Module 8 Story time Unit 3 Language in use易错题精选(2课时含答案)

Module 8 Unit 3 第1课时
一. 根据汉语提示完成句子
She_______ ________the door.
There was nobody there,so she__________ ________ ________.
_________ __________ ________ _______,there was an old woman.
She didn't_______ ________the forest again.
Many old stories__________ _________this phrase.
二 根据汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子,每空一词。
1.Many old stories _______ ______(以……开头) “Long, long ago…”.
2.Children ____ _____ ____ _____(全世界) like listening to fairy stories.
3.Daming went to school ____ ____(没有吃早餐) last Friday.
4.In the fairy story, the girl ____ ____(变成) a little bird after she died.
5.The little boy reads the story ____ ____ ____(反复地).
( )1.I saw them ____ the room and begin to work.
A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. entered
( )2. I’ll give the message to him ____ he comes back.
A. because B. until C. while D. as soon as
( )3.Remember ____ your seat to an disabled (有残疾的) person on the bus.
A. give B. gives C. to give D. giving
( )4.He ____ noise when the teacher came into the classroom.
A. stopped making B. stopped to making C. stopped to make D. stopped make
( )5.He finished his work ____ after working hard for three months.
A. at the end B. by the end C. on the end D. in the end
( )6.When I got home yesterday I was very hungry. I quickly ____ the food on the table.
A. looked up B. ate out C. ate up D. looked out
( )7.Nancy wanted to be a doctor and her dream came true ____ September 11,2023.
A. at B. during C. on D. in
A: Hello, Daming! I called you last night, but nobody was in. (1)_____
B: Sorry, I was out. My parents and I went to my uncle’s.
A: (2)_____
B: Yes, we did.
A: (3)____
B: We went to a restaurant.
A: Did you have any seafood
B: Oh, no, we didn’t. We ate some dumplings.
A: Well, I want to tell you that we will have a basketball match.
B: Really (4)_____
A: This afternoon, on the playground. (5)_____B: Yes, I’d love to.
A: OK. We’ll wait for you then. Goodbye.
B: See you.
A. When and where B. Where were you born C. How did you get there D. What did you do there E. Did you stay there long F. How long did you stay there G. Would you like to come to play with us
五. 根据短文和所给的首字母补全单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。
One morning, I got up very l__1__. It was half past seven. I h__2__ to the school without breakfast. I entered the school and noticed n__3__ there. It was Saturday. Then I began to walk home. On the way home, I noticed some flowers and a small house by the river. First, I p__4__ some flowers and then I went to the house, because I wanted to g__5__ something to eat. I k__6__ on the door. Nobody a__7__, so I pushed the door. It was open. I l__8__ inside and listened. There was no one there, so I e__9__ the house. I noticed an old woman lie in her bed. She was badly ill (生病的). I c__10__ the hospital and soon some doctors arrived (到达). The doctors sent the old woman to hospital.
6. 完形填空.
A cook made a cake. He thought his cake was 1 . He thought hard. At that time, 2 cook came. When he 3 the first cook’s story, he said, “ 4 is better because I used cream.” Then the third cook came up to them, of course, he didn’t agree 5 what the two cooks said. He thought his cake was the best.
They stood 6 from their cakes. So they didn’t see a cat 7 into the kitchen. But the cat saw them. She saw the cakes, too. They looked and 8 so good.
The cakes were good. The cat ate them all. Then she went to sleep
9 cake was the best Nobody knew but the cat. But she couldn’t 10 .
(  )1. A. well B. good C. bad D. small
(  )2. A. other B. the other C. others D. another
(  )3. A. told B. saw C. listened D. knew
(  )4. A. My B. I C. Mine D. Me
(  )5. A. with B. on C. to D. about
(  )6. A. near B. next C. far D. close
(  )7. A. put B. come C. make D. change
(  )8. A. heard B. smelt C. felt D. saw
(  )9. A. Which B. What C. Why D. When
(  )10. A. listen B. read C. write D. speak
7. 阅读理解.
Mr Black was very old, so it was often difficult for him to remember things. However, he still liked travelling very much, so he and his wife went to Spain every year. One summer when they were there, they went to visit their friends, the Bushes. They had two young daughters.
One afternoon Mr Black was talking to one of the girls in the garden. “Were you and your sister ill when my wife and I were here last year ” he said to her.
“Yes, we were,” answered the girl. “We were very ill.”
The old man said nothing for a moment, because he was thinking. Then at last he said, “Oh, yes, I remember now! One of you died. Which one of you was it, you or your sister ”
The girl answered, “It was me.”
“Oh I’m very sorry to hear that,” said the old man.
(  )1.How was it for Mr Black to remember things
A. It was easy. B. It was difficult C. It’s different. D. It’s not difficult.
(  )2.Where did Mr Blacks go every year
A. England. B. America. C. Spain. D. France. (  )3.How many children did Mr Black’s friend have
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
(  )4.Were the two girls really ill last year
A. Yes, they were. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they weren’t. D. No, they aren’t.
(  )5.Who died last year, the girl or her sister
A. The girl. B. Her sister. C. Both of them. D. Neither of them.
Module 8 Unit 3 第2课时
I. 根据句意用括号内所给词(组)的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。
asleep; happy; return; cry; knock; hungry; hurry; enter; bowl; die; without; pick up; once upon a time; point at; change into
1. Listen! A little girl ____ in the park.
2. _____ there were many tigers in the forest.
3. Mike went to the zoo ___ his brother on Sunday.
4. His grandfather was very old and ____ last week.
5. His teacher was ____, because he was late for school.
6. David ____ the book and began to read it.
7. I usually have a ____ of noodles for breakfast.
8. He ___ the room and noticed there was nothing in it.
9. Mr. Smith asked us not to ___on the desk in class.
10. I noticed a little boy was ____ in his bed.
11. Tony ____ to school, because he got up very late.
12. Jenny ____ the dictionary to my sister last week.
13. Finally the old woman ____ a mountain.
14. Mr. Green ____ the desk and asked me to clean it.
15. I was very ____, so I finished all the food on the table.
II 翻译下列短语
1.We made up our mind to go somewhere in China.(改为同义句)
We_______ _________ _______somewhere in China.
2.Where was Tom She asked.(合并成一句)
She asked______ _______ _______.
3.Maybe David is in the room.(改为同义句)
David_________ ___________in the room.
4.All the students are on the playground.(改为同义句)
The students________ _____on the playground.
5.She knocked on the door.(就画线部分提问)
___________ _____________on the door
Ⅳ.改错,从A、B、C、D中选出错误的一项,并在题后的横线上写出正确 答 案
1.I decide helping her learn English.
( )_________
2.That shop is opened from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day.
( )_________
3.She knocked on the door, and then she entered into the house.
( )_________
4.He was very tired, so he had to stop having a rest.
( )_____________
5.Once upon a time, there was a little girl calling Niu Hailing.
( )____________
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
Mary,a young woman,had a little white sheep. She loved it very much.In the daytime she tied it to a tree to let it eat grass in the fields and in the evening she went to take it back home.
One evening she found someone had cut the rope (绳子) and the sheep was no longer in the fields.
When her husband came back from work, she told him what had happened.At once her husband started to look for the sheep.He went around the small village, but the sheep couldn't be found.The next day Mary's husband heard that one of his neighbours(邻居),Aleco,had bought a sheep."Perhaps Aleco has stolen(偷) our sheep,” he said to himself.But when he got to Aleco's house, he found he had made a mistake. In front of Aleco's house there was a black sheep. At that time it started to rain.He had to stay in Aleco's house. When he came outside after the rain stopped, he was surprised to find that the white sheep was standing before him. Aleco had dyed(染) its wool black. Now it had been washed clean by the rain.
( )1.Mary loved the white sheep, so she tied it to the tree behind her house.
( )2.She let the sheep eat the grass in the fields from morning to evening.
( )3.Mary knew where the sheep was.
( )4.After Mary's husband came back, she asked him if he knew where the sheep was.
( )5.Mary and her husband found the sheep in the village that day.
( )6.The next day one neighbour told Mary's husband that Aleco had stolen the sheep.
( )7.When Mary's husband arrived at Aleco's house he saw a black sheep.
( )8.Mary's husband had to stay in Aleco's house because it was raining.
( )9.After the rain the black sheep became white.
( )10.The rain helped him to find the sheep,
参考词语:go out, ask, socks, home,play with, clothes, decide,get to,see,feel sorry,go home,from now on, happy
Module 8 Unit 3 第1课时
一. 1.knocked on 2.entered the house
3.Once upon a time 4.return to 5.begin with
二 1.begin with 2.all around/over the world 3.without breakfast 4.changed into 5.again and again
三.1-5ADCAD 6-7CC
五. 1. late 2. hurried 3. nobody 4. picked 5. get 6. knocked 7. answered 8. looked 9. entered 10. called
Module 8 Unit 3 第2课时
I. 1. is crying 2. Once upon a time 3. without 4. died 5. unhappy 6. picked up 7. bowl 8. entered 9. knock 10. asleep 11. hurried 12. returned 13. changed into 14. pointed at 15. hungry
II 1.once upon a time 2.decide to do sth.
3.knock on the door 4.go for a walk pieces 6.begin with 7.change into
Ⅲ.1.decided to go 2.where Tom was
3.may be 4.are all 5.Who knocked
Ⅳ.1.B helping改为to help解析:decide to do sth.决定做某事。
2.A opened改为open解析:open本身既是形容词也是动词。
4.D having改为to have解析:stop to do sth.停下来去干某事。
5.D calling改为called解析:过去分词短语called.…作后置定语,修饰名词girl。
V.1.F解析:不是behind her house,而是in the fields。
6.F 解析:由…Mary's husband heard that one of his neighbours,Aleco,had bought a sheep。得知。
7.T 解析:由In front of Aleco's house there was a black sheep.得知。
8.T解析:由At that time it started to rain.He had to stay in Aleco's house.得知。
9.T解析:由..-he was surprised to find that the white sheep was standing before him.得知。
Ⅵ.One possible version:
Last Sunday, Xiaoming wanted to play football with his friends, Xiaogang and Xiaoqiang.Before he went out, he asked his mother to wash his socks.He went to Xiaogang's home first and asked Xiaogang to play with him, but Xiaogang said he had to wash his clothes.He decided to find Xiaoqiang.
When he got to Xiaoqiang's home, he saw Xiaoqiang washing his clothes, too.He felt sorry and went home.When he saw his mother, he said, "Sorry, Mum, I’ll wash my clothes myself from now on.”His mother felt very happy.



