Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for a year now基础知识专练(2课时含答案)

Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for…
I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子中的单词
1.The rooms were 极差的) although it is very expensive.
2.I have been the (成员) of this class for 2 years.
3.He is very (活跃的)and many people like him.
4.---Where is your teacher
--- I don’t know, (或许) he is in his office.
5.She looks so weak (虚弱的)that she couldn’t speak loudly.
II. 翻译短语
1. 快餐食品_______________ 2. 倒数_______________
3. 迫不及待地做某事_______________ 4. 以······为自豪______________
5. 没问题 _______________ 6. 参加 _______________
7. 健康状况很好_____________ 8. 感冒________________
9. 感到不舒服 ____________ 10.浑身 _______________
III. 单项选择
(  )1. Hurry up,or we won't ________ school on time.
A.reach to B.get at C.arrive at
(   )2. You can improve your English ________ practicing more.
A.with C.of
( )3.Dr Li, would you please give me some advice ______ how to keep fit B.on C.for
(  ) 4 .Many people take part in ________ trees on Tree Planting Day.
A.planting B.plants plant
( )5.He ______ the English exam, but he failed.
A.tried to pass B.tried pass C.tries to pass
( )6.Seventy ______ people plant ______ trees every year.
A.thousands;million of
C.thousand;millions of
( )7.Many students like ______ books from the school library because it can save money.
A.lending B.buying C.borrowing
( )8.— Tom, ______ you ______ your ticket
— Not yet.
A.did;found B.have;found C.has;found
( )9.— Have you mended your watch, Uncle
— Yes, I _______ it an hour ago.
A.mended B.have C.have mended
( )10.Don’t eat too much _______ because it can make you fat.
A.healthy food food food
IV. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)
先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答 案。
The former (前任的) US president Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle, made lots of changes after she became First Lady in 2023. One of 1 was the White House garden. She 2 it by herself. The garden has many kinds of fruit and 3 . The fresh fruit and vegetables are used in the White House. The garden is also a 4 for US children because they would like to eat healthy food and live a healthy life by knowing about the garden.
“My husband will tell you that one of the most common questions he gets 5 other people is, ‘How is your wife’s garden ’” Michelle said. “And over the years this little garden has influenced (影响) lots of people across this country to start their 6 .”
The former First Lady was worried that the new president wouldn’t 7 the garden any more.
But she doesn’t have to 8 . The National Park Foundation (基金会) has raised $2.5 million. It will 9 the garden growing for at least 17 years.
“This garden has taught us that 10 we have the courage (勇气) to plant something,” Michelle said, “we can water it and invite friends to help us take care of it. We never know what might grow.”
( )1. A. we B. us C. they D. them
( )2. A. sold B. took C. forgot D. started
( )3. A. vegetables B. flowers C. trees D. grass
( )4. A. dream B. symbol C. tower D. competition
( )5. A. from B. to C. with D. for
( )6. A. houses B. hospitals C. gardens D. schools
( )7. A. buy B. finish C. build D. use
( )8. A. miss B. worry C. leave D. think
( )9. A. keep B. make C. help D. watch
( )10. A. till B. although C. if D. because
V. 阅读理解
When I was a kid, I often played basketball. So I was thin but healthy. When I was about 15, I stopped playing basketball. I also started to drink a lot of drinks high in sugar and eat much more than before. Between 15 and 17, I put on a lot of weight (重量) — about 50 kg.
I didn’t know how big I was till I saw a photo one day. In the photo, I had a fat neck and my stomach was out there. I didn’t like the way I looked. I knew I needed to lose some weight.
I started to drink only water, and eat less and healthier. I ate mainly vegetables and only one piece of meat every day, and stayed away from sugar.
I also started to exercise. Every day, I ran for 30 minutes first, and then I did some push-ups (俯卧撑) for 10 minutes. I also jumped rope (跳绳) for 15 minutes every day.
I kept exercising all the winter. When March came, many people said to me, “Oh, Dave, you’ve been a different person!”
It was true. I lost 25 kg in three months. I liked taking photos, and I noticed the difference in my looks.
I loved the three months. It felt good to lose weight, and it felt even better to set a goal (目标) and go for it.
( 31. Dave put on a lot of weight partly because he ______.
A. got too much work
B. took some medicine
C. drank unhealthy drinks
D. didn’t have enough sleep
( )2. Dave decided to lose weight when ______.
A. he lost a basketball game
B. he saw a photo of himself
C. the doctor asked him to do so
D. his friends were angry with him
( )3. In a day, which kind of exercise did Dave do for the most time
A. Running. B. Basketball.
C. Push-ups. D. Rope jumping.
( )4. When Dave heard the underlined sentence, he probably felt ______.
A. happy B. angry
C. worried D. calm
( )5. What can we learn from Dave’s story
A. Hobby is the best teacher.
B. Success comes from hard work.
C. It’s never too late to lose weight.
D. Sports help a person stay young.
VI. 任务型阅读
It was the last day of school and Alonzo was on the bus. He knew his mother would soon ask him if he wanted to go to summer camp. He started to think about last year’s summer camp.
He remembered how afraid he was at first. He did not know anyone, and had never been away from home before. He remembered wondering (想知道) if anyone else felt the same way. All the other children seemed (似乎) to know someone.
As he made his bed, his roommate came in. His name was Jack. Jack put his bag on another bed and then ran out without saying hello to Alonzo.
Alonzo remembered how alone he felt. He took out a book and sat on his bed. He began reading, but he couldn’t help (忍不住) watching the boys playing outside.
Finally Jack came back and introduced (介绍) himself. It was his second year at the summer camp.
“Hello,” said Alonzo shyly.“I’m sorry I didn’t say hello earlier,” said Jack. “I saw a friend outside and went to talk to him.”
“That’s OK,” said Alonzo, feeling better.
“So ... did you bring a baseball 我喜欢打棒球,但是忘记带我的了!” said Jack.
“I did!” said Alonzo. “I enjoy playing baseball too.” Then they ran outside to play in the summer sun.
1. 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。
2. 回答问题:
What did Alonzo do after making his bed
3. 回答问题:
Why did Jack run out as soon as he put his bag on the bed
4. 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。
5. 回答问题:
What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to
VII. 选词填空
come get wait tell skate say see ring call snow
We don't go to school on weekends. I usually (1)________ up at eight. Sometimes mum (2)________ me to help her do some housework.
This morning I woke up early, but I stayed in the bed. Mum (3)________ it was very cold outside. Suddenly the doorbell (4)________ ."Go and see who's outside, Nick," mum (5)________ from the kitchen(厨房). I jumped out of the bed and thought to myself, "It (6)________ outside. Who can it be " I opened the door and (7)________ it was my friend Jimmy. He said, "We want(8)________ on the lake. Would you like to go with us "
"Of course," I replied, "but are you the only person going "
"No. Jack and Rose (9)________ for you near the gate."
"Let me have breakfast first, OK " I said. "OK. Please (10)________ back in ten minutes!"
Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for…
1.Lucy got up so late that she couldn't catch the early bus.(改为同义句)
Lucy got up late the early bus.
2.My mother has done exercise since__2023.(对画线部分提问)
your mother done exercise
3.Tom's sister went to school by__bus.(对画线部分提问)
Tom's sister go to school 4. She’s a kind girl.(变为感叹句)
kind girl she is !
5. What’s the matter with you (改为同义句)
______ ______with you
II 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。
1. The old women often go to hospital because she has a(n) h problem.
2. Linda was not fine ,but I think she will get w soon.
3. —Is Betty in our class
—Yes, she's one of the m of our class.
4. I am very s , I will go to bed early.
5. —Today Mt Jackson didn't come to school.
—Yes. P he is ill. Let's go to see her.
III. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。
1. 这个问题太难了而不能回答。
This question is ________ difficult________ to answer
He was standing in the rain, and he was wet        soon.
3. 珍妮说话时总是面带微笑。
Jenny always speaks ________ ________ ________ on her face.
Would you like to take   part   in the meeting tomorrow
My computer is in   excellent   condition . It works very well.
IV. 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。
fever, awful, pet, condition, member
1. How many _________ are there in our fan club
2. After a good care, the boy is in excellent _________.
3. I felt _________ when I first take a plane.
4. —Too many _________ are in the park
—Yes, three dogs and five cats.
5. Jack had a high _________, so he didn’t go to school today.
V. 情景交际
A: Good morning, Doctor Wang.
B: Good morning, young man! What’s wrong with you
A: I have a cough. (1)      B: (2)     
A: Yes, I have. I don’t have a fever.
B: (3)     
A: For about two days.
B: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.
A: Ah.
B: Oh, I see. You’ve caught a cold.
A: (4)     
B: No, I don’t think so. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine.
A: (5)     
B: Three times a day. And then you will be all right soon.
A: OK. Thank you.
A. I’m sorry to hear that.B. Have you taken your temperature C. How often do I have to take it D. I have a fever. E. How long have you been like this F. I’m feeling terrible.G. Is it serious
VI. 阅读理解
  Just like a car engine needs petrol (汽油),your body needs fuel (燃料;养料).It needs food!
The things you eat and drink are turned into energy.
You need energy for everything—playing,walking,running,thinking—even sleeping.
Feeling hungry may mean you are running low on energy.If it is not mealtime,you may need a snack to re-fuel.
But what sort of snack should you eat This is like choosing the right fuel for a car.Some cars,such as racing cars,need the best fuel to go fast and keep their engines running smoothly.
So,if you want to be at your most lively,choose the best fuel.This means eating healthy snacks.There is no better way to keep your engine running smoothly!
Healthy SnacksEat these often. Unhealthy SnacksEat these only sometimes.
· Nuts    · Seeds· Dried fruit· Fresh vegetables· Fresh fruit · Chips· Lollies· Soft drinks· Chocolate bars· Biscuits
( )16.What does “It” mean in the underlined sentence “It needs food!”
A. Fuel. B. Petrol.
C. Your body. D.A car engine.
( )17.When you are running low on energy, you may feel    . A. smooth B. hungry
C .lively D. energetic
( )18.The writer thinks it is better to    .
A. eat chips and biscuits
B. eat healthy snacks at mealtimes
C. eat seeds than vegetables
D. eat healthy snacks between meals
Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for…
I. 1.awful 2.member 4.perhaps 5.weak
II. 1,fast food 2.count down 3.can’t wait to do sth proud of
5.No problem 6.take pride in excellent condition 8.catche a cold
9.feel awful 10.all over
II. 1---5 CBBAC 6---10 CCBAB
III. 1.too to catch 2.How long has 3.How did
4.What a 5.What’s wrong
IV. 1--5 DDABA 6--10 CDBAC
VII. 1. get 2. tells 3. said 4. rang 5. called
6. is snowing 7. saw 8. to skate 9. are waiting e
Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for…
I. 1. 他知道他妈妈不久就会问他是否想参加夏令营。
2. He did some reading.
3. He saw a friend outside and went to talk to him.
4. I enjoy playing baseball, but I forgot to bring mine!
6. Alonzo and Jack.
II 1,healthy 2.well 3.members 4.sleepy 5.Perhaps
III. 1.too to 2.all over 3.with a smile
4.take part in excellent condition
IV. 1.members 2.condition 3.awful 4.pets 5.fever



