Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village易错题精选(2课时含答案)

Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village
1. When and where were you ________(出生)
2. Chinese people are always ________(友好的)to foreign people.
3. The boy is ________(难对付的)in class. Can you help me
4. These________ (城镇) are famous for apples.
5. My parents are very________(严格的) with me.
6. Lisa has got many good________ and they're all ________ to her. (friend)
7. I was b on April 4th, 2023.
8. He is very f . He likes making friends.
9. Tom is d in class. Many teachers hope he is a good student.
10. Mr. Green is s with us. He always asks us to keep quiet in class.
11. I'm from a small v ,not a town or a city.
II 用方框中所给单词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确
primary, village, nice, Province, strict
1. Jinan is the capital of Shandong ________.
2. —What were the people like there
—They were very kind and ________.
3. I started my________ school when I was 6 years old.
4. My math teacher is ________ with us in class, but after class he is very friendly.
5. I lived in a small ________ when I was young.
( )1.--What Lin Tao and Liu Ming like at primary school
--They were good at school.
A.was B.were D.are
( )2.He was born 18th July,1938 a small village
A.on;on B.on;in;in
( )3. —______did he go
—He went to England.
A. What B. Where C. When D. How
( )4. —Were you at home yesterday
—No, I______. I was______school.
A. wasn’t; at B. wasn’t; in
C. weren’t; in D. weren’t; at
( )5. They had a poor life______.
A. at the moment B. in the future
C. in two days D. in the past
( )6. There are three______near my home.
A. book shop B. book shops
C. books shop D. books shops
( )7. I think it’s easy______English.
A. learn B. learning
C. to learn D. learns
( )8. He is very _______ all his classmates. They all like him.
A. full of B. angry with C. friendly to D. careful with
( )9. —_______ —He is very strict.
A. What does he like B. What does he look like
C. What is he like D. What would he like
( )10.—What were you like at the school
—I was very _____ and most of my students were afraid of me.
A. good B. polite C. strict D. friendly
IⅤ. 完形填空
Last summer, my mother and I went to her hometown, Guilin. The city is very 1 in the world, 2 it has beautiful rivers and hills. Many 3 from different countries of the world go to 4 it every year. My mother was born 5 a small village near the Li River. When she 6 a little girl, she studied at the village school 7 only five classes and seven 8 . Some children liked to 9 in class, 10 my mother was very good. The teacher was strict but very friendly.
( )1. A. big B. new C. cold D. famous
( )2. A. because B. so C. why D. but
( )3. A. man B. woman C. people D. person
( )4. A. visit B. watch C. look D. find
( )5. A. on B. in C. at D. from
( )6. A. were B. was C. is D. are
( )7. A. with B. in C. of D. has
( )8. A. classmates B. friends
C. teachers D. visitors
( )9. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell
( )10. A. so B. and C. but D. or
Michael Jordan was born on February 17,1963 in Brooklyn,N.Y.And he graduated(毕业)from North Carolina College.There are four people in his family,his wife Juanita,his sons Jeffrey and Marcus.His favourite food is seafood.His position (位置) is board and his favourite sports are golf and football besides basketball.
His awards(获奖):
Won a 1982 NCAA Named the Century's Greatest Athlete.
Men's Basketball Title.
Won an Olympic Gold Medal in Men's Basketball.
Won an NBA Title 6 times.(91,92,93,96,97,98)
Broke an NBA play offs scoring record by scoring 63 in 1986 versus the Boston Celtics.
Named NBA Most Valuable Player 5 times.(88,91,92,96,98)(  )1.When was Michael born
A.On February 17th,1998. B.On February 17th,1963.
C.In Brooklyn,N.Y. D.In 1991.
(  )2.Which college did he graduate from
A.North Carolina College. B.Brooklyn,N.Y.
C.Washington. D.New York.
(  )3.When was the first time that he was named NBA Most Valuable Player
A.In 1963. B.In 1988.
C.In 1991. D.In 1982.
(  )4.What's his position
A.Goalkeeper. B.Board.
C.Midfielder. D.Striker.
(  )5.What's his favourite sport besides basketball
A.Football. B.Golf.
C.Swimming. D.A and B.
VI. 根据短文内容及汉语提示完成短文
Let me tell you something____1____(关于) my friends Lingling and Tony.Lingling was ___2__(出生) in a small____3____(村庄) in Shanxi Province. The name of the village was Xucun. Her first teacher was Ms Yao. She was___4_____(友好的).
Tony was born in Cambridge. It’s a small city in ___5___(英国). The name of his first school was Darwin __6____(初级的) School. He was very good in class. His first teacher was Mrs Lane. She was
___7_____(严格的) but very __8___(友好的;亲切的). His first friends were Becky and Adam. Becky was very __9___ (乖的) in class, but Adam wasn’t. He was quite ___10___(难对付的).
Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village
1.I am a teacher at No.7 Middle School.(改为一般过去时)
I a teacher at No.7 Middle School.
2.Tom was very friendly.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
-- Tony very friendly
_ ______, he _______.
3. Were you born in a small town (作否定回答)
______, ______ ______.
4. He lived in a small city. (对画线部分提问)
______ ______ he______
5. There was an island. There were many banana trees. (合并为一句)
There was an island ______ many banana trees.
二 单项选择
1. She was born ________ Beijing ________ July 8th.
A. in; in  B. in; on C. on; in  D. on; on
2. Jim and Bob are my good______. They are very_____ to me.
A. friend;friendly   B. friendly;friendly C. friends;friendly  D. friends;friend
3. My father is strict ________ himself ________ his job.
A. in;in B. with; with C. with;in D. in;with
4. —________ is your friend like
—He is very good.
A. Where  B. Whose   C. Who   D. What
5. —Were you at home yesterday
—________. I was in the school.
A. Yes, I am    B. No, I'm not C. Yes, I was   D. No, I wasn't
6. —Hi, Helen. When were you born
—I was born ________ February 2023. I'm 17 years old.
A. on   B. in    C. at
7. —What's Han Mei like
—________. 【中考·天水】
A. She is a volunteer B. She studies very hard C. She likes skating D. She is heavy but beautiful
8. —What does your brother look like
—________. 【中考·昆明】
A. He is outgoing   B. He is really tall and thin C. He is a student   D. He is in hospital
9. I think Chinese is a little ________. Could you please help me
A. interesting  B. difficult C. easy  D. busy
10. Judy was very________in class when she was young.
A. easily B. difficult C. cheap D. hardly
11. He is a good student. He is always strict ______ his study.
A. with  B. for  C. in  D. at
1. —Was Diana your________ friend
—Yes. And Lucy was my second one.
2. Bob is good at school, but Jack is________.
3. It's________ of you to help the old man cross the busy street.
4. —Where________ Tina and Nick yesterday afternoon
—In the museum.
5. The Whites are going to visit some beautiful________ in China.
1. My teacher is very strict with us. (改为一般过去时)
My teacher________very strict with us.
2. I was born in 2023. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)
—________ ________ born in 2023
—No, I________.
3. Betty was born in a small village. (对画线部分提问)
________ was Betty ________
4. They were nice and friendly. (对画线部分提问)
________ were they ________
5. They weren't from a poor family. (用Jack作主语改写句子)
Jack________ from a poor family.
6. 刘菲出生于2023年。
Liu Fei________ ________ ________ 2023.
7. 我忘了那本书的名字。
I forget________ ________ ________ that book.
8. 这是我们市里最好的小学。
This is the best________ ________ in our city.
9. 你们的英语老师是什么样子
________ is your English teacher________
10. 去年这条街上经常出现交通堵塞。
________ ________ often traffic jams in this street last year.
11. 我出生在一个小村庄。
I________ ________ in a small village.
12. 你的第一所学校是什么样子的
________was your first school________
13. 谁是你的第一位老师
________was your________ ________
14. 你小学的名字是什么
What was the name of your________ ________ 15. 你班里有多少名学生
________ ________ students were there in your class
16. 大卫出生在一个小村庄。
David________ ________ in a small village.
17. 我们的老师总是对我们很严格。
Our teacher is always ________ ________ us.
A. Who was this man B. May I have a look C. What were you like D. What's in your hand E. Is it a photo of your school
A: Good morning, Lucy! _____1
B: Morning, Tom! It's an old photo.
A: Really _______2
B: Of course. Here it is.
A: ______3
B: Yes. It was my first school.
A: ______4
B: My first Chinese teacher, Mr. Liu. He was kind.
A: _____5
B: I was very good in class.
A: Wow! You're always a good student.
Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village
I. 1-5 born, friendly, difficult, strict; 6 friends friendly, 7 born
8 friendly【点拨】考查friendly的用法。其意思为“友好的”。由后文可知他很友好。
9 difficult【点拨】考查difficult的用法。其意思为“难对付的”。由后文可知Tom在课堂上很难对付。
10 strict【点拨】考查strict的用法。be strict with sb.意为“对某人要求严格”。
11 village【点拨】考查village的用法。其意思为“村庄”。句意为“我来自一个小村庄,而不是一个城镇或城市”。
II 1. Province 2. nice 3. primary 4. strict 5. village
II. 1-5 BBBAD 6-10 BCCCC
IV. 1~5. DACAB 6~10. BACBC
V. 1-5 BABBD
VI. 1. about 2. born 3. village 4. friendly 5. England 6. Primary 7. strict 8. nice/friendly/kind 9. good 10. difficult
Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village
一 1.was 2.Was Yes was 3.No I wasn’t 4.Where did live 5.with
二 2 C 【点拨】语法分析法。第一空前有good可知空后须跟名词;第二空前有very,故用形容词friendly。故选C。
3 C 【点拨】考查strict的用法。be strict with sb.意为“对某人要求严格”; be strict in sth.意为“在某方面要求严格”。分析题目可知第一个空后面接人,第二个空后面接物,故选C。
4 D
5 D 【点拨】考查一般过去时。以was, were引导的问句,回答仍借助was, were。分析后面可知应该作否定回答。故选D。
6 B 【点拨】考查be born的用法。be born in后接非具体日期。由句中的“February, 2023”可知是非具体日期,故用in。
7 D 【点拨】考查情景交际。What's…like?用于询问人的性格或相貌。比较四个选项可知选D。
8 B 【点拨】考查交际用语。What do / does…look like?意为“……长什么样?”用于询问人的相貌。比较四个选项可知选B。
9 B 【点拨】考查difficult的用法。这里指汉语有点难。10 B 【点拨】句意为“朱迪小时候在班上很难相处”。easily“容易地”;difficult“难对付的”;cheap“便宜的”; hardly “几乎不”。结合句意可知应选B。
11 C 【点拨】考查strict的用法。be strict in sth.意为“在某方面严格要求”。这里指在学习上严格要求。
三、1 first【点拨】考查first的用法。其意思为“第一”,为one的序数词。分析答语可知one用序数词。2 difficult, 3 nice
4 were【点拨】考查一般过去时。由句子的时间状语可知用一般过去时。主语为复数,故用are的过去式were。
5 towns
四、1-5 was, Were you wasn’t, Where born, What like, wasn’t;
6 was born in【点拨】考查be born的用法。be born in后接非具体日期。年份为非具体日期。
7 the name of, 8 primary school
9 What like【点拨】考查固定句型。What's…like?意为“……长什么样?”。
10 There were【点拨】考查一般过去时。一般过去时常用于表示过去的状态或特征。由last year可知用一般过去时。are的过去式为were。
11 was born, 12 What like, 13 Who first teacher, 14 primary school, 15 How many, 16 was born
17 strict with【点拨】考查be strict with sb.的用法。其意思是“对某人要求严格”。
六、1-5 DBEAC



上一篇:2024年中考物理复习第十二章 温度与物态变化(答案)
