外研(新标准)版七年级下册 Module 11 Unit 1 They touch noses! 易错题精选(共2课时含答案)

Module 11 Unit 1 第1课时
1. 当你们遇到来访者时,你们握手吗?
Do you ________ ________ when you meet the visitors
2. 我们是朋友,在学校应该互相帮助。
We are friends and we should help ________ ________ at school.
3. 我弟弟每周玩三次电脑游戏。
My brother plays computer games ________ ________ every week.
4. 丹尼,不要上课迟到。
________ ________ ________for class, Danny.
5. 在不同的国家,我们做不同的事。
In________ ________, we do different things.
1. ________ we see the old, we must say hello to them.
A. While B. When C. Before D. After
2. —There is always a smile on your face. Isn't there any trouble in your life
—Yes, there is. But life is like a mirror. ________ you smile at it, it will smile back. 【中考·荆州】
A. When B. Before C. Until D. After
3. The doctor looks tired and sleepy ________ he stayed up late to look after his patients yesterday.【中考·贵阳】
A. because   B. if C. unless
4. Tom didn't come to school yesterday ________ he was ill.
A. because   B. before C. until D. so
5. Many foreigners came to our school last week, including three ________ and four ________.【中考·凉山】
A. German; American B. Germans; American C. Germans; Americans D. German; Americans
6. —Daming was late for school again this morning.
—That is ________ he got up late.
A. why B. because C. so D. but
7. Each of us ________ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future. 【2023 ·盐城】
A. has B. have C. will have D. had
8. Both the ________ and the ________ are our friends.
A. English; Russia B. Japanese; Russians C. British; Russia D. England; Russian
9. ________ people usually kiss three times, left, right, left.
A. Chinese B. British C. Russian D. Japanese
10. Chinese often shake hands ________ they meet.
A. if B. because C. when D. after
11. They help ________ when they are in trouble.
A. each B. each other C. together D. another
1. 毛利人见面时碰鼻子。Maori people ________ ________ when they meet.
2. 那是因为在不同的国家人们做不同的事情。
________ ________people do different things in different countries.
3. 在美国,有些人握手,有些人相互亲吻或拥抱。
In the US some people ________ ________ , and some kiss or hug ________ ________ .
4. 在印度,人们把手放在一起并点头。
In India people ________ their hands ________ and ________ their heads.
5. 我微笑着说“上午好”。
I ________ and say ________ ________ .
6. 在圣诞节人们把礼物放进彼此的袜子里。
On Christmas people put presents in ________ ________ stockings.
7. 那是因为你不够仔细。
________ ________ you were not careful enough.
8. 在学校里学生们应该互相帮助。
Students should help ________ ________ at school.
9. 看到我时他点了点头。
He ________ his ________ when he saw me.
10. 不同国家的人们都在学汉语。
People ________ ________ ________ are learning Chinese.
11. 我们握了手,然后走进了会议室。
We ________ ________, and then we walked into the meeting room.
12. This teacher comes from Russia. (改为同义句)
This is a ________ ________.
13. You should speak English in class. (改为祈使句)
________ ________ English in class.
14. She is learning Russian. (就画线部分提问)
________ ________ she ________
15. They each met us yesterday. (改为同义句)
________ ________ them met us yesterday.
16. I go swimming three times a week. (就画线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ you go swimming
A. They shake hands B. They touch noses!C. Tell me something more. D. How do they do that E. Do they kiss when they meet F. Do you know Maori people in New Zealand G. Why do they do that
John:Judy, what are you doing
Judy:I'm writing a report about how people in different countries greet others.
John:Wow, sounds interesting. ________1
Judy:OK. Do you know what Russian people do when meeting others
John:I don't know. _____2
Judy:No, they kiss.
John:Ha! ______3
Judy:They usually kiss three times, left, right and left.
John:Interesting! Are there any other interesting things
Judy:Yes, of course. _____4John:No! What do they do when greeting others
John:What It's funny!
Module 11 Unit 1 第2课时
1. We are good friends and we often go to school ________ (一起).
2. The actor went to the middle of the stage and ________ (鞠躬) to the audience(观众).
3. After she heard the good news, there was a ________(微笑) on her face.
4. The two old friends ________(拥抱) each other when they met.
5. Lots of ________(游客)come to Tai'an every year.
6. The mother k the baby on the face and went out.
7. Don't t others' head. It isn't polite.
8. They went to the theater t yesterday.
9. We grew up t .
10. The old friends h when they met.
11. Each of us ________(have)a dictionary.
12. Many ________(visit) come to the Great Wall and take photos.
13. Peter and Julia are ________ (German).
14. Look!The little boy __________(smile)at his father.
15. Mr. Li didn't say anything, but just ________(nod) his head.
16. —Excuse me. Can you speak ________(Germany)
—Yes, only a little.
17. He told us the good news with a s .
1. Boys and girls, ________ learning and have fun.
A. keep B. to keep
C. keeping D. kept
2. A stupid man tells a woman to shut up, while a wise man tells her that her mouth is quite beautiful ________ it is closed.
A. unless B. since
C. when D. though
3. —I'm told your class has 3 new comers.
—Yes. One is a ________; the other two are ________.
A. Japan; Germany B. Japanese; German
C. Japanese; Germans D. Japanese; Germen
4. —Daming was late for school again this morning.
—That is ________ he got up late.
A. why B. because
C. so D. but
5. Which of the following signs means “Do not drink and drive. ”?
6. ________more, and you'll improve (提高) your spoken English.
A. Speak B. Speaks
C. Speaking D. To speak
7. In China, people shake hands ________ each other when they meet.
A. among B. in
C. for D. with
8. Li Ming and I are good friends. We often help________.
A. other each B. each other
C. others each D. each others
9. —Are there any ________ in your school
—Yes, there are.
A. Germen B. Germans
C. German D. Germens
10. —Do you know why he failed (失败)
—I think that's ________ he was too careless. A. because B. why
C. so D. for
三、 按要求完成下列句子。
16. Stand outside the classroom. (改为否定句)
________ ________ outside the classroom.
17. They're Russian workers. (改为同义句)
The workers ________ ________.
18. The mother always kisses her daughter when she meets her. (改为否定句)
The mother ________ ________ her daughter when she meets her.
19. You can't stand close to the visitors. (改为祈使句)
________ ________ close to the visitors.
20. Chinese people usually look at each other when they talk. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Chinese people usually ________ when they talk
A:Tom, I have some questions about your country, Canada.
B:OK. (21)________
A:What do you usually do when you meet someone for the first time
A:How about time For example, when a party is at 8, do you get there at 7:55
B:No. We can arrive about fifteen minutes late.
A:OK. (23)________
B:Oh, no. For a business meeting, you must make sure you're on time.
A:Mm, I heard that it's rude to make sounds when you eat. Is that true
B:Yes, it is. (24)________
A:One more question. Will you take a gift when you visit someone
B:Yes, it's polite to take some flowers.
B:You're welcome.
A. Thanks a lot.    B. We shouldn't do it. C. We usually shake hands.
D. What do you want to know E. Is it the same for business meetings
People use body language for sending messages to each other. It is very __26__ because it can help you make yourself easily understood(理解) when you are talking with others. For example, waving one's hand is to say “goodbye”. Shaking hands __27__ welcome. Nodding the head means agreement(同意), and shaking the head means disagreement. Both Chinese and foreigners accept the gestures (手势) as having __28__ same meanings.
Different countries have different body language. For example, __29__ in Russia, France and Arab countries, people kiss each other when they meet, but men in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing. People in China like touching each other, but people in Britain do not touch each other. People in Arab countries like standing __30__ each other when they are talking, __31__ English people must keep a distance(距离) __32__ when they are talking.
When you use a foreign language, it is very important __33__ the meanings of gestures in the foreign country. Following the customs (习俗) will help you communicate(交流) __34__ people and make you stay there much more __35__ and comfortable.
26. A. helpful B. difficult C. easy D. useless
27. A. mean B. means C. to mean D. meaning
28. A. a B. an C. the D. /
29. A. when B. after C. before D. unless
30. A. nearly B. far away C. close to D. in front of
31. A. and B. or C. so D. but
32. A. from B. to C. of D. away
33. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. to knowing
34. A. with B. for C. to D. through
35. A. important B. interesting C. pleased(愉快的) D. successful
It is very helpful if you know the customs of a country before you go to the country.
When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say “How do you do?” and shake hands. Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they haven't met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.
Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made all of them laugh.
36. It is ________ if you know some of the customs(风俗)of the country before you go there.
A. not useful B. not helpful
C. very helpful D. very bad37. English people usually shake hands when they________.
A. meet every time
B. meet for the first time
C. say goodbye to each other
D. say sorry to each other
38. Usually English people don't shake hands________.
A. when they will be away for a long time
B. when they say “How do you do ”
C. when they just meet or say goodbye
D. after they haven't met for a long time
39. Which is RIGHT
A. German people shake hands as often as possible.
B. English people like shaking hands very much.
C. German people hardly shake hands.
D. Neither English people nor Germans like shaking hands.
40. This story is about________.
A. the history of England B. languages
C. customs D. languages and customs
41. The park attracts(吸引) lots of ________(visit) every day.
42. The two young men are from ________. They're ________. (Russia)
43. It's an ________(India) elephant.
44. The man ________(shake) the body and warmed up.
45. Mr King ________(bow)to these people and said nothing.
46. There are thousands of________ (visit) all over the world coming to Beijing every day.
47. ________ (not walk) in the forests. It's dangerous.
48. The old man takes the pills(药片) three________ (time) a day.
49. My two friends are both from Germany(德国) and they are ________ (German).
50. —Are these young men your friends
—Yes, they are South________ (American).
each other, kiss, nod, shake hands, German, smile, together, Russian, Japan, visit
51. You should help ____________ because you're good friends.
52. He said “Good night” and ________ his son. Then he went to bed.
53. If your answer is “yes”, you can ________ your head.
54. Father often ____________with his old friends when they meet.
55. He comes from Germany and he's a ________.
56. Some ________ came up to me and asked me the way to the Great Wall.
57. Mr. Li said “yes” to me with a ________ on his face.
58. All the members of the family get ________ once a year. 59. My foreign teacher comes from Russia, and he speaks ________.
60. The young man comes from Japan and he is good at ________.
Module 11 Unit 1 第1课时
一、1. shake hands 2. each other 3. three times
4. Don't be late 5. different countries
二、1 B 【点拨】考查when与while的区别。while引导的从句中动词一般为延续性动词。分析题目可知选B项。
2 A 【点拨】考查连词辨析。when 当……时候;before在……之前;until直到……为止;after在……之后。由“但是生活就像一面镜子,当你朝着它微笑的时候,它也会报以微笑。”可知,表示“当……时候”,应用when。故选 A。
3 A 【点拨】考查连词。句意为“这位医生看起来又困又累,因为他昨天熬夜照顾病号了”。stayed up late “熬夜”是又困又累的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故选A。
4 A
5 C 【点拨】考查名词复数。表示某国人的名词单复数变化规则:中日不变,英法变,其余 s加后面。German 德国人,复数形式为后面加 s, American美国人,复数形式也是后面加 s。故 答 案选C。
6 B
7 A 【点拨】考查each的用法。each作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
8 B 【点拨】考查名词的数。Japanese意为“日本人”,其复数为原形;Russian意为“俄罗斯人”,其复数为Russians。
9 C 10 C 11 B
三、1-5 touch noses, That’s because, shake hands each other, put together nod, smile good morning;
6-10 each other’s, That’s because, each other, nodded head, in different countries;
11-16 shook hands, Russian teacher, Please speak, What is doing, Each of【点拨】they each相当于each of them, How often do【点拨】对频率提问用how often
Module 11 Unit 1 第2课时
一、1-5 together, bowed, smile, hugged, visitors; 6-10 kissed【点拨】kiss意思为“亲吻” 。这里指妈妈吻了吻婴儿的脸。注意用过去式, touch, together【点拨】together意思为“一起”, together, hugged【点拨】hug意思为“拥抱”,过去式为hugged;
11-17 has【点拨】考查主谓一致。each作主语时谓语动词用单数, visitors, Germans【点拨】German意思为“德国人”,复数为Germans, is smiling, nodded, German【点拨】German意思为“德语”,为不可数名词, smile【点拨】with a smile意为“面带笑容”
二、1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A
三、16. Don't stand 17. are Russians 18. never kisses
19. Don't stand 20. What do; do
五、26~30:ABCAC 31~35:DDCAC
六、36. C 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. C 
七、41. visitors 42. Russia; Russian 
43. Indian 44. shook 45. bowed
46. visitors 47. Don't walk 48. times 
49. Germans 50. Americans
八、51. each other 52. kissed 53. nod 
54. shakes hands 55. German 56. visitors 57. smile 
58. together 59. Russian 60. Japanese



