外研(新标准)版七年级下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you do?易错题精选(共2课时含答案)

Module 10 Unit 1 第1课时
spend, last, reach, build, join, jump, knock, return, answer, fill, need, continue, take, sleep, wash
1. This movie ____ about two hours.
2. Please ___ the bowl with some milk.
3. They ___that house ten years ago.
4. David ____ higher than his brother.
5. The old man ___ some food to eat.
6. Keep quiet! Your father ____ in the room.
7. My mother asked me ____all the bowls.
8. The programme will ____ until ten o’clock.
9. The little boy ____ all the questions last week.
10. Mr. Smith ___ to his hometown four years ago.
11. My brother ____ the Chinese Air Force in 2023.
12. Mr. Green and his wife ____ Shanghai on April 14.
13. Mr. Zhang ____us around the school yesterday.
14. Linda ____ two hours watching the TV play last night.
15. When I was doing my homework, someone ____ on the door.
二 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词。
1. He was very _________ (激动的) when he heard the news.
2. Don’t worry. I can ________ (开车) you home after school.
3. The _________ (太平洋的) Ocean is the largest of the four main oceans.
4. Can you ________ (猜) what I bought for you last Sunday
5. I love my first _________ (旅程) to the Mount Huang very much.
have a good time, on holiday, see, take, two years ago
1. It ___________ us a long time to find his home last Saturday.
2. We had a wonderful party last night and everybody _______________.
3. My family went to Hainan _____________ last summer.
4. __________ I went back to our family home and _________ my grandparents.
1. 去年,他们在大连度假。
They were ______ _______ in Dalian last year.
2. 她怎么到北京的
How did she ______ _______ Beijing
3. 比尔两年前去了澳大利亚。
Bill went to Australia _______ _______ _______.
4. 前天, 你在迪士尼乐园待了多长时间
______ ______ did you stay in Disneyland the day before yesterday
5. 王浩大约花了一个小时步行去书店。
It ______ Wang Hao about one hour _______ walk to the bookstore.
Module 10 Unit 1 第2课时
1. When I _______ (be) young, I couldn’t take the underground.
2. I’m afraid of ________ (fly) home. It’s too dangerous.
3. How many ________ (day) are there in a month
4. Where did they go __________ (swim)
5. How long did it take _______ (she) to finish the work
II 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
(spend, leave, take, swim, write)
1.The girl ____ some postcards and sent some emails.
2.His uncle arrived by plane yesterday and ____ a taxi to our hotel.
3. Every year my cousin ____ two weeks on holiday in Australia.
4.We ____ at 7 o’clock in the morning and got there at 8 o’ clock.
5.Last Sunday we ____ in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica.
III. 根据句意及中文提示,完成句子,每空一词。
Who ____ ____ you yesterday
They got here ____ ____ ____ ____.
I went there _____ _____ _____.
We ____ ____ ____ ____ yesterday.
Do you want to see ____ ____ ____ the movie stars
I. 单项填空
1.It took Daming two hours ______Tom with his homework.
A. helped B. to help C. helping D. helps 2.—_____
—Two hours.
A. How long did you stay there B. How did you get there
C. What did you do D. When did you get there
3.—How was your holiday
A. It was great B. I like it very much C. It is wonderful D. It’s rainy
4.I spend about one hour ____ my homework last night.
A. do B. to do C. did D. doing
5.Look at the photos. I ____ in my grandmother’s house then.
A. was B. am C. will be D. went
II. 根据对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话意义完整、连贯。
A: I am going to Hangzhou next week.
B: Really I went there two years ago. It is an interesting city.
A: ___1____
B: I went there by train.
A: __ 2___
B: It took me about twenty hours to get there by train.
A: ___3___
B: Yes, I went there with my parents.
A: ___4____
B: We spent three days in Hangzhou.
A: ___5___
B: We saw the West Lake and some other interesting places. We had a good time.   
III. 连词成句。
1. uncle; did; at; your; airport; meet; the; you
2. brother; going; what; holiday; do; is; on; your; to
3. three; aunt; ago; London; my; went; years; to
4. interesting; we; in; visited; England; lots; places; of
5. work; friend; hours; the; my; spent; three; doing
IV. 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。
Last May Day. I went to Beijing. This is was my first v____(1)to Beijing. We went there by train for holiday. There w____(2) too many people on the train, but we still liked the journey. We went to Tian’anmen Square, Wangfunjing Street, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. We went to the Great Wall on May 3rd. How excited I was! It was the h____(3) time in my life. It is happier than I get a big present. We c____(4) back on May 4th. And we b____(5) a lot of things, like Beijing Roast Duck. When we got of the train, I fell off and hurt my leg. I think this was the w____(6)thing.
Module 10 Unit 1 第1课时
1. lasts 2. fill 3. built 4. jumps 5. needs 6. is sleeping 7. to wash 8. continue 9. answered 10. returned 11. joined 12. reached 13. took 14. spent 15. knocked
二 1. excited
2. drive
3. Pacific
4. guess
5. journey
1. took
2. had a good time
3. on holiday
4. Two years ago saw
1. on holiday
2. get to
3. two years ago 4. How long
5. took to
Module 10 Unit 1 第2课时
I. 1. was
2. flying
3. days
4. swimming
5. her
II 1.wrote 2.took 3.spends 4.left 5.swam
III.1.was with 2. on the same day 3.two days ago 4.had a good time 5.the homes of
II. 1. How did you go there
2. How long did it take you to get there by train
3. Did you go there with your parents
4. How long did you spend in Hangzhou
5. What did you see there



上一篇:2024年中考物理复习 第十六章 电功与电功率(答案)
