2023-2024人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 9 What does he look like?基础复习卷(含答案)

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Unit 9 基础复习卷
重点单词 1.直的 3.瘦的 5.(在)今晚;(在)今夜 7.眼镜 9.英俊的 11.女演员 13.鼻子 15.圆形的 17.歌手 19.放 21.方式;路线 23.不同地 25.真正的;真实的 2.高的 4.重的 6.也许;可能;可以 8.以后 10.演员 2 . 人 14.嘴 16.脸 18.艺术家 20.每个;各自 22.描述 24.另一;又一
重点短语 1.中等身高 2.一点;少量 3.去电影院 4.最后
重点句型 1.他/她长什么样 2.他们留着直发还是卷发 3.他长得高还是矮
知识点一 词汇运用
1.(2022·南充)Her parents are tall but she is of m height.
2.(2023·苏州)These (艺术家)design won an international award.
3.Yang Mi and Zhao Liying are my favorite (女演员).
4.The little girl has two big (眼睛).She is so lovely.
5.Linda looks like her mother.They both have (圆的)faces.
1.Lily (have)long straight black hair.
2.The two boys describe the same person (different).
3.Frank wants (see)his grandparents.
4.Jt's (real)cold in winter in Harbin.
5.My brother likes wearing (glass).
三、用be 和 have 的适当形式或 with 填空。
.He is short and curly hair.
2.She small eyes and she heavy.
3.I don't know the boy short straight hair.
4.My hair blonde.
5.These glasses sunglasses.
知识点二 句型运用
I late.
Does Sun Li have hair
Can you tell me the criminal 4.最后,张磊在厨房发现了他丢失的钥匙。
,Zhang Lei found his lost key in the kitchen. 5.警察把罪犯的照片放到电视上。
The police the picture of the criminal television. 6.首先你必须告诉我你来自哪里。
,you must tell me where you are from. 7.你擅长足球吗
you soccer
There milk and bread at home.
Jeff wants to the cat.
Joe Brown has
1.My father is not tall or short.(改为同义词)
My father is
2.Jane has straight hair. (用 curly 改为选择疑问句)
Jane straight hair curly hair
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3.Kate often wears glasses. (改为一般疑问句)
Kate often glasses
4.My friend is really tall and heavy.(对画线部分提问)
your friend
5.The person is my uncle.He is wearing glasses. (合并成一个句子)
The person is my uncle.
B:He is a little short and thin.3. And you
A:Oh,I think Cristiano Ronaldo is the best.
B:Do you know Avril
A:Sorry.4 .
B:She is a great singer.
B:She is of medium height.She has long brown hair.She is really cool!
A:I don't know her.I'd like to watch her videos.
B:OK,I have many of her videos and you can choose some.
A:Thanks a lot!
B:No problem.
A.What does he look like B.Is she tall or short C.Who is your favorite soccer player D.What is her job E.He has brown hair. F.What about you G.Yes,I do.
七、阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次。其中有两个词是多余的。
glass he
Dear Jenny
My name is Robert.I am fourteen years old.Do you know 1 I look like I'm not tall or short.I am of medium height and I am thin.I have short curly brown 2 .I don't wear3 I u-
sually wear T-shirts and jeans.
I want to be a 4 when I grow up.I want to play the drums in the rock band.Can you play any instruments My favorite rock singer is Bad Boy.He is very popular.Do you know 5 I like his music very much.He s plays the guitar and dances very well.He's tall and very thin.He has a black beard.He sometimes wears funny glasses.He often 7T-shirts and jeans.Who is your fa-
vorite singer
What do you look like Are you tall Is your hair long 8 short Do you wear glasses 9 soon and tell me 10yourself.
How do you feel about your looks Is it important to have a beautiful face Are there other things that can make a person special The way you look is special.Do you know what I mean by that We all look a little different.Some of us are tall.Some of us are fat.The point is,all of us have
our own look—our own face
Sometimes,we might feel bad about looking different.We might feel like we look ugly or
strange.But our differences are what make us special.
I recently watched a speech by a man named Robert Hoge.He was born with a strange—looking face.His mother always worried that he would face many difficulties in life.But what Hoge did changed his mother's mind little by little.Strangers would stare at him or even make fun of him.But he didn't care at all.He decided to accept his face and feel confident(自信的) in himself.He has made
a decision to live an amazing life.
It's hard when you feel like you don't look"normal"or"perfect".But the truth is,no one is per-
fect.The important thing to remember is that you are special,no matter what you look like.
( )1.According to the writer,all of us look a little different.
( )2.The writer recently watched a speech by Robert Hoge's mother.
( )3.Hoge's mother used to worry that he would face many difficulties in life.
( )4.When strangers made fun of him,Hoge lost his confidence.
( )5.The writer tries to tell us that we are special no matter what we look like.
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Unit 9 基础复习卷
一、1.medium 2.artists 3.actresses 4.eyes 5.round
二、1.has 2.differently 3.to see 4.really 5.glasses
三、1.has 2.has;is 3.with 4.is 5.are
四、1.may be a little 2.long or short 3.what;looks like 4.In the end 5.put;on 6.First of all 7.Are;good at 8.is a little 9.draw a picture of 10.an interesting job
五、1.of medium height 2.Does;have;or 3.Does;wear 4.What does;look like 5.with glasses
六、C A E D B
七、1.what 2.hair 3.glasses 4.musician 5.him 6.also 7.wears 8.or 9.Write 10.about
八、T F T F T




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