人教版九年级全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 单元测试卷(含解析)

1.Mobile phones have changed our lives a lot.It's important to be polite when answering a mobile phone.The following advice may help you.
◆Greet(打招呼)the caller in a(1)    way.When answering a mobile phone,Caller ID will normally show who is calling you.Say something like, "Hi Steve(2)    is strange or hidden,you may say, "Hello
◆Ask(3)    the person is calling.If you don't know the person,be polite(4)    saying "How can I help you today?" or "What can I do for you?" If you do know the person,you can say something like "What's up?"(5)    even if you know the caller,don't say,"What?" or "What do you want this time?"
◆Don't answer the phone while chewing gum (嚼口香糖)or food.Before answering,make sure there is(6)   in your mouth.Even if you're talking to a friend,they may have a hard time(7)   you if you have a mouth full of food.
◆Don't talk to people around you until the call is over.During the phone call,don't talk to or joke with other people,(8)   don't try to communicate silently.Even if the caller can't(9)   the words you're saying to someone,he'll be able to tell that you're not(10)   focusing on (专注)the phone conversation.
(1) A.similar B.friendly C.creative
(2) A.voice B.face C.number
(3) A.why B.where C.who
(4) A.with B.by C.to
(5) A.Request B.Review C.Remember
(6) A.something B.anything C.nothing
(7) A.understanding B.discovering C.believing
(8) A.but B.and C.so
(9) A.miss B.pronounce C.hear
(10) A.easily B.correctly C.completely
For the first time in Singapore,it's snowing.Visitors to Singapore will be amazed by the technology that brings winter to you on this tropical (热带的) island.
All visitors can have cool winter fun in Snow City,Singapore's first indoor snow center.Visitors can see and touch snow falling.Of course,it's more than just touching and feeling snow.You can enjoy exciting snow rides or skiing on snowboard.You can also build your own real snowman and have snowball fights filled with fun and learn about life in cold climates.
Snow City is about family﹣based fun and is suitable for all ages.Join us and step into Snow City today.
Address:21 Jurong Town Hall Road,Snow City Building,Singapore 609433
Bus services:No.66,No.178,No.198
Opening Hours:Tuesday﹣Sunday:10:30 am﹣6:30 pm
Notice:No phone booking.
For updated information,please visit our website www.
(1)Snow City is    .
A.just a small city in Singapore
B.a place where people can go surfing
C.Singapore's first indoor snow center
D.a place where the weather is cold
(2)You can do the following in Snow City EXCEPT    .
A.seeing and touching snow falling
B.skiing on snowboard
C.having snowball fights
D.learning about how snow is made
(3)Visitors can    .
A.go to Snow City on Monday
B.take a No.66 bus to Snow City
C.book their tickets by phone
D.visit Snow City at 7:00 pm
(4)Bob and his 5﹣year﹣old daughter want to visit Snow City.They should prepare     for the tickets.
(5)You can get more new information about Snow City    .
A.on the phone
B.by fax
D.in a newspaper.
3.DIY,which means Do It Yourself,is quite popular in the UK.Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things.TV programs show people how to DIY.
English people like DIY.There is a saying in the UK﹣"As Englishman's home is his castle." Huge number of people spend their holidays making their homes beautiful "castles".If there is anything that needs fixing around their homes,such as painting the walls or putting in a new shower,they will do the jobs themselves.They share DIY experience with their friends.More and more people have discovered the joy of DIY.Sometimes people also DIY for saving money.With the economic downturn (经济滑坡),many people cannot afford a big house.They are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money.It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.
DIY can be difficult.There is a huge market for DIY furniture which people need to get together themselves with a few basic tools.However,people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions.Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear,but the furniture itself is difficult to build.One thing is for sure,anything electrical should be done by a professional worker.Unluckily,many people don't care about this warning and put themselves in danger.It is reported that in just one year over 230,including 41,000 who fell off ladders.
Therefore,DIY can bring us fun and help us save money,but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off (咬掉)
(1)According to the passage,how do many English people spend their holidays?    
A.Making "castles".
B.Visiting friends.
C.Painting pictures.
D.Making money.
(2)Why do English people like DIY?    
A.Many stores sell DIY things.
B.DIY can bring them fun.
C.TV programs teach them to DIY.
D.All DIY projects are easy.
(3)What can we learn from the passage?    
A.DIY is a waste of money.
B.It is always difficult to DIY.
C.Be careful while doing DIY.
D.It is necessary for us to DIY.
(4)In the passage, "we bite off more than we can chew" probably means    .
A.we can eat everything we like
B.we should do something difficult
C.we do something that is too difficult
D.we eat too much food that is not safe
(5)According to the passage,which of the following is true?    
A.The writer is against DIY.
B.All the English people like DIY when they are free.
C.The writer thinks that it will be easier and safer to DIY.
D.We are not supposed to DIY when it is not safe.
4.Today is December 15,2031.Influenced by the launch of the first manned mission to Mars next month,you will most likely get a gift card for a space trip.
The interest in space trips has grown steadily among people since such a trip began.Therefore,the market has grown much larger this year since the official announcement of the Mars mission.More low ﹣cost space lines have entered the market and you can now find flights for such a trip for as low as $3 ,495.It's very reasonable.
Space tourism is one of the markets that have developed fast during the last decade,with the opening of the Starlight Hotel on the moon as well as the low orbital hotels that started accepting guests.However,accommodation in space is still expensive for the average household,so the suborbital (亚轨道的) flights with thirty﹣minute weightlessness during the three﹣hour flight will be the most popular trip.
However,the space lines might in the future face fierce(激烈的) competition with the appearance of space elevators (太空升降舱),it will start to ship cargo to space.But it will accept passengers as soon as possible to get back the large investment.Even if the elevator becomes successful,it will take several years before there are more elevators in the world to get in the competition for space traffic with the space lines.
Those who are looking for a little bit of adventure and have extra money to spend may want to consider a suborbital flight in space.While a suborbital flight may not be the space mission that you have always dreamed of,it will give you the rare opportunity to see what our planet looks like in a high﹣altitude flight outside our atmosphere.So before you enjoy a trip by elevator to space,enjoy a suborbital flight first.
(1)From Paragraph 1,what will happen in January ,2032?    
A.A gift card will be taken to Mars.
B.Mars will be explored for the first time.
C.Man will go to Mars for the first time.
D.An affordable space trip will come true.
(2)The underlined word "average" means"    "in Chinese.
(3)What is the space elevators purpose in accepting passengers as soon as possible?    
A.To ship cargo to space.
B.To get in the competition between space lines.
C.To start the construction of more space elevators.
D.To get back the large investment.
(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?    
A.Space tourism has developed fast during the last ten years.
B.A suborbital flight may be the space mission that you have dreamed of.
C.The suborbital flights will be the most popular trip for some time.
D.Even though the elevator becomes successful,we will still have to wait for a few years to see more elevators come out.
(5)We can know from the passage that    .
A.the low orbital hotels have opened since a space trip began
B.within two years,space elevators will begin to ship cargo and people to space
C.during the suborbital flights,you will experience 30 minutes' weightlessness
D.if you want to satisfy your curiosity,you may try a suborbital flight
5.Join the discussion...
Lake lander 2 hours ago
Today,a man talked very loudly on his phone on a train,making many passengers upset.I wonder how he would react(反应),though.
Pak50,57 minutes ago
Why not give it a try?Perhaps you should take lessons on a musical instrument.The late musician Dennis Brian is said to have asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio.When his request was refused,he took out his French horn(号)and started to practice.
Angie O'Edema,42 minutes ago
I don't see how musical instruments can help improve behavior(行为)in public.Don't do to others what you wouldn't like to be done to yourself.Once,a passenger next to me talked out aloud on his mobile phone.I left my seat quietly
When his phone rang again later,he left his seat to answer it.You see,a bit of respect(尊重)
Taodas,29 minutes ago
I did read my newspaper out aloud on a train and it turned out well.The man took it in good part,and we talked happily all the way to Edinburgh.
Sophie 76,13 minutes ago
I have not tried reading my newspaper out aloud on a train,but,several years ago.I read some chapters from Harry Potter to my bored and noisy children.Several passengers seemed to appreciate(欣赏)
(1)The passenger said sorry to Angie O'Edema because    .
A.he refused to talk with Angie
B.he spoke very loudly on his phone
C.he offered his seat to someone else
D.he paid no attention to Angie's request
(2)   read a newspaper out aloud on a train.
B.Angie O'Edema.
D.Sophie 76.
(3)What is the discussion mainly about?    
A.How to react to bad behavior.
B.How to kill time on a train.
C.How to talk with strangers.
D.How to make a phone call.
(4)Where is the passage most probably taken from?    
A.A web page.
B.A newspaper.
C.A novel.
D.A report.
6.Last summer I took part in a culture exchange to San Francisco through my school.I was so(1)   (excite)Before I went there,I thought I was all prepared.
When I got there,however,it was a different story!
On my second day,I tried to go to the bank near my host family's home,but I got lost.Then(2)w     her baby.She looked friendly so I asked her for help.
"Where is the bank?"I asked.
The woman turned and(3)   (rush)off.I asked two other people the same question and the same thing happened.That night I asked my host family about it.They told me it was (4)   to speak like that,"You need to say"Excuse me"and"Please"!"the mother told me.
I went out again the next day and I remembered what my host parents told me.So I decided(5)   (ask)a family at a bus stop for the way to the supermarket.
"Hello!Excuse me,"I said."(6)   (pardon)me,but I need some help.Could you please help me?Would you mind(7)   (tell)me the way to the supermarket,please?"
My host mom said,"That's too polite.All you need to do is to be polite and(8)   (friend)!"
I was so confused(困惑的)but I decided to take their(9)   (advice)and try again.When I went to the mall the next day,I could not find the bookstore.
"Excuse me,"I asked a woman sitting and reading a newspaper."Can you please tell me the way to the bookstore?"
"Sure.It's on the (10)   (two)floor,right next to the shoe store.
"Thanks very much!"I said.
People travelled to see the buildings,the food,the national dresses in foreign countries because they thought their own countries were different from the past.(1)    They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhere.They all have their McDonald's,their KFCs and their Pizza Huts.Office buildings look the same everywhere,and most city centers are full of office buildings.And of course
Then why is the foreign travel more popular nowadays?What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they can not experience at home?The answer could be that people could be very interested in the past.(2)    Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries' history and culture used to be like,not what they are like today.Tourists visit different kinds of museums in foreign countries so that they can learn their history and culture.
Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists to visit. (3)   
(4)    It is not just its old buildings,its works of art or beautiful places,but also the people who live in it.This is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people.The tourists come mainly because of the friendliness of the people there.It is why the Pacific islands are also so popular.(5)   
A.It's a nation's history and culture that are main attractions.B.The friendly people make visitors feel welcome.C.Finally,another attraction is its food.D.At present,however,one large city is similar to another.E.Their own special scenery would certainly attract tourists from other countries.F.The culture of a country means a lot.G.People learn about foreign countries by surfing the Internet.
also mile catch well must
Mike:Where are you going,Jane?
Jane:I'm going to the hospital to see Susan.
Mike:I saw her yesterday.She was a little(1)   .
Jane:(2)   I catch a No.7 bus to get there?
Mike:No,you needn't.A No.13 bus will (3)   take you to the hospital.
Jane:No.13 buses run much more frequently,don't they?
Mike:Yes.I (4)   a No.7 bus yesterday,and they said I had taken a wrong bus.
Jane:Thank you,Mike.I'll get a No.13 bus.
Mike:No.13 buses leave from the center of the town.You'll have to walk two (5)   to catch one.
9.I don't know what you mean.Please give me a d   answer.
10."By every   (寻常的) standard,I was the biggest failure I knew." J.K.Rowling said.
11.CCTV is short for the China   (中央的) Television.
12.She was told not to   (传播) this secret around.
13.Our head teacher   (建议) that we should work harder than before.
14.Many people come to visit the place because it's   (迷人的).
15.It is important to know how to ask for help   (礼貌地).
16.How    (迷人的)the mountains were when we saw them on the top!
17.He is always ready to help those in need.He never refuses their   (请求).
18.I'm an e    student in France and I'm not used to everything there.
19.假设你是学校毕业晚会( graduation party)的组织者(organizer),现在需要你写一封不少于80词的邀请函
【解答】(1)B 形容词辨析,B:友好的,由上文中的It's to polite answering a phone.(当接电话时有礼貌是很重要的,只有选项B符合语境,故答案为B。
(2)C名词辨析。A:嗓音,C:号码,may I who's ?"(你好?)可知,句意如果号码陌生或隐藏。
(3)A 疑问词辨析,B:哪里,由下文中的"How I help today?" "What I do you?"或者"我能为你做什么吗,只有选项A符合语境和语法规则。
(4)B 介词辨析、带有,C:朝、向,请礼貌地说:"今天我能帮你什么?"介词by表示方 法,意为"通过" doing ,:通过做某事,只有选项B符合语法规则。
(5)C 动词辨析,B:复习,句意:记住,也不要说"什么?选项中只有remember(记住)符合语境。
(6)C 代词辨析,一般用在肯定句,一般用否定句或疑问句中,由上文中的Don't the while gum food.(在嚼口香糖或吃食物时不要接电话,只有选项C符合题意,故答案为C。
(7)A 动词辨析,B:发现,结合上文在嚼口香糖或吃食物时不要接电话:如果你接电话时满嘴食物,也很难"理解"你,故答案为A。
(8)B 连词辨析,表转折,表并列,表结果,这句话中的两个祈使句之间是并列关系,故答案为B。
(9)C 动词辨析、想念,C:听见 the words you're saying to someone,但是他也能知道你并没有完 。只有选项C符合语境。
(10)C 副词辨析,B:正确地,由上下文可知,但是他也能知道你并没有完全专注于和他的电话交流,故答案为C。
【解答】(1)细节理解题,根据第二段第一句All visitors can have cool winter fun in Snow City.可知是新加坡首家室内雪上中心选C.
(2)细节理解题.根据第二段中Visitors can see and touch snow falling.You can enjoy exciting snow rides or skiing on snowboard,故选D.
(3)细节理解题.根据Bus services:No.66,No.198可知可以乘坐66路车.
(5)细节理解题.根据For updated information.snowcity.sg,故选C.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Huge of spend holidays their beautiful 。)可知英国人在假期做"城堡"。
(2)细节推理题。根据第二段More more have the of 。)推断英国人喜欢DIY的原因是它可以给人们带来乐趣。
(3)推理判断题。根据第三段DIY also dangerous.(DIY也可能是危险的。故选C。
(4)句意理解题。根据第三段Therefore can us and us money it not as as is to if bite (咬掉) than can ,DIY可以给我们带来乐趣,如果我们____但它并不总是像我们认为的那样容易。故选C。
(5)细节判断题。根据第三段For ,anything should done a professional ,many don't about warning put in ,任何电器都应该由专业人员来做,许多人不关心这个警告。)可知在不安全的情况下。故选D。
【解答】(1)C.细节理解题 by of first mission Mars month most get a card a space ." 可知人类将第一次去火星.
(2)A.词义猜测题 in space still most trip.average .故选A.
(3)D.细节理解题 it accept passengers soon possible get the , "可知太空升降舱尽快接待游客的目的是收回大量投资.
(4)B.细节判断题 a suborbital flight not the mission you always dreamed ,it give the opportunity see planet like a high﹣altitude outside ."可知亚轨道飞行可能是你梦寐以求的太空任务是错误的.故选B.
(5)C.细节理解题 the suborbital with ﹣minute during the flight be most trip,你将体验30分钟的失重状态.
【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第三句He realized this and said sorry to me可知 O'Edema道歉的原因和前半句中的this有关,this指代的是 Angie ,由于这个男人打电话太大声而离开自己的座位。故选B。
(2)C.细节判断题。根据倒数第二段Taodas minutes ,I did my out on a and turned well.可知。故选C。
(4)A.文章来源题。根据文章上方框中Join the discussion可知;同时,大家的讨论是实时的。故选A。
【解答】(1)excited.考查形容词 was ,结合给出的英语提示。所以要用形容词excited修饰人
(2)with.考查介词 woman on a corner(2)w_____ baby.",可知此处是指一个抱着孩子的妇女站在街道拐角处
(3)rushed.考查动词,而给出的英语提示是动词。rush off固定短语。故填rushed.
(4)impolite.考查形容词 woman and(3)rushed(rush)off.I two people same and same happened.",可知此处是指他们告诉我那种说的方式是不礼貌的。故填impolite.
(5)to ask。根据空格前面的词语是"decided",可知此处考查固定短语decide to do sth.决定做某事 ask.
(6)Pardon.考查动词,可知此处考查习惯用语pardon me。在句首要大写故填Pardon.
(7)telling.考查动名词 you ,结合给出的英语提示。Would mind doing sth.固定句型。故填telling.
(8)friendly.考查形容词 to polite ,结合给出的英语提示。并列连词and连接两个形容词
(1)D 根据后句They all have Hilton Sheraton everywhere all their ,their and Pizza .他们到处都有自己的希尔顿或喜来登酒店、肯德基和披萨店,应说然而,一个大城市与另一个相似.
(2)A 根据后句Most people overseas find what countries' and used be ,not they like .大多数人出国旅游是为了了解外国的历史和文化是什么样的.可知结合选项.故选A.
(3)E 根据前句Every country has own places tourists visit.可知结合选项.故选E.
(4)F 根据后句It is just old ,its of or places also people live it,它的艺术作品或美丽的地方.可知结合选项.故选F.
(5)B 根据前句The tourists mainly of friendliness the there is the islands also .游客来这里主要是因为那里的人们的友好.可知结合选项.故选B.
【解答】(1)句意:我昨天见到她了。她好些了,a little修饰的是比较级better,a better表示的含义为好点儿了。
(3)句意:13路公共汽车也会送你去医院。根据上文MustI catch a No.7 bus to get there,you needn't.(我必须乘2路公共汽车去那里吗?不。)可知13路公共汽车也会送你去医院,故填also。
【解答】根据I don't what mean"我不明白你的意思"及首字母提示可知.修饰名词answer用形容词direct"直接的".
【解答】根据It is to how ask help﹣﹣(礼貌地),politely,礼貌地.
根据He is ready help in .He refuses .可知他总是乐于帮助那些需要帮助的人.这里their表示他们的,request,请求.
【解答】答案:exchange.考查搭配,我对那里的一切都不习惯.",可知 student交换生.
Would you mind giving a performance at the party?你介意在晚会上表演吗?
mind doing sth介意做某事。
You could perform whatever you like.你可以表演任何你喜欢的。




下一篇:人教新版九年级《Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!单元检测卷》2024年单元测试卷(含解析 )