2024年中考英语语法专项形容词 副词讲义及练习(无答案)

1. 形容词的用法和位置
Computers are very useful in our life. (表语)
This is an unhealthy diet. (定语)
I have something important to tell you. (定语,后置)
Trees keep air fresh. (宾语补足语)
2. 副词的用法和位置
We often go swimming in summer. (状语,修饰动词)
She is often the first to come to class. (状语,修饰动词)
I have never been to the Botanical Gardens. (状语,修饰动词)
Please stay inside until the typhoon leaves. (状语,修饰动词)
It rained heavily last night. (状语,修饰动词)
Luckily, he still got the first prize. (状语,修饰整个句子)
He was too disappointed to say a word. (状语,修饰形容词)
Space planes are very fast. (状语,修饰形容词)
We got up early enough to catch the first bus. (状语,修饰副词,后置)
3. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成
4. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级用法(即句型)
E-mail is quicker and cheaper than regular mail.
Who works harder, Ben or Kitty
The air pollution in that city is much more serious than it used to be.
Mr. Ling is less healthy than Miss Chen.
Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon
Kally dances (the) most beautifully of the three.
Africa is the second largest continent in the world.
Edison was one of the greatest inventions in the world.
The steak taste as delicious as the soup.
He can sing as well as his sister.
He doesn’t write so/as carefully as his brother.
The days are getting longer and longer.
You should send him to the hospital, the sooner the better.
Tom is taller than any other student in the class.
be __________ to 能够(有能力)
be __________ of 害怕
be __________ with sb. 生某人的气
be __________ for 有害于
be __________ with / doing sth. 忙于做某事
be __________ with 小心
be __________ __________ 与……不同
be / get __________ to / with 对……熟悉;通晓……
be __________ __________ 以……而著名
be __________ of 爱好
be __________ of 充满
be __________ / __________ at 擅长于/对……比较差
be __________ in 对……感兴趣
be __________ on 喜爱
be __________ __________ ……迟到
be __________ with 对……满意
be __________ __________ 为……而感到自豪
be __________ __________ 为……做准备
be __________ __________ 对……负责任
be __________ __________ 对……感到满意
be __________ __________ 与……类似
be __________ __________ 对……严格
be __________ __________ 对……感到吃惊
be __________ __________ sb. 对某人很感激
I. Choose the best answer.
The girl with bright blue eyes smiled at us ______.
A. lovely B. pleasantly C. friendly D. lively
______ the boy is to learn to talk!
A. How slow B. How slowly C. What a slow D. What slowly
Is this a photo of your daughter She looks ______ in the pink dress!
A. lovely B. quietly C. politely D. happily
My old neighbour Charles felt ______ after his children moved out.
A. lonely B. safely C. sadly D. happily
The little dancer from Australia looks ______ in the long skirt.
A. gently B. happily C. beautifully D. lovely
George was frightened to see a snake in the grass.His face turned ______.
A. pale B. clean C. sadly D. happily
Jane can speak English ______. She wants to work for the Special Olympic Games.
A. correct B. nice C. sweet D. well
My dog is gentle and never bites, so you needn’t be ______.
A. excited B. frightened C. satisfied D. interested
The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is ______ to them.
A. friendly B. gently C. happily D. politely
--The electric fan can ______ blow away the terrible smell in the room, can it
--It’s hard to say, but you may have a try.
A. easily B. hardly C. quickly D. finally
I’m hungry. I want to have ______ to eat.
A. something delicious B. delicious something
C. anything delicious D. delicious anything
Our headmaster invited Christine to ______ the English Festival last term.
A. be late for B. be angry with C. be familiar with D. be responsible for
Our monitor has won the first prize in the competition.We’re very ______ him.
A. busy with B. famous for C. good at D. proud of
The snow storm which hit this area last night was ______ in recent years.
A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D. the heaviest
William Shakespeare is one of ______ play writers in England.
A. great B. greater C. greatest D. the greatest
Mr. Smith thought the Century Park was the second ______ in Shanghai.
A. large B. larger C. largest D. very large
All of us are proud of the great changes in Shanghai. We’re sure Shanghai will be even ______ tomorrow.
A. good B. better C. best D. the best
In winter the ______ it snows, the happier the children will feel.
A. heavy B. more heavily C. heavily D. heavier
In my opinion, Tim doesn’t read English ______ his sister.
A. as clear as B. so clear as C. more clearly as D. as clearly as
This motorcycle is not as _________ as that one, and it uses less gas.
A. expensive B. less expensive C. more expensive D. the most expensive
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)
Few people like him because he is __________. (honesty)
Anyone who finds __________ animals, please send them to the SPCA kennels, (home)
The time is too short. It’s __________ (possibly) for Daniel to finish the work.
It’s ________ for him to be so active today as he is always a man of few words. (usual)
It is true that __________ (nature) food is good for our health.
When sleeping, Simon always keeps the window __________. (open)
Ricky had a __________ (please) trip to Lushan Mountain last spring.
The boy was __________ (excite) about playing football.
It was ________ for human beings to predict weather in the past. (difficulty)
The __________ (education) system in America is quite different from that in China.
The local people are ________ that the whole nation are helping them rebuild the town. (thank).
The short play was very __________. I laughed from beginning to end. ( fun )
Shirley has done a lot for the tourists.She is really a __________ guide.(help)
A group of young Japanese had an __________ tour in our town last month.(enjoy)
I believe knowledge is more __________ than money. (power)
To be lovely Shanghainese, we should be helpful and __________ to others. (friend)
The situation in that country is __________.You’d better not go there. (danger)
It is __________ of Peter to pay so much money for clothes. (fool)
Many people caught cold last month because of the __________ weather, (change)
Grandpa is sitting __________ in the sofa, enjoying the view through the big window of our new flat. (comfortable)
The new carpet is __________ clean. Shall we take off our shoes before entering the room (spot)
__________ (lucky), they escaped from the burning building with the help of the firemen.
How __________ (quick) Betty answered the teacher’s question!
After a quick breakfast, Mary left You need to explain your opinions quite __________ when having a debate. (clear)
With the help of Yellow Pages, we found the address of the theatre __________. (easy)
Watch __________, and you will find the difference between the two pictures. (care)
How __________ computers are used nowadays. (wide)
I like the red skirts best among these skirts because it fits me __________. (well)
Many young people go to France to have __________ studies. (far)
Few people like to live here because this is one of the __________ places in the city. (noise)
I. Choose the best answer.
His joke sounded ______, and it made all the people there laugh a lot.
A) amazing B) clearly C) amusing D) well
Eric completed the science test ______ in our class.
A) more quickly B) most quickly C) the quickest D) quicker
The students from Xin Jiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is ______ to them.
A) friendly B) gently C) happily D) politely
Miss Lee won the women’s 500 meters in the sports meeting. She did ______ of all.
A) best B) better C) well D) good
He looked ______ at the young man and couldn’t say a word.
A) friendly B) angrily C) lonely D) lovely
Doing eye exercises is one of ______ ways to protect your eyes.
A) good B) better C) best D) the best
The fried chicken in KFC tastes ______, but having too much is unhealthy.
A) good B) well C) bad D) badly
Computers are becoming smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very ______.
A) easily B) more easily C) most easily D) less easily
The audience felt rather ______ when they heard that the famous singer wouldn’t come.
A) sadly B) excited C) disappointed D) lonely
Andrew’s honesty and wisdom will surely make him a ______ businessman.
A) succeed B) success C) successful D) successfully
Tom’s mother walked as ______ as possible so that her son could keep up.
A) safely B) carefully C) slowly D) quickly
Hans is the second ______ boy in his class.
A) tall B) taller C) tallest D) tallest
My aunt is a little nervous about her first visit to Canada. She has ______ been abroad before.
A) never B) sometimes C) often D) always
All the judges liked the seven-year-old girl’s singing. Her voice sounds ______.
A) friendly B) clearly C) lovely D) rarely
The situation is bad in England, but it is far ______ in Scotland.
A) bad B) worse C) worst D) the worst
Jimmy can’t pronounce the words as ______ as the announcer.
A) properly B) more properly
C) most properly D) the most properly
The sooner you start, the ______ you’ll finish doing your work.
A) quick B) quicker C) quickly D) more quickly
--______ do you think this fine weather will last
--Hard to say.
A) How far B) How fast C) How long D) How often
Peter’s voice sounded ______ on the phone when he told me the bad news.
A) strange B) excited C) sadly D) fluently
--______ do you play badminton with your friends
-- Three times a week.
A) How long B) How fast C) How soon D) How often
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)
As a teacher, Mrs. Green always speaks __________ to the children. (slow)
Many students in Shanghai go to America for __________ study every year. ( far )
If you don’t go on a diet, it is __________ for you to lose weight. (possible)
A creative egg cooker can cook eggs __________ without a saucepan. (easy)
Don’t get too __________ if you see men walking around with the skirts in Edinburgh. (surprise)
Goku, the character in Japanese film, may not be as __________ as the monkey we see on the traditional version(版本)of the classic Journey to the West 《西游记》. (power)
We had an enjoyable meal at the __________ restaurant on May Day. (France)
The wind blew over my face __________ and I felt so comfortable. (gentle)
Simon is living in a small flat on a very __________ street near New York. (noise)
Angela has recorded a programme for Shanghai Television __________. (recent)
Dan may be too short and small to become a ___________ basketball player. (succeed)
__________ people often begin their conversations by talking about the weather. (Britain)
It’s __________ of you to make the same mistake again in your writing. (care)
Thousands of houses in this area were __________ damaged in the terrible earthquake. (heavy)
With an IQ of 230, the man is thought to be the __________ in the world. (clever)
We are supposed to complete all the work by tomorrow, but it is __________. (possible)
Although he is a lucky man in others’ eyes, he is __________ about his life. (happy)
A __________ team from Shanghai will arrive in Yunnan in three days. (medicine)
Electricity is invisible and dangerous. You must be __________ with it. (care)
Your idea sounds __________ than Jerry’s. I like it very much. (good)
That poor little girl looks so __________. We’d better give her a hand. (help)
The more cars people buy, the __________ traffic in the city is becoming. (bad)
Nowadays many taxi apps enable people to get around the city more __________. (easy)
Reading provides the knowledge we are unable to get from __________ experience. (person)
It was very __________ of you to lie to them about your education background. (honest)
It’s important for every one of us to protect the __________ world. (nature)
I really can’t __________ answer that question you just asked. (possible)
The government will help more people get good __________ care. (medicine)
The nurse __________ washed off the blood from the patient’s cut. (gentle)
“May I ask you for the next dance ” the man asked the girl __________. (polite)




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