry”可知,对方打错了电话号码。故选D。
解析:句意:—羊毛来自什么?—它来自绵羊。考查名词。silk丝绸;cotton棉花;leather皮革;wool羊毛。根据“It’s from sheep.”可知,来自绵羊的是羊毛。故选D。
解析:句意:当爸爸和妈妈购物时,爸爸经常帮助妈妈拎所有的包。考查动词辨析。carry扛,提;bring带来;take带走;send派,送。根据“all the bags when they go shopping.”可知应是拎包。故选A。
解析:句意:你的英语派对是什么时候?考查名词辨析。birthday生日;name名字;trip旅行;party派对。根据“When is your English”可知,此处询问英语派对是什么时候。故选D。
解析:句意:—有一个好消息。我们班又赢了!—哦耶!考查名词辨析,matches比赛;news消息,新闻;lessons课程;classes班级。根据“Our class wins again!”我们班又赢了,可知应该是好消息。故选B。
答案:1-5 CBBBA
解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段第三句"This Sunday his classmates will go on a bus trip."可知,他们将坐公交车旅行。故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据第二段的"On our bus trip we can see many old buildings and some beautiful villages."可知。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据第三段第二句"The children are writing something in their notebooks."可知。故选B。




下一篇:Unit 6 I'm watching TV.词汇练习 2023-2024人教版七年级英语下册(含答案)