2023-2024七年级下册英语人教版 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 基础复习卷(含答案)

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Unit 12 基础复习卷
重点单词 1.扎营;搭帐篷 3.海滩;沙滩 5.作为;当作 7.游客;访问者 9.老鼠;耗子 11.语言 13.以前 15.月亮 17.移动 19.跳;跃 21.森林 2.湖;湖泊 4.羊;绵羊 6.自然的 8.疲倦的;疲劳的 10.adj.幼小的n.婴儿 12.高的(地) 14.印度 16.蛇 18.开始;着手 20.到……里面;进入 22.耳朵
重点短语 1.熬夜 3.冲……大声叫嚷 5.搭起;举起 7.吃惊 9.上上下下;起伏 2.跑开 4.放风筝 6.互相;彼此 8.对……大声喊叫 10.把……弄醒
重点句型 1.上周末你做了什么 2.上周末她去了哪里 3.多么……!
知识点一 词汇运用
1.The criminal saw the police and ran a quickly.
2.Jenny feels very t after running for a long time.
3.It is easy for me to study English as a second l
1.We can see the m and stars at night.
5.(2022·苏州)—I like to eat pizza and sweet food.I seldom have vegetables.
—Your eating are not so good.You need to change them.
1.Look!There are five cows and eight (sheep)on the grass.
2.Last week they (go)to the museum.
3.—Let's go (camp).
—That sounds great.
4.There are some beautiful (butterfly)flying among the flowers. 5.We went to the mountains and enjoyed the (nature)view.
wake…up,stay up late,put up,get a surprise,fly kites 1.I learned to the tent from my father.
2.Look!The children are in the park.They are so happy. 3. me at 7:00 tomorrow morning,Mom.
4.Jack got to school late today because he to do his homework last night. 5.My room was so dirty that my mother
知识点二 句型运用
make friends in our lives.
can the wind in my face.
Jack all day because of the rain yesterday. 4.我们不能对老人大喊大叫。
We can't the old people.
The book is interesting I don't want to stop reading it. 6.—你上周末做什么了
you last weekend
your weekend
I a guide at the Natural History Museum.
L1 with
-She her classmates.
Did you
人教版·七年级英语(下) ……
1.Mary did her homework at home yesterday.(对划线部分提问)
Mary at home yesterday
2.I went to the park last weekend. (对划线部分提问)
you last weekend
3.We visited Ms.Smith this morning. (对划线部分提问)
you this morning
4.They finished the work on Friday. (改为否定句)
They the work on Friday.
5.The weather was windy last Saturday.(对划线部分提问)
the weather last Saturday
(2022·甘肃)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符 合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项)
A:There's a basketball game at our school this Saturday,isn't there
B:Yes. 1
A:Oh,good!I really want to see our team play.I missed the last game.Did you go to watch it
B:Oh,yes.It was a great game.So are you planning to go this Saturday 2
A:Sure!I'd love to. 3
B:Well,the game starts at 4:30 p.m.,so I can come to your home at 4:00 and we can walk to school together.
A:4 I'll be at the library in the afternoon studying for that big test on Monday.
B:Oh. 5
A:Sounds great!
A.What time shall we meet
B.Where shall we meet
C.Then why don't we meet outside the library at 4:15
D.Our school is playing against Highland Junior High.
E.Sorry,I'm afraid I won't be at home then.
F.Those games are quite exciting.
G.Do you want to go together
+n+++-+-+-+++-+-+-+ +++ +-+
64-year-old Manuel Barrantes is a backpacker(背包徒步旅行者).1. a backpacker,he
visited many countries.He had an idea twelve years 2. _.He wanted to dig(挖掘)a house under the ground(地面).His family got a 3. when they heard his idea.Then Manuel 4. to
work. When he was 5. .he relaxed.When he was hungry(饥饿的),he 6. some
food.Then he went on working.Twelve years has gone by(过去了),and now you can go into his 7. You can see some pictures of 8. ,dinosaurs(恐龙)and TV stars in it.Now Man- uel and his family live in the house.Every morning Manuel 9. them up,and then eats break- fast.Sometimes some e to visit his house.Manuel feels very happy.
China is becoming one of the most popular countries for a holiday.More and more people are vis- iting China.Why not join us for a seven-day holiday I am sure you can have a good time traveling in China.We will leave on April 10th from London.Don't forget to take your camera.
Day 1:Fly from London Heathrow Airport(希思罗机场)at 9:00 am.Arrive in
Beijing in the early evening.
Day 2:In Beijing,visit the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven.
Day 3:Travel to the Great Wall.It was built( 被建成) more than 2,000
years ago,
Day 4:Fly to Xi'an.Pay a visit to the Terra Cotta Warriors.
Day 5:Fly from Xi'an to Hangzhou.Enjoy the West Lake and rest in the hotel
beside it.
Day 6:Fly back to Beijing.Enjoy a wonderful dinner on the last evening.
Day 7:At 11:00 am fly back to London Heathrow Airport.
Have a good trip!
( )1.How long will the holiday last
A.Seven days. B.Eight days
C.Nine days. D.Ten days.
( )2.When will the travelers arrive in Hangzhou
A.On Day 4. B.On Day 5. C.On Day 6. D.On Day 7.
( )3.What will the travelers do in Xi'an
A.They will visit the Temple of Heaven.
B.They will visit the Summer Palace.
C.They will visit the Terra Cotta Warriors.
D.They will shop in the shopping center.
( )4.How many Chinese cities are mentioned(被提到)in the passage
A.Three. B.Four. C.Six. D.Seven.
( )5.Where may the passage come from
A.An art book. B.A history book.
C.A travel ad(广告). D.An e-mail.
人教版·七年级英语(下) … ……
Unit 12 基础复习卷
一、1.away 2.tired 3.language 4.moon 5.habits
二、1.sheep 2.went 3.camping 4.butterflies 5.natural
三、1.put up 2.flying kites 3.Wake;up 4.stayed up late 5.got a surprise
四、1.It's important to 2.feel;blowing 3.stayed at home 4.shout at 5.so;that 6.What did;do;did my homework 7.How was 8.worked as 9.Who did;go;went with 10.have a good weekend
五、1.What did;do 2.Where did;go 3.Who did;visit 4.didn't finish 5.How was
六、D G A E C
七、1.As 2.ago 3.surprise 4.started 5.tired 6.ate 7.house 8.snakes 9.wakes 10.visitors
八、A B C A C




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