Module 6 Unit 1 Do you collect anything ?基础知识专练(含答案)

Module 6 Unit 1第1课时
1. This ticket is very ________(value). I got it from my father.
2. I have three books of ________(stamp).
3. The two ________(shelf) in the room are on sale.
4. Mr Jackson has collected many ________(note), such as dollars and pounds.
5. Jack found some ________(coin) in his pocket.
6.He is j     a child, so we can’t expect too much from him.
7.Your new mobile phone looks nice. It m     be quite expensive.
8.You can change the coins into n    . They’re much easier to carry.
9.My hobby is c     old coins and tickets.
10.The s     in our school library are full of all kinds of books.
11.I will show you my stamps.(改为同义句)
I will     my stamps     you.
12.Her friends want her to show them her collection.(对画线部分提问)
         her friends want her            
13.They are certain to be of great value.(改为同义句)
They     be very     .
14.He drank a little milk this morning.(改为同义句)
He drank               milk this morning.
15.People usually collect things just to remember something important.(对画线部分提问)
         people usually     things  
16.—What beautiful clothes you are wearing! They must be expensive.
—No. They only     me fifty yuan.
A.cost B.spent C.paid D.took
17.—Why not join a football club
—I’d love to, but I am afraid it will     too much of my time.
A.warm up B.take up C.get up D.make up
18.(2023 咸宁)—Does the dish taste as     as it looks
—Yes. I can’t wait to eat it.
A.well B.good C.better
19.(2023 鄂州)—Whose textbook is it Is it Jenny’s  
—No, it     be Jenny’s. Look, Helen’s name is on the cover. I think it     be Helen’s. 
A.can’t; must B.mustn’t; must
C.can’t; may D.mustn’t; may
A: Hi, Mike. Can I ask you some questions
B: Sure. A: 20.            
B: My hobby is collecting model planes.
A: Really 21.            
B: I have collected them since three years ago.
A: 22.            
B: I’ve got about fifty-six.
A: 23.            
B: I think my hobby is a little expensive. But I love it a lot.
A: 24.            
B: I usually get them at the store. I find a part-time job in a restaurant and make some money.
A: Then you buy the model planes with the money
B: Yes.
We may have many different kinds of hobbies during our lifetime. When we are very young, we spend most of our time playing with toy trucks. We may enjoy playing in a sandbox or building with wooden blocks.
When we grow up, we start our first real hobbies. Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating. These new interests can be quite time-consuming and most children spend a lot of time on them. Some children might get interested in less active activities like reading, painting or stamp collecting. Others might enjoy playing an instrument(乐器) like the piano or the flute.
As we get older, our hobbies might change or go on. Some people spend their whole(整个的) life on stamp collecting. Other people might change their interests every year depending on fashions. Some people are lucky that they have found jobs that are related(相关的) to their hobbies, like a person who loves teaching and becomes a teacher.
25.Which of the following is NOT a real hobby
A.A student likes skating.
B.Babies like playing with wooden blocks.
C.An old man likes stamp collecting.
D.A worker likes painting.
26.The underlined word “time-consuming” may mean “    ” in Chinese.
A.短时间的 B.多次的 C.费时的 D.永久的
27.Which of the following is an active hobby
A.Playing basketball.
B.Collecting stamps.
28.Who does the writer think is lucky
A.A boy who enjoys reading becomes a worker.
B.A girl who likes dancing becomes a doctor.
C.A girl who loves playing the piano becomes a pianist.
D.A boy who is interested in computer games becomes a writer.
29.The title of the passage should be “    ”.
A.Hobbies and Jobs
B.Jobs and Ages
C.Never Changed Hobbies
D.Hobbies and Ages
Module 6 Unit 1第2课时
1.Let me     (tell) you what has happened. 
2.Jim and Tom are good friends. But they have different     (hobby).
3.Look at the famous picture on the wall. It’s very     (value). 
4.People take pictures to remember the     (wonder) moments. 
5.I’d like to find somewhere     (practise) speaking English.
1. F________ can keep us cool on a hot day.
2. Alice bought a dress for me. It's j________ my size.
3. They set up a company w________ Mr White's help.
4. —You lost your favourite scarf. You m________ be very sad.
—Yes, very much. It's a gift from my grandma.
5. Mo Yan is famous a________ a writer.
Ⅲ. 根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺内容,每空一词。
1. Mum asks me to ________ ________(使整齐) these books.
2. This bike doesn't cost ________ ________ ________(和……一样多) that one.
3. ________ ________(大多数) the schoolbags in the shop are beautiful.
4. The desk ________ ________(占去) too much space in the bedroom. Let's carry it out.
5. It's ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(一点儿乱) here. It's hard to find somewhere to sit down.
6. These postcards are ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(来自世界各地).
7. Peter ________ ________(看) his watch and said, “It's time to go.”
8. Is this your picture Can I ________ ________ ________(看一看)
Ⅳ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。
A: There is so much snow outside. (1)________
B: Yes. I like snow and cold weather.
A: (2)________ You look busy.
B: I'm preparing for a trip this Saturday.
A: (3)________
B: I'm going skiing (去滑雪) at Big Mountain Ski Ja Area.
A: (4)________
B: Almost every weekend in the winter. Do you ski
A: Yes. I love skiing. It's one of my hobbies. (5)________
B: Sure! Come with me on Saturday.
A. Can I see them B. Let's go sometimes.C. What are you doing D. Isn't it great, James E. Where are you going F. You can come with me.G. How often do you go skiing

Module 6 Unit 1第1课时
Ⅰ. 1. valuable 2. stamps 3. shelves 4. notes 5. coins
Ⅱ.1.just 2.must 3.notes 4.collecting 5.shelves
Ⅲ; to 12.What do; to do 13.must; valuable 14.a bit of
15.Why do; collect
Ⅳ.16.A 17.B 18.B
Ⅴ.20.What’s your hobby
21.How long have you collected them
22.How many model planes have you got
23.What do you think of your hobby
24.Where do you (usually) get your model planes
Ⅵ.25.B 26.C 27.A 
28.C 29.D 
Module 6 Unit 1第2课时
Ⅰ. 1.tell 2.hobbies 3.valuable 4.wonderful practise
Ⅱ.1. Fans 2. just 3. with 4. must 5. as
Ⅲ. 1. tidy up 2. as much as 3. Most of 4. takes up 5. a bit of a mess
6. from all over the world 7. looked at 8. have a look
Ⅳ. 1-5 DCEGB



